Call Off Notifications

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Nl\lile of Policy:

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Ap111'oving Office:
Responsible Agent:
Call Off Notifkntion
Health Infonnation Management
Interim Executive Director, UTMC &
Associate Vice President
Director, Health Information Management
Health Information ,Management
THii IINIVI'.fl"TI' <H
Effective Date: l/1/20 14
Initial Effective Date: 2/2003
New policy proposal X Minor/technical revision of existing policy
Major revision of existing policy ___ Reaffirmation of existing policy
(A) Policy Statement
It is the policy of the University ofToledo Medical Centet (01-052) and Health Infotmation Management
Department that all employees adhere to the established guidelines for absenteeism and tardiness.
(B) Purpose of Policy
To establish a uniform procedme in the event an employee repotts off or will be late/tardy for work. To help
run the department efficiently, it is essential to call within a specific timeframe pl'ior to the start of a shift when
repotting off or notification that employee will be late/tardy for work.
(C) Ptocedute
1. All employees are expected to be at their appointed work stations, ready to work at theit scheduled starting
times atid remain at such work place until their scheduled quitting times, except when on their arranged
break and lunch times.
2. Employees who call off due to illness ot' for some other unavoidable reason that will result in missing a
workday are required to notify their immediate Supervisor/Manage!' at least one (I) hom prior to the start
of their shift.
3. In the event that an employee will be late/tardy, the employee shall make notification to their immediate
Supervisor/Manager as soon as they are knowledgeable of the situation.
4. All HfM employees are to notify their immediate supervisor via theit immediate supervisor's cell phone. A
voicemail will be left in the event the supervisor is unable to take that call.
5. Employees who fail to report off work with in the departmental "window period" of one (1) hom', shall be
given a Bteach of Policy notice for the offense.
Call OffNotification Process
Page 2
Approved by:
, \ f\-
Paula Kessler, RH1A
Director, Health Information Management
Nom1a Tomlinson, RN, MSN, NE-BC,FACHE
Administration, Interim Executive Director and
Associate Vice President
Review/Revision Completed By:
Health brformatioll Mmwgeme11t
Policies Superseded by This Polley: I0-8Q4
Review/Revision Date:
Next Review Date: 1/1/2017

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