Distributed Generation in Distribution Networks

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Stochastic Evaluation Of The Impact Of Distributed Generation in Distribution Networks

Researcher: Toms Yebra Vega| Email: umyebrav@cc.umanitoba.ca Advisors: V. Fuster (UPV) Co-advisor: A. M. Gole (U of M)

Main Purpose
Evaluation of the Power quality in a typical distribution network in order to know the impact of the distributed generation (DG) in loads. The same network is simulated in two scenarios. The first is without presence of DG. And the second is with GD which is allowed to operate in island. Aspects evaluated: The power losses in the feeders The voltage profile in buses. Power quality (PQ); Number of events (voltage sags and outages) per year which affect sensitivity loads.

Models of the devices

Layout of the distribution Network

Example of transient signals of a three phases fault
Short circuit currents
300 250 200

Voltage sags on loads


V ( V )

150 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 t (s) 2.5 3 3.5 4

300 250

DG Connected

Monte Carlo Method

Justification of using the method The evaluation of the PQ is impractical by means of measurements if there are few event, because it requires large periods of monitoring to obtain enough accuracy Example: A network with 1000 events/year is necessary to monitor 33 years to get an error of 1% with a confidence interval of 95%. If the network suffers 1 event/year, it is necessary to monitor it for more than 33000 years. Stochastic variables Variable Resistance of fault Fault Duration Fault Position Distance 1 Distance 2 Time starting Type of fault Type of distribution Normal Log-normal Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Mean Standard deviation (x) () 5 0s 1 1s [1 14] N [0 2.5] km [0 10] km [0 20] ms Characteristics of the outer control loop in the DG units
Active power control Reactive power control

200 150

V ( V )

100 50 0

Protection system The feeders are represented with a PI model line. Distribution transformers are: Star-Delta, Clock hour number 11. Dyn11 The network is grounded by a Zig-Zag impedance system. The ground system allows to use different set-up points to single-phase faults and poly-phase-Faults in the switches.

7 t (s)


Net No DG Type Events/year Sags/year Interrup./year Failures /year Events/year Sags/year Interrup./year failures/year Bus 1 1.609 1.264 0.353 0.988 3.094 2.816 0.278 1.824 Bus 2 1.605 1.258 0.356 0.975 2.763 2.750 0.046 1.549 Bus 3 1.329 1.104 0.227 0.818 2.517 2.143 0.384 1.631 Bus 4 1.115 1.100 0.110 0.565 2.068 2.032 0.037 1.127 Bus 5 1.148 1.058 0.093 0.548 2.425 2.135 0.294 1.319

DG Connected

75%1PhaseGround, 17% 2PG, 3% 3PG, 3% 2P, 2% 3P

The results are affected by many parameters such as the controls of the converter, the system protection, the number and position of DG units or the network itself. Stochastic simulation is a practical way to evaluate PQ in a system with low rates of faults. And in many cases the only one, due to the cost and time of monitoring. The presence of DG increases the number of events in the network, and decreases the number of interruptions. It also appears more voltage sags, and more failures in the loads. Therefore the PQ is worse, although it is difficult to detect by means of measurements. The presence of DG reduces power losses, and variations of the voltage in buses are lower.

Each scenario was simulated 4832 times to guarantee the convergence of the method. About 174000 signals were recorded to evaluate the aspects mentioned. The error in the measurement of the fault duration is less than 0.12s with a confidence interval of 95%. The equivalent time of monitoring is more than 700 years.

NSERC Industrial Research Chair in

Power Systems Simulation

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