10 Weird Facts About Female Orgasms

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10 Weird Facts About Female Orgasms

Many things happen when women reach that high point of pleasure, and some of them are sorta
weird. Have you heard of 'Le Petit Mort'? If you know French you know that it means 'The Little
Death', but have you ever heard it associated with having an orgasm? Some women faint when they
orgasm and in some very rare cases, have had heart failure and even died. So the French nickname
isn't so far fetched and any girl who has had some really big ones can also understand I'm sure.

#1 Throw Away The Tylenol!

A study has discovered that 48% of people that suffer from regular headaches had
them cured by having an orgasm, and it worked faster than painkillers! Talk about a
"home remedy".

#2 Yes, Nipplegasms Are Real

Well, boobs are not just for feeding babies and motor boating. According to ob-gyn
Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom.
"When the nipples are stimulated, oxytocin is released, which causes the same uterine and vaginal contractions
associated with orgasm. This brings more blood flow to the genitals and can trigger an orgasm."
Nipplegasms are a form of An UniGasm. This is an orgasm where stimulation is directed to one primary
erogenous zone such as the penis, prostate, testicles, clitoris, G-spot, anus or nipples.
This is an area that many men enjoy stimulating during foreplay, but rarely think of as having orgasmic
potential. To give memorable oral sex on her breasts and nipples you need to understand that the size of her
breasts have nothing to do with the sensitivity.

What now follows is a little how-to on how to possibly achieve this

near mythical unigasm.
Ask her if she gets turned on by having her breasts played with. If so, then follow these directions. Begin by
caressing and licking both of her breasts, not just her nipples. Alternate each one as you use the flat of your
tongue in lapping motions all around her breasts covering every centimeter.
Follow your tongue with light fingertip caresses, leaving her nipples until last. When both breasts are suitably
wet from your tongue, cup your hand over one breast at a time so that the tip of her nipple rests in between
your thumb and your index finger.
Squeeze the fingers together so that you raise her nipple slightly, and then begin licking it with the tip of
your tongue in circular motions. After about a dozen licks or so, pucker your lips around the nipple and suck
gently, but firmly, let your head bob up and down simultaneously.
To enhance oral nipple sensation, put an ice cube in your mouth while lavishing her orally. Dont forget to

give equal attention to both breasts and nipples. When she is climaxing do not stop or change what you are
doing. Let her push you away when she is ready.

#3 Just Think About It

Both men and women have the ability to think their way to an intense explosion in their
pants. According to sex therapist Gina Ogden, P.h.D., MIND ORGASMS are the results of
"a combination of breathing, fantasy, and giving yourself permission to focus on

#4 Labor Orgasms
It has become apparent that some women experience an orgasm when giving birth.
Please leave that out of the birth story you tell your child.
Americas puritanical roots have influenced our cultures relatively sterile attitude toward childbirth and even
breast-feeding in comparison with other countries. That attitude has no doubt influenced whether these
experiences are pleasurable or aversive.

and pleasure travel along the same neural pathways, says

Barry Komisaruk, a professor of psychology at Rutgers University

who has been studying orgasms in women since 1982.
There are many different qualities of sensation that can be elicited from vaginal and cervical stimulation, and
thats why some people say giving birth is the worst pain theyve ever felt, and others say it feels orgasmic,
pleasurable, and even erotic, says Komisaruk.
If a woman claims shes had an orgasm while giving birth, who are we to say shes not telling the truth? Thats
like telling a woman in pain shes not really in pain.
A new study has found its entirely possible for a woman to scream out in climactic pleasure as her baby makes
its way through the birth canal. The study, conducted by French psychologist Thierry Postel and published in the
journal Sexologies, is one of the first to attempt to nail down numbers when it comes to women experiencing
intense pleasure during birth. Postel reached out to 956 French midwives with an online questionnaire about
orgasmic birth, and he received 109 completed surveys from midwives who had collectively assisted 206,000
births. The midwives reported 668 cases in which mothers said theyd felt orgasmic sensations in birth, 868
cases of mothers demonstrating signs of pleasure, and 9 mothers confirming they had full-blown orgasms.
The study bolsters anecdotal reports of orgasm that the natural-birth advocates have been discussing for
decades, most recently in the 2009 documentary Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret. Directed by childbirth
educator Debra Pascali-Bonaro, the film attracted plenty of controversy after making its prime time debut on
ABCs 20/20 in January.
The word orgasmic can be used to describe food or a number of experiences, but in the film we use it to

describe the heightened physical and emotional response during birth that is in line with pleasure, PascaliBonaro tells The Daily Beast. One of the purposes of the film is to broaden our vocabulary on birth with words
like bliss, ecstasy, joy, transformation. Its broad enough to also include women that actually do have an
orgasm, but that certainly shouldnt be a performance standard!
Despite its suggestive title, the documentary doesnt just feature mothers who experienced orgasm during birth
it also explores the many ways that the process can be a source of physical pleasure, seeking to dispel the
myth that childbirth is invariably a painful and traumatic experience.

#5 Let's Play 20 Seconds

The average orgasm lasts for 20 seconds. During this amazing time you have
contractions every 0.08 seconds. These contractions can be strengthened by doing
regular kegel exercises.
Most single clitoral orgasms last 3-7 seconds. Other orgasms, such as G-Spot stimulation can last 5 seconds or
more. It really depends on the woman. Some women will average longer than that while others will be shorter.
There are different stages of arousal. Generally, the actual ORGASM, not including the stages of arousal before
the orgasm, is a series of 3-15 spasms in the pelvic area about a second apart give or take. This is where the
involuntary movements and noises take place.
One thing to keep in mind is... we don't stop at one. Therefore, we can have orgasms last up to one minute or
more combined.
Now about these Kegel exercises. They can help a woman regain bladder control and help with urinary
incontinence. Kegels help to strengthen the muscles that control urination and improve orgasms.

How do you exercise your pelvic muscles?

Find the right muscles. Try one of the following ways to find the right muscles to squeeze.

Imagine that you are trying to stop passing gas. Squeeze the muscles you would use. If you sense a "pulling"
feeling, you are squeezing the right muscles for pelvic exercises.
Imagine that you are sitting on a marble and want to pick up the marble with your vagina. Imagine "sucking"
the marble into your vagina.
Lie down and put your finger inside your vagina. Squeeze as if you were trying to stop urine from coming
out. If you feel tightness on your finger, you are squeezing the right pelvic muscles.
Do your pelvic exercises at least three times a day. Every day, use three positions: lying down, sitting, and
standing. You can exercise while lying on the floor, sitting at a desk, or standing in the kitchen. Using all three
positions makes the muscles strongest.
Don't give up. It's just 5 minutes, three times a day. You may not feel your bladder control improve until after 3
to 6 weeks. Still, most women do notice an improvement after a few weeks.

#6 Just Relax
Women with higher stress levels than normal tend to have lower level of physical
arousal. Just calm down and "woosah" for a minute.
Oxytocin is called the love and bonding chemical. The interesting thing about Oxytocin is that when Adrenaline
is released by the brain Oxytocin cant be released. Its literally as if stress keeps us from pleasure. When
Adrenaline is high we arent relaxed and relaxation is key to orgasm, especially in the female body.
Women and men have a hard time turning it all off and making time for FUN or for some intimacy when were
stressed. So, when we are super stressed, we can try and try but what normally works to help us climax may
not work when we are over stressed.
The kicker here is that an orgasm is a FAB stress reliever for both sexes.
Here are some tips to help you and your partner get relaxed and to turn off your thinking brain so that you can
orgasm to your hearts content and bond deeply with your lover while you are at it.
Tip #1 - As pleasure heightens get non-verbal. Language stimulates the thinking brain. Imagine that you are
making love, you are getting close to orgasm and suddenly your partner looks at you and says What would you
like for dinner tomorrow night? Yes, it would pretty much shut down your pleasure and put you right into your
thinking brain.
Tip #2 - Make love in the dark. Darkness helps to release Melatonin which slows down the thinking brain and
can decrease Adrenaline. Bright light on the other hand can have a detrimental affect on your ability to
surrender and get into your body.
Tip #3 - Create Safety. If you feel unsafe your body produces adrenaline and your thinking brain starts going
crazy with problem solving. If you feel in danger there is no way that you are going to be able to surrender into
deep orgasm.
Tip #4 - Make sure your partner is relaxed. Adrenaline is contagious. If one of you is full of anxiety then the
other one of you will pick up on that and also get anxious. If you need help calming down try something
repetitive like breathing in a pattern or rocking each other.
Along with stress, a lack of sleep, Antihistamines (allergy meds), Anti-depressants, too much caffeine and too
much alcohol can make it difficult for women to orgasm.

#7 And The Oscar Goes To...

A whopping 60% of women have admitted to giving Oscar-worthy performances in bed,
making their partners believe that they have reached the Big O. Men claim not to be
fooled by these performances.
Women fake orgasms? I hate to break it to you but yes, women do indeed fake orgasms, and have
been doing so for quite some time now! But the more important question is: why do they fake

The orgasm is not only physically powerful for women, but also psychologically powerful for men,
which is not surprising.
Here is what we know about men when it comes to issues in the bedroom. A man will feel more like
a man if he knows he can satisfy a womans sexual needs. Of course, women know this, and realize
the importance of boosting a mans confidence in the field of lovemaking. Orgasm equals sexual
satisfaction equals an enhanced relationship. Hence, women often act out fake orgasms.
Here are ten (10) understandable and common reasons why women fake the Big O.

1. Women want to please their partner. You know how a guy will often say that if he can bring a woman to
orgasm, it not only turns him on to watch the pleasure he brings his
partner, but also brings him closer to his own climax as well. Since a
woman is always looking to please her man, faking an orgasm will put
a smile on his face, and boost his ego at the same time!
2. Everyone loves a challenge

Women get a little thrill from being able to control a guys gradual
climb to a climax. It is a feeling of power. The challenge comes in
seeing how excited you can get your guy, and how long you can
prolong his orgasm. The fact that a woman can get her guy off with a
fake orgasm, whenever she feels like it, can be very satisfying.

3. One is not in the mood

Sad but true; sometimes women really are not in the mood and just
want to get it over with. Again, so as not to bruise her mans ego, the
woman will simply act out a fake orgasm in order to give her partner

4. Pain is not always good.

Although some people get aroused when there is some level of pain
during sex, not all pain is good pain. If a woman is experiencing pain
or discomfort during intercourse, it could be an indication that
something is medically wrong. Nevertheless, she may simply fake it to
bring things to an end more quickly rather than say something and
spoil her mates enthusiasm.

5. Things get too comfortable.

At some point, in every relationship, things get comfortable and we

start to let things go, including our physical appearance. We might
frequently skip gym, indulge in decadent desserts, and forget too
often to dress up and look nice for our significant other. Well, all
these things do in fact have an impact on our desire for one another.
If a man gets a beer gut, and that can definitely dampen a womans
fires, she may fake orgasms instead of hurting his feelings.

6. Going to bed mad.

One piece of advice for all couples is that you should not go to bed
angry. Well, sometimes, it happens regardless. In order to avoid an
argument, females will often swallow their disappointment, and go
through the necessary bedroom motions while pretending to enjoy

7. Lack of technique!

Communication is the key to success in a relationship. And

communication during sex is very important, especially when you are

getting to know each others particular pleasures. A woman knows

her own body, so when she tells you to speed things up or slow them
down, pay attention to her coaching. If she wants a certain position,
take the hint, make her happy and she will not have to fake it. See
how sexual positioning can help women to achieve orgasm.
8. Not enough time.

Most women cannot climax within minutes. Many are self-conscious,

thinking that they are taking too long to climax, causing their partner
to become tired. So, the woman kicks in the theatrics so that the man
can feel like he has done a good job.

9.Men and women are different.

Although sex encounters for men are typically great, most women
will reach orgasm more easily with someone they feel a connection
with. If a certain level of trust has been established, a woman will feel
relaxed in the arms of her partner, resulting in enjoyable and
satisfying sex. Nonetheless, keep in mind that women can still enjoy
sex without having an orgasm.

10. Not like that - it is not going to Not all women can achieve orgasm through intercourse, some can
only reach it through clitoral stimulation; in most cases, oral sex is the
best bet.
This list was given in any particular order of relevance. Some men have commented that they
don't care, and to them I say they should or why are with them?

#8 That Ship Will Never Dock

You might need to have a moment of silence for this one. About 10-15% of women are
said to be an-orgasmic, meaning that they physically cannot reach the peak of pleasure.
Frigidity - In psychology, the inability of a woman to attain orgasm during sexual intercourse. In
popular, nonmedical usage the word has been used traditionally to describe a variety of
behaviours, ranging from general coldness of manner or lack of interest in physical affection to
aversion to the act of sexual intercourse. Because of the derogatory connotations that have
become associated with the term frigidity, it has been replaced in the vocabulary of sex
therapists by the general term hypogyneismus: the inability of a woman to obtain sexual
satisfaction under otherwise appropriate circumstances.
According to The Kinsey Institute, only 29% of women have regular orgasms during sex with a
partner. (Compare that with 75% of men.) Furthermore, between 10% and 15% of women
reportedly never have orgasms, alone or with a partner, period. Most women who do have
regular orgasms have them alone, via self-stimulation, or as a result of non-intercourse-based
sexual activities with a partner.
New research suggests that a simple measurement -- a "rule of thumb" -- might be the key to
the pleasures of sexual intercourse. About 75 percent of all women never reach orgasm from
intercourse alone -- that is without the extra help of sex toys, hands or tongue. And 10 to 15

percent never climax under any circumstances. dated September 2009

Kim Wallen, professor of behavioral neuroendocrinology at Emory University.
He wants to determine if a woman's ability to have an orgasm with penile stimulation alone
depends on how far her clitoris lies from her vagina -- the so-called "C-V distance." a French
psychoanalyst, discovered that the optimal C-V distance is 2.5 centimeters, about an inch, or the
space between the fingertip and the [base of the] thumb. dated September 2009

#9 Exercise Your Way To Pleasure

"Coregasms" are a result of a variation of ab moves like stomach crunches. It's best that
you don't practice having "coregasms" when half of the population is at the gym.
In a study at Indiana University's Center for Sexual Health Promotion, some women reported having an O
during a workout. (Getting off while you get in shape? Hello.) Though there's no magic technique, your best
options are core exercises and yoga, and repetitions are key.
Coregasm Move
Hang from a pullup bar with your hands shoulder-width apart and your hips centered under your body so that
your hands and hips are aligned (1).Keeping your legs and back straight, use a slow, controlled motion to raise
your legs until they're parallel to the floor (2). Slowly lower your legs. Do 12 to 15 reps. Source: trainer John
Romaniello , owner of RomanFitnessSystems.com

Yogasm Move
Lie on your belly and place the palms of your hands on the mat, just outside your chest (1). As you inhale, use
your arms to lift your chest, leaving your pubic bone on the floor (2). Keep your legs strong and engage your
butt muscles. Hold the pose for seven to 10 breaths. Do three reps. Source: Kay Clivio, Pure Yoga lead

Illustrations: Patrick George at Debut Art

#10 Girls Doing It For Themselves

According to sex expert, Dr. David Devlin, approximately 47% of women experience
their first orgasm through masturbation by the age of 18. A perfect example of loving
yourself first before others.
A lot of women/girls, have been open in answering this question on a few internet sites and forums. It seems
that a number of them have been orgasming from as early as six years old, while there are a few others who
can remember doing it even further back. Some have said that the feeling got better over time or after the birth
of their first child.
Many say they first orgasmed when they first experienced masturbation even if they didn't know that is what
they were doing. Their method of masturbation runs the gambit from removable shower heads and jets in
pools to vibrating pens, fingers and even humping near live sized teddy bears in their younger years, while older
girls used a pillow. Others have stated that they can get off by rubbing their legs together, but to make it sexy
for their partners they would use fingers for show.
Also, guys have their jacking off, now the new words for girls is jilling off.

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