Optical Fibre Communication

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION The fast growth of the communication has resulted in the tremendous growth of Internet traffic in the optical networks, and thereby led to need for an ultra high capacity long-distance transmission system. Four wave mixing (FWM) impairments become more and more detrimental, since optical amplifiers accumulate degradation.FWM induced degradation has attracted much attention since this is the primary source of inter channel crosstalk when signals are transmitted near zero dispersion wavelength here propose a novel compensation method based on FWM estimation. The number of detectors is reduced in our estimation method since only signal channels are detected and information of other FWM channels are deduced based on these detected channels. This compensation method is also effective in multichannel system. 1.2 INTRODUCTION OF OPTICAL FIBRE COMMUNICATION Now in the twenty first century, the era of Information technology. There is no doubt that information technology has had an exponential growth through the modern telecommunication systems. Particularly, optical fibre communication plays a vital role in the development of high quality and highspeed telecommunication systems. Today, optical fibres are not only used in telecommunication links but also used in the Internet and local area networks (LAN) to achieve high signalling rates. 1.2.1 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATION The use of light for transmitting information from one place to another place is a very old technique. In 800 BC., the Greeks used fire and smoke signals for sending information like victory in a war, alerting against enemy, call for help, etc. Mostly only one type of signal was conveyed. During the second century B.C. optical signals were encoded using signalling lamps so that

any message could be sent. There was no development in optical communication till the end of the 18th century. The speed of the optical communication link was limited due to the requirement of line of sight transmission paths, the human eye as the receiver and unreliable nature of transmission paths affected by atmospheric effects such as fog and rain. In 1791, Chappe from France developed the semaphore for telecommunication on land. But that was also with limited information transfer. In 1835, Samuel Morse invented the telegraph and the era of electrical communications started throughout the world. The use of wire cables for the transmission of Morse coded 849 signals was implemented in 1844. In 1872, Alexander Graham Bell proposed the photo phone with a diaphragm giving speech transmission over a distance of 200 m. But within four years, Graham Bell had changed the photo phone into telephone using electrical current for transmission of speech signals. Here the repeater spacing is mentioned as distance. In the old optical communication system, the bit rate distance product is only about 1 (bit/s)-km due to enormous transmission loss (105 to 107 dB/km). The information carrying capacity of telegraphy is about hundred times lesser than telephony. Even though the high-speed coaxial systems were evaluated during 1975, they had smaller repeater spacing. Microwaves are used in modern communication systems with the increased bit rate distance product. However, a coherent optical carrier like laser will have more information carrying capacity. So the communication engineers were interested in optical communication using lasers in an effective manner from 1960 onwards. A new era in optical communication started after the invention of laser in 1960 by Maiman. The light waves from the laser, a coherent source of light waves having high intensity, high mono chromaticity and high directionality with less divergence, are used as carrier waves capable of carrying large amount of information compared with radio waves and microwaves. Subsequently H M Patel, an Indian electrical engineer designed and fabricated a CO2 laser.

1.3 INTRODUCTION TO OPTIWAVE Optical communication systems are increasing in complexity on an almost daily basis. The design and analysis of these systems, which normally include nonlinear devices and non-Gaussian noise sources, are highly complex and extremely time-intensive. As a result, these tasks can now only be performed efficiently and effectively with the help of advanced new software tools. OptiSystem is an innovative optical communication system simulation package that designs, tests, and optimizes virtually any type of optical link in the physical layer of a broad spectrum of optical networks, from analog video broadcasting systems to intercontinental backbones. OptiSystem is a stand-alone product that does not rely on other simulation frameworks. It is a system level simulator based on the realistic modeling of fibre-optic communication systems. It possesses a powerful new simulation environment and a truly hierarchical definition of components and systems. Its capabilities can be extended easily with the addition of user components, and can be seamlessly interfaced to a wide range of tools. A comprehensive Graphical User Interface (GUI) controls the optical component layout and net list, component models, and presentation. The extensive library of active and passive components includes realistic, wavelength-dependent parameters. Parameter sweeps allow you to investigate the effect of particular device specifications on system performance. Created to address the needs of research scientists, optical telecom engineers, system integrators, students, and a wide variety of other users, OptiSystem satisfies the demand of the booming photonics market for a powerful and easy-to-use optical system design tool. OptiSystem is also available in two additional configurations: Amplifier Edition Multimode Edition

1.3.1 BENEFITS Rapid, low-cost prototyping Global insight into system performance Straightforward access to extensive sets of system characterization data Automatic parameter scanning and optimization Assessment specifications Dramatic reduction of investment risk and time-to-market Visual representation of design options and scenarios to present to prospective customers The features included in each of these configurations are listed below. of parameter sensitivities aiding design tolerance

TABLE 1.1: Features of OptiSystem 1.3.2 APPLICATIONS OptiSystem allows for the design automation of virtually any type of

optical link in the physical layer, and the analysis of a broad spectrum of optical networks, from long-haul systems to MANs and LANs. OptiSystems wide range of applications includes: Optical communication system design from component to system level at the physical layer CATV or TDM/WDM network design Passive optical networks (PON) based FTTx Free space optic (FSO) systems Radio over fibre (ROF) systems SONET/SDH ring design Transmitter, channel, amplifier, and receiver design Dispersion map design Estimation of BER and system penalties with different receiver models Amplified system BER and link budget calculations 1.4 INTRODUCTION TO CHAPTERS The chapter 2 gives an idea about the old methods used for the FWM compensation. It describes mainly what was the old method used for the compensation and how it was worked. The chapter 3 gives an idea about our proposed work, what method we are used for the FWM compensation and how it is worked, and also what is the method we are going to implement. It also includes the simulation verification of our work with various diagrams. The chapter 4 gives an idea about what we have done by the simulation and its output. It also describe about the effectiveness of our work, and also with detail about the all output. The chapter 5 gives an idea about what we are going to study and implement in future and it is also include conclusion of our work and it gives a complete idea about our work and what are the advantages of our work.



2.1 NEW TECHNIQUES FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF THE FOURWAVE MIXING-INDUCED DISTORTION IN NONZERO DISPERSION FIBRE WDM SYSTEMS I. Neokosmidis, T. Kamalakis, A. Chipouras, and T. Sphicopoulos, (2005). Authors studied about the performance of a wavelength-division multiplexing(WDM) optical network can be severely degraded due to fibre nonlinear effects. In the case where nonzero dispersion(NZD) fibres are employed, the four-wave mixing (FWM) effect sets an upper limit on the input power, especially in the case of narrow channel spacing. In order to reduce FWM-induced distortion two new techniques, the hybrid amplitude-/frequencyshift keying (ASK/FSK) modulation and the use of prechirped pulses are investigated. It is shown that both techniques can greatly improve the Q-factor in a 10 Gb/s WDM system. This happens even for very high input powers 10dBm, where the degradation of the conventional WDM system is prohibitively high. The proposed methods are also applied and tested in higher bit rates (40 Gb/s). It is deduced that although the hybrid ASK/FSK modulation technique marginally improves the system performance, the optical prechirp technique can still be used to greatly increase the maximum allowable input power of the system. 2.1.1 WAVELENGTH-DIVISION MULTIPLEXING (WDM) Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is being widely adopted as a means to increase the capacity of optical networks. However, the rapid growth in the number of Internet users and the need for provision of new broadband services is expected to significantly increase the traffic volume. There is thus a need to develop larger WDM networks with narrower channel spacing and/or higher channel data rate. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the overall cost

can be accomplished by reducing the number of optical amplifiers used in the links, enabling the use of higher input power at the transmitter. However, an increase in the optical power can cause signal degradation due to fibre nonlinear effects, including four-wave mixing (FWM), cross-phase modulation(XPM) and self-phase modulation (SPM). Both XPM and FWM introduce intensity fluctuations that depend on the intensity of neighboring channels, resulting into inter channel interference. SPM is generally considered negligible compared to XPM: even for a system of two optical channels, XPM is twice as effective as SPM for the same intensity. However, in WDM systems employing nonzero dispersion(NZD) fibres, the main nonlinear induced penalty arises from FWM. This is especially true in systems employing dispersion compensation, in which the XPM-induced distortion is diminished. In recent years, several FWM suppression techniques have been proposed. Since the power of the FWM products decreases quickly as the fibre dispersion increases, one solution is to use standard single-mode fibres. This, however, results in a large dispersion accumulation at the receiver and necessitates the use of long dispersion compensating fibres (DCFs) in each network node. Another approach is to use optical multiplexers and demultiplexer with the combination of delay lines, bit-phase arranged return-tozero (BARZ) signals, hybrid WDM/time division multiplexing (TDM) technique, polarization-division multiplexing, and unequal channel spacing. The above techniques come at the expense of less channel efficiency or/and more network complexity. For example, the use of unequal channel spacing requires the design of optical multiplexers and demultiplexer with central wavelengths not compatible with the ITU grid. Here, two new methods based on a hybrid amplitude frequency-shift keying (ASK/FSK) modulation and pulse prechirping are proposed for the suppression of the FWM effect.

2.1.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION A conventional WDM link is shown in Figure.2.1. The separate channels are ASK modulated and multiplexed into a single WDM signal. The WDM signal is then launched into an NZD fibre. As the signal propagates through the fibre, nonlinear effects can cause inter-channel interference and degrade its quality. At the receiver the signals are dispersion compensated and demultiplexed. Each signal is then detected using a direct detection receiver. The receiver may consist of a photodiode, an electrical amplifier, and an electrical filter. After the filter, the signal is sampled and a decision threshold device is used to detect whether a 1 or a 0 is received.

Figure.2.1 System Structure.

A conventional WDM link is shown. It includes both transmitter section and receiver section for transmitting and receiving of the signal. Transmitter section include data source means transmission signal, amplitude shift keying modulator and multiplexer. signal use as a data source and the multiplexer used for combining the different signal as one signal.


At the next step the signal transmitted through optical cable as non zero dispersion fiber. As the signal propagate through the fiber, on linear effect can cause inter channel interference and degrade its quality. Receiver section include a dispersion compensated fiber for

compensating dispersion and a demultiplexer for demultiplexing the signal . It also include receiver as a photodiodes to receive the optical signal and convert in to its original form as analog signal. Before discussing the FWM compensation techniques, it will be useful to compare the system degradation due to FWM with that induced by XPM and SPM. In order to carry out this comparison, SPM- and XPM-induced distortion (without considering he FWM effect) is estimated by numerically solving the set of coupled propagation.

Figure. 2.2. Eye diagrams for the central channel of a single span eight-channel WDM system: (a) conventional WDM system, (b) application of the hybrid ASK/FSK modulation, and (c) WDM with prechirped pulses. The transmission rate is 10 Gb/s, the channel spacing is 50 GHz, and the input power is 10 dBm


2.1.3 OPTICAL PRECHIRP In this section, optical prechirping is proposed as another solution for the reduction of the effect of the FWM induced distortion. Since the efficiency of the FWM products is inversely proportional to the phase mismatch, it follows that reducing the phase coherence may reduce the power of the FWM noise. One way to reduce this coherence is through pulse prechirping. Note that a similar technique is used in the suppression of the XPM-induced distortion in systems employing standard fibres. Optical prechirping will be shown to greatly improve the -factor by suppressing the FWM effect. 2.1.4 IMPORTANCE OF THE FWM INDUCED DISTORTION As the WDM channels become denser, power limitations imposed by nonlinear effects become more pronounced. FWM introduces intensity fluctuations in a WDM channel due to other channels. The power of these fluctuations increases with decreasing channel spacing and causes inter channel interference at the receiver. 2.1.5 EFECTIVENESS OF THE PROPOSED METHODS In order to investigate the performance improvement of the two techniques, a series of simulations were performed using the SSFM method. The 40 dB half-width bandwidth of the optical demultiplexer was optimized at the receiver in order to achieve the highest -factor value for the different values of the input power. As expected, the optimum is roughly equal to the channel spacing. For example, in the case of a 10 Gb/s with 100 GHz spacing, the optimum is 90, 95 and 75 GHz for the uncompensated, the hybrid ASK/FSK, and the prechirped systems, respectively. The optimum values of are approximately independent from the input power and were calculated by estimating the -factors for various values 2.2 DISPERSION MANAGEMENT IN PHASE MODULATED OPTICAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Mecozzi.M,Tabacchiera. F, Matera.M(2006)


Authors proposed a method that Nonlinear impairments in DPSK systems are minimized by the same dispersion management effective in IMDD systems, whereas the symmetry of the phase distribution prevents the use of the same strategy with DQPSK. Simulations of 40 and 80 Gb/s transmission support this result. 2.2.1 INTRODUCTION TO DISPERSION MANAGEMENT IN OPTICAL SYSTEM As communication technology is becoming more and more pervasive, the demand for capacity to accommodate a huge flow in the backbone network calls for the search of efficient modulation formats able to support the highest possible single channel bit rate. One of the goals is efficient single-channel transmission at 100Gb/s. To face such challenge, transmission systems based on simple intensity-modulation direct detection(IMDD) are not sufficient and more advanced modulation formats like those based on various forms of phase modulation are becoming very popular. To what extent these modulation formats are sensitive to degradations like the impairments induced by fibre nonlinearities is still an open issue. Another relevant question is whether the techniques traditionally used to mitigate nonlinear impairments in IMDD systems are still effective with the novel modulation formats. Finally, if the answer to the last question is in the affirmative, another open issue is whether these techniques can be applied with no changes or, instead, they have to be adapted to the peculiarities of the more advanced modulation schemes. Aim of this work is to address all these issues. they will show that: 1. The phase distribution of the signal gives qualitative differences in the way nonlinearity affects transmission. 2. Pre-compensation of the fibre dispersion, routinely used to reduce the nonlinear impairments in return-to-zero (RZ) IMDD, works, with no changes in the optimal precompensation, for RZ differential phase shift keying (DPSK).

3. Pre-compensation is instead ineffective with RZ differential quadrature phase shift keying(DQPSK). Authors will give physical arguments in support of claims, and will check them against computer simulations. authors will first sort out the effect of the nonlinearity by simulating a system with ideal distributed Raman amplification. Then, simulate systems at 40 and 80 Gb/s using realistic system parameters. 2.2.2 ANALYSIS OF THE NONLINEAR PROCESS The analysis of the nonlinear interaction may be qualitatively understood as follows. If the transmitted pulses are so short that the spacing between dispersion compensating stations greatly exceeds the dispersion length, a large number of pulses belonging to the same channel overlap during propagation and their nonlinear interaction leads to transmission impairments. When all transmitted pulses are in-phase, each overlapping pulse contributes to the total nonlinear distortion with an in-phase and an out-of-phase component. The in-phase component affects the pulse shape more than the out-ofphase component because it adds linearly to the pulses intensity. If the dispersion profile in the span between dispersion compensating stations is carefully designed, the in-phase component of the nonlinear distortion added in the first half of the span is partially compensated by an opposite amount of distortion in the second half, therefore reducing the total in phase component to a minimum. While the above results were originally derived for intensity modulation only, they apply to antipodal RZ-DPSK as well. With this modulation scheme, the pulses are either in-phase or out of phase. The nonlinear perturbation in quadrature with the pulse does not affect to first order the detected photocurrent at the output of the balanced receiver. We may therefore expect that the dispersion profiles that reduce the nonlinear impairments to a minimum in systems based on intensity modulation will also work well in systems based on RZ-DPSK. In the ideal case in which the line loss is exactly compensated by an equal amount of distributed.


The numerical simulations employ a MATLAB code based on the splitstep algorithm, thoroughly tested in the framework of the IST

projectATLAS.5.6. The transmission line is made of G.652fibres, fibre gratings based chromatic dispersion compensators that we assume as linear and flat gain optical EDFA amplifiers.

Table. 2.1: System parameters (CD: chromatic dispersion; TOD: third order dispersion; NC: nonlinear coefficient; FWHM: full-width at half maximum)

The system parameters are listed in Table 2.1. To investigate the effect of the pre-compensation on the modulation formats, Q factor vs. the input power for a link 700 km long for40 Gb/s IMDD, 40 Gb/s RZ-DPSK and 80 Gb/s DQPSK, with dispersion compensation at the end of each of the 7 spans, and with 78 ps/nm/km pre-compensation. The number of bits was set to 2048 to avoid an artifact, significant for shorter sequences, caused by the artificial periodicity of the bit pattern implicit in the use of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. The results confirm the prediction that precompensation improves the system performance of RZ-IMDD and RZ-DPSK systems, while it is ineffective with RZ-DQPSK

2.2.3 ADVANTAGES We have shown that the phase distribution of the signal gives qualitative differences in the way nonlinearity affects transmission. In particular, dispersion pre-compensation is a powerfull tool for the reduction of the nonlinear impairments in IMDD and DPSK transmission systems, whereas it is not in

DQPSK systems. These predictions have been confirmed by simulations of 40and 80 Gb/s transmission using realistic system parameters. 2.3 COMPENSATION OF INTERCHANNEL CROSSTALK INDUCED BY OPTICAL FIBRE NONLINEARITY IN CARRIER PHASE-LOCKED WDM SYSTEM E. Yamazaki and F. Inuzuka(2007) Authors proposed Compensation of Interchannel Crosstalk Induced by Optical Fibre Nonlinearity in Carrier Phase-Locked WDM System. Reduction of FWM-induced waveform distortion by controlling the phase relationship between neighboring channels and its cancellation by precompensation is successfully demonstrated. 2.3.1 COMPENSATION OF INTERCHANNEL CROSSTALK In a dense wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM)system with optical amplifiers, the tradeoff relationship between signal-to-noise ratio degradation by accumulation of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise from optical amplifiers and nonlinear waveform-distortion in transmission fibres determines the optimum transmission power and together they limit the regenerative repeater spacing. Although precompensation has been used to offset the waveform distortion caused by dispersion and self-phase modulation (SPM) in a single-channel transmission system using high-speed digital processing , no scheme to compensate the interchannel crosstalk in WDM system caused by optical nonlinearity has been reported. Recently, the reduction of linear interchannel crosstalk and compensation technologies have been proposed and demonstrated by the optical phase-locking of WDM carriers. This proposes a scheme that compensates the waveform distortion caused by the inter- and intrachannel crosstalk induced by optical nonlinearity. It uses the phase-locking of WDM carriers and predistortion at the transmitter. The initial amplitude and phase waveforms of each channel are generated according to the calculation of a multichannel nonlinear back propagation. Simulation shows the performance limit of the proposed scheme in full for a system degraded by a variety of

nonlinear effects and generating an ideal predistorted waveform with carrier phase locking. Here, also present a preliminary experimental demonstration of this technique where we successfully compensate a four-wave-mixing (FWM)induced waveform distortion with a simplified precompensator. Experiments show that the waveform distortion of the received signals is reduced by the orthogonal phase alignment of the FWM light to that of the signal light, while the addition of compensation light cancels out FWM and improves the received signal quality.

Figure. 2.3.Precompensation of Nonlinear Interchannel Crosstalk Distortion.

This proposes a scheme that compensates the waveform distortion caused by the inter- and intrachannel crosstalk induced by optical nonlinearity. It uses the phase-locking of WDM carriers and predistortion at the transmitter. The initial amplitude and phase waveforms of each channel are generated according to the calculation of a multichannel nonlinear back propagation. Simulation shows the performance limit of the proposed scheme in full for a system degraded by a variety of nonlinear effects and generating an ideal predistorted waveform with carrier phase locking. Present a preliminary experimental demonstration of this technique where successfully compensate a four-wave-mixing (FWM)-induced waveform distortion with a simplified precompensator. Experiments show that the

waveform distortion of the received signals is reduced by the orthogonal phase alignment of the FWM light to that of the signal light, while the addition of compensation light cancels out FWM and improves the received signal quality. 2.3.2 COMPENSATION SCHEME FOR NONLINEAR ANDLINEAR DISTORTION Interchannel nonlinear distortion in the transmission fibre becomes deterministic when the optical phases of the WDM carriers are locked. This enables, in principle, the compensation of nonlinear distortion components such as FWM and cross phase modulation (XPM) as well as SPM by controlling eachchannels amplitude and phase waveforms at the transmitter so that the waveform distortion is cancelled out at the receiver. Figure.2.4 shows a function diagram of pre-distorted waveform generation in the transmitter. The back-propagation function calculates optical amplitude and phase after the back-propagation of the transmission fibre from the input data patterns of every channel. Generated waveforms suffer from nonlinear and linear effects in actual transmission fibres and expected waveforms are yielded at the receiver.

Figure.2.4.Calculated Example of Precompensation Performance With Received Eye Diagram Example At Optimal Launch Power In Case of 50-Ghz Spacing.


The back-propagation function considers the loss, chromatic-dispersion, nonlinear effects of transmission fibres and in-line optical amplifiers. One way to configure this function is to use a look-up table, which outputs a memorized waveform for every channel using -bit patterns of neighboring channels as addresses in the look-up table. Number depends on the amount of bit delay in neighboring channels caused by fibre dispersion. The optical amplitudes and phases of phase-locked multicarrier sources are individually modulated by the predistorted waveforms. 2.4 PHASED-ARRAY CANCELLATION OF NONLINEAR FWM INCOHERENT OFDM DISPERSIVE MULTI-SPAN LINKS Moshe Nazarathy, Jacob Khurgin, RakefetWeidenfeld, Yehuda Meiman, Pak Cho, Reinhold Noe , Isaac Shpantzer and VadimKaragodsky (2008) Authors develop an analytic model of Coherent Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) propagation and detection over multi-span long-haul fibre links, comprehensively and rigorously analyzing the impairments due the combined effects of FWM, Dispersion and ASE noise Consistent with prior work of Innoe and Schadt in the WDM context, our new closed-form expressions for the total FWM received power fluctuations in the wake of dispersive phase mismatch in OFDM transmission, indicate that the FWM contributions of the multitude of spans build-up on a phased-array basis. For particular ultra-long haul link designs, the effectiveness of dispersion in reducing FWM is far greater than previously assumed in OFDM system analysis. The key is having the dominant FWM inter modulation products due to the multiple spans, destructively interfere, mutually cancelling their FWM inter modulation products, analogous to operating at the null of a phased-array antenna system. By applying the new analysis tools, this mode of effectively mitigating the FWM impairment, is shown under specific dispersion and spectral management conditions, to substantially suppress the FWM power fluctuations.


Accounting for the phased-array concept and applying the compact OFDM design formulas developed here, we analyzed system performance of a 40 Gbps coherent OFDM system, over standard G.652fibre, with cyclic prefix based electronic dispersion compensation but no optical compensation along the link. The transmission range for 10-3 target BER is almost tripled from 2560 km to 6960 km, relative to a reference system performing optical dispersion compensation in every span (ideally accounting for FWM and ASE noise and the cyclic prefix overhead, but excluding additional impairments). 2.4.1 PHASED-ARRAY CANCELLATION OF NONLINEAR FWM Coherent Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (COOFDM) is emerging as a key high-performance optical transmission technique providing major advantages in spectral efficiency and in mitigating the Chromatic Dispersion (CD) and PMD impairments. Notice that there are numerous direct detection studies of optical OFDM, however our exclusive interest in this paper is in OFDM systems using coherent detection, hence forth referred to as OFDM for brevity. The resilience of such systems to CD and PMD is due to the long symbol length of the individual data tributaries carried over multiple low-rate orthogonal sub-channels. In particular, residual CD affecting the low-rate multiple received sub-channels is simply suppressed by applying digital Dispersion Compensation (DC) in the frequency domain, consisting of simple one-tap multiplications of the FFT outputs. 2.5 INTER-CHANNEL FWMIMPAIRMENTS COMPENSATION OF ASK TRANSMISSION WITH DIGITAL COHERENT DETECTION Jing Liang, Kazuhumi Nishiuchi, Katsushi (2010) Authors studied the compensation possibilities for inter-channel FWM impairments using digital coherent detection have been experimentally demonstrated. The signal-to-FWM crosstalk ratio after ASK transmission is increased from 16dB to more than 34dB and the eye diagram is also improved by the compensation.


2.5.1 COMPENSATION POSSIBILITIES FOR INTER-CHANNEL FWM IMPAIRMENTS Four-wave mixing (FWM) impairments degrade the transmission performance. Much attention has been attracted based on FWM induced degradation, since FWM effect becomes the primary source of inter-channel crosstalk when signals are transmitted near zero dispersion wavelength. To avoid FWM impairments, post compensation using digital coherent detection is studied extensively to compensate all of the fibre impairments with backward propagation and it offers great flexibility to the transmission length, fibre characteristics and network configuration change, comparing with the methods of dispersion management, un-equal channel spacing and pre-compensation. Already experimentally demonstrated the feasibility of post-compensation through heterodyne detection by simultaneously receiving signals and FWM components with one PD. Here, experimentally demonstrate a two channel WDM system with amplitude-shift-keying (ASK) modulation to clarify the possibility of interchannel FWM impairments compensation using backward propagation. The signal-to-FWM crosstalk ratio is improved from 16dB to more than 34dB and the eye diagram after demodulation is also improved by compensation. 2.5.2 PRINCIPLE AND EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The signal distortions induced by fibre nonlinearities such as FWM and XPM differ from that of SPM. The formers which appear in WDM transmission systems are affected by the other channels. Therefore, data from the other channels are required for their compensations. Especially, FWM impairments compensation requires the induced new channel data and the phase information of each channel. If different local oscillators (LO) are employed in coherent detection, the signals on different channels have different phases. For this reason, fixed phase relation is required to compensate FWM impairments. Figure 2.5 shows the experimental setup for inter-channel FWM compensation with coherent detection. Two tunable lasers (TL) with 23-GHz

channel spacing are employed as WDM signal sources whose wavelengths are 1549.68nm and 1549.86nm, respectively. These two channel signals are ASK modulated using two Mach-Zehender intensity modulators driven at a bit rate of 0.8Gbps by individual pulse pattern generator (PPG) with the pseudo-random bit sequence of 2 -1 length. The modulated signals are combined by a 3-dB optical coupler (OC), and are amplified by an Erbium-doped fibre amplifier (EDFA), and subsequently fed to a 20-km DSF whose zero-dispersion wavelength is around 1550nm to generate FWM. Polarization controller (PC) is inserted appropriately that both channels are co-polarized. The transmitted signals and the induced FWM components are detected by each individual heterodyne detection receiver.

Figure. 2.5.Experimental setup

The LO is modulated by a LiNbO3 phase-modulator (LN-PM), so the phase relation between all of the phase-modulated LOs can be kept constant when the intermediate frequency (IF) signals are detected by each individual channel. The carrier wavelength is set near one of the signal wavelengths to ensure the IF is about 1.6-GHz for heterodyne detection. The modulating


frequency fm is set as 23-GHz and the modulation index is adjusted to about 1.75, so as to realize the same sideband power as much as possible. The modulated LOs are amplified and then coupled with the transmitted signals and FWM components by 3dB coupler. These coupled signals are then split by the optical demultiplexer which consists of a Mach-Zehender Interferometer (MZI), optical circulator, and a couple of fibre Bragg gratings (FBG) with 3-dB bandwidth of 0.18nm. The optical spectra of modulated LOs, the signals and FWMs after demultiplexer are illustrated in Figure.2.5. The received signals are sampled by four analog-to-digital converters (ADC) at a rate of 5Gsample/s. The converted signals are processed by an off-line calculation. Each of the ASK signals/ FWMs are first filtered by Hilbert filters to eliminate half of the signals which are in higher-frequency and up-sampled to a total bandwidth of 446-GHz. The up-sampled signals are combined with the channel spacing of 23-GHz for optical field reconstruction. The phase differences between the LO sidebands are considered when the received signals are combined. The individual optical powers are compensated to the fibre output powers which are measured before combining LOs. The combined signals are postcompensated through backward propagation which consists of nonlinear phase compensation, chromatic dispersion compensation and fibre loss compensation. The performance of FWM impairments compensation is evaluated by the signal-to-FWM crosstalk ratio as well as the eye diagram which invariably acts as transmission performance indicator.


.Figure.2.6.Optical spectrum of LO and demultiplexer

2.5.3 PROCESS AND RESULTS The converted signals are processed by an off-line calculation. Each of the ASK signals/ FWMs are first filtered by Hilbert filters to eliminate half of the signals which are in higher-frequency and up-sampled to a total bandwidth of 446-GHz. The up-sampled signals are combined with the channel spacing of 23-GHz for optical field reconstruction. The phase differences between the LO sidebands are considered when the received signals are combined. The individual optical powers are compensated to the fibre output powers which are measured before combining LOs. The combined signals are post-compensated through backward propagation which consists of nonlinear phase compensation, chromatic dispersion compensation and fibre loss compensation. The performance of FWM impairments compensation is evaluated by the signal-toFWM crosstalk ratio as well as the eye diagram which invariably acts as transmission performance indicator.


2.6 ELECTRONIC POST-COMPENSATION OF WDM TRANSMISSION IMPAIRMENTS USING COHERENTDETECTION AND DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Xiaoxu Li, Xin Chen, Gilad Goldfarb, Eduardo Mateo, Inwoong Kim, FatihYaman,Guifang (2008) Authors studied A universal post-compensation scheme for fibre impairments in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) systems is proposed based on coherent detection and digital signal processing (DSP). Transmission of 10 10 Gbit/s binary-phase-shift-keying (BPSK) signals at a channel spacing of 20 GHz over 800 km dispersion shifted fibre (DSF) has been Demonstrated numerically. 2.6.1 INTRODUCTION The degree to which fibre impairments are compensated determines the transmission capacity of fibre optic transmission systems. Dispersion compensating fibre (DCF) is commonly used to compensate chromatic dispersion. WDM systems suffer from both intra- and inter channel nonlinearities such as cross-phase modulation (XPM) and four-wave mixing (FWM).These effects can be suppressed using dispersion management. Compensation of nonlinear impairments in fibre has become the next logical step in increasing capacity of WDM systems. A few optical nonlinearity compensation schemes have been demonstrated such as lumped compensation of self-phase modulation and optical phase conjugation for the compensation of both chromatic dispersion and Kerr nonlinearity in fibres. Electrical dispersion compensation (EDC) and electrical nonlinearity compensation(ENLC) have received significant attention in recent years. Several electrical precompensation schemes have been demonstrated to compensate chromatic dispersion or nonlinearity in single-channel or WDM system. These schemes pre-distort the transmitted signals using arbitrary waveform generators. Pre-distortion is calculated using optical phase conjugation or backward propagation, i.e., the signal is distorted by virtual fibre

while compensated through the real fibre transmission. Post-compensation using coherent detection and DSP has been shown to be very effective in chromatic dispersion compensation and intra-channel nonlinearity

compensation. Post-compensation offers great flexibility since adaptive compensation can be incorporated in this scheme. However, there have been no reports to date on post-compensation of inter-channel nonlinearities in WDM transmission. 2.6.2 POST-COMPENSATION BASED ON BACKWARD PROPAGATION

Figure.2.7. WDM system with fibre dispersion and nonlinearity compensation using coherent detection and DSP. Optical path: black line; Electrical path: blue line; OM: optical modulator; EDFA: Erbium-doped fibre amplifier.

Here consider transmission of WDM signals (total number of channel is C) and postcompensation of fibre impairments. The schematic of the transmission system is shown in Figure.2.7 where post-compensation is performed in the digital domain after coherent detection. The WDM signals are transmitted over multiple amplified fibre spans. After transmission, the received signals are mixed in a 90 optical hybrid with a set of local oscillators (LOs), of which C LOs are aligned at the center of the WDM channels. Additional LOs on the both sides are aligned with other FWM components outside the WDM

signal. The in-phase and quadrature components of each WDM channel are obtained by balanced photo detectors. Analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion is followed by DSP to achieve post-compensation and data recovery. 2.6.3 DSP IMPLEMENTATION FOR BACKWARD PROPAGATION To implement backward propagation in the digital domain in real time, two technological constraints must be addressed. First, backward propagation requires the optical field at the end of the transmission fibre be sampled with sufficient temporal resolution. Second, the limit of DSP speed requires parallelization of the post-compensation scheme to cover then tire spectrum of interest. In our approach, each WDM channel is translated to the baseband using coherent detection. The LOs for all WDM channels must be phase-locked for the post-compensation to function properly. Each complex field (at baseband) is sampled at two samples per symbol. In the method proposed here, the received signal corresponding to all WDM channels is considered as a whole for backward propagation, rather than on a channel by channel basis. The base band signals are up-sampled in the digital domain to ensure sufficient temporal resolution for backward propagation.

Figure. 2.8. Eye diagrams of the 5th WDM channel: a) At back-to-back, b) After 500 km transmission over DSF without ENLC, c) After 500 km transmission over DSF with ENLC, d) After 800 km transmission over DSF with ENLC.


The back-to-back electrical eye-diagram of the 5th WDM channel is shown in Figure.2.8 a). The rails on eyes are from linear crosstalk due to small channel spacing. Figure.2.8 b) and c) show the eye diagrams of the received signals after 500 km transmission over DSF without and with ENLC, respectively. The Q-factor of the eye diagram in Figure. 2.8b) is about 6. It is clearly seen that the eye diagram in Figure.2.8 c) are more open because of nonlinearity compensation. Figure.2.8 d)shows the eye diagram ( Q 6 ) after 800 km transmission over DSF with ENLC. The dependence of the Q-factor of the 5th WDM channel on the average launching power. After transmission of 500 km DSF the optimum launching power is increased from -11 dBm to -9 dBm due to nonlinearity compensation. When the launching power is more than-9 dBm, the performance of ENLC is limited by the nondeterministic effect, which is introduced by the amplified spontaneous emitted (ASE) noise from the optical amplifiers along the fibre chain. After transmission of 800 km and with ENLC, the Q-factor is similar to that after 500 km transmission but without ENLC. This implies that the transmission distance with digital nonlinearity compensation is increased by 60%. It is noted that the degradation of the Qfactor in long-haul transmission is also from the numerical errors in the back ward propagation calculations. The system performance could be further improved by optimizing the FIR filter used for dispersion compensation. 2.6.4 DISCUSSION In conclusion, a method for universal digital post-compensation for all fibre impairments in WDM transmission is proposed. Post-compensation is accomplished through backward propagation in the digital domain. The splitstep FIR method and a parallel architecture have been designed to facilitate realtime implementation. The numerical simulations indicate that2 samples per symbol hardware sampling and up-sampling in the digital domain are sufficient to achieve significant nonlinearity compensation. Simulation of WDM transmission in DSF of 10 channel BPSK signals reveals a 60% increase in transmission distance using nonlinearity compensation. Similar results for

standard single-mode fibre transmission were achieved with FIR filter length 3 times larger than that used for DSF transmission. The number of required computations is of utmost importance in the eventual realization of the postcompensation method. Taking the parameters used in our simulations for a 10channel WDM system with a channel spacing of 20 GHz, for 8 transmission spans of 100 km DSF, the required computation and latency are 5.184 106 MACs and 0.78 s, respectively. The average number of MACs required for each channel is 5.184 105. It should be noted that this overall computation and latency is realized using fixed step size. It is expected that employing variable step size would reduce the number of operations by a factor of 4-5,bringing the average required MACs and processing speed per channel to within about one order of magnitude of the state of art field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Block processing of the incoming samples coupled with fast Fourier transform implementation allows dispersion compensation in the frequency domain. This may lead to further decrease in the number of operations and better compensation at longer transmission distances. Furthermore, when high-order modulation formats such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) with multi-bit/symbol spectral efficiency are used, the required MACs per symbol should remain about the same and thus the required MACs per bit should decrease proportionally with spectral efficiency. The channel spacing can be further reduced t be equal to the symbol rate using the orthogonal WDM approach that we have demonstrated recently. The combination of high spectral efficiency and narrow channel spacing can potentially reduce the number of operations per bit by another order of magnitude. In the simulation, assumed that the phases of the LOs in coherent detection are locked. While this requirement is necessary for pre-compensation schemes, it is not absolutely necessary for post-compensation. The relative phase drift between the LOs can be monitored and factored into postcompensation using heterodyning between the LOs. Parallel polarization of the

WDM channels along the entire link has been assumed in the simulations for simplicity. Due to its random nature, polarization mode dispersion (PMD) will be another limiting factor on the effectiveness of ENLC; however, this would only occur in high-symbol rate (e.g. 40 G symbol/s) systems.

2.7 NONLINEAR FIBRE OPTICS Govind P. Agrawal (1989) Nonlinear fibre optics concerns with the nonlinear optical phenomena occurring inside optical fibres. Although the field of nonlinear optics traces its beginning to 1961, when a ruby laser was first used to generate the secondharmonic radiation inside a crystal , the use of optical fibres as a nonlinear medium became feasible only after 1970 when fibre losses were reduced to below 20 dB/km. Nonlinear fibre optics has continued to grow during the decade of1990s,perhaps even more dramatically than anticipated. This growth is motivated by several recent advances in light wave technology, the most important being the advent of high-capacity fibre-optic communication systems. In such systems, the transmitted signal is amplified periodically by using optical amplifiers to compensate for residual fibre losses. As a result, the nonlinear effects accumulate over long distances, and the effective interaction length can exceed thousands of kilometers. Among other fibre devices in which nonlinear effects are becoming increasingly important are mode locked fibre lasers, distributed fibre amplifiers, and fibre Bragg gratings. 2.7.1 FIBRE CHARACTERISTICS Before describing the nonlinear effects in optical fibres, it is worth while to ponder why optical fibres are useful for nonlinear optics. This section describes the properties of optical fibres that are unique to them and their relevance to the study of nonlinear optical phenomena. 2.7.2 FIBRE NONLINEARITIES The response of any dielectric to light becomes nonlinear for intense electromagnetic fields. In the transparent region of optical fibres, the lowest30

order nonlinear effects originate from the third-order susceptibility (3), which is responsible for phenomena such as third-harmonic generation, four-wave mixing (FWM), and nonlinear refraction. Among these, nonlinear refraction a phenomenon referring to the intensity dependence of the refractive index, plays the most important role. The effective refractive index of the fibre mode has a general form n(, I) = n() + n2I, where n() is the linear part of the mode index at the frequency , I is the optical intensity, and n2 is the nonlinear parameter related to (3). 2.7.3 NONLINEAR OPTICAL SWITCHING Optical (or photonic) switching refers to a phenomenon in which transmission of an optical field through a device is switched among two or more possible states by optical means. In the case of nonlinear optical switching the device transmission is intensity dependent so that the optical beam itself induces switching depending on its intensity. Both SPM and XPM occurring in an optical fibre are well suited for this application and their use results in an allfibre device capable of switching on a femto second time scale. 2.7.4 SPM-BASED OPTICAL SWITCHING The SPM-based optical switching is realized in practice by using an interferometer. Any interferometer can be used for this purpose including FabryPerot, Michelson, and MachZehender interferometers. A Signac interferometer is commonly used since it can be constructed by using a fibre coupler whose two output ports are connected to a fibre segment, forming a loop.


Figure.2.9. Transmitted Power as a Function of Incident Power For A Nonlinear Fibre-Loop Mirror.

The input pulse is transmitted through the other port or is reflected back to the input port depending on the relative phase shift. Such a deviacts as a perfect mirror at low powers (the linear regime) when the fibre coupler splits the pulse equally (a 50:50 coupler) and is referred to as a fibre-loop mirror. However, if the coupler splits the pulse unequally, the same device acts as an all-optical switch because of the SP induced nonlinear phase shift and is referred to as the nonlinear optical loop mirror.



CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY USED 3.1 TRANSMITTER Transmitter is used for transmitting the signals, means data source as light wave signals. Here used transmitter will contain different generators and modulators. 3.1.1 PSUEDO RANDOM BIT SEQUENCE GENERATOR Generates a Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) according to different operation modes. The bit sequence is designed to approximate the characteristics of random data. 3.1.2. CW LASER Generates a continuous wave (CW) optical signal. In the CW case, the average output Power is a parameter that you specify. Laser phase noise is modelled using the probability density function is given by:

Where is the phase difference between two successive time instants and dt is the time discretization. A Gaussian random variable for the phase difference between two successive time instants with zero mean and a variance equal to2 f has been assumed, with f as the laser Line width. The output is multiplied with a complex vector considering the state of polarization.

2(1)sin2k1k(2)(3)where is the phase difference between two successive time instants and dt is the time discretization. A Gaussian random variable for the phase difference between two successive time instants with zero mean and a variance equal to has been assumed, with as the laser Line width. where the power splitting k and the phase difference are related to the parameters Azimuth and Ellipticity as follows:

3.1.3.NRZ PULSE GENERATOR Generates a Non Return to Zero (NRZ) coded signal. According to the parameter Rectangle shape, this model can produce pulses with different edge shapes: Exponential Gaussian Linear Sine 3.1.4.MECH-ZEHENDER MODULATOR Simulates a Mach-Zehender modulator using an analytical model. The Mach-Zehender modulator is an intensity modulator based on an interferometric principle. It consists of two 3 dB couplers which are connected by two waveguides of equal length (see Figure 3.1). By means of an electro-optic effect, an externally applied voltage can be used to vary the refractive indices in the waveguide branches. The different paths can lead to constructive and destructive interference at the output, depending on the applied voltage. Then the output intensity can be modulated according to the voltage.

Figure3.1:Mach-Zehnder modulator

3.2 FIBRE In the transmission of data, it must have a medium to transmit data . The type of fibre can be changed depend upon the method used for transmission. 3.2.1. OPTICAL FIBRE The optical fibre component simulates the propagation of an optical field in a single-mode fibre with the dispersive and nonlinear effects taken into account by a direct numerical integration of the modified nonlinear Schrdinger (NLS) equation (when the scalar case is considered) and a system of two, coupled NLS equations when the polarization state of the signal is arbitrary. The optical sampled signals reside in a single frequency band, hence the name total field . The parameterized signals and noise bins are only attenuated. 3.2.2 LOOP CONTROL The loop topology starts at the Loop output port and terminates at the Loop input port. The signal enters the Input port and circulates in the loop N times, where N is defined by the parameter Number of Loops. 3.2.3 EDFA AMPLIFIER Enables the design of amplifiers, including EDFAs that consider predefined operational conditions. This means that expected gain, noise figure, and amplifier output power can be previously specified. The amplifier presents the same facilities as a black box model, which enables you to select the operation mode with gain control, power control, or to perform simulations under saturated conditions, as well as define the expected amplifier performance. It is specially suited to perform prompt performance analysis of one or cascaded amplifiers in a long-haul system. 3.3 RECEIVER The receiver as used for the purpose of receiving the signal. Depending on the transmission method the receiver components also changed. 3.3.1. PHOTODETECTOR PIN Photo detector is convert the signal from light source into analog signal. The incoming optical signal and noise bins are filtered by an ideal rectangle

filter to reduce the number of samples in the electrical signal. The new sample rate is defined by the parameter Sample rate. You can define the center frequency, or it can be calculated automatically by centering the filter at the optical channel with maximum power. Optical noise bins are converted to Gaussian noise inside of the signal bandwidth. The combined optical field is then converted to optical power. If the option Numerical Convert Noise Bins is selected, the output noise and signal are combined. This means that you cannot see the separate contributions of the noise. However, if you select Numerical only, the signal and noise are separated and you can select the different contributions of the noise. 3.3.2. LOW PASS BESSEL FILTER Filter with a Bessel frequency transfer function. both input and output of low pass Bessel filter is electrical signal. 3.4 VISUALIZER The visualizing media as used as displaying of the input and output. By changing the method of transmission the visualizing component also changed. 3.4.1. WDM ANALYZER These visualizers automatically detects, calculates and displays the optical power, noise, OSNR, frequency and wavelength for each WDM channel at the Visualizer input. After running simulation, the visualizers in the project generate graphs and results based on the signal input. It can access the graphs and results from the Project Browser, from the Component Viewer, or by double-clicking a Visualizer in the Main Layout.The WDMA estimates the signal and the noise power for each optical signal channel based on the resolution bandwidth. Click the Analysistab to view results such as frequency, power, noise, and OSNR. 3.4.2. BER ANALYZER This Visualizer allows the user to calculate and display the bit error rate (BER) of an electrical signal automatically. It can estimate the BER using different algorithms such as Gaussian and Chi-Squared and derive different

metrics from the eye diagram, such as Q factor, eye opening, eye closure, extinction ratio, eye height, jitter, etc. It can also take in account Forward Error Correction (FEC), plot BER patterns and estimate system penalties and margins. 3.4.3. OPTICAL SPECTRUM ANALYZER This Visualizer allows the user to calculate and display optical signals in the frequency domain. It can display the signal intensity, power spectral density, phase, group delay and dispersion for polarizations X and Y. After running simulation, the visualizers in the project generate graphs and results based on the signal input. We can access the graphs and results from the Project Browser, from the Component Viewer, or by double-clicking a Visualizer in the Main Layout.



CHAPTER 4 PROPOSED WORK 4.1 INTRODUCTION The rapid expansion of the communication business has resulted in the explosive growth of Internet traffic in the optical networks, and thereby led to demand for an ultrahigh capacity long-distance transmission system. The development of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is required to satisfy the high-capacity applications of network users. Under the current long-distance WDM transmission system, four wave mixing (FWM) impairments become more and more detrimental, since optical amplifiers accumulate degradation FWM induced degradation has attracted much attention since this is the primary source of inter channel crosstalk. when signals are transmitted near zero dispersion wavelength Optical coherent detection combined with electrical post compensation using digital signal processing is being studied extensively. This is a promising technology since it can compensate not only fibre nonlinearity but also chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) with backward propagation. This post compensation offers great flexibility in transmission length and fibre characteristics. However, there are drawbacks. First, the post compensation methods through BP need extra detectors for out of band information produced by the non linearity. Additionally, great computation power is required since many compensation steps are necessary in the segmenting of the transmitted fibres for processing. In this letter, we propose a novel compensation method based on FWM estimation. The number of detectors is reduced in our estimation method since only signal channels are detected and information of other FWM channels are deduced based on these detected channels. As a consequence, less computation power is

required than in BP method. We also demonstrate experimentally the compensation possibility in a three-channel WDM system with differential phaseshift keying (DPSK) modulation and digital coherent detection. This compensation method is also effective in multi channel system. 4.2PROPOSED COMPENSATION METHOD The proposed FWM impairments compensation method is based on estimating FWM components and then substituting the estimated ones for the generated ones. Direct detection is square-law detection so the impairments cannot be substituted. However coherent detection conserves the optical field in detected electrical signal and enables the compensation.

Figure. 4.1. Compensation Process: (a) First-round FWM Compensation; (b) Second Round FWM Compensation

The FWM components can be calculated by nonlinear propagation, but this requires great computation power. We propose, therefore, to utilize the calculations given by equations our proposed compensation method is shown in Figure. 4.1. In the case of equal channel-spacing, the generated new frequencies coincide with the existing frequencies, leading to coherent in-band crosstalk and degrading system performance severely. The compensation process consists of the following steps. Figure. 3.1(a) shows the 1st round FWM calculation, where E223 ,E132,E221 can be compensated with generating FWME223, E223 ,E132 which are estimated from initially detected waveforms . The FWM components below the coordinate axis signify out of phase. However, there are other residual components which are not compensated by 1st round FWM compensation. The componentsEF1,EF2and EF3 represent the residual components. For 2nd round FWM compensation, 1st round compensated waveforms w11 , w12, w13which are shown in Figure. 4.1(b) are utilized for further calculation. Firstly, out-band FWM components which appear during 1st round FWM process are calculated byw11, w12, w13since these FWMs are necessary for calculating 2nd round FWM. The detected waveforms include both signals and FWM components. The powers of signals are decreased not only by the fibre loss but also by their depletion induced through frequency conversion from signals to FWMs. Therefore, the calculated value should be adjusted for higher optical power. channel is DPSK modulated at 2 Gb/s. The transmission of WDM signals over dispersion-shifted fibre (DSF) of 20 km is simulated. The fibre loss, dispersion, dispersion slope and fibre nonlinear coefficient are 0.2 dB/km, 0.01 ps/km/nm, 0.07 ps/km/nm, 1.5/W/km, respectively.

Figure. 4.2. FWM Compensation In a Three-Channel Transmission System With Unequal Channel Spacing by FWM Calculation: (a) Before Transmission,(b) Without Compensation, (c) With Compensation

Figure. 4.2(a), (b), (c) gives the spectra before transmission, without compensation and with compensation at dBm, respectively. FWM components can be cancelled by calculating the estimated FWM. The calculated channel is DPSK modulated at 2 Gb/s. The transmission of WDM signals over dispersion-shifted fibre (DSF) of 20 km is simulated. The fibre loss, dispersion, dispersion slope and fibre nonlinear coefficient are 0.2 dB/km, 0.01 ps/km/nm, 0.07 ps/km/nm , 1.5/W/km, respectively. Figure.3.2 (a), (b), (c) gives the spectra before transmission, without compensation and with compensation at dBm, respectively. FWM components can be cancelled by calculating the estimated FWMs. In this compensation method only need the transmitting signal for the compensation of the signal. Here only calculating the estimated FWM component added at the top and side of the transmitting signal.

Figure. 4.3. Eye Openings of Individual Signal For a1), a2), a3) 20-km Transmission without Compensation; b1), b2), b3) With First and Second Round FWM Compensation Method With dBm/ch.

Figure.4.3 a1), a2), a3) give the eye openings of individual signals before compensation, while Figure. 3.3 b1), b2), b3) are plots of eye openings after 1st round and 2nd round FWM compensation. The eye penalty of each signal is improved by 3.1 dB, 5.2 dB, 3.3 dB, respectively, through our compensation. Simulation is also performed on a three-channel WDM system with equal channel spacing of 20 GHz. The transmitted signals are heterodyne detected with phase-modulated LOs. The demultiplexed signals are received by individual receivers and processed. Other parameters are set as above. Under our numerical condition, the phase difference between all of the phase-modulated LOs remains unchanged. Therefore, the phase relationship of the intermediate frequency (IF) signals can be Kept fixed when heterodyne detected by individual receivers.

Figure 4.4:Eye Penalty Versus Optical Input Power.

The carrier frequency of LO is set near f2and the phases of the three detected signal channels f1,f2,f3 are II and 0, 0, respectively. Next, is adjusted to 0 for the compensation. Other considered channels are calculated based on these three channels. For brevity, we compare the compensation results of BP method corresponding to different number of detectors with that of our method. Figure. 4.4 shows the eye penalty variation while the optical input power varies from 4.5 dBm/ch to 9 dBm/ch. The improved eye penalty after 2nd round is nearly the same with that of BP method with 7 detectors. BP method with 9 detectors can compensate nearly completely, since it includes all the FWM components including that out of these 7 detectors. Our compensation results indicate that the input optical power tolerance is improved by nearly 4 dB at 1 dB eye penalty. This method is also effective in multichannel system


BLOCK DIAGRAM Here, the method is experimentally verified by using optiwave software. By

using optiwave software first we are create the tool for compensation. The basic diagram for FWM compensation is given bellow

Figure 4.5.Basic block diagram of FWM compensation

Figure 4.5 shows the block diagram of FWM compensation. It have mainly four part as transmitting section, fibre section, receiving section and Visualizer section. The transmitter section includes two transmitter and one multiplexer. The transmitter includes two data source as light source for transmitting. The multiplexer is used for combining two signal from the transmitter. The fibre section includes optical fibre as the medium for the transmission of the data source(light source).

The receiver section includes a multiplexer for the demultiplexing, means splitting each signal. It also includes a photo detector for detecting and converting the light source into the analogue data source. The Visualizer section is used to show the input/output datas and wave forms for the verification of method.

Figure 4.6:The experimental set up

The fibre dispersion value is varied from 0 to 4 ps/nm/km through parametric runs. The optical power spectrum of the received signal shows that FWM products decrease with increasing dispersion. The output results are shows optical power spectrum at the fibre input and at the output for different setting of dispersion. Here the spectrum of the received signal shows that FWM products decrease with increasing dispersion. It shows quantitatively the decrease of FWM product power with increasing dispersion. In conclusion, we illustrated that FWM

products in WDM system are stronger at lower fibre dispersion. At zero dispersion due to the phase-matching condition the FWM effect is maximized. By increasing the fibre dispersion we increase the phase mismatch and FWM effect decreases.

Figure 4.7:Optical Spectrum: (a) At The Fibre Input, and At The Fibre Output For (b) D = 0, (c) D =1, (d) D = 2, (e) D = 3, (f) D = 4ps/nm/km.

Figure 4.7 shows the various output of the compensation method. The figure 4.7(a) shows the original signal what transmitting on the transmitter side. Figure 4.7(b) shows the output waveform without any compensation. Figure 4.7(c,d,e,and

f) shows the compensated output with changing the dispersion factor. The distortion without compensation is larger on comparing figure 4.7(b) than the figure 4.7(c,d,e and f).

Figure 4.8. Power levels of FWM product vs. dispersion.

Figure 4.8 shows the graph of dispersion v/s power in dbm. This shows the power of the transmitted signal is inversely proportional to the dispersion (in dbm) factor of the transmitting signal. In our proposed method we are going simulate and prove the result as by changing the dispersion parameters the effect of four wave mixing decreased. From the graph, assume that the power of the signal depend upon the dispersion factor of optical fibre. If the power is increased then the dispersion factor is decreased than the lower power.

Figure 4.9.Two channel experimental setup

Figure 4.9 shows the experimental setup for the compensation of the FWM in two channel system. It includes a transmitting section, fibre section, receiver section and Visualizer section. Each section have their own function to implement two channel FWM system. 4.4 WORKING OFTWO CHANNEL FWM SYSTEM By using optiwave software here we implemented above block diagram by using different component from optiwave software library. This diagram include four parts are: 1. transmitter section 2. fibre section

3. receiver section 4. Visualizer section. By using the transmitter section we are transmitting two signal with frequency of 191.2 MHZ and 191.3 MHZ (it may vary for four channel FWM system, eight channel FWM system or in the channel spacing conditions).The transmitted section include a light source means CW laser as optical light source. These two signals are multiplexed by using wavelength division multiplexer, after the multiplexer by using WDM analyzer we are analyzing the signal what we are transmitting. By using optical spectrum analyzer it shows the waveforms of the transmitting signal. In fibre section of the simulation part the first one is loop control, here if the transmitting signal is not obtain clearly at the output side, then loop control is again send the signal to the fibre it will continue until the exact output is obtained. Fibre as the important part of our model, we changed the dispersion value of the fibre to get the exact BER output in our project. By changing the dispersion value and other parameter of fibre we can get exact output at the receiving side. The EDFA amplifier is also used in fibre section for pre implementing the value of the signal gain and power etc., if didnt get exact output at the receiver side. The third section in the model is receiver side, here we are using demultiplexer for separating the signal from one signal, at this side we are using a signal spectrum analyzer for show the output waveform and also the sampled signal with distortion. then by using PIN photo detector the optical light source is converted into analogue signal and then it will be passed through the Bessel filter. At last by using the BER analyzer we analyze the eye diagram of the signal, in our simulation fibre parameter like dispersion are changed until when the exact eye diagram will be obtained. Explanation of each part in the system is described in below

4.4.1. TRANSMITTER SECTION Figure 4.10 shows the transmitter section of the experimental setup. The transmitter section include a pseudo random bit sequence generator, CW laser as light source, NRZ pulse generator and mech-zehender modulator

Figure 4.10:Transmitter section

It basically include a laser source as the optical source and it is also include 4.4.2. FIBRE SECTION

Figure 4.11: fibre section


Figure 4.11 shows fibre section of the experimental setup. The fibre section include optical fibre as the medium of transmission and it is also include loop control and EDFA amplifier. 4.4.3 RECEIVER SECTION Figure 4.12 shows the receiver section of the experimental setup. It include a demultiplexer, used for splitting each signal and it also include a photo detector and low pass filter. The photo detector converts light signal into the analogue signal.

Figure4.12: receiver section

it include mainly three part here, receive the output signal 4.4.4. VISUALIZER SECTION Visualizer section is used to screening of input and output signal. It include 1. WDM analyzer 2. BER analyzer 3. Optical Spectrum analyzer The WDM analyzer used to analyze the input signal transmitted from the transmitter and its power, gain and noise power. The spectrum analyzer used to


show the waveforms transmitted and received. The BER analyzer as used to show the eye diagram of the received signal for analyzing the distortion in the signals.

Figure4.13: Visualizer section diagram



Figure 4.14.Four channel experimental setup


After two channel implementation we can also simulate four channel FWM compensation by using Optiwave software. The experimental set up is shown . At the four channel FWM compensation system here we are used four transmitters instead of two transmitters at the range 191.1, 191.2, 191.3 and 191.4. Here we prove that the FWM compensation system also effective in multichannel systems. Figure 4.14 shows the experimental set up of the four channel FWM compensation system by using optiwave software. In this implementation we use four transmitter with different range and spacing of the input signal as transmitted signal to get exact output for the four channel FWM compensation system by using optiwave software




CHAPTER 5 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 5.1 SIMULATION TWO CHANNEL FWM By the implementation of the block diagram by using optiwave software we can get the result. First we have transmitting two signals that range as 191.2 MHZ and 191.3 MHZ that are shown in bellow (fig 5.1) by the help of WDM analyzer.

Figure 5.1input frequency of two signals

Figure 5.1 shows the input signal what transmitting at the input side, here using two signal 191.1 MHz and 191.2 MHz range as the input light source frequency and also it shows signal power (dbm) and noise power. The wavelength division multiplexer is connected at the input side to show the input signal.

The output waveform of the two signal also displayed by using the frequency spectrum analyzer. it is shown in figure 5.2

Figure 5.2input signal waveform

In the figure 5.2, it displayed two waveform with the frequency range of 191.2 and 191.3 without any distortion. After transmitting the signal through the fibre channel we can obtain the output waveform by the help of frequency spectrum analyzer 2. It is shown in figure 5.3

Figure 5.3signal with noise


In the figure 5.3 it shows output waveform with noise, in the diagram the single waveform is the original signal without any distortion. The other part shown in figure is the noise added at the time of transmission through the optical fibre cable. It may be the noise signal added in between the transmission or inter channel crosstalk or distortion in the signal.

Figure 5.4output waveform with distortion.

In the figure 5.4 output waveform, there are two extra signals is added in the side and top of the system. The extra added signals are noise or distortion in transmitted signal so we could not get the exact output. By changing the dispersion parameter of the fibre we can reduce the noise included in the signal and also increase the performance of the system. 5.2 EYE DIAGRAM ANALYSIS Eye diagram is used to analyse the error and distortion in the output signals received at receiver side. If the eye diagram is clear in width and length, means it is opened clearly then the distortion very less in the output side. If the eye diagram width and length is very small, means eye diagram is closed more, then the distortion and error is more and more in the transmitted signal. The error and distortion can see by the help of eye diagram.

Figure 5.5Eye diagram of the signal

Eye diagram is shown in figure 5.5. It shows the errors or noise and disturbance in the signal,if the eye diagram width is large means it shows exact output .there is noise and disturbance will be less. If the eye diagram is small in width then there is disturbance and noise more and more the transmitted signal. 5.2.1 ANALYSIS OF DISPERSION PARAMETER OFFIBRE By changing the dispersion parameter of the optical fibre we can get the exact output of the transmitted signal.

Figure5.6 Eye diagram with D = 0 (D-dispersion)


The figure 5.6 shows the eye diagram of the two channel FWM compensation system with zero dispersion. In the zero dispersion , the error and distortion is low.

Figure 5.7Eye diagram with D = 8.5

The figure 5.7 shows the eye diagram of two channel FWM compensation system with 8.5 dispersion factor. By increasing the dispersion factor of the fibre , the distortion also increased.

Figure5.8Eye diagram with D = -8.5


The figure 5.8 shows the eye diagram of two channel FWM compensation system with -8.5 dispersion factor. In this dispersion factor the distortion is little bit reduced than the 8.5 dispersion fact.

Figure5.9Eye diagram with D = 16.75

The figure 5.9 shows the eye diagram of two channel FWM compensation system with 16.75 dispersion factor.By increasing the dispersion factor in the positive manner the dispersion also increased.

Figure5.10Eye diagram with D = -16.75

The figure 5.10 shows the eye diagram of two channel FWM compensation system with -16.75 dispersion factor. if the dispersion factor is

increased in the negative manner the dispersion is low comparing to the positive dispersion.

Figure5.11Eye diagram with D = 20

The figure 5.11 shows the eye diagram of two channel FWM compensation system with dispersion factor. Here also the dispersion is increased.

Figure5.12Eye diagram with D = -20

In the figure 5.12, the change of dispersion parameter are shown, we can say that the increasing of the dispersion parameter the noise are reduced.

5.3 FOUR CHANNEL SYSTEM ANALYSIS We can see the two channel system analysis, like that we are using four transmitters by changing the two transmitters and we can obtain the outputs are shown. By using the WDM analyzer we can saw what signal we are transmitted, in four channel system we are transmitting four signals at the range of 191.1, 191.2, 191.3 and 193.4. Four signals are shown in bellow

Figure5.13 WDM analyzer

Figure 5.13 shows the input signal what transmitting at the input side, here using four signal 191.1 MHz,191.2 MHz, 191.3 MHz and 191.4 MHz range as the input light source frequency and also it shows signal power (dbm) and noise power. The wavelength division multiplexer is connected at the input side to show the input signal.


Figure 5.14Optical spectrum analyzer four channel input

Figure 5.14 shows the input wave form of the four channel FWM compensation system. There is no distortion at the input signal at the time of transmission.

Figure 5.15OS analyzer with distortion

Figure 5.15 shows the output of the four channel FWM compensation system. It shows the extra added signal at the time of transmission. The errors may be occurred at the side and top of the signal

Figure5.16Eye diagram of four channel system

The figure 5.16 shows the output signals of the four channel input system, by transmitting four signals in the FWM system we can obtain the output waveform and eye diagram of the four signals. In the four channels also can obtain exact output by changing the dispersion parameter.




CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 6.1 CONCLUSION FWM impairments can be compensated to a great extent by estimating the FWM components. The compensation results indicate that the input optical power tolerance is improved by nearly 4 dB at 1 dB eye penalty. The compensation potential is also demonstrated experimentally in a three-channel WDM system with DPSK modulation through coherent detection. The eye penalty of each signal is improved by 3.1 dB, 5.2 dB, 3.3 dB, respectively, with dBm. This is a costeffective method since only transmitted signal channels are required for the calculation and fewer detectors are involved. This compensation method is also effective in multichannel systems. 6.2 FUTURE WORK In the future, going to try eight channel FWM compensation systems by using Optiwave software and also going to try experimental verification by using hardware component.




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