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Salbutamol Classification: (Bronchodilator) specifically - Short-acting 2-adrenergic receptor agonist Action: Relaxes smooth muscles by stimulating beta2 receptors

thereby causing bronchodilation and vasodilation. Indications: sed for the relief of bronchospasm in conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Contraindications: !ypersensitivity of the drug Adverse Reactions: tremor" nervousness" headache" muscle cramps" dry mouth" and palpitation. #ther symptoms may be tachycardia (rapid heart rate)" arrhythmias" flushing" myocardial ischaemia" and disturbances of sleep and behaviour. Rarely occurring" but of importance" are allergic reactions of paradoxical bronchospasm" urticaria" angioedema" hypotension" and collapse" $hilst high doses may cause hypo%alaemia (lo$ potassium levels)" especially in patients $ith renal failure and those on certain diuretics and xanthine derivaties Nursing Responsibilities: &. 'arn patient about the possibility of paradoxical bronchospasm. (f occurs discontinue drug. 2. )onitor for toxicity. *. Store in light resistant container. Cefuroxime (Kefox) Classification: (+ntibiotic) specifically - ,ephalosporin 2nd generation Action: (nhibit cell $all synthesis causing cell death. Indications: -reatment of lo$er respiratory infection. Contraindications: !ypersensitivity to cephalosporin and penicillin. Adverse Reactions: .ausea/0omiting" bone marro$ depression" super infections" anaphylaxis" diarrhea. Nursing Responsibilities: &. ,onduct s%in testing 2. +ssess for allergies to antibiotics. *. .ote for signs of super infection such as blac% furry tongue. 1. -ell the patient to ta%e the full course of antibiotic therapy. 2. +void alcohol $hile ta%ing this drug. Ranitidine Classification: !istamine 2 receptor antagonist Action: ,ompletely inhibits the action of histamine at the histamine 2 receptors of the parietal cells of the

Indications: 3uodenal and gastric ulcer" 4re-operative medication" 4atient $ho are not eating $ell Contraindications: +llergy to drug" 4regnancy and lactation and Renal and hepatic dysfunction Adverse Reactions: ,.S5 headache" malaise" di66iness" 3ermatologic5 rash" 7(5 diarrhea" anorexia"
abdominal pain Nursing Responsibilities:

&. +ssess for any allergy to Ranitidine" renal failure and hepatic impairment. 2. (nstruct patient to ta%e medications at bedtime to minimi6e ,.S side effects. *. (nstruct patient and significant others to have regular chec%-ups $hile on this drug to evaluate response.

1. Remind patient to report sore throat" fever" unusual bruising or bleeding" severe headache" muscle or 8oint pain.

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