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WASH Newsletter

Water & Sanitation for All

1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. HANDS Establishes Water Quality Test Laboratory at Karachi Rural OfficeJamkanda What actually is Water Security? HANDS and other WAP partners attend training session on Water Security through video conferencing live from UK Follow up of Health Action School (HAS) Session on Malaria Follow-up of HAS Sessions on hand washing WaterAid Pakistan delegation's visit at HANDS WASH project site HANDS Strengthens Complaint Center of KW&SB Gadap Town office with the support of Water Aid Pakistan Community Mobilization campaign in Gadap Town. Glimpses of Hygiene Campaign has been organized for a week in Schools at Gadap Town

Vol. 1 Issue.4

July-December, 2013

HANDS Establishes Water Quality Test Laboratory

at Karachi Rural Office-Jamkanda
HANDS water quality testing facility is supporting verification of biological and chemical quality of water delivered through project sources. A laboratorys established at HANDS Karachi Rural office. The fully equipped lab is capable of A view of water quality testing lab conducting water tests. Not only if water delivered in under-mentioned project, but also open for other NGOs, institutes, researcher and communities to avail benefit from it. HANDS has envisioned a world where everyone has access to safe water and effective sanitation, so that health benefits are maximized. HANDS works with communities through various projects that integrates water supply with sanitation and hygiene promotion. Unsafe drinking water is one of the major reason of infant mortality and according to the reports, 25 to 30% deaths in Pakistan are caused by diarrhoea. Besides this, Pakistan is included in 17 countries, which are suffering from shortage of water. Report indicates that 40 percent of the total patients admitted at the government hospitals across Pakistan had been suffering from the water borne diseases. This water testing lab will ease the process to assess the quality of water for communities that dwell in and around project areas.

Quiz Competitions Celebrated in Schools at Gadap Town 10. Case Studies 11. FM Radio messages-On air for creating awareness among the masses. 12. Water Sanitation and Hygiene Profiling of all over Sindh has developed by HANDS 13. Water Cooperation in Action From the Global to the Grassroots 14. Karachi Declaration on Water Inititatives; The outcome of Water Conference 4-5 Dec 2013 15. Do you know that? 16. Water conservation tips 17. Global Hand Washing & Toilet Day 2013 18. Glimpses of Health & Hygiene sessions 19. Education department and community leaders' capacity building training on WASH 20. Walk For a Cause

Managing Editor Dr. Shaikh Tanveer Ahmed Editor in Chief Dr. Bilquis Rehman Editor Mr. Abdul Rahim Moosvi Mr. Waseem Solangi Mr. Shoaib Ahmed Designer Mr. Abrar Siddiqui Photography Mr. Shakeel Saleem

What actually is Water Security?

There is no single, widely accepted definition of 'water security'. A literature review carried out by Cook and Bakker in 20104 highlighted that 'water security has multiple definitions depending on the definition of need (human and/or environmental)'. A literature review by WaterAid found that definitions primarily relate to food security, i.e do we have enough water to grow the food we need? These are all useful, but do not adequately capture the context in which we work. WaterAid defines water security as: 'Reliable access to water of sufficient quantity and quality for basic human needs, small-scale livelihoods and local ecosystem services, coupled with a well-managed risk of water-related disasters.' Water security is an outcome that we aim to achieve in a way that is affordable to users without imposing an unrealistic management burden on communities. There are strong relationships between water for basic human needs and water for livelihoods: Large-scale livelihood water uses can impact on the quantity and quality of water available for basic human needs, for example

HANDS and other WAP partners attend training session on Water Security through video conferencing live from UK
Report By: Waseem Solangi
On July 17, 2013 HANDS along with other partners of Water Aid in Pakistan namely Sukar Foundation from the greater Thar Desert area of Sindh, the Agahi Foundation from the South Punjab and Orangi Pilot Project (OPP) a renowned organization founded by veteran south Asian development leader Mr Akhtar Hameed Khan, attended an orientation and training session on understanding water security. Mr Arjan Nafs was the lead trainer of the training session. The mode of the training was virtual and based on video conferencing in real time. Besides this, during the training session Mr Nafs also carried out group work from the participants. HANDS is thankful to the Water Aid in Pakistan to honour them for hosting this event at their office. All the Urban WASH Programme team members from HANDS attended this training with great fervor and zeal.

Follow-up of HAS Sessions on hand washing

Report by: Abdul Haleem Baloch
Follow up of HAS sessions was conducted by School WASH Project team. The Main objective of this activity was to follow-up the Health and Hygiene practices at school and community level through Child to Child Approach.

Follow up of Health Action School (HAS) Session on Malaria

Report by: Shahnaz Shahid
The objective of this session was to spread prevention message about malaria and dengue fever. Along with its causes and effects through child to child approach. The HAS session was conducted by school children themselves after getting prepared by teachers. The session was conducted through role play, puppet show, and poem recitation.

Girl student washing her hand using hand washing facility

An other hand wash facility rehabilitated

Awareness session on Malaria

Billboards has been installed in Gadap Town to promote health hygiene

WaterAid Pakistan delegation's visit at HANDS WASH project site

WaterAid Pakistan (WAP) has provided generous support to HANDS for WASH services in urban slums of Karachi. In the month of August, Mr.Munawar Hassan Manager Programme Quality & Fundraising WaterAid Pakistan WAP and Ms. Maliha Gul, Program Officer M&E Programme Quality & Fundraising visited the project intervention areas. During the trip, WAP team visited HANDS head office, district office and projects, and met WASH committees representatives, teachers, volunteers, staff and users. One of the projects they visited was a School WASH and other one was Community WASH in Gadap town of Karachi. The project will benefit 69000 students and 134,900 community members through improves water, sanitation and hygiene conditions in and around the target area.

WaterAid Pakistan delegation visiting best practice models of HANDS

WaterAid Pakistan representative exchanging views with WASH committee members

HANDS Strengthens Complaint Center of KW&SB Gadap Town office with the support of Water Aid Pakistan
A complaint desk at the KW&SB Office located in KDA Building for Gadap town for UC has been provided support under Water Aid project to timely address the user complaints about water and sewerage issues of said locality. In this regards the complaint center mechanism has been developed and MIS system established to keep the records of complaints. Logistical support like telephone connection, computer, printer and internet connection has also been provided to the center in order to address user issues timely. This initiative under the Urban WASH Project has not only increase the accessibility of the local communities of the area but also has ensured and time, energy and money saving in the additional virtual form of complaints mechanism handling for increasing WASH related civic amenities.

Community Mobilization campaign in Gadap Town.

Report by Abdul Wahab Baloch
HANDS strengthens its relationship with the community through Large Community Meetings. The purpose of these are to sensitize the community and reinforcing the mobilization process.

Community member sharing his views in the meeting.

WASH committee member sharing his views during a large community meeting

Glimpses of Hygiene Campaign has been organized for a week in Schools at Gadap Town

Quiz Competitions Celebrated in Schools at Gadap Town

Teacher and student are engaged to keep their school neat and clean

HANDS in collaboration with Water Aid project at Gadap Town, of HSBC organized an event at GBPS Babul Islam Urdu, UC-7, Yousuf Goth, Gadap Town. The children prepared posters, and banners all students gave proper orientation of the activity. The event started from

In order to generate understanding about health & hygiene among the children an interactive event has been organized in schools of Manghopir a quiz competition was conducted. Along with students their parents and teachers also actively participated.

Toilet facility of school before rehabilitation

Messages on posters have been developed on sanitation

the school, sharing the previous practice of throwing garbage in the trash area. The plan was developed to arrange an interactive event; the main objective of this activity was to inculcate sense of responsibility amongst community members regarding cleanliness, thereby inspiring community hygiene behavior. The students prepared display sheets and wrote health and hygiene messages and slogans. Miss Shahnaz Shahid conducted orientation session to students and started HAFTA E SAFAI from school teachers, Students. Community and parents also participated in the actively.

Toilet facility of school after rehabilitation

Mr Shahid Noonari Manager HANDS SM&DM (Social Mobilization and Disaster Management) conducting the training

Ms Shahnaz Shahid from the Urban WASH Programme facilitating the training session

A student preparing the display poster on health hygiene

Case Studies
A neglected settlement
Gadap Town is the biggest town of Karachi comprising 8 UCs. UC-7 Yousuf Goth having dense population of more than 70,000 including people which are migrants of different areas of Pakistan. Problems of these Slum dwellers are increasing day by day while water scarcity is on top, perhaps safe water has concept for them are abandoned. A filter plant was established in 2004 by KWSB in this area was nonfunctional since last few years. HANDS, in collaboration of Water Aid, surveyed the area to provide safe drinking water to the community. This area was selected after an extensive research made by a team of engineers who found a dire need to work in this area despite of having security concerns. The team a held number of meetings with the Karachi water supply board (KWSB) officials and started the rehabilitation of the filter plant, a difficult and time taking task but the talented team made it possible and the filter plant which was closed since long now become functional. HANDS has extended water supply lines for about 2100 rfts and has also replaced the motors and two pumps of the pumping station of Yousuf Goth thereby providing safe drinking water

People are now getting safe water at their doorstep in Gadap town;
Ghous Bakhsh proved himself as a sensible citizen; native of Yousuf Goth UC-7, was 45 year man very actively engage in his area for mobilizing people for safe drinking water. Ghous Bakhs Mr. Ghos Bux was fully devoted to the welfare efforts of the poor and wretched people of the area. He belongs to the area which is facing worse challenges, the different immigrants came from different walks of lives, the high population, and illiteracy make lives of local

population worse. They were totally unaware about health and hygiene and basic civic rights. None of them were aware what they deserve as being human. Regarding water, the situation was such that, they could not distinguish safe or unsafe drinking water. When HANDS started safe drinking water project with support of Water Aid Pakistan for urban slums, Ghous Bakhsh showed his full cooperation in providing safe and potable water to community, he facilitated the project team to approach each and every street of the area where water shortage exist, also frequently visit concern authorities along with people of vicinity to sort out the issues prevailing in the area regarding water and sanitation. The outcome of all this hard work came up as now water is within the reach to every house and now they are using filter plants to get safe and secure water. The impacts are quite positive, people are now getting safe water at their doorstep.

Supporting for sustainable water supplies; we are always with you

Mr Muhammad Ali Shaikh is Superintendent Engineer of Karachi Water & Sewerage Board (KW&SB), since the last 7 years. He is a well-qualified professional and possesses sound knowledge and expertise about the Water Component of KW&SB. Mr Ali has also participated in the Leadership Development Training by HANDS under HANDS and Water Aid Pakistan joint Urban WASH Programme. The program has two major components, The School WASH and the Urban WASH. Contribution of Mr Ali towards the social services particularly in the water sector is worth commendable. Not only support in every aspect has been provided by Mr Muhammad Ali Shaikh to the field engineers but he has also been participating and facilitating in the technical aspects of water supply schemes in the Capacity Building Training Programs for Muhalla WASH Committees under HNADS Urban WASH programme.

Mr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh

In recognition of the continuous and selfless services and contribution of Mr Ali in facilitating the provision of safe drinking water to the poor and marginalized communities living in the Gadap Town.

FM Radio messages-On air for creating awareness among the masses.

HANDS under the project of Community WASH with support of information Communication Resources and Advocacy program continued its support to create awareness among communities and students. Messages on malaria, skin diseases, health circle, water and sanitation related issues have been broad casting through FM 101. Messages are educating people on Malaria prevention, personal hygiene, diarrhea, safe drinking water and skin diseases.

Water Sanitation and Hygiene Profiling

of all over Sindh has developed by HANDS

The draft report of WASH profiling of the over- all Sindh on WASH situation has been compiled after the process of data, collection, entry, cleaning and analysis. The final report will be published after peer review. The purpose of this research is to create evidence for advocacy about WASH issues. HANDS has planned to assess the WASH situation to make Profile of Sindh with support of DFID. HANDS research department conducted meetings with Public Health Engineering department; information was collect through stake holders from 23 districts of Sindh. Data collectors from all over Sindh were first trained, including southern Sindh districts Sanghar, Tando Muhammad Khan, Tando Allahyar, Mirpurkhas, Badin, Umerkot, Shaheed Benazirabad, Matiari, Hyderabad, Dadu, Nausheroferoz.

Water Cooperation in Action

From the Global to the Grassroots

Hisar foundation, with support of PPAF organized a mega event on 4-5 Dec 2013, with the theme of the 2013 UN International Year of Water Cooperation, which recognizes that cooperation, is essential to strike a balance between different needs and uses of water, sharing of water resources equitably, and using water as an instrument of peace. The conference was an excellent initiative to fulfil a pressing need for a dialogue and solutions on critical issues of water by bringing key players, like the Water Sector experts, the Government, Business Community, the Academia, NGOs and Funding Agencies, Media and the Youth on a single platform. HANDS also participated and fully utilized the opportunity in terms of separate session on 4th Dec, with the theme of Water and Health -Challenges and Experiences. This forum was good opportunity for HANDS for lobbying with likeminded stakeholders for better governance and management in the water sector in Pakistan and to open discourse with state actors to ensure access to water.

The session was chaired by Shaikh Tanveer Ahmed, CEO HANDS and Co-Chair by Ms. Sabitri Tripathi, Asst Professor, Nepal Engineering College. A paper were presented by Dr. Zafar Fatmi -AKU, Ms. Rubina Jeffery from HANDS presented research study on WASH situation conducted under WaterAid while General Manager Ms. Bilquis Rehman presented HANDS advocacy strategy. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Laghari Dept. Secretary Resource Support Unit from Education Department Govt. of Sindh also shared School WASH interventions by Government of Sindh. International delegates, researcher, and academia Poster presentation of HANDS at conference participated in this CE of HANDS Dr. Shaikh Tanveer Ahmed chairing the session . session during conference

"Karachi Declaration on Water Inititatives"; Do you know that?

The outcome of Water Conference 4-5 Dec 2013
"We, the delegates, recognize that there are multiple values that a society seeks to realize from water beyond its obvious economic and health benefits. Water's significance to culture, religion, identity, aesthetics and sense of community is often overlooked in water policy.

The emerging water cooperation paradigm must reflect these multiple values. There is a dire need to develop human resources in the water sector to engage with, and realize the range of societal values. Whereas there are good facilities for training water-related engineers, there is an urgent need for greater investment in water-related research and instruction through the social and natural sciences. This multi-stakeholder gathering calls for re-centering equity, access and climate adaptation as the core values in water management. Therefore procedural and distributive transparency and justice in the allocation of water should be ensured. Likewise, the right to access water to satisfy multiple values of the community. Furthermore, a move away from a normal view of water towards a management paradigm that puts a premium on planning inwards from environment and conflict-ridden extremes. The conference unanimously recognizes intimate synergies between the environment and development. It also recognizes that poor and vulnerable people are often the main beneficiaries of the ecological services of water, therefore to ignore the ecological value of water is to undervalue the benefits and services they derive from water such as fisheries, fuel, wetlands, forests and habitats.

Less than 3% of the world's water is fresh - the rest is seawater and undrinkable. Of this 3% over 2.5% is frozen, locked up in Antarctica, the Arctic and glaciers, and not available to man. Thus humanity must rely on this 0.5% for all of man's and ecosystem's fresh water needs. More than 3.4 million people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes. Nearly all deaths, 99 percent, occur in the developing world. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills children at a rate equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing every four hours. Of the 60 million people added to the world's towns and cities every year, most move to informal settlements (i.e. slums) with no sanitation facilities. 780 million people lack access to an improved water source; approximately one in nine people. "[The water and sanitation] crisis claims more lives through disease than any war claims through guns." An American taking a five-minute shower uses more water than the average person in a developing country slum uses for an entire day. South and Southeast Asia are home to 60 percent of the world's population but have only 36 percent of its water resources Per capita water availability in Pakistan has been decreasing at alarming rate. The net supply of water after 35% losses is 414 MGD and the shortfall after losses remain 223 MGD. Karachi gets about 78% drinking water from Keenjher Lake and 22% potable water from Hub Dam. Power failures is one of the reasons of shortage of water. Leaked and damaged pipelines are a source of unhygienic water.

480 million people in Asia lack access to improved water Cooperation across international, provincial and local resources. boundaries to resolve water-related issues is the only way Karachi Loses One-Third of its Water Due to Leakage & forward to improving equity and access. The conference Pilferage. recognizes the important linkages amongst the government, the civil society and Public-Private Partnerships. Media needs to be sensitized to encourage rational discourse especially in the realm of benefit-sharing, inter and intra transboundary debates. Civil society must emerge as an institution providing a forward-looking posture in the form of think-tanks. Effective cooperation must ensue sharing the range of benefits associated with water. We believe that women are the most potent force in the water sector, who need to realize their true potential. Cooperation in water is both a prerequisite and an imperative, and must be predicated upon principles of equity and justice. The vision forward for all lies in translating the tremendous knowledge and learning that took place during the previous two days into a viable and actionable agenda."

Water conservation tips

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Use only as much water as you require. Close the tap well after use. While brushing your teeth, shaving do not leave the tap running, open it only when you require it. See that there are no leaking taps. Get a plumber to fix the leaks. Use a washing machine that does not consume too much water. Do not leave the taps running while washing dishes and clothes. Use bucket instead of shower while taking bath, water usage through shower is three times equal to its usage through bucket. Small water tanks be utilized for performing wudhu in mosques. Water in which the vegetables and fruits have been washed can be used to water the flowers and ornamental potted plants. At the end of the day if you have water left in your water bottle do not throw it away, pour it over some plants.

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HANDS in collaboration with Water Aid project at Gadap Town, organized an event at Raheem, Yousuf and Siddique Goth UC 7 Gadap Town. The purpose of event was to raise awareness about personal hygiene among children. Sensitize all about toilet cleanness, raising awareness of hand washing. The plan was developed to arrange an interactive event; the main objective of this activity was to coach sense of responsibility among community associates regarding cleanliness thereby inspiring community hygiene behavior.

Global Hand Washing & Toilet Day 2013

Health and hygiene related awareness sessions were conducted in girls schools of Gadap town, Girls students of a girls school showing their message on charts which they drew in Sindhi language (local provincial language)

Glimpses of Health & Hygiene sessions

Education department and community leaders' capacity building training on WASH

The training was conducted in the month of November, 2013. The purpose of this training was to enhance capacity of Muhalla Wash Committee regarding, leadership, organization and role of community in development. They were also trained regarding record maintenance of WASH Committee related to activities with WaterAid Project. 24 participants from Mohalla WASH Committee were trained in two days training organized by HANDS.

HANDS in collaboration with Water Aid project at Gadap Town organized walk for cause at Yousuf Goth UC 7 Gadap Town. The purpose of this walk for cause was to engage student, volunteers, teachers and community members to create awareness regarding water related diseases and importance of access to safe water sources
This publication is published with the financial assistance of WaterAid and HSBC. For further contact:

Walk For a Cause

Water Programme


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