Cadd Manual

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As Per Anna University Chennai Syllabus

(For All Non-Circuit Branches) L 0 List of Exe !ises "si#$ soft%& e !&'&()e of D &fti#$ &#* Mo*e)i#$ 1. Study of ca abilities of soft!are for "raftin# and $odelin# % Coordinate syste&s (absolute' relative' olar' etc.) % Creation of si& le fi#ures li(e oly#on and #eneral &ulti-line fi#ures. "ra!in# of a *itle Bloc( !ith necessary te+t and ro,ection sy&bol. "ra!in# of curves li(e arabola' s iral' involute usin# B-s line or cubic s line. "ra!in# of front vie! and to vie! of si& le solids li(e ris&' yra&id' cylinder' cone' etc' and di&ensionin#. "ra!in# front vie!' to vie! and side vie! of ob,ects fro& the #iven ictorial vie!s (e#. 0-bloc(' Base of a &i+ie' Si& le stool' 1b,ects !ith hole and curves). "ra!in# of a lan of residential buildin# ( *!o bed roo&s' (itchen' hall' etc.'). "ra!in# of a si& le steel truss. "ra!in# sectional vie!s of ris&' yra&id' cylinder' cone' etc' "ra!in# iso&etric ro,ection of si& le ob,ects. Creation of --" &odels of si& le ob,ects and obtainin# )-" &ulti-vie! dra!in#s fro& --" &odel. T 1 P C 2 2

). -. ..


2. 3. 4. 5. 16.

Note+ P)otti#$ of * &%i#$s ,"st (e ,&*e fo e&!- exe !ise &#* &tt&!-e* to t-e e!o *s % itte# (. st"*e#ts/

CONTENTS Ex/ No/ 1 ) N&,e of t-e Exe !ises a) Creation of Si& le fi#ures li(e Poly#on usin# Absolute Co-ordinate syste& b) Creation of 7eneral $ulti fi#ures usin# 8elative Co-ordinate syste& c) Creation of 7eneral $ulti fi#ures usin# Polar Co-ordinate syste& "ra!in# of a *itle Bloc( !ith necessary te+t and ro,ection sy&bol a) "ra!in# of Curves li(e S iral usin# Bs line b) "ra!in# of Curves li(e Parabola usin# S line a) "ra!in# of front vie! and to vie! of si& le solids li(e ris& and di&ensionin# b) "ra!in# of front vie! and to vie! of si& le solids li(e yra&id and di&ensionin# c) "ra!in# of front vie! and to vie! of si& le solids li(e cylinder and di&ensionin# d) "ra!in# of front vie! and to vie! of si& le solids li(e cone and di&ensionin# a) "ra!in# front vie!' to vie! and side vie! of 0-bloc( fro& ictorial vie! b) "ra!in# front vie!' to vie! and side vie! of 9Base of $i+ie fro& ictorial vie! c) "ra!in# front vie!' to vie! and side vie! of 9si& le stool: fro& ictorial vie! d) "ra!in# front vie!' to vie! and side vie! of ob,ect fro& ictorial vie! "ra!in# of a lan of residential buildin# "ra!in# of a si& le steel truss a) "ra!in# sectional vie! of ris& b) "ra!in# sectional vie! of Cylinder c) "ra!in# sectional vie! of Cone d) "ra!in# sectional vie! of Pyra&id "ra!in# iso&etric ro,ections of si& le ob,ects Creation of -" &odels of si& le ob,ects and obtainin# )" $ulti 0ie! dra!in#s fro& -" &odel P&$e

2 3 4 5 16

COMPUTER 0 AIDED 0 DESIGN 1CAD2 *he bi##est use of co& uter #ra hics has been as an aid to desi#n since t!o decades. *his is #enerally referred to as CA" and it is a o!erful tool to desi#n and draft the arts or fi#ures interactively. ;hen an ob,ect:s di&ensions have been s ecified to the co& uter syste&' the desi#ners can vie! any side of the ob,ect' to see ho! it !ill loo( after construction. Civil' $echanical' <lectrical and <lectronics <n#ineers rely heavily on CA" &ethods. For e.#.' <lectronic circuits are ty ically desi#ned !ith co& uter #ra hics. Usin# ictorial sy&bols to re resent various co& onents' a desi#ner can build u a circuit on &onitor by successively addin# co& onents to the circuit layout. Auto&obile' Aircraft' Aeros ace and Shi desi#ners use CA" techni=ues for the desi#n of various ty es of vehicles. ;ire-fra&in# dra!in#s are used to &odel individual co& onents and lan surface for auto&obiles' Air lanes' S acecrafts and Shi s. >ndividual sections of vehicle co& onents can be desi#ned se arately and fitted to#ether to dis lay the total ob,ect. Buildin# desi#ns are also created !ith co& uter #ra hics by the Architects for the desi#n of floor lans' arran#e&ent of doors' !indo!s and three di&ensional buildin# &odels er&it Architects to study the a earance of sin#le buildin# or a #rou of buildin#s. GENERAL PURPOSE GRAP3ICS SOFT4ARE $any (inds of co& uter in ut and out ut are no!adays ro#ra&&ed in standard !ays usin# #ra hics soft!are or ro#ra&&in# lan#ua#es. So&e of the #ra hics soft!ares are available for dis layin# and &ani ulatin# #ra hics out ut. Basic functions available in these ac(a#es are desi#ned for the #ra hics Pro#ra&&e that includes those for #eneratin# icture co& onents (such as strai#ht li#ht' oly#ons' circles' ortho#ra hic and iso&etric and other fi#ures etc.) settin# colors and intensity values' selectin# vie!s and a lyin# transfor&ation etc. By contrast' a lication ac(a#es for #ra hics are desi#ned for nonro#ra&&es and are set u so that users can roduce #ra hics !ithout !orryin# about ho! they do it. *he interface to the #ra hics routines in such ac(a#es allo!s users to co&&unicate !ith the ro#ra&s in their o!n ter&. So&e of the 7ra hics ac(a#es areA"toCAD5 P o-E5 U#i$ &'-i!s5 I-DEAS5 CATIA5 NASTRAN et!/ AUTOCAD 0 INTRODUCTION CA" is the acrony& for Co& uter-Aided "esi#n. A CA" syste& is a co&bination of hard!are and soft!are that enables en#ineers and architects to desi#n everythin# fro& furniture to air lanes. A CA" syste& allo!s an en#ineer to vie! a desi#n fro& any an#le !ith the ush of a button and to ?oo& in or out for close-u s and lon#-distance vie!. AutoCA" is an interactive dra!in# syste& desi#ned to er&it a user to construct or edit a dra!in# on a #ra hics dis lay screen.

St& ti#$ A"toCAD @ou can start AutoCA" by choosin# it in the St& t &enu or by double clic(in# the A"toCAD 2000 icon on the ;indo!s des(to . *o start AutoCA" fro& the St& t ,e#"5 Choose Start Pro#ra&s AutoCA" )666 $enu AutoCA" )666

;hen you start AutoCA"' the ro#ra& dis lays a St& t U' dialo# bo+ as sho!n belo!.

A"toCAD I#te f&!es *he AutoCA" screen has the follo!in# si+ arts. 1. ). -. .. /. 2. *itle Bar $enu bar *ool bars "ocu&ent ;indo! or "ra!in# area Co&&and ;indo! Status bar

Tit)e (& + *his is at the to of the !indo! sho!s the na&e of the ro#ra& and the na&e of the current dra!in#.

Me#" (& + Aocated directly belo! the title bar' rovides ull-do!n &enus fro& !hich you can choose co&&ands. St&t"s (& + *his is in the botto& of the screen sho!s the coordinates of the screen cursor as !ell as the current settin#s of various AutoCA" ro#ra& &odes. Co,,&#* 4i#*o%+ *he Co&&and ;indo! located at the botto& of the Screen. @ou can start any AutoCA" co&&and by ty in# the co&&and and then Press <N*<8. Do!",e#t 4i#*o%+ *he "ocu&ent ;indo! or "ra!in# Area occu ies &ost of the screen. *his is the area in !hich you actually create your dra!in#s. *here are t!o other ele&ents in this !indo! Use Coo *i#&tes S.ste, 1o UCS2 icon !hich loo(s li(e t!o arro!s ointin# at 51 de#rees an#le' and the D &%i#$ C" so loo(s li(e a s&all lus si#n (B) !ith a bo+ at its centre. PULL DO4N MENUS All AutoCA" co&&ands are available as Pull-do!n &enus fro& the &enu bar. For <+a& le' all Co&&ands for o enin#' savin#' and rintin# dra!in#s (!hich are standard ;indo! functions) are available in the Fi)e ull-do!n &enu. *he belo! fi#ure sho!s a ty ical ull-do!n &enu. TOOL BARS ;hen you start AutoCA" for the first ti&e' the St&#*& *5 O(6e!t P o'e ties5 D &%' and Mo*if. too)(& s are dis layed. AutoCA" rovides 13 *oolbars in the AutoCA" &enu #rou ' each toolbar containin# a #rou of related co&&ands. *he TOOL BAR Co&&and dis lays the *oolbars dialo# bo+ as sho!n belo!' !here you choose !hich toolbars are dis layed. *o dis lay a toolbar' clic( the bo+ ad,acent to its na&e (so that an C a ears in the bo+). *o close a toolbar' clic( the bo+ ad,acent to its na&e (so that the C disa ears).

COMMAND 4INDO4 >n Co&&and ;indo! you can ty e AutoCA" co&&ands and vie! ro& ts and ro#ra& &essa#es. *he Co&&and ;indo! initially dis lays the three &ost recent lines of ro& ts' but you can chan#e the nu&ber of lines dis layed. Scroll bars on the ri#ht side of this !indo! let you scroll bac( to see revious ro& ts.

MAIN MENU OPERATIONS Several ty es of &enu !ill be seen in AutoCA". D o'-*o%# &enus a ear !hen a na&e is clicked in the &enu bar. S"(-,e#"s a ear !hen a na&e in a dro -do!n &enu follo!ed by an out!ard ointin# arro! is selected !ith a click. Ri$-t-!)i!7 &enus a ear !ith a right-click in so&e situations. 1 enin# the O'tio#s dialo# fro& the ri#ht-clic( &enu in the co&&and !indo!. *he O'tio#s dialo# !ith the Dis')&. sub-dialo# and the Co)o O'tio#s A ri#ht %clic( &enu sho!s the &enu a earin# !ith a ri#ht-clic( in the co&&and !indo!. A&on# other ri#ht-clic( &enus areD Too)(& s+ 8i#ht-clic( in any toolbar on screen brin#s a &enu sho!in# all the available toolbars. TERMS IN AUTOCAD

C" so + Several ty es of cursors !ill be seen !hen usin# AutoCA" such as those sho!n in the fi#ure belo! $ove the &ouse and the cursor in action &oves as the &ouse is &oved. Do!7e*+ A feature in a osition ri#ht u a#ainst the ed#e of the screen or a#ainst another toolbar.

Def&")t+ *he na&e #iven to the settin#s or ara&eters of an a lication as set !hen the soft!are is first urchased. Di&)o$+ A !indo! in !hich settin#s &ay be &ade. D o'-*o%# ,e#"+ A &enu !hich a ears !ith a clic( on a na&e in the &enu bar of AutoCA"E E#te + *y e the #iven !ord or letters at the (eyboard. E#tit.+ Fas the sa&e &eanin# in AutoCA" as has the !ord ob,ect. Es!+ *he Es! (ey of the (eyboard. >n AutoCA" )66. ressin# the <SC (ey has the effect of cancelin# the current action fro& ta(in# lace. DRA4ING EDITOR USAGE *he AutoCA" !indo! o ens (as sho!n in the fi# belo!). *he Fi#ure na&es the arts of the !indo!. Nor&ally si+ toolbars are included in the o enin# AutoCA" !indo! unless the !indo! is confi#ured other!ise. St&#*& *+ "oc(ed a#ainst the left side of the u er ed#e of the !indo!. St.)es+ "oc(ed a#ainst the ri#ht side of the u er ed#e of the !indo!. L&.e s+ "oc(ed a#ainst the lo!er ed#e of the St&#*& * toolbar. P o'e ties+ "oc(ed a#ainst the lo!er ed#e of the St.)es toolbar. D &%+ "oc(ed a#ainst the left-hand ed#e of the !indo!. Mo*if.+ "oc(ed a#ainst the D &% toolbar but in so&e cases doc(ed a#ainst the ri#hthand ed#e of the !indo!. T-e %i#*o% &)so i#!)"*es+ Tit)e (& D >ncludes the na&e AutoCA" )66. and the na&e of the dra!in# bein# constructed rovided it has been saved. A dra!in# na&e is not included in the Fi#ure. Me#" (& + A clic( on a na&e in the &enu bar brin#s the dro -do!n &enu associated !ith that na&e on the screen. C)ose5 M&xi,i8e &#* Mi#i,i8e ("tto#s+ A clic( on the C)ose button closes the AutoCA" )6. !indo!. A clic( on the Mi#i,i8e button closes the AutoCA" )66. !indo! but it can be recalled fro& the A"toCAD icon bar in the T&s7 (& at the botto& of the screen. A clic( on M&xi,i8e button either enlar#es or reduces the si?e of the !indo!. Co,,&#* %i#*o%D >s a !indo! in its o!n ri#ht and can be &oved if re=uired around the screen. *ool co&&ands and ro& t entries are &ade in the co&&and !indo! by ty in# at the co& uter:s (eyboard.

St&t"s (& + >ncludes a nu&ber of buttons SNAP'78>"' etc. Coordinate fi#ures in +'y'? nu&bers a ear at the left-hand end of the bar. ;hen a tool is called' its action is dis layed in a sentence dis lacin# the coordinate nu&bers. Mo*e) &#* L&.o"t t&(s+ A clic( on one of these tabs ta(es the !indo! into $odel S ace (the $odel tab) or Pa er S ace (a Aayout tab). ;hen AutoCA" is o ened' its !indo! !ill a ear in $odel S ace for&at. UCS i!o#D Sho!s the directions of the C-and @-a+es. C" so -&i s+ *hese sho! a ic( bo+ at the intersection of the cursor hairs. As the &ouse &oves' the ic( bo+ and the cursors &ove in sy& athy !ith the &ouse &ove&ent. G i* *otsD >f 7rid is set on' a series of dots a ear in the dra!in# area. F"#!tio# &#* A!!e)e &to 7e.s F1 F) FF. F/ F2 F3 F4 F5 F16 F11 - 1nline Fel - Fli screen - 1sna 1NE1FF - *ablet 1NE1FF - >so lane *o##le - Coords 1NE1FF - 7rid 1NE1FF - 1rtho 1NE1FF - Sna 1NE1FF - Polar 1NE1FF - 1b,ect sna trac(in# 1NE1FF

AUTOCAD COMMANDS LINE Co,,&#* *he A>N< co&&and is used to dra! a line. *he line dra!n &ay be continued !ith the sa&e co&&and and it is ter&inated by ressin# <N*<8 (ey or ri#ht &ouse button. *hen select <N*<8. *he e+ecution of A>N< co&&and is #iven as follo!s. Co,,&#* + LINE o L S S S S ecify first ecify ne+t ecify ne+t ecify ne+t oint oint or GundoH oint or GundoH oint or GcloseEundoH D Select any point in the drawing area D Select second point using mouse. D Select third point using mouse. D C to close the lines.

*he dra!in# seen on the screen is a trian#le of arbitrary si?e. *o re are the correct di&ensional en#ineerin# dra!in#s' the coordinate syste&s follo!ed in AutoCA" are used.

Coo *i#&te s.ste,s i# A"toCAD *here are four coordinate syste&s used in AutoCA" to locate a oint on the screen. >n AutoCA"' )" draftin# is done by considerin# th screen as the C@ lane' i.e. C values are considered hori?ontally and @ values are ta(en vertically. By default' the left lo!er corner on the screen is considered as the ori#in (6'6). AutoCA" uses the follo!in# coordinate syste&sD (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Absolute coordinates 8elative coordinates Polar coordinates "irect distance entry

A(so)"te !oo *i#&tes >n this &ethod' the oints are located to dra! a line !ith res ect to the ori#in (6'6). *o &ar( a oint' value is #iven in airs for C-coordinate value follo!ed by @ % coordinate. Consider the follo!in# e+a& le to #enerate the #iven dra!in#.

Co,,&#* S ecify first S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t

oint oint or GundoH oint or GundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH

+ D D D D D D D D

LINE )6')6 press ENTER 46')6 press ENTER 46'/6 press ENTER .6'/6 press ENTER .6'36 press ENTER )6'36 press ENTER )6')6 press ENTER press ENTER to complete the drawing.

Re)&ti9e !oo *i#&tes >n this &ethod' the oints are located to dra! a line !ith reference to the revious oint. Consider the follo!in# e+a& le to #enerate the #iven dra!in#.

Co,,&#* S ecify first S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t

oint oint or GundoH oint or GundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH

+ D D D D D D D D

LINE )6')6 I26' 6 I6' -6 I-.6'6 I6')6 I-)6'6 I6'-/6 press <N*<8 to complete the drawing.

Po)& !oo *i#&tes >n this &ethod' the oints are located to dra! a line by definin# the distance of the oint fro& the current osition and the an#le &ade to that line. *he an#le referred in AutoCA" is #iven in Fi#. 1..11 (i). Consider the follo!in# e+a& le to #enerate the dra!in# #iven in Fi#. 1..11 (ii)

Co,,&#* S ecify first S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t S ecify ne+t

oint oint or GundoH oint or GundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH oint or GcloseEundoH

+ D D D D D D D D

LINE )6')6 I26J 6 I-6J56 I.6J146 I)6J56 I)6J146 I/6 press ENTER to complete the drawing.

Di e!t *ist&#!e e#t . >n this &ethod' the oints are located to dra! a line usin# the distance entry in the direction of the cursor. Consider the follo!in# e+a& le to #enerate the dra!in# #iven.

Co,,&#* + LINE :o t-o o#; S ecify first oint D )6')6 move mouse horizontally right. S ecify ne+t oint or GundoH D 26 &ove &ouse vertically u . S ecify ne+t oint or GundoH D -6 &ove &ouse horizontally left. S ecify ne+t oint or GcloseEundoH D .6 &ove &ouse vertically up. S ecify ne+t oint or GcloseEundoH D )6 move mouse horizonally left. S ecify ne+t oint or GcloseEundoH D )6 &ove &ouse vertically do!n. S ecify ne+t oint or GcloseEundoH D /6 S ecify ne+t oint or GcloseEundoH D press ENTER to complete the drawing. Note+ *o dra! this dra!in# ' the ortho &ode is on. Use F4 (ey to activate ortho onEoff. ERASE Co,&#* *he <8AS< co&&and is used to erase ob,ects !hich are dra!n earlier. Select the ob,ects to be ersed one by one' or select the& in a !indo! by icin# the lo!er left corner and u er ri#ht corner usin# the &ouse. Co,,&#* Select ob,ects Select ob,ects + ERASE D Select the o !ects to erase using mouse or in a window. D press ENTER to remove the selected o !ects.

UNDO Co,,&#* o U Co,,&#* *he UN"1 co&&and is used to undo the o erations !hich are reviously e+ecuted. Co,,&#* + UNDO o U REDO Co,,&#* *he 8<"1 co&&and is used to 8<"1 the o eration i&&ediately follo!in# the UN"1 co&&and' if necessary. Co,,&#* + REDO <OOM Co,,&#* o < Co,,&#* *he K11$ co&&and is used to enlar#e or reduce the si?e of the ob,ect on the screen. Note that the actual si?e of the ob,ect' re&ains unchan#ed. Co,,&#* + <OOM o < S ecify corner of !indo!' enter a scale factor (nC or nCP)' or GAllECenterE"yna&icE<+tentsEPreviousEScaleE;indo!H Jreal ti&eL D Speccify the window to zoom y picking the lower left corner andupper right corner using mouse. MO=E Co,,&#* *he $10< co&&and is used to &ove the ob,ect fro& the resent osition to a ne! location. Co,,&#* + MO=E Select ob,ects D Select the o !ects to move individually or in a window using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER to complete the selection. Select base oint or dis lace&ent D Select any point as a ase point to move the o !ect. Select second oint or dis lace&ent D Select the new location for the ase point.

Consider the follo!in# illustration to &ove the ob,ect. *he ob,ect in the ori#inal osition !ill be re&oved.

COPY Co,,&#* *he C1P@ co&&and is used to co y the e+istin# ob,ects' to a ne! location. $ulti le co ies can also be &ade by selectin# &ulti le o tion $ in this co&&and. Co,,&#* + COPY Select ob,ects D Selects o !ects to copy individually or in a window using the mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER to complete the selection. Select base oint or dis lace&ent' or G$ulti leH D Select any point as ase point. Select the second oint or dis lace&ent D Select the new location for ase point. Consider the follo!in# illustration to co y the ob,ect. *he ob,ect in the ori#inal osition is retained.

SA=E Co,,&#* *he SA0< co&&and is used to store the re ared dra!in# in the hard dis( or flo y dis( usin# a file na&e. AutoCA" !ill !ait for the user to enter the file na&e to store the dra!in# throu#h the dis layed dialo# bo+. Co,,&#* + SA=E >UIT Co,,&#* *he MU>* co&&and is used to end the AutoCA" session to e+it. Co,,&#* + >UIT ORT3O Co,,&#* *he 18*F1 co&&and is used to hel the user to dra! hori?ontal and vertical lines. Co,,&#* + ORT3O <nter &odeG1NE1FFH JoffL D 1N "ress ENTER LIMITS Co,,&#* *he A>$>*S co&&and is used to set u ne! li&its for your ne! dra!in# considerin# the dra!in# sheet si?e.

Co,,&#* S ecify lo!er left corner or G1NE1FFH JcurrentL S ecify u er ri#ht corner JcurrentL Co&&and AllECenterE"yna&icE<+tentsEPreviousEScaleE;indo!H Jreal ti&eL

+ D D D D

LIMITS 6'6 )16')53 K11$ All

PLINE Co,,&#* o PL Co,,&#* *he PA>N< co&&and is used to dra! olyline se#&ents and is si&ilar to A>N< co&&and e+ce t so&e added features to chan#e the line !idth etc. Co,,&#* + PLINE o PL S ecify the start oint D Select the starting point using mouse. Current line !idth is 6.6666 D Select the second point using mouse.

S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf !idthEAen#thEundoE!idthH S ecify ne+t oint or D Select the third point using mouse. GArcECloseEFalf !idthEAen#thEundoE!idthH S ecify ne+t oint or D "ress ENTER to complete the drawing. GArcECloseEFalf !idthEAen#thEundoE!idthH CIRCLE Co,,&#* *he C>8CA< co&&and is used to dra! a circle in &any o tions. Usually a circle is dra!n in the default set-u by selectin# the center oint and radius. Co,,&#* +CIRCLE S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr(tan tan radius)H DSelect the center point using the mouse S ecify radius of circle of G"ia&eterHJcurrentL D )/ "ress ENTER to Complete the circle. Consider the follo!in# illustration to dra! a circle usin# other o tions.

Note+ )/ units #iven here &ay be considered as radius )/&&. ELLIPSE Co,,&#* *he <AA>PS< co&&and is used to dra! an elli se in &any o tions. Co,,&#* + ELLIPSE S ecify a+is end oint of elli se or GArcEcenterH D Select first endpoint using mouse. S ecify other end oint of a+is D Select the second endpoint using mouse. S ecify distance to other a+is or G8otationH D Select distance using mouse or Type the value using key oard.

RECTANGLE Co,,&#* *he 8<C*AN7A< co&&and is used to dra! a rectan#le as a sin#le entity by selectin# t!o dia&etrically o osite corners. Co,,&#* + RECTANGLE S ecify first corner oint or Gcha&ferE<levationEFilletE*hic(nessE;idthH D Select first corner using mouse. S ecify other corner oint D Select second corner using mouse.

POLYGON Co,,&#* *he P1A@71N co&&and is used to dra! a re#ular oly#on for a #iven len#th of the ed#e or side. >t can also be dra!n inscribin# or circu&scribin# a circle of #iven radius. Co,,&#* + Po).$o# <nter nu&ber of sides J.L D2 S ecify center of oly#on or G<d#eH D< S ecify first end oint of ed#e D Select the first point using mouse. S ecify second end oint of ed#e D I -6J6

Note+ -6 units #iven here &ay be considered as -6 &&. Do#"t "onut is filled rin#s or solid-filled circles that actually are closed olyline !ith !idth. 1. Choose "ra!' "onut. ). *y e "onut at the co&&and ro& t. Co&&andD "1NU* -. *y e A value for the inside dia&eter. >nside "ia&eter J lastL D 1 .. *y e A value for the outside dia&eter. 1utside "ia&eter JlastL D) /. Pic( A oint for the center of the donut. Center of dou#hnutD ( oint)

OOPS Co,,&#* 8einserts the last erased set of ob,ects or bloc( even if it !as not the last co&&and issued. 1ther!ise 1o s acts li(e UN"1. 1. *y e 11PS at the co&&and ro& t to reinsert erased ob,ects. Co&&andD 11PS

MULTI LINES $A>N< Co&&and Create &ulti le arallel lines. 1.Choose "ra!' $ultiline. ). *y e $A>N< at the co&&and ro& t. Co&&andD $A>N< -. Pic( A oint to start the &ultiline. NustificationEScaleEStyleE JFro& Point L D Pic( Point. .. Pic( A second oint to continue the &ultiline. J *o oint L D Pic( oint /. Pic( *he ne+t oint to continue dra!in# &ulitlines. UndoE J *o oint L D Pic( oint 2. Press <N*<8 to end the &ultiline. CloseE UndoE J *o oint L D Press <nter or 3. *y e C to close the &ultiline bac( to the first oint. CloseE UndoE J *o oint L D C

Re* &% &#* Re$e# 8edra! refreshes the current vie!. *y e 8edra! at the co&&and ro& t. Co&&andD 8edra! or 8 8e#en re#enerates the entire dra!in# and reco& utes the screen coordinates for all ob,ects. >t also re-inde+es the dra!in# database for o ti&u& dis lay and ob,ect selection erfor&ance. 1. *y e 8<7<N at the co&&and ro& t. Co&&andD 8<7<N or 8<

3ATC3 Co,,&#* *he FA*CF Co&&and is used to dra! hatching lines in a closed boundary re#ion. *here are &any standard hatch atterns available in AutoCA" that are identified by a attern na&e. Co,,&#* + 3ATC3 <nter a attern na&e or D Enter the pattern name or the default GOEsolidEuser definedHJANS1-1L pattern will e selected S ecify a scale for the attern J1.6666L D "ress ENTER S ecify an an#le for the attern J6L D "ress ENTER Select ob,ects to define hatch boundary or D "ress ENTER Jdirect hatchL Select ob,ects D Select the oundary for hatching using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER to e#ecute hatching

B3ATC3 Co,,&#* *he BFA*CF (boundary hatch) co&&and is used to dra! hatchin# lines in a closed re#ion enclosed !ithin a boundary by selectin# a oint inside the re#ion. Co,,&#* + B3ATC3 Select the hatch attern' scale' an#le then choose ic( ointsEselect ob,ects throu#h a dialo# bo+ and selectGokH to a ly the hatchin# inside the s ecfied boundary. ARC Co,,&#* *he A8C co&&and is used to dra! arc in &any o tions. *he default o tion is to dra! arc usin# - oints. Co,,&#* + ARC S ecify start oint of arc or GC<nterH D S ecify second oint of arc or GC<nterE<ndH D S ecify end oint of arc D Select $ points y using mouse.

OB?ECT SELECTION MET3ODS An ob,ect selection in AutoCA" is &ade throu#h cursor. 0arious sha es of cursor co&&only used in AutoCA" are cross hair (B) !hich is nor&ally seen inside the dra!in# area' an arro! cursor !hich is used to select an icon co&&and fro& the dra! toolbar and a s&all s=uare cursor to select ob,ects in the dra!in# area to erase' &ove' co y' etc.

1b,ects can also be selected throu#h a !indo! by ic(in# the dia&etrically osite corners of the !indo! usin# the co&&only used ic(in# device &ouse.

O(6e!t S#&'s Setti#$ An e+act oint on the ob,ect such as &id oint' end oint' center etc. can be selected by settin# ob,ect sna s throu#h a dialo# bo+. *he osna dialo# bo+ is activated by ressin# the F- (ey on the (eyboard. *he sna settin# is identified by &ar(er dis lay !hich is a s&all #eo&etrics sha e. 1b,ect sna toolbar is also used to select the #eo&etric oint by Pic(in# the a ro riate icon on it. *he ob,ect sna co&&ands can also be ty ed to select a articular oint in an ob,ect !hile any dra! co&&and such as A>N<' C>8CA8' etc. is e+ecuted. Co&&only used sna &odes are listed belo!D N<Arest P>N*ersection <N" oint *AN#ent $>" oint P<8 endicular C<Nter MUAdrant Note that in en#ineerin# dra!in# a lication' the ob,ect sna to e+act oint on the ob,ect is a &ust. So the users are as(ed to use the osna settin#s to re are their en#ineerin# dra!in#s. EDITING COMMANDS IN AUTOCAD Co&&ands !hich are used to &odify the e+istin# dra!in#s to the re=uired si?e and sha e are referred to as editin# co&&ands. Follo!in# are the list of editin# co&&ands co&&only used in en#ineerin# dra!in# re aration. OFFSET Co,,&#* *he 1FFS<* co&&and is used to dra! arallel lines' arcs' concentric circles' etc. to the s ecified distance. Co,,&#* + OFFSET S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hHJcurrentL D Enter the distance using key oard Select ob,ect to offset or Je+itL D Select o !ect to offset using mouse S ecify oint on side to offset D Specify the side for offsetting using mouse. Select ob,ect to offset or Je+itL D "ress ENTER to complete the Command

FILLET Co,,&#* *he F>AA<* co&&and is used to dra! cha&ferin# arcs connectin# t!o lines of s ecified radius. Co,,&#* + FILLET Curent settin#s D $ode Q *8>$' 8adius Q -.6666. Select first ob,ect or G olylineE8adiusE*ri&H D Specify first o !ect using mouse.

Select second ob,ect

D Specify second o !ect using mouse.

C3AMFER Co,,&#* *he CFA$F<8 co&&and is used to dra! beveled lines connectin# t!o lines at s ecified distances fro& the corner of t!o lines. Co,,&#* + C3AMFER (*8>$ &ode) current cha&fer "ist 1 Q -.666' "ist ) Q -.666 Select first line or GPolylineE"istancesEAn#leE*ri&E$ethodH D Specify the first line Select second line D Specify the second line

TRIM Co,,&#* *he *8>$ co&&and is used to tri& or cut the lines ro,ectin# beyond the s ecified boundary or cuttin# lines. Co,,&#* + TRIM Current settin#s D Pro,ection Q UCS <d#e Q None Select cuttin# <d#esR. Select ob,ects D Specify the cutting edges using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER Select ob,ects to tri& or GPro,ectE<d#eEUndoH D Select edges. Select ob,ects to tri& or GPro,ectE<d#eEUndoH D "ress ENTER

E@TEND Co,,&#* *he <C*<N" co&&and is used to e+tend or len#then a line to &eet other ob,ect !hich is selected as the boundary ed#e. Co,,&#* + E@TEND Current settin#s D Pro,ection Q UCS <d#e Q None

Select cuttin# <d#esR. Select ob,ects D Specify the oundary Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER Select ob,ects to e+tend or GPro,ectE<d#eEUndoH D Select the lines to e e#tended Select ob,ects to e+tend or GPro,ectE<d#eEUndoH D "ress ENTER

BREAA Co,,&#* *he B8<AS co&&and is used to re&ove a art of the selected ob,ects li(e line' arc' circle' etc. Co,,&#* + BREAA Select ob,ect D Select the o !ect using mouse. <nter second brea( oint or GFirst ointH D Specify the second point using mouse.

ROTATE Co,,&#* *he 81*A*< co&&and is used to rotate an ob,ect to a s ecified an#le. Co,,&#* + ROTATE Current ositive an#le in UCS D AN7">8 Q current AN7BAS< Q current Select ob,ects D Select the o !ects for rotation using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER S ecify base oint D Select a ase point on or nearer to the o !ect using mouse. S ecify rotation an#le or D Enter the angle of rotation using key oard. G8eferenceH MIRROR Co,,&#* *he $>8818 co&&and is used to #et a &irror co y of a sy&&etrical ob,ect. Co,,&#* + MIRROR Select ob,ects D select the o !ects to e mirrored using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER S ecify first oint of &irror line D Specify first endpoint S ecify second oint of &irror line D Specify secondt endpoint "elete source ob,ectsO GyesENoH JNL D "ress ENTER

ARRAY Co,,&#* *he A88A@ co&&and is used to &a(e &ulti le co ies of an ob,ect in a rectan#ular or olar fashion. Co,,&#* + ARRAY Select ob,ects D Select the circle using the mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER <nter ty e of array G8ectan#ularEPolarHJ8L D "ress ENTER <nter the nu&ber of ro!s (---) J1L D) <nter the nu&ber of colu&ns ( ) J1L D<nter the distance bet!een ro!s or s ecify unit cell (---) D -6 <nter distance bet!een colu&ns ( ) D.6

*he olar array arran#es the ob,ects around a oint in a circular attern. Consider the follo!in# e+a& le. Co,,&#* + ARRAY Select ob,ects D Select the line using the mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER <nter ty e of array G8ectan#ular or olar arrayH D P S ecify center oint of array D Select the endpoint of the line at the Center of the circle. <nter the nu&ber of ite&s in the array D4 S ecify the an#le to fill (B Q CC;'-QC;)J-26 D "ress ENTER 8otate arrayed ob,ects G@esENoHJ@L D "ress ENTER

E@PLODE Co,,&#* *he <CPA1"< co&&and is used to se arate a #rou ed ob,ects into individual ob,ects. For e+a& le' a he+a#on #enerated by a P1A@71N co&&and is a sin#le entity and can be e+ loded to 2 ob,ects or lines. Co,,&#* + E@PLODE o @ Select ob,ects D Select the o !ects using the mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER C3PROP Co,,&#* o C3 Co,,&#* *he CFP81P co&&and is used to chan#e the e+istin# ob,ect ro erties such as line ty e' colour thic(ness' etc. Co,,&#* + C3PROP Select ob,ects D Select the o !ects using the mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER <nter ro erty to chan#e GColourEAayerEA*y eE>tScaleEA;ei#htE*hic(nessH D Specify the properties. Note that the chan#e ro erties can also be done throu#h the dialo# bo+. Aines !ith various colors can be used in a dra!in# for better understandin# of the dra!in#. Also lines !ith different ty es such as center' hidden line' continuous line' etc. are used in en#ineerin# dra!in#. MATC3PROP Co,,&#* *he $A*CFP81P or PA>N*<8 co&&and is used to assi#n ro erties such as colour' line ty e' etc. of an e+istin# ob,ect to another ob,ect. Co,,&#* + MATC3PROP Select source ob,ects D Select the source o !ects using mouse. Select "estination ob,ect(s) or Gsettin#sH D Select the o !ects whose properties are to e Changed y using mousse. Select "estination ob,ect(s) or Gsettin#sH D "ress ENTER BASIC DIMENSIONING Any en#ineerin# dra!in# re ared for an a lication ur ose' should acco& any !ith the di&ensions of the ob,ect. *he &ethod of di&ensionin# is si&ilar to the nor&al &ethod follo!ed in en#ineerin# dra!in#. Follo!in# di&ensionin# ty es are co&&only used in en#ineerin# dra!in# ractice.

Li#e& Di,e#sio#i#$ *he hori?ontal and vertical di&ensions of an ob,ect are &ar(ed by usin# linear di&ensionin# &ethod. Co,,&#* + DIM o DIMLIN ">$ D F18 S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or select ob,ectL D Select first e#tension point. S ecify second e+tension line ori#in D Select second e#tension point. S ecify di&ension line location or G$*e+tE*e+tEAn#leH D Select the location conveniently a!ay fro& the ob,ect. <nter di&ension te+t JdefaultL D Type a rounded dimension or press ENTER ">$ D 0<8 S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectL D Select first e#tension point. S ecify second e+tension line ori#in D Select second e#tension point. S ecify di&ension line location or G$*e+tEAn#leH D Select the location conveniently a!ay fro& the ob,ect. <nter di&ension te+t JdefaultLD Type a rounded dimension or "ress ENTER

A)i$#e* Di,e#sio#i#$ *he ali#ned di&ensionin# is si&ilar to linear di&ensionin# but the di&ension line is arallel to the ed#e of the ob,ect !hich is inclined at any an#le. Co,,&#* + DIM o DIMALIGNED ">$ D AA>7N<" S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectL D Select first e#tension point. S ecify second e+tension line ori#in D Select second e#tension point. S ecify di&ension line location or G$*e+tE*e+tEAn#leHD Select the location Conveniently away from the o !ect. <nter the di&ension te+t JdefaultL D *y e a rounded di&ension

A#$")& *i,e#sio#i#$ *he an#ular di&ensionin# is used to &ar( the an#le bet!een t!o non- arallel lines. Co,,&#* + DIMANG Select arc' circle' line' or Js ecify verte+L D Select the first line.

Select second line S ecify di&ension arc line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leH

D Select the second line using mouse. D Select the location conveniently a!ay fro& the ob,ect.

Di&,ete Di,e#sio#i#$ *he dia&eter di&ensionin# is used to &ar( dia&eter of a circle. Co,,&#* + DIMDIA Select arc or circle D Select a circle using mouse. "i&ension te+t Q current S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tEte+tEAn#leH D Select the location conveniently %way from the o !ect.

R&*i"s Di,e#sio#i#$ *he radius di&ensionin# is used to &ar( radius of a circle or an arc. Co,,&#* + DIMRAD Select arc or circle D Select an arc using mouse. "i&ension te+t Q Current S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tEte+tEAn#leHD Select the location conveniently away from the o !ect.

D &%i#$ Le&*e Li#e *he leader line is used to add annotationsEinfor&ations related to an ob,ect. Co,,&#* + DIM o LEADER ">$ D A<A Aeader start D Select the start point. *o oint D Select end point of leader. "ress Enter "i&ension te+t Jcurrent valueL D . Foles TTC )6. "ress ENTER

B&se)i#e Di,e#sio#s 1. Choose "i&ension' Baseline. ). Clic( *he baseline "i&ensions co&&and fro& the tool bar. -. *y e ">$ at the co&&and ro& t. Co&&andD">$ "i&D BAS<A>N<

Co#ti#"e* Di,e#sio#s 1. Choose "i&ension' Baseline. ). Clic( *he Continue "i&ensions co&&and fro& the tool bar. -. *y e ">$ at the co&&and ro& t. Co&&andD">$ "i&D C1N*>NU<

>"i!7 Di,e#sio#s Muic(ly creates di&ension arran#e&ents fro& the #eo&etry you select 1. Choose "i&ension' M">$ ). Clic( the =uic( di&ension icon fro& the di&ensions toolbar. -. *y e M">$ at the co&&and ro& t' Co&&andD M">$ .. Pic( the ob,ects to di&ensions C e&ti#$ Di,e#sio# st.)es 1. Choose for&at' "i&ension style (or) ). Choose "i&ension' Style (or) -. Choose "i&ension style icon fro& the di&ension style toolbar. (or) .. *y e "">$ at the co&&and ro& t' Co&&andD "">$ (or) /. Choose Ne!R fro& the dialo# bo+. (or) 2. Create a ne! style fro& the e+istin# style (or)

TE@T Co,,&#* *he *<C* co&&and is used to !rite te+t on an en#ineerin# dra!in# for any &ar(in# ur oses. Co,,&#* + DDEDIT Select an annotation ob,ect or GUndoH DSelect a te#t using mouse. &Edit the te#t in the dialog o#' Select an annotation ob,ect or GUndoH D"ress ENTER or select () to Terminate editing. PEDIT Co,,&#* *he P<">* co&&and is used to edit a olyline. >t is used to &odify a olyline li(e relocatin#' re&ovin#' &ovin#' or insertin# vertices in a olyline. Co,,&#* + PEDIT Select a olyline D Select a polyline using mouse. <nter an o tion GCloseENoinE;idthE <dit verte+EFitES lineE"ecurveEUndoH D F Select * to fit a curve + thenpress ENTER

C3ANGE Co,,&#* *he CFAN7< co&&and is used to chan#e ob,ect ro erties such as colour' line ty e' thic(ness' etc. *he thic(ness of the selected ob,ect is obtained in the follo!in# &anner. Co,,&#* + C3ANGE Selected ob,ects D Select the o !ects using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER S ecify the chan#e oint or G ro ertiesH DP <nter ro erty to chan#e GColorEAayerEA*y eE >tScaleEA;ei#htE*hic(nessH D* <nter ne! thic(ness Jcurrent thic(nessL D "ress ENTER or specify new value. ISOMETRIC DRA4ING >so&etric dra!in#s are used for better visuali?ation of an ob,ect. *he iso&etric a+es as discussed in iso&etric ro,ections are used to dra! iso&etric dra!in#s. But curves and elli ses in iso&etric dra!in#s are dra!n in iso&etric lanes. SNAP Co,,&#* *he SNAP co&&and is used to set the style for iso&etric dra!in#. Co,,&#* + SNAP S ecify Sna or G1NE1FFEAs ectE8otateEStyleE*y eHJ6./666L DS <nter sna #rid style GstandardE>so&etricHJSL D> S ecify vertical s acin# J6./666L D "ress ENTER or New snap spacing.

N1*<D 1. *he SNAP settin# is activated by ressin# F5 (ey on (eyboard ). *he 78>" used to sho! a #rid in dra!in# area is activated by ressin# F3(ey on (eyboard D &%i#$ iso,et i! !i !)es Circles are seen as elli ses in iso&etric dra!in#s. An iso lane is set to dra! the iso&etric circle (elli se)usin# <AA>PS< co&&and !ith >socircle o tion.

ISOPLANE Co,,&#* *he >S1PAAN< co&&and is used to #et the curve elli se in iso lane (*o E8i#htEAeft) for iso&etric dra!in#. Co,,&#* + ISOPLANE <nter iso&etric lane settin# GAeftE*o E8i#htHJ*o LD "ress , or R or T to select -soplane. Current iso lane D *o Note that to##le a&on# different iso lanes is also obtained by usin# F/ (ey on the (eyboard. Di,e#sio#i#$ Iso,et i! D &%i#$s *he standard &ethod to &ar( di&ensions of an ob,ect is follo!ed in iso&etric dra!in#s' then they are edited usin# 1BA>MU< o tion in ">$ co&&and. Co,,&#* + DIM ">$ D 1BA>MU< Select ob,ect D Select the dimension line to edit. <nter obli=ue an#le (Press <N*<8 for none) D -6 Note that the obli=ue an#le is -6' 56'1/6')36 and --6 for standard iso&etric a+es. For non iso&etric lines their inclination an#le is obtained usin# A>S* co&&and and that an#le is used as the obli=ue an#le for the correct iso&etric di&ensionin#. CREATING BD DRA4INGS ELE= Co,,&#* *he <A<0 co&&and is used to set K direction and to add third di&ension in addition to C and @-values. Co,,&#* + ELE= Ne! current elevation JcurrentL D "ress ENTER or specify new value. Ne! current thic(ness JcurrentL D "ress ENTER or specify new value

Note that all ob,ects dra!n after this co&&and !ill be added the ne! K-a+is value. *he e+istin# ob,ects !ill not be affected. =POINT Co,,&#* *he 0P1>N* co&&and is used to set a vie!in# direction for a three di&ensional visuali?ation of ob,ect. *he C'@ and K coordinate values are #iven to s ecify the vie! oint direction. So&e of the i& ortant vie! oint coordinates are #iven belo!. =POINT !oo *i#&tes =ie% *is')&.e* 6' 6' 1 *o vie! 6'-1' 6 Front vie! 1' 6' 6 8i#ht side vie! -1' 6' 6 Aeft side vie! 1'-1'1 *o ' front' ri#ht side vie! (iso&etric vie!) -1'-1'1 *o ' front' left side vie! (iso&etric vie!) Co,,&#* + =POINT Current vie! direction D 0><;">8 Q current S ecify a vie! oint or G8otateHJdis lay co& ass and tri odL D Enter view point Coordinates Note that the vie! oints can be easily selected usin# the vie! oint toolbar throu#h &ouse instead of ty in# the coordinates throu#h (eyboard. *he dis lay co& ass and tri od &entioned above are sho!n belo! are also used to set a vie! oint throu#h &ouse.

=PORTS Co,,&#* *he 0P18*S co&&and is used to divide the dra!in# area in the &onitor screen into &ulti le tiled vie! orts. Co,,&#*+ =PORTS *he 0P18*S dialo# bo+ is dis layed to create ne! vie! ort confi#uration. *he 0P18*S co&&and can also be #iven in the follo!in# o tion.

Co,,&#* + =PORTS <nter an o tion GSaveE8estoreE"eleteENoinESin#leOE)E-E.HJ-L D Enter value . using )ey oard *his !ill divide the current vie! ort into four vie! orts of e=ual si?e. UCS Co,,&#* *he UCS (User Coordinate Syste&) co&&and is used to create and edit -" ob,ects. *he UCS can be shifted to any osition and is indicated by UCS icon. *he osition of UCS icon s ecifies the orientation in !hich )" ob,ects are dra!n and the direction in !hich the ob,ects are e+truded to #et -" ob,ect. Co,,&#* + UCS Current UCS na&e D U;18A"U <nter an o tion GNe!E$oreEortho 7ra hicEPreE8estoreE SaveE"elEA lyEOE;orldHJ;orldL D Specify your option.

4CS 14o )* Coo *i#&te S.ste,2 *he ;CS is the default coordinate syste& in AutoCA" used in )" dra!in#s. >ts ori#in is located at the lo!er left corner of the screen. *his coordinate syste& is fi+ed and cannot be &oved li(e UCS. CREATING BD OB?ECTS *he <A<0 co&&and used to create -" !irefra&e &odelV has only lines and curves re resentin# the ob,ect. A solid &odel is a -" ob,ect dra!n in -" vie! !hich can be used to #et the to vie!' front vie!' section' etc. of that ob,ect. Solid &odels can be re ared easily than the !irefra&e &odels by usin# the solid features li(e Cylinder' Cone' Bo+' etc. *his solid &odels can be assi#ned hysical ro erties for further e+tension of its a lication in Finite <le&ent $odel (F<$) for analysis such as stress' strain' deflection' etc. A solid &odel can also be used in

Co& uter Nu&erical Control (CNC) si&ulation and re aration of CNC ro#ra& for &achinin# such as &illin#' turnin# etc. E@TRUDE Co,,&#* *he <C*8U"< co&&and is used to create a solid ob,ect by e+trudin# a )" ob,ect alon# a s ecified ath. Co,,&#* + E@TRUDE Select ob,ects D Specify the o !ects using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER S ecify hei#ht of e+trusion or G athH D Enter the height S ecify an#le of ta er for e+trusion J6L D "ress ENTER Note that only ob,ects !ith olyline can be e+truded and other lines are edited usin# P<">* co&&and !ith Noin o tion to e+trude it.

CYLINDER Co,,&#* *he C@A>N"<8 co&&and is used to create a solid cylinder. *he cylinder base lies on the current C@ lane and the hei#ht or e+trusion of it is obtained alon# K a+is. *he UCS ositron can be chan#ed to create a solid ob,ect in any s ecific direction. Co,,&#* + CYLINDER Current !irefra&e density >S1A>N<S Q. S ecify center oint for base of cylinder or G<lli ticalHJ6'6'6L D Select the point S ecify radius for base of cylinder or G"ia&eterH D Enter radius. S ecify hei#ht of cylinder or GCenter of other endH D Enter height. Note that 0P1>N* li(e J1'-1'1L has to be used to vie! the cylinder.

CONE Co,,&#* *he C1N< co&&and is used to create a solid cone !ith a circular or elli tical base. *he base of the cone lies on the current C@ lane and the a e+ oint is defined in K direction to refer the cone hei#ht. Co,,&#* + CONE Current fra&e density D >S1PAAN< Q current S ecify center oint for base of cone or D Select the point using mouse. G<lli ticalH J6'6'6L S ecify radius for base of cone or G"ia&eterH D Enter radius+ say /0 S ecify hei#ht of cone or GA e+H D Enter height+ say /0

Note that 0P1>N* li(e J1'-1'1L has to be used to vie! the cone. BO@ Co,,&#* *he B1C co&&and is used to create a solid rectan#ular or s=uare bo+. *he o osite base corners and the hei#ht of the bo+ are #iven to #enerate a bo+. Co,,&#* + BO@ S ecify corners of bo+ or GCenterHJ6'6'6L D Select the corner using mouse.1 S ecify corner or GcubeElen#thH D Select the corner using mouse. S ecify hei#ht D Enter height say /0.

Note that 0P1>N* li(e J1'-1'1L has to be used to vie! the bo+. Re9o)9e 1. Choose "ra!' solid' revolve ). *y e 8evolve at the co&&and ro& t Co&&andD revolve Current !ire fra&e densityD >S1A>N<SQ. Select ob,ectsD Pic( rofile Select ob,ectsD enter S ecify start oint for a+is or revolution Edefine a+is by (ob,ectECa+isE@a+is)D o Select an ob,ectD ic( a+is S ecify an#le of revolutionJ-26LD enter.

4e*$e Create a -" solid !ed#e 1. Choose "ra!' Solids' ;ed#e. ). *y e ;ed#e at the co&&and ro& t Co&&andD W;ed#e S ecify first corner of !ed#e or (C<nter)J6'6'6LD ic( S ecify corner or GCubeEAen#thHD ic( S ecify hei#htD )

To "s Create a donut-sha ed solid 1. Choose "ra!' Solids' *orus ). *y e *18US at the co&&and ro& t Co&&andD torus Current !ire fra&e densityD >S1A>N<SQ. S ecify center of torus J6'6'6LD ic( oint S ecify radius of torus or G"ia&eterHD 2 S ecify radius of tube or G"ia&eterHD )

I#te se!t Creates a solid based on the intersection of t!o e+istin# solids. 1. Choose $odify' Solids <ditin#' >ntersect ). *y e >N*<8S<C* at the co&&and ro& t Co&andD >ntersect Select ob,ectsD ic( cylinder and bo+ Select ob,ectsD enter.

UNION Co,,&#* *he UN>1N co&&and is used to create a co& osite solid by co&binin# several solids. *he co& osite solid is the result of co&binin# the total volu&e of t!o or &ore e+istin# solids. Co,,&#* + UNION Select ob,ects D Specify the o !ect using mouse. Select ob,ects D Specify the o !ect using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER

Note that co&&ands li(e $10< are used to osition the ob,ects before usin# UN>1N co&&and. SUBTRACT Co,,&#* *he SUB*8AC* co&&and is used to create a co& osite solid by re&ovin# the co&&on area shared by t!o solids. *he co& osite solid is the result of subtractin# the volu&e of one ob,ect fro& the other ob,ect. Co,,&#* + SUBTRACT Select solids and re#ions to subtract fro&R Select ob,ects D Select the solid using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER Select solids and re#ions to subtractR Select ob,ects D Select the solid using mouse. Select ob,ects D "ress ENTER

Note that co&&ands li(e $10< are used to osition the ob,ects before usin# UN>1N co&&and.

MASSPROP Co,,&#* *he $ASSP81P co&&and is used to analy?e a solid &odel and list auto&atically the &ass ro erties of the solid. Co,,&#* + MASSPROP Select ob,ects D Select the solid o !ects. S1A>"S $assD 0olu&eD Boundary bo+D CentroidD $o&ent of inertiaD Products of inertiaD 8adii of #yrationD Princi al &o&ents and C-@-K direction about centroidD ;rite analysis to a fileO JNL D Press <N*<8 or @ to !rite in dis(. SECTION Co,,&#* *he S<C*>1N co&&and is used to create a cross section of solid ob,ect throu#h a s ecified cuttin# lane. Co,,&#* + SECTION Select ob,ects D Select the solid o !ectSelect ob,ects D "ress ENTER S ecify first oint on section lane by G1b,ectEKa+isE 0ie!EC@E@KEKCHJ- ointsL D C@ S ecify a oint on C@ lane J6'6'6L D "ress ENTER

3IDE Co,,&#* *he F>"< co&&and is used to su the dra!in#. Co,,&#* + 3IDE "ress ENTER

ress the hidden lines in a -" ob,ect by re#eneratin#

11A2 C e&tio# of Si,')e fi$" es )i7e Po).$o# "si#$ A(so)"te Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/ Ex/ No/ D&te+

166' 146 -6 166' 1/6

Exe !ise 11A2 C e&tio# of si,')e fi$" e )i7e -ex&$o# "si#$ A(so)"te Co-o *i#&te ,et-o*
Co,,&#*+ )i,its 8eset $odel s ace li&itsD S ecify lo!er left corner or G1NE1FFH J6.6666'6.6666LD S ecify u er ri#ht corner J1).6666'5.6666LD )53')16 Co,,&#*+ 8 1<OOM2 S ecify corner of !indo!' enter a scale factor (nC or nCP)' or GAllECenterE"yna&icE<+tentsEPreviousEScaleE;indo!E1b,ectH Jreal ti&eLD a 8e#eneratin# &odel. Co,,&#*+ POLYGON <nter nu&ber of sides J.LD 2 S ecify center of oly#on or G<d#eHD e S ecify first end oint of ed#eD 166'1/6 S ecify second end oint of ed#eD 166'146 Co,,&#*+ C*i,)i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the oint S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the oint S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q -6 Co,,&#*+ ,text Current te+t styleD XStandardY *e+t hei#htD 6.)666 S ecify first cornerD ic( the corner oint S ecify o osite corner or GFei#htENustifyEAine s acin#E8otationEStyleE;idthHD ic( the ne+t corner oint

O(se 9&tio# 11A2 C e&tio# of Si,')e fi$" es )i7e Po).$o# "si#$ A(so)"te Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,

O(se 9&tio# 11A2 C e&tio# of Si,')e fi$" es )i7e Po).$o# "si#$ A(so)"te Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


11B2 C e&tio# of Ge#e &) M")ti fi$" es "si#$ Re)&ti9e Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/ Ex/ No/ D&te+

8./ 8-/

1/ 1-6 26

166 1/6

Exe !ise 11B2

C e&tio# of Ge#e &) M")ti fi$" es "si#$ Re)&ti9e Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/
Set the )i,its accordin# to the #iven dia#ra&. Co,,&#*+ LINE A>N< S ecify first ointD 6'6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD I1/6'6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD I6'1-6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD I-1/6'6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD c Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD )/'1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD I166'6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD I6'26 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD I-166'6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD c Co,,&#*+ LINE A>N< S ecify first ointD 1)/'./ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD I-1/'6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD Co,,&#*+ A ! S ecify start oint of arc or GCenterHD Pic( the oint S ecify second oint of arc or GCenterE<ndHD Pic( the oint S ecify end oint of arcD Pic( the oint Co,,&#*+ Mi o Select ob,ectsD 1 found S ecify first oint of &irror lineD Pic( the oint S ecify second oint of &irror lineD Pic( the oint <rase source ob,ectsO G@esENoH JNLD <nter Co&&andD W.erase 1 found (e+tra line) Co,,&#*+ CIRCLE S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J./.6666LD ./ Co,,&#*+ CIRCLE S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J./.6666LD -/ Co,,&#*+ T i, Current settin#sD Pro,ectionQUCS' <d#eQNone Select cuttin# ed#es... Select ob,ects or Jselect allLD Select ob,ect to tri& or shift-select to e+tend or GFenceECrossin#EPro,ectE<d#eEeraseEUndoHD

O(se 9&tio#

11B2 C e&tio# of $e#e &) ,")ti fi$" es "si#$ Re)&ti9e Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,

O(se 9&tio#

11B2 C e&tio# of $e#e &) ,")ti fi$" es "si#$ Re)&ti9e Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


11C2 C e&tio# of Ge#e &) M")ti fi$" es "si#$ Po)& Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/

Ex/ No/ D&te+


83 -6

)/ .6 36 16

Exe !ise 11C2

C e&tio# of Ge#e &) M")ti fi$" es "si#$ Po)& Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/
Set the )i,its accordin# to the #iven dia#ra&. Co,,&#*+ )i#e S ecify first ointD )/' )/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD J1rtho onL I.6J6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD I16J56 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD I-6J6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD I-6J56 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD I36J146 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD c Co,,&#*+ !i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD .6' /6 S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterHD d S ecify dia&eter of circleD 1/ Co,,&#*+ !o'. Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD enter S ecify base oint or G"is lace&entH J"is lace&entLD ic( the oint S ecify second oint or Juse first oint as dis lace&entLD -6 S ecify second oint or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD enter Co,,&#*+ C*i,)i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the oint S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the oint S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q 16

O(se 9&tio#

11C2 C e&tio# of $e#e &) ,")ti fi$" es "si#$ Po)& Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,

O(se 9&tio#

11C2 C e&tio# of $e#e &) ,")ti fi$" es "si#$ Po)& Co-o *i#&te s.ste,/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+

Res")t+ 2/ D &%i#$ of & Tit)e B)o!7 %it- #e!ess& . text &#* ' o6e!tio# s.,(o)/

Ex/ No/ D&te+



Exe !ise 2

DRA4ING OF A TITLE BLOCA 4IT3 NECESSARY TE@T AND PRO?ECTION SYMBOL Set the )i,its accordin# to the #iven dia#ra&. Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD Pic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .)6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD )53 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD .)6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C Co,,&#*+ OFFSET Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J1/.6666LD )6 Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD select the line Si,i)& ). * &% t-e ot-e )i#es "si#$ OFFSET !o,,&#* Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD Pic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 1/6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 166 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 1/6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 166 Co,,&#*+ OFFSET Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J16.6666LD 1/ Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD select the line Co,,&#*+ C!i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterHD 16 Co,,&#*+ !i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J16.6666LD / Co,,&#*+ Ct i, Current settin#sD Pro,ectionQUCS' <d#eQNone Select cuttin# ed#es. Select ob,ects or Jselect allLD Select ob,ect to tri& or shift-select to e+tend or GFenceECrossin#EPro,ectE<d#eEe8aseEUndoHD re&ove un!anted ob,ect Co,,&#*+ MTE@T Current te+t styleD XStandardY *e+t hei#htD / S ecify first cornerD ic( the corres ondin# s ace S ecify o osite corner or GFei#htENustifyEAine s acin#E8otationEStyleE;idthHD Stretch Co,,&#*+ C*i,)i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q 16

O(se 9&tio#

2/ D &%i#$ of & Tit)e B)o!7 %it- Ne!ess& . Text &#* P o6e!tio# S.,(o) / Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio#

2/ D &%i#$ of & Tit)e B)o!7 %it- Ne!ess& . Text &#* P o6e!tio# S.,(o) / Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+

Res")t+ B1&2/ D &%i#$ of C" 9es )i7e S'i &) "si#$ Bs')i#e

Ex/ No/ D&te+

Exe !ise B1&2


Set the )i,its accordin# to the #iven dia#ra&. Co,,&#*+ ')i#e S ecify start ointD Pic( *he Point S ecify ne+t oint or GArcEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD J1rtho onL 16 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 16 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD .6 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD .6 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD /6 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD /6 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 26 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 26 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 36 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 36 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 46 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 46 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 56 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 166 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD Co,,&#*+ C*i, )i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the oint S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the oint S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q 16 Co,,&#*+ SPLINETYPE <nter ne! value for SPA>N<*@P< J/LD 2 Co,,&#*+ PEDIT Select olyline or G$ulti leHD select ob,ect <nter an o tion GCloseENoinE;idthE<dit verte+EFitES lineE"ecurveEAty e #enEUndoHD s line <nter an o tion GCloseENoinE;idthE<dit verte+EFitES lineE"ecurveEAty e #enEUndoHD enter

O(se 9&tio# B1&2/ D &%i#$ of C" 9es )i7e S'i &) "si#$ Bs')i#e/

Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# B1&2 D &%i#$ of C" 9es )i7e S'i &) "si#$ Bs')i#e

/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


B1(2 D &%i#$ of C" 9es )i7e P& &(o)& "si#$ S')i#e

Ex/ No/ D&te+




Exe !ise B1(2


Co,,&#*+ SPLINE S ecify first oint or G1b,ectHD Pic( the oint P1 S ecify ne+t ointD Pic( the oint P) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEFit toleranceH Jstart tan#entLD Pic( the oint PS ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEFit toleranceH Jstart tan#entLD <N*<8 S ecify start tan#entD <N*<8 S ecify end tan#entD <N*<8 Co,,&#*+ MTE@T Current te+t styleD XStandardY *e+t hei#htD 1 S ecify first cornerD ic( the corres ondin# s ace S ecify o osite corner or GFei#htENustifyEAine s acin#E8otationEStyleE;idthHD Stretch

O(se 9&tio# B1(2 D &%i#$ of C" 9es )i7e P& &(o)& "si#$ S')i#e/

Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# B1(2 D &%i#$ of C" 9es )i7e P& &(o)& "si#$ S')i#e

/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+

Res")t+ E1&2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e ' is, &#* *i,e#sio#i#$

Ex/ No/ D&te+ "ra! the front vie! and to vie! of he+a#onal ris& of side -/ && !hen it is restin# on its base on the #round. 1ne of its rectan#ular faces is arallel to the 0P. *he len#th of the a+is is 36 &&.

Exe !ise E1&2


Co,,&#*+ 'o).$o# <nter nu&ber of sides J.LD 2 S ecify center of oly#on or G<d#eHD <nter an o tion G>nscribed in circleECircu&scribed about circleH J>LD i S ecify radius of circleD -/ Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD Pic( the oint in front vie! usin# otrac( fro& 9a: S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD J1rtho onL 36 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD Pic( the oint in front vie! usin# otrac( fro& 9d: and reference otrac( fro& above dra!n line S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD J1rtho onL 36 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD Pic( the oint in front vie! usin# otrac( fro& 9b Z C: S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD J1rtho onL 36 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ C*i, )i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the oint S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the oint S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q 36 Co,,&#*+ C*i,&)i$#e* S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the oint S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the oint S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leHD "i&ension te+t Q -/ $ar( the oint in to vie! (i.e a' b' c' d' e' f) usin# $*<C* co&&and

O(se 9&tio# E1&2/ D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e ' is, &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ / Ex/ No/

D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# E1&2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e ' is, &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ / Ex/ No/

D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


E1(2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e '. &,i* &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ Ex/ No/ D&te+

"ra! the front vie! and to vie! of enta#onal yra&id of side -6 && !hen it is restin# on its base on the #round. 1ne of its base ed#e is arallel to the 0P. *he len#th of the a+is is 36 &&.


31[ .5 e & o -6 ( !

Exe !ise E1(2


S ecify center of oly#on or G<d#eHD e S ecify first end oint of ed#eD J1rtho onL S ecify second end oint of ed#eD -6 M& 7 t-e !e#t e 'oi#t of t-e 'o).$o# 1!-oose &#. t%o e*$es &#* * &% & )i#e f o, t-e ,i*'oi#t of t-e e*$es5 t-e t%o )i#es i#te se!t &t & 'oi#t/ i/e !e#t e 'oi#t2 D &% t-e s)&#t e*$es of t-e '. &,i* i# to' 9ie% Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( one corner S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ,oin !ith centre S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD Pic( another corner D &% t-e f o#t 9ie% "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint usin# left e+tre&e corner in to vie! S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .5 ( ic( the oint usin# ri#ht e+tre&e corner in to vie!) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD $id oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 36 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD Noin the a e+ oint !ith left and ri#ht end oint of base line D &% t-e s)&#t e*$es i# f o#t 9ie% "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ DIMALIGNED S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the oint of base ed#e S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the another oint of base ed#e S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leHD "i&ension te+t Q -6 Co,,&#*+ DIMLINEAR S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the a e+ oint S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the base line in front vie! S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q .5 Co,,&#*+ DIMANGULAR Select arc' circle' line' or Js ecify verte+LD ic( the slant ed#e in front vie! Select second lineD ic( the base line S ecify di&ension arc line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leHD "i&ension te+t Q 31

O(se 9&tio# E1(2/ D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e '. &,i* &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ / Ex/ No/ D&te+

Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# E1(2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e '. &,i* &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ / Ex/ No/ D&te+

Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


E1!2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e !.)i#*e &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ Ex/ No/ D&te+

"ra! the front vie! and to vie! of cylinder of dia&eter .6 && !hen it is restin# on its base on the #round. *he len#th of the a+is is 3/ &&.




Exe !ise E1!2


Co,,&#*+ CIRCLE

S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterHD " S ecify dia&eter of circleD .6 Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint in the front vie! usin# otrac( fro& one end of dia. S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD J1rtho onL .6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 3/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD .6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C Co,,&#*+ C*i,)i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q 3/

O(se 9&tio# E1!2/ D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e !.)i#*e &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ / Ex/ No/ D&te+

Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# E1!2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e !.)i#*e &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ / Ex/ No/ D&te+

Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


E1*2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e !o#e &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ Ex/ No/ D&te+

"ra! the front vie! and to vie! of cone of dia&eter /6 && !hen it is restin# on its base on the #round. *he len#th of the a+is is 166 &&.

Exe !ise E1*2

DRA4ING OF FRONT =IE4 AND TOP =IE4 OF SIMPLE SOLIDS LIAE CONE AND DIMENSIONING Co,,&#*+ !i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD ic( the oint S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterHD d

S ecify dia&eter of circleD /6 Co,,&#*+ )i#e A>N< S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD J1rtho onL /6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ )i#e A>N< S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD166 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD connect the t!o lines S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD connect the t!o lines S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ C*i,)i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the oint S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the oint S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q 166 Co,,&#*+ C*i, &*i"s Select arc or circleD "i&ension te+t Q )/ S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leHD

O(se 9&tio# E1*2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e !o#e &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ / Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# E1*2 D &%i#$ of f o#t 9ie% &#* to' 9ie% of si,')e so)i*s )i7e !o#e &#* *i,e#sio#i#$ / Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


51&2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of =-()o!7 f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+


/ )6




Exe !ise 51&2

DRA4ING FRONT =IE45 TOP =IE4 AND SIDE =IE4 OF =-BLOCA FROM PICTORIAL =IE4 Co,,&#*+ Li#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD -6

S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD J1rtho onL -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C Co,,&#*+ OFFSET Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD / Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD S ecify oint on side to offset or G<+itE$ulti leEUndoH J<+itLD Co,,&#*+ Li#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD / S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHDc Co,,&#*+ Li#e S ecify first ointD Pic( the &id oint of )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 16 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD connect the oint Co,,&#*+ Li#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD c. $ar( the di&ensions

O(se 9&tio# 51&2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of =-()o!7 f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie%/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# 51&2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of =-()o!7 f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie%/ Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+

Res")t+ 51(2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of FB&se of Mixie f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+

-6 1/ 16 )6 )/ )6

\1/ .6


-6 5/

Exe !ise 51(2

51B2 DRA4ING FRONT =IE45 TOP =IE4 AND SIDE =IE4 OF FBASE OF MI@IE FROM PICTORIAL =IE4 Co,,&#*+LINE S ecify first ointD S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 5/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD5/

S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD.6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD<N*<8 Co,,&#*+ OFFSET Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD 16 Co,,&#*+ CIRCLE S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterHD " S ecify dia&eter of circleD 1/ Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD Pic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 5/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 2/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 16 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD connect the t!o oint S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHDenter Co,,&#*+ Li#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHDenter Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD Pic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 16 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD connect the t!o oint S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD -6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD connect the t!o oint S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ Li#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD)6 Si&ilarly dra! the side vie! and &ar( the di&ensions

O(se 9&tio# 51(2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of FB&se of Mixie f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# 51(2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of FB&se of Mixie f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


51!2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of Fsi,')e stoo)G f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+

1) 14


Exe !ise 51!2

51C2 DRA4ING FRONT =IE45 TOP =IE4 AND SIDE =IE4 OF FSIMPLE STOOLG FROM PICTORIAL =IE4 Co,,&#*+ C')i#e S ecify start ointD Current line-!idth is 6.6666 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 1) S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 1)

S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD enter Co,,&#*+ C')i#e S ecify start ointD Current line-!idth is 6.6666 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD ) S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD ) S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD ) S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD enter Si,i)& ). * &% ot-e )e$s of stoo) i# to' 9ie% Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 14 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 1) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 14 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD ) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 4 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ C')i#e S ecify start ointD Current line-!idth is 6.6666 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 14 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD ) S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 11 S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD ) S ecify ne+t oint or GArcECloseEFalf!idthEAen#thEUndoE;idthHD enter Co,,&#*+ C*i,)i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD S ecify di&ension line location orG$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q 1) Si,i)& ). ,& 7 ot-e *i,e#sio#s

O(se 9&tio# 51!2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of Fsi,')e stoo)G f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# 51!2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of Fsi,')e stoo)G f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


51*2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of o(6e!t f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+

R20 R8 44 24 72 R20 5 16 35 5 40 16 8

Exe !ise 51*2

51D2 DRA4ING FRONT =IE45 TOP =IE4 AND SIDE =IE4 OF OB?ECT FROM PICTORIAL =IE4 Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD P>CS *F< P1>N* S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD /) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .6

S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD /) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD c Co,,&#*+ OFFSET Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD 1) M& 7 t-e D&s-e* )i#es of i#9isi()e -o)e Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD P>CS *F< P1>N* S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD -/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD / S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD -/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C Co,,&#*+ CIRCLE S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J)..6666LD )6 Co,,&#*+ CIRCLE S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J)..6666LD )./ Co,,&#*+ CIRCLE S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J)..6666LD )./ Co,,&#*+ Ct i, Current settin#sD Pro,ectionQUCS' <d#eQNone Select cuttin# ed#es ... Select ob,ects or Jselect allLD Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD P>CS *F< P1>N* S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 3) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 4 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 26 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD -2 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 1) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C M& 7 t-e D&s-e* )i#es of i#9isi()e -o)e Si,i)& ). * &% t-e si*e 9ie% &#* ,& 7 t-e *i,e#sio#s

O(se 9&tio# 51*2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of o(6e!t f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# 51*2 D &%i#$ f o#t 9ie%5 to' 9ie% &#* si*e 9ie% of o(6e!t f o, 'i!to i&) 9ie% Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


H/ D &%i#$ of & ')&# of esi*e#ti&) ("i)*i#$ Ex/ No/ D&te+

Exe !ise H

S ecify first ointD P>CS *F< P1>N* S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 2666 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 3/66 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 2666 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD c Co,,&#*+ offset Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD 166 Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD select the line S ecify oint on side to offset or G<+itE$ulti leEUndoH J<+itLD Select the side Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD enter Si,i)& ). *o t-e offset !o,,&#*s to * &% t-e f &,e of *ist&#!e 100 Co,,&#*+ offset Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD )4/6 Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD select the to line S ecify oint on side to offset or G<+itE$ulti leEUndoH J<+itLD Select the botto& side Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD enter Co,,&#*+ offset Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD )4/6 Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD select the left side line S ecify oint on side to offset or G<+itE$ulti leEUndoH J<+itLD Select the ri#ht side of roo& Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD enter Si,i)& ). * &% t-e )i#es to !o,')ete t-e oo, D &% t-e *oo o'e#i#$s Use the tri& co&&and and re&ove the lines in the roo& for door o enin# Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the corner of the door s ace rovided S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 566 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD /6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 566 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD c Co,,&#*+ A ! S ecify start oint of arc or GCenterHD Pic( the oint S ecify second oint of arc or GCenterE<ndHD Pic( the oint S ecify end oint of arcD Pic( the oint Si,i)& ). * &% t-e ot-e *oo o'e#i#$s M& 7 t-e *i,e#sio#s &#* e#te t-e oo, & e& "si#$ Mtext

O(se 9&tio# H/ D &%i#$ of & ')&# of esi*e#ti&) ("i)*i#$ Ex/ No/ D&te+

Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# H/ D &%i#$ of & ')&# of esi*e#ti&) ("i)*i#$ Ex/ No/ D&te+

Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


I/ D &%i#$ of & si,')e stee) t "ss Ex/ No/ D&te+

C1 SB C2 S2 S1 CE B1 CB

Exe !ise I
I/ D &%i#$ of & si,')e stee) t "ss To D &% t-e BASE B1 Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint


ecify ne+t ecify ne+t ecify ne+t ecify ne+t ecify ne+t

oint or GUndoHD -)6 oint or GUndoHD oint or GCloseEUndoHD -)6 oint or GCloseEUndoHD oint or GCloseEUndoHD<N*<8

To D &% t-e C1 Co,,&#*+ LINE A>N< S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 2/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 2/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD<N*<8 To D &% t-e C2 Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD /6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD /6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD<N*<8 To D &% t-e CB Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD -) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD -) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD To D &% t-e CE Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD

To D &% t-e T1 Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 14) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 14)

S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C Co,,&#*+ ROTATE Current ositive an#le in UCSD AN7">8Qcountercloc(!ise AN7BAS<Q6 Select ob,ectsD S ecify o osite cornerD 6 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found' ) total Select ob,ectsD S ecify base ointD ic( the oint S ecify rotation an#le or GCo yE8eferenceH J-.2LD 14 To D &% t-e S1 Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 22 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 22 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C Co,,&#*+ ROTATE Current ositive an#le in UCSD AN7">8Qcountercloc(!ise AN7BAS<Q6 Select ob,ectsD S ecify o osite cornerD 6 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found' ) total Select ob,ectsD S ecify base ointD S ecify rotation an#le or GCo yE8eferenceH J-.2LD -.2 To D &% t-e S2 Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 26 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 26 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C Co,,&#*+ ROTATE Current ositive an#le in UCSD AN7">8Qcountercloc(!ise AN7BAS<Q6 Select ob,ectsD S ecify o osite cornerD 6 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found' ) total Select ob,ectsD S ecify base ointD S ecify rotation an#le or GCo yE8eferenceH J-.2LD --1

To D &% t-e SB Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD /. S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD /.

S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD C Co,,&#*+ ROTATE Current ositive an#le in UCSD AN7">8Qcountercloc(!ise AN7BAS<Q6 Select ob,ectsD S ecify o osite cornerD 6 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found' ) total Select ob,ectsD S ecify base ointD S ecify rotation an#le or GCo yE8eferenceH J-.2LD -1. To !o##e!t C1 To B1 Co,,&#*+ MO=E Select ob,ectsD S ecify o osite cornerD - found Select ob,ectsD C1 S ecify base oint or G"is lace&entH J"is lace&entLD S ecify second oint or Juse first oint as dis lace&entLDC1 centre oint S ecify base oint or G"is lace&entH J"is lace&entLD S ecify second oint or Juse first oint as dis lace&entLDB> centre oint Co##e!t T1 to C1 Co,,&#*+ MO=E Select ob,ectsD S ecify o osite cornerD - found Select ob,ectsD C1 S ecify base oint or G"is lace&entH J"is lace&entLD S ecify second oint or Juse first oint as dis lace&entLD*1 centre oint S ecify base oint or G"is lace&entH J"is lace&entLD S ecify second oint or Juse first oint as dis lace&entLDC> centre oint Mi o i#$ t-e o(6e!t Co,,&#*+ MIRROR Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD select ob,ect S ecify first oint of &irror lineD ic( the &irror line button S ecify first oint of &irror lineD ic( the &irror line to S ecify second oint of &irror lineD <rase source ob,ectsO G@esENoH JNLD

O(se 9&tio# I/ D &%i#$ of & si,')e stee) t "ss Ex/ No/ D&te+

Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# I/ D &%i#$ of & si,')e stee) t "ss Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+

Res")t+ J1&2/ D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of ' is, Ex/ No/ D&te+ A he+a#onal ris& of side -/ && rests on the FP on one of its base and a+is hei#ht is 3/&&' one of its rectan#ular faces is arallel to 0P. A lane er endicular to FP and

arallel to 0P cuts the ris& 1/&& a!ay fro& the rectan#ular face nearer to the observer. "ra! the to vie! and sectional front vie!.

Exe !ise J1&2

J1&2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of ' is, Set"' t-e )i,its Co,,&#*+ C'o).$o# <nter nu&ber of sides J.LD 2 S ecify center of oly#on or G<d#eHD e

S ecify first end oint of ed#eD ic( the oint S ecify second end oint of ed#eD -/ D &% t-e f o#t 9ie% "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint usin# left e+tre&e corner in to vie! S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ( ic( the oint usin# ri#ht e+tre&e corner in to vie!) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 3/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the oint usin# left reference oint of base line S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD c D &% t-e !"tti#$ e*$es "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint in base line S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 3/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint in base line S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 3/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter 3&t!- t-e Se!tio#&) & e& i# f o#t 9ie% Co,,&#*+ 3ATC3 Fatch and 7radient dialo# bo+ is o ened (PatternD ANS1-1' An#leD 6' ScaleD )6) Pic( internal oint or GSelect ob,ectsEre&ove BoundariesHD Selectin# sectional area' enter M& 7 t-e *i,e#sio#s

O(se 9&tio# J1&2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of ' is, Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# J1&2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of ' is, Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


J1(2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of C.)i#*e Ex/ No/ D&te+ A cylinder of dia&eter /6 && rests on the FP on one of its base and a+is hei#ht is 36&&. A lane er endicular to FP and arallel to 0P cuts the cylinder 16&& a!ay fro& the a+is. "ra! the to vie! and sectional front vie!.

Exe !ise J1(2

J1(2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of !.)i#*e Set"' t-e )i,its Co,,&#*+ C!i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD ic( the oint S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J)4..3.3LD )/ Co,,&#*+ C)i#e

S ecify first ointD one end oint of dia&eter S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( another end oint of dia&eter S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ offset Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD 16 Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD select the centre line S ecify oint on side to offset or G<+itE$ulti leEUndoH J<+itLD botto& side Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD enter D &% t-e f o#t 9ie% "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint usin# left e+tre&e corner in to vie! S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ( ic( the oint usin# ri#ht e+tre&e corner in to vie!) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 36 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the oint usin# left reference oint of base line in F0 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD c D &% t-e !"tti#$ e*$es "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint in base line S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 36 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter 3&t!- t-e Se!tio#&) & e& i# f o#t 9ie% Co,,&#*+ 3ATC3 Fatch and 7radient dialo# bo+ is o ened (PatternD ANS1-1' An#leD 6' ScaleD )6) Pic( internal oint or GSelect ob,ectsEre&ove BoundariesHD Selectin# sectional area' enter Co,,&#*+ C*i,*i&,ete Select arc or circleD ic( the circle Select arc or circleD enter "i&ension te+t Q /6.6666 S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leHD enter Co,,&#*+ C*i,)i#e& S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD ic( the to oint of #enerator S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD ic( the end oint of #enerator S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leEFori?ontalE0erticalE8otatedHD "i&ension te+t Q 36

O(se 9&tio# J1(2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of !.)i#*e Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# J1(2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of C.)i#*e Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


J1C2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of Co#e Ex/ No/ D&te+ A cone of dia&eter -/ && rests on the FP on its base and its a+is hei#ht is .) &&. A lane er endicular to 0P and arallel to FP cuts the cone at 1. && above the base. "ra! the front vie! and sectional to vie!.

Exe !ise J1C2

J1C2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of Co#e Set"' t-e )i,its Co,,&#*+ C!i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD ic( the oint S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterHD d S ecify dia&eter of circleD -/ D &% t-e -o i8o#t&) )i#e i# to' 9ie%5 ! ossi#$ t-e !e#t e 'oi#t

Co&&andD Wline S ecify first ointD ic( the oint on the circle usin# otrac( S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD -/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter D &% t-e f o#t 9ie% "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint usin# left e+tre&e oint in to vie! S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ( ic( the oint usin# ri#ht e+tre&e oint in to vie!) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the &id oint of base line S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD Noin !ith ri#ht and left end oint of base line (dra! the e+tre&e #enerators in front vie!) Co,,&#*+ offset Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD 1. Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD select the base line in F0 S ecify oint on side to offset or G<+itE$ulti leEUndoH J<+itLD *o of base line Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD enter D &% t-e !"tti#$ e*$es "si#$ ot &!7 Co&&andD Wcircle S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD ic( the centre oint S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterHD ic( the oint usin# otrac( 3&t!- t-e Se!tio#&) & e& i# to' 9ie% Co,,&#*+ 3ATC3 Fatch and 7radient dialo# bo+ is o ened (PatternD ANS1-1' An#leD 6' ScaleD )6) Pic( internal oint or GSelect ob,ectsEre&ove BoundariesHD Selectin# sectional area' enter Co,,&#*+ C*i,*i&,ete Select arc or circleD ic( the circle Select arc or circleD enter "i&ension te+t Q -/ S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leHD enter "i&ension te+t Q .) M& 7 t-e ot-e *i,e#sio#s

O(se 9&tio# J1C2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of Co#e Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# J1C2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of Co#e Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+

P o!e*" e+


J1*2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of P. &,i* Ex/ No/ D&te+ A he+a#onal yra&id of base of side )6 && and altitude /6 && rests on its base on the FP !ith t!o ed#es of the base er endicular to the 0P. A cuttin# lane arallel to the FP cuts the yra&id at a hei#ht of )6 && above the base. "ra! the front vie! and the sectional to vie!.

Exe !ise J1D2

J1*2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of '. &,i* Set"' t-e )i,its Co,,&#*+ C'o).$o# <nter nu&ber of sides J.LD 2 S ecify center of oly#on or G<d#eHD e S ecify first end oint of ed#eD ic( the oint S ecify second end oint of ed#eD )6 D &% t-e f o#t 9ie% "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ C)i#e

S ecify first ointD ic( the oint usin# left e+tre&e ed#e in to vie! S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ( ic( the oint usin# ri#ht e+tre&e ed#e in to vie!) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the &id oint of base line S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD /6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD Noin !ith ri#ht and left end oint of base line Co,,&#*+ offset Current settin#sD <rase sourceQNo AayerQSource 1FFS<*7AP*@P<Q6 S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hE<raseEAayerH J*hrou#hLD )6 Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD select the base line in F0 S ecify oint on side to offset or G<+itE$ulti leEUndoH J<+itLD *o of base line Select ob,ect to offset or G<+itEUndoH J<+itLD enter D &% t-e !"tti#$ e*$es "si#$ ot &!7 Co,,&#*+ C!i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD ic( the centre oint S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterHD ic( the oint usin# otrac( Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint (above dra!n circle intersect !ith the slant ed#e in *0) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the another intersection oint.. (Si&ilarly ic( the intersection oints in all ed#es and #et he+a#on) Co,,&#*+ e &se Select ob,ectsD ic( the circle Select ob,ectsD enter Co,,&#*+ t i, Current settin#sD Pro,ectionQUCS' <d#eQNone Select cuttin# ed#es' Select ob,ects or Jselect allLD Select ob,ect to tri& or shift-select to e+tend or GFenceECrossin#EPro,ectE<d#eEe8aseEUndoHD 8e&ove the ed#es resent beyond the cuttin# ed#e 3&t!- t-e Se!tio#&) & e& i# to' 9ie% Co,,&#*+ 3ATC3 Fatch and 7radient dialo# bo+ is o ened (PatternD ANS1-1' An#leD 6' ScaleD )6) Pic( internal oint or GSelect ob,ectsEre&ove BoundariesHD Selectin# sectional area' enter M& 7 t-e *i,e#sio#s O(se 9&tio# J1*2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of '. &,i* Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# J1*2 D &%i#$ se!tio#&) 9ie% of '. &,i* Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+

P o!e*" e+


K/ D &%i#$ iso,et i! ' o6e!tio#s of si,')e o(6e!ts Ex/ No/ D&te+

26 )6 16

14 )1



Exe !ise K
K/ DRA4ING ISOMETRIC PRO?ECTIONS OF SIMPLE OB?ECTS Co,,&#*+ s#&' S ecify sna s acin# or G1NE1FFE8otateEStyleE*y eH J6./666LD style

<nter sna #rid style GStandardE>so&etricH J>LD i S ecify vertical s acin# J6./666LD Aee' t-e !" so i# iso')&#e )eft/ T-is is set (. ' essi#$ 7e. 1F52 Co,,&#*+ )i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 26 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 16 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 16 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ )i#e S ecify first ointD )6 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 16 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ )i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 1/ S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHDenter Co,,&#*+ )i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 1/ Co,,&#*+ x)i#e S ecify a oint or GForE0erEAn#EBisectE1ffsetHD offset S ecify offset distance or G*hrou#hH J*hrou#hLD .6 Select a line ob,ectD Co,,&#*+ )i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 14 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ !o'. Select ob,ectsD Co&&andD Wdi& ali#ned S ecify first e+tension line ori#in or Jselect ob,ectLD S ecify second e+tension line ori#inD S ecify di&ension line location or G$te+tE*e+tEAn#leHD "i&ension te+t Q )6 Co,,&#*+ C*i, e*it <nter ty e of di&ension editin# GFo&eENe!E8otateE1bli=ueH JFo&eLD Wo Select ob,ectsD 1 found

O(se 9&tio# K/ D &%i#$ iso,et i! ' o6e!tio#s of si,')e o(6e!ts Ex/ No/ D&te+

Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# K/ D &%i#$ iso,et i! ' o6e!tio#s of si,')e o(6e!ts Ex/ No/ D&te+

Ai,+ Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


10/ C e&tio# of BD ,o*e)s of si,')e o(6e!ts &#* o(t&i#i#$ 2D M")ti =ie% * &%i#$s f o, BD ,o*e) Ex/ No/ D&te+

.4 1)


4 ). 15) 8). 81) 52




Exe !ise 10
10/ C e&tio# of BD ,o*e)s of si,')e o(6e!ts &#* o(t&i#i#$ 2D M")ti =ie% * &%i#$s f o, BD ,o*e) Co,,&#*+ =POINT Current vie! directionD 0><;">8Q6.6666'6.6666'1.6666 S ecify a vie! oint or G8otateH Jdis lay co& ass and tri odLD 1'-1'1 8e#eneratin# &odel.

Co,,&#*+ S3ADEMODE Current &odeD )" !irefra&e <nter o tion G)" !irefra&eE-" !irefra&eEFiddenEFlatE7ouraudEfAatBed#esE#1uraudBed#esH J)" !irefra&eLD -" Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 3) S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 15) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD ). S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 1-) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD .4 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 62 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD I -14' 6' -)) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 62 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 1) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD 62 Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD 62 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD connect the t!o oint (dra! the slant line) S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD enter Co,,&#*+ REGION Select ob,ectsD all lines 1 8e#ions created. Co,,&#*+ E@TRUDE Current !ire fra&e densityD >S1A>N<S Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD S ecify hei#ht of e+trusion or GPathHD 52 S ecify an#le of ta er for e+trusion J6LD<N*<8 Se)e!t t-e to' 9ie% Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .4 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .4 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD UCancelU Co,,&#*+ C!i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J1).6666LD ). Co,,&#*+ C!i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J1).6666LD ).

Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the oint Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the oint Co,,&#*+ Ct i, Current settin#sD Pro,ectionQUCS' <d#eQNone Select cuttin# ed#es Select ob,ects or Jselect allLD Co,,&#*+ REGION Select ob,ectsD select lines 1 8e#ions created. Co,,&#*+ E@TRUDE Current !ire fra&e densityD >S1A>N<S Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD S ecify hei#ht of e+trusion or GPathHD 4 S ecify an#le of ta er for e+trusion J6LD<N*<8 Se)e!t t-e (otto, 9ie% Co,,&#*+ C)i#e S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .4 S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD .4 S ecify ne+t oint or GCloseEUndoHD UCancelU Co,,&#*+ C!i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J1).6666LD 1) Co,,&#*+ C!i !)e S ecify center oint for circle or G-PE)PE*tr (tan tan radius)HD S ecify radius of circle or G"ia&eterH J1).6666LD 1) Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the oint Co,,&#*+ LINE S ecify first ointD ic( the oint S ecify ne+t oint or GUndoHD ic( the oint Co,,&#*+ Ct i, Current settin#sD Pro,ectionQUCS' <d#eQNone Select cuttin# ed#es

Select ob,ects or Jselect allLD Co,,&#*+ REGION Select ob,ectsD select lines 1 8e#ions created. Co,,&#*+ E@TRUDE Current !ire fra&e densityD >S1A>N<S Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD S ecify hei#ht of e+trusion or GPathHD -) S ecify an#le of ta er for e+trusion J6LD<N*<8 Co,,&#*+ "#io# Select ob,ectsD 1 found (select the first t!o ob,ects) Select ob,ectsD 1 found' ) total Select ob,ectsD enter Co,,&#*+ SUBTRACT Select solids and re#ions to subtract fro& D select the ob,ect Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD enter Select solids and re#ions to subtractD select the last dra!n ob,ect Select ob,ectsD 1 found Select ob,ectsD enter Li7e t-e ' e9io"s exe !ises % ite t-e !o,,&#*s fo 2D M")ti 9ie%s of t-e BD ,o*e)

O(se 9&tio# 10/ C e&tio# of BD ,o*e)s of si,')e o(6e!ts &#* o(t&i#i#$ 2D M")ti =ie% * &%i#$s f o, BD ,o*e) Ex/ No/ D&te+ Di&$ &,+

O(se 9&tio# 10/ C e&tio# of BD ,o*e)s of si,')e o(6e!ts &#* o(t&i#i#$ 2D M")ti =ie% * &%i#$s f o, BD ,o*e) Ex/ No/ D&te+ Ai,+

Co,,&#*s Use*+ P o!e*" e+


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