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Synchronous learning is a general term used to describe forms of education, instruction, and learning that occur at the same

time, but not in the same place. The term is most commonly applied to various forms of televisual, digital, and online learning in which students learn from instructors, colleagues, or peers in real time, but not in person. For example, educational video conferences, interactive webinars, chat-based online discussions, and lectures that are broadcast at the same time they delivered would all be considered forms of synchronous learning. Digital and online learning experiences can also be asynchronousi.e., instruction and learning occur not only in different locations, but also at different times. For example, prerecorded video lessons, email exchanges between teachers and students, online discussion boards, and course-management systems that organize instructional materials and related correspondence would all be considered forms of asynchronous learning. Before the development and widespread adoption of interactive, internet-based technologies, synchronous learning was more commonly called distance education ordistance learningand these terms are still used today. While distance learning took many different forms, instructional interactions were often conducted over radio and, later on, closed-circuit television systems. The televisual systems were comparatively expensive, since schools needed classrooms outfitted with a variety of audiovisual technologiesvideo cameras, microphones, televisions, etc.and instructional interactions could only occur between properly equipped classrooms that used compatible systems. While distance learning was used in a wide variety of educational settings, it was often employed by smaller schools, rural schools, and other education programs that did not have the funding or resources needed to hire teachers in specialized areas or provide a broad selection of specialized coursese.g., courses in Chinese language or Japanese history. In these cases, schools may have used, and may still use, distance- and asynchronous-learning technology to expand course offerings for students or share teachers with specialized expertise. When teachers instruct students who are in the same classroom or learning environment, the term in-person learning may be applied. Advantages and Disadvantages to the Synchronous and Asynchronous classroom Some of the advantages to synchronous learning are in the very nature of it being at the same time and place where all participants can communicate effectively on a project, class discussion, or presentation of new information. The greatest aspect of synchronous learning is

that it, facilitates real-time interaction between learner-instructor, learner-learner, and learner-content. (McBrien, Jones, & Cheng, 2009). This holistic approach to the classroom and the material will help foster a bond to the campus that a distance learning student would not receive otherwise. One of the biggest disadvantages to the synchronous learning platform is the loss of flexibility one would be offered as a distance learning student. Often this flexibility is what draws the learner into the classroom, and is the key selling point to the adult learner who will need to balance home, life, work, and other stressors in addition to school to be successful. The advantage of asynchronous learning is the absence of time restraints or scheduling. Students are able to attend class at their leisure and allow for family or other responsibilities to be in their lives as well. Changes in technology will allow these learners to communicate in blogs, discussion boards, and electronic mailing lists. The disadvantages are student will primarily rely on the course material to succeed in class. They will not have real time interaction with the instructor. Students will have to facilitate their own learning through readings, discussions, and self-discovery. Also, if there are issues with technology, students may lose access to the learning environment (E-learning Space, 2011). Differences in Facilitation Strategies Facilitation of the synchronous classroom can be done through the use and application of technologies such as web-conferencing, VOIP or voice over internet protocol conferencing, Video lectures, and classroom polls. The real key to synchronous learning will be the variation of instructional delivery to make sure the students can show interest in the topics as well as have the information presented in as many ways as possible to be successful. The learning environment is student focus. In most learning environments, the instructor is the focus. The instructor must be flexible in providing an excellent learning format and an understandable curriculum. The instructor must also demonstrate excellent communication to convey the course material to students (E-learning Space, 2011).

McBrien, J. L., Jones, P., & Cheng, R. (2009). Virtual Spaces: Employing a Synchronous Online Classroom to Facilitate Student Engagement in Online Learning. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(3), 1-17.


Space. (2011). Asynchronous. Retrieved

from Differences Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Learners and Facilitators In a synchronous classroom the learners and the facilitators will need to have commitment to the idea of what is best for the class will be best for me. Depending on the technology being utilized whether it be the simulated world or a video conferencing good guidelines will need to be set in order to foster constructive discussion and feedback. The facilitator of the synchronous classroom will be a good leader and able to ask open ended or probative questions in order to guide the discussion on the readings. The facilitator will take frequent temperature checks of the classroom to make sure students are receiving the information accurately and correct any miscues or knowledge gaps quickly. The learner of the synchronous classroom will be prompt and engaging of others almost as if they were all in the same room in a university setting. These learners will be able to foster and support a rapport with each other in a way that builds a new community of peers and colleagues when the learning taking place has ended. The learners of an asynchronous online learning environment are very disciplined and experienced learners. These students are responsible and very proficient in technology usage and the navigation of websites. The learners will become very innovative in communicating with fellow classmates as asynchronous learners take control of the learning environment and adapt to make it their own. Instructors in this environment will provide the tools for students to navigate independently to gain the knowledge required to be successful. These instructors are

also flexible in their schedules to provide time to answer questions, provide feedback on checkpoints or assignments, and post the coming weeks assignments. The facilitator will also focus more on the presentation of the learning environment to make sure it is easily accessible by all the participants in the course.

Asynchronous learning, or asyncronous distance learning, is one of two basic types of distance learning offered by online colleges and universities. The other basic type is synchronous learning, and there is a fundamental difference between these two types of courses. Knowing the difference between asynchronous learning and synchronous learning is important, as the classes are taught in two different manners. For most attending distance learning colleges, asynchronous distance learning is the choice for them. The basic difference between these two types of courses or learning styles is when you need to attend class. For most, the draw of attending college online is the fact that you can take your classes any time you choose. This is true for asynchronous learning, but not for synchronous classes. Synchronous classes require you to attend class at regular times. You must log into your class at the same time as your instructor and the other students. It is more structured, and you have to be able to work with the schedule of your classes. You do not have the option to take your classes at various times throughout the quarter or semester. This may be a disadvantage for students choosing a distance learning program. Asynchronous learning, however, does not require you to log in at specified times and take classes at the same time as your fellow students. Most communication during classes with universities offering asychronous distance learning occurs via email, discussion boards and forums. This is in contrast to real time communciation available with synchronous learning. Synchronous learning may have some beneifits, as dealing with your instructor and other students in real time can be beneficial, but for most students enrolling in a distance learning course, asynchronous learning fits much better with their overall goals. When choosing your distance learning university, be sure to know whether you are taking an asynchronous distance learning, or a synchronous course! Be Sociable, Share! Synchronous vs. Asynchronous: Differences for Instructors

Synchronous courses take place in real time with both the instructor and students present in the virtual classroom at the same time. Instruction in synchronous learning environments can take two forms or a combination of both. In one the instructor is the only person with a speaking part and is the host of the course. Another format includes both the instructor and the students having permissions to speak and interact. In a third delivery format, the instructor grants individual permissions for prescribed periods of time (Patton, 2008). Since verbal delivery is at the heart of this format, instructors must be aware of voice modulation, tone, and speaking clearly into the microphone. A definite advantage of this format is the ability of instructors to provide immediate responses, answer questions, review learning, and facilitate brainstorming efforts. Instructors in synchronous learning environments also play an important part in fostering a friendly, social atmosphere between students and between students and themselves (Patton, 2008). This in turn can be conducive to promoting collaborative learning. Instructors must also be prepared for any technological disasters that may occur du ring the facilitation of a course and should be able to think on their feet as discussion is live and may need re-direction at times. In an asynchronous environment, the instructor and students access the classroom, materials, assignments, and discussions at their convenience. There is no live aspect to the learning environment unless of course participants may be online at the same time. Instructor communication with students is done via email, threaded discussions, and sometimes chat format. There is generally live connection in this format so feedback takes time to receive. Instructors also need to find different ways to express emotion, pay attention to student dynamics, and maintain a perceived presence in the virtual classroom (Andresen, 2009). Additionally, instructors of asynchronous courses have time to react to discussion and classroom dynamics before responding. It is however, important that they provide feedback in a timely manner. Andresen, M. A. (2009). Asynchronous discussion forums: success factors, outcomes, assessments, and limitations. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 12(1), 249-257.

Patton, B. (2008). Synchronous meetings: A way to put personality in an online class. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 9(4), 18-29.

Distance Learning Timing:

There are two primary types of distance learning courses: synchronous courses and asynchronous courses. Knowing the difference between these two terms will help you choose a distance learning program that works for your schedule. Synchronous Distance Learning: Synchronous distance learning occurs when the teacher and his pupils interact in different places but during the same time. Students enrolled in synchronous courses are generally required to log on to their computer during a set time at least once a week. Synchronous distance learning may include multimedia components such as group chats, web seminars, video conferencing, and phone call-ins. Generally, synchronous learning works best for students who can schedule set days and times for their studies. It is often preferred by those who like structured courses heavy on student interaction. Asynchronous Distance Learning: Asynchronous distance learning occurs when the teacher and the pupils interact in different places and during different times. Students enrolled in asynchronous courses are able to complete their work whenever they please. Asynchronous distance learning often relies on technology such as message boards, email, pre-recorded video lectures, mp3s, and traditional mail correspondence. Often, asynchronous distance learning is preferred by students with complicated schedules. It tends to work well for self-motivated learners who do not need direct guidance to complete their assignments. Choosing the Right Type of Learning: When trying to decide between synchronous and asynchronous courses, take your learning style and schedule into consideration. If you get lonely studying independently or feel more comfortable working closely with your professors, synchronous courses may be a better choice. If you are unable to commit to specific class times due to work or family obligations, asynchronous distance learning may be the way to go.

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