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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV CALABARZON Division of Laguna PAETE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Paete, Laguna


MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT Schools First Initiative (SFI) Package a. Enhancem ent of Learning






1. Project PCRI: (Perception, Comprehension, reaction, Integration of Reading in learners background of experiences.)

Equip pupils and students with the necessary reading materials as a source of knowledge for writing.

Profiling of readers. Use of PHIL-IRI and other diagnostic tools. Developmental reading with evaluation and assessment. Establishing Readi ngand Writing connection. Putting up a MiniLibrary in every room. Developing a training model to enhance teachers competence in

All grade levels, English and Filipino Teachers.

Reading performance to have increased by at least 2%. Developed writing ability based on reading performance. A Mini-Library in every room.

teaching readers. Assist struggling learners in all grade levels in order to improve their reading and writing skills. Phonemic awareness Phonics Vocabulary development Fluency Comprehension Diagnostics Tests in 3 subjects. Utilization of test results Demonstration Teaching. Holding of LAC Sessions. School /district based in service trainings. Preparation / administration and analysis of diagnostic, periodical and achievement tests. Grade I VI pupils. Number and percentage of nonreaders decreased by at least 75% if not totally eradicated.

2. Operation STARS (Student-at-Risk): Catch them early toward Reading Recovery.

3. Project ENSCIMA (English, Science and Math)

Strengthen instruction in the 3 subjects Englis, Science and Mathematics.

Grade III VI pupils

Improved pupils performance in the three learning areas by at least5.

4. Project STEP (Systematized Testing Program).

Strengthen instruction in all learning areas and assess the competence of students in tests based on BEC Program. Enhance

District Train ors, Master Teachers, Key Teachers

Increased achievement rate of learners by at least 2%. Reliable and valid tests to measure the learners competency. 50% of Master Teachers and

5. Project RIA (Research

Training of Key


In Action)

Teachers awareness of the school for urgent action. Enhance the skills of potential / qualified athletes for a better performance / participation without affecting the academic standing. Provides students with practical experience and know-how in the 4 areas of EPP / TLE while developing their leadership abilities and building wholesome character to strengthen national competitiveness and productivity.

Teachers and Master Teachers in the preparation of action research. Conduct try-outs to identify ones inclination to specific sports event including their strengths and weaknesses.


School heads shall have prepared action plans.

6. GAMES (Goals are Manifestations of Efforts for Satisfaction)

Pupils, Students, Coaches

50% of pupils and students in respective schools shall have undergone tryouts.

7. STEP (Student Technologists and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines).

Organization of STEP among pupils enrolled in EPP / TLE. Holding of STEP election by school Conduct skills contest in home Economics andEntrep.

Pupils, students, H.E. Teachers, LAHETA Representati ve

Learning experiences among pupils / students in Home Economics andEntrep. Become profitable.

8. CFSS (ChildFriendly SchoolSyst em).

Institutionalize the CFSS Movement and document its best practices.

MentoringTeacher s Demonstration teaching Institutionalization and documentation of the best practices of the CFSS. Eight-week Curriculum


CFSS shall havebeeninstitutio nalizedand documents of best practices shall have been prepared.

9. Early Childhood Care and Development Program

Provide hometo-school transition and readiness experiences through the 8 week curriculum.

Grade pupils

Readiness skills of at least 85% of grade pupils developed and enhanced.

10. Bridge Program

Enhance the capacity of high school entrants to benefit from the first year curriculum.

Use of different teaching modes with teacher and facilitator to address different needs of the students and teaching materials used. Double exposure to Mathematics instructions. Mathematical investigation

Students who fall short of the national mean of 30%in the three subject areas English, Math and Science. Key Teachers in Math Math Trainor s

Students should have met prerequisite knowledge necessary to go into the first year curriculum.

11. Math Wizards Program

Develop competent student leaders in Mathematics through

Well improves performance in Mathematics. Mastery of Math skills and

discoveries and investigation.

Organization of Math Club Utilization of MathGarden Quarterly Conferences Training Workshops Monitoring and Supervisions Observation of classes.

Math Experts Teachers


12. Project ESTEEM (Enrich Skills of Teachers in Enhancing Educational Management.

Update the teachers on the recent thrusts and trends of the BEC.


Updated the knowledge and information on the recent thrusts and trends of the BEC.

B. More Resources For Learning.

1. VIA (Visual Instructional Aids).

Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of instruction with the use of instructional materials. Expose Teachers and Learners on computer technology.

Production of Teachers instructional materials for all grade / year levels.

Achievement levels of pupils and students shall have been increased by 5%.

2. TEXT (Technology Exposure and Training).

Training of teachers and learners on computer technology. Utilization of computer assisted instruction in the school. Training of teachers in

Teachers and students/pupi ls

Computer Technology assisted shall have been rendered to 755 of teachers and learners.

3. SIT Speech Improvement Training.

Improve the teachers

Teachers in English,

Improved speaking ability of

pronunciation of words, enunciation, blending, intonation, etc. in English. 4. Four Ms (Makabayan matrix for MAPEH and MSEP) Re-orient Teachers on how to utilize effectively the DivisionMakabayan matrix onMAPEHand MSE P. Provides HandsOn training practicum to improve the facilitating skills using different strategies and techniques. Enhance the schools in the use of laboratory apparatuses for experiment and practical work approach. Encourage the

English, Math and Science for oral production of sounds and practice on speech improvement. Re-orientation on the utilization of theMakabayan Ma trix.

Science and Math.

teachers with proper pronunciation of words for effective communication.

MSEP Teachers

Prototype Modules for four grading periods shall have been prepared, validated and distributed to the field. Produced modern teaching aids / materials.

5. ANGAT (Access to New Generation and Applied Technology Techniques).

Hand-on trainingworkshop.

NFEImpleme ntors

6. SLCS Science Laboratory inCentral School.

Purchases of Laboratory Equipment.

Science Teachers

Acquired laboratory equipment in every school. Functional Science laboratory. Enhance the

7. Brigada Eskwela

Enhance the

Enhance the

involvement of parents, communities, NGOs and LGUsto undertake the school building repairs, beautification of the school campuses, for the opening of classes. Equip learners with skills that will enable them to generate income to meet their basic needs. Equip Teachers and school heads with basic training for competency and leadership. Enhance Teachers competence in teaching English.

schools in the use of laboratory apparatuses for experiment and practical work approach.

schools in the use of laboratory apparatuses for experiment and practical work approach.

schools in the use of laboratory apparatuses for experiment and practical work approach.

8. Project BOLD (BarangayOperation for Livelihood Development)

Networking with TLRC. ADSOCMOB Trainings / Workshop Entrepreneurship Training Cooperative Training, SeminarWorkshop, SLAC, DISLAC Peer Coaching, Demonstration Teaching. Tapping outstanding teachers to do demo teaching.

OSYs and Adults

Learners were equipped with knowledge to generate income by 80%.

C. Focused Organizati on For Learning

1. SBT / ISIP (School Based Training and Intensive Instructional Supervision and Improvement Program.


Developed teachers teaching skills and instructional supervision of school heads. 85% of the 32,676 teachers to have been retooled in teaching English.

2. Project INSETTE (Inservice Training For Teachers in English).


3. PAR (Progress through assessment and Research).

Utilize, analyze, and interpret test results for improvement of instruction.

Conduct diagnostic, periodic, and achievement tests followed by analysis, interpretation and utilization of test results. Training, SeminarWorkshops in SPED

Teachers and Pupils.

Prepared intervention programs and effective educational plans based on the results of monitoring and evaluation. At least 70% of SPED Teachers are trained Fast learners classes are organized in all grade level.

4. BEAM (BatangEspesyal AtingMin amahal

Establish the PsychoEducational Assessment Conference, Meeting in Special Education Individual Teaching Enhance the writing skills of fast learners for effective participation in Campus Journalism Prepare up-todate accurate and relevant

SPEDs Teac hers

5. FLCW (Fast Learners as Campus Writers)

Conducting training, coaching in Campus Journalism

All Fast Learners from Grades I to VI

Skilled Campus Writers.

6. EMIS (Education Management Information System

Maintenance of Basic Education Information

Master Teachers

Prepared accurate and relevant data

data for policymaking decisions

System Encoding and processing of basic education data

Prepared by:


NANCY N. AREVALO, Ed. D. District Supervisor

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