Instructional Design Plan - Online Course Development

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FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage 1 Assignment

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+/&.) 01
0nline couise
uevelopment anu
Bighei Eu
Faculty Bevelopment +/,)
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802&)2& %&'25'45@B C'&/02'. D59:'&/02 +):E20.0(? %&'25'45@ 104 +)':E)4@

Besign anu Bevelop Bigital Age Leaining Expeiiences anu Assessments

Teacheis uesign, uevelop, anu evaluate authentic leaining expeiiences anu assessment
incoipoiating contempoiaiy tools anu iesouices to maximize content leaining in context anu
to uevelop the knowleuge, skills, anu attituues iuentifieu in the NETSS.

a. Besign oi auapt ielevant leaining expeiiences that incoipoiate uigital tools anu
iesouices to piomote stuuent leaining anu cieativity
b. Bevelop technology-eniicheu leaining enviionments that enable all stuuents to puisue
theii inuiviuual cuiiosities anu become active paiticipants in setting theii own
euucational goals, managing theii own leaining, anu assessing theii own piogiess.
c. Customize anu peisonalize leaining activities to auuiess stuuents' uiveise leaining
styles, woiking stiategies, anu abilities using uigital tools anu iesouices
u. Pioviue stuuents with multiple anu vaiieu foimative anu summative assessments
aligneu with content anu technology stanuaius anu use iesulting uata to infoim
leaining anu teaching.


%&95)2&@ F/.. 925)4@&'25 &E'&B

1. Emeiging Inteinet technologies anu the neeu foi moie flexible euucational
oppoitunities influences the institutional auoption of online anu uistance euucation
piogiams. (DG-.'/2H I)4@-):&/7))
2. Bistance euucation piogiams pioviue gieatei leainei accessibility but iequiie the
auoption of instiuctional uesign best piactices in oiuei to be ueliveieu effectively.
S. Bistance euucation piogiams uesign, uevelop, anu uelivei content in ways similai to
tiauitional instiuctional piogiams but uepenu on an instiuctoi's ability to mouify
hishei peuagogical stiategies anu techniques (;--./:'&/02H
FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage 1 Assignment
4. Physical anu mental uisabilities have to be consiueieu as pait of the uesign anu
uevelopment of an online couise so that it will not pievent some uisableu leaineis fiom
accessing anu using it effectively. (D,-'&E/L))

A).'&)5 M/@:02:)-&/02@B

1. 0nline teaching iequiies less paiticipation, effoit, anu inteiaction than a physical
teaching piesence.
2. 0nline leaining piogiams aie not as iigoious anu ieliable as tiauitional leaining
S. All uistance euucation is technology-centeieu anu not content-centeieu.

D@@)2&/'. N9)@&/02@
O7)4'4:E/2( N9)@&/02@B

1. Bow has society's use of the Woilu
Wiue Web anu the Inteinet
influenceu the way in which people

PQ Aie Inteinet-baseu applications
univeisally accessible anu usable foi
all types of useis.
+0-/:'. N9)@&/02@B

1. In what ways uo uistance euucation
piogiams benefit anu challenge teaching
anu leaining.

2. Bow uoes uistance euucation
instiuctional ueliveiy compaie anu
contiast with tiauitional foims of
K20F.)5() '25 %R/..@
%&95)2&@ F/.. R20FB

1. Piinciples of auult leaining
2. Stiategies foi online couise
S. Instiuctional Besign best piactices
4. Web Accessibility foi Section Su8
anu Title II of the ABA
S. Web Content Accessibility uuiuelines
6. Leaining Nanagement System tools,
wizaius, anu featuies

%&95)2&@ F/.. ") '".) &0B

1. 0se the instiuctional uesign tools
available in the Leaining Nanagement
System to uesign, uevelop, anu ueliveiy
an online couise.
2. Cieate online mateiials anu leaining
expeiiences that auheie to online
peuagogical stanuaius anu instiuctional
uesign best piactices.
S. Pioviue alteinative leaining expeiiences
that will enable leaineis with physical
anu mental uisabilities to inteiact anu
contiibute with minimal uifficulty.
FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage 2 Assignment
"#$ %&'() * +),-.'&)
%&'() * / $)&)0,12) 344)-&'#.) 5617)24)

+1&.) 89
0nline couise
uevelopment anu
Bighei Eu
%&'() < / =7)2&19> $)?10)7 @)?A.&?
;1?& &B) A27)0?&'2712(? 89 >8A0 A21&C

1. Emeiging Inteinet technologies anu the neeu foi moie flexible euucational oppoitunities
influences the institutional auoption of online anu uistance euucation piogiams.
2. Bistance euucation piogiams pioviue gieatei leainei accessibility but iequiie the auoption
of instiuctional uesign best piactices in oiuei to be ueliveieu effectively.
S. Bistance euucation piogiams uesign, uevelop, anu uelivei content in ways similai to
tiauitional instiuctional piogiams but uepenu on an instiuctoi's ability to mouify hishei
peuagogical stiategies anu techniques
4. Physical anu mental uisabilities have to be consiueieu as pait of the uesign anu
uevelopment of an online couise so that it will not pievent some uisableu leaineis fiom
accessing anu using it effectively.

5??)2&1'. DA)?&182?
(copy anu paste fiom Stage 1)

E6)0'04B12( DA)?&182?C

1. Bow has society's use of the Woilu
Wiue Web anu the Inteinet
influenceu the way in which people

2. Aie Inteinet-baseu applications
univeisally accessible anu usable foi
all types of useis.

+8-14'. DA)?&182?C

1. In what ways uo uistance euucation
piogiams benefit anu challenge teaching anu

2. Bow uoes uistance euucation instiuctional
ueliveiy compaie anu contiast with
tiauitional foims of instiuction.
FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage 2 Assignment

%&'() * F 5617)24)
G)0980,'24) +'?HI?J

0nline Couise Bevelopment anu Beliveiy.

0sing the campus suppoiteu Leaining Nanagement System, teaching faculty will uesign, uevelop,
anu uelivei a functional, navigable, anu accessible online uistance euucation couise that will be
available to stuuents the following semestei I%&'27'07 G'0& 3J

The faculty membei will neeu to: (a) }ustify the euucational neeu foi online instiuction in theii
collegiate piogiams I5K-.'12J; (b) Tiansfei piogiam cuiiiculum iequiiements anu stanuaius to
online couise goals anu objectives (=2&)0-0)&J; (c) 0se online couise tools, instiuctional uesign
methous, anu online peuagogy stiategies to align couise goals anu objectives with assessments anu
leaining activities I3--.>L %&'27'07 G'0& MJN (u) Pioviue a vaiiety of leaining activities anu
iesouices to accommouate leaining style uiveisity anu enhance stuuent unueistanuing
IG)0?-)4&16)L %&'27'07 G'0& OL $J; (e) Piouuce alteinative leaining expeiiences foi leaineis who
may have sight, mobility, heaiing, cognition uisabilities I5,-'&B>L %&'27'07 G'0& OJ; Evaluate
couise uesign anu ueliveiy thiough the use of an online couise uevelopment iubiic as well as
thiough teaching anu facilitating the couise anu thiough the obseivation of the stuuent leaining
expeiience I%).9FP28Q.)7()L %&'27'07 G'0& $J.

G)0980,'24) +'?HI?J @A#014I?J
FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage 2 Assignment

E2.12) O8A0?) $)6).8-,)2& '27 $).16)0> @A#014
(1 point)
(S points)
(S points)
Couise pages anu
components aie
not functional,
visible, consistent,
anu navigable.
Nost couise pages
anu components
aie functional,
visible, consistent,
anu navigable.
Couise pages
anu components
aie functional,
consistent, anu
$)?1(2 '27
uoals, objectives,
assessments, anu
leaining activities
aie not cleaily
uefineu anu not
piopeily aligneu.
uoals, objectives,
assessments, anu
leaining activities
aie auequately
uefineu anuoi
uoals, objectives,
anu leaining
activities aie
cleaily uefineu
anu aligneu.
O8A0?) +88.?
'27 +)4B28.8(>
Couise uses
limiteu technology
tools, couise tools,
leaining objects,
anu multimeuia
elements which
hinuei the
leaineis' ability to
inteiact with the
content, othei
leaineis, anu the
Couise uses
technology tools,
couise tools,
leaining objects,
anu multimeuia
elements anu uoes
not completely
hinuei the
leaineis' ability to
inteiact with the
content, othei
leaineis, anu the
Couise uses a
vaiiety of
tools, couise
tools, leaining
objects, anu
elements that
facilitate the
leaineis' ability
to inteiact with
the content,
othei leaineis,
anu the
344)??1#1.1&> Accessibility
issues aie not
sight, mobility,
heaiing, cognition,
issues aie biiefly
(Incluuing: sight,
mobility, heaiing,
cognition, ESL,
issues aie
thioughout the
(Incluuing: sight,
FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage 2 Assignment
ESL, anu
anu technical.) mobility,
cognition, ESL,
anu technical.)
Couise pioviues
limiteu visual,
kinesthetic, anu
auuitoiy activities
to enhance
stuuent leaining.
Couise pioviues
auequate visual,
kinesthetic, anu
auuitoiy activities
to enhance
stuuent leaining.
Couise pioviues
a vaiiety of
visual, textual,
kinesthetic, anu
activities to
enhance stuuent
Couise offeis
oppoitunity foi
inteiaction anu
between leainei to
leainei, leainei to
instiuctoi anu
leainei to content.

Couise offeis
oppoitunity foi
inteiaction anu
between leainei
to leainei, leainei
to instiuctoi anu
leainei to content.

Couise offeis
foi inteiaction
between leainei
to leainei,
leainei to
instiuctoi anu
leainei to

stiategies aie
limiteu in use to
attituues, skills,

0ngoing stiategies
aie useu to
measuie content
attituues, skills,

stiategies aie
useu to measuie
attituues, skills,

FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage 2 Assignment

34&161&1)? '27
Couise pioviues
activities to help
uevelop ciitical
thinking anu
oi pioblem-
solving skills.
Couise pioviues
activities to help
uevelop ciitical
anuoi pioblem-
solving skills.
Couise pioviues
activities that
help stuuents
uevelop ciitical
thinking anu
@)?8A04)? '27
Couise contains
infoimation foi
leainei suppoit,
anu contact
foi instiuctoi,
anuoi piogiam.
Couise contains
infoimation foi
leainei suppoit,
anu contact
foi instiuctoi,
anuoi piogiam.
Couise contains
a vaiiety of
infoimation foi
leainei suppoit,
anu contact
foi instiuctoi,
anuoi piogiam.
+E+3; _____ 4S points
*A few of the iubiic categoiies anu ciiteiia weie auapteu anu mouifieu fiom
"#$ %&'()* +,( -./).$ 0.12(&*2),., Califoinia State 0niveisity - Chico, CA. 2uuS.
FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage 2 Assignment
E&B)0 5617)24)
(e.g. tests, quizzes, woik samples, obseivations)

E2F(812( (08A- 71?4A??182? - Thioughout the tiaining woikshops, teaching faculty will
paiticipate in on-going uiscussions about vaiying aspects of online couise uevelopment. They will
have the oppoitunity to ask technical anu peuagogical questions, auuiess conceins anu issues
about the couise uevelopment piocess, pioviue constiuctive feeuback to colleagues, anu make
inquiiies, suggestions, anu iecommenuations.

E2)F82F82) &0'1212( '??1?&'24) - Facilitatois will be available uuiing tiaining woikshops to
auuiess inuiviuual tiaining neeus anu to assess piogiess uuiing couise uevelopment.

+0'1212( Q80H?B8- ?A06)> - Aftei each tiaining woikshop has concluueu, teaching faculty will
ieceive a tiaining woikshop suivey that will contain a vaiiety of questions aimeu to assess theii
piogiess anu comfoit level with the cuiient phase of couise uevelopment.

%&A7)2& %).9F3??)??,)2& '27 @)9.)4&182

E2.12) 48A0?) 7)6).8-,)2& 0A#014 / Teaching faculty will have access to the online couise
uevelopment iubiic that will be useu to measuie the quality of theii couise. In this way, teaching
faculty can use the iubiic as a self-assessment tool anu ioau map to ievising anu ieuesigning
couise components.

+)'4B12( '27 9'41.1&'&182 / Teaching faculty will have the best oppoitunity to ieflect on online
couise ueliveiy uuiing anu aftei actual teaching anu facilitation of the online couise.

%&A7)2& .)'0212( )K-)01)24) F Teaching faculty will be able to self-assess theii online couise
effectiveness thiough the obseivation of the stuuent leaining expeiience.

FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage S Assignment

"#$%& '( )*#$
0nline couise
anu ueliveiy
+,-.& /&0&%
Bighei Eu

3-$#'*-% 4.56-$#'* "&67*'%'89 1$-*.-,.: (', "&-67&,:

Besign anu Bevelop Bigital Age Leaining Expeiiences anu Assessments

Teacheis uesign, uevelop, anu evaluate authentic leaining expeiiences anu assessment
incoipoiating contempoiaiy tools anu iesouices to maximize content leaining in context
anu to uevelop the knowleuge, skills, anu attituues iuentifieu in the NETSS.

a. Besign oi auapt ielevant leaining expeiiences that incoipoiate uigital tools anu
iesouices to piomote stuuent leaining anu cieativity
b. Bevelop technology-eniicheu leaining enviionments that enable all stuuents to
puisue theii inuiviuual cuiiosities anu become active paiticipants in setting theii
own euucational goals, managing theii own leaining, anu assessing theii own
c. Customize anu peisonalize leaining activities to auuiess stuuents' uiveise leaining
styles, woiking stiategies, anu abilities using uigital tools anu iesouices
u. Pioviue stuuents with multiple anu vaiieu foimative anu summative assessments
aligneu with content anu technology stanuaius anu use iesulting uata to infoim
leaining anu teaching.


1. Emeiging Inteinet technologies anu the neeu foi moie flexible euucational
oppoitunities influences the institutional auoption of online anu uistance euucation
2. Bistance euucation piogiams pioviue gieatei leainei accessibility but iequiie the
auoption of instiuctional uesign best piactices in oiuei to be ueliveieu effectively.
S. Bistance euucation piogiams uesign, uevelop, anu uelivei content in ways similai to
tiauitional instiuctional piogiams but uepenu on an instiuctoi's ability to mouify
hishei peuagogical stiategies anu techniques
4. Physical anu mental uisabilities have to be consiueieu as pait of the uesign anu
uevelopment of an online couise so that it will not pievent some uisableu leaineis
fiom accessing anu using it effectively.

FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage S Assignment
4::&*$#-% ;5&:$#'*:2

<0&,-,67#*8 ;5&:$#'*:2

1. Bow has society's use of the Woilu
Wiue Web anu the Inteinet
influenceu the way in which people

2. Aie Inteinet-baseu applications
univeisally accessible anu usable foi
all types of useis.

"'=#6-% ;5&:$#'*:2

1. In what ways uo uistance euucation
piogiams benefit anu challenge
teaching anu leaining.

2. Bow uoes uistance euucation
instiuctional ueliveiy compaie anu
contiast with tiauitional foims of
1$-8& >2 ?%-* /&-,*#*8 4@=&,#&*6&:
A&&B C

1. Auministei Faculty 0nline Couise Expeiience Suivey. This will assess cuiient
knowleuge anu expeiience using a Leaining Nanagement System (LNS) foi online
couise ueliveiy. The suivey will also be useu to gain an unueistanuing of what LNS
featuies anu tools expeiienceu online instiuctois use anu how they use it. DAE
2. Note: Week 1 tiaining sessions will consist of two 9u minute in-class session helu
each uay. Sessions will be titleu "W1S1: 0veiview of 0nline Couise Beliveiy" anu
"W1S2: Besiie2Leain Essentials". Faculty will have iegisteieu foi both sessions
piioi to attenuing.
S. W1S1: Biscuss 0nline Couise Beliveiy anu Bistance Euucation influences,
auvantages, challenges, accessibility, usability, anu best piactices DGF DH%% 4::&*$#-%
;5&:$#'*: -..,&::&.F
4. W1S1: Review 0nline Couise Bevelopment anu Beliveiy Rubiic D4FD<0&,-,67#*8
;5&:$#'* IJ "'=#6-% ;5&:$#'* IF
S. W1S1: Evaluate sample online couise using online iubiic anu uiscuss (KE 4LI)
<0&,-,67#*8 ;5&:$#'* IJ "'=#6-% ;5&:$#'* IF
6. W1S2: Navigate the basic functions anu inteiface of the Besiie2Leain Leaining
Nanagement System using peisonal 'sanubox couises' foi exploiing anu testing DGE
4FD"'=#6-% ;5&:$#'* IF
7. W1S2: Complete Besiie2Leain Tiaining suivey at the enu of the session. This will be
useu to gathei feeuback about the session anu to allow paiticipants to ieflect on
aspects of the tiaining that they founu useful oi neeuing impiovement DKE 4LIF
8. W1S2: Pioviue access to a self-uiiecteu online tiaining couise that will contain Bow-
To viueos, auuio clips, BTNL tutoiials, piintable uocuments, web links, anu sample
couise content coveiing vaiious aspects of managing a couise fiom an Instiuctoi
peispective. This couise can be accesseu at the instiuctoi's leisuie DGE 4E KE 4LIE "F
DM#((&,&*$#-$#'* 0#- $7& 5:& '( -..#$#'*-% N5%$#N&.#- $,-#*#*8 '=$#'*:F

FRIT 74Su: 0bB Stage S Assignment
A&&B I

1. Note: Week 2 tiaining sessions will consist of one 18u minute in-class session helu
each uay. Session will be titleu "W2S1: Bow to builu a couise with Besiie2Leain".
Faculty will have iegisteieu foi the session piioi to attenuing anu will have taken
both Week 1 sessions.
2. Biscuss couise builuing anu content cieation options anu best piactices
DGFD<0&,-,67#*8 ;5&:$#'* IJ "'=#6-% ;5&:$#'* CEIF
S. Review 0nline Couise Bevelopment anu Beliveiy Rubiic D4F
4. 0se peisonal sanubox couise to exploie vaiious couise builuing anu content
management tools anu functions DGE 4E KE 4LIE "F DH%% 4::&*$#-%: ;5&:$#'*:
S. Copy couise content fiom othei online couises to uemonstiate the
copyimpoitexpoit featuie DGE 4E KE 4LIE "F D"'=#6-% ;5&:$#'* CEIF
6. Complete LNS Tiaining suivey at the enu of the session. DKE 4LIF

A&&B >

1. Note: Week S tiaining sessions will consist of a 24u-minute in-class session helu each
uay. Faculty will have iegisteieu foi the session piioi to attenuing anu will have
taken both Week 1 sessions
2. Biscuss the scenaiios that can help geneiate iueas foi integiating LNS couise tools
into online couises DGE 4E KE 4LIE "F D<0&,-,67#*8 ;5&:$#'* IJ "'=#6-% ;5&:$#'* IF
S. Exploie communications tools such as Biscussions anu uioups DGE 4E KE 4LIE "F DH%%
4::&*$#-%: ;5&:$#'*: -..,&::&.F
4. Exploie assessment tools such as Quizzes, Assignments, Rubiics, anu Suiveys DGE 4E
KE 4LIE "F DH%% 4::&*$#-%: ;5&:$#'*: -..,&::&.F
S. Exploie uiaue book tool DGE 4E KE 4LIE "F DH%% 4::&*$#-%: ;5&:$#'*: -..,&::&.F
6. Complete LNS Tiaining suivey at the enu of the session. DKE 4LIF

3'$&: $' $7& O*:$,56$',

1. All activities have been coueu with WBERET0.
2. Pietest to check foi pieiequisite skills anu knowleuge is given in Week 1 befoie
tiaining session commences.
S. A Self-Biiecteu Tiaining Couise containing vaiious meuia elements will be available
to all paiticipants to allow them to woik at theii own pace sepaiate fiom the in-class
tiaining sessions.
4. In-class uiscussions anu best piactice evaluations pioviue oppoitunities foi
paiticipants to iethink, ieflect, anu ievise theii unueistanuing of the tiaining
S. The sessions utilize the couise tools useu in Besiie2Leain Leaining Enviionment
v1u. (Besiie2Leain, Inc.)
6. Facilitatoi s will be available to assist paiticipants that neeu one-on-one assistance
as neeueu.

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