Interviewing and Advising Letter 1158084

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30/01/14 Small Time Electrical Pty. Ltd. 1160 South Road Plympton 5038 Pri ate and !

on"idential RE# $our de"amation ca%e To &hom it may concern'


(e met at )pm la%t *onday to di%cu%% your le+al pro,lem &ith -i+ Time .d erti%in+ !ompany Pty. Ltd. /-T.!0. The 1act% .% 2 under%tand it your i%%ue concerned a %mall print ad in the Trade Ser ice% 3irectory "or your %mall electrical company. $ou intended the ad erti%ement to read# Small Time Electrical Pty. Ltd. 1160 South Road Plympton 5038 The ad erti%ement &a% printed incorrectly includin+ the "ollo&in+ %tatement# 43on5t call 6 they are hopele%%7 $ou mentioned that you ha e ,een u%in+ the company "or the pre iou% 5 year% and ha e ne er had any trou,le &ith them. The ad erti%ement &a% printed 6 month% a+o. $ou ,elie e that the rea%on the o""en%i e %tatement &a% included &a% due to the "act that a pre iou% client' 8o%ie 1ine' &ho &or9% at -T.! and %i+ned o"" on the in oice &a% the one re%pon%i,le "or the de"amatory %tatement. The &or9 you did "or *%. 1ine 8 month% a+o &ent o ertime and you ha e rea%on to ,elie e %he &ould u%e thi% ad erti%ement to +et ,ac9 at you.



$ou %tated that you ,elie e that in total you ha e lo%t :50 000 "or the ;uarter recei in+ only :50 000 "or thi% la%t ;uarter. -a%ed on phone call% that you ,e+an recei in+ around 5 month% a+o you ,elie e that thi% i% a direct re%ult o" the ad erti%ement. So "ar you ha e contacted -T.! and they ha e corrected the online ad erti%ement. <o&e er' you ha e recei ed no correction or compen%ation "or the print ad erti%ement. 3ocument% The document% that 2 ha e recei ed "rom you %o "ar include# . copy o" the Trade Ser ice% 3irectory includin+ the o""endin+ print ad erti%ement. . print=out o" the online ad erti%ement ,e"ore and a"ter -T.!5% correction. .n a+reement and in oice %i+ned ,y 8o%ie 1ine "or :10 000 "or the ad erti%ement.

>ther document% that &ould ,e u%e"ul to the ca%e# 1inancial record% +oin+ ,ac9 5 year% %ho&in+ the lo%% o" income. Record% %ho&in+ that 8o%ie 1ine &a% a client o" your%5.

The 2%%ue% and .d ice .% "ar a% remedie% +o &e di%cu%%ed the main compen%ation &ould ,e lo%% o" income "or the ;uarter and po%%i,le lo%% o" "uture income "rom the ad erti%ement. The other i%%ue i% o, iou%ly the de%ire "or compen%ation "or dama+e to your ,rand into the "uture. .% a company &ith le%% than 10 employee% you &ill ,e a,le to lod+e a de"amation %uit a% a corporation' ho&e er there are other option%. .% di%cu%%ed durin+ our meetin+ the 3e"amation .ct )005 include% a method to allo& "or %peedy' non=liti+iou% re%olution to pro,lem% li9e your%. Thi% &ould in ol e i%%uin+ a notice and encoura+in+ -T.! to ma9e an 4o""er to ma9e amend%7 &hich &ould include pu,li%hin+ a correction and %ome e?pen%e%. 2t could potentially al%o include an apolo+y and compen%ation. Thi%



o""er &ould ha e to ,e made &ithin )8 day% o" receipt o" the no Thi% i% one %olution' &hich i% ultimately hin+e% upon -T.!5% deci%ion. 2" &e decide to +o ahead &ith proceedin+% &e &ill need to do %o &ithin the ne?t 6 month% a% the cut o"" "or i%%uin+ proceedin+% i% a year a"ter the pu,li%hin+ o" the de"amation. The limitation on dama+e% that are a,le to ,e recei ed "or de"amation i% :33@ 000. >ther remedie% &ould include a action "or inAuriou% "al%ehood' there are al%o potentially action% under the !ompetition and !on%umer .ct )010 that &e can di%cu%% "urther. There i% al%o a potential contractual di%pute here' con%iderin+ that the ori+inal contract &a% ,reached &hen the ad erti%ement &a% not printed a% di%cu%%ed. <o&e er' thi% di%pute &ould ,e ,e%t "ollo&ed throu+h &ith &ere liti+ation to +o ahead. 1uture .ction% 2 %u++e%t &e i%%ue a 4concern% notice7 to -T.! re+ardin+ the de"amation and ,e+in &or9in+ on a ca%e a+ain%t them. Thi% &ill co er all ,a%e% and allo& "or %peedy re%olution o" thi% matter and %&i"t reco ery o" your lo%t income. (e hope you &ill en+a+e our %er ice% "urther and that &e &ill di%co er a %peedy re%olution to thi% matter. 1ee% Re+ardin+ "ee%' %hould you choo%e to en+a+e our %er ice% "urther' the hourly rate i% :300 plu% BST and 2 e?pect thi% matter to ta9e in the area o" appro?imately :3000. 2ncluded i% a term% o" en+a+ement letter that +oe% throu+h thi% in "urther detail. Re+ard%' *arlon -lenco&e Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.

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