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01+020Budget Report

Budget Summary
Projected Monthly Income Income 1 Income 2 Extra income Total income Act al Monthly Income Income 1 Income 2 Extra income Total income "alance #income $ expenses% Projected "alance Act al "alance &i''erence Projected Monthly Expenses $6,000 $1,000 $2,500 $9,500 Act al Monthly Expenses $5,!00 $2,000 $1,500 $9,300 $4,628 $4,995

01+020[Your Name] 02/06/2014 Page 1 of 6

Edit your budget data on the Budget Details sheet. When you enter your data, the Budget Summary that you see here updates automatically. The Expense Overview table below is a ivotTable. !"ter you update your data on the Budget Details sheet, right#clic$ in the table and then clic$ %e"resh Data to update both the table and the chart.

$4,505 $4,672 ($167)

Easily apply your own colors to this template. This template is "orm using themes that enable you to apply "onts, colors, and graphic "o e""ects throughout the wor$boo$ with &ust a clic$.

'ind themes on the (ome tab, in the Themes group. Select "rom do built#in themes available in the Themes gallery or "ind options to ch the theme "onts or theme colors.



(ood Transportation )o sin* Ins rance +i'ts and ,harity Personal ,are Entertainment -oans
! ivotTable, such as the table at le"t, ma$es it easy "or you to loo$ at your data in di""erent ways. When you clic$ in the table, the ivotTable Builder window appears, "rom which you can add or remove "ields "rom the table. When you clic$ in the ivotTable, a ivotTable tab also appears on the %ibbon above your wor$boo$ window, providing many options "or "ormatting and editing the ivotTable.

Pets ,hildren Taxes .a/in*s or In/estments

! ivotTable, such as the table at le"t, ma$es it easy "or you to loo$ at your data in 01+020Budget Report di""erent ways. When you clic$ in the table, the ivotTable Builder window appears, When you clic$ in the ivotTable, a ivotTable tab also appears on the %ibbon above your wor$boo$ window, providing many options "or "ormatting and editing the ivotTable.

"rom which you can add or remove "ields "rom the table. #empty%

-oans 01+020[Your Name] 02/06/2014 Pets Page 2 of 6 ,hildren Taxes .a/in*s or (ood In/estments Transportation )o sin* Ins rance +i'ts and ,harity Personal ,are Entertainment -oans Pets ,hildren Taxes .a/in*s or In/estments

01+024Monthly Budget !eta"l

&escription Extrac rric lar acti/ities Medical .chool . pplies Mo/ies M sic #,&s, do0nloads, etc1% .portin* E/ents &inin* 2 t +roceries ,harity 1 ,harity 2 ,a3le4.atellite Electric Mort*a*e or 6ent )ealth )ome ,redit ,ard 1 ,redit ,ard 2 ,lothin* &ry ,leanin* )ealth ,l 3 (ood +roomin* Medical In/estment acco nt 6etirement acco nt (ederal .tate " s4Taxi 'are ( el Ins rance ,ate*ory ,hildren ,hildren ,hildren Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment (ood (ood +i'ts and ,harity +i'ts and ,harity )o sin* )o sin* )o sin* Ins rance Ins rance -oans -oans Personal ,are Personal ,are Personal ,are Pets Pets Pets .a/in*s or In/estments .a/in*s or In/estments Taxes Taxes Transportation Transportation Transportation Projected ,ost

01+02402/06/2014 Page # of 6

$50 $500 $0 $1,000 $100 $200 $500 $100 $55 $700 $500 $500

$150 $0

$100 $550 $800

Edit the data on this sheet with your own in"ormation to update the Budget %eport sheet. *ou can edit data in the Description, +ategory, ro&ected +ost, and !ctual +ost columns and the Di""erence and !ctual +ost Overview are calculated automatically. When you clic$ in a cell in the +ategory column, you see a list o" options "rom which to select. *ou can edit that list on the ,oo$up ,ists sheet in this wor$boo$. The bars shown in the !ctual +ost Overview column are conditional "ormatting that updates to show the relative actual cost values "or your entire budget.

01+024Monthly Budget !eta"l

Act al ,ost &i''erence $0 $0 $0 $22 $570 #$50% #$200% $100 $0 $0 $0 $5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 #$50% $50 $0 Act al ,ost 6an9in* $0 $0 $0 $2! $80 $50 $1,200 $0 $200 $500 $100 $50 $700 $500 $500 $0 $0 $150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150 $500 $800

01+02402/06/2014 Page 4 of 6
+lic$ the arrow in any heading cell in this table "or sort and "ilter options.

$2! $80 $50 $1,200 $0 $200 $500 $100 $50 $700 $500 $500


$150 $500 $800

To add new items to the table, &ust start ty the row directly beneath the table and the expands automatically. The Budget %epor automatically recogni)es your additional d the table expands.

01+024Monthly Budget !eta"l

01+02402/06/2014 Page $ of 6

e table, &ust start typing in h the table and the table The Budget %eport sheet es your additional data when

" d*et ,ate*ory -oo9 p ,hildren Entertainment (ood +i'ts and ,harity )o sin* Ins rance -oans Personal ,are Pets .a/in*s or In/estments Taxes Transportation

This list populates the options that appear in the pop#up lists you see in the +ategory column on the Budget Details sheet. Edit the existing values as needed. To add additional values, begin typing in the cell directly beneath the last existing entry and the list will automatically expand.

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