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Human Rights Alert, NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD

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February 6, 2014
Members of the Executive Board (named below)
CEO (unnamed)
Audit Committee (named below)
Accountant (named below)
LaSova Non-Profit Association
Tel: 03-3731660
Fax: 03-7519991
By fax and by email
RE: Notice of harassment of the homeless on behalf of LaSova and
Request No 3 for transparency in operations in the Occupy Tel Aviv Camp
Your immediate actions are required!
LaSova Officers:
Copied below is a February 5, 2014 post, documenting the most recent
developments, relative to harassment of the homeless in the homeless shelters,
built by LaSova in the Occupy Tel Aviv camp area, on behalf of the
Municipality of Tel-Aviv.
It is also noted that previous requests for transparency in conduct of LaSova in
the Occupy Tel Aviv camp remain unanswered. [1,2]
The evidence consistently shows that LaSova non-profit association serves as a
disguise for conduct of municipal and state authorities in the welfare area,
which is out of compliance with the laws of the State of Israel and fundamental
Human Rights.
Your immediate actions are required!

Joseph Zernik, PhD

Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Occupy Tel Aviv
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of
the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report
regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the

courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in

* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of
the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report
regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the
electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees
courts in Israel."
[1] 14-01-11 Occupy Tel Aviv: Request no 1 for transparency in operations of LaSova
charitable association // ",
[2] 14-01-20 #OccupyTLV: Request for transparency by LaSova non-profit
association re: connection with law enforcement implant in the operation of illegal
homeless shelters in OccupyTLV camp// : 2

===14-02-05 OccupyTLV: UPDATE illegal homeless shelters by LaSova

Uriel and Michal in strange collusion to evict the homeless from the
Today, around 12:00noon, I saw Michal and Uriel try to evict first Alex from
the southern shelter, then others from the northern shelter.
When I asked Michal why and by what authority she acts, the responses were:
* The shelters are meant only for rainy days.
* Her actions are follow up to something she wrote in Facebook
* Her actions follow something, written in some web page of Tel Aviv
* Alex lives there with a woman (It is true, but he built a small tent at the end
of the shelter, which is also separated from the rest by a partition. Amos lived
there with a woman previously, and Michal lives with a partner. There is no
known law against domestic partnership of the homeless.)
* One of the dwellers of the northern shelter is Sudanese. (It is true, but it is
unclear what his legal status is, and what is Michal's status as enforcer. And
she tried to evict everybody, not only the Sudanese.)
Her response quickly turned into personal attack on me.
Throughout the conversation I ignored Uriel, but when Michal could not
answer, on whose behalf she was operating, he jumped in and explained that
she was operating on his behalf. Complex relationship between Uriel and
Uriel, former policeman, former prisoner, a violent person, against whom
restraining order, prohibiting him from presence in the camp, was not enforced,
is a well-documented police/municipality implant.

Uriel has been claiming for a while that he is In Charge of the homeless
shelters, built by the Tel-Aviv Municipality under the guise of LaSova nonprofit association. LaSova, which claims to operate with full transparency
refuses to answer on the nature of her conduct in the Occupy Tel Aviv camp,
=In sum=
The level of engagement of the authorities in the Occupy Tel Aviv camp is
surprising. Recent fake enforcement actions of recent weeks produced
unusual documentation of:
* Conduct under the color of law (including the Israel Police!) in enforcement
of Decrees that never existed.
* Conduct under the guise of a non-profit association
* Conduct under the guise of social protest activists
* Arbitrary, capricious and discriminatory application of force (State persons,
* Unbearable ease of implanting false news with media (print, TV).
Combined: typical signs of a police state.
2014 , 6

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