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Chapter I

1.0 Introduction
New and emerging technologies challenge the traditional process of teaching and learning, and the way of education is managed. Information Technology is defined as the application of informatics combination with other related technologies. This consists mainly of the acquisition, processing, storage and communication of information in an electronic form. The study of the development implementation and management of the computer-based information is it usually information processing system including, computer hardware, software, organizational and human aspects, as well as their industrial, commercial, governmental and political implications. I.T. is very important because it deals with conversion, storage, protection, processing, transmission and retrieval of data. I.T. is being used in almost all fields of life and has also contributed in enhancing globalization. The proponents are proposing an automated Student Information System covered about Curriculum of for Grace Montessori School of Novaliches that to improve their business process and transaction when it comes in curricular managing. The purpose of curriculum management is to help ensure that all students will get the most out of their education. The more global goal of curriculum management is for students to use all the knowledge and skills they have learned to contribute to society in a meaningful and beneficial way. All stakeholders in any given school district contribute in ways that help to see to it that curriculum management is carried out, as best as possible. Curriculum is the academic system that imparts knowledge and skills to students in a school environment. More specifically, curriculum refers to what is written to be taught, and what is tested at different student levels, in specific areas or courses. It seems like technologies can make anything without impossible and this is now happening every day yet when you drop to think of it, all this is truly great and amazing. It makes you wonder what going on next. What will happen to the technology in the coming next year, or (3) three years from now?

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1.1 Project Overview

The school is steadily pursuing its primary goal which is to deliver quality education by constantly enhancing the professional competencies of its administrators and teachers and by designing varied educational activities for the students. . In modernization of our generation, there are lots of changes especially when it comes to technology. Because of this, many companies are buying systems which will improve their business process and business transactions that will lessen the effort at the same time, making the process fast easier. This system can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than an existing system which reduces human error and processing time, computerized system can enhance the manual work to less the time work to be done a handwritten action more on typing a data to store at computer and walk-in transaction. The system has the capability to generate or release reports for much easier to the user to update their curriculum subject, set schedule and etc. Aside from that it can make a backup file that the system can provide as well as maintenance and ability to restore. After the all transaction starting from admission becomes enrolled will continue the transaction start at Curriculum Management System to set a curricular when it come curricular activities and calendar activities with connectivity of set scheduled every grade level that additional features in weve made. To develop the existing system and to be accelerating process that will provide a satisfaction to the client. The K to 12 programs covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills, development, employment, and entrepreneurship these are our main goal implement in their school using automated system.

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This table is a K-12 program proposing in Grace Montessori School of Novaliches to implement regards DepEd memorandum.
Grace Montessori School of Novaliches

Student Age Range 3-5

Year Level

Curriculum Stage

Set Subject Required Per-Grade Level

Prekindergarten Preschool

Reading for kids, Language for kids, Creative math, Discover & Explore, Filipino sa pagbasa, Easy writing ReadingII for kids, LanguageII for kids, Creative mathII, Discover & ExploreII, Filipino sa PagbasaII, Easy writingII

5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18

kindergarten 1 grade 2th grade 3th grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade Senior 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade

MapehI, FilipinoI, EnglishI, TLEI, MathI, API, GMRCI, ScienceI MapehII, FilipinoII, EnglishII, TLEII, MathII, APII, GMRCII, ScienceII

Elementary School

MapehIII, FilipinoIII, EnglishIII, TLEIII, MathIII, APIII, GMRCIII, ScienceIII MapehIV, FilipinoIV, EnglishIV, TLEIV, MathIV, APIV, GMRCIV, ScienceIV MapehV, FilipinoV, EnglishV, TLEV, MathV, APV, GMRCV, ScienceV MapehVI, FilipinoVI, EnglishVI, TLEVI, MathVI, APVI, GMRCVI, ScienceVI MapehVII, FilipinoVII, EnglishVII, TLEVII, MathVII, APVII, ValuesVII, ScienceVII MapehVIII, FilipinoVIII, EnglishVIII, TLEVIII, MathVIII, APVIII, GMRCVIII, ScienceVIII MapehIX, FilipinoIX, EnglishIX, TLEIX, MathIX, APIX, GMRCIX, ScienceIX MapehX, FilipinoX, EnglishX, TLEX, MathX, APX, GMRCX, ScienceX

High school

High school

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The proposing module system is much more focusing Accordance to the memorandum of DepEd (Department of Education ) K-12 program those subjects implemented, this project is concerned those list of all subject its new or old with connectivity of set schedule per grade level, their exact set subject, calendar activities of school year, subject teacher assigned their teacher qualification if qualified to subject assign, and DepEd provide a seminar based on industry field and required set a grading system per each subject going part of integration in faculty system, getting some data that fulfill our made system and applying the program to be set a schedule in calendar activities. The system has capability to set an available subject in summer class to be informing the student how they know what going on in summer curriculum. First this system is focused how the subject can implement the k-12 program in right procedure transaction in intercession fastest way using our proposed system. First, we wait the memorandum of DepEd release from sending using email massager then saw it at notification message display at system there have an authorization to do is just already printable going step forward or approved for implementing new curricular by principal of school. Secondly DepEd memorandum has came information or descriptions of subject that only do are just only transfer it into system those subject description like, subject date/time implement, subject required teacher qualification with connectivity of book required and reference to be secure stored and generate report to be inform what is it? And the changes will post or show in system by log-on at web server. The system will handle and set the schedules of every student in their grade level set subject., only administrator has capable to set a subject per grade level follow exactly subject list came from DepEd memorandum to be arrangement at system filled upping information to be saved and stored. The system has a feature to view and set the upcoming curricular activities for the students to be informed. By having this kind of feature, the students will able to ready if ever there will be expenses for the each extracurricular activities. Curricular activities are an additional acknowledge to develop, enhance and to become productive student.

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The administrator or principal will handle and set the schedules of every curricular. The schedule covers the where, what, when and who for initiating implement. Just log on to the system then you will click the curricular activities, just encode the description what is you want to implement or add curricular when you already save the system, can generate a report that can show the entire user what updated changes in school managing. The system can also arrange the schedule of the upcoming curricular activities for students. For calendar of activities, our system can handle a school year plan activities or those like; required number of calendar days, suspension of class, make up class, examination event, or briefly schedule of upcoming events of the school year to be implement by administrator or principal. Simply add, encode, save, and post the changes to be informing all students what it is new or it can show what school status when it comes student log on at web server instead viewing at bulletin board. At the end of this project all the problems of Grace Montessori School of Novaliches regarding on their Curriculum Information system will be solved by the K-12 Program and other features that we are implementing. When you see it the calendar school plan for a year there are different colors that shaded in every day it mean every color have description for example the date shaded of red it means suspension of class, if color gray it means normal required number of school days when the date shaded of blue it means an event for different examination and so forth of color filled at system to be classify what is it. When it comes in student acceleration our system provide a filled up form what student came for? If the student has qualified to acceleration by checking his/her knowledgeable by conducting an examination test based on what level but before to get a exam their step or procedure to get an examination. First our system provide a student briefly information interview to be input all data that we gathered to him, what student have achieve or student capabilities when the student pass all questions in interview here we begin to add an qualified to get an exam and save it to the list of inquired student to acceleration.

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Summer curriculum a special education program should be customized to address each individual student's unique needs. Special educators provide a continuum of services. Our proposed system provides apart list of those student failing in their grade required subject to be pass by getting summer class. First, this student will remind it by administrator in their account or notifications message have a summer class for subject his/her fail this year. Students with special needs are assessed to determine their specific strengths and weaknesses. After the registrar encodes all the detailed information of the student, it will store and save at database. Now the student will choose what grade level is enrolling for. After this will automatically belong in (1) one section, the basis of sectioning is, first come first serve, first 25 student can make called (1) one section when greater than 25 automatically will create new section if the student want to resection the set student will waiting to arrive a another (1) student to fulfill the 1 section. The administrator has capable to this feature its access privileges. Scheduling is the last step in our weve made system those implement scheduled curricular, curricular activities, event calendar, those grade level with connectivity subject indication, day, time, section, room and teacher assigned. Our system can generate reports to be print for informing the student in their scheduled.

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1.2 The Problem Domain

The actual problem regarding to the Curriculum Management of Grace Montessori School of Novaliches based on the information that we have gathered, we conclude that their existing student information system is hassle to handle regards the managing curriculum. The management encounters problems in terms of file storing, security, walk-in transaction and so forth. The processes still exist is too low for them to set a changes. We recommend to implement a simple yet effective information system to replace the old existing system that exist on the said company to have a better and more accurate result.

1.2.1 Statement of the Problem

The proponents are sure that its safe to say that were all sick of having tons of workloads in our lives. Those workloads that give us pressure at the same time, it cost a high amount of effort and burns so much time. Grace Montessori School of Novaliches is a school that is facing this kind of problem. The researchers believe that the said school is having a major problem of handling the information because of the growth of the population of the school. The researchers also believe that the said school is having a major problem if a new changes curriculum is going to be implemented. Even though it is a mandate from the memorandum of Dep-Ed, it is still a problem to them. Major adjustments and new techniques are the major problems that they encounter. They didnt know how to deliver the information if there are changes made in a fastest way and using less effort. Managing- When the person who in-charge in managing of the existing system its workloads for them to handle it comes in conducting a accurate school plan of school year in terms of School Management. Records get misplaced- their existing system has only hard copy, none of soft copy. Generating Reports- Inaccurate generating of the reports is also one of the problems of the existing system. Security- The system security needs of one system for the secure information of the entire student their schedule and curricular.

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1.3 Objective of the Project

1.3.1 General Objective To be able to implement in right procedures base on memorandums of DepEd with detailed information secured stored and accurate release of report those scheduled. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives The project is aim to develop or upgrade the entire existing system to become automated system. It can reduce human error and processing time, thus it can boost productivity or fast easier done work and result into high quality of product produce. To be able to process in fastest way of using or applying advanced technology to be more effective, and become friendly-user design. This system can result in a system with well-integrated processes and satisfactory of a user to can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system. To be able to design and developed a module that lets the user to add, save, edit and save all list old/new subject. This form is use when updating subject titles to every grade level or set subject, the format design of the module is a representation usage of every button, like: add, edit, save and print. One must have updated of list subject those implemented curriculum by DepEd. To be able to design and develop a module that responsible for storing, keeping files as well as saving and that generates reports. The system can provide a report in fastest and efficient way of information by checking, updating or viewing a present and past curriculum to be through printed. This system it can make a backup file that can provide, as well as maintenance and ability to restore.

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1.3.1 Current Relevant Institutional Gaps

This is initiated because IT is now main stream. Grace Montessori School of Novaliches (GMSN) facilities and equipments are well-maintained and at a good condition but compared to other school that received the most modern equipments for their school managing. Until now, using their existing system processing is still practiced and used to managing curriculum. That is, the keying in of information came from DepEd are directly encoded in the system if the modern equipments are being used. The GMSN also faced the usual problem, which is to have the employees who have the capability to encode those information to be stored secure all the file that implemented, even though they have the equipments, these employees dont have the ability to do so, resulting to the bunch of records that are stocked in their offices. When it comes to the accuracy of the report results that will be given to the student or to their guardian to be evidence, the GMSN tends to give it in a traditional way, compared to other modern private school who will give compact disk (CD) or student will have to go online to check their data and school information results what have the changes to be inform them, GMSN still give hardcopy containing the result of the different reports. Although CDs and online results will practice safer and more accurate curricular managing,

1.3.2 Improvements/Enhancement to the current running system

Our propose project will improve the existing system of our chosen company by adding more features of their Curriculum Management system to build an efficient system to be accelerating and accurate process that will provide a satisfaction to the client. Project Team, will create an upgrade for their existing system and exploring for the features that will add to their running system in the functional areas of it, to make the system user friendly and suitable to all aspects in curricular managing. Some features that want to improve in the current running system of our chosen School are: - A good security of the system - Good monitoring set schedule - Accurate generating reports - Generate print for evidences - Generate print for evidences - Well stored all data informations

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1.3.3 Requests by user/clientele for systems development initiative

The client requested to have a system will lessen their work and will change the existing system process that will be helpful not just to the client but also to the student. Our propose project will improves the existing system of our chosen company with regards in the monitoring data and handle the all information regards the curriculum those subject list per grade level or set calendar schedule every student, implement properly a new curriculum, distributing schedule and also in School managing. The only wants of our chosen company for the initiative development their regarding Curriculum Management System, the accurate monitoring and managing of distributing schedule to all the student for easy them to updated or good transactions and the generating of reports of the list of the schedule, curricular activities, calendar event activities, and student information and also the School managing needs a quick and accelerated system Having online transactions especially through e-mails is an enhancement after lessening the manual process in certain services to make the transactions faster and more accurate by sending a mail then it already printable going to principal for approval or signature to implement. Through this, finding important files will be easier as well as encoding information.

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1.4 Significance and Scope of the Project

The Curriculum Management System is a module that covered in a field of subject k-12 programs; there each have, list of subject, but this system only focus at implement subject those available/non-available subject or list of implemented old/new curriculum based on the school. This system is made to generate a report, with updating that available information every grade level curriculums to process in fastest way of using or applying advanced technology to be more effective. Still, not all of the features of a curriculum system should have is embodied in the system weve made. Its only capable of doing some of the main purposes, like filling-up an information form, verifying record to verify the teacher if his/her skill and knowledge is exactly qualified in subject assigned. Grade level set subjects this is feature give the admin the control to add new subject implemented, edit a set subject data, and save subject accordance in grade level to the memorandum of DepEd K-12 program. Those list old and new implemented subject in every grade level will be updated and can view the report of subject taken by an alumni or newbie. Then the admin is the only one that has capability of taking charge in subject developing. The project is aimed to how the system can improve the efficiency of services as well when implementing a curricular, set a curricular activities, those new subject with seminar and this project is concerned those list of all subject with connectivity of scheduled per grade level, their section, room, set subject, and subject teacher assigned if teacher qualification is qualified to his/her skill and knowledge to be exactly subject assign , and DepEd provide a seminar based on industry field and required set a grading system per each subject and applying the program to be set a schedule in calendar activities, to updating and viewing data. The system can provide or generate a report in fastest and efficient way of gathering a data by checking, updating or viewing a present and past curriculum to be through printed or browsed with those interested to know the current update of subject, scheduled, calendar activities and Curricular activity. The system provide a log-in process where the user or administrator are one capable of access or enter the system with determined by their job classification that we provide to fulfill and we called it fully system.

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A Curriculum Management System is the software application that institution, particularly at different school, use to manage and keep regarding the curriculum implemented. The system allows the following features for the following users: Set Schedules - The system will handle and set the schedules of every section and curricular. The schedule covers the time, room, assigned teacher, and sectioning. The system can also arrange the schedule of the upcoming curricular activities for students. Extracurricular Activities - The system has a feature to view and set the upcoming curricular activities for the students. By having this kind of feature, the students will able to ready if ever there will be expenses for the each curricular activities. Calendar of activities Schedule of upcoming events of the school. Required number of calendar days the recommended number of days of the school. Suspension of class the postponement of the classes due to specific reasons and events. Make up class arranged class to cope up the previous past classes. Academic Acceleration - is the advancement of students in subjects at a rate that places them ahead of where they would be in the regular school curriculum. Acceleration is most often used as an intervention to accommodate the learning needs of gifted and talented students. Examination Event the days of the major examinations of the students. Summer curriculum curriculum especially made for summer classes if it is necessary. Reports - Some of the report gives a hard copy same like in our existing system can provide it. Those documents are mere evidences that the record is being updated well, especially only focus in Curriculum Management System. Maintenance - The system is allows the maintenance feature by admin to add, save, view and print if the process have some error, depending in how work is it the system. Updating is the one always do an admin in this system processes in making scenario into a computerized one.

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Security is Information Technology Security that IT specialists add system feature to be secured all file, data or information that being stored at system. Three widely accepted elements of information security are: -Confidentiality -Integrity -Availability Other Features that integration adds or connectivity to the system wave made.

Subject Teacher's person who is teaching every subjects of a student. Teacher Qualification determines if the teacher is competent enough for a specific subject to be taught. Set Seminar base in industry subject field of teacher which determines if he/she is compatible for teaching specific subjects. Different head each Department -a person who is in charge; the head of the whole operation per subject. Grade required and Unit of per subject qualifications of grade, and required units per subjects. Grading system of teacher per subject the classification of a teacher in grading a student.

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1.5 Documentation of Existence and Seriousness of the Problem. 1.5.1 Documentation of current systems.
The current system of GMSN until now just still K-10 exist program system that our propose system want to become processes in fastest way of using or applying advanced technology to be more effective to we implement our system. The Curriculum management system of our chosen company focuses on the monitoring, set a scheduled of curricular activities and set an action plan start to K1-K10 managing of the school and the required grading system per subject.
Grace Montessori School of Novaliches

Student Age Range 3-5

Year Level

Curriculum Stage

Set Subject Required Per-Grade Level

Prekindergarten Preschool

Reading for kids, Language for kids, Creative math, Discover & Explore, Filipino sa pagbasa, Easy writing ReadingII for kids, LanguageII for kids, Creative mathII, Discover & ExploreII, Filipino sa PagbasaII, Easy writingII

5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16

kindergarten 1st grade 2th grade 3th grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9 grade 10th grade

MapehI, FilipinoI, EnglishI, TLEI, MathI, API, GMRCI, ScienceI MapehII, FilipinoII, EnglishII, TLEII, MathII, APII, GMRCII, ScienceII

Elementary School

MapehIII, FilipinoIII, EnglishIII, TLEIII, MathIII, APIII, GMRCIII, ScienceIII MapehIV, FilipinoIV, EnglishIV, TLEIV, MathIV, APIV, GMRCIV, ScienceIV MapehV, FilipinoV, EnglishV, TLEV, MathV, APV, GMRCV, ScienceV MapehVI, FilipinoVI, EnglishVI, TLEVI, MathVI, APVI, GMRCVI, ScienceVI

Junior High School


Senior High school

MapehIX, FilipinoIX, EnglishIX, TLEIX, MathIX, APIX, GMRCIX, ScienceIX MapehX, FilipinoX, EnglishX, TLEX, MathX, APX, GMRCX, ScienceX

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1.5.2 Problems identified with the existing systems.

The project researcher analyzed that the existing curriculum management system is currently encountering problems in terms of the different areas of learning of the subject. The said company is also encountering problems regarding the means on what way they will taught the subjects having they do not immediately adjust it come to what subject is it given by the Dep-Ed. The existing system is also having problem when it comes to changes on the memorandum of curriculum of Department of education. The proponents knew that the curriculum changes every two years. At this point, the existing system will adjust on the changes made which they consider it as a problem. Consuming much time when it come walk in transaction. Human error when it come manual work. Some data is not appropriate stored in right arrangement of date and names maybe not enough storage space. When searching, updating and retrieving some data is too low for them.

1.5.3 Process models of existing systems contributing to the problem.

The process data model of the existing Curricular Management System is accordance to the memorandum of DepEd K-12 program those subjects implemented and school year development maybe weekly, monthly and annually changes that conduct a reports. In their scheduled just only posting information what coming event or activities in school bulletin board, its hassle to the student when updating a school year.

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1.5.4 Data models of these existing systems. Curriculum Management System Use-Case Diagram

Figure 1.1 The Use-case Diagram shows the relation of existing process at Grace Montessori School of Novaliches in updating his/her curricular those old/past lists of subject in every grade level to inform by posting at bulletin board. Principal and registrar is the one who is capable for keeping good of the previous and current data and files of each student, stored at cabinets. As for the system they can use their old computer with its old specification because the system doesnt need high specifications. Student Information System (Curriculum Management System) Page - 16

1.5.5 Data (or any form of statistics) that may be relevant to prove existence and seriousness of the identified problems.
Handbook of Grace Montessori School of Novaliches. Grace Montessori School of Novaliches, in an attempt to institute positive reforms among its students, provides an avenue for change that is highly academic in orientation. Thus, all bonafide students will exercise their rights in accordance with the finest principles, ideals and concepts of an authentic EDUCATED and LEARNED Filipino.

A student who is accepted to study in Grace Montessori School of Novaliches, recognizing the existence of a contract whereby he or she agrees to comply with the policies, rules and regulations of the school, must assume all responsibilities regarding his/her status as a Learner.

The Institution adheres to the principle of loco parentis or second parental authority; nevertheless, parents and/or guardians retain the primary continuing responsibilities and obligations to their child/children as sanctioned by P.D. No. 603 Educational Act of 1982 and other existing laws thereof.

In application of loco parentis the Administration, Faculty and all duly Authorized Personnel shall have the right and responsibility to refer any violation of the Students Handbook to the professional officer and/or authorized officer of the law for appropriate action.

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1.6 Review of Existing Alternatives. 1.6.1 Description of how users/clientele currently copes with the problem.
The existing system copes with the problem by just following what is the order of the DepEd. Whatever the memorandum and changes about the curriculum for the students made by DepEd, they will just implement it. The changes about the curriculum will be posted at their school bulletin board for the students to know. The existing system copes with the problem by alternation of employees because of small number of employees to handle the workloads to be process by giving extra effort and man power when entering data or information to be stored and secured. Because of modernization of our generation, there are lots of changes especially when it comes to technology. Because of this, many companies are buying systems which will improve their business process and business transactions that will lessen the effort at the same time, making the process fast. The proponents are proposing an automated Student Information System for Grace Montessori School of Novaliches to improve their business process and transaction.

1.6.2 Assess the best available resources for addressing the problem.
The best available resources for addressing the problem are the students who stopped studying previous years before a new curriculum is implemented. The school will decide which curriculum will be suited for them, the new curriculum or the previous curriculum before they stopped studying.

1.6.3 Describe how you propose to take advantage of existing and current best practices in your project.
The researcher will propose to the client to have a curriculum management system, by applying modern technology. The application of technology can be an advantage to them to have a good output of handling the workloads, at the same time, saving amount of efforts and time and since having a computerized management system is quite rare or unique, it will be serve as an advantage to us to give them such an offer using our skills and practices. Student Information System (Curriculum Management System) Page - 18

1.7 Time to be spent

The researchers are expected to spend almost a year to work this capstone project. This project is divided into two set, first project study 1 more on documentation which spends the 1st semester, second project study 2 more on developing and designing weve made system. Twice a week the proponents set a meeting together with adviser regarding those achievement or what was that accomplishes and checking some error with monitoring to revised well not less than four (4) hours in a day we met and for a week, nine (9) hours or less. The project is expected to be done at 164 hours in first semester.

1.8 Selecting a Project

Choosing a proposed project its only defend on our lucky hand it is draw lots because those instructor has prepared a eight (8) different categories of system designated at each section that divided into one (1) entire system simplifying at ten (10) component of prepared module for each group.

1.9 Project Advisers

Mr.Hilbert Dalpatan Mr.Noel Buscagan Mr.Erwin Concepcion Miss. Rosalie Galang

2.0 Project Ownership

This documentation and system is requirements of BCPian students for graduating. The documentation will be left at the library of Bestlink College of the Philippines this will be a basis or guide to the next incoming student of I.T for them to have some knowledge when it comes to thesis or computerized system.

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