Locate14 Media Release 6.2.14

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6 lebruary 2014

rlnclpal SpaLlal lndusLry Leaders

ConLlnue Lo SupporL LocaLe14 Conference

"#$%&'() Conference has announced Mr eLer WoodgaLe, CLC of Lhe CooperaLlve 8esearch
CenLre for SpaLlal lnformaLlon (C8CSl) wlll serve as MasLer of Ceremonles for Lhe Conference,
and Mr ChrlsLopher 1ucker, lounder and CLC of MapSLory (uSA) as a keynoLe speaker.
"#$%&'() wlll be held aL Lhe naLlonal ConvenLlon CenLre ln Canberra from 7-9 Aprll 2014 and
wlll be a forum Lo connecL wlLh lndusLry leaders and Lo learn abouL new advancemenLs ln Lhe
lndusLry, l1 and governmenL.
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Mr WoodgaLe ls loundaLlon Chalr of Lhe Clobal SpaLlal neLwork (CSn), a member of Lhe
LxecuLlve CommlLLee of Lhe lnLernaLlonal SocleLy of ulglLal LarLh, ulrecLor of Lhe 1erresLrlal
LcosysLems 8esearch neLwork , 8oard member of AuSCCL and 8oard Member of Lhe
unLSCC lnLernaLlonal CenLre on Space 1echnologles for naLural and CulLural PerlLage (PlS1),
based ln Chlna.
C8CSl, works across AusLralla and new Zealand wlLh lnvesLmenL parLners, on advanced
capablllLles for lmprovlng Lhe use of global navlgaLlon saLelllLe sysLems, saLelllLe and alrborne
lmage analysls and Lhe use of spaLlal daLa. 1he organlsaLlon ls also a proud supporLer of
"#$%&'() Conference.

6 lebruary 2014

rlnclpal SpaLlal lndusLry Leaders
ConLlnue Lo SupporL LocaLe14 Conference

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Mr 1ucker ls Lhe founder and CLC of MapSLory (u.S.) and serves, or has served, ln a varleLy of
corporaLe, non-proflL and governmenL 8oards lncludlng Lhe uS CeospaLlal lnLelllgence
loundaLlon, Lhe Cpen CeospaLlal ConsorLlum, Cpen lans, Lhe naLlonal CeospaLlal Advlsory
CommlLLee, and Lhe uefense Sclence 8oard lnLelllgence 1ask lorce.
Pe also has experlence ln Laklng sLarL-ups Lo acqulslLlon ln hls role of resldenL and CLC of a
hlgh-Lechnology flrm ln Lhe area of geospaLlal lnLelllgence, and currenLly manages ?ale Pouse
venLures wlLh a porLfollo of Lechnology companles and soclal venLures.
MapSLory, ls an lnnovaLlve global communlLy where users creaLe vlsual presenLaLlons on local,
reglonal and global lssues and changes, uLlllslng LradlLlonal sLaLlc mapplng and spaLlal daLa.
1he program enables collaboraLlon wlLh mulLlple parLles wlLh knowledge on Lhe Loplc and
each MapSLory ls avallable Lo oLher users Lo grow Lhelr presenLaLlon.
"#$%&'() ls a comblnaLlon of Lhree prevlous naLlonal evenLs - Lhe &:3/)32B+#C Conference,
Lhe Surveylng & SpaLlal Sclences Conference (SSSC) and Lhe Asla- aclflc SpaLlal Lxcellence
Awards (ASLA) comblnlng Lo form a slngle premler AusLrallan and new Zealand lndusLry
8eglsLer onllne aL www.locaLeconference.com

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