Tata Motors Vehicle

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15th January, 2009 Tata Motors Group global sales grow by 84% at 74,707 vehicles in December 200 5th

January, 2010 Tata Motors Group !isplays the wi!est range o" pro!ucts an! environment#"rien!ly technologies at $uto %&po 20'0 2nd January, 2010 Tata Motors December sales at (',)27 nos* 23rd March, 2009 The Tata +ano $rrives Tata Motors to!ay is ,n!ia-s largest automobile company, being the mar.et lea!er in commercial vehicles an! among the top three in passenger vehicles* Tata Motors is also the worl!-s "ourth largest truc. manu"acturer an! the secon! largest bus manu"acturer* /ur operations are now sprea! across the 01, 2outh 1orea, Thailan! an! 2pain* $mong them is 3aguar 4an! 5over, a business comprising the two iconic 6ritish bran!s* 7e also have a strategic alliance with 8iat* Tata vehicles are being mar.ete! in several countries in %urope, $"rica, the Mi!!le %ast, 2outh $sia, 2outh %ast $sia an! 2outh $merica*
T he growth of T ata Motors is marked by customer focus and passion for engineering, and as importantly a collaborative relationship with its vendors. Our belief is that together we can achieve more, when each the company and the vendor focuses on its respective area of excellence and bring to bear its unique competencies on product development. goal, we have adopted practices like early vendor orking towards this involvement and

mentoring, which have resulted in effective deployment of resources by the vendor as also up gradation of their capabilities.

ith the pace of product development quickening, the interface bet ween the company and the vendors will need to be even more seamless and speedy. T his is as much a matter of adhering to the practice as of using essential tools.

T his portal is one such tool, making available information at a single point on!

"ourcing #roup of Tata Motors $nrolling as a vendor

%endor development

e believe the portal with facilitate transactions bet ween T ata Motors and its current vendors, and also ease the process of new vendors engaging wit h the company. e look forward to a long&standing collaboration with you.

Milestones ,t has been a long an! accelerate! 9ourney "or Tata Motors, ,n!ia:s lea!ing automobile manu"acturer* 2ome signi"icant milestones in the company:s 9ourney towar!s e&cellence an! lea!ership* 1945 Tata %ngineering an! 4ocomotive ;o* 4t!* was establishe! to manu"acture locomotives an! other engineering pro!ucts* 1948

2team roa! roller intro!uce! in collaboration with Marshall 2ons <01=* ;ollaboration with Daimler 6en> $G, 7est Germany, "or manu"acture o" me!ium commercial vehicles* The "irst vehicle rolle! out within ) months o" the contract* 5esearch an! Development ;entre set up at 3amshe!pur* %&ports begin with the "irst truc. being shippe! to ;eylon, now 2ri 4an.a* 2etting up o" the %ngineering 5esearch ;entre at ?une to provi!e impetus to automobile 5esearch an! Development* ,ntro!uction o" D, engines* 8irst commercial vehicle manu"acture! in ?une* Manu"acture o" @eavy ;ommercial Aehicle commences*









8irst hy!raulic e&cavator pro!uce! with @itachi collaboration* ?ro!uction o" "irst light commercial vehicle, Tata 407, in!igenously !esigne!, "ollowe! by Tata )08* ,ntro!uction o" the Tatamobile 20) # Br! 4;A mo!el* 4aunch o" the 'st in!igenous passenger car Tata 2ierra* T$; 20 crane pro!uce!* /ne millionth vehicle rolle! out* 4aunch o" the Tata %state* 3oint venture agreement signe! with ;ummins %ngine ;o* ,nc* "or the manu"acture o" high horsepower an! emission "rien!ly !iesel engines* 4aunch o" Tata 2umo # the multi utility vehicle* 4aunch o" 4?T 70 # a "ull "orwar! control, light commercial vehicle* 3oint venture agreement signe! with MCs Daimler # 6en> C Merce!es # 6en> "or manu"acture o" Merce!es 6en> passenger cars in ,n!ia* 3oint venture agreement signe! with Tata @olset 4t!*, 01 "or manu"acturing turbochargers to be use! on ;ummins engines* Merce!es 6en> car %220 launche!* Tata 2umo !elu&e launche!* Tata 2ierra Turbo launche!* '00,000th Tata 2umo rolle! out* Tata 2a"ari # ,n!ia:s "irst sports utility vehicle launche!* 2 millionth vehicle rolle! out* ,n!ica, ,n!ia:s "irst "ully in!igenous passenger car launche!* ''(,000 boo.ings "or ,n!ica registere! against "ull payment within a wee.*












;ommercial pro!uction o" ,n!ica commences in "ull swing* 8irst consignment o" ')0 ,n!icas shippe! to Malta* ,n!ica with 6harat 2tage 2 <%uro ,,= compliant !iesel engine launche!* 0tility vehicles with 6harat 2 <%uro ,,= compliant engine launche!* ,n!ica 2000 <%uro ,,= with multi point "uel in9ection petrol engine launche!* 4aunch o" ;+G buses* 4aunch o" ''0 vehicle # ,nterme!iate commercial vehicle* ,n!ica A2 launche! # 2n! generation ,n!ica* '00,000th ,n!ica wheele! out* 4aunch o" ;+G ,n!ica* 4aunch o" the Tata 2a"ari %D ,n!ica A2 becomes ,n!ia:s number one car in its segment* %&its 9oint venture with Daimler ;hrysler* 0nveiling o" the Tata 2e!an at $uto %&po 2002* ?etrol version o" ,n!ica A2 launche!* 4aunch o" the %D series in ;ommercial vehicles* 4aunch o" the Tata 207 D,* 2,00,000th ,n!ica rolle! out* (,00,000th passenger vehicle rolle! out* 4aunch o" the Tata 2umo:E: 2eries 4aunch o" the Tata ,n!igo* Tata %ngineering signe! a pro!uct agreement with MG 5over o" the 01* 4aunch o" the Tata 2a"ari 4imite! %!ition* The Tata ,n!igo 2tation 7agon unveile! at the Geneva Motor 2how* /n 2 th 3uly, 3* 5* D* Tata:s birth anniversary, Tata %ngineering becomes Tata Motors 4imite!* B millionth vehicle pro!uce!* 8irst ;ity5over rolle! out 'B( ?2 Tata 2a"ari %Di ?etrol launche! Tata 28; 407 %D Turbo launche! Tata Motors unveils new pro!uct range at $uto %&po :04* +ew Tata ,n!ica A2 launche! Tata Motors an! Daewoo ;ommercial Aehicle ;o* 4t!* sign investment agreement ,n!igo $!vent unveile! at Geneva Motor 2how Tata Motors completes acFuisition o" Daewoo ;ommercial Aehicle ;ompany






Tata 4?T 0 %D launche! Tata Daewoo ;ommercial Aehicle ;o* 4t!* <TD;A= launches the heavy !uty truc. :+/A02: , in 1orea 2umo Aicta launche! ,n!igo Marina launche! Tata Motors lists on the +G2% Tata Motors rolls out the (00,000th ?assenger ;ar "rom its ;ar ?lant 8acility in ?une The Tata Dover unveile! at the 7(th Geneva Motor 2how 6ran!e! buses an! coaches # 2tarbus an! Globus # launche! Tata Motors acFuires 2'% sta.e in @ispano ;arrocera 2$, 2panish bus manu"acturing ;ompany Tata $ce, ,n!ia:s "irst mini truc. launche! Tata Motors wins 35D HA awar! "or business e&cellence* The power pac.e! 2a"ari Dicor is launche! ,ntro!uction o" ,n!igo 2D series # lu&ury variant o" Tata ,n!igo Tata Motors launches ,n!ica A2 Turbo Diesel* /ne millionth passenger car pro!uce! an! sol! ,nauguration o" new "actory at 3amshe!pur "or +ovus Tata T4 4D4, ,n!ia:s "irst 2ports 0tility Truc. <20T= is launche! 4aunch o" Tata +ovus 4aunch o" +ovus range o" me!ium truc.s in 1orea, by Tata Daewoo ;ommercial Aehicle ;o* <TD;A= Tata Motors vehicle sales in ,n!ia cross "our million mar. Tata Motors unveils new long wheel base premium ,n!igo I D#over concept at $uto %&po 200) ,n!ica A2 Deta launche! ?assenger Aehicle sales in ,n!ia cross one#million mar. Tata Motors an! Marcopolo, 6ra>il, announce 9oint venture to manu"acture "ully built buses I coaches "or ,n!ia I mar.ets abroa! Tata Motors "irst plant "or small car to come up in 7est 6engal Tata Motors e&ten!s ;+G options on its hatchbac. an! estate range TD;A !evelops 2outh 1orea:s "irst 4+G#?owere! Tractor# Trailer Tata Motors an! 8iat Group announce three a!!itional cooperation agreements Tata Motors intro!uces a new ,n!igo range ;onstruction o" 2mall ;ar plant at 2ingur, 7est 6engal, begins on 3anuary 2' +ew 2007 ,n!ica A2 range is launche! Tata Motors launches the longwheel base ,n!igo D4, ,n!ia:s "irst stretch limousine ;ommon rail !iesel <D,;/5= engine e&ten!e! to ,n!igo se!an an! estate range




Tata Motors an! Thonburi $utomotive $ssembly ?lant ;o* <Thonburi=, announce "ormation o" a 9oint venture company in Thailan! to manu"acture, assemble an! mar.et pic.up truc.s* 5oll out o" '00,000th $ce Tata#8iat plant at 5an9angaon inaugurate! 4aunch o" a new 0pgra!e! range o" its entry level utility vehicle o""ering, the Tata 2pacio* ;5M#DM2 initiative crosses the '000th location milestone 4aunch o" Magic, a com"ortable, sa"e, "our#wheeler public transportation mo!e, !evelope! on the $ce plat"orm 4aunch o" 7inger, ,n!ia-s only ma&i#van 8iat Group an! Tata Motors announce establishment o" 3oint Aenture in ,n!ia 4aunch o" the 2umo Aicta Turbo D,, the new upgra!e! range o" its entry#level utility vehicle, the 2umo 2pacio Tata Motors launches ,n!ica A2 Turbo with !ual airbags an! $62 4aunch o" new 2a"ari D,;/5 2*2 ATT range, powere! by a new 2*2 4 Direct ,n9ection ;ommon 5ail <D,;/5= engine* 5ollout o" the one millionth passenger car o"" the ,n!ica plat"orm* $ce plant at ?antnagar <0ttara.han!= begins pro!uction* ,n!ica Aista J the new generation ,n!ica, is launche!* Tata Motors: new plant "or +ano to come up in Gu9arat* 4atest common rail !iesel o""ering# the ,n!ica A2 D,;/5, launche!* ,n!igo ;2 <;ompact 2e!an=, worl!-s "irst sub "our#metre se!an, launche!* 4aunch o" the new 2umo ## 2umo Gran!e, which combines the loo.s o" an 20A with the com"orts o" a "amily car* Tata Motors unveils its ?eople:s ;ar, +ano, at the ninth $uto %&po* Denon, '#tonne pic.#up truc., launche! in Thailan!* Tata Motors signs !e"initive agreement with 8or! Motor ;ompany to purchase 3aguar an! 4an! 5over* Tata Motors completes acFuisition o" 3aguar 4an! 5over* Tata Motors intro!uces new 2uper Milo range o" buses* Tata Motors is /""icial Aehicle ?rovi!er to Gouth 6aton 5elay "or The ,,, ;ommonwealth Gouth Games ?une 2008* ,n!ica Aista J the secon! generation ,n!ica, is launche!* Tata Motors launches passenger cars an! the new pic.#up in D*5* ;ongo* Tata Motors begins !istribution o" ?rima 7orl! truc. Tata Motors launches the ne&t generation all#new ,n!igo M$+K$ 85%%4$+D%5 2 launche! in ,n!ia Tata Marcopolo Motors: Dharwa! plant begins pro!uction* Tata Motors launches +ano # The ?eople:s ;ar ,ntro!uction o" new worl! stan!ar! truc. range*



4aunch o" premium lu&ury vehicles # 3aguar D8, D85 an! D15 an! 4an! 5over Discovery B, 5ange 5over 2port an! 5ange 5over "rom 3aguar an! 4an! 5over in ,n!ia*

?ro"ile Tata Motors 4imite! is ,n!ia:s largest automobile company, with consoli!ate! revenues o" 5s*70, B8*8( crores <02D '4 billion= in 2008#0 * ,t is the lea!er in commercial vehicles in each segment, an! among the top three in passenger vehicles with winning pro!ucts in the compact, mi!si>e car an! utility vehicle segments* The company is the worl!:s "ourth largest truc. manu"acturer, an! the worl!:s secon! largest bus manu"acturer* The company:s 2B,000 employees are gui!e! by the vision to be Lbest in the manner in which we operate, best in the pro!ucts we !eliver, an! best in our value system an! ethics*L %stablishe! in ' 4(, Tata Motors: presence in!ee! cuts across the length an! brea!th o" ,n!ia* /ver 4 million Tata vehicles ply on ,n!ian roa!s, since the "irst rolle! out in ' (4* The company:s manu"acturing base in ,n!ia is sprea! across 3amshe!pur <3har.han!=, ?une <Maharashtra=, 4uc.now <0ttar ?ra!esh=, ?antnagar <0ttara.han!= an! Dharwa! <1arnata.a=* 8ollowing a strategic alliance with 8iat in 200(, it has set up an in!ustrial 9oint venture with 8iat Group $utomobiles at 5an9angaon <Maharashtra= to pro!uce both 8iat an! Tata cars an! 8iat powertrains* The company is establishing a new plant at 2anan! <Gu9arat=* The companys !ealership, sales, services an! spare parts networ. comprises over B(00 touch pointsM Tata Motors also !istributes an! mar.ets 8iat bran!e! cars in ,n!ia* Tata Motors, the "irst company "rom ,n!ia:s engineering sector to be liste! in the +ew Gor. 2toc. %&change <2eptember 2004=, has also emerge! as an international automobile company* Through subsi!iaries an! associate companies, Tata Motors has operations in the 01, 2outh 1orea, Thailan! an! 2pain* $mong them is 3aguar 4an! 5over, a business comprising the two iconic 6ritish bran!s that was acFuire! in 2008* ,n 2004, it acFuire! the Daewoo ;ommercial Aehicles ;ompany, 2outh 1orea:s secon! largest truc. ma.er* The rechristene! Tata Daewoo ;ommercial Aehicles ;ompany has launche! several new pro!ucts in the 1orean mar.et, while also e&porting these pro!ucts to several international mar.ets* To!ay two#thir!s o" heavy commercial vehicle e&ports out o" 2outh 1orea are "rom Tata Daewoo* ,n 200(, Tata Motors acFuire! a 2'% sta.e in @ispano ;arrocera, a repute! 2panish bus an! coach manu"acturer, an! subseFuently the remaining sta.e in 200 * @ispano-s presence is being e&pan!e! in other mar.ets* ,n 200), Tata Motors "orme! a 9oint venture with the 6ra>il#base! Marcopolo, a global lea!er in bo!y#buil!ing "or buses an!

coaches to manu"acture "ully#built buses an! coaches "or ,n!ia an! select international mar.ets* ,n 200), Tata Motors entere! into 9oint venture with Thonburi $utomotive $ssembly ?lant ;ompany o" Thailan! to manu"acture an! mar.et the company:s pic.up vehicles in Thailan!* The new plant o" Tata Motors <Thailan!= has begun pro!uction o" the Denon pic.up truc., with the Denon having been launche! in Thailan! in 2008* Tata Motors is also e&pan!ing its international "ootprint, establishe! through e&ports since ' )'* The company:s commercial an! passenger vehicles are alrea!y being mar.ete! in several countries in %urope, $"rica, the Mi!!le %ast, 2outh %ast $sia, 2outh $sia an! 2outh $merica* ,t has "ranchiseeC9oint venture assembly operations in 1enya, 6angla!esh, 0.raine, 5ussia an! 2enegal* The "oun!ation o" the company:s growth over the last (0 years is a !eep un!erstan!ing o" economic stimuli an! customer nee!s, an! the ability to translate them into customer#!esire! o""erings through lea!ing e!ge 5ID* 7ith over 2,000 engineers an! scientists, the company:s %ngineering 5esearch ;entre, establishe! in ' )), has enable! pioneering technologies an! pro!ucts* The company to!ay has 5ID centres in ?une, 3amshe!pur, 4uc.now, in ,n!ia, an! in 2outh 1orea, 2pain, an! the 01* ,t was Tata Motors, which !evelope! the "irst in!igenously !evelope! 4ight ;ommercial Aehicle, ,n!ias "irst 2ports 0tility Aehicle an!, in ' 8, the Tata ,n!ica, ,n!ia:s "irst "ully in!igenous passenger car* 7ithin two years o" launch, Tata ,n!ica became ,n!ias largest selling car in its segment* ,n 200(, Tata Motors create! a new segment by launching the Tata $ce, ,n!ia:s "irst in!igenously !evelope! mini#truc.* ,n 3anuary 2008, Tata Motors unveile! its ?eople:s ;ar, the Tata +ano, which ,n!ia an! the worl! have been loo.ing "orwar! to* The Tata +ano has been subseFuently launche!, as planne!, in ,n!ia in March 200 * $ !evelopment, which signi"ies a "irst "or the global automobile in!ustry, the +ano brings the com"ort an! sa"ety o" a car within the reach o" thousan!s o" "amilies* The stan!ar! version has been price! at 5s*'00,000 <e&clu!ing A$T an! transportation cost=* Designe! with a "amily in min!, it has a roomy passenger compartment with generous leg space an! hea! room* ,t can com"ortably seat "our persons* ,ts mono#volume !esign will set a new benchmar. among small cars* ,ts sa"ety per"ormance e&cee!s regulatory reFuirements in ,n!ia* ,ts tailpipe emission per"ormance too e&cee!s regulatory reFuirements* ,n terms o" overall pollutants, it has a lower pollution level than two#wheelers being manu"acture! in ,n!ia to!ay* The lean !esign strategy has helpe! minimise weight, which helps ma&imise per"ormance per unit o" energy consume! an! !elivers high "uel e""iciency* The high "uel e""iciency also ensures that the car has low carbon !io&i!e emissions, thereby provi!ing the twin bene"its o" an a""or!able transportation solution with a low carbon "ootprint* ,n May 200 , Tata Motors intro!uce! ushere! in a new era in the ,n!ian automobile in!ustry, in .eeping with its pioneering tra!ition, by unveiling its new range o" worl! stan!ar! truc.s calle! ?rima* ,n their power, spee!, carrying capacity, operating economy an! trims, they will intro!uce new benchmar.s in ,n!ia an! match the best in the worl! in per"ormance at a

lower li"e#cycle cost* ,n 3une 200 , the e&citing new range o" premium lu&ury vehicles "rom 3aguar an! 4an! 5over were intro!uce! "or the ,n!ian mar.et* These inclu!e the 3aguar D8, D85 an! D15 an! 4an! 5over Discovery B, 5ange 5over 2port an! 5ange 5over* The years to come will see the intro!uction o" several other innovative vehicles, all roote! in emerging customer nee!s* 6esi!es pro!uct !evelopment, 5ID is also "ocussing on environment#"rien!ly technologies in emissions an! alternative "uels* Through its subsi!iaries, the company is engage! in engineering an! automotive solutions, construction eFuipment manu"acturing, automotive vehicle components manu"acturing an! supply chain activities, machine tools an! "actory automation solutions, high#precision tooling an! plastic an! electronic components "or automotive an! computer applications, an! automotive retailing an! service operations* True to the tra!ition o" the Tata Group, Tata Motors is committe! in letter an! spirit to ;orporate 2ocial 5esponsibility* ,t is a signatory to the 0nite! +ations Global ;ompact, an! is engage! in community an! social initiatives on labour an! environment stan!ar!s in compliance with the principles o" the Global ;ompact* ,n accor!ance with this, it plays an active role in community !evelopment, serving rural communities a!9acent to its manu"acturing locations* 7ith the "oun!ation o" its rich heritage, Tata Motors to!ay is etching a re"ulgent "uture*

Management 6oar! o" Directors Mr* 5atan + Tata <;hairman= Mr* 5avi 1ant Mr* + $ 2oonawala Dr* 3 3 ,rani Mr* 5 Gopala.rishnan Mr* +usli + 7a!ia Mr* 2 M ?alia Dr* 5 $ Mashel.ar Mr* +asser Mun9ee Mr* 2ubo!h 6hargava Mr* A 1 3airath

Mr* ? M Telang

2enior Management Mr* ? M Telang Mr* 5a9iv Dube Mr* 5 ?isharo!y Managing Director # ,n!ia /perations ?resi!ent <?assenger ;ars= ?resi!ent <;ommercial Aehicles 6usiness 0nit=

Mr* ; 5ama.rishnan ;hie" 8inancial /""icer

Mr* 2 + $mbar!e.ar @ea! <Manu"acturing /perations # ;A60= Mr* 2 6 6orwan.ar Mr* $ M Man.a! Mr* 6 6 ?are.h Mr* 0 1 Mishra Mr* 2 1rishnan Mr* ? G Gurav Mr* $ Ga9en!raga!.ar Mr* + ?inge Mr* 5 6agga @ea! <3amshe!pur # ?lant= @ea! <;ar ?lant= ;hie" <2trategic 2ourcing= Aice ?resi!ent <$DD an! Materials # ;A60= Aice ?resi!ent <;ommercial # ?;60= Aice ?resi!ent <;orp* 8inance # $Cc an! Ta&ation= Aice ?resi!ent <;orp* 8inance # 6usiness ?lanning= ;hie" ,nternal $u!itor Aice ?resi!ent <4egal=

;ompany 2ecretary Mr* @ 1 2ethna

;orporate ;ommunications Mr* Debasis 5ay @ea! # ;orporate ;ommunications


;ar ?lant ?une bags :Gol! ;ategory $war! in +ational ?ro!uctivity ;ontest:*** Tata Motors has receive! the prestigious +DTA ?ro"it 6usiness 4ea!ership $war!*** Tata Motors among ,n!ia-s most Truste! 6ran! in cars*** Tata Motors wins awar! at the 6ang.o. ,nternational Motor %&po*** Tata Motors # ,nvestor 5elations ran.e! "irst in ,n!ia*** +irmal Gram ?uras.ar awar!e! to ?ot.a panchayat*** Tata Motors bags the +DTA ?ro"it 6usiness 4ea!ership $war! 2008*** Tata Motors awar!e! the Top %&porter Trophy by %%?;*** ;A60 ?une wins 5a9iv Gan!hi +ational Huality $war! "or 2007*** ?;60 bags @an!a Gol!en 1ey $war!*** Tata Motors receives 0ptime ;hampion $war! 2007*** $ggregates 6usiness, ;A60, bags :6est 2upplier $war!: "rom %;%4*** :+DTA ?ro"it: 6usiness 4ea!ership $war!*** Tata Motors bags +ational $war! "or %&cellence in ;ost Management*** Tata Motors: T5$1,T bags silver awar! "or :%&cellence in Design:*** Tata Motors ?une # ;A60 has bagge! the LGol!en ?eacoc. +ational Huality $w*** Tata Motors was awar!e! "our prestigious honours, at the :;+6; TA'8# $utocar $u*** Tata Motors chosen as ,n!ia:s Most Truste! 6ran! in ;ars*** 6usiness To!ay selects Mr* ?*?* 1a!le as ,n!ia:s 6est ;8/ in 200(*** ?une 8oun!ry Division bags prestigious Green 8oun!ry $war!***

Tata Motors is :;ommercial Aehicle Manu"acturer o" the Gear:*** $;% bags :6est ;ommercial Aehicle Design: at the 66;#Top Gear $war!s**** 3amshe!pur bags +ational %nergy ;onservation $war! "or the "ourth consecutive ye*** Tata Motors bags the prestigious: ;,,#%D,M 6an. awar!: "or business e&cellence*** Tata Motors receives 35D HA awar!s "or 6usiness %&cellence*** :;ar Ma.er o" the Gear: $war! "or Tata Motors*** Tata Motors is :;ommercial Aehicle Manu"acturer o" the Gear:*** T+2 Aoice o" the ;ustomer $war! "or ,n!ica Diesel*** :;8/ o" the Gear $war! 2004: awar!e! to Mr ?raveen ? 1a!le, %&ecutive Director #*** Tata Motors wins the prestigious :;orporate ?latinum: $war! at the ,n!ia Manu"*** Tata Motors wins :Gol!en ?eacoc. $war!: "or ;orporate 2ocial 5esponsibility*** Tata Motors ;A60 ?une wins +ational %nergy $war!*** Tata Motors # 3amshe!pur wins :%nergy %""icient 0nit $war!:*** Tata Motors wins the "irst ;2,5 Diamon! 3ubilee Technology $war!*** Tata Motors Training Division 7ins LGol!en ?eacoc. +ational Training $war! 2004L*** Tata Motors 3amshe!pur I 4uc.now win awar!s*** T$T$ M/T/52 ;$2% 2T0DG 7,+2 8,52T ?5,K% ,+ ,,,% ?5/D0;T,A,TG ;/+T%2T*** T$T$ M/T/52 7,+2 $7$5D 8/5 8$,5 602,+%22 ?5$;T,;%2*** Tata ,n!ica an! Tata 2a"ari %Di win awar!s*** Tata Motors#;ar plant gets two ,2/ certi"ications***

Tata Motors bags awar!s at '4th +ational ;onvention o" ,+2$$+*** ,n!ica an! 2a"ari win accola!es*** T$T$ M/T/52 ?0+% $7$5D%D 2%;/+D ?4$;% ,+ +$T,/+$4 4%A%4 ;/M?%T,T,/+ ,+ %+%5GG ;/*** Tata Motors 5eceives L,n!ia:s 6est %mployerL $war! 8rom The %mploye*** Tata Motors, ;A60, ?une has won the prestigious @an!a Gol!en 1ey awar! institute*** ;A60 5%;%,A%2 ;/MM%+D$T,/+ ;%5T,8,;$T% 8/5 :2T5/+G ;/MM,TM%+T T/ THM:*** Tata Motors team wins The 5unners 0p ?osition at The $sian 6usiness 2imulation ;*** T@% ?5%2T,G,/02 6$4$+;%D 2;/5%;$5D ;/44$6/5$T,A% @$44 /8 8$M% $7$5D*** Tata Motors receives all ,n!ia trophy "or Top %&porters*** Tata ,n!igo a! campaign wins %""ie awar!*** Gol!en ?eacoc. %nvironment Management $war! # 200B*** ,n!ustry an! Technology $war!, 2002*** $!vertising $war!s*** Tata ,n!igo # Most %&citing +ew ;ar o" the Gear # ,;,;, 6an. I /ver!rive $wa*** Tata %ngineering # $ 2ocially 5esponsible ;orporate, says T%5,*** :?ro"* Aasant 5ao 5olling Trophy: "or Aalue %ngineering # 2002*** Tata %ngineering was con"erre! 6harat Gaurav ?uras.ar*** 6est Aalue "or Money ;ar o" the Gear # Tata ,n!igo ;+6; $uto ;ar $uto $war!s # 2*** :Aoice o" the ;ustomer $war!: "or :6est Diesel 2mall ;ar: # Tata ,n!ica by +8/ $*** ,n!ia ;8/ $war! 2002***

Tata %ngineering bags ,+2$$+ awar!s*** +ational 6est Training %stablishment $war!*** %nvirointernational*** Goo! ;orporate ;iti>en awar!*** +ational $war! "or 2uccess"ul ;ommercialisation o" ,n!igenous Technology*** +ational $war! "or 5ID %""orts*** 5egional Top %&porter:s Trophy*** 6est ;ompany $war! at 7or.s.ills ;ompetition*** %%?; $war! "or Tata %ngineering***

Car Plant Pune bags ' !ld Categ!ry "#ard $n %at$!nal Pr!duct$&$ty C!ntest' ;ar ?lant ?une has bagge! the prestigious Gol! ;ategory $war! in +ational ?ro!uctivity ;ontest "or the year 2008#0 * The awar! was receive! by Dr* 2* ?* Man!aogane, $GM, ?2D an! Mr* 5a9esh Dehen.ar, $GM, Manu"acturing on behal" o" Tata Motors at the ('st +ational ;onvention o" ,n!ustrial %ngineers I +ational 2eminar hel! in +agpur on December (#), 200 * The team which represente! ;ar ?lant in the contest inclu!e! Dr* 2* ?* Man!aogane, Mr* 5a9esh Dehen.ar, Mr* 5aghaven!ra +ai. I Mr* Aishal Gho!e.ar, who !isplaye! the ?ro!uctivity ,mprovements achieve! at the ;ar $ssembly 4ine by the application o" innovative ,n!ustrial %ngineering approaches* 2ome o" the other participants o" the contest were @?;4, Mumbai 5ailways, @eavy %ngg* ;orp* an! /+G;* 'ata M!t!rs a(!ng )nd$a*s (!st 'rusted +rand $n cars Wins the Gold Award in the Readers Digest Asia Trusted Brand Awards 2009 Tata Motors won the Gol! $war! at the 5ea!er-s Digest $sia Truste! 6ran! $war!s "or the 4th consecutive year* The 5ea!er-s Digest $sia Truste! 6ran!s 2urvey i!enti"ies the bran!s which appeal the most to $sian consumers* The other company to win the Gol! $war! was @yun!ai* Maruti was the ?latinum winner*

The survey, carrie! out by The +ielsen, is con!ucte! through Fuestionnaires !istribute! in 5ea!er:s Digest, as well as through telephone interviews o" ran!omly selecte! consumers in ,n!ia, @ong 1ong, Mainlan! ;hina, Malaysia, the ?hilippines, 2ingapore, Taiwan, an! Thailan!* The respon!ents are as.e! to name their most truste! bran! in each o" the pro!uct categories, an! then to give each bran! they name a rating, "rom ' <low= to ( <high=, on si& Fualitative criteriaN Trustworthiness I ;re!ibility, Huality, Aalue, 0n!erstan!ing o" ;ustomer +ee!s, ,nnovative an! 2ocial 5esponsibility* %ach bran! then receives a mathematical score base! on the number o" respon!ents who name! it, multiplie! by the average rating on the si& Fualitative criteria* 5ea!er-s Digest has been con!ucting this survey annually since ' * '"'" M,',-. /)%. "/"-0 1,- 1")- +2.)%3.. P-"C')C3. Tata Motors has won the Ja(nalal +a4a4 2ch$t 5ya&ahar Puras6ar 7 2003 8!r 1a$r +us$ness Pract$ces in the :Manu"acturer# 4arge: category, con"erre! by ;86? <;ouncil "or 8air 6usiness ?ractices=* The awar! was presente! by the ;hie" Guest # 8ormer ;hie" 3ustice o" ,n!ia, Mr* 2*?* 6harucha at a ceremony hel! on 7th 8ebruary 2004 at The ,n!ian Merchants ;hamber, Mumbai* The awar! was receive! by Mr* ? ? 1a!le, %&ecutive Director, 8inance an! ;orporate $""airs* 4ast year, Tata Motors receive! a merit certi"icate "or being the runner up*

'ata M!t!rs bags the %0'5 Pr!8$t +us$ness 9eadersh$: "#ard 2008 Tata Motors has been honoure! with the +DTA ?ro"it 6usiness 4ea!ership $war! 2008 in the :$utomobiles # 4 wheelers: category* 5a9iv Dube, ?resi!ent # ?assenger ;ars, accepte! the awar! on behal" o" Tata Motors at the awar! ceremony * The +DTA ?ro"it 6usiness 4ea!ership $war!s have been institute! to recognise organisational e&cellence* The awar!s ac.nowle!ge the best, the brightest an! the most !ynamic o" ,n!ian organisations that have emerge! lea!ers in their respective "iel!s, an! salutes business lea!ers whose relentless pursuit o" e&cellence has "uelle! ,n!ia:s 9ourney to the "ore"ront o" the worl! economy*

5esearch -esearch ; 0e&el!:(ent< The %ngineering 5esearch ;entre in ?une was 5esearch provi!es the much#nee!e! setup in ' )) an! is among the "inest in the inspiration "or the birth o" new i!eas, which in country* ,t has been honoure! with two turn breathes new li"e into pro!ucts* 7orl!# prestigious awar!s # :The D2,5 +ational class automotive research an! !evelopment $war! "or 5ID %""ort in ,n!ustry # ' : an!

are .ey "actors that contribute to the lea!ership o" the ;ompany* 3ng$neer$ng -esearch Centre =3-C>< The 5esearch ;entre at 3amshe!pur regularly upgra!es components an! aggregates* $ well# eFuippe! torture trac. enables rigorous an! e&haustive testing o" mo!i"ications be"ore they are use! as regular "itments*

:+ational $war! "or 2uccess"ul ;ommercialisation o" ,n!igenous Technology by an ,n!ustrial ;oncern # 2000*:

1ac$l$t$es< 3ng$ne Per8!r(ance Test 6e!s ;hassis Dynamometer %mission 4ab %lectro!ynamic Aibration 2ha.er ?lat"orm ,nstrumentation 4aboratory 'est +eds< Tata Motors has 24 engine test be!s "or engine !evelopment* These are "ully automate! with computerise! !ata acFuisition an! logging* They are use! to test per"ormance, en!urance, an! !urability* They are also use! in !evelopment o" components an! other engine aggregates* The !ynamometers ranging "rom 200 @p to (00 @p are capable o" loo.ing a"ter all the e&isting an! "uture petrol, !iesel, an! ;+G engines o" Tata Motors* Three test be!s are eFuippe! with emission analysers* They are engage! in emission !evelopment "or %uro norms* 2i& test be!s are eFuippe! with :,nta.e $ir ;on!itioning 2ystems: to "ee! combustion air at re"* temp, pressure an! humi!ity to the engine* The latest a!!ition is a contemporary LHigh Dynamic Transient DynamometerL <@DTD= installe! in December 2000 which permits all :chassis !ynamometer: !rive cycles to be run on it* ,t has an %mission 2ystem, Dynamometer an! 2o"tware* The power"ul so"tware simulates the !river an! all vehicle aggregates li.e gearbo& an! !rivetrain, other than the engine* Chass$s 0yna(!(eter 3($ss$!n 9ab< The %5; has a specialise! $A4 Kollner ;hassis Dynamometer with a (08mm#twin roller "or chec.ing the emission levels o" chassis* ,t is certi"ie! by 0T$;, T0A, ,+T$ an! $5$,* 7ith a '2( .w generator, it can cater to the ma&imum vehicle spee! o" 2'0 .mCh* ,nertia simulation ranges "rom ()7.g to B000 .g* The @oriba 000 emission system has separate ;A2 units "or petrol an! !iesel* 3lectr!dyna($c 5$brat$!n .ha6er Plat8!r(<

,t is use! "or testing engine components an! assemblies against vibrations* ,t wor.s with a rate! "orce o" 2000 .g" on D, G an! K#a&is* The ma&imum !isplacement is 40 mm an! the ma&imum acceleration is )(g* ,t has a plat"orm table si>e o" '000&'000 mm* The whole set# up has a ?; base! control an! automation system* )nstru(entat$!n 9ab!rat!ry< The :,nstrumentation 4aboratory: at %5; %ngines is eFuippe! with a range o" instruments to assist engine !evelopment* These inclu!e !ata acFuisition systems, air "low meters, blow#by meters, smo.e meters, oil consumption meters, incometer I topometer, piston pro"ile tester, 8,? test rig, 2wirl test rig, an! many other support eFuipments to cater to routine engine !evelopment activities*

Manu"acturing Tata Motors owes its lea!ing position in the ,n!ian automobile in!ustry to its strong "ocus on in!igenisation* This "ocus has !riven the ;ompany to set up worl!#class manu"acturing units with state#o"#the#art technology* %very stage o" pro!uct evolution#!esign, !evelopment, manu"acturing, assembly an! Fuality control, is carrie! out meticulously* /ur manu"acturing plants are situate! at 3amshe!pur in the %ast, ?une in the 7est an! 4uc.now in the +orth*

Ja(shed:ur< %stablishe! in' 4(, the 3amshe!pur unit was the company:s "irst unit an! is sprea! over an area o" 822 acres* ,t consists o" 4 ma9or !ivisions # Truc. 8actory, %ngine 8actory, ;ab I ;owl 8actories, an! the +ovus The !ivestments in March 2000 hive! o"" the $&le an! %ngine plants into in!epen!ent subsi!iaries vi>* @A$4 I@AT4, respectively* The Truc. Division boasts o" two assembly lines* The main assembly line, measuring '80m in length has 20 wor. stations with a vehicle rolling out every 8 mins* The other line is !e!icate! to special purpose vehicles an! "or meeting the reFuirements o" the ,n!ian $rmy* The uniFueness o" the 8actory lies in its possession o" O $!vance! "acilities "or manu"acturing long members comprising o" a set#up o" (000 Tones @y!raulic press line, cut#to#length line "or strip preparation purchase! "rom MCs 1ohler o" Germany an! a ;amber ;orrection line* O 8acility "or hot "orming o" a&le halves with a B000 tone press an! heating "urnace* O 8le&ibility in manu"acturing "rames with an o"" line ?roto#typing "acility* The ;ab, ;owl I +ovus 8actory is eFuippe! with state# o"# art "acilities li.e ;entrali>e! ?aint 2hop an! $utomate! painting set up, 5obot painting, 6,7 8abrication o" !ay I sleeper cabs "or truc.s, $rticulates < TractorC Trailer=, 6,7 8abrication o" ;owls "or buses, an! other miscellaneous applications* The "ully eFuippe! 8oun!ry, that the unit is supporte! by, supplies high#gra!e 2G ,ron castings "or automobile components an! e&cavators, an! is rate! as one o" the cleaner, better an! highly automate! "oun!ries in the

worl!* ,t has an annual capacity o" 42,000 MT o" Goo! castings an! ma.es, both, Gey an! 2G cast ,ron casting* ,t manu"actures all critical automobile castings e*g* ;ylin!er 6loc., ;ylin!er @ea! etc* ,t has a sophisticate! 1un.el 7agner @igh ?ressure Moul!ing line o" a rate! pro!uction capacity o" 0 moul!sC hour* This is supporte! by a san! cooler an! san! mi&er "rom 1un.el 7agner* ,ts melting shop has Me!ium 8reFuency ,n!uction 8urnaces "or melting an! ;hannel 8urnaces "or hol!ing* The pouring is !one by a ;hannel ?ress ?our couple! with a 2team ,noculation Dispenser* The core shop has a state# o"#the# art ;ol! 6o& Machine, ma.ing "our cores per minute* ,t has elaborate san! an! metallurgical laboratories* ,n ' B the "oun!ry was ,2/ 002 certi"ie! by the 6ureau Aeritas Huality ,nternational, which was later "ollowe! by the more stringent H2 000 certi"ication "rom the 6AH, in the year 2000* ;urrently it is certi"ie! as T2N ') 4 by 6A;* The %ngine 8actory is responsible "or the in# house manu"acture o" Tata ) 7C4 7 +aturally $spirate! an! Turbo ;harge! engines, an! the )6 series engines manu"acture! at Tata ;ummins* $s one o" the most mo!ern "orging set#ups in the country, the 8orge Division is eFuippe! with a semi#automate! "orging line with 40,000 m.g 6eche @ammer an! state#o"#the# art presses "rom 1urimoto o" 3apan* ,t pro!uces critical "orgings li.e cran.sha"ts, "ront a&le beams an! steering parts "or the automobile plant* The new "orging line, installe! in $pril ' 84, has the

capacity to "orge "ront a&le beams at 0 sec per piece an! cran.sha"ts at '20 sec per piece* Mechanical presses help pro!uce a variety o"

heavy "orgings* The sophisticate! 8,D,$ !igit ')( ;; Graphite Milling Machine lin.s shop "loor machines to the !esign wor.station* The 8orge has been certi"ie! as ,2/ 002 an! H2 000 by the 6AH,* @A $&les 4t!*, a wholly owne! subsi!iary o" Tata Motors, is currently the mar.et lea!er in me!ium an! heavy commercial vehicles a&les in ,n!ia with an installe! capacity o" over two la.h a&les per annum* The company:s pro!uct range inclu!es 8ront 2teer a&les# both live an! normal, 5ear Drive a&les an! !ummyC trailer a&les* ,t is currently the sole suppliers o" MI@;A a&les to the 3amshe!pur an! 4uc.now plants o" Tata Motors* @A$4 has state#o"#the#art manu"acturing "acilities "or ma.ing all ma9or $&les components such as 8ront $&le 6eam, 2tub $&les, 8ront I 5ear 7heel @ubs, Di""erential, $&le Gears <;rown 7heel, ?inion, 6evel Gear I 2ha"t Gear=, 6an9o $&le 6eam, 2wivel @ea!s, ;onstant Aelocity 2ha"ts etc* 8or being in the "ore"ront o" cutting e!ge technology, @A$4 has proven s.ills in manu"acturing a&les "rom component level to assembly I testing* $s a T2 ') 4 company, @A$4 encourages an! continuously supports its ven!or base to upgra!e their Huality Management 2ystem to T2 ') 4 * @AT4 was establishe! on 'Bth March 2000 as a ma9or subsi!iary o" Tata Motors by ta.ing over operations o" Tata Motors: erstwhile Gearbo& Division* ,t is a lea!ing manu"acturer o" automotive transmissions, components I engineering applications "or a wi!e range o" me!ium I heavy commercial vehicles* The company has a capacity o" pro!ucing 4,000 gearbo&es per year which is being enhance! to a capacity o" '20,000 Gearbo&es per year* ,t provi!es pro!ucts an! services o" superior Fuality, matching with the current economic

an! business tren!s in me!ium an! heavy commercial vehicle mar.ets* The Huality 2ystem o" @AT4 is certi"ie! un!er ,2/C T2# ') 4 * ,n the environmental an! sa"ety "ront, it was ,2/'400' certi"ie! in 2004 an! /@2$$2#'800' certi"ie! in ' * 7hile ma.ing technological a!vancements, the social responsibilities are also ta.en up seriously* Tata Motors, 3amshe!pur, plays an active role in serving rural communities surroun!ing its 7or.s through various community centres* 7hile striving to create a culture "or sel"#help amongst the local populace, it has ma!e signi"icant progress in community an! social "orestry, sustainable !evelopment o" wastelan!s, roa! construction, rural health an! e!ucation, !evelopment o" rural in!ustries, water supply an! "amily planning* $ signatory to the 0+ Global ?act, it also ta.es various initiatives in human rights protection, labour stan!ar!s, environmental issues, mo!ern e""luent treatment "acilities, sanitation !rives, soil an! water conservation programmes, tree plantation !rives, etc*

Central '!!l -!!(, Ja(shed:ur The ;entral Tool 5oom at Tata Motors, 3amshe!pur is one o" the most mo!ern tool rooms in ,n!ia* %Fuippe! with the latest ;+; Machines, Tryout ?resses an! ,nspection "acilities, this tool room has the proven capability o" !eveloping tooling solutions "or all applications* ;lic. here to view N 2tamping Tools Manu"acturing ?rocess images

;ustomers: Huote "We are ha y to in!orm you that the !eed"ac# recei$ed !rom our %a anese ersonnel &a!ter their $isit to your lant' is $ery ositi$e and hence ha$e decided to set the die (uality o! Tata )otors* %amshed ur dies as "enchmar#+" 2TT, <Toyota=, 6anglore March, 2004 Pune< The ?une unit is sprea! over 2 geographical regions# ?impri <800 acres= an! ;hinchwa! <'B0 acres=* ,t was establishe! in ' )) an! has a ?ro!uction %ngineering Division, which has one o" the most versatile tool ma.ing "acilities in the ,n!ian sub#continent* ,t houses a Aehicle manu"acturing comple& which is one o" the most integrate! automotive manu"acturing centers in the country pro!ucing a large variety o" in!ivi!ual items an! aggregates* ,t is engage! in the !esign an! manu"acture o" sophisticate! press tools, 9igs, "i&tures, gauges, metal pattern an! special tools, as well as mo!els "or the !evelopment o" new ranges o" automobile pro!ucts* ,ts capabilities have enable! Tata Motors to intro!uce new pro!ucts an! improve e&isting ones without resorting to imports o" !ies or "i&tures* /ver the years, this !ivision has !evelope! e&pertise in !esign an! manu"acture o" automate! !ies, "i&tures an! wel!ing eFuipment* ,ts large !esign group is "ully conversant with state#o"# the#art ;$D "acilities an! manu"acturing "acilities comprising o" light an! heavy ;+; machine shops, 9igs boring room, plastic template shop, woo! pattern an! mo!el pattern shop, "ive a&is precision machine tools an! laser control machines* To cope with such a !iverse range, "our assembly lines have been establishe!, one each "or M;As an! @;As, 4;As, 0tility vehicles an! one "or ?assenger ;ars <,n!ica an! ,n!igo=* The ?assenger ;ar Division in :1: bloc. e&ecutes the entire process o" car manu"acture over "ive shops # the engine shop, the transmission shop, press an! bo!y shops, paint shop an! the trim an! "inal assembly shop* The shops are "ully automate! ensuring that there is minimal chance "or error in the manu"acturing processes* $"ter the car is completely assemble!, it goes through several chec.s li.e wheel alignment, si!eslip test, bra.e test, shower test, an! a short test run be"ore it is rea!y "or !ispatch* $ll systems such as materials management, maintenance an! other activities are computeri>e!, enabling smooth operations an! minimum inventory nee!s* The %lectronics Division is engage! in the pro!uction o" a wi!e variety o" Machine Tool ;ontrollers, ?4;s, Test rig instrumentation, 2ervomotors, ?ro&imity 2witches* ,n a!!ition, it has !evelope! a number o" components such as "lashers, horns, timers that are use! in Tata Motors: vehicles*

,n!ustry e&perts rate the "ully automate! 8oun!ries at ;hinchwa! an! Maval among the best, worl!wi!e* The ,ron 8oun!ry at ;hinchwa! pro!uce! B7,000 Tons o" high precision castings in 200)#07 while the ,ron 8oun!ry at Maval pro!uce! '4000 Tons o" spheroi!al ,ron castings in 200)#07* These inclu!e ;ylin!er 6loc.s, ;ylin!er @ea!s, Gear 6o& @ousing, etc* To !ispense with the nee! "or outsourcing, an $luminium 8oun!ry with an annual capacity o" B,B00 Tonnes has been establishe!* 9uc6n!#< Tata Motors 4uc.now is one o" the youngest pro!uction "acilities among all the Tata Motors locations an! was establishe! in ' 2 to meet the !eman! "or ;ommercial Aehicles in the ,n!ian mar.et* The state o" art plant is strongly bac.e! by an %ngineering 5esearch ;entre an! 2ervice set#up to support with latest technology an! cater to the comple&ities o" automobile manu"acturing* 8ully 6uilt Aehicle business, which is one o" the "ast growing areas o" our business, is also establishe! in 4uc.now* /ur plant, rolls out commercial vehicles an! is speciali>e! in the !esigning an! manu"acturing o" a range o" mo!ern buses which inclu!es 4ow#"loor, 0ltra 4ow#"loor, ;+G I 5% 6uses* The 4uc.now "acility also speciali>es in manu"acturing @;62 <@igh capacity 6us 2ystem= buses* ,n light o" ;ompany-s aggressive growth plans, we are currently in e&pansion phase an! pro!uction at 4uc.now woul! grow many#"ol! in near "uture* The e&pansion shall be in the areas o" painting, wel!ing, vehicle assembly I testing an! utility services, !riven by latest technology* To achieve these plans we invite people who have goo! Technical 1nowle!ge, see. ;hallenging /pportunities an! have a Drive "or %ngineering %&cellence to come an! partner us in our 9ourney* 2ttara6hand< The company has set up a plant "or its mini#truc. $ce an! the passenger carrier Magic <base! on the $ce plat"orm= at ?antnagar in 0ttara.han!* The plant began commercial pro!uction in $ugust 2007* This is the company:s "ourth plant, a"ter 3amshe!pur <commercial vehicles=, ?une <commercial vehicles an! passenger vehicles= an! 4uc.now <commercial vehicles=* The plant is sprea! over (B acres, o" which BB7 acres is occupie! by the ven!or par.* 2tate#o"#the#art "acilities inclu!e wel! shops, paint shops, engine an! gear bo& shops an! assembly lines* The company has investe! over 5s*'000 crores in the plant* Aen!ors "or the vehicle have ma!e a!!itional investments to set up their plants in the ven!or par. a!9oining the plant* The operation has generate! about 7(00 !irect an! in!irect 9obs in the plant, among ven!ors an! service provi!ers in the area*

"rch$&e ? 2009
2earch 5esult N 84 Record,s !ound'* Tata +ano wins the ,n!ian ;ar o" the Gear <,;/TG= $war!
2'st December, 200


Tata Motors Group global sales grow by )2% at 7(,77( vehicles in ***
'7th December, 200


2tatement "rom Tata Motors

')th December, 200


Tata Motors launches the 2umo Gran!e M1 ,,

'4th December, 200


Tata Motors ties up with Ai9aya 6an. "or "inancing its range o" ***
th December, 200


Tata Motors enters into a tie#up with ,D6, 6an. "or 5etail 8inance
4th December, 200


Tata Motors +ovember sales at (4,'08 nos*

'st December, 200


Tata Motors reports a pro"itable secon! Fuarter on a consoli!ate! ***

27th +ovember, 200

Tata Motors 6oar! Meeting on +ovember 27, 200

'8th +ovember, 200


Tata Motors begins !istribution o" ?rima 7orl! truc.

4th +ovember, 200


Tata Motors /ctober sales at (B,404 nos*, growth o" B4%

2n! +ovember, 200


Tata Motors 2econ! Huarter 2tan!#alone net revenue grows to ***

2)th /ctober, 200


Tata Motors acFuires remaining 7 % in @ispano ;arrocera

20th /ctober, 200


Tata Motors ties up with $n!hra 6an. "or "inancing its range o" ***
20th /ctober, 200


Tata Motors launches the ne&t generation all#new ,n!igo M$+K$

'4th /ctober, 200


Tata Motors 4imite! raises 02P 7(0 million through issue o" Global ***
th /ctober, 200


Tata Motors launches GD5 an! ;onvertible +otes ,ssue

th /ctober, 200


3aguar 4an! 5over ;ommercial 8un!ing

7th /ctober, 200

' *

Tata Motors 2eptember sales at (2,('B nos*, growth o" )%

'st /ctober, 200


Tata Motors enters into a tie#up with 0nion 6an. o" ,n!ia "or channel ***

2Br! 2eptember, 200


Tata Motors ties up with 2tate 6an. o" @y!eraba! "or "inancing its ***
2Br! 2eptember, 200


85%%4$+D%5 2 launche! in ,n!ia

22n! 2eptember, 200


TM%T; con"irms 01 government assistance "or Tata ,n!ica Aista %A ***

'8th 2eptember, 200


Tata Motors intro!uces Tata 21 407 Tipper in 1erala

'4th 2eptember, 200


Tata Motors intro!uces the all new Tata 407 ?ic.up, Tata 2uper $ce ***
2n! 2eptember, 200


Tata Motors $ugust sales at 4 ,8'0 nos*, growth o" '4%

'st 2eptember, 200


Tata Motors ;onsoli!ate! Gross 5evenue 5s* ') (4 crores in 'st ***
B'st $ugust, 200


3aguar 4an! 5over "un!ing reFuirements

''th $ugust, 200

2 *

Tata Motors 3uly sales at 48,0(4 nos*, growth o" '8%

Br! $ugust, 200


Tata Motors 8irst Huarter 2tan!#alone net revenue 5s*)40( ;rores, ***
27th 3uly, 200


Tata Motors !elivers "irst Tata +ano in the country in Mumbai

'7th 3uly, 200


Tata Motors 3une !omestic sales at 4B,244 nos*

'st 3uly, 200


8irst 3aguar 4an! 5over showroom opens in ,n!ia

28th 3une, 200


;onsoli!ate! 5evenue in 2008#0 5s* 70 B8*8( crores, 4oss a"ter Ta& ***
2)th 3une, 200


8irst '00,000 owners o" the Tata +ano chosenM ((,02' retainees too ***
2Br! 3une, 200


Tata Motors 6oar! Meeting on 3une 2), 200

'(th 3une, 200


Tata Motors in.s un!erstan!ing with 6an. o" ,n!ia "or "inancing 8iat ***
'(th 3une, 200


Tata Motors initiates massive tree plantation !rive on 7orl! ***

4th 3une, 200

B *

Tata Motors May !omestic sales at B8,B 2 nos*

'st 3une, 200


5avi 1ant to become +on#e&ecutive Aice#;hairman o" Tata Motors on ***

2 th May, 200


Tata Motors +et 5evenue in 2008#0 lower at 5s*2())0*7 crores, an! ***
2 th May, 200


Tata Motors ushers new era in ,n!ian auto in!ustry with its new ***
28th May, 200


Tata Motors completes re"inancing o" the 3aguar 4an! 5over ***

27th May, 200


Tata Motors 6oar! Meeting on May 2 , 200

2'st May, 200


Tata Motors raises 5s* 4200 crores through innovative !ebenture ***
20th May, 200


Tata +ano !raws over 2*0B la.h boo.ings

4th May, 200


Tata Motors $pril !omestic sales at B),2(7 nos*

2n! May, 200


3aguar 4an! 5over to enter ,n!ian mar.et

'st May, 200

4 *

/ver '*2 million test !rives recor!e! "or Tata +ano alrea!yQ
2'st $pril, 200


2tatement "rom Tata Motors on the pro!uction o" the Tata +ano
8th $pril, 200


Tata +ano boo.ing acceptance opens tomorrow on $pril M To continue ***

8th $pril, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with ;anara 6an. "or "inancing its ***
2n! $pril, 200


Tata Motors March !omestic sales (2,)8) nos*

'st $pril, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with 0nite! 6an. o" ,n!ia "or ***
B0th March, 200


$ppointment o" $!!itional Director

2)th March, 200


Tata Motors .eeps its +ano price promise

2Br! March, 200


The Tata +ano $rrives

2Br! March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with 6an. o" 6aro!a "or "inancing its ***
20th March, 200

( *

Tata Motors enters into tie#up with Dena 6an. "or "inancing its range ***
20th March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with ,n!ian 6an. "or "inancing its ***
' th March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with $n!hra 6an. "or "inancing its ***
'8th March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with 2tate 6an. o" 6i.aner an! 3aipur ***
')th March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with 2tate 6an. o" Travancore "or ***
'Bth March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with 2tate 6an. o" Mysore "or ***
'2th March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with 0nion 6an. o" ,n!ia "or "inancing ***
'0th March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with 2tate 6an. o" ?atiala "or ***

th March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with 6an. o" ,n!ia "or "inancing its ***
)th March, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with ?un9ab +ational 6an. "or ***
(th March, 200

) *

Tata +ano %uropa, "or "uture launch in international mar.ets, ***

Br! March, 200


Tata Motors 8ebruary !omestic sales at 42,4 B nos*, ' % higher than ***
2n! March, 200


Tata Motors launches new 2a"ari GD variant

27th 8ebruary, 200


Tata Motors announces the launch o" Tata +ano

2)th 8ebruary, 200


Tata Motors launches li"estyle Denon DT ?ic.up

2(th 8ebruary, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with ;entral 6an. o" ,n!ia "or ***
'8th 8ebruary, 200


Tata Motors enters into tie#up with ;orporation 6an. "or "inancing ***
'2th 8ebruary, 200


Tata Motors !omestic sales at B(,704 nos*, reverses !ecline o" last ***
2n! 8ebruary, 200


Tata Motors intro!uces R24&7 /n#5oa! $ssistance- programme "or ***

2n! 8ebruary, 200


Tata Motors- +et 5evenue !own by B4*4% at 5s* 47(8*)2 crores in Br! ***
B0th 3anuary, 200

7 *

Tata Motors bags 5s*2200#cr DT; or!er "or ')2( low#"loor buses, an! ***
2 th 3anuary, 200


Tata Marcopolo Motors: Dharwa! plant goes on stream

28th 3anuary, 200


Tata Motors launches, :Tata Motors $ssure!:, a certi"ie! pre#owne! ***

2'st 3anuary, 200


Tata Motors 4imite! J 6oar! Meeting

20th 3anuary, 200


2tatement "rom Mr* 5avi 1ant, Managing Director, Tata Motors, on ***
2n! 3anuary, 200


5ecessionary tren! !eepens Tata Motors !omestic vehicle sales at ***

2n! 3anuary, 200

"rch$&e ? 2010
'* Tata Motors Group global sales grow by 84% at 74,707 vehicles in ***
'(th 3anuary, 20'0


Tata Motors Group !isplays the wi!est range o" pro!ucts an! ***

(th 3anuary, 20'0


Tata Motors December sales at (',)27 nos*

2n! 3anuary, 20'0

Passanger Cars 0$&$s$!n ;ars

)nd$ca 0$esel@ %!r(al and 'urb!

)nd$ca Aeta Petr!l M!re !n Cars


.:ac$! 3B0 0)



M!re !n Mu& 2uv

'ata .a8ar$ 0$c!r

C!((erc$al 5eh$cles 0$&$s$!n Truc.s, Tippers I Tractors 'ruc6s '$::ers

9P' 2515, 9P' 2516, 9P' 1613 6us I Mini 6us

.C 1613, 9PC 2516, .C 1613, 9P. 4018, 9P. 3516

Mini Truc.

?ic. 0p

.$ngle Cab

0!uble Cab

2mall ?ic. 0p


Work With Us
7e, at Tata Motors, are committe! to un!erstan!ing customer nee!s an! innovating on our wi!e range o" o""erings .eeping these nee!s in min!* This approach has earne! us the position o" being among the top ( me!ium an! heavy commercial vehicle manu"acturers in the worl!* /ur pro!ucts are seen in mar.ets li.e %urope, $ustralia, 2outh %ast $sia, Mi!!le %ast an! $"rica* 7e owe our success to the highly motivate! an! talente! sta"" at Tata Motors* /ur recruitment !ivision pic.s the crSme#!e#la#crSme "rom premier universities, management an! engineering institutes in ,n!ia* 7e put them through rigorous training programmes to hone their entrepreneurial s.ills an! impart comprehensive pro!uct .nowle!ge*

Careers with Tata Motors Tata Motors is on the loo.out "or !ynamic pro"essionals who will !rive the ;ompany "orwar!* 7e o""er challenging assignments in our various sectorsN ;ommercial Aehicle 6usiness 0nit, ?assenger ;ar 6usiness 0nit, %ngineering 5esearch ;entre an! ;orporate $""airs* The ;ompany employs aroun! 22,000 people <blue I white collare!= who share a passion "or automobiles*

7e invite you to come an! be a part o" the movement, a movement that is Tata Motors

For Recruitment I need to see a current position when I will give presentation

3Decut$&e .elect$!n .che(e =3..> Tata Motors has always strive! towar!s e&cellence both in its e""orts towar!s total integration as well as in recognising its talente! employees* The ;ompany is constantly creating prestigious programmes to rewar! an! retain its outstan!ing employees* The %&ecutive 2election 2cheme is one such programme, which is highly sought a"ter by Tata Motors employees* ,t is a matter o" pri!e an! prestige to be a part o" the %22 selection process an! emerge a winner* %22 is a "ast trac. programme "or accelerate! growth o" high potential pro"essionals* This "acilitates their early a!vancement to challenging an! visible assignments through a very systematic proce!ure* 'he select$!n $n&!l&es a 3 stage :r!cess< 7ritten Test ?ower ,nterview $ssessment ;entre

2hort#liste! can!i!ates are reFuire! to go through an interview with the e&ecutive !irectors* ;an!i!ates selecte! gain a huge lea! in terms o" promotion an! learning* They are promote! to Manager:s level thereby saving almost '0 to 'B years o" wor. time* The success"ul can!i!ates are relieve! "rom their current 9obs an! put on various pro9ect base! training programmes un!er the gui!ance o" senior managers in the ;ompany* ," the can!i!ates !o not possess management e!ucation, they un!ergo a 4 months M%? at ,,M, $hme!aba!* $"ter success"ul completion o" training the can!i!ates are man!atorily rotate! across !epartments to acFuire general management s.ills*

The %22 is a 9ewel in Tata Motors overall pro"ile as it provi!es a plat"orm "or every employee o" the ;ompany to per"orm an! achieve ma&imum potential*

$t Tata Motors, employees are invaluable youngsters, hone! by such rigorous assets an! their career an! personal growth are programmes, have receive! numerous o" prime concern to the ;ompany* +ational 6est $pprentice $war!s # the highest accola!e "or e&cellence in s.ills, in ,n!ia* Tata Motors provi!es a congenial atmosphere to wor., learn an! grow* The ;ompany Tata Motors e&pansion pro9ects o""er con!ucts various programmes to train their numerous growth opportunities* 2tructure! sta"" in the latest an! the best technology an! training programmes, rotational assignments management practices* an! cross#"unctional mobility allow employees to grow* Movement across The ;ompany through its in#house vocational "unctions is encourage! to help employees training an! apprenticeship programmes trains !evelop a wi!er perspective an! gain e&pertise the technicians at Tata Motors* +umerous in mani"ol! "unctions* talente!

Tata Motors provi!es e&cellent "acilities "or employees at plant locations* 'he '!#nsh$: The beauti"ully lan!scape! township covers an area o" ',200acres an! has Fuarters "or all its employees* ;ivic amenities li.e mar.ets, schools, a well#eFuippe! (00#be! hospital, !ispensaries, clinics "or in"ants, a sports sta!ium, playgroun!s, par.s, clubs, recreation centres an! hostels ma.e the township sel"#su""icient* 2ocial organisations, !rama, song an! !ance aca!emies an! a hobby centre "oster the spirit o" creativity amongst employees an! their "amilies* ,n or!er to give an opportunity to employees to enhance their talents, various societies have

been setup*

Mother plant of Nano the worlds cheapest car with Rs 2000 crore investment will e set up in !u"arat on !u"arat #gricultural Universit$s land that has een transferred to %ata Motors on market rate& ''00 acre land for Nano is located at e(act 2) kms distance from #hmeda ads *&! +ighwa$& Nano plant is "ust one km awa$ from #hmeda ad,*anand,-iramgam highwa$ which is all set to e converted into a four lane highwa$ $ ./% within ne(t 00 months under 1uilt,2perate, %ransfer model& !u"arat 3hief Minister Narendra Modi and %ata group chairman Ratan %ata met toda$ in !andhinagar after which memorandum of understanding was signed for Nano plant& 4arlier in the morning !u"arat ca inet met and approved land transfer for %ata Motors& Nano plant is e(pected to give emplo$ment to more than '05000 people& Nanos 3N!5 4(port oriented cars and 4lectric cars also will e developed and manufactured from !u"arat plant& )0 ancillar$ units that suppl$ parts for Nano are also e(pected to come with Nano plant& #nnual production from %he !u"arat plant will have a capacit$ to manufacture 2605000 cars a $ear in the first phase5 which will e uilt up to 6005000 cars a $ear& %ata will also set up #utomo ile #cadem$ and will also contri ute to I%I institute in !u"arat for human resource development& 4(tremel$ happ$ Ratan %ata in a press conference at !andhinagar said that in assisting !u"arat %ata would go e$ond "ust Nano or automo ile sector and would help for

%an! Plant "t "ha(dabad,


research and development in areas like agricultural5 marine iolog$ research too& Note esh!u"arat&3om had first anal$7e wh$ Nano should come to !u"arat a month ack& 3lick +ere for an article that includes video of Ratan %atas famous speech 8*tupid if $ou are not in !u"arat

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