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Reiland Rabaka, Jared Sexton, The Consequence of Race Mixture: Racialised Barriers and the Politics of Desire Jalane D Schmidt, LOCKED TOGETHER: THE CULTURE AND POLITICS OF BLACKNESS IN CUBA Carrie Crenshaw Resisting whiteness' rhetorical silence Dylan Rodriguez The Black Presidential Non-Slave: Genocide and the Present Tense of Racial Slavery Frank Wilderson, The Vengeance of Vertigo: Aphasia and Abjection in the Political Trials of Black Insurgents, Paradigmatic Kate Kokontis, Performative Returns and the Rememory of History: genealogy and performativity in the American racial state

Jennifer C James, Ecomelancholia: Slavery, War, and Black Ecological Imaginings" Environmental Criticism for the Twenty-First Century

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