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Volume: I Issue : II-III October 2013 - March 2014

A quarterly bulletin of the Catholic Chamber Of Commerce & Industry

Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in but with what it is still possible for you to do.
(Pope John XXIII)

The World of Rachana

From the President's Desk

As I write this message for nd the 2 Edi on of the Rachana Bulle n The World of Rachana, I feel a great sense of sa sfac on, that is the outcome of the successful conduct of the Rachana Annual Awards Ceremony in November and the ini a on of ac vi es for the Rachana World Conven on to be held on the 6th of April 2014. This has become possible because our able and ecient Governing body members, have worked as well integrated team to take Rachana forward towards its objec ves and I must thank them for their whole hearted support. The Rachana Awards Ceremony that took place in November was a great success. I must place on record my sincere congratula ons to the Awardees , the governing body, and members of the organizing commi ee led by its convener, Ronald Gomes who is incidentally a past president and currently a member of the governing council of Rachana. I remain grateful to each and every one who made it an event to remember. Rachana's governing body's dream of having an Interna onal Level Entrepreneurs Meet and Exhibi on has taken shape in the form of the Rachana World Conven on Magnet 2014 now. It will be held on 06 April 2014, a Sunday at the T.M.A. Pai Conven onal Hall and Mr. Walter D'Souza , an outstanding entrepreneur, exporter and an eminent personality has kindly consented to take up the onerous responsibility of organizing this event as the Chairman of the organizing commi ee. Various Commi ees have been formed for the smooth handling of this Conven on. Dr. M. Veerappa Moily, Honorable Minister for Pe t r o l e u m a n d N a t u ra l G a s a n d F o r e s t Environment, Govt. of India Inaugurated the Rachana World Conven on oce and released its th Brochure on Sunday, 19 January, 2014 at 5.30 p.m. at the Bishop's House Hall, Kodialbail, Mangalore. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Denis Prabhu, Vicar General, Diocese of Mangalore, presided over the func on. In pursuance of our objec ve to assist youth become entrepreneurs and in the bargain, help both themselves and society, we have made special provisions for budding entrepreneurs upto the age of 28, slashing the delegate fee by upto 75% to enable them a end the event and get the benet of the knowledge of the eminent speakers and achievers from the catholic community all over India that will grace the event. I expect all Rachana Members to register as delegates and par cipate, especially youth who have been provided with the chance to a end at a dras cally reduced fee. Come let us join hands to make this Conven on a grand success. The Rachana Entrepreneur Development Cell has been doing quite well expanding its reach towards rural parishes helping rural youth to dream big and guiding towards ac on. Rachana Governing Body Members are always willing to assist and guide candidates who are interested in se ng up business. It is our endeavor at Rachana, to make a dierence to our Chris an Society. This will be possible only if we support and collaborate with each other in this enterprise. I look forward to that support and collabora on. Please don't let me down.

Ivan D'Souza
President, Rachana 1

RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana

Editor Brian Fernandes


Wings to fly
Well, the ques on is, what do you want to believe? Do you want to live in a world where things are possible, or in one where they aren't?" Cin, Edges. (Lena Roy). At Rachana, we believe the la er. We award those who y and bring together those who believe that everything is possible. The rst issue of the The World of Rachana was released with much fan fare on the 18th of August 2013 and received, we believe, with enthusiasm by Rachana's members and the public. Enthusiasm can only mo vate, and this issue, is the result of that mo va on. The last 6 months saw Rachana, complete a number of scheduled ac vi es on its calendar. These are more fully described in the ensuing pages of this issue. One of them, its agship ac vity - The Rachana Awards was held with pomp and gaiety at the Milagres jubilee hall on the 17th of November 2013. It was an event to remember Rachana's achievements and ac vi es were portrayed to the President of the Func on, His Lordship, the most reverend Dr. Aloysisus Paul D'souza , the Chief guest, Shri Oscar Fernandes, Hon'ble minister for Transport and Highways, Govt. of India, Guests of Honor, Shri J. R. Lobo, Member of the Karnataka Legisla ve Assembly from Mangalore, Prof. Dr. Shantaram She y, the ve awardees, their families and members of Rachana and the public through a well prepared PowerPoint presenta on, followed by the very richly tradi onal award ceremony and a very sumptuous dinner I am sure It will remain in our memories, un l next year when a new set of awards will be presented to those who make a dierence to themselves, to their professions, to Mangalore society, to the na on and the world at large.

Member Eulalia D'Souza

Member Ronald I. Gomes


Mr. Ivan Dsouza Mr. Rudolph M.C Rodrigues Mr. John Monteiro Mr. Brian Fernandes Ms. Eulalia M Dsouza Mr. Roy Castelino Mr. Marcel Monteiro Mr. Ronald Gomes Mr. William Rebello Mr. Gilbert Dsouza Mr. Stany Alvares Dr. Errol Pinto Mr. Nigel Pereira Capt. John P. Menezes Mr. Ujwal D'souza President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Joint Secretary Immd. Past President Member Member Member Member Member Member President Catholic Sabha Nominated Nominated

From the Presidents Desk.................... 1 Editorial ............................................... 2 Cover Story...........................................4 Happennings..........................................8 Biz Talk ................................................14

Bishops House, Kodialbail Mangalore 575 003 Phone: 2449888

RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana

From the Editor's Desk

It was Denzel Washington the famous American award winning actor who said at an Academy Awards func on, Man gives you the award but God gives you the reward. Therefore to the awardees I say don't let the award dene you. Instead, use it as an inspira on and arma on to keep discovering, to keep developing and expanding your role in society's development. Let it mo vate you to both support and push others to the edges of what you think they can achieve. An award is a bright light on the journey, to keep us going, but it doesn't change our intrinsic value as unique human beings. It reminds us that we can achieve greatness, and that we can develop wings with which to y. It also humbly reminds us that we must teach others to y too. The Entrepreneur Development Cell is doing exactly that providing wings to dreams of budding rural entrepreneurs its spread to the rural parishes of the Mangalore Diocese, is an ini a ve of this Governing Body led by its president Ivan D'souza and developed by Shri Gilbert D'souza, the convener of the cell. In the process, the Entrepreneur Cell conducted a workshop for the Moodabidri varado at Moodabidri on 15-12-2013. It has also rmed up plans to these workshops, to budding entrepreneurs of the other varados of the Mangalore Diocese, beginning with t h e B e l a Va ra d o d u r i n g D e c e m b e r 2013/January 2014. Also on the anvil is a rst for Rachana the organiza on of an interna onal conven on of businessmen hailing from Mangalore, and currently relocated across India and the world aptly en tled MAGNET 2014. It's not only a homecoming, but an opportunity for us to learn from success, to network and to build bridges across oceans. It is slated for the 6th of April 2014 at the TMA Pai Conven on Hall at Mangalore. The conference will be accompanied by an exhibi on of industrial and other products of the companies founded and assiduously built by the delegates a ending the conference. We hope to see you all there in large numbers. Please block your diaries accordingly. Time ies, and if given wings, so will man. That is our aim at Rachana, to provide wings to man (when I say man, it's but a manner of speaking I am gender neutral) and we hope to do that con nuously and consistently. As you turn the pages of this, the second edi on of the World of Rachana, a holy child will already have arrived in our midst, to spread the message of His father love thy neighbor as I have loved you. Christmas, provides us with a chance to make a new beginning, every year, and I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and frui ul new year. Let me leave you with a profound self explanatory quote from our beloved Pope Francis, The culture of selshness and individualism that o en prevails in our society is not, I repeat, not what builds up and leads to a more habitable world: rather, it is the culture of solidarity that does so; the culture of solidarity means seeing others not as rivals or sta s cs, but brothers and sisters. Pope Francis Enjoy this issue. Un l the next, Au revoir. Brian Fernandes

RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana



RACHANA, Mangalore's Catholic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, formed in 1999, represents Catholic Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Agriculturists hailing from the coastal d i s t r i c t s s p re a d a c ro s s t h e w o r l d . Rachana's core objec ves are to, represent, develop , educate, honor, award and Promote their interests. It does so, through its various eec ve and well publicized ac vi es from the annual Rachana Awards (Rachana's Flagship Ac vity), and its Entrepreneur Development Cell, to the organiza on of Interac ve mee ngs with Govt. Authori es/Ocers , People's representa ves, and Ministers to Represent and Promote Catholic Society's / Entrepreneurs' Interests. Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza, Bishop of Mangalore is the Patron of Rachana. Mangalore's entrepreneurial talent is legendary. Mangaloreans have used their talent and their inherent perseverance to build businesses across the globe from West Asia to the Americas , and from Europe to Australia. Rachana's endeavor this year, is to provide a pla orm for these global business leaders, Industrialists and Businessmen hailing from the coastal districts, to meet and build a dynamic and mutually benecial business interac on. Towards this end Rachana has organized a one day Conven on and industrial products th Exhibi on, MAGNET 2014 on the 6 of April 2014 at the TMA Pai Interna onal Conven on Centre, MG Road, Mangalore. The Conference will culminate with a gala dinner. Rachana is looking forward to the following key outcomes from MAGNET 2014 the crea on of the Rachana Venture Capital fund to provide need based venture capital to start up's by rst genera on entrepreneurs; and the establishment of the Rachana Industrial credit coopera ve society to help exis ng entrepreneurs to build and expand their businesses Details of this momentous event in the history of Mangalore are in the following pages. Dr. M. Veerappa Moily, Honorable Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas and Forest Environment, Govt. of India inaugurated the Rachana World Conven on oce and released its Brochure printed on the following pages on th Sunday, 19 January, 2014 at 5.30 p.m. at the Bishop's House Hall, Kodialbail, Mangalore. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Denis Prabhu, Vicar General, Diocese of Mangalore, presided over the func on. We look forward to members publicizing this development ini a ve of Rachana among friends and rela ves in India and abroad and an cipate wide support from all. Walter D'Souza
Chairman, Organizing Commi ee RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry 4

The World of Rachana



RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana


RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana


RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana



2013 IN PICS

RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana



RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce and Industry conferred its annual awards on ve eminent personali es from dierent elds at a gli ering ceremony held at Milagres Jubilee hall on Sunday November 17, 2013. Mr. Oscar Fernandes, Union Cabinet Minister for Transport, Road & Highways presented the awards along with other dignitaries. The awardees were Mr Rohan Monteiro of Rohan Corpora on (Entreprenuer of the Year), former na onal hockey player Ms Jacqueline Colaco (Outstanding Woman of the Year), Prof Edmund Frank (Agriculturist of the Year), scien st Dr Stanislaus F D'souza (Professional of the Year) and Dubai-based industrialist Mr Lawrence Mendonca (NRI Entrepreneur of the Year). Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza, Bishop of Mangalore diocese presided over the func on. Mangalore South MLA Mr J R Lobo and Prof Dr M Shantaram She y, ProChancellor, Ni e University were the Guests of Honour while Ms Blossom Fernandes, Mr Ivan D'Souza, president of Rachana, Mr John Monteiro, secretary and Mr Ronald Gomes, convener shared the dais. Conferring the awards, Mr. Oscar Fernandes in his address said, "Rachana has organized a big event wherein it has iden ed great, eminent people who have served the society and honored them with awards." Lauding the forum for its great work since its incep on in 1998, he wished that it would a ain greater heights by conduc ng various programmes for the be erment of society. Showering praises on the award recipients, he said Ms Jacqueline Colaco has not only overcome her own disability but has also supported other people suering from disability. "Being an agriculturist, I was proud of Prof Edmund Frank who has adopted natural methods in farming," he said. He lauded Mr Rohan Monteiro for being a young achiever. He appreciated the good work done by NRI entrepreneur Mr Lawrence Mendonca and scien st Dr Stanislaus F D'Souza. MLA Mr J R Lobo praised the Bishop for suppor ng Rachana and taking the community forward. "In Chris an community, we have plenty of talents. Individually we are successful in our elds but we do not come together. Our thinking should focus on collec ve success," he said. He called upon Mangalorean NRIs to come together and start a business venture by thinking out of the box, thus providing employment opportuni es to youth. He also asked the community to support them. Dr Shantharam She y said, "The city has given me everything, more than what I have given to it. I am proud of the city which has given birth to three great na onal banks, more than 250 educa onal ins tu ons and plenty of talents. We Mangaloreans are recognized as being dierent from others. He also added, "I am proud of the Catholic community as they have contributed more than other communi es to Mangalore. Any bank heads we ask, they thank

RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana

NRIs as they invest their money here. Mangalore is recognized as the 13th economically strong city in the country," he said. Bishop Aloysius Paul D'Souza in his presiden al address said, "I am proud of Rachana award winners who have made a dierence in our community through their tremendous contribu on. Rachana from a small seed since its incep on has grown into a giant tree and is giving fruit by helping the community," he said, wishing them to do great things by helping budding entrepreneurs grow. "Our community should be useful to others as well. We have contributed many things to the society and we should not stop here, instead, more contribu on has to be made," he added. Hon. Minister Mr Oscar Fernandes was able to be part of the programme only for a short while as he had to get back to Delhi to fulll some other commitments. Acknowledging the honour, Ms Jacqueline Colaco said, "Having lived in Bangalore, I did not know I was known in this area. I thank Rachana for honoring me." She requested the Hon Minister Mr Oscar Fernandes to make easy access like ramps for disabled people in this country in various places. "Even though a bill was passed in 1995 which assured equal opportuni es to disabled persons, nothing has been done so far in this regard. I wish that something is done soon. I will con nue to oer my service to needy people." P ro f E d m u n d F ra n k , a n i n n o va v e agriculturist who converted a barren land into a farm using various innova ve techniques expressed his gra tude and said, "Incidents take place in a person's life in two ways, one by choice and another by set of circumstances. In my case, agriculture happened by choice." "Twenty years back, I purchased a barren land at Kalladka (Bantwal) and converted it into a farm. In my farm, I concentrate on integrated farming, water harves ng and growing crops with minimal water," he added. Mr Rohan Monteiro, MD of Rohan Corpora on said, "From the past 20 years, I have been into real estate business considering it as my service to society. I never expected nor did I do anything for an award, and I take this award as a recogni on for my work," he said. "Several people come to me and ask how you made money and achieved great things, to which I reply only with a smile. If a person who works with full dedica on and involves himself completely in his work, he can achieve wonders," he said, thanking his family and other people who have supported him in his journey. Mr Lawrence Mendonca, the dynamic NRI entrepreneur based in Dubai said, "Entrepreneurship is born with innova ve ideas and opportuni es. I got an opportunity to be an entrepreneur at the age of 28 and a er persistent hard work, sacricing me with family, I was able to achieve success." These days we nd many youngsters who aspire to be entrepreneurs but they lack the will to work hard. He asked them to discuss their plans with elders and experts before se ng up their business and stressed that Mangalore needs more entrepreneurs. Another award recipient Dr Stanislaus F. D'Souza, Mumbai who is a renowned

RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana

scien st in Bhabha Atomic Research Ins tute said, "I have been receiving many na onal as well as interna onal awards for my contribu on in the eld of science but this award is more special to me as I received it from my hometown. It will take a prominent place in my life." The award selec on jury consisted of 15 members. They are Captain J P Menezes, Dr Meena Aranha, Ms Eulalia D'Souza, Mr Marcel Monteiro, Mr Felix Pinto, Mr Felix Albuqurque, Mr Roy Castelino, Mr Walter D'Souza, Mr C J Lobo, Dr Errol Pinto, Ms Marjorie Texeira, Dr Norman Mendonca, Mr Gilbert D'Souza, Fr Francis Xavier Gomes and Dr Derek Lobo.

Brief Introduction of RACHANA Awardees - 2013

RACHANA- Outstanding Woman of the Year : Jacqueline Colaco, Bangalore- Social Ac vist and Former Indian Hockey Player: Jacqueline Colaco is a lady with an indomitable spirit and resilience. She represented India in the na onal Hockey team in 1971. At the age of 36, she was aected with a debilita ng disease- rheumatoid arthri s at the peak of her life as a Banker in New York. Now at 63, she is single and is ac vely associated with the Associa on of People with Disability rendering her valuable service to the organiza on which is striving for 'equality and jus ce for people with disability. The hands that wielded the hockey s ck for India between 1964 - 1971 were unable to even hold a book in her hands to read or even do simple personal chores. With her for tude to overcome adversity in life through her abundant gh ng spirit has made a dierence to her own life and to the lives of thousands of people suering from Rheumatoid Arthri s through the Arthri s Founda on (India) she established in 1995. Ms Jacqueline Colaco is no doubt an epitome of courage, forbearance, resilience, dedica on and posi ve approach to life. RACHANA- Agriculturist of the Year : Prof. Edmund Frank, Mangalore. Farm at Bolanthoor, Kalladka (Bantwal Tq) : Prof. Edmund Frank, a rst genera on agriculturist. He has converted a barren land at Bolanthoor, Bantwal Tq into a high yielding farm with areca nut, coconut, banana, papaya and a variety of fruit trees. As an innova ve farmer he also rears turkeys, ducks, rabbits, goats, cows, fowls and dogs. He has developed unique methods of making ca le fodder using the sailez methods. He prepares his own bio-pes cides and compost manure enriching bacteria through bio-digesters. He is also an educa onist, banker, social worker and philanthropist of far excellence. He conducts self employment classes for youngsters and adults in his farm. Research students and scholars from agricultural colleges come for eld visits to his farm to get prac cal inputs.
RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry 11

The World of Rachana

RACHANA- Entrepreneur of the Year : Rohan R. Monteiro, Mangalore. Enterprising Enterpreneur: Dedica on and passion, hard work, faith and perseverance are the true ingredients for the success of Mr. Rohan Reginald Monteiro, a young and enterprising entrepreneur of Mangalore. With a humble beginning by selling consumer products to a massive real estate empire of Property Infratech India Pvt. Ltd., he has carved a niche with 9 completed and 10 ongoing projects. A philanthropist who has helped for a right cause of every community and provides direct & indirect employment to over 1400 people. RACHANA- Professional of the Year : Dr Stanislaus F. D Souza, Mumbai. An Outstanding and Renowned Scien st: Dr S. F. D'Souza was 'Outstanding Scien st', Associate Director, Biomedical Group and Head Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Mumbai who re red recently. He was coordina ng various ac vi es of the Division with respect to Agriculture, crop improvement, soil sciences, plant and microbial biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, Food Technology / food irradia on etc. Under his leadership 19 new crop varie es have been developed in oil seeds and pulses which have been released and Gaze e no ed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, for commercial cul va on in the country and are very popular among the farmers including Karnataka. He has over 41 years of research experience. He has to his credit over 200 scien c papers in reputed Interna onal journals, over another 200 papers in text books and Seminar proceedings and a few patents. RACHANA- NRI Entrepreneur of the Year : Lawrence Mendonca, Dubai, U.A.E. Industrialist : Lawrence Mendonca, an alumni of St Aloysius College and B.E.(Mech.) with a rank from Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Suratkal, Mangalore. He has been an entrepreneur in Dubai for the last 36 years. He is a proprietor of Standard Fabrica on and Engineering Works, Dubai and partner of 8 other Companies that employ approximately 1000 people, many are from Mangalore origin. A philanthropist, who is a lead Member of Kanara Entrepreneurs Ltd. which supports, nurtures and encourages the budding entrepreneurs. Ronald I Gomes
Convenor Rachana Awards 2013 RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry 12

The World of Rachana


Tourism Industry in Mangalore / D.K. Dist.

Mangalore, locally called as Kudla, is one of the nest Coastal ci es of India. We have such vast diverse culture and rich heritage. To u r i s m i s t h e o n l y industry which is Pollu on free. Tourism is the largest Employment Providing Industry and 03 largest Revenue earning Industry in the world. Mangalore being called the Rome of the East, has so much to oer, like it's old heritage valued temples, churches, Educa onal Ins tu ons, diverse life style etc. In our country Tourism s ll has not found it's due a en on and importance and boost it is impera ve that we try and push for this, so that we do jus ce to what we have to oer to Tourists. We have temples for Religious tours, Jain Temple in Moodbidri is called the South Jain Kashi, we have churches da ng back to 300years odd, we have few factories which are peculiar to this area. Our Red Tiles are one major a rac on, Cashew Factories are wonderful to visit. Beaches in Mangalore are worth a men on when we talk of Mangalore a rac ons. Monsoon Tourism, to be one with nature with thick forests, trekking up the hill etc. Wellness Tourism is something that can be looked at in the years to come, which will also fetch us good response from Tourists all over our Country and abroad. Athithi Devo Bhava is the punching Theme of our Tourism Promo on. I wish our Tourism Departments State and Central live by this Theme. We need to provide basic infrastructure to Tourists arriving from dierent parts of our Country and else where. Mangalore is what I call Place with Tradi on of Tradi ons It is hard to nd a place so beau ful as our City. We have a balanced popula on of all religions living in harmony. We have history da ng back to centuries in our Temples & Churches. We have few best of temples, churches, mosques, shrines, clean beaches, old Forts, Fishing ac vi es and many more. We house 05 Na onalised Bank Head Oces in Mangalore / Udupi. We are proud to say we have few best of Medical and Engineering Colleges in the country. I must say, we are blessed to be Mangaloreans. What more do we n e e d to s e l l M a n ga l o re a s a To u r i s m Des na on. Tourism is the only Industry that has not seen a light of the day as yet in Mangalore. Let us strive hard to get there, through the help of our Departments, which are working hard towards achieving this. I am hopeful that Mangalore will feature as Must see Des na ons in India very soon.!! Let us all create basic awareness of Tourism Importance among ourselves, our neighbors and strive hard to achieve this goal. Eulalia D'Souza
Proprietor Lia Travels & Tours, Bijai 14

RACHANA - Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The World of Rachana


For private circulation only If Undelivered please return to: The Editor The World of Rachana 108, Bishop's House, Kodialbail, Mangalore 575 003, To:

Edited & Published by Brian Fernandes for Rachana & Printed at Assisi Press, Mangalore

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