Byzantine Empire Test

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Byzantine Empire Test

1. The temporary re-establishment of the great Mediterranean empire was accomplished by: a. Constantine b. Justin c. Justinian d. Theodosius

2. The By antine !mpire lost territory to the: a. Charlemagne who too" e#erything in the west b. Muslims who too" parts of the Middle !ast c. The $oths who too" %orth &frica d. The 'la#s who too" all of (ussia ). The $reat 'chism of 1*+, resulted when: a. the -ope of (ome and the -atriarch of Constantinople e.communicated each other b. the -atriarch of Constantinople re/ected the -ope0s claim as head of the Church

c. The -atriarch of Constantinople claimed to be the sole leader of the Church d. & and b e. & and C f. &1 B1 and c

,. The early capital of (ussia was: a. 2ie# +. By antium: a. 3wed much of its prosperity to its geographic location b. (ecei#ed much of its strength from its growing population c. 4ell to the hands of the 'el/u" Tur"s d. 5eclined abruptly in 1+** 6. Justinian is credited with all of the following !7C!-T: a. The codification of (oman law b. Constantinople c. Moscow d. Muscho#y

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b. The restoration of 8atin as the language of the empire c. The construction of 9agia 'ophia d. The reco#ery of most of the old (oman empire from the $ermanic tribes :. &ll of the following are true of the By antine Church !7C!-T: a. ;itnessed clashes between the papal and imperial authority b. <t sent missionaries to the 'la#ic people c. <t furthered cultural interaction between the By antines and the 'la#s d. <t clashed o#er the use of icons =. 2ie#an (us a. 5e#eloped economic ties with the By antines b. Could not compete with the west in wealth and power c. ;as able to repel the Mongol in#asions d. ;as ruled by princes who were not interested in cultural diffusion

>. The 'el/u" Tur"s a. ;ere con#erts to 'hi ites <slam b. <mpro#ed the agricultural areas of the land they con?uered #ia irrigation c. 4ailed to assimilate into other cultures d. Contributed to the conditions prompting the Crusades

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On Children 3ur children1 begotten in lawful marriage1 are in our power. The child born to you and your wife is in your power. &nd so is the child born to your son and his wife1 that is1 your grandson or granddaughter@ so are your great-grandchildren1 and all your other descendants. But a child born of your daughter is not in your power1 but in the power of its own father. On Crime The punishment for theft will be to return the stolen thing plus a payment of four times the #alue of the stolen thing. & person who ta"es a thing belonging to another by force is liable to being accused of theft. & person who has "illed by accident is not sub/ect to punishment1 pro#ided there is no fault on his part1 for this law punishes fault as well as willful wrong-doing. --Justinians Code

1*. ;hich of the following statements is supported by the information in the e.cerpt abo#eA a. %o distinction was made between accidental and purposeful "illing b. 4ran"ish law did not pro#ide any conse?uences for murder. c. By antine society was patriarchal in that it ga#e power to fathers d. The 9oly (oman !mperor did not ha#e any power in $ermany. e. <n Mongol (ussia1 e#en petty theft was punishable by #iolent death.


11. The most significant effect of (ussia0s con#ersion to !astern 3rthodo. Christianity was a. it ga#e the (ussian 3rthodo. Church power o#er the Catholic Church. b. that By antine art and architecture were able to influence that of the (ussians. c. that groups of Muslims in 2ie#an (ussia were forced to pay a ta. to the state. d. it helped to end Mongol dominance o#er 2ie#an (ussia e. it opened up a huge trade networ" that included China1 <ndia1 and Japan

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12. &ccording to the maps abo#e1 which of the following is the best conclusionA a. Bnder Justinian0s rule1 the By antine !mpire was almost as large as was the (oman !mpire under &ugustus0 rule b. Justinian ruled both the (oman !mpire and the By antine !mpire1 which was easy since both were near the Mediterranean. c. %orth &frica was part of the (oman !mpire at one point in time1 but was ne#er part of the By antine !mpire. d. The By antine !mpire was bigger and more powerful than the (oman !mpire was at any time in history. 1). Justinian0s goal was to:

Hnrs World History LAP 4 Test Due Feb. 13 submit goggle form on www.rothiwa. om
a. Con?uer the Muslim 2ingdom b. (estore the power of the -atriarch !mpire

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c. con?uer the 'la#ic tribes


d. restore the greatness of the (oman

1,. The By antine secret weapon was: a. 'ulfur water b. napalm c. $ree" fire d. acid fire

1+. The first ruling dynasty in (ussia was established by: a. 2ie# b. (uri" c. Cladimir < d. Darosla#

16. The By antine missionaries not only brought 3rthodo. Christianity to the 'la#ic people but also: a. Trade b. -ersian rugs and /ewels c. a new writing d. art

1:. Cladimir of (ussia sent people to #isit the 9agia 'ophia which resulted in: a. 9e con#erts to the !astern 3rthodo. religion b. 9e decides to attac" Constantinople c. 9e builds a replica of the cathedral d. 9e decides to dri#e Christians from (ussia 1=. ;ith the defeat of Constantinople1 Musco#y became the center of the: a. 3ttoman !mpire b. (ussia c. Mongolia d. 3rthodo. Church 1>. The foremost dispute between the pope in (ome and the patriarch in Constantinople was: a. 9ow to deal with heresy c. who was the supreme head of the Church b. The language of the Church d. the interiors of the churches 2*. ;estern Ci#ili ation was enhanced by By antine scholars by: a. -roducing a new philosophical approach b. -utting into writing the history of the empire c. -reser#ing $ree" and (oman culture d. -reser#ing the Catholic faith 21. &ll of the following were goals of Justinian Except a. (egaining land from the barbarians b. (eunifying the Catholic Church c. Codifying (oman 8aw d. Beatifying Constantinople e. 22. Constantinople possessed all the following ad#antages except a. &n absence of war b. & good harbor c. $ood fortifications d. 8ocated along #ital trade routes

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2). Belisarius is important because: a. ;ho led the !astern 3rthodo. church through the $reat 'chism b. &ttac"ed the moral decay of the !mpire c. 9e assisted Justinian in redoing the legal code d. 9e brought the former (oman !mpire under the control of Justinian

2,. The military conflict with the Muslims had what impact on the By antine !mpire: a. The By antine !mpire regained control of 'yria b. 'mall farmers lost most of their land as a result of the war c. Constantinople was destroyed as a political power and could only rely on trade for influence d. The Muslims were no longer a threat to the By antines 2+. Justinian was able to build a strong empire because: a. The influence and ad#ice of Theodora b. $ood ad#isors c. & strong treasury d. &ll of the abo#e 26. The By antine emperors A a. Controlled economic and religious affairs. b. were wea"@ the power was in the hands of the religious authorities. c. had strong political power1 but lac"ed influence o#er the economy. d. 5id not ha#e any power@ the authority was in the hands of aristocrats 2:. ;hat is a similarity of the (oman Catholic Church and the !astern 3rthodo. ChurchA a. Both are types of Christianity b. Both are monotheistic religions c. Both were headed by a strong religious leader d. &ll of the abo#e e. & and B f. B and C 2=. 4ollowing the !astern 3rthodo. Church and the use of the Cyrillic alphabet in (ussia indicateA a. (ussia was became part of the By antine empire b. (ussia0s geography allowed for cultural di#ersity c. (ussia was influenced by cultural diffusion d. (ussia0s leaders defeated the Mongols 2>. By antine artists made a lasting impact in the areas ofA: a. ;atercolors b. (eligious art and mosaics c. 'culpture and painting d. Te.tiles

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