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What is WCF?

Windows Communication Foundation, or just WCF is a programming framework used to build applications that communicate with each other. It is a part of the .NET Framework dedicated to communications. Earlier, technologies like !"#, .NET $emoting, C%"&, and so on were used for communication between applications. WCF not onl' pro(ides a common communication platform, but it also le(erages the (arious W!)* standards, which enable broad interoperabilit' across different platforms. WCF is one of the four new application programming interfaces introduced with the .NET Framework +.,, which were officiall' launched in -anuar' .,,/. It is a (er' powerful technolog', which is part of the .NET Framework +., or higher and enables de(elopers to create distributed, ser(ice)oriented enterprise)le(el applications. WCF can be de(eloped in an' programming language that can target the .NET runtime. 0isual studio .,,1 templates enable the de(elopers to create WCF application (er' 2uickl'. Some of the key features of WCF are: 3. WCF is a unified programming model, pro(ided b' "icrosoft, used for building distributed, ser(ice)oriented applications b' facilitating de(elopers4 producti(it'. .. It enables de(elopers to build secure, reliable, and transacted solutions that integrate across platforms. +. It supports W!*) standards. 5. It is a part of the .NET Framework +., and +.6 or higher. 6. pplications of WCF can be deplo'ed on Windows #7 8!7. or higher9, Windows 0ista, and Windows !er(er .,,+:.,,1.

;. WCF can be built easil' and 2uickl' b' using WCF templates in 0isual !tudio .,,1.

Benefits of WCF
Some of the key benefits offered by WCF are discussed below: 3. WCF pro(ides a single and cohesi(e programming model for implementation in di(ersified application scenarios. .. It also pro(ides eas')to)use configuration files to support a wide range of protocols for interoperabilit' with man' platforms. +. WCF supports fle<ible hosting model.

Cohesive Programming Model

The cohesi(e programming model enables the de(elopers to implement a WCF ser(ice onl' once and e<pose it using (arious protocols. This enhances de(eloper producti(it' and eases maintenance. "oreo(er, the re2uirement to learn different technologies and object model to support di(ersified needs of distributed computing is also minimi=ed.

WCF rotocol su


WCF supports all the core protocols within W!)*, which were introduced b' standard bodies like W+C, % !I!, and so on. The de(elopers simpl' need to configure the (arious protocols to be supported in a file)based configuration. >isted below are the core protocols supported for the categories? 3. !ecurit'? W!)!ecurit', W!)Trust, and "essaging .. "essaging? "T%", !% 7, and W!) ddressing +. Transactions? W!) tomicTransaction, and W!)Coordination

Fle!ible hosting model

WCF !er(ices can be hosted in an' Windows process, using an' of the following hosting options based on the re2uirements ) Internet Information !er(ices 8II!9, Windows cti(ation !er(ice 8W !9, Windows NT !er(ices, and Windows Forms or W7F client applications.

WCF " # latform for S$#

@nified programming model, pro(ided b' WCF, helps in building !er(ice %riented pplication 8!% 9 through some simple implementation. WCF !er(ice features for usage in !% implementation. WCF ser(ices? 3. E<pose functionalit' using contracts to clients .. Can be deplo'ed o(er (arious protocols to satisf' (arious distributed and interoperable scenarios +. E<ecute autonomousl' and do not impact another ser(ice in case of failure 5. Aesign and implementation are separate from business logic, which eases migration to !% design

WCF #rchitecture $verview

# look at WCF

Service class% &osting environment% and 'nd oint are the key com onents of WCF . MSM( is one of the im ortant communication rotocols in WCF) *he WCF architecture in general consists of five layers)

WCF +esing $verview

ServiceContract attribute is the entry oint to define WCF services . Fault contract is a contract or agreement between the service and the client) Self hosting and ,,S hosting are the two ma-or ways of hosting WCF services)

WCF Client $verview

*he WCF client a lication is a managed a lication) Svc.til is an im ortant tool used to build and configure the WCF client .

+ebugging and +iagnostics 'nd oints and Behaviors

,ntero erable WCF Services

,m roving WCF Security /uality

Implementing Transactions

Error Bandling

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