faceClassITESM Day2

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Making Faces: How Faces Work

Chris Landreth ITESM Campus Guadala ara !" Fe#$ %&!!

F'CS: The Facial 'ction Coding S(stem

Created by Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen in 1976 Based on the distinct muscles in the human face Each muscle produces one or more distinct changes in the face s appearance! called "ction #nits $"# s% &hink of these "# s as '(etters) in the alphabet of facial e*pression+ &hink of facial e*pressions as ',ords)- combinations of these "# 'letters)+

)rimar( Muscles o* the Face

1+ Frontalis- Bro, .aiser /+ Corrugator- Bro, (o,erer

0+ (e1itor Palpabrae- Eyelid .aiser2(o,erer 3+ 4rbicularis 4culi- Eye 56uinter

7+ "lae6ue 8asi (abius 5uperioris- (ip Wincer

6+ (abius 5uperioris- (ip 5neerer 7+ 9ygomatic :a;or- (ip 5miler

5 6 7 14
(12) (8)

<+ Buccinator $deep! not sho,n% 9+ &riangularis- (ip Fro,ner 1=+ (abius >nferioris- (ip (o,erer 11+ :entalis- (ip 5hrugger 1/+ >ncici1us $deep! not sho,n%- (ip Purser 10+ .isorius2Platysma- (ip ?rimacer 13+ 4rbicularis 4ris- (ip &ightener2(oosener




'ction +nits: The Letters o* The 'lpha#et

,ela-ed Face

"ction #nit
1+ >nner /+ >nner @ 4uter $sho,n%


"ction #nit

"ction #nit

7a+ ( @ . $sho,n% 7b+ ( only 7c+ . only


"ction #nit

6, 44

6a+ (o,er (@. 6b+ (o,er ( 6c+ (o,er . 33a+ Entire (@. $sho,n% 33b+ Entire ( 33c+ Entire .

"ction #nit

"ction #nit


1=a+ ( @ . $sho,n% 1=b+ ( only 1=c+ . only

"ction #nit


1/a+ ( @ . $sho,n% 1/b+ ( only 1/c+ . only

"ction #nit


13a+ ( @ . $sho,n% 13b+ ( only 13c+ . only

"ction #nit


17a+ ( @ . $sho,n% 17b+ ( only

&oyota President "kio &oyoda at #5 Congressional hearings! Feb /=1=

17c+ . only

"ction #nit


"ction #nit



"ction #nit


"ction #nit
.obert Aeniro in Cape Fear! 1991


/=a+ ( @ . $sho,n% /=b+ ( only /=c+ . only

"ction #nit


//a+ #p @ (o $sho,n% //b+ #p only //c+ (o only

.Cnt/d0 "ction #nit


/0a+ #p @ (o $sho,n% /0b+ #p only /0c+ (o only


Face 'ction: Lip Locking Muscle: 1r#icularis 1ris Signature: Lips )ressed Together

"ction #nit


/0a+ #p @ (o $sho,n% /0b+ #p only /0c+ (o only

"ction #nit
/6a+ 4pen $sho,n% /6b+ (eft,ard /6c+ .ight,ard /6d+ For,ard


AU1,2 AU4 AU5

(Frontalis) (Corr!"ator) (#e$itor %alpa&rae) ('r&ic!laris 'c!li) (Alae(!e )asi #a&i!s *!perioris) (#a&i!s *!perioris) (+,"o-atic .a/or) (0!ccinator) (1rian"!laris) (#a&i!s 2n3erioris) (.entalis) (2ncisi$!s) (4isori!s5%lat,s-a) ('r&ic!laris 'ris)

2 1 3 6 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 6

How man( letters in this alpha#et2

AU6,44 AU9 AU10 AU12 AU14 AU15 AU16 AU17 AU18 AU20 AU22,23

AU26 (6a7) 4 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888


41 AU9s

Homework .*or Wednesda( 3o4 !50:

Take photographs o* (oursel* *le-ing all the muscles shown in this session$ Compile these photos6 with appropriate captions$ E-ample:

3eutral Face



Le4$ )alpa#rae open

Le4$ )alpa#rae closed

1r#icularis 1culi

La#ius Superioris '3

La#ius Superioris

7(gomatic Ma or



La#ius In*erioris




1r#$ 1ris .lip loose0

1r#$ 1ris .lip tight0

1r#$ 1ris .lip lock0

1pen :aw

'natom( o* a happ( *ace

b d

e g

8eutral face

5light smile&he 9ygomatic kicks in first! pulling the corners of her lips back! up and into the :a*illa part of her skull $a+%+ &he folds under her eyes flatten out $b+%+

?rin"s her smile increases! (abius >nferioris pulls do,n on her lo,er lip! e*posing her upper teeth $c+%+ 9ygomatic pulls harder! deepening her nasolabial fold $d+% and puffing out her cheeks $e+%+

(augh>n intense ;oy! her eyes narro, do,n to slits! ,ith sharply defined cro, s feet $f+%+ Ber cheeks are so puffed out that a specular highlight is clearly 1isible $g+%+

'natom( o* 'nger
c a b e f d g

8eutral face

?lare"le6ui 8asi (abius 5uperioris contracts slightly! deepening her nasolabial fold $a% and rounding her upper lip $b%

5narl"s her anger increases! her bro, begins to furro, $c%+ Both (abius 5uperioris and "8 (abius 5uperioris contract! s6uaring off the corners of her upper lip $d%+ (abius >nferiors begins contracting! e*posing her lo,er teeth $e%

.age>n a full scream of anger! "8 (abius 5uperioris fully contracts! producing diagonal ,rinkles from her tear ducts do,n her nose $f%+ Ber eyes narro, to slits from 4rbicularis 4culi! complete ,ith pronounced cro, s feet $g%+

)ortraits o* Grie*
a b d f

8eutral face

e ;

g i h

:uted ?riefBer eyes sho, the pain- &he eyebro,s are pulled slightly up,ard by :edial Frontalis $a%! and there are slight furro,s in her bro, from Currogator $b%+ Belo, her lips! :entalis begins to pucker her chin $c%+

"nguish"s her sadness escalates! the furro,s in her bro, become more pronounced! but her bro,s still keep their up,ard pull $d%+ &he corners of her mouth begin to turn do,n sharply from &riangularis $e%+

Crying>n a full cry! the face stretches in many different directions+ &he eyes s6uint hea1ily $4rbicularis 4culi! f%! the upper lips are contorted by (abius 5uperioris $g%! and the chin is deeply puckered by :entalis $h%+ Ber anguish is capped off by .isorius2Platysma! ,hich pulls the corners of her lo,er lip out $i% and the tendons in her neck up $;%+

Gross 'natom(
a a b c d g f e g h

8eutral face

b c f e

:ild Aisgust>n her lo,Dle1el disgust! her face resembles mild anger $inset%- her bro, furro,s $a% and her nose and lips crinkle $b%+ 4ne difference is in her eyes- they don t glare in anger $open eyelids%Ethey are actually slightly rela*ed $c%+

Cechh"s she gets more grossed out! her sneering increases $(abius 5uperioris! d%+ But most pronounced is the grimace in her lo,er lip and flaring tendons in her neck! from .isorius2Platysma $e! f%+

.etching5he is on the 1erge of sickness no,+ Ber sneering $(abius 5uperioris% and grimacing $.isorius2Platysma% are in o1erdri1e! and her lo,er eyelids are so contorted $(o+ 4rbicularis 4ris% that they are conca1e in shape $g%+

'natom( o* Surprise
a a b a b b d d c g f e g h

8eutral face

c c f e

5tunnedBer face is mostly rela*ed! e*cept for a slight ,idening of her eyes $(e1itor Palpabrae! a%+

5lack;a,edBro, goes up $Frontalis! b% and ;a, goes do,n+ &he ,hites of the eyes are 1isible abo1e her irises $c%+

4:C?4AFWorry lines are really bulging no,+ Frontalis is rounding out the shape of her eyebro,s $d%+ But e1en in e*treme surprise! most of her face is rela*ed+

'natom( o* Fear
a a b a b d

8eutral face

c c

d e

WorryBer ,orried face resembles her mildly angry glare! e*cept for the slightly upturned eyebro,s $a%+

Aeep ConcernEyebro,s are more upturned! like her e*pression of sadness $inset%+ &he difference is in the eyelidsEthey are opened ,ider than grie1ing eyes+

'natom( o* Fear6 continued

a a b a b a e d c

8eutral face

c c

&errorEyes are ,ide and bro,s fully furro,ed and upturned+ Aeep nasolabial folds from (abius 5uperioris $a%+ :outh is upturned! as in a smile! from 9ygomatic $b%+

5creamingE1en in full scream! her mouth has an upturned look from her 9ygomatics $c%! similar to her anger scream $inset%+ #nlike her anger scream! ho,e1er! her eyes are still opened ,ide $d% and her eyebro,s upturned $e%+

)utting the letters together into words: E-pressions

The si- *undamental e-pressions:

!$ %$ ;$ =$ "$ 5$ 'nger Sadness <isgust Surprise Fear Happiness

The si- *undamental e-pressions:

1. Anger
%$ ;$ =$ "$ 5$ Sadness <isgust Surprise Fear Happiness

' Few Words o* 'nger


' Few Words o* 'nger

5light creases in the middle bro, (Currogator) Eyelids are slightly raised (Levitor Palpabrae) (ips are clenched back,ard (Buccinator) 5light do,nturn in lip corners (Triangularis)

' Few Words o* 'nger


' Few Words o* 'nger

Classic! angry G1Dshaped eyebro,s (Currogator)

8asolabial fold deepens! #pper lip is s6uared off (A.N. Labius Superioris)

(o,er lip raises into a pout! Aimpling in the chin (Mentalis)

' Few Words o* 'nger

%issed o33

' Few Words o* 'nger

%issed o33
Bro, raises slightly (Frontalis) 5harper 8asolabial Fold! .aised upper lip (A.N. Labius Superioris)

(o,er lip ;uts out (Orb. Oris, Lo er Lip out)

' Few Words o* 'nger

;er, %issed o33

' Few Words o* 'nger

;er, %issed o33

5light s6uinting (Orb. Oculi)

Bared upper teeth (Orb. Oris, !pper Lip Out)

56uared lo,er lip corners! 5harp tendon creases in her neck ("isorius#Plat$s%a)

' Few Words o* 'nger

Cons!-ed in 4a"e

' Few Words o* 'nger

Cons!-ed in 4a"e

>ntense! asymmetrical s6uinting (Orb. Oculi)

4pen :outh

Prominent tendons in her neck ("isorius#Plat$s%a)

The si- *undamental e-pressions:

!$ 'nger

2. Sadness
;$ =$ "$ 5$ <isgust Surprise Fear Happiness

' Few Words o* Sadness


' Few Words o* Sadness

Eyelids droop (Levitor Palpabrae) Ha, slightly open! lips locked (Orb. Oris, Lip Loc&ing) Ao,nturned lip corners (Triangularis) 5light dimpling in her chin (Mentalis)

' Few Words o* Sadness


' Few Words o* Sadness

&ug 4f War bet,een t,o bro, muscles! creating the classic sad '#psideDAo,n ID5haped) eyebro,sWorry lines in :iddle Bro, (Me'ial Frontalis) Bro, Creases (Currogator)

' Few Words o* Sadness


' Few Words o* Sadness


#pper (ips s6uared off (Labius Superioris) Prominent dimples in her chin (Mentalis)

' Few Words o* Sadness


' Few Words o* Sadness


(ip corners upturned (($go%atic Ma)or) (o,er lip turned in,ard (Orb. Oris Lip Tig*t) Lo er lip corners s+uare' o,, ("isorius#Plat$s%a)

' Few Words o* Sadness

C<o=in" !p

' Few Words o* Sadness

C<o=in" !p

Ber eyes close (Levitor Palpabrae), and begin to s6uint shut (Orb. Oculi)

' Few Words o* Sadness


' Few Words o* Sadness


Eyes tightly shut $4rb+ 4culi%

&he middle of her lo,er lip is raised (Mentalis), But the corners of her lo,er lip are deeply lo,ered (Triangularis, "isorius#Plat$s%a)

The si- *undamental e-pressions:

!$ 'nger %$ Sadness

3. Disgust
=$ Surprise "$ Fear 5$ Happiness

' Few Words o* <isgust


' Few Words o* <isgust

Bro, raises and furro,s slightly (Frontalis, Currogator) Eyelids droop (Levitor Palpabrae) Ber upper lip curls slightly (A.N. Labius Superioris) Ao,nturned lip corners (Triangularis) Balling belo *er tig*tene' lips (Orb. Oris, Lip Tig*t) 5light dimpling in her chin (Mentalis)

Portrait of Jueen EliKabeth >> By (ucian Freud! /==1

' Few Words o* <isgust


' Few Words o* <isgust

Eyelids droop further (Levitor Palpabrae)

5harpened 8asolabial Fold! "symmetric lip curling (Lab. Superioris, A.N. Lab. Superioris)

>ncreased dimpling in her chin (Mentalis)

Aick Cheney

' Few Words o* <isgust


' Few Words o* <isgust

56uinting and cro,s feet (Orb. Oculi)

Aeep 8asolabial Fold! (ips fully curled (Lab. Superioris, A.N. Lab. Superioris)

' Few Words o* <isgust


' Few Words o* <isgust

Crease forms in eyes inside corners (A.N. Labius Superioris)

(ips are clenched back,ards (Buccinator)

Lo er lip is stretc*e' out ar', Ten'ons ,or% in *er nec& ("isorius#Plat$s%a)

' Few Words o* <isgust


' Few Words o* <isgust


Aeep furro,ing in her bro, (Currogator) 5he closes and s6uints her eyes asymmetrically (Lev. Palpabrae, Orb. Oculi)

(o,er lip is raised in the middle! Aeep puckering in her chin (Mentalis)

' Few Words o* <isgust

Co-pletel, :rossed

' Few Words o* <isgust

Co-pletel, :rossed

Aeep s6uinting (Lev. Palpabrae, Orb. Oculi)

Open Mout*

(o,er lip tightens (Orb. Oris Lip Tig*t)

The si- *undamental e-pressions:

!$ 'nger %$ Sadness ;$ <isgust

4. Surprise
"$ Fear 5$ Happiness

' Few Words o* Surprise


' Few Words o* Surprise

Ber bro, is raised! ,orry lines slightly 1isible (Frontalis) Eyelids are retracted! sho,ing Whites of her eyes abo1e her irises (Levitor Palpabrae)

' Few Words o* Surprise


' Few Words o* Surprise


:outh hangs open from gra1ity

' Few Words o* Surprise


' Few Words o* Surprise


Ber mouth puckers into an '4) shape (-ncisivus)

"osella Sees a Crab By Cassie "ge <

' Few Words o* Surprise


' Few Words o* Surprise

Bro, is completely raised (Frontalis) Eyelids are completely retracted (Levitor Palpabrae)

:outh is fully open

The si- *undamental e-pressions:

!$ %$ ;$ =$ 'nger Sadness <isgust Surprise

5. Fear
5$ Happiness

' Few Words o* Fear

As it* sa'ness, t*ere.s a Tug o, /ar bet een Me'ial Frontalis (up), an' Currogator ('o n).

' Few Words o* Fear

As it* sa'ness, t*ere.s a Tug o, /ar bet een Me'ial Frontalis (up), an' Currogator ('o n). T*e e$ebro s are !psi'e01o n020S*ape'.

' Few Words o* Fear

As it* sa'ness, t*ere.s a Tug o, /ar bet een Me'ial Frontalis (up), an' Currogator ('o n). T*e e$ebro s are !psi'e01o n020S*ape'. Worry (ines in midDbro, (Me'ial Frontalis) Furro,ed bro, (Currogator) 5light Fro,n (Triangularis)

' Few Words o* Fear


' Few Words o* Fear

Eyes ,ide openL ,hites 1isible abo1e her irises (Levitor Palpabrae)

' Few Words o* Fear


' Few Words o* Fear

(o,er eyelids become tense! and lift up,ards! to,ard the pupils (Lo er Orb. Oculi)

(ip curls! 8asolabial Fold deepens (Labius Superioris, AN Labius Superioris) 56uared lo,er lip! &ension in her neck ("isorius#Plat$s%a)

' Few Words o* Fear


' Few Words o* Fear


:ore tension in her lo,er lids (Lo er Orb. Oculi)

>ncreased tension in her neck ("isorius#Plat$s%a)

' Few Words o* Fear


' Few Words o* Fear

T*e act o, screa%ing or&s out nearl$ all t*e %uscles in a *u%an ,ace. Nearl$ ever$ crease or ,ol' t*at is *i''en in a rela3e' ,ace beco%e visible 'uring a screa%4 Worry lines (Frontalis) Bro, furro,s (Currogator) Cro, s feet (Orb. Oculi) Wrinkle on inner eye corners (A.N. Labius Superioris) 8asolabial folds (Labius Superioris, A.N. Labius Superioris) Chin Puckering (Mentalis) 8eck &endons ("isorius#Plat$s%a

The si- *undamental e-pressions:

!$ %$ ;$ =$ "$ 'nger Sadness <isgust Surprise Fear

6. Happiness

' Few Words o* )leasure

Croo=ed Aal3-*-ile

' Few Words o* )leasure

Croo=ed Aal3-*-ile

Corners of her mouth are pulled straight up,ard (Caninus) &he rest of her mouth is nearly unaffected+

' Few Words o* )leasure

.ona #isa *-ile

' Few Words o* )leasure

.ona #isa *-ile

" little 9ygomatic $both sides%

' Few Words o* )leasure

.ona #isa *-ile

&ouch of (eft Caninus

' Few Words o* )leasure

.ona #isa *-ile

E*tra 9ygomatic on the .ight side

' Few Words o* )leasure

.ona #isa *-ile

" dab of &riangularis! .ight 5ide only

' Few Words o* )leasure

.ona #isa *-ile

&ighten lips ,ithBuccinator! and 4rb+ 4ris $(ip &ighten%

' Few Words o* )leasure

.ona #isa *-ile

" trace of sneer on the .ight 5ide $.+ (abius 5uperioris%

' Few Words o* )leasure

.ona #isa *-ile

(o,er Eyelids $(e1itor Palpabrae%

' Few Words o* )leasure

0asic *-ile

' Few Words o* )leasure

0asic *-ile

(ips pulled up! back and out (($go%atic Ma)or)

' Few Words o* )leasure

:en!ine *-ile
>f she s really happy and not ;ust acting pleasant! her eyes ,ill sho, it-

' Few Words o* )leasure

:en!ine *-ile
>f she s really happy and not ;ust acting pleasant! her eyes ,ill sho, it-

Ber lo,er eyelids compress into a s6uint! ,ith cro, s feet (Orb. Oculi, Lo er Portion)

Smiling with (our e(es

)e!tral e,es *-ilin" e,es

When someone is genuinely smiling! the lo,er lid of the eye flattens out $(o,er 4rbicularis 4culi%-

Mand the pocket of shade belo, the eye compresses and flattens-

' Few Words o* )leasure

0asic :rin

5he e*poses her upper teeth ,ith t,o separate actions-

' Few Words o* )leasure

0asic :rin

5he e*poses her upper teeth ,ith t,o separate actionsHa, hangs slightly open Ber lo,er lip is pulled do,n $(abius >nferioris%

' Few Words o* )leasure

:en!ine :rin
When she s grinning out of real happiness! she uses an additional muscle action-

' Few Words o* )leasure

:en!ine :rin
When she s grinning out of real happiness! she uses an additional muscle action-

Ber upper lip contracts slightly up,ard! e*posing her gums (Orb. Oris, Lip Loose)

' Few Words o* )leasure

@eddin" %ict!re :rin
>f she s feeling stress ,hile grinning! she may compensate ,ith a single re1ealing muscle action-

' Few Words o* )leasure

@eddin" %ict!re :rin
>f she s feeling stress ,hile grinning! she may compensate ,ith a single re1ealing muscle actionBer lo,er lip is stretched out,ard and do,n,ard! forming her lips into a rectangular shape+ &endons form on her neck+ ("isorius#Plat$s%a)

The Frown Smile: a uni>uel( human *ace

&he Fro,n 5mile is li1ing proof that ,e ha1e a subconscious+ >t s the result of internal psychological conflict+ &he conflict is bet,een being happy! and trying not to sho, that ,e re happy+ &hree muscles are in1ol1ed in the conflict- 9ygomatic! &riangularis and :entalis+ 9ygomatic is on the side of happiness+ Clearly! ?ene1ie1e is happyNher rounded nasolabial fold $a%+ a b c &riangularis and :entalis are on the side of looking serious+ 5ubconsciously! she s trying not to look too happy+ 5he fires up her &riangularis muscles to counteract the up,ard turn of her lips from 9ygomatic+ &he corners of her lips thus turn do,n,ard $b%+ :entalis kicks from the middle of her face! also to counteract her 9ygomatics+ &he skin belo, her lips balls up and puckers slightly $c%+ &he resultEalthough she s smiling! her mouth is actually turned 'o n ar'4

' Few Words o* )leasure

1<e Fro7n *-ile
&,o actions are pulling against her smiling 9ygomatic muscles-

' Few Words o* )leasure

1<e Fro7n *-ile
&,o actions are pulling against her smiling 9ygomatic muscles-

&he lip corners are pulled do,n as in a fro,n (Triangularis) &he lips are pulled to,ard the middle of her face (-ncisivus)

Bill Clinton- master of the Fro,n 5mile

' Few Words o* )leasure

1<e Fro7n #a!"<
5he is trying hard to stifle a laugh+ 5he ,ill need e1en more muscle firepo,er to do this-

' Few Words o* )leasure

1<e Fro7n #a!"<
5he is trying hard to stifle a laugh+ 5he ,ill need e1en more muscle firepo,er to do this-

5he dra,s the middle of her chin up,ard! forcing the middle of her (o,er lip against her upper lip (Mentalis)

' Few Words o* )leasure

A&o!t to crac= !p
5he is heroically trying to keep her composure! but it s about to fail+ "s a last desperate measure! she uses one more muscle-

' Few Words o* )leasure

A&o!t to crac= !p
5he is heroically trying to keep her composure! but it s about to fail+ "s a last desperate measure! she uses one more muscle-

5he pulls her lo,er lip into her mouth+ &he skin under her lo,er lip balls up (Orb. Oris, Lo er Lip Tig*t)

From The Artists Complete Guide to Facial Expression By ?ary Faigin

' Few Words o* )leasure

T*e %ost 'i,,icult e3pression to ani%ate.

' Few Words o* )leasure

T*e %ost 'i,,icult e3pression to ani%ate.
Ber eyes are shut into a full s6uint (Orb. Oculi) Ber smile is at its most e*treme (($go%atic Ma)or) Ber mouth opens con1ulsi1ely 5he bares her upper teeth to her gums (Orb. Oris, !pper Lip Loose) 5he bares her lo,er teeth (Labius -n,erioris)

' Few Words o* )leasure

*<e #a!"<s Until *<e Cries

' Few Words o* )leasure

*<e #a!"<s Until *<e Cries

' Few Words o* )leasure

*<e #a!"<s Until *<e Cries

' Few Words o* )leasure

*<e #a!"<s Until *<e Cries

Homework 'ssignment .*or Wednesda( Fe#$ ?0:

Gi4e a thorough description o* the *acial e-pressions in three o* the photographs included in the *ollowing slides$ E-ample:

This is a mugshot o* :ared Loughner6 taken shortl( a*ter he shot !? people6 including +S ,epresentati4e Ga#rielle Gi**ords6 in Tucson '7 on :anuar( @ %&!!$ The e-pression on Loughner/s lower *ace is o#4iousl( that o* a smile6 as clearl( seen #( his upturned mouth .a0: the L8L .line #etween the lips0 is A+B shaped: 1utside the corners o* his mouth are the distinct ACB chaped cur4es o* his 3asola#ial Folds .#0$ '#o4e these *olds6 his cheeks are pu**ed out and rounded in shape .c0$

g e d c

h * # a

These *eatures are t(pical o* the use o* the 7(gomatic Ma or muscles .d06 which make the lower *ace smile$ 8ut unlike that o* a t(pical smile6 Loughner/s upper *ace has none o* the pleasura#le *eatures6 such as the s>uished lower e(elids6 that a genuine smile shows$ Instead6 Loughner/s e(elids are pulled taut and are nearl( horiContal .e06 #ut the pouches under his e(es are not contracted at allDthe( are round .*06 as in a neutral *ace:

Thus6 his lower 1r#icularis 1culi muscle is rela-ed6 e4en though his lower e(elids are tightl( clenched$ The upper e(elids are pulled #ack .g06 the result o* the Le4itor )alpa#rae muscle #eing contracted .his le*t e(e is #ruised and thus partiall( swollen shut0$ The look in his upper *ace is thus that o* an angr( glare$ The glare is accentuated #( a slight contraction o* his #row .h06 the result o* his Currogator muscle$ The con*licting appearance #etween his angr( upper *ace and his smiling lower *ace is 4irtuall( impossi#le *or most people to emulate$ It/s clearl( a look intended to con4e( menace$

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