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SRS: Philosophy & Ethics Core Subject

What is the course about?

At Key Stage 4, all students will follow a course in social and religious studies. The course is designed to ensure all aspects of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) curriculum are met. It equips students to become active citizens, consider their own career pathways, understand more about their place in society and be able to make informed ethical choices. They are encouraged to consider the diversity of culture, religion and political opinion in Britain today in order that they may participate more fully and successfully in community life. All students will also be prepared to enter GCSE Religious Studies: Philosophy and Ethics. This course is excellent preparation for a variety of options at post-16. It enables students to gain crucial thinking skills and self-awareness, both of which are highly valued by employers. It is of particular advantage to those who wish to study RS and philosophy at AS level, and the subject matter and skills learnt also provide good preparation for those who may wish to study sociology, psychology, politics and law or other humanities subjects.

What topics will I study?

> Equality and discrimination > Medical ethics > Wealth and poverty > Peace and justice > Sex and relationships > Media ethics > Questions about the existence and nature of god > Death and beliefs about the afterlife > Discussions and debates > Presentations > Role plays and decision-making games > Essay writing and evaluative analysis tasks > Research > Good and evil: an in-depth study of morality > Science and religion: do they contradict each other? > What is spirituality? > British identity > Democracy and rights > Justice and punishment > Work and careers

What kind of class activities will there be?

What kinds of homework assignments will there be?

> Written work note-taking and comprehension tasks > Independent research > Producing posters and leaflets to support different points of view.

What percentage of the final GCSE grade is for coursework?

There is no controlled assessment for GCSE Religious Studies.

What percentage of the final grade is for the exam at the end of year 11?
The RS examination at the end of Year 11 is worth 100% of the final GCSE grade. Students will sit four papers, each lasting an hour.

What are the most interesting parts of the GCSE course?

SRS gives students a greater insight into society, politics, philosophy and morality and allows them to examine their own beliefs. They enjoy studying the fundamentals of religious and non-religious views that underpin society, and investigating how to improve the world in which they live, as well as using case studies to examine wider issues.

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