Location Release Form: Amount Date

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From:William Jones_______________________ of 3 Commonfield Road, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2JR ________________________________________ __________________________________________

To:_____Julie Cleveland___________________________ 3JB__________________________________________


Cedars, Banstead, Surrey, SM7

__________________________________________ !ated:___"#"2#"3____________

!ear_____Julie Cleveland____________

T$is letter is to %onfirm t$at &e may film at your 'ro'erty &$i%$ is (no&n as _ Cedars, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 3JB___________________________________________________ )t$e *+ro'erty,from __ am________ to __.'m_______ on __2"st/22nd !e%em0er________________ to1et$er &it$ a settin1 u' 'eriod of ____"______ $ours and a %learin1 a&ay 'eriod of _____"______ $ours2 3t is t$erefore a1reed as follo&s: "2 T$at our 'ersonnel, 'ro's, e4ui'ment, ve$i%les and artists em'loyed on our 'rodu%tion are allo&ed onto t$e +ro'erty for t$e 'ur'ose of settin1 u' and filmin1 on t$e dates and for t$e 'eriods a1reed2 22 We may return to t$e +ro'erty at a later date if 'rin%i'al '$oto1ra'$y and re%ordin1 is not %om'leted on t$e dates a1reed2 32 We $ave notified you of t$e s%enes &$i%$ are to 0e s$ot on or around t$e +ro'erty and you %onfirm and a1ree t$at you %onsent to t$e filmin1 of t$ese s%enes2 52 We are entitled to in%or'orate all films, '$oto1ra'$s and re%ordin1s, &$et$er audio or audio6visual, made in or a0out t$e +ro'erty in t$e Film as &e may re4uire in our sole dis%retion2 72 We s$all not ma(e any stru%tural or de%orative alterations to t$e +remises &it$out your 'rior %onsent2 3n t$e event t$at &e do &ant to ma(e alterations and you a1ree, &e s$all 'ro'erly reinstate any 'art of t$e +ro'erty to t$e %ondition it &as in 'rior to t$ose alterations2 .2 3n %onsideration of t$e ri1$ts 1ranted in t$is letter &e &ill 'ay you t$e sum of 8amount on date. 72 9ou a1ree to indemnify us and to (ee' us fully indemnified from and a1ainst all a%tions, 'ro%eedin1s, %osts, %laims, dama1es and demands $o&ever arisin1 in res'e%t of any a%tual or alle1ed 0rea%$ or non6'erforman%e 0y you of any or all of your underta(in1s, &arranties and o0li1ations under t$is a1reement2 :2 T$is a1reement s$all 0e 1overned 0y and %onstrued in a%%ordan%e &it$ t$e la& of ;n1land and Wales and su0<e%t to t$e <urisdi%tion of t$e ;n1lis$ Courts2

+lease si1nify your a%%e'tan%e of t$e a0ove terms 0y si1nin1 and returnin1 to us t$e en%losed %o'y2 9ours sin%erely,

Si1ned===W ; J>?;S=========

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