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St Andrews, Fife December 2013

Housing Need and Housing Pressures in St Andrews

St Andrews Town Commission on Housing Chair: Dr James B Wa !er

St Andrews" #i$e ISBN +,-.(.++',,)/.(.+

De%em&er '()*

0u& ished &1 St Andrews Town Commission on Housing www2sat%oh2& ogs3ot2%o2u! ISBN +,-.(.++',,)/.(.+

4 '()* St Andrews Town Commission on Housing / 5ueen6s Gardens St Andrews 78)9 +TA #i$e S%ot and U7

0rinted &1: 0rint : Design" Uni;ersit1 o$ St Andrews" St Andrews 78)9 +A<

Foreword and Acknowledgements 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 i; Executive Summary 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ; Abbreviations 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ;i PART I. INTRODUCTION )2 O&=e%ti;es and Stru%ture o$ the >e3ort 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 * '2 Data Co e%tion and ?;iden%e Gathering 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 @ *2 0ro$i e o$ St Andrews 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 )) PART II. REPORT & ANAL

/2 Introdu%tion to the Issues 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 '+ @2 A$$orda& e Housing 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 *, 92 Student A%%ommodation 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 /@ ,2 Addressing Need and A e;iating 0ressure 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 9) PART III. CONCLUSIONS & RECO!!ENDATIONS -2 Con% usions : >e%ommendations 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ,@ References 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 -) Appendices 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 -9

Foreword and Acknowledgements

It has long been recognised that St Andrews has significant housing problems which arise from a variety of causes including, importantly, (i) scarcity of affordable housing and (ii) pressure on accommodation from University students who represent an unusually high proportion of the local population; these two aspects became the natural focus of this study. In !" , several local organisations met and resolved to promote a serious study of the housing situation in the town. #his group comprised local $ife %ouncillors, the &oyal 'urgh of St Andrews %ommunity %ouncil, the University of St Andrews, the University of St Andrews Students( Association, #he St Andrews )reservation #rust and the %onfederation of St Andrews &esidents( Associations (%SA&A). #hey agreed to constitute themselves as the St Andrews #own %ommission on *ousing &eference +roup and, in turn, to appoint an autonomous team, the St Andrews #own %ommission on *ousing, whose members would bring a wide range of e,perience and s-ill to the study and could be relied upon to be independent in their wor- ". #his &eport would not e,ist but for the initiative ta-en by the &eference +roup. #hey have been wholly supportive, particularly in securing the modest funding re.uired for the %ommission(s wor-, but has at no time influenced or sought to influence the studies or conclusions contained in this &eport other than through formal representations, all of which are detailed in the body of the &eport or its Appendices. #han-s for funding are due to #he St Andrews )reservation #rust, particularly for providing bridging funds during the early stages of the study, to the St Andrews %ommon +ood $und, to the University and, especially, two generous donors who wish to remain anonymous. #he University has generously covered the cost of all printing. #he %ommission is grateful to /rs $lora Selwyn, who facilitated circulation of the .uestionnaire, to all those who completed .uestionnaires, whether on paper or electronically and to management and staff at the )ublic 0ibrary, the %osmos %entre, the Students( Association, the $ife %ouncil 1ffice at St /ary(s )lace and the St Andrews %ommunity *ospital for permitting bo,es for the return of completed .uestionnaires to be placed on their premises. /s 2mma Shaw and /s 2mily *earn are than-ed for their efforts in analysing the content of the completed .uestionnaires and 3r 4hi.iang $eng for his assistance with the mapping of data 5ones. #han-s are also due to both the *ousing 6 7eighbourhood Services and the )rivate Sector &egulation 3ivision of $ife %ouncil as well as 7ational &ecords of Scotland, for their provision of information and prompt response to .uestions. It is also greatly appreciated that so many individuals and organisations made written submissions to the %ommission to present their perspectives on the town(s housing situation. $inally, meetings were held with the %onfederation of St Andrews &esidents( Associations, $ife %ouncil (*ousing and )lanning 3ivisions), local $ife %ouncillors, *eadon 3evelopments, 8ingdom *ousing Association, 1ld %ourse *otel, &obertson *omes, St Andrews %ommunity %ouncil, #he St Andrews )reservation #rust, the Students( Association and the University of St Andrews. #he %ommission ac-nowledges with gratitude the time and effort that all put into ma-ing the meetings so informative.


3r 9ames ' :al-er (%hair), /r Simon 8idd (Secretary), )rofessor 9oe 3oherty, /r Iain +rant, /r 9ohn $ /atthews. #he assistance of 3r )auline /c0oughlin as a member of the %ommission in the early stages of this study is gratefully ac-nowledged. $or brief information on each of the above see Appendi, A.;. iv

Executive Summary
In !" a group of local organisations resolved to promote a serious study of the housing situation in the town. #o carry out this tas-, they established the <St Andrews #own %ommission on *ousing( composed of people who would bring a wide range of e,perience and s-ill to the study and could be relied on to be independent in their wor-. #he ob=ective was to identify and e,amine housing need and housing pressures in St Andrews, how these are currently being met and how they might be better met in the future. #he %ommission gathered evidence from a .uestionnaire (circulated to the student community and town households) and from interviews with local organisations, town residents, the University, $ife %ouncil and a variety of housing providers. :e also interrogated census and local authority demographic and housing data and conducted a survey of published literature and documentary sources. $rom this evidence it became apparent that two issues overrode all others, (i) scarcity of affordable housing and (ii) pressure on accommodation from University students who represent an unusually high proportion of the town(s population. #hese became the focus for the study. In building towards our recommendations we investigated trends in the demographic composition of St Andrews and changes in housing tenure and housing costs. :e e,amined aspects of the local housing mar-et, especially in relation to housing and planning policies. :e further e,amined the difficulties that local residents, including students, have relating to house purchase and rent. :e focused in some detail on the provision and scarcity of affordable housing, e,ploring the impact of <&ight to 'uy(, the absence of public investment over the recent past, and the prospective role of the private sector (through planning obligations). #hese investigations confirmed and reinforced the %ouncil(s designation of St Andrews as the most pressured housing area in $ife. #hey further identified the urgent need for the development of a strategic housing plan for the town and the potential of the 8ilrymont site of /adras %ollege, when it becomes available, as a location for affordable investment. 1ur e,amination of <studentification( (the process by which specific neighbourhoods become dominated by student residential occupation) identified the concentration of student */1s in the centre of St Andrews, the escalating impact of this concentration on house and rental prices and the difficulties it creates for town residents and newcomers wishing to purchase or rent property in the town. :hile recognising the opposing views of many students and local residents, we concluded that if these problems were to be effectively addressed the scope of the present */1 moratorium needs to be e,panded in the conte,t of an increase in the provision of student residential accommodation by both private developers and by the University. $rom analysis of all the information and evidence, the summary of our recommendations is inter alia> (i) that $ife %ouncil e,amine the specific housing needs of St Andrews and develop a strategy for housing in the town; (ii) that $ife %ouncil, in collaboration with the St Andrews community, address the immediate need for affordable accommodation and actively pursue the building of affordable houses on the 8ilrymont site of /adras %ollege when it becomes available, and develop this site in tandem with the e,tant proposals for the development of St Andrews :est; (iii) that $ife %ouncil determine, in collaboration with the St Andrews community, an appropriate yardstic- for student housing density and, meantime, give serious consideration to e,tending the */1 moratorium geographically to embrace the whole town and to imposing restrictions on the renewal of */1 licences; (iv) that the private provision of student <halls( of residence be supported, and that the University actively promote the building of additional University?managed student accommodation, both undergraduate and postgraduate; (v) that a <Standing :or-ing )arty( be created comprising community representatives, the University and $ife %ouncil as a forum for reconciling differences and for the advancement of housing development in St Andrews.

A*S) '6/ %A%I %1A %SA&A $% +&1 +&1S *A *2SA */A */1 *73A 8*A 9&$ 0A 0% 0%*1 0*S 0*SA 0I$# //& /o3 7*# 7&S )&* )&S &A$ &S0 S$# S*A S*I) SI/3 Affordable *ousing Supply )rogramme 'alanced and /i,ed %ommunities %A%I 0td ? international information solutions and services provider %ensus 1utput Area %onfederation of St Andrews &esidents( Associations $ife %ouncil +rants for &ent and 1wnership +eneral &egister 1ffice for Scotland *ousing Association (see also &S0) *igher 2ducation Statistical Agency *ousing /ar-et Area *ousing in /ultiple 1ccupation *ousing 7eed and 3emand Assessment 8ingdom *ousing Association 9oseph &owntree $oundation 0ocal Authority 0icence %ondition 0ow %ost *ome 1wnership 0ocal *ousing Strategy 0ocal *ousing Strategy Area 0ow %ost Initiative for $irst #ime 'uyers /id?/ar-et &ental /inistry of 3efence 7ational *ousing #rust 7ational &ecords of Scotland )rivate &ented *ousing )rivate &ented Sector &oyal Air $orce &egistered Social 0andlord (see also *A) Scottish $utures #rust Strategic *ousing Area Strategic *ousing Investment )lan Scottish Inde, of /ultiple 3eprivation




Objectives and Structure of the Report

1. Objectives and Structure of the Report

In response to the general aim agreed with the Re eren!e Gro"p# $ To consider the housing needs of all groups in St Andrews, how these are currently met and how they might be better met in the future %# the aims o the Commission are as ollows& 1.1. Aims of the Commission To !olle!t and anal'se data on the !"rrent pop"lation o the town and how its ho"sing needs are met( To !olle!t and anal'se data and opinions rom e)er' se!tion o the lo!al !omm"nit' *' means o a widel'+!ir!"lated ,"estionnaire# written s"*missions and meetings with -e' gro"ps( To !reate a !lear and !redi*le pi!t"re o the !"rrent ho"sing sit"ation and to highlight pro*lem areas. 1. . Objectives of the Commission To propose wa's in whi!h !"rrent and "t"re ho"sing pro*lems might *est *e addressed( To identi ' !onstraints "pon the resol"tion o !"rrent and "t"re ho"sing pro*lems and how these might *e o)er!ome. 1.!. Structure of the report This report is presented in three parts# s"pplemented *' appendi!es. PART I# o whi!h this is Chapter /# eat"res a des!ription o the pro!esses o data !olle!tion and in ormation gathering# in!l"ding the design and dissemination o the ,"estionnaire and the anal'sis o the res"lting in ormation 0Chapter 12. It also has a detailed pro ile o St Andrews de ining the geographi!al area 0data 3ones2 !o)ered *' the st"d'# pop"lation growth and demographi!s sin!e 144/ and ho"sing ten"re in ormation# together with s"pporting statisti!al data 0Chapter 52. PART II pro)ides a *rie introd"!tion to the iss"es whi!h ha)e *een identi ied 0Chapter 62# ollowed *' more detailed st"dies e7amining a orda*le ho"sing 0Chapter 82 and st"dent a!!ommodation needs 0Chapter 92( inall'# in Chapter :# there ollows a dis!"ssion o these iss"es. PART III itemises the Commission%s !on!l"sions and re!ommendations 0Chapter ;2.


Data Collection and Evidence Gathering

2. Data Collection and Evidence Gathering

The approach adopted by the Commission sought to obtain both quantitative and qua itative in!ormation !rom a sectors o! the oca community" inc uding private househo ds as #e as !rom $ey organisations and agencies #ithin or impacting direct y upon the community% The ear y stages invo ved announcements o! the Commission&s estab ishment and remit in the oca press 'The Courier and the St Andrews Citizen(" design and production o! a questionnaire" compi ing a ist o! $ey contact organisations" dra!ting a etter to these groups and aunch o! a #ebsite" a te ephone contact and an emai address% )t the same time" #or$ #as started on co ecting the most re iab e statistica data avai ab e on the to#n&s changing popu ation and on important matters such as purchase and renta costs !or residentia properties" the impact o! HMO 'Housing in Mu tip e Occupation( regu ations and the avai abi ity o! a!!ordab e housing% 2.1. Questionnaire )n endeavour #as made to circu ate a paper version o! the questionnaire 'see )ppendi* )%+%( to every househo d in St )ndre#s by inc uding a copy in the November , -ecember ./0. issue o! the oca bi1 month y maga2ine St Andrews in Focus3 it is be ieved that" as #e as a ma4ority o! private househo ds" many commercia estab ishments received the questionnaire% To !aci itate submission" bo*es !or comp eted questionnaires #ere p aced at easi y accessed and !requent y visited ocations" name y5 the Cosmos Centre" the 6ub ic 7ibrary" the 8i!e Counci 7oca O!!ice in St Mary&s 6 ace" the Students& )ssociation and the St )ndre#s Community Hospita % )dditiona b an$ questionnaires #ere avai ab e at each o! these ocations% ) 6ost O!!ice bo* number #as provided !or those #ho pre!erred to mai their returns% )n on ine version o! the questionnaire #as compi ed and cou d be accessed and comp eted via the Commission&s #ebsite% 9thica approva and data protection c earance #ere obtained !or both paper and e ectronic versions o! the questionnaire% :oth !ormats #ere avai ab e !or comp etion and return !or three months 'to end18ebruary ./0+( during #hich time etters to the oca press #ere used in an e!!ort to maintain pub ic interest and participation% 8or ana ysis" comp eted paper questionnaires #ere converted to e ectronic !ormat and merged #ith those submitted via the #ebsite% ) tota o! ;+; usab e questionnaires #ere submitted3 the resu ts !rom these are not statistica y representative but are" #e #ou d c aim" i ustrative o! the concerns and vie#s o! peop e in St )ndre#s% )ppendi* )%+%0% ists tabu ations o! questionnaires by gender" age" emp oyment status and housing tenure% 2.2. Invitations to e! organisations and agencies )n identica etter 'see )ppendi* )%0%( #as sent to $ey organisations inc uding oca government bodies" representatives o! oca interest groups" ma4or oca emp oyers and others" e*p aining the origins and remit o! the Commission and inviting submissions as #e as proposing !ace1to1!ace meetings% Severa organisations and individua s 'see )ppendi* )%0%0%( made #ritten submissions and representatives o! the !o o#ing groups and businesses agreed to be intervie#ed5


ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING Con!ederation o! St )ndre#s =esidents& )ssociations 8i!e Counci 'Housing( 8i!e Counci '6 anning( 8i!e Counci ors Headon -eve opments >ingdom Housing )ssociation

Data Collection and Evidence Gathering

=obertson Homes ')bbey 6ar$( =oya :urgh o! St )ndre#s Community Counci The O d Course Hote " Go ! =esort ? Spa The St )ndre#s 6reservation Trust University o! St )ndre#s University o! St )ndre#s Students& )ssociation

Notes on the meetings bet#een the Commission and these organisations can be !ound in )ppendi* )%.% 2.". Statistical data and docu#entar! evidence Tempora and spatia data on popu ation and housing trends in St )ndre#s together #ith boundary maps #ere derived !rom severa sources5 The >no#8i!e dataset '@http://knowfife fife gov uk/!AS"( 8i!e Counci &s Housing ? Neighbourhood Services The .//0 Census ? G=OS , N=S mid1year estimates 0 8i!e Counci 9nterprise" 6 anning" ? 6rotective Services Scottish Census =esu ts On ine 'SC=O7(5 the .//0 Census bro#ser Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics '@www sns gov uk"( University o! St )ndre#s Centra Services Higher 9ducation Statistica )uthority '@ www hesa ac uk"( )t the time o! #riting" sma area popu ation and re ated data !rom the ./00 Census #as not avai ab e3 #e have re ied on G=OS , N=S mid1year estimates accessed via the >no#8i!e dataset and on data $ind y supp ied on request by Housing ? Neighbourhood Services" 8i!e Counci % 2.$. %ther sources o& in&or#ation These inc ude5 6 anning documents and other reports !rom 8i!e Counci " the Scottish Government and the University o! St )ndre#s 6ub ished iterature on HMOs and a!!ordabi ity 6 ans 'imp emented and proposed( !or student accommodation provision in other university to#ns -ocuments provided by The St )ndre#s 6reservation Trust% 2.'. (ro)le#s o& data collection T#o particu ar y important issues needed to be reso ved5 The demarcation o! the geographic boundaries o! the to#n o! St )ndre#s The derivation o! popu ation and housing statistics%

In )pri ./00" the Genera =egister O!!ice !or Scot and 'G=OS( merged #ith the Nationa )rchives o! Scot and to become the Nationa =ecords o! Scot and 'N=S(% A

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING # $ % De&arcation of the geographic 'oundaries of St Andrews

Data Collection and Evidence Gathering

We considered three candidates !or the de!inition o! St )ndre#s to#n boundaries !or possib e adoption in this report ')ppendi* )%B% sho#s boundary maps(3 #e re4ected t#o5 the 7oca Housing Strategy )rea '7HS)( and the =oya :urgh o! St )ndre#s Community Counci area% With St )ndre#s at its coasta centre" the 7HS) stretches to Tentsmuir in the north" to >ingsbarns in the south and to Spring!ie d in the #est% Whi e c ear y use!u !or p anning purposes such a #ide ranging mar$et area ac$s !ocus !or a study o! housing need and pressures in the Cto#n& o! St )ndre#s% The Community Counci " #hi e a stronger contender than the 7HS)" a so has boundaries that stretch beyond the bui t1up area o! the to#n% 8urthermore" pub ished comparab e and historic data !or popu ation and housing is rather imited !or these boundaries% 8or these reasons #e opted !or the use o! data 2ones 'see :o* .%0%( in de!ining the to#n boundaries as the !ocus !or our investigation%
*o+ 2.1. Data ,ones Data zones are groups of Census output areas which have populations (at the ti&e of the #))% Census* of 'etween $)) and %+))) household residents,+ and so&e effort has 'een &ade to respect ph-sical 'oundaries The- all nest into local authorities and are 'uilt up fro& #))% Census output areas !n addition+ the- have co&pact shape and contain households with si&ilar social characteristics The kefeature of data zones is that the- are significantl- s&aller than previous geographies for which statistics have 'een availa'le (postcode sector or ward* and are &uch &ore effective in identif-ing s&all areas with particular social characteristics+ and are also &ore fle.i'le in aggregating to specific areas of user interest Data zones are large enough to protect confidentialit- and to allow regular updates to 'e &ade availa'le 'O!!ice o! the Chie! Statistician" .//B( D T#o data 2ones in St )ndre#s e*ceed this imit%

We se ected 0; contiguous data 2ones '8igure .%0%( as providing the best appro*imation o! the Cto#n& o! St )ndre#s% These 0; 2ones incorporate the bu $ o! St )ndre#s bui t1up area 'see :o* .%.%( and provide a convenient !rame#or$ !or accessing and comparing demographic and housing changes over time% They a so provide a basis !or the ana ysis o! change #ithin the to#n%
*o+ 2.2. -ousing no.n to )e located outside the )oundaries o& the 1/ data ,ones

St Andrews /olida- 0ark+ 1inkell 2raes The converted far& steadings at 2rownhills+ 2al&ungo+ East Grange+ 3est Grange+ 3ester 2alr-&onth+
0ipeland+ 4u&'o+ 5ount 5elville and 2alone

Cairns&ill Caravan 0ark The new housing to the west of 5orrison6s (i e 2o''- 7ones 0lace+ 7a&es Foulis Court 8including St
Andrews Care /o&e 9 appro. :) care residents; and Findla- Douglas Court* and the ad<oining streets+ 3inra& 0lace+ Crawford Gardens and 2alr-&onth Court (i e 5elville =oad+ >ounger Gardens+ Cant Crescent+ 2err- 0lace and Cha&'ers 0lace*

The new housing to the west of the 2ogward =oad / Craigtoun =oad <unction

The 3estern Ce&eter- 4odge+ Carron 4odge and =ufflets Countr- /ouse /otel The latest phase of acco&&odation 'locks constructed at Fife 0ark Apart&ents The Stratht-ru& Estate and 0il&our Cottage The ?ld Course /otel+ Golf =esort @ Spa


0igure 2.1. St Andre.s as de&ined )! data ,one )oundaries

Data Collection and Evidence Gathering

Source5 A Crown cop-right and data'ase rights #)%B ?rdnance Surve- %)))#BBC$

# $ # The derivation of population and housing statistics The accuracy and precision o! popu ation data and ana ysis !or any geographic area #i re! ect the in! uence o! many !actors" the most important o! #hich are enumerated be o#% St )ndre#s is not unique in this respect" but #ith one o! the highest proportions o! students among university to#ns in the U>" the prob ems and cha enges associated #ith these !actors are arguab y e*acerbated% Constant change as a consequence o! births" deaths and in and out migration% The accuracy and comp eteness o! data co ection surveys 'inc uding the decennia census( are a!!ected by5 1 the date o! survey 'as noted previous y" the ./00 sma area census resu ts had not been pub ished at the time o! #riting3 #e #ere re iant on data derived !rom the .//0 Census(3 1 undercounting 'especia y #hen students are invo ved and #hen 1 as in St )ndre#s 1 a signi!icant number are !rom overseas(3 1 imprecision associated #ith the a gorithms !or ad4usting census returns and ca cu ating inter1 census mid1year estimates 1 the a gorithms emp oyed !or this process produce best1!it data that are a #ays sub4ect to possib e ad4ustment #hen subsequent decennia census resu ts are pub ished 'see :o* .%+%(3 1 incomp ete institutiona records3 etc% 9rrors in data recording 1 see be o# !or a speci!ic instance in St )ndre#s 'see Section .%<%+%(% Changing de!initions and data co ection priorities over time3 changing boundaries%


Data Collection and Evidence Gathering

6opu ation and housing data co ected by nationa and oca authorities are the best 1 and in most instances the on y 1 data #e have !or statistica ana ysis o! demographic and housing trends% :e!ore pub ication" considerab e e!!ort is e*pended in chec$ing and ad4usting such statistics to ensure as much precision and accuracy as possib e% Neverthe ess" there #i a #ays be sma variations in the o!!icia data recording and tabu ations and some o! these variations are apparent in this report% These do not" #e #ou d argue" inva idate the overa picture%
*o+ 2.". 1id2!ear esti#ates 5id9-ear population esti&ates are 'ased on the #))% Census and updated annuall- '- Dageing onD the population and appl-ing infor&ation on 'irths+ deaths and &igration 2irths and deaths are esti&ated using data fro& the civil registration s-ste&+ which is considered to 'e virtuall- co&plete 5igration is &ore difficult to esti&ate 'ecause there is no co&prehensive registration s-ste& in the E1 5igration is derived fro& the Fational /ealth Service Central =egister (F/SC=* and Co&&unit- /ealth !nde. (C/!* for &igration within the E1+ and fro& the !nternational 0assenger Surve- (!0S* for international &igration The sa&ple size for Scotland for the !0S is s&all+ so esti&ates derived fro& this surve- are su'<ect to large sa&pling and non9sa&pling errors Fational =ecords of Scotland (F=S* is conducting an on9going e.ercise to i&prove the Gualit- of population esti&ates and also their ke- co&ponent &igration F=S contri'ute to the ?ffice for Fational Statistics (?FS* !&proving 5igration and 0opulation Statistics progra&&e (See5 Hhttp://www nrscotland gov uk/statistics9and9data"(

# $ B Counting students #))% Census errors in St Andrews5 The counting o! students in the .//0 Census #as compromised by the misa ocation o! <B+ students iving in communa estab ishments to t#o postcodes outside our de!inition o! St )ndre#s to#n resu ting in an undercount o! popu ation in t#o data 2ones 1 B+< in North Haugh and 0/E in 7a#head ? Northban$% We have ad4usted the .//0 popu ation count !or these data 2ones to account !or these recording errors% We have a so ad4usted numbers in the age categories by assigning these <B+ students to the 0A 1 .B age group as a best1!it estimation% The G=OS , N=S mid1year popu ation estimates !or St )ndre#s did not ta$e account o! this correction unti .//A 'Nationa =ecords o! Scot and" ./0/(% A note on student nu&'ers5 The Higher 9ducation Statistica )gency 'H9S)( is genera y regarded as the main source !or student numbers% Ho#ever" H9S) statistics typica y inc ude students on eave o! absence" those registered !or distance earning and evening courses as #e as some doub e counting o! students registered !or more than one course% In this report 1 #hi e #e ta$e cognisance o! H9S) returns 1 #e use admissions data !rom the University o! St )ndre#s )cademic =egistry as the best estimate o! !u 1time student numbers% # $ I Counting /ousing in 5ultiple ?ccupation (/5?s* The recent y initiated HMO 6ub ic =egister . provides in!ormation on a icenses issued in 8i!e% The register is due to be updated each quarter% 8or the purposes o! the report" the register #e accessed #as revised up to +/ Fune ./0+" the atest avai ab e !rom 8i!e Counci &s #ebsite% We se ected every HMO icence !or the to#n o! St )ndre#s 'i%e% matching the 0; data 2ones in 8igure .%0%( #hich #as issued and current on +/ Fune% )s the rene#a process can ta$e severa months to comp ete a!ter the e*piry date" #e a so added each HMO icence that had e*pired in the previous t#e ve months '!rom 0 Fu y ./0.(" and had not yet been re1issued by +/ Fune" on the assumption they #i be rene#ed% + 8ina y" #e chec$ed !or" and e iminated" dup ications be!ore dividing the ist bet#een properties o#ned by private and ords and those o#ned by the University%

@http://www fifedirect org uk/topics/inde. cf&JfuseactionKpage displa-@p#sidKLLACM2LM9A:FF9IA%F9 CF%IF)%:%:I$F%:#@the&eidKAA2D2#2M9DBLM9IBIF9MCCA9AF#2LBB)BC$I G 8rom in!ormation recent y provided by 8i!e Counci &s HMO registry" .+ out o! BA in this category #ere rene#ed bet#een 0 Fu y and 0< November ./0+% H


Profile of St Andrews

3. Profile of St Andrews
3.1. Introduction St Andrews is the largest settlement in north east Fife; it is the areas ma or retail! em"lo#ment and re$reation $entre% As &the home of golf and the lo$ation of S$otlands oldest and &world renowned Uni'ersit#! St Andrews is a $entre for $(lt(re! learning and to(rism and is identified as a )e# e$onomi$ dri'er lo$all# and for the whole of Fife *Fife Co(n$il! +,,-; Fife Co(n$il! +,.+/; 0iggar 1$onomi$s! +,.+2% On se'eral meas(res St Andrews is $learl# an affl(ent town with a strong e$onomi$ /ase and man# "ros"ero(s neigh/o(rhoods in whi$h a'erage ho(sehold in$omes are signifi$antl# higher than those elsewhere in the Fife Co(n$il area% 3et St Andrews is also a town e4"erien$ing $onsidera/le ho(sing "ress(res% It has some of the highest ho(se "ri$es in Fife! the lowest "er$entage of so$ial rented "ro'ision and the highest "ro"ortion of "ri'atel# rented a$$ommodation% Using meas(res from the +,,. Cens(s! the +,,- S$ottish Inde4 of M(lti"le 5e"ri'ation *SIM52 identified 6 areas in St Andrews as among the +, "er$ent most de"ri'ed for ho(sing in Fife *see Ta/le 7%.%2% While this meas(re ta)es no a$$o(nt of im"ro'ements to the ho(sing sto$) sin$e +,,.! it is s#m"tomati$ of the histori$ lega$# of "oor ho(sing $onditions es"e$iall# in the $entral "art of the town *8nowFife 0riefings! +,,-2% Toda# Fife Co(n$il estimates that .,%9 "er$ent of the "o"(lation of the St Andrews :o$al Ho(sing Strateg# Area *:HSA2 e4"erien$es ma or "ro/lems of ho(sing need and afforda/ilit# *$onsidera/l# higher than the other - :HSAs in Fife2% The designation of St Andrews as a town of &;ress(red Area Stat(s in +,,9 < in whi$h the sale of $o(n$il ho(ses (nder &=ight to 0(# legislation is s(s"ended for some tenants < and the re$ent de$laration of a moratori(m on HMOs *ho(sing in m(lti"le o$$("ation2 in the town $entre are indi$ati'e of $ontin(ing "ro/lems% The $om/ination of high ho(se "ri$es! low so$ial ho(sing "ro'ision and "ress(res on "ri'ate renting has led to serio(s iss(es of ho(sing s$ar$it# and a$$essi/ilit# for some se$tions of the towns "o"(lation%
Table 3.1. Scottish Index of ulti!le De!ri"ation for central St Andrews
#ousin$ Do%ain Ran& ' ()**+, Town .entre Abbe0 1inness 2urn adras 3 St 4eonards The Scores >.9 ?6, -?7 .,>? .+6? - #ouseholds no .entral #eatin$ ()**1, .,%-@ @%7. 6%@9 6%+@ >%>, - /"ercrowded ()**1, 76%-7 +?%9> +9%+. +6%9. +7%9-

A The lower the inde4 the more de"ri'edB the inde4 r(ns from . to 96,6 So(r$eB Fife Research Co-ordination Group, 2009

This $ha"ter "ro'ides /a$)gro(nd information as a "reliminar# to a more detailed in'estigation in later $ha"ters of the towns ho(sing "ro/lems% We fo$(s here! firstl#! on $hanging trends in "o"(lation growth! age str($t(re and ho(sing ten(re o'er the "ast ten #ears and! se$ondl#! on ho(se "ri$es! rental $harges and ho(sehold in$ome% We end with some /rief $onsideration of the "lanning framewor) that sets the "arameters for "resent and f(t(re de'elo"ment in the town% As noted in the "re'io(s $ha"ter *see Se$tions +%7% and +%6%2 m($h of the statisti$al data for o(r re"ort with regard to "o"(lation and ho(sing $hara$teristi$s of St Andrews are deri'ed from the 8nowFife 5ataset and from information s(""lied /# Ho(sing C Neigh/o(rhood Ser'i$es! Fife Co(n$il% These data ha'e /een s(""lemented /# other information whose so(r$es are identified in the following anal#sis% This anal#sis is /ased on a data Done /o(ndar# definition of the &town of St Andrews *see Se$tion +%6%.% and Fig(re +%.%2%


ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 3.). Po!ulation5 a$e and housin$ tenure

Profile of St Andrews

O'er the "ast de$ade St Andrews has e4"erien$ed signifi$ant "o"(lation growth and! a$$om"an#ing this! nota/le $hanges in /oth age str($t(re *es"e$iall# in$reases among #o(nger ad(lts2 and in ho(sing ten(re *a red($tion in so$ial "ro'ision and in$reases in the "ri'atel# rented se$tor2% S($h $hanges are also a""arent in the rest of Fife *and man# other "arts of S$otland2% Arg(a/l#! howe'er! their signifi$an$e < as demonstrated /# the designation of the town as a &"ress(red area and /# the high le'el of ho(sing need < is more "rono(n$ed in St Andrews than elsewhere in Fife% 0o4 7%.% s(mmarises some of the main findings of o(r anal#sis of demogra"hi$ and ho(sing ten(re $hange /etween +,,. and +,..%
2ox 3.1. Su%%ar0 of %ain findin$s Po!ulation and a$e

The +,.. mid<#ear estimate of the "o"(lation of St Andrews *as defined /# o(r .? data Dones2 was
.6!@+,; a -%6E in$rease on that re$orded *.>!>>@2 in the +,,. Cens(s *North Ha(gh and :awhead2 "eri"heries of the town

The ma or "o"(lation in$reases /etween +,,. and +,.. were in eastern *1ast Sands2 and western 3o(ng ad(lts /etween .9 and +> #ears are /# far the most n(mero(s age gro("! $om"rising >>E
*9!->@2 of the towns "o"(lation in +,..; this $om"ares with 79E *6!.9.2 in +,,.

0etween +,,. and +,.. the n(meri$al in$rease in .9<+><#ear<olds *.!?@?2 e4$eeded the o'erall

in$rease in the "o"(lation of St Andrews *.!7?+2; the differen$e is e4"lained /# de$reases in the n(m/er of "eo"le in the other age gro("s "eri"heries of the town! the areas of highest Uni'ersit# st(dent residential $on$entration /(t signifi$ant a/sol(te and "er$entage de$lines /etween +,,. and +,..

In +,.. @+E of all .9<+><#ear<olds were lo$ated in the $entre and in the western and eastern The "o"(lation aged .6 #ears or #o(nger! those aged >,<6- and those ?, and o'er e4"erien$ed small
#ousin$ tenure

The n(m/er of ho(seholds in St Andrews grew /etween +,,. and +,.+ from 6!>++ to 9!,,7; an
in$rease of ..E

In +,.+ owner o$$("ied ho(sing was the dominant ten(re *6-E2! followed /# "ri'atel# rented *+,E2
and so$ial renting *.>E2

The +,.+ estimates indi$ate a red($tion in so$ial renting of +>E sin$e +,,. and! in $ontrast! an
in$rease of -E in owner o$$("ation and 6E in "ri'atel# renting ho(seholds

Com"ared with Fife as a whole and most other :o$al Ho(sing Strateg# Areas in Fife! St Andrews town

in +,.+ had a lower "er$entage of /oth so$iall# rented and owner o$$("ied "ro"ert#! /(t a s(/stantiall# larger "ri'atel# rented se$tor

.+ of .? data Dones ha'e no so$ial rented a$$ommodation The highest "er$entage of "ri'atel# rented a$$ommodation is in the Town Centre *66E2! with 7
neigh/o(ring data Dones *A//e#! The S$ores and Madras C St :eonards2 and North Ha(gh re$ording o'er 7,E

The 7 data Dones with the highest "er$entage of .9<+><#ear<olds *:awhead C North/an)! North Ha(gh

and 1ast Sands2 ha'e the highest $on$entrations of &Other ten(res! whi$h in$l(des Uni'ersit#<"ro'ided st(dent a$$ommodation e4$eeds that in all :o$al Ho(sing Strateg# Areas *:HSA2

>%7E of dwellings in St Andrews are identified as se$ond homes; 7 times that for Fife as a whole and


ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 3.2. . Population !rowth and chan!in! a!e structure

Profile of St Andrews

Population !rowthB 5(ring the de$ade +,,. and +,..! the "o"(lation of St Andrews < as defined /# the .? $ontig(o(s data Dones (sed in this re"ort < in$reased /# -%6E from .>!>>@ to .6!@+,% As Ta/le 7%+% shows! this growth was "art of larger in$reases e4"erien$ed in the immediate 'i$init# of St Andrews *.?E in the Comm(nit# Co(n$il area2 and in north east Fife *.>E in the :HSA2%
Table 3.). Po!ulation esti%ates for data 6ones5 .o%%unit0 .ouncil 3 4#SA
)**1 .ensus 4ocal #ousin$ Strate$0 Area Ro0al 2ur$h8.o%%unit0 .ouncil .onti$uous data 6ones +6!7+6 .>!6?? .>!>>@ )*11 id70ear Esti%ates +@!@@.?!,-> .6!@+, - .han$e .>%,? .?%+? -%6,

So(r$eB "nowFife #ataset $ %ational Records of Scotland &20 0' for 200 ad(ust)ents

Population chan!e within St Andrews B Within the town the o(tstanding feat(re was the in$rease in the "o"(lation of 7 data Dones on the eastern and western "eri"heriesB 1ast Sands *>@E2! :awhead C North/an) *79E2 and North Ha(gh *+,E2% The growth in these areas a$$o(nted for o'er ?9E of the total "o"(lation in$reases in St Andrews /etween +,,. and +,..% More modest "o"(lation growth was re$orded in ? f(rther data Dones! ranging from .@E in Madras C St :eonards to +E in 8inness 0(rn 1ast% 0# $ontrast! small de$reases < /etween +E and 9E < were re$orded in two $entral data Dones *The S$ores and Town Centre2 and in se'eral so(thern "eri"heral data Dones *Hallow Hill So(th! Hallow Hill! 8ilr#mont 1ast! 8ilr#mont West and 8ilr#mont C :anglands2 *see Fig(re 7%.%2%
9i$ure 3.1. Percenta$e !o!ulation chan$e b0 data 6one5 )**17)*11

So(r$eB "nowFife #ataset $ %ational Records of Scotland &20 0' for 200 ad(ust)ents

Chan!e in a!e structureB Growth in the towns "o"(lation d(ring the de$ade +,,.<+,.. was a$$om"anied /# signifi$ant $hanges in age str($t(re% Most "rominent was the in$rease in the "er$entage of .9<+><#ear<olds! from 79E to >>E of the towns "o"(lation% Those aged +6<7- and 9,< 9- also e4"erien$ed small in$reases of less than . "er$ent; all other age gro("s *.6 and (nder .! >,<6and ?, and o'er2 de$reased as a "ro"ortion of the towns "o"(lation% One of the most nota/le findings of this anal#sis is that /etween +,,. and +,.. the n(meri$al in$rease in .9<+><#ear<olds *.!?@?2 e4$eeded the o'erall in$rease in the "o"(lation of St Andrews *.!7?+2; the differen$e e4"lained /# de$reases in the n(m/er of "eo"le in the other age gro("s *see Fig(re 7%+%2%

S$hool enrolment in St Andrews has de$lined dramati$all# o'er the "ast few #ears *see A""endi4 A%6%2 .7


9i$ure 3.). Percenta$e and nu%erical !o!ulation chan$e b0 a$e $rou!5 )**17)*11

Profile of St Andrews

So(r$eB GR*S + %RS Census and ,id-20

Population esti)ates "nowFife #ataset, April 20 3

The age $om"osition of St Andrews de"arts mar)edl# from that of Fife as a wholeB the $om"arati'e la$) of $hildren and the high "ro"ortion of .9<+><#ear<olds /eing the most "rominent *see Ta/le 7%7%2%
Table 3.3. A$e $rou!s: 9ife and St Andrews co%!ared5 )*11
1; and below 9ife St Andrews .?%9?%9@ 1<7)= .+%>+ >7%-+ );73+ .?%,.7%.7 =*7;+ +@%++ .>%6> <*7<+ .+%.@%>>* and abo"e .+%7@ .+%+>

So(r$eB "nowFife #ataset

A!e co)position of data -ones B The dominan$e of .9<+><#ear<olds is "erha"s the o(tstanding $hara$teristi$% In +,.. .9<+><#ear<olds made (" o'er 9,E of the "o"(lation of > data Dones *North Ha(gh! S$ores! Town Centre and Madras C St :eonards2 and o'er 6,E of three f(rther Dones *8inness 0(rn! A//e# and 1ast Sands2% No other age gro(" $omes $lose to s($h dominan$e *see Ta/le 7%>%2%
Table 3.=. A$e $rou!s as a !ercenta$e of data 6one !o!ulations5 )*11) ?ran&ed b0 1<7)= a$e $rou!@
*71; 0ears +%+9 .%-7 .%-. 6%++ >%6, >%69 -%@6 -%7, @%>-%67 .7%+9 .7%69 .+%-+ .,%>+ .7%.7 .7%>, .,%+7 ?%9@ .?%91<7)= 0ears ??%?6 ?,%?@ 96%.9 9>%,> 6-%?9 69%?, 67%6, 7@%9? 7@%9+ +-%7.-%,6 .?%.+ .9%@+ .+%@+ .,%,6 @%97 9%9? >7%-+ .+%>+ );73+ 0ears >%.?%>. +.%?+ -%7.>%@9 .,%6@%.9 ?%?? .6%9+ +6%>@ +?%.9 .?%@. .@%-@ .@%@? .+%>@ .6%,@ .+%69 .7%.7 .?%,=*7;+ 0ears 6%7> @%+? 6%?> .,%.> ?%79 ..%7.7%+> .?%.6 .6%?> .9%66 +.%+> .@%79 +7%+@ +,%-.@%.6 7,%@, +@%,9 .>%6> +@%++ <*7<+ 0ears 7%+, 7%-? +%>9 7%77 9%,. 9%>7 ?%., .,%?9 @%>?%.+ ?%?+ .7%-? .+%6+ .6%-+ .-%.+ .9%>.-%++ @%>.+%.A>* 0ears ?%+? ?%97 7%,. ?%@? ?%6. .,%7+ @%.9 .9%7> .7%,> ..%-> ..%6@ .-%.@ .6%>@ +,%-+?%,? .6%6+7%+9 .+%+> .+%7@ Total Po!ulation .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,, .,,

North #au$h The Scores Town .entre adras 3 St 4eonards 1inness 2urn Abbe0 East Sands 4awhead 3 Northban& 1inness 2urn West 1inness 2urn East 4an$lands West 1ilr0%ont West 1ilr0%ont East 1ilr0%ont 3 4an$lands .anon$ate #allow #ill South #allow #ill Total St Andrews 9ife So(r$eB "nowFife #ataset

The $on$entration of .9<+><#ear<olds in Madras C St :eonards data Done also refle$ts the lo$ation of a""ro4imatel# .6, /oarding "("ils at St :eonards S$hool% .>


Profile of St Andrews

The geogra"hi$al $on$entration of .9<+><#ear<olds is reinfor$ed /# the o/ser'ation that @+E of all .9< +><#ear<olds in St Andrews were lo$ated in @ data Dones in the $entre and in the western and eastern "eri"heries of the town *see Ta/le 7%6%2% These are the areas of Uni'ersit# st(dent residential $on$entration in "ri'atel# rented *"redominantl# HMO2 a$$ommodation and Uni'ersit# halls of residen$e% This $ontrasts with the relati'e a/sen$e of those aged .6 and (nder *and hen$e famil# ho(seholds2 as well as those aged 9, and o'er in the $entral data Dones *Town Centre! S$ores! A//e# and 8inness 0(rn2%
Table 3.;. Data 6one a$e $rou!s as a !ercenta$e of St AndrewsB !o!ulation ?ran&ed b0 1<7)= a$e $rou!@
*71; 0ears North #au$h adras 3 St 4eonards The Scores East Sands 4awhead 3 Northban& Town .entre Abbe0 1inness 2urn 1inness 2urn West 1inness 2urn East 4an$lands West 1ilr0%ont East 1ilr0%ont West 1ilr0%ont 3 4an$lands #allow #ill South .anon$ate #allow #ill Totals So(r$eB "nowFife #ataset >%67 6%9@ .%>@ ?%96 -%>? .%.6 +%@, +%>? 6%9@ ?%@+ @%>@ ?%-, @%.6 9%,@%69 9%9? 6%>7 .,,%,, 1<7)= 0ears +?%+9 .+%.@ -%>@ ?%+? 9%@@ 9%@? 9%,6%?7 >%6+ >%++ +%.7 .%@, .%@, .%7. ,%-9 ,%@,%9+ .,,%,, );73+ 0ears >%-. 6%-? 7%7+ 7%?. >%9+ ?%99 7%@, >%?? 9%.. .+%+7 .,%.9 9%?9%+9 9%>6 6%97 7%?. 7%-, .,,%,, =*7;+ 0ears 6%96 6%@7 7%76 6%>7 -%++ .%@7 7%?, +%.7 6%6? ?%.? ?%.? ?%6+ 6%@7 9%>@ .,%7>%@? ?%@? .,,%,, <*7<+ 0ears 6%@. 7%+@ +%?9 >%--%-, .%7> 7%6? +%-@ 6%.> 6%+>%>? 9%-+ ?%6@%>. -%67 @%?-%+7 .,,%,, A>* 0ears -%.> 6%7? 7%9? 7%-@ .,%>7 .%.> 7%-@ +%6@ 6%>? 9%.> >%96 6%-> ?%+7 ?%99%+6 @%9+ ?%?> .,,%,, Total Po!ulation .6%>, @%76 6%@@ 6%-? ?%@. >%97 >%?+ >%+. 6%.> 9%7, >%-. >%?, >%9. >%>>%-. 7%-, >%,@ .,,%,,

A note on student population B As o/ser'ed in Cha"ter +! the $o(nting of st(dents in the +,,. Cens(s was $om"romised /# the misallo$ation of 6>7 st(dents li'ing in halls of residen$e to data Dones o(tside of St Andrews% We ha'e ad (sted the +,,. Cens(s data to a$$o(nt for these re$ording errors% From +,,9! and for all s(/seF(ent #ears! G=OS G N=S mid<#ear estimates were ad (sted to ta)e into a$$o(nt these $ens(s re$ording errors *National =e$ords of S$otland! +,.,2% Admission fig(res "ro'ided /# the Uni'ersit#s A$ademi$ =egistr# offi$e indi$ate that st(dent n(m/ers in St Andrews ha'e in$reased steadil# o'er the "ast de$ade from 9!,?@ in +,,,G,. to ?!6@+ in +,.+G.7 < an in$rease of +6E% In +,.+G.7 the Uni'ersit#<"ro'ided a$$ommodation for a""ro4imatel# 7!@,, st(dents% Nearl# 6,E *7!?@+2 of st(dents had to find a$$ommodation elsewhere% While a few will alread# ha'e had a$$ommodation in the town and others will $omm(te from towns and settlements o(tside of St Andrews! the ma orit# so(ght rented a$$ommodation in the town% 3.2.2. .ousin! trends/ households and tenure The n(m/er of ho(seholds in St Andrews in$reased /# ..E /etween +,,. *6!>++2 and +,.+ *9!,,72% This o'erall in$rease was a$$om"anied /# some s(/stantial shifts in the /alan$e of ten(res *see Fig(re 7%7%2% In "arti$(lar! there was a +>E *+9,2 red($tion in so$ial ho(sing *$o(n$il "l(s ho(sing asso$iation2 refle$ting the $(m(lati'e effe$t of the $onseF(en$e of =ight to<0(# from the .-@,s and the la$) of re"la$ement /(ilding% 0# $ontrast! the other two ma or ten(res re$orded modest in$reasesB owner o$$("ation in$reased /# -E *+-@2 and "ri'ate renting /# 6E *6-2%


9i$ure 3.3. Nu%erical chan$e in %aCor housin$ tenures5 )**1 and )*1)

Profile of St Andrews

So(r$eB "nowFife #ataset

In +,.+! the largest ho(sing ten(re gro(" in St Andrews was owner o$$("ation *6-E2; "erha"s! s(r"risingl#! .,E /elow the a'erage for Fife *9-E2 and indeed /elow that for all ., of Fifes :HSAs *see Ta/le 7%9%2% This stands in $ontrast with the high "ro"ortion of "ri'atel# rented a$$ommodation! whi$h at nearl# +,E was o'er three times the Fife a'erage *9E2% So$ial ho(sing *$o(n$il "l(s ho(sing asso$iation2 made (" onl# .>E of tenan$ies in St Andrews; the Fife a'erage was +7E% The relati'el# high "er$entage of "ri'atel# rented a$$ommodation is e4"lained largel# /# a $om/ination of *es"e$iall#2 the demand for st(dent term<time ho(sing! the demand for holida# lets and! in the a/sen$e of afforda/le ho(sing! the demand for rented a$$ommodation among town residents on modest and low in$omes who find it diffi$(lt to "(r$hase% The "ro"ortion of se$ond homes in St Andrews at >%7E is 7 times that for Fife as whole! refle$ting the towns attra$ti'eness for "art<time! "res(ma/l# re$reational! residen$e and the "arental "(r$hase of a$$ommodation for st(dents *see Ta/le 7%9%2%
Table 3.<. #ousin$ tenure 7 St Andrews5 9ife 3 4ocal #ousin$ Strate$0 Areas (4#SA,5 )*1)
/wner /ccu!ied St Andrews (1> data 6ones, 9ife .owdenbeath 4#SA .u!ar 3 #owe of 9ife 4#SA Dunfer%line 3 .oast 4#SA Dlenrothes 4#SA 1ir&cald0 4#SA 4ar$o 3 East Neu& 4#SA 4e"en%outh 4#SA St Andrews 4#SA Ta0coast 4#SA West Eilla$es 4#SA So(r$eB "nowFife #ataset 6@%6 9-%, 9.%, ?7%9 ??%. ?.%7 96%? 99%, 6-%9+%, ?>%? ?7%? Rented Social .7%9 ++%@ 76%7 .6%? .?%+ +>%+ +@%7 .+%6 77%> ..%> .>%? +,%. Rented Pri"ate 4andlord .-%@ 9%, 7%+ @%7 >%>%. >%? .,%> 6%? .6%> -%+ 6%> Second #o%es >%7 .%> ,%6 .%. ,%? ,%> ,%@ ..%, ,%@ 7%. .%6 ,%? /ther 7%@ ,%@ ,%, .%+ ,%7 ,%, ,%9 ,%+ ,%+ @%. ,%+ ,%+

The &other ten(re $ategor# in$l(des $omm(nal esta/lishments s($h as Uni'ersit# st(dent halls of residen$e and e4"lains its high "er$entage *7%@E2 in St Andrews relati'e to elsewhere in Fife% 7

The other ten(re $ategor# $om"rises MO5<owned "ro"ert#! tied farm $ottages and $omm(nal esta/lishments s($h as Uni'ersit# a$$ommodation% The high "er$entage in the St Andrews :HSA *@%.E < see Ta/le 7%9%2 refle$ts the MO5 ho(sing at the :e($hars =AF 0ase% .9


Profile of St Andrews

Within St Andrews! the "eri"heral data Dones of Hallow Hill So(th! Hallow Hill! Canongate! 8ilr#mont C :anglands and :awhead C North/an) ha'e the highest "ro"ortion of owner o$$("ation *in e4$ess of ?6E of all dwellings2% The $entral Dones of A//e# and Town Centre! with (nder >,E owner o$$("ied! ha'e the lowest "ro"ortion *see Ta/le 7%?%2% The highest "er$entage of "ri'atel# rented a$$ommodation is fo(nd in the $entral Dones *Town Centre! A//e#! S$ores! 8inness 0(rn and Madras C St :eonards2 as well as North Ha(gh! refle$ting the $on$entration of .9<+><#ear<olds and hen$e of st(dent demand% ;eri"heral data Dones ha'e less than .,E "ri'atel# rented% Se$ond homes *tho(gh few in n(m/er2 are lo$ated "redominantl# in the $entre of the town! "res(ma/l# refle$ting "arent "(r$hase for st(dents and "(r$hase /# other "art<time residents% So$ial tenan$ies "redominate in 8ilr#mont 1ast! 8ilr#mont West! :anglands West and 8inness 0(rn 1ast! where the# ma)e (" o'er 7,E of all tenan$ies% 1ast Sands has a high $on$entration of ho(sing asso$iation "ro"ert# *..E2 < the largest of an# data Done; this $ontri/(tes to the relati'el# high "er$entage of so$ial ho(sing *+@E2 re$orded in this data Done%
Table 3.>. #ousin$ tenure b0 data 6ones5 )*1)
/wner /ccu!ied .anon$ate East Sands #allow #ill #allow #ill South 1ilr0%ont 3 4an$lands 1ilr0%ont East 1ilr0%ont West 1inness 2urn 1inness 2urn East 1inness 2urn West 4an$lands West 4awhead 3 Northban& adras 3 St 4eonards North #au$h Abbe0 Town .entre The Scores Total 9ife So(r$eB "nowFife #ataset @-%6, >.%-, -.%@, -7%,, @6%7, 9,%@, 9,%+, 66%>, >+%>, 6-%,, 6@%7, ??%6, >@%>, >6%+, 7,%,, 7?%6, >7%,, 6@%6, 9-%,, Social Rented ,%,, +@%@, ,%,, ,%,, >%-, 7+%-, 7,%,, 7%,, 7?%?, @%>, 7+%@, ,%,, 9%9, 6%9, .>%9, ,%,, +%6, .7%96 ++%@, Rented Pri"ate 4andlord ?%-, @%,, 9%@, 9%,, @%>, 6%@, @%+, 79%?, .?%7, +9%+, 9%+, 9%., 7+%6, 7.%-, >.%>, 6>%6, 79%-, .-%?? 9%,, Second #o%es +%6, +%6, .%>, .%,, .%6, ,%9, .%?, >%-, +%9, 6%-, +%?, 7%@, .,%@, ?%6, 6%6, ?%9, -%?, >%7, .%>, /ther ,%,, .@%@, ,%,, ,%,, ,%,, ,%,, ,%,, ,%,, ,%,, ,%9, ,%,, .+%?, .%@, -%-, @%6, ,%>, ?%-, 7%?@ ,%@,

3.3. #ouse !rices 8 rental char$es 3.3. . .ouse prices The most $om"rehensi'e so(r$e of information on ho(se "ri$es is the S$ottish Go'ernments =egister of Sasines *Hwww.ros.!o0.u1I2% This register $ollates data on all formal and legal "ro"ert# transa$tions in S$otland% Using this register! 8nowFife has $al$(lated median ho(se "ri$e data for +,,- and Fife Co(n$ils Ho(sing C Neigh/o(rhood Ser'i$es has $om"iled histori$ data for the .? data Dones that define the town of St Andrews% :oo)ing first at histori$ trends *see Fig(re 7%>%2B /oth the mean and median ho(se "ri$es for St Andrews *.? data Dones2 more than do(/led /etween +,,. and +,,@; thereafter < refle$ting the national finan$ial diffi$(lties whi$h /e$ame a""arent at that time < a'erage "ri$es! as well as the n(m/er of sales! de$reased signifi$antl#B in .+ months *+,,@<,-2 ho(se "ri$es in St Andrews de$reased /# o'er +,E%


Profile of St Andrews

0# +,..! ho(se "ri$es had re$o'ered from their +,,- low! /(t were still signifi$antl# /elow those of +,,@ *6E as meas(red /# the mean; +.E on the median2% Nonetheless! the grad(al! al/eit (ne'en! re$o'er# in "ri$es sin$e +,,- s(ggests that des"ite e$onomi$ re$ession and a s(stained "eriod of go'ernment<dri'en a(sterit#! ho(se "ri$es in St Andrews are relati'el# &se$(re%
9i$ure 3.=. #ouse !rice trends for St Andrews5 )**17)*11

So(r$eB .ousin! $ %ei!h2ourhood Ser0ices, Fife Council/ &deri0ed fro) Re!ister of Sasines'

The 8nowFife dataset "ro'ides a detailed /rea)down of ho(se "ri$es /# data Done for +,,- < one #ear after the onset of the $(rrent "eriod of e$onomi$ downt(rn *see Fig(re 7%6%2% In +,,- median ho(se "ri$es within St Andrews 'aried $onsidera/l# /etween data DonesB there was a 6,E differen$e /etween the highest ran)ed *:awhead C North/an)2 and the lowest ran)ed *8ilr#mont 1ast2%
9i$ure 3.;. St Andrews %edian house !rices b0 data 6one5 )**+ (nu%ber of sales in !arenthesis,

So(r$eB "nowFife &deri0ed fro) Re!ister of Sasines'

Ne'ertheless! the median ho(se "ri$e in ea$h Done was higher than that for Fife as a whole *J.++82 and! in all /(t for > Dones! higher than that for the St Andrews :HSA and for the wider North 1ast Ho(sing Mar)et Area% Kario(s we/</ased "ro"ert# sear$h sites "ro'ide more re$ent data on ho(se "ri$es! /(t these data are $om"romised /# /eing less $om"rehensi'e than that "ro'ided /# the =egister of Sasines% A$$ording to a re$ent e'al(ation /# &=ightmo'e! a "ro"ert# sear$h agen$#B



Profile of St Andrews

3St Andrews, with an o0erall a0era!e price of 4256,3 7 was )ore e8pensi0e than near29 :a9port &4 ;0,297', Anstruther &4 60,979' and %ewport-on-:a9 &4 92, 95'. *0erall, sold <sellin!= prices in St Andrews o0er the last 9ear were ;> down on the pre0ious 9ear and ?> down on the 200? le0el of 4333,0 ;.@ *Ahttp/++www.ri!ht) accessed 29 Cune 20 3' A re$ent interrogation of Loo"las "ro"ert# sear$h site "rod($ed the following fig(res *see Ta/le 7% @%2 >
Table 3.F. #ouse !rices5 St Andrews and 9ife towns
Gune )*1) 7 Gune )*13 A"era$e Price St Andrews .u!ar Dunfer%line Dlenrothes 1ir&cald0 9ife Edinburgh 42?0,752 J.9>!.@7 J.77!@-J.,>!,++ J..6!?7> J.7>!--6 4223,6 3 Nu%ber of Sales 2;5 +@.!+>, >@9,@ >!.7? ?,726 Gune )**F 7 Gune )*13 A"era$e Price 42? ,?0? J.9@!+@6 J.7?!,@@ J.,-!+7, J..9!>>? J.7@!76@ 4223,559 Nu%ber of Sales ,237 .!9,. 6!-6@ +!?.6 7!76. +.!6.6 33,2 6 H7Index' Gune )*13 42?6,?3 J.?,!,+? J.>7!7++ J..9!,,7 J.++!,,6 J.>+!+>4230,209 - .han$e in Index since Gune )**F -6.29 <@%+@ <.,%>> <@%.9 <9%@. <-%66 -3.33

So(r$eB &accessed 29 Cune 20 3' DSee Eoopla we2site for a definition

While the detail of a'erage "ri$es differs *=ightmo'es a'erage "ri$e for St Andrews is nota/l# higher than that "ro'ided /# Loo"la2! the message is the same from /oth agen$iesB loo)ed at in the aggregate! ho(se "ri$es in St Andrews are signifi$antl# higher toda# than elsewhere in Fife% The Loo"la data s(ggests that on a'erage ho(ses $ost /etween 76E and 9,E more in St Andrews than in other Fife towns and are higher e'en than the 1din/(rgh a'erage */# .>E2% The differen$es in the "ri$e data "ro'ided /# =ightmo'e and Loo"la refle$t some of the diffi$(lties asso$iated with $ollating s#stemati$ and relia/le $om"ara/le statisti$s for "resent and "ast ho(se "ri$es% These diffi$(lties in$l(deB *i2 o'erall a'erages $onflate often $onsidera/le geogra"hi$al 'ariation as well as differen$es in "ri$es /etween ho(se t#"es < deta$hed! semi<deta$hed! flats! et$%; *ii2 fl($t(ations in the n(m/er of sales and in "ri$es o'er time refle$ting the infl(en$e of lo$al! national and indeed glo/al e$onomi$ $onditions *$ontra$tions following the finan$ial $risis of +,,@ /eing an o/'io(s e4am"le2; *iii2 estate G "ro"ert# agents 'iew data as $ommer$iall# sensiti'e and are themsel'es sele$ti'e in re"orting sales details < e'en "ro"ert# sear$h sites *s($h as those $ited a/o'e2 admit wor)ing with &the /est data that $o(ld /e $olle$ted; *i'2 dail# *tho(gh often small2 'ariations in re"orted data on the "ro"ert# we/sites as the# ("date their statisti$s < these ma# /e (sef(l for immediate "ro"ert# "(r$hase /(t less (sef(l when attem"ting to identif# tem"oral trends%6

> 6

Similar data are also a'aila/le on other "ro"ert# sear$h sites *e%g% H www.ho) Th(s $om"arisons a$ross time and /etween different settlements need to /e treated with $a(tion% 1stimates of a'erage ho(se "ri$es are notorio(sl# diffi$(lt to $om"ile and there are often $onsidera/le dis$re"an$ies /etween organisations *Sasines! "ro"ert# $om"anies! /(ilding so$ieties! et$%2; these are e4"lained /# differen$es in the wa# data is meas(red *e%g% in$l(ding G e4$l(ding /(# to let2 and gathered *e%g% /ased on a$t(al transa$tions "ri$es! ad'ertised "ri$es! and G or estate agent estimates2% .-


Profile of St Andrews

Focal Authorit9 &FA' and .ousin! Associations &RSFs' B =ent le'els for $o(n$il and =S: ho(sing in St Andrews are not "(/lished% Howe'er! we $an get some idea of le'els of rents from the Fife a'erages% While these ma# (nderestimate rent $harges in St Andrews the# will ser'e as a $om"arison with rents in the "ri'ate se$tor and Uni'ersit# a$$ommodation *see Ta/le 7%-%2% It is im"ortant to note that so$ial renting $om"rises onl# .>E of dwellings in St Andrews *.+E $o(n$il and +E =S:2; this $om"ares with a Fife a'erage of +7E *.?%?E $o(n$il and 6%.E =S:2% The a'erage wee)l# rent for $o(n$il "ro"ert# in Fife! at J67%?7! is the ?th lowest of the +9 S$ottish :o$al A(thorities that retain $o(n$il ho(sing; the S$ottish mean is J69%->% 9
Table 3.+. A"era$e local authorit0 (4A, and housin$ association (RS4, rents in 9ife (!er wee&,
)**+71* 4A J>-%9. Increase on !re"ious 0ear - Increase on !re"ious 0ear Difference RS478 4A - Difference MJ-%6M.-%77 RS4 J6-%+, 4A J6.%69 J.%-6 7%-7 )*1*711 RS4 J9,%@, J.%9, +%?, MJ-%+> M.?%-+ 4A J67%?7 J+%.? >%+, )*1171) RS4 J9>%>? J7%9? 9%,> MJ.,%?> M.-%--

So(r$eB Ahttp/++www.scotland.!o0.u1+:opics+StatisticsB

=S: rents ha'e /een $onsistentl# higher than those for the lo$al a(thorit# $o(n$il ho(sing o'er the "ast 7 #ears for whi$h re$ords are a'aila/le; in +,..<.+ the# were on a'erage almost +,E higher% Gni0ersit9 student acco))odationB ;ri$es for Uni'ersit#<"ro'ided st(dent a$$ommodation 'ar# $onsidera/l# refle$ting the F(alit# and siDe of a$$ommodation and the range of ser'i$es "ro'ided% Ta/le 7%.,% re$ords a'erage "ri$es /# $atered G non<$atered and whether or not the# are en<s(ite% The $harges "er wee) in St Andrews for +,.7G.> range from a low of J9-! self<$atered not en<s(ite! to J.?9 for f(ll# $atered en<s(ite%
Table 3.1*. Rent char$es !er wee& for Ini"ersit0 of St Andrews acco%%odation
Rent .har$ed ' )**<8*> )*1181) )*1)813 )*1381= (est., Self7catered J6.%.. J97%9> J99%?> J9@%@Self7catered en7suite J..7%>? J.7-%@? J.>9%?. J.6.%79ull07catered standard roo% (%edian rate, J.7.%6? J.9+%7? J.?,%7. J.?6%??

A =ent is "er wee) for a single room in$l(des heat! light C "ower! "ersonal ins(ran$e! tele"hone and data $onne$tion So(r$eB Gni0ersit9 of St Andrews

Com"arisons with other (ni'ersities are diffi$(lt to esta/lish gi'en the range and F(alit# of a$$ommodation offered < it is diffi$(lt to ens(re that li)e<for<li)e a$$ommodation is /eing $om"ared% Howe'er! indi$ati'e $om"arisons $an /e madeB a standard en<s(ite! $atered room at 1din/(rgh Uni'ersit# "resentl# $osts /etween J.-, and J.?? "er wee); A/erdeen $harges J.9> "er wee)% St Andrews at J.?9 "er wee) is in the middle range% For a standard en<s(ite! self<$atered room the

:o$al A(thorit# rent le'els were set at J69%6> for +,.+G.7! a 6%+E in$rease o'er +,..G.+! while J6-%?? is "ro"osed for +,.7G.>! a 6%?E in$rease o'er +,.+G.7 *Fife Co(n$il! Ho(sing =e'en(e A$$o(nt2% We were (na/le to o/tain $om"ara/le data for =S:s% +,


Profile of St Andrews

$om"arati'e $harges areB 1din/(rgh J.., < J.+. and A/erdeen J.+? < J.>+; at J.6. "er wee)! St Andrews "ri$es are "resentl# higher than those at /oth these (ni'ersities% ? Pri0ate rented sector &PRS'B As with ho(se "ri$es! and for similar reasons *see Se$tion 7%7%.%2! rental $harges in the "ri'ate se$tor are diffi$(lt to esta/lish% Additionall#! "ro"ert# we/sites do not $olle$t rental data s#stemati$all#% What $an /e esta/lished! howe'er! is that for s($h a small town St Andrews has a /(o#ant lettings mar)et% In +,.+ nearl# +,E of all dwellings in St Andrews were "ri'atel# rented% Controlling this mar)et are -- registered lettings agents *76E with St Andrews registered addresses2 and +!6.+ registered landlords *+?E with St Andrews $onta$t addresses2% A $onsidera/le "ro"ortion *$%6,E; see Se$tion 9%6%7%2 of "ri'ate lettings are HMOs refle$ting the dominan$e of st(dent demand es"e$iall# in the $entre of town% In a re$ent st(d# of the ;=S in Fife! Craigforth Cons(ltan$# $on$l(ded that the St Andrews &mar)et is dominated /# and designed to $ater for st(dents! and other ho(seholds find it 'er# diffi$(lt to a$$ess *"%-2% In a similar 'ein the Fife Ho(sing ;artnershi" has o/ser'ed that! 3H the pri0ate rented sector in the St. Andrews $ %orth Iast .,A and St. Andrews F.SA, whilst containin! the hi!hest percenta!e of the pri0ate rented pro0ision within <Fife=, shows 0er9 low turno0er, which could su!!est that the )ar1et is closed off to !eneral a0aila2ilit9, caterin! particularl9 for the hi!h student population in the area.@ &Fife .ousin! Partnership, 20 0, p. 66' Ta/le 7%.+% "ro'ides estimates of ;=S $harges $al$(lated from fo(r so(r$esB St(dent"ad! Fife Co(n$il! Loo"la and an anon#mised letting agen$# /ased in St Andrews% While! indi'id(all#! ea$h of these so(r$es "ro'ides information on a limited range of "ro"erties o'er slightl# different time "eriods d(ring +,.+ and +,.7! together the# indi$ate the range of rent $hanges in St Andrews in the "ri'ate se$tor% A$ross all t#"es of a$$ommodation *ho(se and flat2! rental $harge "er "erson "er wee) range! a""ro4imatel#! from a high of J.@. to a low of J9- *see Ta/le 7%..%2%
Table 3.11. Pri"ate rental sector (PRS, char$es b0 !erson )*1)8)*13
Per wee& #i$h Student!ad ()*13, ' 9ife .ouncil ()*1), '' Hoo!la (*+8*>813, ''' 4ettin$ a$enc0 (nd, J.97 J.97 J.6@ J.@. Per wee& 4ow J@@ J@. J?, J9-

So(r$eB D Ahttp/ DD Fife Council DDD Eoopla

S("erfi$iall#! these rental $harges are $om"ara/le with those of Uni'ersit#<"ro'ided a$$ommodation *see Ta/le 7%.,%2 /(t! in realit#! are m($h higher in that the# do not in$l(de $atering and rarel# en<s(ite fa$ilities and 'ar# with regard to the $o'erage of (tilit# /ills% In the +,., st(d# of the ;=S in Fife /# Craigforth Cons(ltan$# it was $on$l(ded that &St Andrews has the highest st(dent rents in S$otland *"%.2 and that ;=S rents are $onsidera/l# higher than those for so$ial ho(sing *see Ta/le 7%-%2 and "ro'ide little $omfort for those see)ing afforda/le ho(sing in the townB 3Gi0en the pressure on the social rented housin! stoc1 in the area it would 2e te)ptin! to turn to the PRS for solutions, 2ut in realit9 pri0ate rentin! does not <offer= an9 su2stanti0e fi8 to the wider housin! )ar1et pro2le)s and particularl9 those associated with lac1 of suppl9 for afforda2le housin!.@ &Crai!forth Research $ Consultanc9, 20 0, p. 9'

A re$ent National Union of St(dents ho(sing $osts s(r'e# for the U8 identified St Andrews < in a sam"le of 7> instit(tions < as ha'ing the highest median rental for (ni'ersit#<"ro'ided a$$ommodation *UNI;O:! +,.72 +.

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 3.=. #ousehold inco%es

Profile of St Andrews

The mar)et resear$h $om"an# CACI (ses go'ernment re$ords "l(s lifest#le s(r'e# data to "rod($e estimates of ho(sehold in$ome at a "ost$ode le'el for the U8% Fife Co(n$ils Ho(sing C Neigh/o(rhood Ser'i$es has (sed this data to identif# median ho(sehold in$omes for Fife% 5rawing on this data we $an o/ser'e that o'er the fo(r #ears from +,,@<.. St Andrews median in$ome ho'ered aro(nd J+@!6,,! some J+!6,, higher than that for Fife *see Ta/le 7%.+%2%
Table 3.1).
)**F )**+ )*1* )*11 So(r$eB

edian household inco%e St Andrews (4#S, and 9ifeF

@%66 ..%96 -%>+ .,%7-

St Andrews 9ife Difference J+@!66J+9!7.. J+!+>@ J+?!>,. J+>!6>. J+!@9, J+?!>7> J+6!,?+ J+!79+ J+@!>7+ J+6!?66 J+!9?? .ousin! $ %ei!h2ourhood Ser0ices, Fife Council, deri0ed fro) CACJ Pa9chec1

Ho(sehold in$ome data is not a'aila/le for indi'id(al data Dones within St Andrews% - Howe'er! it is a'aila/le for &interDones ., $reated /# amalgamating (" to 9 neigh/o(ring data Dones% Unfort(natel# for o(r "(r"oses the interDones $o'ering St Andrews in$l(de se'eral data Dones o(tside! tho(gh $ontig(o(s with! the .? $hosen as delimiting the /o(ndaries of St Andrews for the "(r"oses of this st(d#% 0ased on this data the Dones to the so(th and west of St Andrews $onsistentl# re$orded the highest in$omes for ea$h #ear of the > #ears from +,,@ to +,..% 0# $ontrast! Dones in the $entre and east re$orded the lowest in$omes! a""ro4imatel# J.,!,,, /elow those for the so(th and west *see Ta/le 7%.7%2% =e$orded median in$omes de$reased for all interDones /etween +,,@ and +,..%
Table 3.13.

edian household inco%e b0 inter6one5 )**F7)*11

Data 6one 1ast Sands 8ilr#mont 1ast 8ilr#mont West 8ilr#mont C :anglands :anglands West The S$ores 8inness 0(rn 1ast 8inness 0(rn Madras C St :eonards Town Centre A//e# :awhead C North/an) North Ha(gh 8inness 0(rn West Hallow Hill So(th Hallow Hill Canongate A'erage )**F edian Inco%e )**+ edian Inco%e )*1* edian Inco%e )*11 edian Inco%e

So(th 1ast NS,+,,,6?9O





Central NS,+,,,6??O North C Strath)inness A NS,+,,,6?@O So(th West A NS,+,,,6?+O





J7+!,-> J7>!-., J+@!66-%.6

J7.!?@+ J79!6+@ J+?!>,.%,6

J7.!?@+ J79!6+@ J+?!>7>%,,

J7,!@-. J7>!,>6 J+@!>7.%6,

A S,+,,,6?@ C S,+,,,6?+ in$l(de 9.? and 6?+ ho(seholds lo$ated o(tside o(r definition of St Andrews; see Fig(re 7%9% So(r$eB .ousin! $ %ei!h2ourhood Ser0ices, Fife Council

The +,,@ in$omes re$orded in the finalised &Ho(sing Needs and 5emand Assessment *Fife Ho(sing ;artnershi"! +,., Ta/le >%.! "% 6.2 differ slightl# from those re$orded here% =e$entl# < /(t too late for f(ll in$l(sion in this re"ort < Fife Co(n$il in $olla/oration with Heriot<Watt Uni'ersit# has "rod($ed estimates of +,,@ wee)l# ho(sehold in$ome for data Dones (sing an &e4"erimental method *0ramle# C Wat)ins! +,.72% 10 In$ome is not re$orded at data Done le'el /e$a(se of the sensiti'e nat(re of the statisti$s and sometimes for reasons of relia/ilit# *small sam"les2% To o'er$ome these "ro/lems ad oining data Dones within lo$al a(thorities ha'e /een aggregated to $reate intermediate geogra"hies! )nown as &interDones *Fife =esear$h Co<ordination Gro(" *nd2 8nowFife No% .,2% ++


Profile of St Andrews

The lower F(artiles for ea$h interDone *see Fig(re 7%9%2 maintain the ran) order of the median! /(t also indi$ate the range of in$omes that $hara$terise ea$h interDone%
9i$ure 3.<. #ousehold inco%es (J, b0 inter6ones5 )*11

South East


North 3 Strath&inness 5ATA LON1S North Ha(gh :awhead C North/an) In$l% Cla#ton and Clatto *7,9 ho(seholds2 and Strath)inness and Craigto(n *7.. ho(seholds2 whi$h lie /e#ond the .? data Dones

South West 8inness 0(rn West Hallow Hill Hallow Hill So(th Canongate In$l% Feddin$h :andward *6?+ ho(seholds2 whi$h lies /e#ond the .? data Dones

1ast Sands 8ilr#mont 1ast 8ilr#mont West :anglands West 8ilr#mont C :anglands

The S$ores 8inness 0(rn 1ast 8inness 0(rn Madras C St :eonards Town Centre A//e#

TOTA: HOUS1HO:5SB .?67 TOTA: HOUS1HO:5SB .@77 TOTA: HOUS1HO:5SB .>@9 TOTA: HOUS1HO:5SB .?-, So(r$eB .ousin! $ %ei!h2ourhood Ser0ices, Fife Council

3.;. #ousin$ need and !ressures in St Andrews The "re$eding e4amination of "o"(lation and ho(sing ten(re identifies and $onfirms the ho(sing $on$erns arti$(lated in the s(/missions from 'ario(s interest gro("s inter'iewed for this re"ort and in the res"onses to o(r F(estionnaire *see A""endi4 A%7%.%2% These are "rin$i"all# to do with &ho(sing afforda/ilit#& and the &demand for st(dent a$$ommodation *see Cha"ters 6 and 92% S($h $on$erns are not e4$l(si'e to St Andrews! nor are the# new! tho(gh in the not so distant "ast the# were sometimes regarded with a s(r"rising degree of $om"la$en$# and resignationB 3For the )ost part, St Andrews is a !ood e8a)ple of a stead9 )ar1et where no su2stantial chan!es ha0e ta1en place, perhaps for decades. :he issue of co)petition is to so)e de!ree irrele0ant, since to a lar!e e8tent the 2attle has 2een fou!ht so)e ti)e a!o. Jn St Andrews it has lon! 2een accepted that the cit9-centre rented properties are the do)ain of student households,



Profile of St Andrews

and that other tenant !roups rent elsewhere/ 9oun! professionals rent properties further out of townK and people in receipt of housin! 2enefit tend to rent outside St Andrews alto!ether, in the surroundin! 0illa!es. Fandlords and lettin! a!ents reported that few non-students 2othered appl9in! for properties with a )ore central location, 2ecause the prices were not afforda2le 29 sin!le households. :he concentration of 9oun! professionals, who )i!ht ha0e 2een a2le to for) shared households, was not sufficientl9 hi!h to constitute a su2stantial de)and !roup and so co)pete with student householdsK and in an9 case, landlords and lettin! a!ents fa0our students 2ecause the ter) ti)es do0etail well with the !olf season and holida9 lets % &Ru!!, et al, 2000, p. 27' 1'en in +,,, =(gg and her $olleag(es .. were (ndo(/tedl# (nderestimating the an4ieties of man# in the town regarding afforda/ilit# and st(dent ho(sing demand% Certainl# o'er the inter'ening .7 #ears! and refle$ting the near ., "er$ent in$rease in the towns "o"(lation! m($h of whi$h was in the st(dent age gro("! the degree of $on$ern has in$reased signifi$antl#% The designation of St Andrews as a &"ress(red area and the im"osition of a moratori(m on new HMOs in the $entre of the town! /oth noted at the /eginning of this $ha"ter! "ro'ide a $lear $onfirmation and $hara$terisation of the nat(re of the ho(sing need and ho(sing "ress(res in St Andrews% We $on$l(de this $ha"ter with a /rief o'er'iew of the "lanning framewor) that dire$ts and g(ides the im"lementation of ho(sing "oli$ies% 3.<. The !lannin$ fra%ewor& =e$ent $hanges in the "lanning framewor) *introd($ed (nder the ;lanning et$% *S$otland2 A$t +,,92 mar) the end of the "re"aration of a Fife<wide &Str($t(re ;lan% For "lanning "(r"oses! Fife is now $o'ered /# two &Strategi$ 5e'elo"ment ;lans that will "ro'ide &/road</r(sh "lanning g(idan$e o'er the ne4t .6 #ears or so regarding the t#"e and lo$ation of new de'elo"ments and infrastr($t(re% The &TA3"lan $o'ers the north of Fife *in$l(ding St Andrews2! 5(ndee! Ang(s and ;erth and 8inross; the &S1S"lan $o'ers the so(th of Fife! the $it# of 1din/(rgh! Midlothian! 1ast and West :othian and the S$ottish 0orders% The three e4isting Fife &lo$al de'elo"ment "lans will /e s("erseded in +,.6 /# a (nified &FIF1"lan! whi$h will ta)e into $onsideration the /road dire$ti'es of the TA3"lan and the S1S"lan% The im"a$t on de'elo"ment "lanning in Fife of the new arrangement is diffi$(lt to fore$ast! /(t $learl# the a(tonom# that Fife had! when wor)ing within a national framewor) set /# the S$ottish Go'ernment! will to some e4tent /e $om"romised /(t there ma# also /e some ad'antage in e4"li$itl# re$ognising that Fifes so$ial and e$onomi$ fa/ri$ is ine4tri$a/l# lin)ed with s(rro(nding territories! and in "arti$(lar with the $ities of 1din/(rgh and 5(ndee% As "art of the "re"aration for the FIF1"lan! a &Main Iss(es $ons(ltation do$(ment was iss(ed in Pan(ar# +,.7 for "(/li$ $ommentar# and feed/a$) *Fife Co(n$il! +,.72% The message of this re"ort is that for the most "art! and $ertainl# as far as ho(sing is $on$erned! the "oli$# "rin$i"les em/edded in e4isting "lans will /e adhered toB 3Fife Council Plannin! Co))ittee a!reed in Cune 20 to prepare a sin!le local de0elop)ent plan for Fife. Jt will a)al!a)ate current plan strate!ies into a sin!le Fife-wide plannin! 0ision. Le are callin! the local de0elop)ent plan FJFIplan to !i0e it a Fife identit9 as it spans the strate!ic de0elop)ent plan areas of :AMplan to the north and SISplan to the south.@
&Fife Council, 20 3, Appendi8 2, para. 2.7'


=(gg et als st(d# e4amined! in addition to St Andrews! ho(sing iss(es in 0elfast! Middles/ro(gh! 3or)! Cardiff and! within :ondonB Tower Hamlets! 8ingston ("on Thames and Islington% +>


Profile of St Andrews

The &Main Iss(es do$(ment and its 'ario(s a""endi$es and te$hni$al s(""lements! reiterates and $onfirms "re'io(s $ommitments to the "ro'ision of afforda/le ho(sing al/eit with $a'eats regarding the im"a$t of the e$onomi$ downt(rn on "ri'ate ho(sing in'estment and the related sF(eeDe on $o(n$il and ho(sing asso$iation reso(r$es% Similarl#! there is a $ommitment to maintaining and monitoring "resent "oli$ies with regard to HMOs! e4"li$itl# noting "otential deleterio(s effe$ts on $omm(nit# $ohesion and the need for effe$ti'e monitoring% In this $onte4t there is an endorsement of Fife Co(n$ils $(rrent in'estigation of the so$ial and e$onomi$ im"a$t of the moratori(m on HMOs in $entral St Andrews% The &Main Iss(es do$(ments f(rther $onfirm that the strategi$ land allo$ations alread# identified for ho(sing de'elo"ment will /e adhered to and that an# f(t(re de'elo"ment will "ro$eed /# means of "lanned in$remental (r/an e4"ansion! (r/an $onsolidation and dis"ersion; the designation of new settlements is e4"li$itl# r(led o(t% These latter "oli$ies refle$t an &in "rin$i"le $ommitment and adheren$e to $ontainment *e%g% green /elts! /rownfield de'elo"ment2 and $onser'ation *"reser'ation of histori$ $hara$ter2 "oli$ies with res"e$t to (r/an de'elo"ment% In St Andrews! while the green /elt will /e maintained! so will the $ommitment to the strategi$ land allo$ation of ..9 he$tares to the west of the town designated for the de'elo"ment of .,-, ho(ses! of whi$h 7, "er$ent sho(ld /e &afforda/le% .+


The Main Iss(es re"ort also endorses the $on$e"t of /alan$ed and mi4ed $omm(nities and neigh/o(rhoods% See Cha"ter ? for $ommentar# on this and related to"i$s% +6



Introduction to the Issues

4. Introduction to the Issues

4.1. Background The housing situation in St Andre s sho s !hara!teristi!s that are !o""on throughout the United #ingdo" a$though so"e hat "ore %isi&$e $o!a$$' &e!ause o( the to n)s s"a$$ si*e and o( the Uni%ersit')s su&stantia$ i"+a!t on housing de"and, Thus- hi$e (inan!ia$ !onstraints and +$anning !on!erns- !ou+$ed ith a need (or greater a%ai$a&i$it' o( a((orda&$e housing are not uni.ue to St Andre s- the e((e!t o( the +ressure on $o!a$ housing (ro" students at the Uni%ersit' is (e$t "ore /een$' &e!ause the' re+resent su!h a high +ro+ortion o( the to n)s +o+u$ation, The to n and the Uni%ersit' are "utua$$' interde+endent &ut- as the $argest e"+$o'er and so do"inant a +resen!e in the to n- the Uni%ersit' has !onsidera&$e $o!a$ in($uen!e hi!h it "ust e0er!ise in a's hi!h are !onsistent ith its a!ade"i! and &usiness needs, As an institution hi!h attra!ts students (ro" "an' !ountries and hi!h has &ui$t a !onsidera&$e internationa$ re+utation (or a!ade"i! e0!e$$en!e- its +riorit' "ust &e that o( +rote!ting and i"+ro%ing its re+utation- hi$st re!ognising and res+onding to the reasona&$e needs and !on!erns o( the ider St Andre s !o""unit', It is the "ain e!ono"i! dri%er o( the to n and surrounding area, The $o!a$ authorit'- 1i(e Coun!i$- o+erates ithin $ega$ and (inan!ia$ +ara"eters set &' the S!ottish Go%ern"ent and is res+onsi&$e (or a ide range o( !o""unities a!ross the ho$e o( 1i(e, It has to "anage a series o( +riorities hi!h !o"+ete (or (unding in a (inan!ia$$'2!onstrained en%iron"ent, St Andre s is a s"a$$ and attra!ti%e seaside to n o( histori!a$ signi(i!an!e3 it is there(ore not sur+rising that $o!a$ residents and +ressure grou+s see/ to +reser%e the to n and- in +arti!u$ar- its !entra$ !onser%ation area, St Andre s is a$so a "a4or ho$ida' destination- do"inated &' internationa$ go$( touris"- and a (a%oured retire"ent $o!ation, In see/ing to "anage the $o!a$ housing !ha$$enges- St Andre s is not uni.ue in (a!ing (inan!ia$ !onstraints- +$anning +ro&$e"s- !o"+eting interests and +ressure grou+s &ut the issues that it (a!es need to &e addressed- as indi!ated &e$o , 4.2. Local housing de and The St Andre s housing "ar/et is in($uen!ed &' a %ariet' o( (a!tors5 4.2.1. Long-term residents Lo!a$s- "an' o( ho" ha%e $i%ed in the to n a$$ their $i%es and so"e (or se%era$ generations- are (ound throughout the range o( rented and o ner2o!!u+ied +ro+erties, Man' ha%e &een a&$e to !o"+ete su!!ess(u$$' in the housing "ar/et- &ut others ha%e (ound it to &e %er' +ro&$e"ati! and so"e i"+ossi&$e, So"e ere a&$e to ta/e ad%antage o( Right to 6u' $egis$ation and no o n and o!!u+' (or"er !oun!i$ houses hi!h thus no $onger (or" +art o( the +oo$ o( a((orda&$e a!!o""odation, So"e "e"&ers o( the 'ounger generation "a' $i%e ith their +arents or &e (or!ed to see/ $ess e0+ensi%e a!!o""odation outside the to n and- o( !ourse- so"e !hoose to "o%e a a' entire$', 4.2.2. Buy to let opportunities Strong de"and (or rented a!!o""odation 7$ed &' student needs8- has gi%en rise to a su&stantia$ in!rease in the renta$ se!tor o( the $o!a$ housing "ar/et, Pro+ert' has thus &een $ost (ro" the o ner2 o!!u+ier se!tor and there is $i/e$' to ha%e &een u+ ard +ressure on +ri!es,


Introduction to the Issues

Student de"and- a$"ost entire$' (or rented +ro+ert'- is a"ong the "ost i"+ortant (a!tors in($uen!ing the $o!a$ housing "ar/et, Whi$st the Uni%ersit' +ro%ides a!!o""odation (or so"e ;<= o( studentsnu"&ers are so signi(i!ant in re$ation to the to n)s tota$ +o+u$ation that their i"+a!t on the $o!a$ "ar/et is &oth $arge and %er' noti!ea&$e, Their needs are !onsidered in Cha+ter >, A +$anned in!rease in resear!h a!ti%it' is $i/e$' to re.uire the +ro%ision o( a!!o""odation (or a (urther ?;< +ostgraduate students o%er the ne0t (e 'ears, 4.2.4. University staff The housing needs o( Uni%ersit' +ostgraduates and sta(( are the su&4e!t o( a se+arate stud' &' 1i(e Coun!i$ and the Uni%ersit'@ &ut it is i"+ortant to note that the Uni%ersit')s strateg' (or an in!reased resear!h !a+a&i$it' (a!es the additiona$ !ha$$enge o( attra!ting ne sta(( and students ho- in "an' !ases- are $i/e$' to (ind it di((i!u$t to !o+e ith !urrent a%ai$a&i$it' and +ri!es o( houses in St Andre s, 4.2. . !oliday and retirement homes O%er "an' 'ears- re$ati%e$' a(($uent indi%idua$s ha%e &ought houses or ($ats (or use as ho$ida' ho"eshi!h o(ten re"ain e"+t' (or "u!h o( the 'ear, So"e o( these &e!o"e +er"anent ho"es hen the o ner rea!hes retire"ent age, Others +ur!hase +ro+ert' on retire"ent and- sin!e "an' a++ear reasona&$' a(($uent and o(ten !ash ri!h- !ontri&ute to +ro+ert' +ri!e in($ation, 4.2.". #rice pressures A$though there has &een so"e s$o ing in the "ar/et and so"e so(tening o( house +ri!es !onse.uent u+on the re!ent g$o&a$ (inan!ia$ !risis- high .ua$it' houses and ($ats in +ri%i$eged $o!ations are sti$$ o((ered (or sa$e at %er' high +ri!es, Good .ua$it' +ro+erties in +$easant surroundings !o""and +ri!es hi!h are signi(i!ant$' higher than e$se here in 1i(e and indeed !o"+ara&$e ith si"i$ar +ro+erties in Edin&urgh, These +ri!es are dri%en &' the under$'ing attra!ti%eness o( the to n as a +$a!e to $i%e- as a ho$ida' or retire"ent $o!ation and- in re!ent 'ears- &' &u' to $et o++ortunities- +rin!i+a$$' dri%en &' student de"and, In addition- so"e +arents ha%e &ought houses or ($ats (or their !hi$dren to use hi$e stud'ing in St Andre s, At the "ore a((orda&$e end o( the to n)s !urrent housing sto!/- Right to 6u' +ur!hases shar+$' redu!ed the a%ai$a&i$it' o( so!ia$ rented housing in the to n and- on (irst and su&se.uent sa$es- "ar/et !onditions a++$ied- genera$$' +ushing +ri!es signi(i!ant$' higher, In this seg"ent o( housing- &u' to $et o++ortunities a$so !ontri&uted to u+ ard +ressure on +ri!es, 4.2.$. %eeting the demand Nor"a$ "ar/et (or!es- hi!h are on$' +artia$$' sus!e+ti&$e to "anage"ent- do"inate the +ro%ision o(- and trading in- $o!a$ housing, T o areas are ho e%er orth' o( s+e!ia$ stud' sin!e the' "a'- in +rin!i+$e- &e !a+a&$e o( &eing "anaged gi%en su((i!ient resour!es- !reati%e "anage"ent and inter2agen!' !o2o+erationna"e$' 2 the +ro%ision o( a((orda&$e housing 7see Cha+ter ;8 and student a!!o""odation 7see Cha+ter >8,

The Strategi! Housing Wor/ing Grou+- !haired &' 1i(e Coun!i$- as esta&$ished in 9<@9 &et een the $o!a$ authorit' and the Uni%ersit' o( St Andre s Ain res+onse to !on!erns e0+ressed &' the Uni%ersit' o( St Andre s around the i"+a!t o( +o$i!ies and a++roa!hes re$ating to a((orda&$e housing and Houses in Mu$ti+$e O!!u+ation in St Andre s, These "a' &e a((e!ting the a&i$it' o( the Uni%ersit' to attra!t resear!hers- sta(( and students and to o+erate as an institute o( a!ade"i! e0!e$$en!e, This- in turn- has the +otentia$ to negati%e$' i"+a!t on the $o!a$ e!ono"',) 6oth +arties Aha%e a shared interest in ensuring the e((e!ti%e o+eration o( the housing "ar/et- in!$uding the +ro%ision o( a++ro+riate housing (or residents- Uni%ersit' sta(( and students), 7&ife 'ouncil ( University of St )ndre*s+ 2,12?<


Introduction to the Issues

As e$$ as !onsidering the !urrent su++$' B de"and situation- it is i"+ortant to !onsider (uture gro th in de"and arising (ro"- e,g, the Uni%ersit')s +$ans to e0+and its resear!h !a+a&i$it' 7see Se!tion, 4.!. A""orda#le housing .)fforda/le housing is housing made availa/le at a cost /elo* full mar0et value+ to meet an identified need. It includes social rented housing+ su/sidised lo*-cost housing for sale 1discounted+ shared o*nership or shared e2uity- and lo*-cost housing *ithout su/sidy 1entrylevel housing for sale-. #rivate rented accommodation availa/le at lo*er cost than mar0et rates 1mid-mar0et rent- should also /e considered *ithin the afforda/le housing category. 3
74he Scottish 5overnment+ 2,,6+ p. 74-

4.3.1. )fforda/le rental accommodation The !urrent sto!/ o( +ro+ert' (or rent at a((orda&$e $e%e$s is re+resented &' Coun!i$ houses and ($ats and &' housing asso!iation +ro+erties, There is a si*ea&$e aiting $ist (or Coun!i$ houses throughout 1i(e"anaged !entra$$' &' 1i(e Coun!i$ and no a((orda&$e housing has &een &ui$t in St Andre s (or C 'ears in s+ite o( the $oss o( "an' +ro+erties (ro" the renta$ "ar/et due to Right to 6u' +ur!hases, Tenants) rights to &u' are no "ore !onstrained than +re%ious$' and this "a' a%oid the $oss o( so"e +ro+erties (ro" the a((orda&$e renta$ "ar/et3 no right to &u' atta!hes to an' ne &ui$d, To so"e (ro" St Andre s- ho are +ros+e!ti%e tenants- the !entra$ised "anage"ent o( the aiting $ist is seen as $ess than he$+(u$ to their interests3 an' a((orda&$e rented +ro+ert' hi!h &e!o"es a%ai$a&$e is a$$o!ated on the &asis o( +ara"eters !o%ering the aiting $ist (or the ho$e o( 1i(e and- a$though there is an e$e"ent o( !hoi!e as to $o!ation- there is no +riorit' (or those ith $o!a$ or/2re$ated needs or (a"i$' !onne!tions, 4.3.2. 4he impact of land costs 6ui$ding $and is s!ar!e and e0+ensi%e3 e%en +u&$i!$'2o ned $and su!h as the Me"oria$ Hos+ita$ site or the #i$r'"ont !a"+us o( Madras Co$$ege 7i( and hen it !o"es to the "ar/et8 nor"a$$' has to &e so$d at (u$$ "ar/et %a$ue under !urrent $o!a$ authorit' guide$ines, This "eans that- as things stand- an' stand2 a$one de%e$o+"ent starts (ro" su!h a high !ost &ase that it "a/es the +ro%ision o( ne so!ia$ housing in St Andre s +rohi&iti%e$' e0+ensi%e and the dire!t in%o$%e"ent o( 1i(e Coun!i$ in su++$'ing the de"and +ro&$e"ati!a$, 4.3.3. #lanning o/ligations9 Se!tion C; +$anning o&$igations shou$d ensure the +ro%ision o( a((orda&$e housing on $arger de%e$o+"ents- $arge$' through de%e$o+er B housing asso!iation !o$$a&oration, On the &ro n(ie$d site at A&&e' Par/- a((orda&$e housing shou$d &e!o"e a%ai$a&$e in the reasona&$' near (uture as the site is de%e$o+ed, Assu"ing that it goes ahead- the St Andre s West de%e$o+"ent i$$ +ro%ide a $arge a"ount o( a((orda&$e housing- a$&eit o%er a $onger +eriod- +erha+s 9< 'ears or "ore, Other than these sites- &ui$ding $and on the (ringes o( the to n is !onstrained &' the re!ent$' ado+ted Green 6e$t- i( it is stringent$' +rote!ted, P$anners i$$ need to &e a$ert (or +ie!e"ea$ +$anning a++$i!ations ai"ed at !ir!u"%enting the re.uire"ent to +ro%ide a((orda&$e housing,

Se!tion C; o( the To n and Countr' P$anning 7S!ot$and8 A!t @::C 7as a"ended &' the P$anning 7S!ot$and8 A!t 9<<>8 a$$o s a de%e$o+er &' agree"ent ith a +$anning authorit' to enter a +$anning o&$igation 7re(erred to as a +$anning agree"ent +rior to 9<@@8, An e0a"+$e o( su!h an o&$igation is the +ro%ision o( a((orda&$e housing !o""on$' !a$!u$ated as a +er!entage o( the nu"&er o( housing units to &e !onstru!ted on site, In 1i(e the +er!entages under +$anning and housing +o$i!ies range (ro" ;= in Methi$ to ?<= in St Andre s, ?@

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 4.3.4. 8ther needs for accommodation at afforda/le prices

Introduction to the Issues

Whi$st the di((i!u$t' o( +ro%iding ade.uate su++$ies o( a((orda&$e housing (or those ho ha%e $i"ited (inan!ia$ "eans or disa&i$it' +ro&$e"s is !$ear$' re!ognised- there are (urther se!tions o( the $o!a$ +o+u$ation hose needs shou$d &e &orne in "ind, These in!$ude 'oung (a"i$ies ho "a' ha%e (a"i$' $in/s in the to n and B or ho or/ $o!a$$' 7(or ho" !urrent "ar/et +ri!es are out o( rea!h8- ne re!ruits to the Uni%ersit')s resear!h sta(( 7(or ho" the $a!/ o( reasona&$' +ri!ed a!!o""odation !ou$d &e a serious disin!enti%e to "o%e to the to n8 and the "an' or/ers in the tourist industr'- retai$ tradeand the +u&$i! and ser%i!es se!tors 7"an' o( ho" are "odest$' +aid8, 4.4. Student acco odation

4.4.1. Student num/ers The Uni%ersit' at +resent has no +$ans to in!rease the nu"&er o( (u$$2ti"e undergraduates stud'ing in St Andre s (ro" their +resent $e%e$ o( around C-D<< a$though the tota$ "a' %ar' so"e hat (ro" 'ear to 'ear due to %arian!es in the ad"issions +ro!ess or Go%ern"ent initiati%es, As "entioned ear$ier- it does- ho e%er- +$an to e0+and its resear!h !a+a&i$it' and "a' ish to in!rease resear!h students &' around ?;< o%er the !o"ing 'ears3 there i$$ &e so"e +ara$$e$ rise in sta(( nu"&ers, 4.4.2. University provision The Uni%ersit' +ro%ides a$"ost ?-D<< &eds (or students 7so"e ;<= o( tota$ student nu"&ers8 and "anages a (urther ;C +ro+erties a!!o""odating @E? students, Within its undergraduate a!!o""odation it has a $ong2standing !o""it"ent to o((er 9;= o( tota$ s+a!es at rates !o"+ara&$e ith those in the $o est &and U#2 ide, It has no i""ediate +$ans to in!rease its residentia$ estate, 4.4.3. Student demand for rental accommodation Whi$st a s"a$$ nu"&er o( students !hoose to $i%e outside St Andre s (or e!ono"i! or !u$tura$ reasons"ost o( those ho !annot or do not ish to &e a!!o""odated in Uni%ersit' +ro+ert' turn to the +ri%ate renta$ "ar/et in the to n, A%ai$a&$e data indi!ate that so"e ?-D<< undergraduates $i%e in +ri%ate rented a!!o""odation, E%en ere the Uni%ersit' to e"&ar/ on an e0+ansion o( its residen!e !a+a!it'hether a$one or in +artnershi+ ith a third +art'- there i$$ &e a $ong2ter" need (or su&stantia$ +ri%ate rented a!!o""odation, 4.4.4. Interactions /et*een students and other parts of the community On the one hand- hi$st the +resen!e o( students is genera$$' e$!o"ed- the o%er he$"ing student +resen!e- or Astudenti(i!ation)- o( St Andre s is a !ause (or serious !on!ern a"ongst +er"anent residents- es+e!ia$$' in the !entre o( to n, The transient student +resen!e is no said to e0!eed D;= in so"e streets and has gi%en rise to (ears (or the sustaina&i$it' o( the $o!a$ !o""unit', Con!erns a"ongst $o!a$ residents ha%e (o!ussed on Housing in Mu$ti+$e O!!u+ation 7HMO8- sin!e $i!ensing re.uire"ents ha%e "ade su!h +ro+erties readi$' identi(ia&$e and "ade it eas' to de"onstrate the high densit' o( student +o+u$ations in "an' areas, Whi$st a "oratoriu" on ne HMOs in the !entra$ area is in (or!e at +resent 7&ut is !urrent$' under re%ie 8- it re"ains to &e seen hether restri!tions on the nu"&ers o( $i!en!es granted is an e((e!ti%e a' o( "anaging the situation and &ringing Astudenti(i!ation) under !ontro$, HMO $i!ensing does at $east !ontri&ute to hea$th and sa(et' "onitoring i( +ro+er$' +o$i!ed and en(or!ed,



Introduction to the Issues

On the other hand- the student +ers+e!ti%e is that the HMO "oratoriu" i"+inges on their rights to a reasona&$e !hoi!e o( a!!o""odation and the !entra$ !onser%ation area o( to n is understanda&$' +o+u$ar a"ongst students &e!ause o( its +ro0i"it' to $o!a$ a"enities, It shou$d &e noted that +ro+erties ith t o or (e er &ed s+a!es do not re.uire an HMO $i!en!e and are thus una((e!ted &' an' "oratoriu"- hen!e gi%ing rise to a +otentia$ (or in!reased studenti(i!ation, 4.4. . Student impact on rent levels Student de"and (or a!!o""odation is no su!h that $and$ords ha%e a!.uired +ro+ert' not on$' in the !onser%ation area &ut a$so in "an' areas outside the !entre and are seen &' so"e as !harging rents that are &e'ond the rea!h o( +otentia$ $o!a$ tenants &ut hi!h students !an +a' sin!e rent and other !osts 7e,g, uti$ities8 are a$"ost in%aria&$' shared &et een t o or "ore students, Student renta$ +ro+erties are a$so e0e"+t (ro" the Co""unit' Charge- a (urther (a!tor hi!h it is i"+ortant to ta/e into a!!ount hen !o"+aring the e!ono"i!s o( student and other renta$s, 4.4.". 9uality of rented accommodation In Uni%ersit'2o ned a!!o""odation- hi!h is genera$$' o( good .ua$it'- it is re$ati%e$' eas' to ensure that the ne!essar' hea$th and sa(et' standards are "et and the institution)s dut' o( !are (or students is o&ser%ed, There is no !ertaint' that su!h "atters are +ro+er$' dea$t ith in the +ri%ate rented se!tor and indeed it is !$ear that so"e student +ro+erties are +oor$' insu$ated- inade.uate$' heated and "a' e%en ha%e serious da"+ +ro&$e"s, The +o$i!ing o( HMO +ro+erties &' 1i(e Coun!i$ a(ter initia$ $i!ensing- and .ua$it' assuran!e o( other rented +ro+erties- "ight re ard attention- &ut the nu"&er o( +arties in%o$%ed "a/es this a !ha$$enging tas/3 $and$ords- their agents- tenants 7students8- neigh&ours and Uni%ersit' authorities a$$ ha%e interests that do not a$ a's !oin!ide, 4.4.$. #rovision of additional student accommodation /y the University So"e in the to n (ee$ that the Uni%ersit' shou$d +ro%ide or +ro!ure the +ro%ision o( (urther +ur+ose2&ui$t student a!!o""odation to re$ie%e the +ressure on housing and !ontri&ute to a redu!tion o( Astudenti(i!ation)- es+e!ia$$' in the to n !entre, Pro%ided that undergraduate nu"&ers re"ain "ore or $ess stati!- the +ro%ision o( e0tra a!!o""odation &' the Uni%ersit' ou$d- o( !ourse- redu!e the +ressure on the +ri%ate renta$ se!tor, It is (ar (ro" !$ear- ho e%er- hether there ou$d &e an' !onse.uent redu!tion in student !on!entration in the to n)s !onser%ation area- sin!e so"e students +re(er a!!o""odation in the to n !entre and their +resen!e there is e$$ esta&$ished, 4.$. E%&ansion 4. .1. St )ndre*s :est? The de%e$o+"ent +$ans at &oth strategi! and $o!a$ $e%e$ +ro%ide (or the !onstru!tion o( @-<:< d e$$ings o%er a +eriod o( +erha+s 9< 'ears- a$though the +a!e o( de%e$o+"ent is un!ertain due to !ontinuing (inan!ia$ !onstraints, The o%era$$ s!a$e en%isaged and the +ro%ision o( a distri&utor road ith asso!iated ser%i!es are "utua$$' interde+endent- hi$st the $atter ou$d a$so (a!i$itate the de%e$o+"ent o( ad4oining $and retained &' the Uni%ersit' (or (uture a!ade"i! and re$ated +ur+oses, I( 1i(e Coun!i$)s !urrent +$anning +o$i!' re"ains in (or!e throughout the de%e$o+"ent +eriod- so"e ??< a((orda&$e d e$$ings shou$d e%entua$$' &e +ro%ided,

See A++endi0 A,E, (or a "a+ o( the St Andre s West de%e$o+"ent, ??


Introduction to the Issues

The Green 6e$t- hi!h (or"ed +art o( the St Andre s and East 1i(e Lo!a$ P$an ado+ted in O!to&er 9<@9- as designed to a$$o (or the St Andre s West e0+ansion, E$se here- it i$$- i( (u$$' res+e!tedshar+$' restri!t de%e$o+"ents on the to n)s i""ediate +eri+her', 4. .3. 8ther e;pansion plans near St )ndre*s The !urrent Lo!a$ P$an en%isages the !onstru!tion o( ?<< houses in Guard&ridge, The (or"er +a+er "i$$ site- no o ned &' the Uni%ersit'- "ight +ro%ide (uture e0+ansion o++ortunities- &ut there are no !urrent de%e$o+"ent +$ans there- other than to $o!ate a &io"ass generator on the site, The i""inent de+arture o( the RA1 (ro" Leu!hars and the su&se.uent use o( the &ase &' units o( the Ar"' "ight re$ease so"e housing- &ut this is (e$t &' 1i(e Coun!i$- a(ter dia$ogue ith the Ministr' o( Fe(en!e- to &e un$i/e$', 4.'. Discussion 4.".1. 4he role of &ife 'ouncil 1i(e Coun!i$ is one o( the /e' +$a'ers in St Andre s &e!ause it has authorit' o%er- or su&stantia$ in($uen!e u+on- %irtua$$' a$$ as+e!ts o( $i(e in the to n- in +arti!u$ar the !reation and de$i%er' o( +$anning and housing +o$i!', In !arr'ing out its duties- it i$$ (ro" ti"e to ti"e a!t in a's hi!h generate o++osition (ro" indi%idua$s- +ressure grou+s or- indeed- the Co""unit' Coun!i$, The +ro&$e"s hi!h arise- and hi!h !an &e!o"e serious i( +ositions &e!o"e entren!hed- "a' to an e0tent re($e!t the %er' s+e!ia$ !hara!teristi!s o( the St Andre s !o""unit' and the Aone so$ution (its a$$) +osture +er!ei%ed &' so"e to &e ado+ted &' 1i(e Coun!i$, The reso$ution o( su!h +ro&$e"s !an &e "ade "ore di((i!u$t i( there is i"+er(e!t !o""uni!ation &et een the +arties in%o$%ed and it is orth as/ing hat "ight &e done to i"+ro%e !o""uni!ation and hen!e "utua$ !on(iden!e &et een the Coun!i$ and its +artners in St Andre s, 4.".2. 4he University The Uni%ersit' is %ita$ (or the e!ono"i! and !u$tura$ e$$2&eing o( the to n and its sta(( and students re+resent around ha$( o( the +o+u$ation, The a!ade"i! su!!ess o( the Uni%ersit' has su++orted its gro th &ut +ro&$e"s ha%e arisen- e,g, &e!ause o( high !on!entrations o( students in the !entra$ area, In see/ing to a%oid !on($i!t- the Uni%ersit' has at ti"es sho n itse$( !a+a&$e o( !$ear !o""uni!ation and thought(u$ $istening, Might it no &e ti"e to in%estigate ith other sta/eho$ders ho the Uni%ersit' "ight engage "ore (ruit(u$$' ith the !o""unit' o( hi!h it is su!h an i"+ortant +artG 4.".3. 4he students The student +resen!e is $arge and e$!o"ed &' %irtua$$' a$$ other seg"ents o( the +o+u$ation, There is ho e%er a rea$ +ro&$e" o( Astudenti(i!ation)- es+e!ia$$' in the !entra$ area and this has !aused so"e (ri!tion- e,g, the HMO "oratoriu", So"e students "a' (ind it di((i!u$t to a!!e+t that the high densit' o( the student +o+u$ation in !entra$ St Andre s is a +ro&$e"- &ut others ha%e rea$ !on!erns and there "ust &e student and resident engage"ent i( these !on!erns are to &e addressed, 4.".4. Local pressure groups Lo!a$ +ressure grou+s are .uite o(ten o++osed to +ro+osa$s "ade &' the $o!a$ authorit'- the Uni%ersit' and B or de%e$o+ers, The' o(ten (ee$ o&$iged to ado+t +ositions hi!h are at odds ith the ishes o( the other +arties and entren!hed +ositions are a$$ too easi$' ado+ted, The !onsu$tation +ro!esses o((ered &' the $o!a$ authorit' and others "a' not &e (u$$' ade.uate and are orth re%ie ing,


Introduction to the Issues

Fe%e$o+ers are a !ru!ia$ e$e"ent in St Andre s) (uture, The' are &usinesses ho+ing to "a/e a +ro(it (ro" ea!h de%e$o+"ent &ut "ust at the %er' $east generate enough !ash to +a' a$$ !osts- in!$uding (inan!ia$ !osts, Land !osts are high and the o&$igations the' (a!e to +ro%ide ?<= o( a((orda&$e housing under Se!tion C; re.uire"ents are !ha$$enging, 4.".". Land costs The !ost o( $and in and around St Andre s is high- ith hard$' an' a%ai$a&$e in the !urrent &ui$t area o( the to n, This in!reases the !ost o( an' de%e$o+"ent and has a high$' restri!ti%e e((e!t on ne so!ia$ housing, Assu"ing that a ne s!hoo$ is e%entua$$' &ui$t- the $argest area +otentia$$' a%ai$a&$e (or de%e$o+"ent is that !urrent$' o!!u+ied &' the #i$r'"ont !a"+us o( Madras Co$$ege, At +resent- it a++ears that an' +u&$i!$'2o ned $and sur+$us to re.uire"ents "ust nor"a$$' &e so$d at the &est "ar/et +ri!e a!hie%a&$e, Lo!a$ authorities- ho e%er- are understood to ha%e dis!retion to !onsider not on$' +ri!e &ut ider so!ia$ !onsiderations and- ithin su!h !onsiderations- +art o( the #i$r'"ont site !ou$d &e reser%ed at $o or ni$ %a$ue (or a((orda&$e housing, 4.".$. 5reen BeltE The St Andre s Green 6e$t as de$ineated in the Lo!a$ P$an ado+ted &' 1i(e Coun!i$ in O!to&er 9<@9, It +ro%ides (or the de%e$o+"ent o( St Andre s West &ut i$$- i( res+e!ted- !onstrain house &ui$ding on the southern (ringes o( the to n, 4.".6. 4he community interest 1i(e Coun!i$- hi!h has a "a4or ro$e in +ro%iding !o""unit' ser%i!es- and the Uni%ersit' 7in!$uding the student &od'8 are ro&ust enough to $oo/ a(ter their o n interests, The !o""unit')s $o!a$ interests areho e%er- re+resented in a (rag"ented a'- %ia the Co""unit' Coun!i$- residents) asso!iations- the Preser%ation Trust and a (e !o""itted indi%idua$s, Might it &e +ossi&$e to de%ise a a' o( +u$$ing together the !o""unit' interests "ore e((e!ti%e$'G 4.".7. Studentification There is no dou&t that the student +resen!e in !entra$ areas o( St Andre s is %er' high, In other +arts o( the !ountr' this situation has &een re!ognised and there has &een a !ertain a"ount o( stud' as to ho it "ight &est &e addressed, One +ossi&i$it' is the setting o( a "a0i"u" student o!!u+an!' on a street2&'2street &asis, Can the interested +arties in the to n agree that there is a +ro&$e" and de%ise a so$ution hi!h "ight &e i"+$e"ented o%er- sa'- (i%e 'earsG 4.".1,. %anaging and solving pro/lems In genera$- it is sa(e to sa' that +ro&$e"s i$$ !ontinue to arise in- and re$ated to- the housing situation in St Andre s, In an' +ro&$e" situation the +arties in%o$%ed "a' ha%e !on($i!ting +riorities and that is understanda&$e, Con($i!ting o+inions and +riorities "a' a$so !ause (rustration &et een the +arties in%o$%ed and resu$t in de$a's and !ost in!reases to +ro4e!ts hi!h i$$- (ro" ti"e to ti"e- &e o( great i"+ortan!e to the ho$e !o""unit', Centra$ to the reso$ution o( su!h +ro&$e"s is trust &et een a$$ the +arties in%o$%ed, It is suggested that there "ight &e &ene(it (or a$$ ere the /e' +arties to or/ e%en harder at &ui$ding "utua$ !on(iden!e through o+en agenda- !$ear !o""uni!ations- "eaning(u$ !onsu$tation +ro!esses and- i"+ortant$'- re!ognition o( the need (or !o"+ro"ise,

See A++endi0 A,E, (or a "a+ o( the St Andre s Green 6e$t, ?;


Affordable Housing

5. Affordable Housing
5.1. Introduction Affordable housing is defined as housing of a reasonable quality that is affordable to eo le on !odest in"o!es#$% This broad definition "an a ly to a &ide range of tenures 'ty es of housing( and the !eans of ro)iding affordable housing !ay )ary fro! one lo"al authority '*A( to another and indeed fro! one area &ithin a s e"ifi" *A to another$ It is generally ne"essary to !a+e housing a)ailable at a "ost belo& !ar+et )alues$ The "on"e t of affordability# as defined abo)e !ay see! "lear, but is in fa"t far fro! si! le$ What is affordable to one household !ay be "o! letely unaffordable to another, be"ause of the si-e of de osit required if buying, be"ause of fa!ily si-e, be"ause of additional finan"e required by so!e eo le &ith s e"ial needs, be"ause &hat is assessed as !odest in"o!es# "an )ary "onsiderably$ So!eti!es the "on"e t is )ery sli ery# but &hile this &ill be borne in !ind in &hat follo&s, the abo)e definition is one that .ife Coun"il uses and that the Co!!ission has ado ted$ /uring the &or+ of the Co!!ission, it &as "lear that there &as "onsiderable "on"ern o)er the oor a)ailability of affordable housing in St Andre&s$ 0roble!s of a)ailability arose largely as a "onsequen"e of the %123 4ight to 5uy legislation &hi"h sa& a signifi"ant redu"tion in the nu!ber of so"ial rented ro erties in !any lo"al authority areas in"luding St Andre&s and, subsequently, fro! the )ery li!ited ro)ision of ne& affordable housing in St Andre&s$ It &as also "lear that the su ort fro! national and lo"al go)ern!ent for the notion of balan"ed and !i6ed "o!!unities '57M( 8 a di)ersity of household ty es in ter!s of in"o!e and tenure 8 &as o)ershado&ed by an e! hasis on the issues arising fro! e6tre!ely high "on"entrations of student rented a""o!!odation, arti"ularly in the "entral Conser)ation Area$ The s"ar"e a)ailability of affordable housing is a serious roble! for !any in the lo"al "o!!unity and the issue is "o! le6 sin"e the lo"al situation is affe"ted by !any fa"tors in"luding de!ogra hi" trends, land su ly, ro erty ri"es and, arti"ularly, the i! a"t of the large nu!bers of students on the rental !ar+et$ .inan"ial "onstraints on ubli" funding, &hi"h ha)e !ade it diffi"ult to !anage "o! eting riorities, ha)e e6a"erbated the situation and see! li+ely to "ontinue for the foreseeable future$ In this "ha ter &e loo+ at affordable housing in ter!s of9 A re)ie& of affordable housing in St Andre&s ':$;$( Addressing the issues of affordability in St Andre&s ':$<$( A dis"ussion of the "urrent situation ':$=$( >ey issues and ho& to address the! ':$:$($ 5.2. Affordable housing in St Andre s The St Andre&s 7 ?ast .ife *o"al 0lan, ado ted O"tober ;3%;, of &hi"h !ore in :$<$;$ belo&, states9 St Andrews attraction as a place to live, together with limited development opportunities, has affected the housing market. Land and house prices have increased to the extent that new affordable housing for local people on lower incomes has all but disappeared. Development pressure on the towns open spaces and older emplo ment sites has also increased. !n response to this, St Andrews has been designated as a "ressured Area which suspends some tenants rights to bu their council or housing association house. Due to the high need for affordable housing in the area, a higher proportion of new housing development is re#uired to be

S"ottish 0lanning 0oli"y ;3%3 as refle"ted in 0lanning Ad)i"e Note ;@;3%3 'Affordable Housing and Housing *and Audits($ <A


Affordable Housing

affordable, compared to other areas in $ife. St Andrews needs to provide the scale of development that will help to contribute investment in new housing within the St Andrews Housing %arket Area and to provide, within the town, housing that is affordable to more people in the local communit , communit facilities and services, places of worship, emplo ment opportunities and infrastructure, thereb helping to sustain the communit . &he Local "lan acknowledges the need to support public sector funding for new facilities serving St Andrews and the wider area. However, significant private sector capital secured through developer contributions will be re#uired to provide the scale of investment necessar . #
'$ife (ouncil, )*+)b, Section +,-

This is a )ery signifi"ant state!ent, but it is notable that little has been a"hie)ed in re"ent years by &ay of ro)iding additional affordable housing in St Andre&s and "urrent lans rely hea)ily, if not totally, on lanning obligations arising fro! ri)ate de)elo !ents$ ..).+. Affordabilit problems in St Andrews /uring the &or+ of the Co!!ission, infor!ation &as obtained fro! analysis of ubli"ly a)ailable data, fro! a questionnaire that &as "ir"ulated both as hard "o y to )irtually e)ery household in the to&n and ele"troni"ally, fro! !eetings &ith +ey sta+eholders and fro! indi)idual sub!issions$ /ata analysis 'see Se"tion <$<$( sho&ed that9 House ri"es in St Andre&s are signifi"antly higher than else&here in .ife Student rents in St Andre&s are higher than else&here in S"otland Households 'other than students( find it diffi"ult to a""ess the ri)ate rental !ar+et So"ial rents in St Andre&s are "o! arable &ith the rest of .ife$ Houses for so"ial renting are "o! arati)ely fe&er in St Andre&s than the rest of .ife$ 4es onses to questionnaires "learly indi"ate a desire for !ore affordable housing in the to&nB of all res ondents9 <CD felt that a"tion should be ta+en by .ife Coun"il to build !ore affordable housing C<D felt that there should be rent "ontrols 23D felt that house ri"es &ere too high 2=D felt that rent "harges &ere too high 1%D felt that the a)ailability of affordable 'lo&8"ost( housing &as too lo& C3D felt there &as too little housing asso"iation and "oun"il housing 'in"luding ro)ision for students($ Meetings &ith sta+eholders re)ealed a &ide range of )ie&s and a "ertain a!ount of "onfli"t$ ; %$ $ailure of the planning s stem to !eet affordable housing needs &as e6 ressed by the Co!!unity Coun"il and this "on"ern underlies "o!!ents !ade by others$ The failure of .ife Coun"il adequately to assess the i! a"t of student a""o!!odation needs '!entioned by lo"al Coun"illors and the Confederation of St Andre&s 4esidents# Asso"iations 'CSA4A( is an e6a! le of su"h "on"ern$ ;$ &he scarcit of land suitable for development , as &ell as the "ost of any that is or !ay be"o!e a)ailable, is a &idely re"ognised roble!$ >ingdo! Housing Asso"iation, &hi"h has %3: affordable rental ro erties in the to&n ainted a i"ture of high and unsatisfied de!and 'see A endi6 A$;$C$( but has been unable to ro)ide additional housing sin"e ;33; be"ause of the la"+ of affordable building sites$

See A endi6 A$;$ for a re"ord of !eetings bet&een the Co!!ission and +ey organisations$ <2


Affordable Housing

Within the to&n, the e)entual ro)ision of a single8site Madras College &as noted during the !eeting &ith lo"al Coun"illors as otentially ro)iding an o ortunity for signifi"ant ro)ision of affordable housing$ The >ilry!ont site is large and there are no +no&n lans for its future use in the edu"ational se"tor$ /e8listing of the s"hool buildings < !ight ta+e as long as three years but any "onsequential delay in re8de)elo !ent "ould be !ini!ised by early a li"ation$ It !ight also be "hallenging for .ife Coun"il to !anage its internal finan"ial and @ or budgetary "ontrolsB for e6a! le, the transfer of the site fro! ?du"ation to Housing$ *o"al Coun"illors &ere also in fa)our of see+ing to a""o!!odate !ore of the to&n#s &or+ers &ithin the to&n to redu"e "o!!uting$ CSA4A su orted the use of any ubli"ly o&ned land &hi"h is or be"o!es sur lus to ubli" se"tor needs for affordable housing &hilst stressing the need for su"h housing to re!ain affordable in the long ter!$ The land to the &est of the to&n 'St Andre&s West( is the only substantial area "urrently a)ailable for housing 'subEe"t to lanning er!ission(, and is seen by .ife Coun"il as ro)iding affordable housing through unsubsidised lanning obligations$ CSA4A su orted the retention of a <3D lanning obligation on de)elo ers and lo"al Coun"illors &ere "on"erned about de)elo ers otentially see+ing o ortunities to redu"e or a)oid lanning obligations$ Co!!unity Coun"illors suggested that study of a "o8o erati)e a roa"h to the ro)ision of affordable housing !ight be re&arding$ Headon /e)elo !ents &ere "on"erned about the "urrent arrange!ents &hi"h raised serious &orries about the )iability of ne& de)elo !ents$ 4obertson Ho!es a ear to be rogressing their negotiated lanning obligations for affordable housing at Abbey 0ar+$ <$ &he impact of high student numbers on the lo"al housing !ar+et &as &idely re"ognised and there &as su ort, arti"ularly fro! CSA4A a!ong the to&n residents, for the notion of additional ur ose8 built student a""o!!odation, &hi"h also &ould be &ar!ly &el"o!ed by the student body$ This should ease the ressure on ri)ate se"tor rental housing and, otentially, gi)e rise to so!e easing of ri"es$ ..).). $ife (ouncils Housing /eed and Demand Assessment 'H/DA.ife Coun"il#s HN/A analysis &as finalised in ;3%3, though using ;332 data$ It states inter alia that the St Andre&s *o"al Housing Strategy Area '*HSA 8 see Se"tion ;$:$%$ for a definition( has9 An a"ute need for so"ial rented housingB The greatest need for !id8!ar+et rented ro erties in .ife and the greatest otential in .ife for )aried o&nershi o tions, e$g$ dis"ounted sale, shared equity, shared o&nershi B The highest riority need for affordable housing in .ife9 a total of %,%=< ne& ho!es in the longer ter!, and C:% in the ;3328;3%2 lanning eriod$ It also sho&ed that, in the o&ner8o""u ier se"tor, !ore than 13D of households &ould be unable to a""ess housing in the St Andre&s *HSA and that, "onsidering !ean, !edian and lo&er quartile housing &ith an assu!ed 23D !ortgage and an interest rate of ;$1D, St Andre&s &as unaffordable, e)en "onsidering shared equity and shared o&nershi o tions$ 0ri)ate rents for an a)erage t&o8bedroo! ro erty in .ife &ere Eudged, on the basis of ;332 data, to be unaffordable to ;AD of general households and =1D of households &ith in"o!es belo& the !edian )alueB the affordability in St Andre&s is "ertain to be less be"ause of the arti"ular ressures on the lo"al ri)ate rental !ar+et$ So"ial housing rents are regarded as affordable$ These and other ele!ents of the HN/A gi)e substan"e to the findings of the Co!!ission#s studies$

Madras College, >ilry!ont building in"luding s orts hall, boundary &alls and railings 'ref9:31;C( &as listed "ategory 5 on ;A Fuly ;33A$**1+.1*111167!LD!/8,HL1.*9):,;ilr mont<)*School= <1

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 5.!. Addressing the issues of affordabilit" ..>.+. "olic background

Affordable Housing

Garious !e"hanis!s ha)e been de)elo ed by "entral go)ern!ent to address the national need for affordable housingB in the St Andre&s "onte6t these in"lude the Affordable Housing Su ly 0rogra!!e 'AHS0(, the Housing Need and /e!and Assess!ent, the National Housing Trust 'NHT( and the Strategi" Housing In)est!ent 0lan 'SHI0($= Constraints on ubli" e6 enditure ha)e led national and lo"al go)ern!ent to see+ &ays of relie)ing the burden on the ubli" urse# of ro)iding affordable housing$ The !e"hanis! "urrently referred is that of lanning obligation# 'also +no&n as Se"tion A: agree!ents#( &hereby ri)ate se"tor de)elo ers see+ing er!ission to build housing are required 'e6"e t in the )ery s!allest de)elo !ents( to ro)ide a er"entage of affordable housing on the site as a "ondition of obtaining lanning "onsent$ The lo"al authority has dis"retion to "harge )arying er"entages and to negotiate a "ash settle!ent in lieu of the ro)ision of affordable housing$ In the St Andre&s *HSA the er"entage le)ied is <3D, the highest in .ife, but its su""ess in ro)iding additional affordable housing is )ery disa ointing$ In ;3%;8;3%< a ne& Affordable Housing Su ly 0rogra!!e 'AHS0(, &as initiated$ Coun"il and registered so"ial landlord '4S*( budget allo"ations, &hi"h had been se arate, &ere "o!bined in a three year rogra!!e, &hi"h details !ini!u! "entral go)ern!ent resour"e allo"ations to ea"h *o"al Authority '*A( u until ;3%A@%2B .ife#s initial allo"ation &as H;3$= !illion 'the C th largest allo"ation a!ong the <; S"ottish *As($ *o"al authorities are required by statute to re are a *o"al Housing Strategy '*HS( &hi"h ro)ides strategi" dire"tion to address housing need and de!and a"ross all tenures and infor! future in)est!ent in housing and related ser)i"es a"ross the lo"al authority area$ Infor!ed by the HN/A, it addresses issues su"h as land allo"ations for housing, targets "o)ering all tenures, re la"e!ent housing, refurbish!ent, !e"hanis!s for finan"ing and deli)ering affordable housing, and alternati)es to o&ner8 o""u ied housing$ The *HS is re ared in "onEun"tion &ith a range of lo"al authority de art!ents and in)ol)es 4S*s, other housing ro)iders and the "o!!unity$ Housing re"ognised as affordable by .ife Coun"il are so"ial rent, !id8!ar+et rent, shared o&nershi , shared equity and dis"ounted sale 'see Se"tion A$;$%$($ ..>.). ?&he Local "lan and affordabilit The *o"al 0lan strategy for the *HSA in"ludes !aEor housing de)elo !ents on the Western edge of St Andre&s o)er the ne6t t&enty years$ This is seen as +ey to !a6i!ising the to&n#s otential, through touris! and the Uni)ersity, as the !ain e"ono!i" dri)er for .ife &hile re"ognising that there is a need to rote"t its i! ortant heritage$ The +ey ro osals in the *o"al 0lan also in"lude higher le)els of affordable housing in St Andre&s, largely ro)ided through the require!ent that <3D of ri)ately de)elo ed ne& houses in the St Andre&s Housing Mar+et Area are affordable$ The Coun"il#s Strategi" Housing In)est!ent 0rogra!!e identified the follo&ing affordable housing in the St Andre&s *HSA9 In)est!ent eriod ;3%<@%: 8 ;1 so"ial rent houses at Abbey 0ar+, St Andre&s ' ro)ided by .ife Coun"il(

It is &orth noting that these s"hedules are u dated fro! ti!e to ti!eB the Co!!ission has sought to &or+ fro! the latest ublished drafts$ =3

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING In)est!ent eriod ;3%:@%C 8 %; so"ial rent houses in *eu"hars '>ingdo! Housing Asso"iation I>HAJ( 8 1 so"ial rent houses at Greenside 0la"e, St Andre&s '>HA( 8 <; so"ial rent houses at Toll 4oad, Guardbridge '>HA( 8 %3 !id8!ar+et rent houses at Guardbridge '>HA( In)est!ent eriod ;3%:@%2 8 %C so"ial rent houses or MM4 at *eu"hars '>HA(

Affordable Housing

The "urrent rogra!!e thus ro)ides for %32 units, only <2 of &hi"h &ill be in St Andre&s$ : In the longer ter!, the St Andre&s West Strategi" *and Allo"ation is lanned to ro)ide %,313 houses '<3D of &hi"h are to be affordable(, e! loy!ent land and "o!!unity de)elo !ent o)er a t&enty8year eriod$ The Coun"il regards the for!er as !eeting housing need o)er that eriod$ The de)elo ers &ill be required to &or+ &ith 4S*s and the Coun"il to "onstru"t so"ial rented housing as art of a"hie)ing the affordable housing targets$ .or the St Andre&s *HSA, the *HS obser)es, a!ong other things, that a broad range of unsubsidised housing rodu"ts is li+ely to be )iable in St Andre&s and adds that unsubsidised o tions should ha)e riority o)er subsidised o tions in this *HSA# '.ife Housing 0artnershi , ;3%%, Table 2$=$($ These tenure riorities are refle"ted in the SHI0 and the Affordable Housing Su le!entary 0lanning Guidan"e "urrently under re)ie& as re orted to the ?6e"uti)e Coun"il in May ;3%<$ C This see!s as "lose as is ossible to saying that the ri!ary relian"e in this area is on the deli)ery of affordable housing through the <3D obligation and does not see! to be entirely "onsistent &ith the state!ent in the *o"al 0lan &hi"h a"+no&ledges the need to su ort ubli" se"tor funding for ne& fa"ilities ser)ing St Andre&s and the &ider area# '.ife Coun"il, ;3%;b, Se"tion %A($ 5.#. Discussion .or the to&n of St Andre&s, &ith s"ar"e land a)ailability and high "osts, it see!s natural to "onsider building "lusters of housing '&hether affordable or !ar+etable( &ithin easy rea"h of the to&n and &ithin the St Andre&s *HSA as defined by .ife Coun"il$ This has the !erit of regarding the to&n and its surrounding area as an integrated &hole$ Many eo le li)e outside to&ns but are still )ery !u"h art of the!, &hether in ter!s of &or+, sho ing or so"ial and "ultural a"ti)itiesB they also ha)e a )ested interest in, and the need for, a ro riate trans ort arrange!ents$ Where land &ithin a to&n is s"ar"e and @ or e6 ensi)e it also has the ad)antage of fa"ilitating the ro)ision of ne& housing and, otentially, related trans ort arrange!ents in the surrounding area$ In this &ay anyone, su"h as a lo"al resident or fa!ily !e!ber or e! loyee, &ho &ished to li)e in or near the to&n, !ight be able to afford to do so$ The do&nside to "onsidering the to&n only as art of its *HSA is that little attention is aid to the unique "ir"u!stan"es of St Andre&s itself$ No doubt !any la"es &ould &ish to argue for a unique# status, thus requiring s e"ial treat!ent fro! .ife Coun"il$ There !ay &ell be )ery strong and "lear reasons for s e"ial treat!ent of so!e to&ns in .ife, but the Co!!ission is of a !ind that a strong a "ase "an be !ade for St Andre&s$ No other "o!!unity in S"otland, and only t&o or three la"es in the U>, &here half the o ulation "onsists of uni)ersity students of &ho! half li)e in ri)ate rented a""o!!odation$ This, quite a art fro! any other "onsiderations, uts enor!ous ressure on the lo"al housing !ar+et$

.ife Housing 0artnershi , ;3%<bB Minute of the ?6e"uti)e Co!!ittee, .ife Coun"il, %st O"tober ;3%<"apers*++*+>.pdf L Minute of the ?6e"uti)e Co!!ittee, .ife Coun"il 8 see Agenda Ite! No$ %3 'Affordable Housing .unding and Strategy(, A endi6 ;, Ath May ;3%<$*9*.+>.pdf L =%


Affordable Housing

This re ort de!onstrates that the to&n of St Andre&s fa"es s e"ial housing "hallenges insofar as affordable a""o!!odation is "on"erned$ It also indi"ates that the "hallenge of housing so !any students has a !aEor i! a"t on the o)erall housing !ar+et and that efforts to sol)e lo"al housing roble!s ha)e been less than su""essful$ St Andre&s has been designated as a 0ressured Area for so!e ti!e but the ro)ision of affordable housing in the to&n has been negligible 'and in the *HSA not !u"h better($ The un&illingness to ro)ide subsidy for affordable housing, "ou led &ith an al!ost total relian"e on de)elo ers# lanning obligations, "ontribute to this oor erfor!an"e as, of "ourse, do the s"ar"ity and "ost of land suitable for de)elo !ent and the general finan"ial "onstraints &hi"h ad)ersely affe"t lo"al authorities, de)elo ers and indi)iduals$ .ife Coun"il#s s e"ifi"ation of a <3D lanning obligation on ne& de)elo !ents of signifi"ant si-e !ay de!onstrate the i! ortan"e it la"es on se"uring !ore affordable a""o!!odation, but the only substantial e6tant de)elo !ents are Abbey 0ar+ and St Andre&s West &hose start date is un"ertain and &hose "onstru"tion &as initially seen as stret"hing o)er t&enty years$ Assu!ing that this de)elo !ent &ere to start soon and that ro)ision of affordable housing &ere to be e)enly s read throughout its "onstru"tion, Eust o)er si6teen units &ould be ro)ided er year 8 hardly a dyna!i" res onse to an urgent roble!$ The i! osition of a <3D affordable housing lanning obligation on ri)ate de)elo !ent in St Andre&s has been "ontested and identified as a disin"enti)e to de)elo ers to engage in housing "onstru"tion$ The ben"h!ar+ for affordable housing obligations in S"otland is generally a""e ted as ;:D &ith )ariations abo)e and belo& this Eustified by lo"al "ir"u!stan"es$ A As noted earlier, .ife#s HN/A identified St Andre&s *HSA as the !ost ressured area in .ife as regards affordable housing and this ro)ides a rationale for a re!iu! on the ben"h!ar+$ While lanning obligation in e6"ess of <3D is "o!!on in arts of ?ngland, as far as &e ha)e been able to establish, no other lo"al housing !ar+et in S"otland has this le)el of lanning obligation$ If ri)ate de)elo ers are to "ontribute effe"ti)ely to affordable housing in St Andre&s in the resent e"ono!i" en)iron!ent there !ay be an argu!ent for redu"ing the St Andre&s obligations to the ben"h!ar+$ More broadly it has to be as+ed &hether the relian"e u on ri)ate de)elo ers "an, on its o&n, ro)ide an adequate res onse to the need for ne& affordable housing$ 5oth the e6tre!e s"ar"ity and the high "ost of land suitable for de)elo !ent ha)e !ade the ro)ision of affordable housing !ore diffi"ult in St Andre&s than in !any other lo"ations$ The lo"al authority "ould "ontribute to a artial solution of this roble! by, for e6a! le, an i!aginati)e a roa"h to the >ilry!ont "a! us of Madras College &hi"h should be"o!e sur lus to ubli" se"tor needs in the relati)ely near future$ Instead of si! ly ro"eeding to an e)entual sale of this site at a fully "o!!er"ial ri"e, .ife Coun"il "ould la"e a lo& or e)en nil )alue on the land and negotiate the ro)ision there of a !i6ed de)elo !ent of affordable ro erties$ This idea is e6 lored further in Se"tion A$<$;$ The ri)ate rental se"tor has gro&n &ith student de!and and has been en"ouraged by the attra"ti)eness of buy to let arrange!ents$ O)er re"ent years the nu!ber of rented ro erties in the ri)ate se"tor has risen ri!arily, if not entirely, to !eet student de!and$ Whilst student o""u an"y is e6tre!ely high in the "entral Conser)ation Area, it has also risen else&here in the to&n, &ith a "onsequential redu"tion in otentially affordable flats and houses$ It is sur rising that the lo"al authority lanning ro"ess a ears not to ha)e e6 li"itly in"or orated the !assi)e i! a"t of student a""o!!odation in its assess!ent of housing needs in St Andre&s$ This !ay be be"ause .ife Coun"il#s thin+ing is !ainly dire"ted at the *HSA, thus erha s di)erting attention fro! the s e"ifi" affordable housing needs in the to&n itself$ A shar er fo"us on the to&n#s needs &ould ay di)idends$

S"ottish 0lanning 0oli"y ;3%3 as refle"ted in 0lanning Ad)i"e Note ;@;3%3 'Affordable Housing and Housing *and Audits($ =;


Affordable Housing

The Uni)ersity has stated its intent to ro)ide :33 !ore ur ose8built student beds, but has yet to announ"e a referred lo"ation or set a ti!etable$ More i!!ediately, u to =A3 students# beds !ay arise fro! ri)ate de)elo !ents and these, together &ith the ro osed Uni)ersity8 ro)ided a""o!!odation should redu"e de!and on the ri)ate rented !ar+et and "ould gi)e rise to an in"rease in the a)ailability of affordable units 'see Se"tions C$1$;$ and A$<$<$($ 5.5. $e" issues and ho to address the% ....+. %arket forces With high house ri"es and ri)ate rental "harges, affordability of housing is a +ey roble! for St Andre&s$ O)er se)eral years the a)ailability of affordable housing de"lined as house ri"es in"reased and it has be"o!e in"reasingly diffi"ult for those &ishing to ur"hase for the first ti!e or to rent ri)ately$ 5ehind all of this lie !ar+et for"es &hi"h are the +ey dri)ers in the housing !ar+et and &ill tend to !aintain or in"rease ri"es until there is a sur lus of ro erty on the lo"al !ar+et$ The a)ailability of affordable houses for ur"hase has also been reEudi"ed by the effe"ts of the re"ession on housing de)elo ers and this &ill in turn i! a"t on their ability or &illingness to i! le!ent de)elo !ent lans in)ol)ing lanning obligation &hi"h for! so i! ortant a art of go)ern!ent and *A lans to ro)ide affordable housing$ So"ial renting should lay so!e art, but hel to buy# !ortgage s"he!es are unli+ely to in"rease the su ly of affordable housing$ As noted abo)e, the situation des"ribed in the HN/A indi"ates that house ur"hase in St Andre&s is unaffordable for !any and St Andre&s is ran+ed first in o)erall riority for affordable housing$ It is reco%%ended that .ife Coun"il ta+e ste s to i! ro)e Eoint efforts by the lo"al authority, de)elo ers, 4S*s and ri)ate landlords to de)ise inno)ati)e !eans of ro)iding affordable housing for rent or ur"hase, and to ensure that in"enti)es are ro)ided for de)elo ers and housing asso"iations through subsidy to !a+e sure that ro)ision of affordable housing is a"tually a"hie)ed$ ....). "lanning and housing polic The in"lusion of the to&n of St Andre&s in a *HSA &hi"h in)ol)es other settle!ents !a+es it diffi"ult to analyse effe"ti)ely the osition in St Andre&s and address those needs that are s e"ifi" to the to&n$ St Andre&s is designated a 0ressured Area but this has not resulted in any affordable houses being built in St Andre&s sin"e ;33C$ 0ressured Area Status only see!s to !ean effe"ti)ely that the 4ight to 5uy "oun"il housing in the to&n is restri"ted$ .ife Coun"il#s lanning and housing oli"y has not thus far resol)ed the need and de!and for affordable housing in St Andre&s, nor has there been any ro!ise of subsidised housing in any de)elo !ent$ All this is e6a"erbated by the i! a"t of student o""u an"y of ro erty es e"ially in the "entre of St Andre&s$ It is insuffi"ient to atte! t to !itigate the roble!s in the to&n by referen"e to ro)ision in the &ider area of the *HSA, and this !erely a)oids fa"ing u to the realities &ithin the to&n itself$ /ire"t in)est!ent, both 4S* and .C, has o""urred else&here in .ife, but not in St Andre&s, &here there a ears to be a relian"e on future deli)ery of affordable housing through lanning obligation at Abbey 0ar+ and St Andre&s West, albeit o)er ;3 years$ As noted in Se"tion :$<$;$ abo)e, the Coun"il#s "on"lusion a ears to be that the need is best !et through unsubsidised affordable housing$ This see!s to send the signal that as there a ears to be "o! arati)e &ealth in the area, it "an generally loo+ after itself and that &here resour"es are a)ailable, su"h as through S"ottish Go)ern!ent initiati)es, they should be allo"ated else&here in .ife$



Affordable Housing

It is reco%%ended that .ife Coun"il "ondu"t an e6a!ination of needs in St Andre&s and "reate a housing strategy for the to&n$ This e6a!ination should '%( address urgently the shortage of affordable housing 'in"luding houses for so"ial renting( and ';( "onsider student a""o!!odation needs, &ith "lear state!ents on both the a!ount of rented ro erty in the to&n 'in"luding ossible o)er ro)ision( and a definition of &hat is !eant in the St Andre&s "onte6t by the ter! balan"ed and !i6ed "o!!unity#$ In the !eanti!e the <3D lanning obligation should re!ain in la"e but &ith a re aredness to be fle6ible and i!aginati)e in see+ing to dri)e for&ard the a"tual ro)ision of ne& affordable housing$ The absen"e of subsidy for the ro)ision of affordable housing through ri)ate de)elo !ents should be re8"onsidered$ ....>. Land availabilit The *o"al 0lan identifies land for ri)ate housing de)elo !ent, arti"ularly -ones of St Andre&s West and this should "ontribute to the affordable housing su ly$ This e6 ansion is long8ter! and, gi)en its relian"e on agree!ent and in"enti)e a!ong )arious lando&ners and de)elo ers, and "urrent finan"ial "onstraints, !ay not be started any ti!e in the near future$ There are )ery fe& bro&nfield sites in St Andre&s and these ha)e already been identified by .ife Coun"il$ It is reco%%ended that ubli"ly8o&ned land &hi"h is sur lus, or li+ely to be"o!e sur lus, to the needs of ubli" authorities should, if suitable, be ear!ar+ed for the ro)ision of affordable housing, arti"ularly so"ial renting 8 for e6a! le, the >ilry!ont s"hool "a! us, assu!ing that a ne& Madras College &ill be ro)ided at a different lo"ation, in due "ourse$ ....@. Student accommodation needs A large ro ortion of ri)ately rented d&ellings, !any of the! HMO8li"ensed, arti"ularly in the to&n "entre of St Andre&s, are let to students$ Many of the )ie&s e6 ressed to the Co!!ission highlighted the effe"t this has had in "reating an i!balan"ed "o!!unity$ 0lanning er!ission has been granted to one a li"ation for ur ose8built student a""o!!odation and a further t&o ro osals are being "onsidered$ These &ould in"rease the nu!ber of beds a)ailable solely for students and i! a"t on the need for HMOs and other ri)ate rental housing$ *essened de!and fro! students should !oderate or e)en redu"e rental "harges, &hi"h in re"ent years ha)e been seen by students and others as ainfully high, and en"ourage ro erty sales so!e of &hi"h &ill return to o&ner o""u ation$ It is reco%%ended that the de)elo !ent of ur ose8built student a""o!!odation both fro! the Uni)ersity and the ri)ate se"tor be en"ouraged and &el"o!ed$ ...... Local opposition to development There is a great deal of interest in St Andre&s fro! &ithin the lo"al "o!!unity &hi"h is to be &el"o!ed$ Ho&e)er, a degree of "onfli"t "an arise bet&een "o!!unity re resentati)es, .ife Coun"il and the Uni)ersity and result in o osition to ro osals &hi"h !ight benefit the to&n as a &hole and address the need for affordable housing$ There is a require!ent for "onstru"ti)e dialogue to rea"h a "onsensus and re"on"ile differen"es thus enabling rogress in addressing issues to be ta+en for&ard &ith the ba"+ing of all$ It is reco%%ended that .ife Coun"il &or+s "losely &ith lo"al sta+eholders to de)ise a !utually a""e table fra!e&or+ for identifying and !anaging roble!s before they be"o!e !aEor issuesB it is "riti"al that any su"h fra!e&or+ fa"ilitates the deli)ery of solutions &hi"h "an, for e6a! le, ro)ide ne& affordable housing on a !u"h shorter ti!e s"ale than "urrently a ears li+ely$



Student Accommodation

6. Student Accommodation
6.1. Introduction The need for student accommodation in St Andrews places demands on housing that appear to e uni!ue in Scotland" Certainl#$ the situation displa#ed in Ta le %"&" elow shows the percentage of students in the town's population ()*+, as almost twice that of Stirling (-%+, and four or more times that of the other Scottish uni.ersit# cities"
Table 6.1. Student population in Scottish towns
Town / it! Total "opulation #$%%& estimates' Student "opulation #$%11' #Total (ull)time under*raduate and post*raduate students' *$*%0 /$%)1 -&$*2% )*$&00 &)$)/0 10$&11 2$)00 Students as a "roportion o( the "opulation )%"1 -1"% &&"3 &0") &0"/"% *"*

St Andrews &%$%/0 Stirling 22$*&0 A erdeen &/2$020 4din urgh )1)$-/0 5undee &)-$0*0 Glasgow 1/&$2-0 In.erness ))$--0 Source6 Jeremy Leach Research Ltd, 2012

5uring teaching semesters$ the student population represents nearl# half of the total population of the town and$ while the Uni.ersit# pro.ides accommodation for large num ers of undergraduates$ the demand for student accommodation in the pri.ate housing mar7et is considera le" This has led to high concentrations of student occupanc#$ particularl# in the centre of the town$ where studentification & is of concern" The ma8orit# of student accommodation is in 9housing in multiple occupation' (HMOs,$ that is$ properties with three or more tenants who share 7itchen and athroom facilities (see also Section %")"," The Uni.ersit# is # far the iggest HMO:licensed pro.ider$ since its halls of residence are su 8ect to HMO regulation$ ut there is also su stantial pro.ision in the pri.atel# rented sector" A moratorium on new HMOs in the central Conser.ation Area - is currentl# in operation following lo #ing # local interest groups and residents" 6.$. Student numbers In see7ing to count student num ers it must e recognised that$ in addition to full:time and part:time undergraduates and postgraduates$ the Uni.ersit# accepts students for distance learning and e.ening classes as well as 9.isiting students' (some of whom are present for one semester$ others for the whole academic #ear,; also$ that some students discontinue their studies at .ar#ing points during the academic #ear" Statistics on student num ers can thus .ar# depending upon which student groups are included and on the time during the academic #ear when data are collected" Statistical data on the student population in St Andrews should e a.aila le from census records"$ during the -00& Census there was some misallocation etween data <ones and the num ers a.aila le are not relia le; the -0&& Census data are not #et a.aila le"

& -

See Sections %")" and %"1" See Appendi= A")" for a map of the central Conser.ation Area oundaries" )1


Student Accommodation

The Higher 4ducation Statistics Agenc# (H4SA, pu lishes regular reports on student num ers ased on information pro.ided # each uni.ersit#" Ta le %"-" shows a wide apparent discrepanc# etween H4SA and Uni.ersit# num ers$ the discrepanc# due to the latter including onl# those on degree courses" The num ers are all thought to e accurate$ ut the wa# in which H4SA collects and pu lishes data ensures that its count is alwa#s higher than the Uni.ersit#'s" The data pu lished # H4SA show the total num er of students participating in an# credit: earing programme regardless of residence$ and some indi.iduals ma# e recorded more than once$ thus rise to some dou le counting" The Uni.ersit# maintains a comprehensi.e data ase of student num ers and its records of students stud#ing in St Andrews are regarded as more appropriate to the needs of this stud# than the H4SA data and a good first appro=imation of the num ers needing accommodation in St Andrews" It should e noted$$ that in -0&->-0&2 .isiting students totalled 213 ()) for the whole #ear; 2&1 for a semester,$ a few of whom ma# e e=cluded from the total shown in Ta le %"-"
Table 6.$. Student numbers ) +ariation dependin* on source o( in(ormation
,ESA $%%1/%$ Num er of Undergraduates Num er of @ostgraduates Totals ?>time @>time Totals ?>time @>time Totals 5ata not A.aila le -/-.0 St Andrews $%%1/%$ 1$2*1 &00 1$)*1 *21 -31 &$020 6/0%0 ,ESA $%%6/%1$/*1 &$0%1 %$3)0 &$121 )30 -$0-1 &/160 St Andrews $%%6/%1$*0& &21$/22 &$0)&*% &$-&/ -/%01 ,ESA $%11/1$ %$%00 &$-00 *$*31 &$%)0 )&1 -$011 1/&0% St Andrews $%1$/1. %$&0&&/ %$--0 &$12) &&1 &$%)3 -/&61

Sources6 Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA); Uni ersity o! St Andre"s

In terms of rele.ance to the present stud#$ distance learning and part:time students ha.e little if an# impact on the local housing mar7et; full:time undergraduates and postgraduates who need accommodation in$ or at least eas# access to$ the town are 7e#" It is possi le that some part:time students ma# need accommodation though the# are more li7el# to ha.e accommodation alread# and$ of course$ some full:time students ma# ha.e li.ed in St Andrews for #ears" The Uni.ersit#'s Academic Aegistr# has confirmed that total full:time student num ers in -0&->&2 were *$1/-$ of whom %$0*& were undergraduates and &$1&& postgraduates; these num ers are included in Ta le %"2" elow"2 Uni.ersit# data on student num ers include 9onl# those part:time students on degree:see7ing programmes and those who are ph#sicall# registered for degree:awarding stud# here in St Andrews" The# are intended to gi.e as accurate a picture as possi le of the actual num er of human eings registered$ stud#ing and here full:time$ or pursuing a part:time degree course'" ) Bust as it is important to understand student num ers at an# point in time$ so it is .ital to consider historical growth in num ers recent #ears and the impact of such growth on the town" The growth in undergraduate num ers has een relati.el# stead#$ from around 1$000 in &33/>33 to around %$&00 in -0&->&2 (with a lip in -00)>01 when the Uni.ersit# recruited more students than planned, : a growth of --+ the period" @ostgraduate student num ers ha.e increased the same period from a out 300 to &100 (%%+," See Ta le %"2"

2 )

The .ariation in Uni.ersit# data pro.ided in Ta les %"-" and %"2" is most pro a l# related to the timing of data collection" @ersonal communication$ Niall Scott$ 5irector of Corporate Communications$ Uni.ersit# of St Andrews" )%


Table 6... 2rowth in student numbers 111&/11 ) $%1$/1. #3ull)time students re*istered (or de*ree pro*rammes'
Academic 4ear 5nder*raduates &33/>33 )$3*/ &333>00 1$0*/ -000>0& 1$&%2 -00&>01$1/& -00->02 1$10/ -002>0) 1$)0/ -00)>01 %$0)-001>0% 1$*/0 -00%>0* 1$*)% -00*>0/ 1$*1* -00/>03 %$0&2 -003>&0 %$0-2 -0&0>&& %$0-) -0&&>&%$&%3 -0&->&2 %$0*& Source6 Academic Registry, Uni ersity o! St Andre"s "ost*raduates 300 3&& 3&1 &$002 &$00) &$0%1 &$02& &$0-/ &$012 &$03& &$-23 &$)%) &$*0% &$%0% &$1&&

Student Accommodation

Total 3ull)time Students 1$/*/ 1$3/3 %$0*/ %$1/) %$1&%$)*2 *$0*2 %$/0/ %$*33 %$/)/ *$-1*$)/* *$*20 *$**1 *$1/-

The Uni.ersit# has indicated that at present it has no plans to increase Scottish or 4U undergraduate num ers;$ a recent go.ernment initiati.e on wider access ma# affect num ers slightl# and .ariations ma# also occur as a conse!uence of factors such as changes in Scottish Go.ernment funding or admissions policies" Increases in postgraduate num ers # appro=imatel# 210 are$$ anticipated the ne=t few #ears" The legitimate aspirations of the Uni.ersit# to maintain and enhance its academic reputation and world status suggest that in the coming decade further e=pansion of oth student num ers and academic staff might occur" 6... urrent student accommodation

#$%$1$ Uni ersity&'ro ided or administered accommodation The Uni.ersit# currentl# pro.ides accommodation in its halls of residence for a out 2$/00 students" Occupanc# rates are generall# maintained at a out 3/+ to allow for some operational fle=i ilit# although in -0&->&2 there were onl# 2$130 students in halls of residence due to a student recruitment anomal# (two large halls had occupancies of *%+ and /1+ respecti.el#," ?or -0&2>&)$ occupanc# has returned to normal$ with a - : 2+ le.el of .acancies" The Uni.ersit# guarantees accommodation in halls of residence for all first #ear students who wish it and it is worth noting that student demand for this accommodation is such that$ out of all returning students re!uesting Uni.ersit# accommodation$ onl# ten out of fifteen can secure places (this input from the Students' Association has een confirmed # the Uni.ersit# to e an ade!uate estimate$ though su 8ect to #ear:on:#ear .ariation," The Uni.ersit# thus pro.ides student accommodation in halls of residence for close to 10+ of total student num ers" In addition$ the Uni.ersit# directl# leases 1* properties in the pri.ate sector; these houses > flats in St Andrews ha.e a capacit# for a further &)2 students" Ta le %")" displa#s a growth in Uni.ersit#:owned > administered accommodation of around -0+ the past decade$ largel# reflecting e=pansion of Aussell Apartments"
Table 6.6. Student accommodation mana*ed b! the 5ni+ersit! o( St Andrews
$%%$/%. Students in Halls of Aesidence + of Students in Halls of Aesidence Students in Uni.ersit# Administered Houses > ?lats Source6 Uni ersity o! St Andre"s 2$&%& )/"1 c" &)0 )* $%%6/%2$1-0 1&"/ c" &10 $%11/1$ 2$/&) )3"& c" &10 $%1$/1. 2$130 )*"2 &)2 $%1./16 #estimate' 2$*// n>a &)2

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING #$%$2$ (ri ate rented accommodation

Student Accommodation

4.en with so su stantial a percentage of students pro.ided for in Uni.ersit#:owned or administered accommodation$ the local housing mar7et has to cope with large num ers of students (perhaps as man# as 2$/00, and it is undou ted$ therefore$ that student needs are a significant factor influencing the pri.ate rental sector of the mar7et$ particularl# in the centre of town$ although there are also significant num ers of rental properties (HMO:licensed and otherwise, outside the central area (see Section %"1"2"," Statistics relating to the o.erall rental housing sector in St Andrews must e treated with caution$ ecause data can change from da# to da# and some pu licl# a.aila le data call for careful anal#sis" ?ife Council's online Candlord Aegistration data$ accessed on &3th Bune -0&2$ indicated that there were -$)2- rented properties in the town$ of which 312 were HMO:licensed; 1 it also indicated that there were -$1&- landlords renting properties in St Andrews" 5emand is elie.ed to ha.e e=ceeded suppl# in recent #ears$ although in the past twel.e months or so it is understood that a small num er of properties were not let or had to reduce rent to secure a tenant" Whilst the operation of an# housing mar7et is comple= and su 8ect to man# influences$ local$ national and glo al$ the high student:led demand for rented accommodation in St Andrews has had a ma8or effect on the local propert# mar7et and$ in particular6 It has in all pro a ilit#$ along with other issues$ tended to push up propert# purchase prices ecause rental opportunities ha.e een seen as commerciall# attracti.e (although propert# prices are also affected # those purchasing homes for holida# or retirement accommodation or # incoming Uni.ersit# staff,; It has encouraged the u# to let mar7et$ thus reducing the num er of properties$ especiall# in the centre of the town$ a.aila le to those intending to e longer term residents; It has stimulated the growth of HMO properties such that the# ha.e ecome a particular focus of concern from oth long term and newer residents" @ricing in the whole of the pri.ate rental sector is principall# dri.en # suppl# and demand and is not presentl# su 8ect to regulation" The part of the pri.ate rental sector that is go.erned # HMO regulations is also dri.en # the mar7et as far as prices are concerned$ with some students that the situation is e=acer ated # 9rapacious' landlords$ ut is at least su 8ect to some !ualit# control if licensing and su se!uent policing and enforcement is rigorous" A.aila ilit# and price considerations ha.e dri.en some students to see7 accommodation outside St Andrews : in the coastal .illages of south east ?ife and 5undee" Of concern from the Uni.ersit#'s perspecti.e is the suggestion from the Students' Association that some prospecti.e students re8ect St Andrews as a place of stud# ecause of its high accommodation costs" Anecdotal e.idence suggests that some HMO accommodation was left unoccupied in the academic #ear -0&->&2" #$%$%$ )ther student accommodation Whilst Uni.ersit# and pri.ate rental properties pro.ide the .ast ma8orit# of student accommodation$ a num er of students li.e in famil#:owned houses > flats" In some cases$ wealth# parents ha.e ought propert# for the use of their student children; sometimes$ it seems$ at a significant premium the mar7et price" Such arrangements are elie.ed to represent so small a part of the student accommodation that the# will not e considered further although the# ma# ha.e pla#ed a modest role in sustaining high propert# prices in the town"

Anal#sis of the HMO @u lic Aegister # the Commission$ using the methodolog# set out in Section -"1")"$ identifies 13* pri.ate and 211 Uni.ersit# licensed HMOs (see also Ta le %"1"," )/

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 6.6. Studenti(ication7 an o+er+iew

Student Accommodation

Studenti!ication* +,he 'rocess -y "hich s'eci!ic neigh-ourhoods -ecome dominated -y student residentia. occu'ation/$ #$0$1$ 1ntroduction Studentification is a phenomenon which has een widel# recognised # uni.ersities and go.ernment$ oth local and national" Three pu lications (see elow, ha.e een the principal sources of information for this rief report" 6 Almost all the uni.ersities studied in these documents are significantl# larger than the Uni.ersit# of St Andrews and are located in towns man# times larger that St Andrews; nonetheless$ the situations arising from large student num ers in specific residential areas of such large towns are .er# similar to those e=perienced locall#" #$0$2$ ,he cha..enges o! -eing a uni ersity to"n It is important to recognise that the presence of a uni.ersit# rings great enefit to an# town" Sociall!$ student .olunteering can ma7e a positi.e contri ution to man# aspects of a town's life$ whilst fundraising can ring enefits to local$ national and international charities" ulturall!$ students can ring an international > cosmopolitan feel to the town and create a critical mass and demand for cultural e.ents" Student music$ theatre and art can ha.e ma8or positi.e impacts on the wider communit#" "h!sicall!$ higher propert# prices ma# pro.ide an incenti.e for upgrading properties which might otherwise languish in a neglected state or remain empt#" Some older properties ma# recei.e considera le in.estment # pri.ate landlords$ thus prolonging their life" Carge num ers of #oung people can ma7e town centres more .i rant" Economicall!$ goods purchased locall# # students ma7e a significant contri ution to the local econom# and ma# ensure the .ia ilit# of some local usinesses" Students also constitute a useful pool of fle=i le$ part:time la our and$ in due course$ a suppl# of graduate wor7force" Con.ersel#$ student communities present numerous challenges that need to e recognised and managed" Sociall!$ there can e an increase in low:le.el anti:social eha.iour" Aesidents ma# feel pressure to mo.e to a.oid ecoming marginalised and isolated as permanent residents" @ri.ate rental accommodation will e su 8ect to increased competition" More night time ma# ha.e a detrimental effect on local amenit#" ulturall!$ increases in HMO properties in what were formerl# owner:occupied$ famil# areas change the nature of communities and the a.aila ilit# of famil# homes can e pre8udiced" Transient (student, occupation is li7el# to decrease communit# integration and cohesion$ with a parallel disincenti.e to self: policing" 5iffering perceptions of what is accepta le eha.iour and communal o ligations can lead to friction" There ma# e lifest#le difficulties : late night student culture can distur children and wor7ing people" "h!sicall!$ there ma# e a reduction in the !ualit# of housing stoc7 and neglect of the e=ternal appearance of properties and gardens due to lac7 of in.estment # (a sentee, landlords" There is li7el# to e increased population densit# and increased pressure on ser.ices (policing$ cleansing$ highwa#s$ planning$ pu lic transport," There ma# e an increase in on:street par7ing and in s!ualor (litter$ refuse,$ the latter due perhaps to shortcomings in infrastructure$ lac7 of awareness of collection arrangements and different perceptions of what is tolera le" Noise pollution can e a ma8or nuisance"

See Smith (-001,$ Uni.ersities UD (-00%, and Hu ard (-00/, )3


Student Accommodation

Economicall!$ high demand for student housing and the nature of the pri.ate rental sector tend to increase house prices and defer access to the housing ladder for other sections of the communit#" High concentrations of students in particular streets can persuade owner:occupiers to sell to pri.ate student landlords$ hastening the mo.e towards Estudent ghettosF" Certain retail outlets ma# change their stoc7s to focus on student demand$ whilst others ma# fail and re:appear as cafGs$ coffee shops or ta7eawa#s" #$0$%$ ,he cha..enges o! studenti!ication and H2) .icensing In uni.ersit# towns around the UD the effect of high concentrations of students on local communities has een the focus of some concern since the &3/0s" Concern has grown as uni.ersities ha.e e=panded and$ more recentl#$ there is e.idence that local authorities are tr#ing to find wa#s of mitigating the conse!uences of high densit# of student population for the communit#" The proliferation of houses in multiple occupation has een lin7ed to studentification # man# local authorities and hence control of the licensing process is seen as a possi le tool for managing the situation" It is clear that emotions often run high$ with long:term residents see7ing to protect the area in which the# li.e$ while students wish to e a le to li.e the# wish and see controls as an assault on their freedom of choice" In small towns$ uni.ersities can ha.e a particularl# harsh impact on townspeople and neigh ouring communities" Treforest$ for e=ample$ has ecome a student dormitor# for the Uni.ersit# of Glamorgan; 9it is estimated that &$000 of the town's &$100 houses are now rented out to multiple occupants$ with the .ast ma8orit# housing #oung people stud#ing at the neigh ouring Uni.ersit# of Glamorgan"'* A er#stw#th$ with a population in -0&& of &2$000 to &3$000 (depending on where the oundar# is drawn,$ had around /$000 full:time students and %*+ of all housing in the town was said to e HMOs" In large towns$ pro lems arise in areas fa.oured # students : mainl# ecause of pro=imit# to the uni.ersit#" Ceeds is a good e=ample$ where the ward of Headingle# has ecome dominated # students" According to the Ceeds HMO Co # /$ students comprised a out -0+ of the population of Headingle# in &33&; # -00&$ this had risen to %&+" In South Headingle# (7nown also as H#de @ar7, an area of a !uarter:s!uare mile houses &0$000 people$ of whom two thirds are students" Man# other towns ha.e pro lems relating to high student populations$ particularl# in areas close to the Uni.ersit#6 Cardiff$ Hull$ Cough orough$ Manchester and Nottingham are some of those reporting difficulties" Concerns ha.e een raised a out the creation of un alanced communities due to such high concentrations of HMOs; an All:@art# Group of the UD @arliament 3 has studied the situation and there ha.e een a num er of de ates on the topic$ including a session of the Hac7 ench Husiness Committee on &/ No.em er -0&0 &0$ which focused on pro lems in Cough orough$ ut also touched on matters in Hournemouth and Nottingham" The effects of HMO concentrations on local communities are eing studied widel# and the National HMO Co #$ a networ7 of local communit# associations esta lished in -000$ has pu lished an interesting report : 9Halanced Communities I Studentification$ @ro lems and Solutions'$ -00/ &&" Glasgow Cit# Council has conducted a widespread consultation and is due to report its findings shortl#," ?ife Council is currentl# underta7ing a re.iew of HMOs and its polic#"
* / 3



Wales Online$ -& ?e ruar# -00/ (3"""$"a.eson.ine$co$u45ne"s5""s5to"n&groans&student&housing&gro"s&2167#869, Ceeds HMO Co # (3htt'*55hmo.o--y$org$u45.eeds5inde:$htm9, with lin7s$ also$ to the National HMO Co # All:@art# @arliamentar# Halanced and Sustaina le Communities Group" ?urther information is a.aila le at6 3htt'*55"""$'u-.ications$'ar.iament$u45'a5cm5cma..'arty5:register5-a.anced&and&sustaina-.e&communities$htm9 A transcript of the de ate held in Westminster Hall on &/ No.em er -0&0 can e read at6 3htt'*55"""$they"or4!oryou$com5"ha..5;id<2010&11&1=-$%06$0>s<?2=Lough-orough?26@2010&10&20$$201%&11&0#Ag%06$19 9Halanced Communities I Studentification$ @ro lems and Solutions'$ -00/ ( 3htt'*55hmo.o--y$org$$'d!9, 10


Student Accommodation

Whilst studentification is widespread and has een an identified phenomenon for man# #ears$ attempts to control the situation so far appear to ha.e een unsuccessful" There ha.e een attempts to appl# management .ia controls on HMOs or other means such as Section ) 5irections (in 4ngland,$ ut so far with little e.idence of success" HMO licensing in 4ngland is not as stringent as it is in Scotland; legislation was introduced there in -0&0 which re!uired planning permission to e o tained for HMO properties ut an amendment in -0&& rescinded this need" Milton De#nes$ supported # O=ford and Newcastle$ sought a 8udicial re.iew on the asis that the prior consultation had een inade!uate$ ut this was refused" The three local authorities had een tr#ing to gain some further control the proliferation of HMO properties whilst the go.ernment too7 the .iew that it was more important to a.oid increased regulation of rented propert#" In Scotland$ HMO regulation is !uite stringent compared with that south of the order$ ut there are still serious studentification pro lems" Hoth Glasgow Cit# Council and A erdeen Cit# Council ha.e underta7en consultation on HMO o.erpro.ision ut the outcome of neither is 7nown" 5undee$ perhaps uni!uel#$ adopted a polic# on HMO o.erpro.ision in -00/" It does not appl# to the cit# centre area$ renewal of licences and new: uild$ purpose: uilt HMO accommodation such as student residences$ and de.elopments co.ered # Section *1 agreements" ?ife Council has not #et proposed a polic# co.ering HMO o.erpro.ision$ ut it responded to the concerns of residents' associations and others in St Andrews # imposing a moratorium on new HMOs in the central Conser.ation Area" The Council has also emphasised its readiness to wor7 with all sta7eholders to see7 etter mutual understanding and means of pro lems" The 5undee regulation regards an#thing &-"1+ HMO properties in an# COA (Census Output Area,&- as o.erpro.ision" The e=isting pro.ision of HMO accommodation (mainl# for students, in man# areas around the UD su stantiall# e=ceeds this le.el and it is difficult to see how it might e possi le to manage high le.els of student occupanc# ac7 to what man# would consider 9 alanced and sustaina le le.els'" No:one has #et found a solution to the inter:related pro lems of HMOs and studentification" Man# spea7 of the need for the .arious elements in a communit# to wor7 together if a solution is to e found" Bocel#n 5a.ies AM$ a former Welsh 5eput# Minister for Housing$ inter.iewed a out student communities displacing local communities in areas of Cardiff$ Treforest$ Swansea$ A er#stw#th and Hangor said$ 9Aesidents in areas where there are high num ers of student properties need to wor7 in partnership with their local authorit# and the uni.ersit# in !uestion on the matters at issue" It is onl# through effecti.e partnership that solutions to pro lems in these areas will e found"' &2 4as# to sa#$ ut less eas# to put into effecti.e practice" All parties : the uni.ersit# and its students$ the long term residents$ de.elopers$ landlords : ha.e legitimate interests which will e in conflict to a greater or lesser e=tent from time to time and consensus is unli7el# to e eas#" #$0$0$ Res'onding to the cha..enges Strate*icall!$ uni.ersities must ecome aware of the issue of studentification and of an# negati.e impacts which ma# e occurring" In partnership with other sta7eholders$ uni.ersities should also recognise their responsi ilities towards the esta lished residential communities in which their students li.e and address the difficulties which ma# arise # see7ing to influence positi.el# the off:campus eha.iour of students" The local authorit# can$ in some circumstances$ act as pi.otal Eneutral ro7ersF ut in an# case has an important role in$ for e=ample$ wor7ing with uni.ersities and other sta7eholders to ensure that e=isting legislati.e and regulator# powers are used effecti.el# to address the challenges of studentification" The local authorit# can also ensure that student housing needs are ta7en into account when o.erall housing polic# is esta lished or re.iewed; throughout the UD it seems that such needs ha.e een generall# e=cluded from local housing strategies"


The Census Output Area (COA, ma# .ar# from one local authorit# to another" In 5undee the target COA is 10 households and the minimum le.el is -0 households" Wales Online$ -& ?e ruar# -00/ (3"""$"a.eson.ine$co$u45ne"s5""s5to"n&groans&student&housing&gro"s&2167#869, 1&


Student Accommodation

Crucial to the management of studentification is partnership wor7ing and open and clear communication etween 7e# sta7eholders" The esta lishment of a common .ision as a asis for partnership wor7ing$ whilst not eas#$ is worth for" Is the notion of a E alanced communit#F something that can e agreed etween all sta7eholdersJ 8ocal initiati+es can e of considera le .alue in addressing oth road issues and challenges specific to a particular uni.ersit#" 5oes the uni.ersit# ha.e a student housing strateg# at all$ let alone one that considers the alance etween halls of residence$ pri.ate rented accommodation and$ importantl#$ student preferencesJ Is such a strateg# shared with the local authorit# and other sta7eholdersJ 5oes the uni.ersit# ha.e a Communit# Aelations Manager accounta le for the management of studentification matters : do 7e# sta7eholders 7now the identit# such an indi.idualJ Might the esta lishment of an accommodation ureau$ perhaps 8ointl# # the uni.ersit# and the student union$ e helpfulJ Such a ureau could e a Eone:stop shopF for student accommodation$ handling accredited properties and potentiall# monitoring$ in partnership with the local authorit#$ the !ualit# and safet# of accommodation" Other might include the creation of a student housing hand oo7 and guide$ the promotion of good neigh ourliness and the esta lishment of codes of eha.iour" &) #$0$8$ Bonc.usions The 7e# findings of a -00% Uni.ersities UD pu lication elow are worth summarising6 &" There is little e.idence to sa# definiti.el# Ewhat wor7sF in addressing EstudentificationF challenges; -" Uni.ersities and local authorities should ta7e into account the needs and welfare of oth students and esta lished residential communities; 2" @artnership wor7ing is the 7e# to addressing EstudentificationF challenges; )" 4ffecti.e communication channels etween different organisations and sta7eholders are essential" @rocesses to ensure formal dialogue are .er# important; 1" consensus demands respect$ transparenc# and trust etween sta7eholders; %" to address EstudentificationF must e sensiti.e to the local conte=t; *" Cearn from inno.ati.e practice in other uni.ersit# towns; /" All sta7eholders must recognise that there are oth positi.e and negati.e effects from increasing student num ers and these will e percei.ed differentl# # different groups; 3" Sharing of e=perience and practice ma# e useful" 6.0. Studenti(ication in St Andrews Studentification is particularl# .isi le in a small town li7e St Andrews where students ma7e up such a large percentage of the total population" It can gi.e rise to tensions etween the Uni.ersit# and the communit# of which it is a part and has no eas# solution" #$8$1$ ,he student 'resence Man# longer term residents in St Andrews sa# that the# en8o# the presence of students in the town" Students ring a welcome #outhfulness to the town's streets$ a considera le amount of usiness to shops$ pu s and restaurants and a range of cultural acti.ities$ man# of which are open to and en8o#ed # the wider pu lic" Without them the town loses a large part of its .italit#$ as e.idenced # a recent change in the Uni.ersit#'s calendar which left the town .irtuall# student:free during three or four wee7s in Banuar#; whilst some might ha.e found the town peaceful$ others felt uneas# ecause of the !uiet streets and others felt that the town centre was dull and lifeless"

The Uni.ersit# of St Andrews Sponsio Academica pro.ides a asis for de.eloping codes of eha.iour" See6 Khtt'*55"""$st&andre"s$ac$u45students5ru.es5conductdisci'.ine5conduct5 L 1-


Student Accommodation

Con.ersel#$ there are negati.e aspects to such a high percentage of students$ especiall# in the town centre" Student social acti.ities can e nois# and occur late at night distur ing other residents and$ occasionall#$ there can e damage to cars or other propert#" There can also e pro lems$ mainl# associated with high concentrations of students in shared accommodation; these are predominantl# HMO properties$ characterised # inade!uate arrangements for waste disposal and sometimes # poor propert# maintenance which is often associated with student occupied premises" (The latter$ where it occurs$ is generall# a matter for the landlord rather than an# fault of the students", Also$ locals in streets with high concentrations of students can feel o.erwhelmed # their presence in a .ariet# of wa#s ut can feel isolated and !uite uncomforta le when the# are a sent during .acations" #$8$2$ 1m'act on the community While for man#$ students are a large$ .alued and .ital part of the local communit#$ concern has ecome more .ocal in recent #ears regarding the .er# high concentration of student accommodation in the town's central Conser.ation Area" Studies # residents' associations suggest that student occupanc# e=ceeds /1+ in some streets" These associations fear that the centre of the town is no longer alanced and mi=ed" In response to such concerns a campaign was mounted # the Communit# Council$ the @reser.ation Trust and .arious residents' associations which succeeded in securing a moratorium on new HMOs in the central Conser.ation Area" Although under re.iew at the time of writing$ the moratorium will remain in place until -0&1 as it is adopted in the Cocal @lan" The Uni.ersit# and its students oppose the moratorium which is seen as ma7ing the ser.icing of student accommodation needs e.en more difficult" The Students' Association @resident$ in an address to the Ma# -0&2 AGM of the St Andrews @reser.ation Trust$ made this opposition !uite clear ut also recognised concerns relating to the population alance and sustaina ilit# of the town centre" The Uni.ersit# regarded the campaign which led to the HMO moratorium as an unhelpful stand:off etween acti.ists$ students and the Uni.ersit#" While the central Conser.ation Area is a housing location preferred # man# students$ it is not the onl# part of town under pressure" 5emand is such that student accommodation is esta lished in man# areas surrounding the centre" #$8$%$ Housing in mu.ti'.e occu'ation (H2)s) Housing in multiple occupation pro.ides accommodation for a wide range of tenants including$ importantl#$ students" Aented propert# re!uires an HMO licence if it contains three or more people who are not in a single famil# group ut who share toilet$ washing and 7itchen facilities" The licensing of properties for use as housing in multiple occupation re!uires landlords to satisf# ?ife Council regarding the suita ilit# of the premises for use as an HMO$ with particular reference to fire$ gas and electricit# safet#" HMO licensing is a positi.e tool to ensure asic standards and safet#$ pro.ided that pre: licensing and su se!uent inspections are ade!uate and that policing and enforcement are rigorous" Using the HMO @u lic Aegister re.ised up to 20 Bune -0&2 &1$ the latest a.aila le from ?ife Council's we site$ we ha.e anal#sed the num er of pri.atel# owned HMOs and the num er of occupants permitted for each of the town's &* data <ones (see Ta le %"1"," While HMOs are widespread$ *-+ of all HMOs are located in % contiguous data <ones in the centre of town (Dinness Hurn$ Town Centre$ The Scores$ Madras I St Ceonards$ North Haugh and A e# in order of densit#," The total num er of occupants permitted is -$))) (an a.erage of )"& per HMO," Assuming that the great ma8orit# of these are student residents this comprises appro=imatel# 2-+ of full:time undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled at the Uni.ersit# in -0&->&2"


See Section 2$8$0$ Bounting Housing in 2u.ti'.e )ccu'ation (H2)s) 12


Table 6.0. ,9:s b! data ;one #ran<ed b! = ,9: / dwellin*s'
Data >ones Dinness Hurn Town Centre The Scores Madras I St Ceonards North Haugh A e# Dinness Hurn West Dinness Hurn 4ast Dilr#mont I Canglands 4ast Sands Canglands West Dilr#mont 4ast Canongate Dilr#mont West Hallow Hill South Hallow Hill Cawhead I North an7 Total ,9: 8icences ?une $%1. /) *1 1) //0 11 )/ -/ &/ -0 &1 &3 && 2 & 01Dwellin*s $%%6 -2% --/ -*0 ))0 )1% 2)) 2-0 102 2)* )00 22/ 2)* -** 230 2)) -32 2/% 0/111 = ,9: / Dwellin*s 21"13 2-"/3 -0"00 &/"%) &*"1) &1"33 &1"00 1"1* 1"&3 1"00 )")) 2")% 2"-1 -"/0"/* 0"%/ 0"-% 1%.%1

Student Accommodation

:ccupants 223 -3-122/ 22-)) &31 &0% *& ** 11 )0 )0 )&& % ) $/666

Source6 Ci!e Bounci.Ds H2) (u-.ic Register (E2 201%)

Studentification has een recognised as a feature and potential pro lem of uni.ersit# towns for more than a decade and$ as noted a o.e$ the influence of HMO licensing on studentification has een widel# studied" What appears clear from the information alread# in the pu lic domain is that there is no simple wa# of addressing the issue of studentification$ and that the prospects of a successful outcome to an# detailed stud# is openness etween all sta7eholders$ a willingness to listen as well as tal7 and a preparedness to see7 compromise where necessar#" Whether or not the present HMO moratorium continues after -0&1$ it has succeeded in focussing attention on the studentification of central St Andrews" It is de ata le whether an# ongoing restriction on HMOs would e effecti.e in managing a mo.e towards a more alanced and sustaina le communit# in the central Conser.ation Area" This depends on whether or not non:students wish to li.e in the centre$ and also whether$ if an HMO licence were to e denied$ a landlord might see7 to di.ide up the accommodation into units housing no more than two students$ thus o .iating the need for an HMO licence" It should e orne in mind that there is alread# a su stantial suppl# of such smaller rental units and that an# estimate of student population densities ased solel# on HMO:licensed properties is li7el# to e significantl# elow the actual le.el" ?urther$ if a landlord has een denied a licence and wished to sell$ the propert# could e ought as holida# accommodation or as a retirement home" ma# happen$ it is clear that students find this part of town an attracti.e place to li.e and socialise and will continue to see7 accommodation there" Man# locals also li.e in the centre and wish to do so" It has een said that locals$ especiall# those with children$ would prefer to ha.e gardens and so would not wish to li.e in the Conser.ation Area$ ut there are in fact man# gardens in this area$ so man# locals might well prefer to li.e there if possi le$ in spite of widespread par7ing difficulties"


ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 6.6. @ualit! and cost o( student accommodation 16 #$#$1$ Eua.ity o! student accommodation*

Student Accommodation

?rom oth discussions with officers of the Students' Association and the responses to the Commission's !uestionnaire&* it is clear that Uni.ersit#:pro.ided or managed accommodation is generall# seen to ha.e good standards of !ualit# and maintenance" The SAC accommodation sur.e# in -0&->&2 (se e Appendi= A"-"&-", also indicated high le.els of satisfaction with Uni.ersit# accommodation" Were the Uni.ersit# to manage a greater num er of properties occupied # students$ this would e li7el# to ensure higher !ualit# and etter maintenance; this$ perhaps$ is a direction that the Uni.ersit# could e encouraged to de.elop" In the pri.ate rental sector$ the student e=perience is .aria le with significant num ers of complaints of poor accommodation$ ineffectual or a sent central heating$ limited insulation$ drafts and damp (sometimes including mould growing on internal walls," ?urther$ some responses to the !uestionnaire indicated that student:occupied houses tended to ha.e gardens which were not 7ept reasona l# tid# although this is normall# a tenant responsi ilit# unless otherwise agreed with the landlord" #$#$2$ Bost o! student accommodation Aents for Uni.ersit#:pro.ided accommodation ha.e increased as shown in Ta le %"%" elow"
Table 6.6. Rent char*es/ 5ni+ersit! accommodation1&
Rent har*ed $%%6/%$%11/1$ $%1$/1. $%1./16 est. Self:catered (e"g" ?ife @ar7, M1&"&& M%2"%) M%%"*) M%/"/3 Self:catered en:suite (e"g" 5AA, M&&2")* M&23"/* M&)%"*& M&1&"23 ?ull#:catered standard room (median rate, M&2&"1* M&%-"2* M&*0"2& M&*1"** Note6 Aent is per wee7 for a single room and includes heat$ light I power$ personal insurance$ telephone and data connection; Source6 Uni ersity o! St Andre"s

There is a wide range of rental charges in the pri.ate sector$ depending on location$ si<e and num ers sharing" Information from a local letting agent suggests a range from a out M&&0 to M&10 per person per wee7$ whilst a we : ased letting agenc# (Cettingwe "com, confirms that the top rate is around M&10 ut indicates that accommodation on the peripher# of the town ma# e a.aila le for less than M&00 per person per wee7" The students elie.e that$ in recent #ears$ rents ha.e increased # 1:&0+ per #ear &3" It should e orne in mind that tenants in these properties also ha.e to pa# heat$ light$ power and possi l# telephone charges" Student concern accommodation costs is perennial and will continue" In this conte=t$ the Uni.ersit#'s commitment to retain -1+ of its residential estate at more afforda le le.els of rent$ in line with cheaper accommodation elsewhere in the education sector$ is important to the student communit#" A num er of factors$ including recent steep rises in energ# costs$ will continue to impact on rent inflation"


&/ &3

(ostgraduate accommodation needs6 While some postgraduates (e"g" man# who are on taught courses, ma# e content with accommodation similar to that occupied # undergraduates$ others (and including those in sta le relationships, re!uire more space" This need forms part of a 8oint stud# underta7en # ?ife Council and the Uni.ersit# in -0&->&2 (see Section )"-")"n," Of the )2* !uestionnaire responses from students (2%* undergraduates and *0 postgraduates,6 &" Nirtuall# all considered house prices and rent charges to e too high in St Andrews; -" Bust half of students responding thought that there was sufficient CA and HA housing in the town; 2" /0+ of students felt that there was too little pri.atel# rented housing (including HMOs,; )" %)+ of undergraduates and 11+ of postgraduates elie.ed that there was under:pro.ision of Uni.ersit#:pro.ided accommodation; 1" )1+ of students saw the !ualit# of pri.atel# rented student accommodation as ade!uate$ while 21+ of undergraduates and )-+ of postgraduates thought it was poor" See Section 2"2"-" for comparisons with costs at other Scottish uni.ersities" Comments # Students' Association @resident on minute of meeting$ )th ?e ruar# -0&2" 11


Student Accommodation

The relationship$ if an#$ etween rents for Uni.ersit# accommodation and pri.ate sector rents is unclear" The latter will continue to e dri.en # mar7et forces$ significantl# influenced # student demand" 6.-. Inputs (rom sta<eholders #$7$1$ Ci!e Bounci.* The local authorit# recognises the Uni.ersit# to e of 7e# importance in ensuring that St Andrews deli.ers its planned performance as an economic of the ?ife econom#" In spite of the considera le impact of student re!uirements on the St Andrews housing mar7et the Council has not carried out an# assessment of student accommodation needs until the current stud#$ 8ointl# with the Uni.ersit#$ which is focused on accommodation needs connected with the Uni.ersit#'s research am itions" It recognises$$ in considering the town's o.erall housing situation$ the student re!uirement is an important factor" The Council is open to consideration of how to engage more effecti.el# with the town and how to esta lish openness and transparenc# with all interested parties" #$7$2$ ,he Roya. Furgh o! St Andre"s Bommunity Bounci.* The Communit# Council made no specific comments a out student housing ut is concerned a out the studentification of the town centre and did support the moratorium on HMOs" #$7$%$ Uni ersity o! St Andre"s* The pro.ision of new student accommodation the past decade has led to )1+ of the Uni.ersit#'s inde tedness eing housing:related" The Uni.ersit# that there should e a further Uni.ersit#: owned and > or managed pro.ision of 100 ed spaces for students in or near St Andrews to gi.e reasona le fle=i ilit# of choice to students and to allow for the decant when upgrading its current halls" There is currentl# no definite plan to secure such additional spaces$ though there is ongoing e=ploration of wa#s in which e=tra accommodation might e funded" The Uni.ersit# itself has said it has no funding to suppl# such spaces itself$ though it has tried hard to find solutions" The Uni.ersit# supports pro.ision of student accommodation # a third part# -0$ ut considers that an# such de.elopment ma# see7 a premium on rents to the detriment of student interests" In line with its intent to increase research$ the Uni.ersit#'s current priorit# is to secure housing for the additional 210 postgraduates planned the ne=t few #ears; this was one of the prime in ?ife Council and the Uni.ersit# esta lishing the Strategic Housing Wor7ing Group in -0&- (see Section )"-")"n," Unless new housing is uilt the planned e=pansion of the Uni.ersit#'s research acti.ities would e=ert$ in the medium > longer term$ considera le further pressure on St Andrews' housing$ e!ui.alent to &00 or more HMOs" #$7$0$ StudentsG Association* The Association is firml# against the HMO moratorium$ which it claims has dri.en more students to areas traditionall# occupied # families whilst doing nothing to decrease the popularit# of the town centre for students" It ma# ha.e dri.en town centre rents up e.en higher$ ut as #et there is no direct e.idence for this" It calls for strict enforcement of regulations on HMO properties and other properties with registered landlords" It has general concerns a out 9spiralling' costs and particular concerns a out the !ualit# of accommodation which is significantl# .aria le"

@lanning permission has een granted # the North 4ast ?ife Area Committee to the Wat7in Bones Group for purpose: uilt student accommodation at the site of the former Memorial Hospital" @lanning applications for new student flats ha.e also een lodged # Alumno 5e.elopments (4ast Sands, and # Ao ertson Homes$ who see7 a con.ersion of A e# @ar7" 1%


Student Accommodation

The Association understands that the Uni.ersit# is firml# committed to pro.iding an additional 100 ed spaces when funding and other arrangements permit and the demand from 9returning' students for Uni.ersit#:managed accommodation outstrips suppl# # a factor of &"1 to &; this is endorsed # the Uni.ersit#'s Aesidential I Husiness Ser.ices" Its popularit# stems from the relia ilit# of the landlord$ cleanliness of rooms$ short:lease periods$ catered options and 9hall spirit'" It strongl# supports the case for additional Uni.ersit#:managed accommodation" OIn an attempt to counter high rental costs$ the Students' Association at one uni.ersit# has$ with the support of e=ternal funding$ purchased two houses with a .iew to running them as$ thus reducing o.erall charges" While a helpful idea$ it is pro lematic in St Andrews ecause of the high prices of properties and the difficult# of finding a source of funding" The Students' Association might wish to e=plore this idea further$ although the scale of an# such .enture would pro a l# e rather modest and there would pro a l# e a conse!uential increase in HMO licensing"P #$7$8$ St Andre"s (reser ation ,rust* The Trust is strongl# in fa.our of the moratorium on new HMOs in the central Conser.ation Area and understands that it will continue in place at least until the ne=t re.iew of the Cocal @lan" It that the Uni.ersit# (or a third part#, should pro.ide more student accommodation$ possi l# in the Canglands area on Uni.ersit#:owned land ad8oining their pla#ing fields and Aussell Apartments" It strongl# opposed the proposal # Alumno 5e.elopments to uild on a site at the 4ast Sands on planning grounds that the scale and design of the new uildings were inappropriate to the site" #$7$#$ ResidentsG Associations* All the residents' associations strongl# supported the introduction of the moratorium on new HMOs in the town centre" The# elie.e that it has een effecti.e in stopping new HMOs in the centre of town" The# see that the le.el of student occupanc# in the town centre is alread# so high that a case could e made for there eing o.erpro.ision of HMO properties" The local authorit# alread# has powers to limit HMO licensing$ if appropriate$ on a street: #:street asis$ when it is persuaded that there is 9o.erpro.ision-& which endangers residential amenit#" The# suggest more pro:acti.e management of HMOs with rigorous enforcement of regulations and propose that e=perience elsewhere (Newcastle$ Ceeds$ Glasgow or 4din urgh, e studied and adapted to meet the needs of St Andrews" The residents' associations support the notion that there should e more purpose: uilt student accommodation$ ut awa# from the centre of town to a.oid further studentification there$ and suggest that inno.ati.e means of procuring such accommodation (e"g" in co:operation with a housing association, might pro.e useful" #$7$7$ )thers* Su missions were recei.ed from man# other groups and indi.iduals" The .iews e=pressed regarding student accommodation were generall# supporti.e of the student presence as part of the local communit# ut noted man# of the concerns outlined a o.e"


An information paper from a @AH Implementation Group Meeting (&& Octo er -0&&,$ considering HMO licensing$ planning permission and o.erpro.ision under the @ri.ate Aented Housing (Scotland, Act -0&&$ ma7es clear the road discretionar# powers a.aila le to local authorities" (3htt'*55"""$scot.and$go $u45Resource5Hoc5112850121=#0$'d!9 , 1*


Student Accommodation

Whilst num ers will dou tless fluctuate modestl# from #ear to #ear$ the Uni.ersit# has categoricall# stated that it at present has no plans to increase undergraduate num ers" It is similarl# clear that it plans to increase postgraduate num ers # some 210 the ne=t few #ears and this will place further pressure on an alread# difficult housing situation" 6.1. Ae! issues and how to address them #$6$1$ Assessment o! student housing needs* It is recommended that ?ife Council ta7e student accommodation re!uirements in St Andrews into account through specific assessments of such needs as part of its routine planning and housing procedures" #$6$2$ Additiona. student accommodation 'ro ided -y the Uni ersity* %"3"-"&" In respect of undergraduates$ the Uni.ersit#$ while no plans to further increase student num ers$ has stated that it is committed to pro.iding additional purpose: uilt accommodation for around 100 undergraduates$ partl# for decant purposes$ when other priorities permit" Such pro.ision would e welcomed # the student od# and pro a l# # most other sta7eholders$ although its location might e a source of concern to students and others" The current economic situation and competing priorities ma7e such a pro.ision pro lematic for the Uni.ersit# in the short term" It is recommended that the Uni.ersit# state pu licl# the scale and proposed location of such accommodation and$ if possi le$ indicates li7el# timing" %"3"-"-" In respect of postgraduate housing$ the pro.ision of new accommodation for up to 210 postgraduates on land owned # the Uni.ersit# on the south eastern oundar# of the town has een researched # the Uni.ersit# and would$ if uilt$ meet a new demand related to its strategic plan for increased research" ?ailure to uild might pre8udice Uni.ersit# strateg# and > or impose #et more pressure on the local housing situation" It is recommended that all sta7eholders e supporti.e of the Uni.ersit#'s efforts to pro.ide such accommodation for postgraduates and e prepared to enter into a constructi.e dialogue on planning matters should this pro.e necessar#" It is recommended that ?ife Council wai.e the re!uirement to include afforda le housing for such a de.elopment since the accommodation needed would ha.e to e afforda le for postgraduate students whose recruitment is 7e# to the Uni.ersit#'s strateg# of increasing its research capa ilit# and in .iew of the Uni.ersit#'s importance to the econom# of St Andrews and indeed the whole of ?ife" #$6$%$ Additiona. student accommodation 'ro ided -y the 'ri ate sector @ri.atel#:de.eloped purpose uilt student accommodation could pro.ide additional student ed spaces more !uic7l# than the Uni.ersit#$ although it remains to e seen whether such de.elopments could compete with$ or will need to charge a premium$ Uni.ersit# rent charges"



Student Accommodation

Consideration of an# proposal for new purpose: uilt student accommodation must recognise that it would e e=empt from the re!uirement to pro.ide afforda le housing" It could thus ha.e a negati.e impact on attempts to meet the local demand for such housing although it might free up some accommodation currentl# rented to students # pri.ate sector landlords" Were new uilds pro.ided # the pri.ate sector to e agreed$ .er# clear consideration needs to e gi.en to where afforda le housing might e uilt$ as pro.iding one ma# undermine pro.ision of the other" It is recommended that proposals for pri.ate pro.ision of student accommodation e considered in a positi.e light # sta7eholders$ whilst maintaining an appropriate focus on the need for afforda le housing" The granting of planning permission on 3 Octo er -0&2 to Wat7in Bones for the -)&: ed de.elopment on the site of the former St Andrews Memorial Hospital is welcomed" The proposal to pro.ide 3/ ed spaces for students at A e# @ar7 is seen as similarl# of securing planning permission and should e regarded positi.el#" The su mission of a re.ised (&21: ed, proposal for student accommodation at the 4ast Sands reflects to some e=tent acceptance # the de.eloper that the site is .er# sensiti.e and the new design appears less intrusi.e than the original concept" It serious consideration and would e less challenging to the local setting than the pre.ious proposal or the e=isting leisure centre and Uni.ersit# uildings in the area" It would e regretta le if of some or all of the proposed de.elopments were to e seen # the Uni.ersit# as a signal to increase undergraduate student num ers; this is deemed most unli7el#" #$6$0$ Studenti!ication All sta7eholders accept that St Andrews$ in particular the central Conser.ation Area$ is highl# studentified" Student occupation of town centre properties is so high that there is no rapid or simple remed#" It is recommended that$ as a precursor to further studies recommended elow$ ?ife Council determine the total num er of rented properties in St Andrews$ including HMO:licensed and other houses and flats$ with one or two ed spaces" It is recommended that ?ife Council$ in co:operation with 7e# local sta7eholders6 (i, stud# in:depth the studentification of St Andrews ta7ing into account e=perience elsewhere in the UD; (ii, see7 to define student occupanc# le.els which represent 9o.erpro.ision' and set ma=imum student HMO occupanc# le.els on streets to e determined; and (iii, esta lish and implement a plan for to a more alanced and mi=ed town centre population$ sa#$ fi.e #ears # e=ercising the discretionar# powers alread# at its disposal" It is recommended that the current moratorium on HMOs remain in place at least until conclusion of the ?ife Council:led stud# recommended a o.e" #$6$8$ Ienera.* ?or the future$ consideration of student and o.erall housing needs would enefit from etter dialogue etween all interested parties" This would call for clearer identification of 7e# sta7eholders$ clear lines of communication$ openness in de ate and recognition that no one interest group can e=pect to win argument; a o.e all$ listening as well as tal7ing with mutual respect"



Student Accommodation

It is recommended that a Standing Wor7ing @art#$ with mem ership from ?ife Council$ the Uni.ersit# (staff and students, and the Communit# Council$ e esta lished" The remit of such a wor7ing part# should all housing needs in St Andrews$ not 8ust student housing needs" To e more than a 9tal7ing shop'$ it is suggested that the num er of mem ers should e 7ept low : sa#$ two from each participating organisation$ and that the# should e a le to spea7 with authorit#" In particular$ the Communit# Council should e a le to spea7 for the town and all its interest groups" Such a wor7ing part# would lea.e e=isting lines of communication intact ut could reduce tensions etween the local communit# and what is seen # man# as an increasingl# centralised local authorit#" It would e interesting to consider whether the Communit# Council might appropriatel# chair such a wor7ing part#"



Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

7. Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

7.1. Introduction In this chapter we reflect on the findings of preceding chapters on affordability and student acco odation! e"a ine so e of the pre#ailing practices and assu ptions that appear to be guiding the planning and discussion of housing in St $ndrews and prefigure so e of our reco endations as set out in the final chapter% Our re it was to e"a ine housing need and housing pressures in St $ndrews town% We ha#e established that two issues stand out% &irst! a lac' of affordable housing and second! proble s associated with student acco odation! particularly the central concentration of Housing of Multiple Occupation (HMOs)%* $ll the e#idence we ha#e accu ulated + fro ,uestionnaires! inter#iews with agencies and organisations! written sub issions! &ife Council-s need and de and assess ent! consultancy reports and our own analyses of house prices and household inco es (see Sections .%.% and .%/%) + de onstrate a wide consensus0 houses prices and rental charges in St $ndrews are e"ceptionally high and ha#e created proble s of affordability for any% There is less consensus regarding the proble of concentrated student HMOs in the centre of town (see Section 1%2%)% On the one hand! ost students see to fa#our the concentration of pri#ate ar'et student acco odation in the town centre and a s all nu ber of ,uestionnaire respondents e"pressed indifference% On the other hand! the pre#ailing #iew of the non+student co unity is that HMO concentration is undesirable because0 (i) student de and pushes up house prices and rental charges thereby pricing non+student households out of the ar'et (particularly in the central area)3 (ii) student concentrations and their so eti es boisterous beha#iour reduce the appeal of central town li#ing for non+students and ay ha#e negati#e effects on touris and #isitor nu bers (though there is little direct e#idence of this)3 and (iii) can ha#e detri ental effects on the built en#iron ent through the lac' of repair and aintenance of so e rental properties% These proble s ha#e been e erging and ha#e deepened o#er any years! yet the attention gi#en these issues and particularly inter#entions to alle#iate the proble s ha#e been strangely li ited% While the introduction in 4551 of restrictions on the 6ight to 7uy for so e council tenants has helped curtail the sale of council properties! 4 the construction of new affordable acco odation o#er the sa e period has been negligible% The .8 affordable ho es (49 council and 9 housing association) scheduled or planned for construction at $bbey Wal' will be the first affordable ho es in St $ndrews for : years% . $ oratoriu was i posed in 45** on new HMOs in the central Conser#ation $rea of the town% While #ociferously opposed by student representati#es! the oratoriu was welco ed by any town residents3 yet! because it inhibits the granting of new licences only! it will ha#e little i ediate effect on the status ,uo% &ife Council is presently conducting a study on the future of HMO pro#ision%

There are! of course! any other proble s such as housing for an ageing population and housing for those with disabilities% With ore ti e and resources we would ha#e in#estigated these issues and would ha#e included the adaptation of e"isting building to barrier free standards% Howe#er! without in any way wishing to di inish the i portance of these issues we would suggest that they are both an integral part of the affordable housing proble that would need to be addressed in the design detail of pro#ision% (see &ife Housing ;artnership! 45*.) 7etween 4554 and 4551 the yearly a#erage for council house sales was *93 fro 455: to 45*4 the a#erage was / per year (data pro#ided by Housing < Neighbourhood Ser#ices! &ife Council)% The original plan was for 4*9 general needs houses! 11 of which would ha#e been affordable under the .5= planning obligation re,uire ent% Subse,uently! the plan was altered to pro#ide //! and then a further :8! special needs houses for older people% ;resent interpretation of planning legislation e"e pts these fro the .5= le#y (see $ffordable housing re,uire ent! St >eonards School! $bbey Wal' + ;lanning $pplication *5?5..*1?&ull)% The current SHI; analysis indicates that a further 9 @ingdo Housing $ssociation affordable ho es for rent are planned for St >eonards ? Greenside ;lace (part of the $bbey Wal' de#elop ent) in 45*2?*8% 1*


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

There is a need for a coherent co unity+bac'ed strategy for St $ndrews housing with short! ediu and long+ter obAecti#es and goals% The present (re+)e"a ination of local planning associated with the de#elop ent of the &I&Bplan would see to pro#ide an opportunity for the articulation of such a progra e% It is beyond our re it and indeed beyond our co petence to de#ise such a strategy% Our suggestions! reflected on in this and pre#ious chapters and ite ised in the ne"t! should be seen as a s all and hopefully positi#e contribution to such strategic (re)thin'ing% 7.2. Examining t e !rinci!les and "some o#$ t e !ractice o# ousing and develo!ment !lanning 7.2.1. Affordability/ The Scottish Go#ern ent-s definition of affordability! C housing of a reasonable quality that is affordable to people on modest incomes- (The Scottish Go#ern ent! 45*5! p% 4)! 2 has been adopted by &ife Council (and e#ery other local authority in Scotland)% Its #agueness and lac' of specificity allows for a wide range of interpretation! though the housing needs and de and assess ent (HND$) guidance pro#ided to local authorities by central go#ern ent ensures a degree of co patibility across the country (The Scottish Go#ern ent! 4558)% &ife Council-s use of the HND$! detailed in the pre#ious chapter (see Section 2%4%4%) atte pts to gi#e affordability so e substance by Au"taposing household inco e with house prices in a series of ratio easures% &ife Council ha#e selected a ratio of price to gross inco e of 4%9 to * (with a 85= ortgage) as its indicator of affordability (a low and cautious ratio by historic standards)% Two other related easures of affordability are first! residual inco e0 that is! the inco e re aining + after housing cost deductions + for other essential day+to+day functions3 a rule of thu b! widely adopted! is that in order to ensure an ade,uate residual inco e! housing costs should not e"ceed 42 to .5= of total inco e% Secondly! disposable inco e (a'in to net inco e) refers to the inco e re aining after accounting for ta"es (inco e ta"! pension contributions! etc%)% The recently introduced CHelp to 7uy- sche e (see below) uses this easure of affordability3 to ,ualify for CHelp to 7uy-! ortgage repay ents should be no ore than /2= of disposable inco e% Affordability and aspiring homeowners in St Andrews 0 &ife Council-s HND$ affordability analysis based on 4558 data de onstrates that few households in the St $ndrews >HS$ can afford to purchase gi#en the high price of housing% On the scenario of a 4%90* price to inco e ratio with an 85= ortgage! fewer than *5= of households would be able to afford the purchase of an a#erage priced house in St $ndrews (&ife Housing ;artnership! 45*5! p% *55)% This is confir ed by an e"a ination of residual inco e easures using ore recent data (45**)% On a residual inco e easure of .5=! the purchase of a E425' ho e (appro"i ately the a#erage house price in St $ndrews town3 see Table .%8%) with a E25' deposit (45=) and a onthly ortgage pay ent of c% E*%*8' (at 2= interest for 42 years) would re,uire an annual inco e of c% E/:'% 1 This is considerably higher than the 45** edian household inco es recorded in St $ndrews (see Table .%*.%)% House purchase + without subsidy + for significant nu bers of newly for ed households! for e"panding households! for those wishing to o#e fro renting to owner occupation and presu ably for any households wishing to o#e to St $ndrews! is de onstrably unaffordable now and for the foreseeable future%

The usefulness and indeed #alidity of the notion of affordability has been challenged on se#eral grounds! not least that it is a poor instru ent for the easure ent of Cneed- (see Hulchans'i! *9923 Whitehead! *99*)% $ related and co patible definition has been e ployed ore recently0 C housing for rent for people who cannot afford to buy or rent on the open mar et- (The Scottish Go#ern ent! 45*4)% $t a .= interest rate the re,uired annual inco e would be E.8'% $t := + the stress test applied by any ortgage bro'ers + the re,uired annual inco e would be E2:'% 14


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

National subsidies for owner occupation 0 CHelp to 7uy- (the latest anifestation of shared e,uity + see below) has recently been introduced to facilitate o#e ent into ho e ownership% In Scotland the sche e re,uires potential purchasers to a'e a 2= deposit! with the go#ern ent pro#iding a 45= e,uity Cloan- (which can be paid bac' at any ti e or is redee able on the sale of the property) thus reducing effecti#e ortgage pay ents to :2= + this is a#ailable only for the purchase of newly built houses priced at E/55@ or lower% While this sche e reduces substantially the initial outlay (deposit) it has only a s all effect on the burden of ortgage repay ents% : The upta'e and ar'et effects of this sche e are un'nown! presently% Theoretically! the sche e could sti ulate new housing construction! but could also encourage price increases particularly gi#en the lengthy gestation period before any newly built houses co e on strea % 8 The ost li'ely i ediate effect is that it ight aid the Cs,ueeFed iddle- of relati#ely affluent households in St $ndrews (as elsewhere)! including those wishing to trade+ up! but will do little for lower inco e households particularly those atte pting to access ho e ownership for the first ti e% In the conte"t of St $ndrews! the e"clusion of buy to let in#estors fro the CHelp to 7uy- sche e is li'ely to ha#e only a li ited effect at best! gi#en that the nu ber of in#estors building new housing for renting see s to be s all% !ther subsidies for owner occupation 0 In co on with any other local authorities in Scotland! &ife Council presently pro otes three types of low+cost ho e ownership3 all are pri arily directed towards first+ti e buyers% Through "iscounted Sales the Council gi#es planning per ission to a pri#ate de#eloper on the understanding that so e of the properties will be sold at a discounted price (between 42 and 25= of the open ar'et #alue) to first+ti e buyers who can de onstrate appropriate need% The #ow$%ost &nitiative for 'irst$(ime )uyers (>I&T) is a shared e,uity sche e that allows the buyer to purchase between 15 and 85= of the price of a ho e! with the re ainder paid with a grant fro >I&T% 9 The buyer owns the whole property and does not ha#e to a'e pay ents to >I&T for the grant pro#ided% Howe#er! at the ti e of re+sale >I&T is repaid the percentage e,uity sta'e% Shared !wnership is ost co only ad inistered by housing associations% Households buy (with a ortgage) part+ownership of a property! in tranches of 42! 25 or :2= and a'e an occupancy pay ent (effecti#ely a rent) to the 6S> on the re aining portion% O#er a period of ti e the sharing owner has a right to buy a further 42 per cent share of e,uity! up to and including *55 per cent when they beco e the full owners of the property% There are e"a ples of each of these sche es presently in operation in &ife% In St $ndrews! howe#er! the last instance of si ilar sche es was in 4551?: when Hillcrest Housing $ssociation and Tho as Mitchell Ho es co pleted the de#elop ent of 15 affordable properties adAacent to Gohn @no" 6oad% Of these! .1 were houses subsidised by central go#ern ent Grants for 6ent and Ownership (G6O) pro#ided directly to the pri#ate de#eloper and 4/ were Housing $ssociation shared ownership flats% These were the last affordable units built in St $ndrews% Affordability in socially rented housing 0 Historically social housing pro#ided the aAority of affordable rented acco odation to low+inco e households% Housing policy changed after *9:5! when the then Conser#ati#e go#ern ent withdrew political support for council housing3 a policy continued to a greater or lesser e"tent by all subse,uent go#ern ents% The sale of council housing to sitting tenants fro *985! co bined with li ited new+build by both local authorities (especially) and by housing associations! has resulted in a significant reduction in affordable public housing across all local authority areas% More recently social housing pro#ision has also been under ined by the recession and aAor cut bac's in local authority financing fro central go#ern ent and a reduction in grants to 6S>s% Indicati#e of these trends! St $ndrews- affordable social housing stoc' decreased by 4/= between 455* and 45*4% In 45*4! of the 8*9 socially rented houses in St $ndrews! *.= were housing association properties! 8:= were council properties (see Section .%4%4%)%

Monthly repay ents on E455' H E*%*8' (unsubsidised purchase) and E*%58' (CHelp to 7uy-)% $pplying a .5= residual inco e test! a CHelp to 7uy- ortgage on a E455' house would re,uire an annual inco e of appro"i ately E.4@% The latest #ersion of CHelp to 7uy- introduced in Bngland and Wales! in which support ? subsidy has been e"tended to e"isting as well as new+build housing! has not yet been adopted in Scotland% The >I&T shared e,uity sche e includes0 New Supply Shared B,uity (with housing associations)! New Supply Shared B,uity with De#elopers and an Open Mar'et Shared B,uity Sche e% 1.


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

In the conte"t of significant year+on+year reductions in funding for housing! *5 the Scottish Go#ern ent (abandoning its short+li#ed Cchallenge funding- approach) introduced a resource funding odel for housing in#est ent in 45*43 this brought together funding for councils and their 6S> partners in a .+ year in#est ent strategy% The $ffordable Housing Supply ;rogra e ($HS;) details the allocation of these funds to local authorities% &ife Council has been allocated a total of E4.%4 illion ** of the $HS; budget for the period 45*4+45*2?*8 to support affordable housing de#elop ent% These de#elop ents ta'e the for of council and 6S> direct pro#ision of traditional social renting as well as other initiati#es including id+ ar'et rentals% &ife Council has identified St $ndrews + or ore precisely St $ndrews >HS$ + as a high priority area for $HS; in#est ent% $ recently updated &ife Council SHI; (Strategic Housing In#est ent ;rogra e) analysis for the period 45*.?*/+*:?*8 identifies a target of *!2*1 affordable units to be deli#ered throughout &ife through the $HS; o#er the 2 years of the progra e (21= of a longer+ter target of 4!:55)% These affordable units will co prise 84= social housing! *:= id+ ar'et rented properties and 4= low cost (shared e,uity) ho e ownership% 94 units (a i" of rented social housing and id+ ar'et rents) are identified as located in the St $ndrews >HS$! of which .8 socially rented houses will be located within the town of St $ndrews0 49 of the .8 are the council houses at $bbey ;ar' (planned for construction fro &ebruary 45*/) and 9 are @ingdo Housing $ssociation planned social rentals at St >eonards ? Greenside ;lace! also part of the $bbey ;ar' de#elop ent (&ife Council B"ecuti#e October 45*. + SHI; planned $HS; progra e appro#ed)% National *ousing (rust +N*(,0 $ further recent initiati#e to increase the supply of affordable rental housing is the National Housing Trust% NHT is a di#ision of the CScottish &utures Trust- (S&T)! an ar s+ length co pany set up by the Scottish Go#ern ent in 4558 to facilitate the de#elop ent of infrastructure particularly through public ? pri#ate co+operation% Under NHT! de#elopers are appointed to build a specified nu ber of affordable ho es on land they already own% Once co plete! a local partnership co pany co prising the de#eloper! the participating local authority and S&T buys the ho es and lets the to tenants at id+ ar'et rents for a period of between 2 and *5 years! after which the ho es are sold + with sitting tenants ha#ing first refusal% &ife has participated in two rounds of funding! the first for *45 houses and the second for Cde#elop ents up to 25 houses-% The declared intention of &ife Council is that the new ho es will be targeted at those on the housing register in St $ndrews! @ir'caldy and Dunfer line as these areas ha#e Cthe least a ount of affordable housing a#ailable-% The absence of any St $ndrews! or indeed &ife location! fro the NHT ap of current de#elop ent sites suggests that there ha#e been aAor difficulties in i ple enting this sche e% *4 Private -ented Sector +P-S,0 St $ndrews has the highest percentage of pri#ately rented property in &ife (see Table .%1%)! and rent charges are a ong the highest in Scotland% This is in large part attributable to the high de and fro the student population as well as the de and for second and holiday ho es% Under current legislation all pri#ate landlords ha#e to register with their local authority e#ery three years% This syste allows so e chec's on standards of practice (e%g% security of tenure) and landlord bac'ground (e%g% cri inal record)3 &ife Council aintains a landlord and owners register and chairs a ;ri#ate >andlords &oru at which issues of utual interest are discussed (e%g% the effects of welfare refor ! energy efficiency! etc%)% While clearly perfor ing an i portant role in these respects! significantly the 'ey issue of affordability does not figure in the legislation nor is it see ingly a topic for discussion on the &ife &oru -s agenda% ;resently! The Scottish Go#ern ent (45*.) is e"a ining the role of the pri#ate sector in the housing ar'et% The focus is on ,uality control and on security of tenancies as well as the i plications of the increasing nu ber of fa ily households in rental acco odation% While these are significant and i portant issues! the absence of any discussion of

** *4

The Scottish Go#ern ent-s 7udget for 45**?*4 reduced planned e"penditure on housing and regeneration by so e *9= + in reality Cthis is a year+on+year cut of .5= once adAust ents for pre#ious carry forwards are ade- (Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland < Shelter Scotland! 45*4)% The initial allocation of E45%/ illion in 45*4?*. (Section 2%.%*%) was subse,uently enhanced by E4%8 illion% See0 .our$wor .housing.national$housing$$of$nht$sites.J (accessed 42 October 45*.) 1/


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

affordability and in particular rent control is again conspicuous% *. Clearly the ;6S has an i portant role in the pro#ision of housing! yet without a serious e"a ination of rent le#els (particularly i portant in high pressured areas such as St $ndrews)! its contribution to affordability is uncertain (see 7all! 45*5 and Shelter (Scotland)! 45*. for a discussion)% &nterventions in the private mar et0 Section :2 of the Town and Country ;lanning (Scotland) $ct *99: (as a ended by the ;lanning etc% (Scotland) $ct 4551) per its local authorities! as a condition to granting planning per ission! to i pose an affordable housing obligation on pri#ate housing de#elopers for any sche e of 45 or ore houses% 7ecause of its Cpressured area- status! St $ndrews town! as part of the wider >HS$! has the highest le#el (.5=) of planning obligations in &ife% The difficulties associated with ensuring that de#elopers co ply with this re,uire ent are well 'nown and! nationally! pri#ate de#elopers ha#e a poor trac' record in the deli#ery of affordable housing (Mathiason et al! 45*.3 Croo' et al! 4554)% De#elopers fre,uently clai that the re,uire ent to pro#ide affordable housing threatens the #iability of de#elop ent sche es and are conse,uently able to negotiate reductions or co ute de#elop ent obligations by financial pay ent% The reduction in the nu bers of affordable houses associated with the $bbey ;ar' de#elop ent (see &ootnote .) are a local illustration of such difficulties% In &ife! as elsewhere! the deli#ery of affordable acco odation by this ethod has so far been disappointing and such precedents do not augur well for the deli#ery of the ..5! or so! affordable houses planned as part of the St $ndrews West de#elop ent progra e% $dditionally! and not insignificantly! as a solution to present+day proble s of affordability! the 45+year ti e fra e for the co pletion of this e"pansion is a aAor concern% 7.2.2. )alanced and mi/ed +)01, communities The notion of Cbalanced and i"ed- (7<M) co unities and neighbourhoods has been adopted throughout the U@ as a antra of housing de#elop ent and planning% It e braces the idea that co unities ? neighbourhoods should reflect a i" of tenures! of house siFes and a i"ed de ographic profile% The argu ent is that such i"ed neighbourhoods a'e for better co unities + socially inclusi#e! stable and balanced in which households can o#e fro one tenure to another! can upgrade housing as inco e allows and increasing fa ily siFe re,uires% */ $s with all other local authorities! &ife Council-s planning docu ents reflect a close attach ent to these ideas! and indeed the enforce ent of Section :2 planning obligations is closely lin'ed with the construction of balanced and i"ed neighbourhoods% While the endorse ent of 7<M is widespread there is little guidance as to what e"actly constitutes a 7<M co unity ? neighbourhood + ost definitions reflect desirable Coutco es- but are #ague as to the Cinputs- needed to achie#e these outco es% There has been a considerable a ount of both ,ualitati#e research ( ostly s all scale studies in#ol#ing the inter#iewing of residents) and ,uantitati#e research (statistical analysis using large secondary databases e%g% the Census! 7ritish Household Sur#ey! etc%) on this topic! but no agreed definitional nor s or guidelines ha#e e erged + other than that Cpepper+ potting- the location of lower inco e households is desirable% *2

*. */


Gibb and >eish an-s 45** e"a ination of pri#ate renting and affordability in Scotland si ilarly neglects rent controls% $n additional adAecti#e + sustainable + is fre,uently associated with 7<M3 this is shorthand for those characteristics of stability and balance that apparently bring longe#ity (and by i plication prosperity) to 7<M co unities and increasingly is also associated with energy efficiency% The notion of Cpepper+potting- has been interpreted as a regrettable elitist undercurrent in the history of the pro otion of 7<M + that the poor cannot be allowed to consort too closely less they infect each other with their fec'less beha#iour3 Cpepper+ potting- ensures that they are e"posed to appropriate role odels (i%e% higher inco e! owner occupiers! etc%) fro who they will i bibe ci#ilised beha#iour patterns and habits (see $rthurson! 45*43 Cheshire! 455:3 Tunstall and &enton! 4551) 12


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

$ 'ey dri#er in the e ergence and adoption of the 7<M concept was an"iety about the proble s (une ploy ent! health! cri e! etc%) that apparently acco panied neighbourhood concentrations of low inco e! rented (predo inantly council) housing in! for e"a ple! peripheral council housing estates of towns and cities% It was assu ed that brea'ing up these concentrations and o#ing renting ? poor people into pro"i ity with higher inco e! ho e owning households and indeed e"tending ho e ownership to lower inco e households the sel#es (6ight to 7uy) would Ccure- these proble s% To this end a progra e of de olishing peripheral concentrations of poor households has been pursued with considerable #igour o#er the last few decades and ost new (and regenerated) housing de#elop ents (though not all) ha#e espoused 7<M% 6esearch on the effects of this progra e of brea'ing up concentrations of poor people and encouraging the creation of 7<M neighbourhoods suggests that while there ha#e been so e positi#e outco es (e%g% the stig a associated with peripheral housing estates has di inished)! there is little to support the notion that C i"ing- benefits the poor the sel#es + they are still poor! out of wor' and fre,uently reliant on benefits% *1 Gi#en that the de and for 7<M in the centre of St $ndrews is related to the rather different circu stances of Cstudentification- (see Section 1%/%)! the diversification of the de ographic and social profile of central St $ndrews ight be a desirable obAecti#e! if only because there is an apparent latent de and for fa ily and non+student central town residency% Howe#er! there are se#eral proble atic issues associated with this% &irst! the price of any centrally+located houses! especially siFeable fa ily ho es! is e"tre ely high! i ediately filtering out iddle and lower inco e households% S aller! lower priced properties! which ight attract iddle and lower inco e purchasers! rarely see to co e on to the ar'et! and when they do they are fre,uently ad#ertised not only as fa ily residences but also as potential student acco odation (HMO and non+HMO) or second ? holiday ho es%*: Secondly! it will be difficult to change the de ographic Cstatus ,uo- in that! since the opportunities for new+build fa ily housing are e"tre ely li ited! any significant increase in the proportion of non+student households will re,uire the con#ersion of properties presently used as student acco odation% Significant o#e ent of students fro the town centre will entail an e"tension of the present HMO oratoriu to include licence renewal (in addition to new licences) and! crucially! the pro#ision of alternati#e student acco odation elsewhere in the town% ;resu ably! few of the ad#ocates for central town 7<M would sponsor (in a spirit of reciprocity and in the na e of 7<M) the decentralisation and dispersion of student acco odation to the suburbs and periphery of St $ndrews! and indeed this would not be the choice of students the sel#es% Student preference! e"pressed strongly by any respondents to our ,uestionnaire! is for the construction of further Cecono ical- halls of residence + not all students want HMOs! if only because they are e"pensi#e% Only when econo ical and attracti#e alternati#es are ade a#ailable will students be persuaded to let go of their attach ent to centre town li#ing% The recent appro#al of a 4/*+bed student residence by the North Bast &ife $rea Co ittee at the Me orial Hospital site and the sub ission of planning applications for student acco odation at $bbey ;ar' (98 beds) and Bast Sands (*.2 beds) ay indicate o#es in this direction ( St Andrews %iti2en! ** October! 45*.) and will address so e of the un et desire for Chall- acco odation fro returning second+! third+ and fourth+year students% *8 ;rior to the declaration of these new pri#ate de#elop ent! the Uni#ersity esti ated that an additional 255 Challplaces were re,uired for decant purposes as well as un et student de and% &or reasons suggested below (see Section :%.%.%) the new pri#ate pro#ision at Me orial Hospital! $bbey ;ar' and Bast Sands should be seen as a co ple ent rather than as an alternati#e to this pro#ision by the Uni#ersity%



The odern (i%e% post id+*9:5s) pursuit of 7<M was preceded by an earlier concern with this issue associated in particular with the de#elop ent of new towns in *925s and *915s (Sar'issian! *9:1)% ;roperties for sale in central St $ndrews as of *1 October 45*. (www%right o#e%co%u') range fro E955' (8 bedroo detached) through E842' (a / bedroo terrace house) to E/12@ (a / bedroo terraced flat)% The as'ing price for an o#er+ shop HMO licensed /+bed property is E/42' (fi"ed price)% $ 4+bed flat presently under construction in the centre of town is ad#ertised Coff+plan- at E482' and is described as Cperfectly suited for a #ariety of uses including both student and holiday rentals or for a first or second ho e% $s it has only two bedroo s! an HMO licence is not re,uired- (www%right o#e%co%u')% It is esti ated that there are on a#erage 25= ore returning students re,uesting hall acco odation than spaces a#ailable% See Section 1%/% and the National HMO >obby! 4558 for further discussion of these and related topics% 11

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 7.%. & arting a 'a( #or'ard) some suggestions :%.%*% $ffordable housing

Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

The designation of St $ndrews as a Cpressured area- in 45*5 ga#e for al recognition to housing proble s that had been e erging and deepening in the town o#er any years! especially those associated with housing affordability% In ore affluent ti es! the pressured area designation ight ha#e spar'ed a response to co pensate for the poor trac' record of affordable housing pro#ision in St $ndrews in recent decades% $s it is! e#en now! three years on fro the designation! only .8 affordable properties ha#e been planned for and as yet none deli#ered% Much of this can be e"plained by declining funding fro central go#ern ent to both the local authority and to housing associations as well as by the co peting de ands + and by other easures! perhaps the ore pressing need + for housing in#est ent elsewhere in &ife% Ket the fact re ains that in assessing the re,uire ent for affordable pro#ision in St $ndrews uch reliance! by design or default! has been placed on the deli#ery of affordable housing through planning obligations associated with pri#ate housing de#elop ents! and the future loo's no better in this regard% &or the foreseeable future! the bul' of affordable housing planned for St $ndrews is the anticipated deli#ery! under planning obligations! of ..5 units lin'ed with the proposed western de#elop ent! the i ple entation of which has been delayed by a series of appeals and court hearings% Now that the Supre e Court has gi#en the go ahead! the planning and co ple" negotiations regarding the design detail and deli#ery ti etable can presu ably begin% One of the se#eral proble s associated with this proAect as a #ehicle for the deli#ery of affordable housing! is that it is scheduled o#er 45 years% While it will be a phased! incre ental de#elop ent! this is a long ti e fra e to deal with a present and pressing difficulty% $ further proble is that tric'y negotiations o#er the precise nu ber and type of affordable housing ha#e yet to ta'e place and ay well result in further delay% Indeed! Headon De#elop ents! the li'ely lead de#eloper! has already e"pressed reser#ations about the #iability of the proAect if the .5= planning obligation le#y is rigorously adhered to% Conspicuously! there is no ention of affordability on the website pro oting the Headon ? Uni#ersity C#ision- for St $ndrews West% *9 If the absence of affordable housing in St $ndrews is to be seriously addressed in the i ediate future alternati#e and additional de#elop ent proAects and in#est ent need to be found% We recognise that introducing a new proAect at this stage in the current planning progra e will present difficulties and ha#e i plications for rescheduling resources and in#est ent% Howe#er! &ife Council-s planning docu ents in all their anifestations are replete with references to the need for Cfle"ibility-! for ta'ing account of Cchanging circu stances- and Ca#ailing of opportunities-% These declarations see to de onstrate a willingness to alter direction and adAust planning targets and obAecti#es% Indeed! in the 45*4 docu ent C$ffordable Housing Supple entary ;lanning Guidance-! &ife Council e"plicitly recognises the need for further inter#ention if affordable housing is to be seriously addressed and identifies se#eral easures by which this ight be achie#ed0 &t is recognised that further policy interventions are required to increase the supply of Affordable *ousing through a range of measures. (his currently includes monitoring of Pressured Area Status +PAS, which aims to restrict the sale of %ouncil *ouses in areas with high need and low turnover3 reduced %ouncil (a/ discount for second homes3 use of %ouncil owned land for affordable -S# and council new build developments. (&ife Council! 45*4! p% *5+**) We would suggest that the present rewor'ing of local strategy docu ents in the for of the &I&Bplan pro#ides a present and clear opportunity for the re#ision! updating and i pro#e ent of housing strategy%


http0??www%standrewswest%co%u'?theLplanLahead%ht l 1:

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 7.4.2. 5ilrymont 67illage8

Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

@ilry ont has not hitherto been identified as a site for housing (or indeed any other) de#elop ent% The reason is that when land for housing was being identified in the strategic plans! @ilry ont was still operating as a school and was under consideration as one of three sites for the new Madras% 45 While the final decision on the location of the new school has yet to be ade! what has e erged fro the prolonged negotiations is that @ilry ont is no longer considered an appropriate site and will therefore beco e a#ailable for de#elop ent% $s council owned property it e erges as one of those C easures- + identified in the C$ffordable Housing Supple entary ;lanning Guidance- (&ife Council! 45*4) cited abo#e + for the de#elop ent of Caffordable 6S> and council new build-% @ilry ont! we would argue! has the potential to be de#eloped as a new C#illage- for affordable housing0 a co unity settle ent of i"ed use co bining affordable housing of #arious types with associated ser#ices and facilities for the C#illage- and for the surrounding area% The details of the blend ( i") of such acti#ities would clearly need to be carefully thought through3 this should be Cbread and il'- for an e"perienced planner% There are! of course! any issues to be raised and considered3 a ong these are0 i) #and ownership and land use0 $s we understand it! the disposal of this land is entirely within the re it of the owners! &ife Council% While there ay be a presu ption that the Council should a"i ise inco e fro the sale of the land! there is no necessity to do so% The absence of land purchase costs will significantly reduce outlay for any de#elop ent% There will! howe#er! be other costs associated with the preparation of the site for de#elop ent% The e"isting school buildings were Clisted category 7- by Historic Scotland in 455: and! apparently! there is an asbestos proble in so e of the structures% The for er is an issue for negotiation with Historic Scotland3 the re o#al of the latter will entail additional de olition e"penses but needs to be dealt with on heath and safety grounds regardless of e#entual purpose% $dditionally! @ilry ont is presently Foned for education use3 a change of Cuse category- will re,uire inter#ention fro &ife planners using established procedures% ii) Affordable housing0 Gi#en the present and long ter need for affordable housing in St $ndrews! the designation of @ilry ont as a location for affordable acco odation re,uires a echanis to ensure its retention in perpetuity% Thus! while not ruling out (particularly at an early stage) shared or e,uity >ow Cost Ho e Ownership (>CHO) and id+ ar'et rental property! the e phasis should be on social renting + council and ? or 6S> + as this pro#ides the strongest guarantee of long ter affordability (assu ing continuation of 6ight to 7uy restrictions)% 4* There ay also be an opportunity to e"plore the de#elop ent of co+housing for older people 44 and the prospect of the Uni#ersity pro#iding so e postgraduate fa ily acco odation% Gi#en the se#ere shortage of affordable housing for rent in the town and the planned de#elop ent of pri#ate housing plus >CHO elsewhere (Me orial Hospital and the St $ndrews West de#elop ent)! we would argue that outright or ortgaged ho e ownership be e"cluded fro @ilry ont% iii) 6)alance and mi/80 The abo#e proposals ha#e i plications relating to the interpretation and i ple entation of so+called Cbalanced and i"ed- co unities ? neighbourhoods% Gi#en the argu ents presented earlier (see Section :%4%4%) especially with regard to the lac' of established nor s and pre#ailing elastic interpretations of the concept! the focus on affordable housing and the absence of



Nor is it identified in &ife Council-s CSites $tlas- where long+ter (i%e% beyond the present planning period) sites for potential future de#elop ent are listed% Indeed! for this and related reasons! &ife Council has e"pressed a clear preference for Csocial rented housing- (&ife Council! 45*4a! section 4%/2)% Co+housing co bines independent li#ing with a co unity setting in which tenants shared co on facilities% See 7renton! 45*. and .vivarium$fifeJ% 18


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

outright ho e ownership should not be of concern% While the tenure i" ay not co#er all tenure types! careful housing design should ensure a i"ed de ography through the pro#ision of single person and fa ily housing (with and without children) and possibly include postgraduate pro#ision (if the Uni#ersity is in#ol#ed) as well as affordable special needs housing for older people and those with disabilities% 4. i#) 5ilrymont and St Andrews :est0 We propose that planning for the construction of an affordable housing C#illage- at @ilry ont be de#eloped as far as possible in tande with the proposed St $ndrews West e"pansion%4/ The plan for the western e"pansion of the town atte pts to co bine two obAecti#es! na ely a release+#al#e for pent+up housing de and in the pri#ate sector and the pro#ision of affordable housing for those on low or odest inco es% These are a bitious obAecti#es% $ shadow hanging o#er this de#elop ent! howe#er! is whether it will deli#er the full .5= affordable housing planning obligation currently in operation in the St $ndrews >HS$% $s noted earlier (see Section :%4%*%) the trac' record of &ife Council! and indeed of ost other local authorities in the U@! in securing planning le#ies is not good% De#elopers clai that the re,uire ent to pro#ide affordable housing threatens proAect #iability (i%e% profitability) and find all sorts of ways to a#oid the le#y3 it is unli'ely that the St $ndrews West de#elop ent will be any different in this respect% In the eyes of pri#ate de#elopers social rented housing incurs the biggest Closs- in that its pro"i ity to open ar'et properties has a percei#ed and so eti es real downward effect on house prices3 >CHO (shared and e,uity) property at least shares an ownership aspiration with the open ar'et! with any in the ediu and longer ter con#erting to full owner occupation% We would suggest that there are possibilities here for a trade+off between @ilry ont and St $ndrews West! with the for er focusing e"clusi#ely on social housing for rent and the latter focusing pri arily on >CHO% The re o#al of the obligation to pro#ide social rented housing thereby renders the o#erall de#elop ent of St $ndrews West ore C#iable- in de#eloper ter s% Howe#er! a ,uid pro ,uo would be an in+'ind! off+site pro#ision of! or a negotiated co uted pay ent for! social housing fro the St $ndrews West de#eloper(s) to the @ilry ont progra e% v, Precedents and models for 5ilrymont 0 While the @ilry ont C#illage- concept ay be new to St $ndrews it is not without precedent elsewhere in Scotland% In a recent issue of CInside Housing- + the trade Aournal for social housing + two recent de#elop ents in Midlothian were listed as a ong the top 25 U@ social housing de#elop ents for 45*.% The proAects are C #anglaw -oad3 "al eith- and CNew Par ;ardens3 ;orebridge-%42 #anglaw -oad! de#eloped by Mel#ille Housing $ssociation! pro#ides a total of *.. affordable ho es3 *4* are for social rent and *4 for id+ ar'et rent% The se i+detached! terraced and cottage properties are a i" of two+bedroo flats with two! three and four+bedroo houses% The larger houses ha#e ther al solar panels designed to reduce heating costs and there are two specially adapted! ground+floor properties for tenants with disabled children% The sche e was de#eloped on land ade a#ailable by Midlothian Council following the erger of two pri ary schools% Site preparation re,uired the stabilisation of old ine wor'ings before construction could begin% Mel#ille Housing $ssociation funded the E*1%2 illion de#elop ent with the help of an E8%. illion pay ent fro the Scottish Go#ern ent in the for of housing association grant! together with a E* illion contribution fro Midlothian Council% The New Par ;ardens site is considerably s aller! but represents a aAor direct in#est ent by Midlothian Council in affordable social renting% The /8 flats and houses incorporate co unity art consisting of ining achinery used at a nearby colliery to reflect the area-s industrial history% The proAect cost E2 illion! of which E:*5' was pro#ided by the Scottish Go#ern ent% While the de#elop ent of @ilry ont would differ in se#eral respects fro both >anglaw and New ;ar' + not least that resources today are e#en ore constrained in the pre#ailing financial cli ate + there are sufficient si ilarities for these Midlothian sche es to pro#ide instructi#e odels as to what can be
4. 4/ 42

The local authority has established a &ife+wide target of 44= of affordable for housing designated as special needs% See .portal.fsaeflp<=>point&d?d477@A4@e@B< J See .melville$housing$langlaw$road$mayfield$midlothian.CB2CA@C.article J and .midlothian$council$new$par $gardens$gorebridge.CB2CA@A.article J 19


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

achie#ed in the deli#ery of socially rented housing% Indeed! within &ife! the "unlin "rive de#elop ent in Dunfer line also illustrates what can be achie#ed and displays so e interesting precedents with regard to funding and design% This is a collaborati#e proAect between @ingdo Housing $ssociation and &ife Council! with support fro &ife Construction &oru and Green 7usiness &ife% The proAect o#erall will pro#ide *45 affordable id+ ar'et rental properties3 the co pleted first phase of 4: affordable and eco+ sustainable units range fro E.8. per onth for a 4+bedroo flat to E/59 per onth for a .+bedroo house3 these are ai ed at households with inco es between E*:' and E.5' per year% The inno#ati#e award+winning sche e cost E.%. illion with a E4 illion contribution fro &ife Council and the Scottish Go#ern ent%41 7.4.4. Student housing and *1!s Our analysis of student acco odation in Chapter 1 showed that St $ndrews! in co on with ost other uni#ersity towns (large and s all)! 4: faces a significant challenge in dealing with the issue of Cstudentification- + the geographical concentration of pri#ately rented student housing% &or reasons gi#en earlier (see Section :%4%4%) we would reco end the purposeful reduction of student acco odation in the centre of St $ndrews% There are two principle obAecti#es of reduced concentration0 (i) to open+up the town centre-s housing ar'et to non+student households! and (ii) to address the proble s of high acco odation costs (and so eti es poor li#ing conditions) faced by students in the central area% The e"periences of other uni#ersity towns in dealing with si ilar proble s clearly de onstrate that the attain ent of these obAecti#es will re,uire considerable co+operation a ong a #ariety of agencies and the careful co+ordination of policies and procedures% The prospect of /:/ alternati#e student roo s housed in new Challs- of residence at the for er Me orial Hospital! $bbey ;ar' House and Bast Sands creates so e of the conditions in which a reduction in central HMO acco odation can be acti#ely pursued% Howe#er! to be effecti#e it is essential that the proposed new acco odation pro#ides attractive and affordable housing3 this eans #aried and non+institutional designs and rental charges co petiti#e with those in the pri#ately rented sector (see Table .%**%) and co parable to those of the lower to iddle range of Uni#ersity halls (see Table .%*5%) + recalling that the Uni#ersity already has a co it ent to retain 42= of its residential estate at ore affordable le#els of rent% These characteristics were e phasised repeatedly by student respondents to our ,uestionnaire! with &ife ;ar' and $lbany ;ar' Uni#ersity residences cited fa#ourably as e"a ples of price! if not of design% 48 $ counterpart to the pro#ision of new student acco odation is support for the continuation of the HMO oratoriu on the appro#al of new licences in the central conser#ation area and! gi#en the growing e#idence of HMO creep into the suburbs! its e"tension to the whole of the St $ndrews built up area% $ oratoriu ! howe#er! is at best a te porary fi" and serious thought needs to be gi#en to the articulation of a coherent HMO density yardstic' against which (o#er)pro#ision can be easured (see Section 1%/%.%)% &urther! if de ographic di#ersification in the town centre is to be achie#ed and if the new Challsof residence are to act as a realistic alternati#e to pri#ate renting! so e ethod of reducing the nu ber of HMOs in the centre needs to found% 6estrictions to licence renewal would! presu ably! be subAect to potentially e"pensi#e legal challenge! as would the refusal of renewal on the grounds of o#erpro#ision (as adAudged by an established density easure)% 49 $n indirect ethod! howe#er! ight lie in the eticulous enforce ent of licensing conditions%
41 4:



See .1<A<1.html J $n e"ception is O"bridge0 Ca bridge pro#ides ost students college+owned acco odation for all three years of its undergraduate progra e and O"ford guarantees acco odation for all undergraduate students for at least two years% The consultancy reports on pri#ately built student acco odation at the Me orial Hospital site (@night &ran'! 45*.) and at the Bast Sands (Gere y >each 6esearch! 45*4) both identify a shortfall in pro#ision% >ocal $uthorities with established o#erpro#ision guidelines ha#e discretionary powers regarding the renewal of HMO licences (SHMONG! 45**! section /%**$) :5


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

The declared purpose of licensing HMOs is Cto increase the protection of HMO tenants and their neighbours by a'ing sure acco odation is safe! well+ anaged and of good ,uality-% The enforce ent of safety regulations (gas! electricity! fire! etc%) re,uires prospecti#e landlords to produce certification before a licence is issued or reissued% Howe#er! the enforce ent of other landlord obligations is less apparent% &or e"a ple! >C*5 (>icence Condition *5) re,uires the landlord ? licence+ holder to C anage the pre ises in such a way as to see' to pre#ent or deal effecti#ely with any anti+ social beha#iour by tenants or anyone else in the HMO or in the locality of the HMO-% While under >C*8 the licence holder C ust ensure that the tenants utilise the bins pro#ided and ensure that refuse or bins are placed out on collection day and that bins are restored to the bin storage area following collection(&ife Council! 45*4c)% B#idence of the serial #iolation of these conditions is abundant and could be cited as grounds for the non+renewal of licensing% If these HMO policies were adopted and the de#elop ent of the new student residences were to go ahead there would! undoubtedly! be so e easing of student concentration in the centre of St $ndrews and the potential for de ographic di#ersification released% Howe#er! the response of landlords to these easures is un'nown% Many ight indeed sell+up and o#e on! others ight react by con#erting their ultiple occupancy properties to two bedroo ? bed space units or by purchasing and de#eloping new two bedroo ? bed space properties (both e"pensi#e options) and thus a#oiding the need for an HMO licence% $dditionally! as student representati#es ha#e pointed out! there ight well be an increase in illegal non+licensed ulti+occupation% The corollary is that further student residences beyond those already planned need to be built if studentification is to be effecti#ely and decisi#ely tac'led% In this regard we would encourage the Uni#ersity to proceed with the pro#ision of additional student acco odation to co ple ent that planned by the pri#ate sector% The Uni#ersity-s Bstate Strategy (455:+454:) e"plicitly recognised! at the ti e of publication in 4551! the need for further Uni#ersity+pro#ided student acco odation of between 25 and *55 bed spaces for postgraduates and appro"i ately 425 for undergraduates (Uni#ersity of St $ndrews! 4551 + see Section .%.%)% The Uni#ersity-s Strategic ;lan (Uni#ersity of St $ndrews! 4558! p% 1)! while clearly stating there would be no Csignificant growth- in student nu bers during the planning period (4558+45*8)! also ac'nowledged that there would be a Ccontrolled e"pansion of direct+entry o#erseas students- and Ca odest growth- in its Cpostgraduate population-% The recruit ent of non+BU! o#erseas students has ta'en place3 they now co prise appro"i ately one+third of the student population% With these changes the Uni#ersity presently esti ates that so e 255 additional bed spaces are re,uired to allow for fle"ibility of student choice and for decant during repair and upgrading of current acco odation (see $ppendi" $%4%**%)% This esti ate of acco odation need does not include housing for the targeted .25 postgraduate students to be recruited o#er the co ing years! nor apparently does it address the de and fro returning (second+! third+ and fourth+year) students for Uni#ersity acco odation esti ated to be in the region of *%2 applications for each a#ailable place% The Uni#ersity has land for construction of such acco odation but! as with all institutions significantly dependent on public financing! is short of resources gi#en co peting clai s and priorities for in#est ent in acade ic infrastructure% Ket! as the Uni#ersities U@-s ;lanning Guidance (4558) de onstrates! the lin' between uni#ersity acco odation and acade ic reputation and research is a strong one! with the pro#ision of affordable and attracti#e places to li#e a 'ey induce ent to aintaining student applications and in recruiting teaching and research staff% Indeed! it was concerns regarding the Cability of the Uni#ersity to attract researchers! staff and students! and to operate as an institute of acade ic e"cellence-! that oti#ated the establish ent of the CStrategic Housing Wor'ing Group- by &ife Council and the Uni#ersity of St $ndrews in 45*4 (see Section .%*%)% The obAecti#es of the Wor'ing Group are inter alia to Cidentify opportunities for housing de#elop ent to eet the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff groups- and to Ce#idence a uni,ue affordable housing odel to be applied for specific groups- (see Section 2%*%)% $t the ti e of writing the results of this report were not a#ailable to public scrutiny%


Addressing Need and Alleviating Pressure

The establish ent of this Wor'ing Group reflects the absence of national and regional planning guidance to local authorities with regard to the pro#ision of student housing3 local authorities ha#e no legislati#e obligation to include student acco odation in their strategic housing plans% $s a conse,uence ad hoc groups for consultation and negotiation ha#e been set up in any towns and cities with significant uni#ersity populations (Uni#ersities U@! 4558)% The St $ndrews Wor'ing Group initiati#e is a response to a growing concern with the ade,uacy of housing pro#ision in St $ndrews and an e"plicit ac'nowledge ent that the Council and the Uni#ersity ha#e Ca shared interest in ensuring the effecti#e operation of the housing ar'et! including the pro#ision of appropriate housing for residents! Uni#ersity staff and students- (Strategic Housing Wor'ing Group! 45*4)% In these and other respects the Wor'ing Group is to be welco ed as a positi#e step in the de#elop ent of a co+ordinated and purposeful approach to the pro#ision of student acco odation as part of a wider concern with housing need and housing pressures in St $ndrews% 6egrettably! in this instance! e bership of the Wor'ing ;arty was not e"tended to representati#es of the town-s residents% Hopefully! howe#er! the collaboration e#ident in the Wor'ing Group heralds the beginning of a consultati#e process that will be sensiti#e to the interests and in#ol#e ent of the wider St $ndrews co unity in the planning process% 7.4.@. 'uture possibilities The de#elop ent and deli#ery of housing strategy and policies has traditionally focused on the role of the state (central and local go#ern ent) and the ar'et (in its se#eral anifestations)% 6arely! other than through Cpublic- consultation! has ci#il society (the co unity) been acti#ely engaged in initiating policy or in deli#ering output% The Scottish Go#ern ent-s CCo unity B power ent and 6enewal 7ill- + to be included in its legislati#e progra e for 45*/ + will consider ways in which this can be changed (The Scottish Go#ern ent! 45*4a)% The o#erall obAecti#e of the 7ill is to Csupport co unities to achie#e their own goals and aspirations through ta'ing independent action and by ha#ing their #oices heard in the decisions that affect their area-% This is a wide ranging 7ill designed to strengthen co unity participation and to unloc' co unity endea#our% In relation to housing! the topics under consideration are the possible e"tension of a Cco unity right to buy- to urban areas and e"ploring how e"isting legislation can be better used to allow >ocal $uthority and 6S> tenants to anage their housing% Specifically and additionally this opens up the possibility for co unity based co+housing sche es and for co+operati#e ? co unity based housing associations as ways of deli#ering affordable housing and ensuring a e,uitable di#ision of resources%.5 It is beyond the scope of this report to reflect in detail on the ways such co unity initiati#es could be acti#ated in St $ndrews! not least because the debate is Aust beginning and there are only a few e"tant precedents to called upon as e"e plars% The references we ha#e cited in &ootnote .5 illustrate the nature of the discussion and pro#ide so e guide as to i ple entation% We would si ply reflect that St $ndrews has huge potential in this respect in that it has an acti#e and energised co unity base% $t #arious stages through this report we ha#e reflected on the desirability of establishing a Cper anentforu for dialogue on housing issues in the town3 this we would suggest could be the #ehicle through which co unity initiati#es are de#eloped and ad#anced%


See .Publications.2<<2.<=.1B@A7.11227J for Scottish Go#ern ent guidance on housing co+operati#es% See J and 7renton (45*.) for co+housing3 and I J for Co unity land trusts% Mc@ee (45*4) presents an o#er#iew% :4



Conclusions & Recommendations

8. Conclusions & Recommendations

One of the Councillors inter ie!e" #$ the Co%%ission s&i"' (The Uni ersit$ is & )re&t success* the to!n is & )re&t success* the )olf is & )re&t success + ho! "o $ou fit & ,u&rt into & -int+-ot./ The Co%%ission t&0es & si%il&r ie!1 There &re so %&n$ &s-ects of St An"re!s th&t &re e2cellent &n" it is -recisel$ "ue to St An"re!s &s & !hole "oin) so !ell' th&t issues &n" -ro#le%s &rise1 One of these issues is to "o !ith (re&l housin) -ro#le%s/1 (Re&l housin) -ro#le%s/ c&n %e&n & &riet$ of thin)s' such &s the l&c0 of &ffor"&#le housin) to -urch&se or to rent' hi)h rent costs in the -ri &te sector &n" &t so%e Uni ersit$ resi"ences' hi)h house -rices' the st&te of re-&ir of houses' the concentr&tion of stu"ents in the centr&l conser &tion &re&' f&%ilies )ener&ll$ on the (outs0irts/' &n" so on1 It is reco)nise" th&t' o er the -&st fe! $e&rs' fin&nci&l constr&ints on -u#lic fun"in) h& e %&"e it %ore th&n usu&ll$ "ifficult to %&n&)e co%-etin) -riorities &n" th&t these constr&ints &re li0el$ to re%&in for the foresee&#le future1 It is su))este"' nonetheless' th&t &ll st&0ehol"ers shoul" i)orousl$ i%-le%ent &n$ i&#le short+ter% %e&sures &n" co%%it to see0in) -olicies &n" %ech&nis%s !hich ser e to %eet the housin) nee"s of St An"re!s in the %e"iu% &n" lon)er ter%1 3elo!' !e su%%&rise the %&in reco%%en"&tions of the Co%%ission' &ll of !hich nee" to #e re&" in the li)ht of the rele &nt sections of this re-ort 4 identified in italics51 It shoul" #e #orne in %in" th&t there &re fe!' if &n$' ,uic0 solutions* it !ill t&0e ti%e to &""ress the &rious issues1 We &lso reco)nise th&t !hile the reco%%en"&tions in this re-ort %&$ "iffer in "et&il' the$ reflect issues th&t h& e #een -&rt of & -u#lic con ers&tion for so%e consi"er&#le ti%e 61 We h& e )rou-e" our reco%%en"&tions un"er three he&"in)s7 Affordable Housing, Student Accommodation, Other 1 8urther reco%%en"&tions occur in the #o"$ of the re-ort1 The reco%%en"&tions &re -resente" in t&#ul&r for% &n" nu%#ere" se,uenti&ll$1 The Co%%ission is co%-ose" of l&$ -eo-le !ho h& e consi"er&#le loc&l 0no!le")e #ut onl$ one of !ho% h&s si)nific&nt un"erst&n"in) of the housin) %&r0et1 Its reco%%en"&tions ste% fro% &n in"e-en"ent -ers-ecti e &n" &re the result of &n e2tensi e e2&%in&tion of "e%o)r&-hic &n" housin) "&t& co%#ine" !ith & househol" sur e$ &n" %eetin)s !ith re-resent&ti es of loc&l or)&nis&tions' inclu"in) 8ife Council &n" the Uni ersit$1 The Co%%ission in ites st&0ehol"ers to consi"er our reco%%en"&tions -ositi el$1 Or)&nis&tions &n" in"i i"u&ls 4Uni ersit$' 8ife Council' to!n resi"ents' lettin) &)ents' etc15 nee" to t&0e res-onsi#ilit$ for sol in) the re&l housin) -ro#le%s of the to!n + the Co%%ission c&n onl$ -resent its re-ort &n" %&0e reco%%en"&tions1 Det&il for i%-le%entin) the reco%%en"&tions is "eli#er&tel$ left o-en so th&t the$ c&n #e "iscusse" &n" el&#or&te" u-on #$ st&0ehol"ers1 A ne! 8I8E-l&n is #ein) -re-&re" #$ 8ife Council for &"o-tion in 9:6;1 It is ho-e" th&t this re-ort !ith its reco%%en"&tions !ill #e consi"ere" "urin) the re ie! le&"in) u- to th&t outco%e1 8.1. Affordable housing Brief statement of the issues The inclusion of St An"re!s in & !i"er Loc&l Housin) Str&te)$ Are& 4LHSA5 for -l&nnin) -ur-oses %&0es it "ifficult to &n&l$se effecti el$ the housin) situ&tion in St An"re!s itself &n" to &""ress nee"s s-ecific to the to!n1 The Co%%ission #elie es the Str&te)ic Pl&nnin) Are& &--ro&ch o#scures the "istincti e circu%st&nces th&t St An"re!s f&ces1 It coul" #e &r)ue" th&t no other to!n in 8ife is consi"ere" &-&rt fro% its LHSA' #ut th&t !oul" #e to i)nore the er$ consi"er&#le effects th&t the Uni ersit$' in -&rticul&r' h&s u-on housin)' not onl$ on stu"ent housin)' #ut &lso on the & &il&#ilit$ of &ffor"&#le housin)1 No other to!n in Scotl&n" h&s & resi"ent -o-ul&tion of c1 6<'::: -eo-le' h&lf of !ho% &re stu"ents' &n" !ith h&lf of these stu"ents li in) in rente" to!n -ro-ert$1

See' for e2&%-le' 8ife Council E&st Are& Ser ices Co%%ittee' 9;th Au)ust 9::= + A)en"& Ite% No > ?http://www !ingsbarnslin!s com/info/housing/affordableseminar htm @ A;


Conclusions & Recommendations

Des-ite #ein) "esi)n&te" & (Pressure" Are&/ 4 see Section " # 5' no &ffor"&#le houses h& e #een #uilt in St An"re!s since 9::<1 All th&t Pressure" Are& St&tus &--e&rs to %e&n is th&t the -urch&se of council housin) #$ so%e ten&nts in St An"re!s h&s #een restricte"1 Affor"&#le houses in the -i-eline + &t A##e$ W&l0 or in the -ro-ose" St An"re!s West "e elo-%ent + rel$ he& il$ on -ri &te sector "eli er$ throu)h -l&nnin) o#li)&tion1 No -ro%ise e2ists of &n$ su#si"ise" "e elo-%ent1 All this &rises -&rtl$ #ec&use of the fin&nci&l constr&ints referre" to &#o e #ut' h& in) s&i" th&t' there &re other &re&s in 8ife !here su#si"ise" housin) h&s #een -ro i"e" throu)h "irect 8ife Council &n" soci&l l&n"lor" in est%ent1 The ,uestion &rises' &n" re,uires to #e &ns!ere" cle&rl$' &s to !h$ no "irect &ffor"&#le housin) su#si"$ is forthco%in) for St An"re!s1 The Western De elo-%ent !&s ori)in&ll$ sche"ule" to t&0e -l&ce o er 9: $e&rs' #ut &lre&"$ !e &re & fe! $e&rs into th&t &n" no st&rt h&s #een %&"e1 8in&nci&l constr&ints %&$ "el&$ it further1 The i%-&ct fro% stu"ent occu-&nc$ of -ri &te -ro-ert$' es-eci&ll$ in the centre of the to!n' e2&cer#&tes the "e&rth of &ffor"&#le housin)1 The Co%%ission reco)nises th&t there is no e&s$ solution or (%&)ic #ullet/ to resol e the &ffor"&#le housin) situ&tion' #ut reco%%en"s th&t cert&in ste-s &re t&0en ur)entl$ in or"er to counter&ct the se er&l $e&rs in !hich little in the &ctu&l "eli er$ of &ffor"&#le housin) h&s occurre"1 The Co%%ission #elie es th&t & er$ re&l o--ortunit$ e2ists in the "eli er$ of &ffor"&#le housin) &t the Bilr$%ont c&%-us of M&"r&s Colle)e' &ssu%in) th&t this !ill no lon)er #e re,uire" for e"uc&tion&l nee"s once the ne! M&"r&s Colle)e h&s #een #uilt1

Number Recommendation $%amination of St Andrews town and strateg& for housing 8ife Council con"uct &n e2&%in&tion of the s-ecific nee"s of the St An"re!s to!n 4&s "istinct fro% the St An"re!s LHSA5 &n" cre&te & str&te)$ for housin) !ithin the to!n' incor-or&tin) issues such &s7 4i5 the consi"er&#le &%ount of rente" -ro-ert$* 4ii5 -recisel$ !h&t is "esire" in ter%s of & #&l&nce" &n" %i2e" co%%unit$* &n" 4iii5 "irectl$ su#si"isin) the -ro ision of &ffor"&#le housin) &n" lessenin) reli&nce on "eli er$ throu)h -ri &te "e elo-%ent -l&nnin) )&in1 References7 4' ( Affordable Housing in St Andrews5* 4' ( ( )ife Council*s H+,A5* 4' " Addressing the issues of affordabilit&5* 4' " # -olic& bac!ground5* 4;1C191 ./he 0ocal -lan/ and affordabilit&/5* 41 2 # Assessment of student housing needs5* 43 ( $%amining the principles and 4some of5 the practice of housing and de6elopment planning5* 43 ( ( Balanced and mi%ed 4B&75 communities5* 43 " # Affordable housing5 8nno6ati6e means of pro6iding affordable housing for rent or purchase With 8ife Council t&0in) the le&"' ste-s shoul" #e t&0en to su--ort &n" stren)then the !or0in) to)ether of 8ife Council' "e elo-ers' RSLs &n" -ri &te l&n"lor"s' &lon) !ith the loc&l co%%unit$' to loo0 &t inno &ti e %e&ns of -ro i"in) &ffor"&#le housin) for rent or -urch&se1 References7 4' " # -olic& bac!ground5* 4' ' # 7ar!et forces5* 43 " ( 96: -recedents and models for ;ilr&mont5 -ublicl&<owned land surplus to the needs of public authorities Pu#licl$+o!ne" l&n" sur-lus to the nee"s of -u#lic &uthorities or li0el$ to #eco%e sur-lus shoul" #e i"entifie" &n" if suit&#le e&r%&r0e" for the -ro ision of &ffor"&#le housin)' -&rticul&rl$ soci&l rentin)* for e2&%-le' the site &t Bilr$%ont currentl$ occu-ie" &s -&rt of M&"r&s Colle)e' &ssu%in) th&t & ne! M&"r&s Colle)e !ill #e -ro i"e" &t & "ifferent loc&tion in "ue course1 References7 4' ' " 0and a6ailabilit&5* 43 " ( ;ilr&mont .=illage*5 Cont"1




Number Recommendation

Conclusions & Recommendations


Affordable housing at ;ilr&mont .6illage* 8ife Council &cti el$ -ursue the #uil"in) of &ffor"&#le houses 4-ri%&ril$ council &n" RSL housin)5 on the Bilr$%ont site 4!hich it &lre&"$ o!ns5' &s !ell &s e2-lorin) !ith the Uni ersit$ &n" loc&l co%%unit$ -ossi#ilities for the -ro ision of other &ffor"&#le housin) 4e1)1 -ost)r&"u&te housin)' s-eci&l nee"s housin)5 in this &re&1 References7 4> 1 1 0and costs5* 4' ' " 0and a6ailabilit&5* 43 " ( ;ilr&mont .=illage*5 Housing de6elopments 8ife Council 4i5 in -&rtnershi- !ith the loc&l co%%unit$ &n" Uni ersit$' e2-lore "e elo-in) the St An"re!s West e2-&nsion &n" the Bilr$%ont ( ill&)e/ in t&n"e%' e&ch co%-le%entin) the other' e&ch &n &""ition to the other' !hile enforcin) &n &--ro-ri&tel$ ne)oti&te" &ffor"&#le housin) -l&nnin) )&in o#li)&tion' &s close &s -ossi#le to C:D* 4ii5 continue to &""ress the issue of housin) for soci&l rentin) in #oth St An"re!s &n" its surroun"in) &re&* 4iii5 in -&rtnershi- !ith the loc&l co%%unit$ e2&%ine housin) "e elo-%ents else!here in 8ife &n" further &fiel"' consi"erin) issues of inno &ti e "e elo-%ent r&ise" in these "e elo-%ents1 References7 4' " Addressing the issues of affordabilit&5* 43 " ( ;ilr&mont .=illage*5* 43 " " Student housing and H7Os5 Rules for affordable housing and special needs and student accommodation 8ife Council' in consult&tion !ith the loc&l co%%unit$ &n" the Uni ersit$' cl&rif$ the rules on &ffor"&#ilit$' &""ressin) such issues &s 4i5 !hether -ro ision for ol"er -eo-le or -eo-le !ith s-eci&l nee"s c&n count &s &ffor"&#le housin)' &n" 4ii5 the "esi)n&tion of ne! -ost)r&"u&te &cco%%o"&tion &s &ffor"&#le housin) thus o# i&tin) the nee" for & C:D -l&nnin) )&in o#li)&tion1 References7 41 2 ( ( Additional student accommodation pro6ided b& the ?ni6ersit&5



8. . Student accommodation Brief statement of the issues Stu"entific&tion is "escri#e" &s (The -rocess #$ !hich s-ecific nei)h#ourhoo"s #eco%e "o%in&te" #$ stu"ent resi"enti&l &cco%%o"&tion/ 4see Section <1=151 Stu"entific&tion c&n #rin) !ith it %&n$ #enefits #ut &lso %&n$ ne)&ti e fe&tures 4see Section <1=19151 This is -&rticul&rl$ isi#le in & s%&ll co%%unit$ li0e St An"re!s !here stu"ents %&0e u- &l%ost ;:D of the -o-ul&tion &n" li e in &#out 9:D of the resi"enti&l -ro-erties1 Much of the stu"ent -o-ul&tion li in) in the to!n is concentr&te" in or ne&r the to!n centre' so%e streets h& in) u- to E:D stu"ent occu-&nc$1 M&n$ stu"ents -refer to li e in or ne&r the to!n centre' not onl$ in or"er to #e ne&r their -l&ces of stu"$' #ut &lso for the soci&l life of the Uni ersit$ &s !ell &s &ccess to to!n ret&il &n" ser ice f&cilities1 The cost of centr&l to!n li in) is e2-ensi e1 8or so%e l&n"lor"s' %&n$ of !ho% &re &#sent' St An"re!s c&n #e seen &s & (hone$+-ot/ in ter%s of their in est%ent1 While there &re %&n$ e2ce-tions' so%e l&n"lor"s %&$ not h& e %uch interest in %&int&inin) the st&n"&r" of their -ro-ert$' or of its surroun"s' &s lon) &s the rent is -&i" on ti%e1 The concentr&tion of stu"ents h&s cre&te" & "e%o)r&-hic i%#&l&nce in the centre of St An"re!s &s hi)h rents &n" hi)h house -rices ine it&#le s,ueeFe out loc&l resi"ents !ho %i)ht other!ise !ish to li e in the to!n centre1 Loc&l resi"ents li in) in the centre of to!n c&n often feel isol&te" &n" &lien&te" in & stu"ent "o%in&te" encl& e !here ine it&#l$ there &re lifest$le cl&shes1



Conclusions & Recommendations

The Uni ersit$ -l&ns to incre&se its -ost)r&"u&te nu%#ers #$ &#out C;:' #ut h&s no -l&ns to incre&se its un"er)r&"u&te -o-ul&tion* it h&s &lso st&te" its "esire to -ro i"e ;:: further stu"ent #e" s-&ces -&rtl$ for %&inten&nce &n" "ec&nt -ur-oses 4see Section <1A1C1 Uni ersit$ of St An"re!s51 The -ros-ect of &#out ;:: -ri &tel$+fun"e" stu"ent #e" s-&ces in ne! (h&lls of resi"ence/ 4sites &t A##e$ P&r0' Me%ori&l Hos-it&l' E&st S&n"s5 cre&tes so%e of the con"itions in !hich & re"uction in centr&l HMO &cco%%o"&tion c&n #e &cti el$ -ursue"1 The Co%%ission consi"ers th&t this -ri &tel$ -ro i"e" stu"ent housin) &n" the &""ition&l ;::+#e" Uni ersit$ h&ll of resi"ence shoul" #e -ursue" &s co%-le%entin) e&ch other &n" not &s one e2clu"in) the other1
Number Recommendation Studentification and planning 8ife Council' in co+o-er&tion !ith 0e$ loc&l st&0ehol"ers' 4i5 stu"$ the stu"entific&tion of St An"re!s in "e-th' le&rnin) fro% e2-erience else!here' 4ii5 e2&%ine the tot&l nu%#er of rente" -ro-erties in St An"re!s' inclu"in) HMO+license" &n" other 4one &n" t!o #e" s-&ce5 stu"ent &cco%%o"&tion' &n" est&#lish & $&r"stic0 for HMO "ensit$ -ossi#l$ on & street #$ street #&sis &n" 4iii5 est&#lish &n" i%-le%ent & -l&n for %o in) to & %ore "e%o)r&-hic&ll$ "i erse to!n centre o er succee"in) $e&rs #$ e2ercisin) the "iscretion&r$ -o!ers &lre&"$ &t its "is-os&l' such &s refusin) &n HMO licence once &n o er-ro ision -olic$ h&s #een est&#lishe"1 References7 41 > Studentification@ an o6er6iew5* 41 ' Studentification in St Andrews5* 41 2 > Studentification5* 43 ( ( Balanced and mi%ed 4B&75 communities5 H7O moratorium Pen"in) the conclusion of the stu"$ in R A 4i5' the current %or&toriu% on HMOs re%&in in -l&ce &n"' )i en the &--ro &l for %ore -ri &tel$ fun"e" &cco%%o"&tion 49=6 #e"s5 &t the Me%ori&l Hos-it&l site' serious consi"er&tion #e )i en to e2ten"in) the %or&toriu% to other -&rts of St An"re!s !ith hi)h concentr&tions of HMOs1 References7 4> 1 " /he students5* 41 ' Studentification in St Andrews5* 4T&#le <1;1 H7Os b& data Aone5* 41 ' " Housing in multiple occupation 4H7Os55* 41 2 > Studentification5* 43 " " Student housing and H7Os5 $nsuring good repair standards in rented propert& 4i5 8ife Council reinforce !ith &ll -ri &te l&n"lor"s their o#li)&tions to %&int&in their -ro-erties to &n &"e,u&te st&n"&r"* in -&rticul&r' follo!in) the licensin) of HMO -ro-erties' 8ife Council %onitor l&n"lor"s/ -ro-er %&inten&nce of the st&n"&r" &n" con"ition re,uire" un"er licence &n"' !here necess&r$' t&0e enforce%ent &ction 4inclu"in) the !ith"r&!&l or non+rene!&l of licenses5 !ith the ulti%&te s&nction of -rosecution* 4ii5 The Uni ersit$ &n" Stu"entsG Associ&tion r&ise &!&reness &%on) stu"ents of ten&nts/ res-onsi#ilities &n" of the -rocess o-en to ten&nts to secure &--ro-ri&te st&n"&r"s of re-&ir' &n" if the current -rocess see%s ineffecti e' li&ise !ith 8ife Council to cre&te & %ore effecti e one19 References7 4> > 1 Bualit& of rented accommodation5* 43 " " Student housing and H7Os5* 41 1 Bualit& and cost of student accommodation5*




The Pri &te Rente" Housin) P&ne 4PHRP5 )i es &" ice to Scottish l&n"lor"s &n" ten&nts' c&n hel- to resol e "ifferences &n" en&#le ten&nts to force necess&r$ re-&irs to #e c&rrie" out 4htt-7HH!!!1-hr-scotl&n"1)o 1u0H51 AE


Number Recommendation

Conclusions & Recommendations

R 1'

Additional purpose<built student accommodation The "e elo-%ent of -ur-ose+#uilt stu"ent &cco%%o"&tion !hether #$ the Uni ersit$ or the -ri &te sector shoul" #e su--orte" #$ &ll st&0ehol"ers1 In &""ition' the Uni ersit$ st&te -u#licl$ the sc&le &n" -ro-ose" loc&tion of the -ur-ose+#uilt &cco%%o"&tion for &roun" ;:: stu"ents !hich it h&s i"entifie" &s necess&r$' -&rtl$ for %&inten&nce &n" "ec&nt -ur-oses' &n" in"ic&te li0el$ ti%in)1 8urther' !e reco%%en" th&t &cco%%o"&tion #e -ro i"e" for the -l&nne" incre&se in -ost)r&"u&te nu%#ers1 References7 4' ' > Student accommodation needs5* 41 ( Student numbers5* 41 3 > Students* Association5* 41 2 ( # Additional student accommodation pro6ided b& the ?ni6ersit&5* 43 " " Student housing and H7Os5

8.!. (ther recommendations Brief statement of the issues The in-ut of loc&l resi"ents &n" &rious or)&nis&tions to the !or0 of the Co%%ission !&s )re&tl$ &lue"' &s !ere the res-onses of the or)&nis&tions to its follo!+u- ,uestions1 These inter ie!s &n" ,uestions re e&le" &n &cce-t&nce #$ %ost -&rties th&t there &re re&l housin) -ro#le%s in St An"re!s1 While reco)nisin) th&t e&ch or)&nis&tion h&s its o!n -riorities' the er$ f&ct of settin) u- the Co%%ission &n" en)&)in) !ith it %e&ns ho-efull$ th&t there is & !illin)ness to see0 to fin" & !&$ for!&r"1 8ro% its e2-eriences in co%-letin) the !or0 for this re-ort' the Co%%ission #elie es th&t there is &n ur)ent re,uire%ent for or)&nis&tions &n" in"i i"u&ls to !or0 to)ether1 The -&st &n" -resent scen&rio !ith re)&r" to housin) -l&ns &--e&rs to #e th&t ("iscussion/ h&s #een 8ife Council le"' in ol in) -u#lic consult&tion' &n intern&l &ssess%ent of the (e i"ence/' &n" -u#lishin) the -l&ns H "ecisions + to #e ch&llen)e" or not &s the c&se %&$ #e1 The Co%%ission su))ests e2-lor&tion of &n &""ition&l -rocess' %ore -ro+&cti e r&ther th&n re&cti e1 Be$ re-resent&ti es of loc&l #o"ies shoul" %eet re)ul&rl$ to "iscuss ne! &n" on+)oin) issues1 E en if "ifferences c&nnot #e full$ reconcile"' un"erst&n"in) one &nother #etter !oul" hel- to e&se tensions &%on) !h&t so%e -ercei e &s' to c&ric&ture it thou)h not !ithout so%e foun"&tion' & he& $!ei)ht centr&lise" loc&l &uthorit$' & -o!erful Uni ersit$' &n" resist&nt &n" co%-l&inin) resi"ents1 Stu"ents &re & tr&nsitor$ -o-ul&tion in the sense th&t the %&Iorit$ &re onl$ -resent in St An"re!s for C: !ee0s in &n$ 6 $e&r &n" then onl$ for = $e&rs #efore %o in) on1 Thou)h tr&nsient' !hich c&n %e&n for so%e resi"ents th&t stu"ents "o not &n" c&nnot h& e the )oo" of the to!n &t he&rt' stu"ents contri#ute consi"er&#l$ to life in the to!n in ter%s of -ro i"in) cultur&l e ents &n" en)&)in) in olunt&r$ !or01 The Co%%ission &lues these lin0s &n" !ishes to see the% fostere" &n" e2-&n"e"1 A (Co%%unit$ E%-o!er%ent &n" Rene!&l 3ill/ is currentl$ #ein) -ro-ose" #$ the Scottish Go ern%ent &n" the Co%%ission ho-es th&t the o er&ll o#Iecti e of the 3ill !hich is to (su--ort co%%unities to &chie e their o!n )o&ls &n" &s-ir&tions throu)h t&0in) in"e-en"ent &ction &n" #$ h& in) their oices he&r" in the "ecisions th&t &ffect their &re&/ c&n #e t&0en on #o&r" &n" -ut into -r&ctice in St An"re!s 4see Section A1C1=151



Number Recommendation

Conclusions & Recommendations

R 11

Standing Cor!ing -art& A St&n"in) Wor0in) P&rt$' !ith %e%#ershi- fro% 8ife Council' the Uni ersit$ 4st&ff &n" stu"ents5 &n" the Co%%unit$ Council #e est&#lishe"' !ith the re%it to co er &ll housin) nee"s in St An"re!s 4inclu"in) stu"ent housin) nee"s5' ch&rt &n &)ree" for!&r" route' &n" #e -re-&re" to "r&! other %e%#ers of the co%%unit$ into "iscussion &s &n" !hen "ee%e" hel-ful1 The Co%%unit$ Council %i)ht &--ro-ri&tel$ le&" such & !or0in) -&rt$1 References7 4> 1 #D 7anaging and sol6ing problems5* 4' ' ' 0ocal opposition to de6elopment5* 41 > ' Conclusions5* 41 2 ' Eeneral5* 43 " > )uture possibilities5 8nteraction among sta!eholders Un"er the le&"ershi- of the Co%%unit$ Council' e&ch st&0ehol"er co%%it to the re,uire%ent to !or0 effecti el$ to)ether1 References7 4> 1 " /he students5* 4> 1 > 0ocal pressure groups5* 4> 1 F /he communit& interest5* 4> 1 #D 7anaging and sol6ing problems5* 41 > ' Conclusions5





Arthurson, K. (2012) Social Mix and the City: Challenging the mixed communities consensus in housing and urban planning policies. Colling oo!, "IC# CSI$O %u&lishing '(ll, M. (2010) )Th* UK +ri,(t* r*nt*! s*-tor (s ( sour-* o. (..or!(&l* (--o//o!(tion0. Housing M(r1*t T(s1.or-*, 2os*+h $o ntr** 3oun!(tion, 4or1 5 accommodation pri!ate sector full.pdf 6 'igg(r 7-ono/i-s (2012) )7-ono/i- I/+(-t o. th* Uni,*rsit8 o. St An!r* s 2011912# A .in(l r*+ort0. 'r(/l*8, G. : W(t1ins, ;. (201<) )=o-(l in-o/*s (n! +o,*rt8 in S-otl(n!# ;*,*lo+ing lo-(l (n! s/(ll (r*( *sti/(t*s (n! *>+loring +(tt*rns o. in-o/* !istri&ution, +o,*rt8 (n! !*+ri,(tion0. $*+ort o. $*s*(r-h .or th* I/+ro,*/*nt S*r,i-* on &*h(l. o. .our =o-(l Authoriti*s (7!in&urgh, 3(l1ir1, 3i.* (n! Highl(n!) (n! th* S-ottish Go,*rn/*nt 5www.impro!ementser! document/"#"# local incomes and po!erty in scotland/6 'r*nton, M. (201<) )S*nior -ohousing -o//uniti*s 9 (n (lt*rn(ti,* (++ro(-h .or th* UK?0. 2os*+h $o ntr** 3oun!(tion, 4or1 5 cohousing communities full.pdf 6 Ch(rt*r*! Institut* o. Housing S-otl(n! : Sh*lt*r S-otl(n! (2012) )$*sour-*s .or in,*st/*nt in (..or!(&l* housing in S-otl(n!0. Su&/ission to th* S-ottish Go,*rn/*nt S+*n!ing $*,i* 20129201@ 5$$data/assets/pdf$file/%%&&/"'()#*/SR$S+,M-SS-./$0%&&$1-/23.pdf 6 Ch*shir*, %. (200A) )S*gr*g(t*! n*igh&ourhoo!s (n! /i>*! -o//uniti*s. A -riti-(l (n(l8sis0. 2os*+h $o ntr** 3oun!(tion 4or1 5 segregation mixed communities.pdf 6 Cr(ig.orth $*s*(r-h : Consult(n-8 (2010) )Th* Contri&ution o. th* %ri,(t* $*nt*! S*-tor ithin 3i.*0s Housing S8st*/ Su//(r80. Stirling 5http://admin.&$March0%&% 5RSStudy 1inalSummaryReport.pdf 6 Croo1, T., Curri*, 2., 2(-1son, A., Mon1, S., $o l*8, S., S/ith, K. : Whit*h*(!, C. (2002) )%l(nning g(in (n! (..or!(&l* housing /(1ing it -ount0. 2os*+h $o ntr** 3oun!(tion, 4or1 5"&&0#.pdf 6 3i.* Coun-il (200B) )3i.* Stru-tur* %l(n 200C9202C# Writt*n St(t*/*nt0. Gl*nroth*s 5*.pdf 6 3i.* Coun-il (2012) )A..or!(&l* Housing Su++l*/*nt(r8 %l(nning Gui!(n-*0. Gl*nroth*s 5http://publications.&$2ppro!ed2ffordable6ousing0%&&+pdated.pdf6 3i.* Coun-il (2012() );un.*r/lin* : W*st 3i.* =o-(l %l(n, (!o+t*! 20120. Gl*nroth*s 5http://publications.&$781358rittenStatement.pdf 6 3i.* Coun-il (2012&) )St An!r* s : 7(st 3i.* =o-(l %l(n, (!o+t*! 20120. Gl*nroth*s 5http://publications.&$8rittenStatement.pdf 6 3i.* Coun-il (2012-) )S-h*!ul* 10 =i-*nsing Con!itions Housing (S-otl(n!) A-t 200C =i-*nsing o. Hous*s in Multi+l* O--u+(tion0. Gl*nroth*s 5http://publications.&$&%6M.3icenceConditions".pdf 6

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING 3i.* Coun-il (201<) )3I37+l(n 9 =o-(l ;*,*lo+/*nt %l(n 9 M(in Issu*s $*+ort0. Gl*nroth*s 5http://fife consult.objecti!$ldp/fifeplan$main$issure$report/ldp& mir 6


3i.* Coun-il : Uni,*rsit8 o. St An!r* s (2012) )Str(t*gi- Housing Wor1ing Grou+ $*/it 9 ,*rsion 12.0C.120. Uni,*rsit8 o. St An!r* s (n! 3i.* Coun-il 3i.* Housing %(rtn*rshi+ (200B) )Str(t*gi- Housing In,*st/*nt %l(n 2010E11 9 201FE1@0. Gl*nroth*s 5http://publications.&$&&571.pdf 6 3i.* Housing %(rtn*rshi+ (2010) )3i.* Housing N**! (n! ;*/(n! Ass*ss/*nt0. Gl*nroth*s 5publications.&!ember90%0%&%.pdf6 3i.* Housing %(rtn*rshi+ (2011) G=o-(l Housing Str(t*g8 20109201@ (=o-(l Housing Str(t*g8 U+!(t* 2011)G. Gl*nroth*s
5http://publications.& 90%1ife90%36S90%+pdate90%0%&&.pdf6

3i.* Housing %(rtn*rshi+ (201<) )Str(t*gi- Housing In,*st/*nt %l(n 201<E1F 9 201AE1D0. Gl*nroth*s 5http://publications.&$S6-5September0%&".pdf 6 3i.* Housing %(rtn*rshi+ (201<() )3i.* Ol!*r %*rsons0 Housing A++ro(-h, 201<91C0. Gl*nroth*s
5publications.& 90%.lder90%5ersons90%6ousing90%2pproach90%0%&" 0%&(.pdf6

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Appendices Contents A.1. Letter to Key Organisations ................................................................................. 8 A.1.1. Written S!"#issions .............................................................................. 88 A.$. Notes %ro# Meetings &it' Key Organisations A.$.1. Con%e(eration o% St An(re&s )esi(ents* Asso+iations .......................... 8, A.$.$. -i%e Co!n+i. /Ho!sing0 ............................................................................ ,$ A.$.1. -i%e Co!n+i. /P.anning0 ........................................................................... ,2 A.$.2. -i%e Co!n+i..ors ...................................................................................... , A.$.3. Hea(on De4e.o5#ents ........................................................................... ,, A.$.6. King(o# Ho!sing Asso+iation ............................................................... 171 A.$. . )o"ertson Ho#es /A""ey Par80 ............................................................ 172 A.$.8. )oya. 9!rg' o% St An(re&s Co##!nity Co!n+i. .................................... 176 A.$.,. T'e O.( Co!rse Hote.: Go.% )esort ; S5a .............................................. 178 A.$.17. T'e St An(re&s Preser4ation Tr!st ....................................................... 117 A.$.11. Uni4ersity o% St An(re&s ........................................................................ 11$ A.$.1$. Uni4ersity o% St An(re&s St!(ents* Asso+iation ..................................... 113 A.1. <!estionnaire ...................................................................................................... 11 A.1.1. Ta"!.ations o% <!estionnaires )es5onses "y Gen(er ....................................................................... 118 )es5onses "y Age ............................................................................. 1$7 )es5onses "y E#5.oy#ent Stat!s .................................................... 1$$ )es5onses "y Ho!sing Ten!re ......................................................... 1$2 A.2. Ma5s o% St An(re&s an( -i%e Data =ones > )oya. 9!rg' o% St An(re&s Co##!nity Co!n+i. .......... 1$ -i%e Lo+a. Ho!sing Strategy Areas > -i%e Ho!sing Mar8et Areas ....... 1$8 Green 9e.t > Conser4ation Area ......................................................... 1$, Strategy Lan( A..o+ation /St An(re&s West0 ..................................... 117 A.3. St An(re&s Pri#ary S+'oo. )o..s /1, , ? $71$0 ................................................. 111 A.6. 9iogra5'ies o% Co##ission Me#"ers ................................................................. 11$



Letter to Key Organisations

A.1. Letter to Key Organisations


Tuesday, 13 November !1 ST ANDREWS HOUSING COMMISSION "ey #o$a# or%an&sa'&ons (ave )o&ned 'o%e'(er 'o es'ab#&s( an &nde*enden' Hous&n% Comm&ss&on &n S' Andre+s, T(e ob)e$'&ves o- '(e Comm&ss&on are 'o $ondu$' a de'a&#ed rev&e+ o- '(e $urren' (ous&n% s&'ua'&on &n S' Andre+s and 'o &den'&-y $ons'ru$'&ve *ro*osa#s -or '(e -u'ure, T(e Comm&ss&on (as been es'ab#&s(ed )o&n'#y by #o$a# .&-e Coun$&##ors, '(e Roya# /ur%( o- S' Andre+s Commun&'y Coun$&#, '(e Un&vers&'y o- S' Andre+s, '(e S'uden's0 Asso$&a'&on, CSARA 1Con-edera'&on oS' Andre+s Res&den's0 Asso$&a'&ons2 and '(e S' Andre+s 3reserva'&on Trus', I's members are4 Dr 5am&e Wa#6er 1C(a&r2, Emer&'us 3ro-essor 5oe Do(er'y, Mr Ia&n Gran', Dr 3au#&ne M$7ou%(#&n and Mr 5o(n Ma''(e+s, Mr S&mon "&dd +&## a$' as Se$re'ary, I- S' Andre+s &s 'o rema&n a %ood *#a$e &n +(&$( 'o #&ve, +or6 and *#ay +e be#&eve '(a' '(ere mus' be a be''er unders'and&n% o- '(e $urren' (ous&n% s&'ua'&on and a $o(eren' and ra'&ona# *#an 'o mee' -u'ure (ous&n% needs, I' &s &m*or'an' '(a' +e (ear '(e v&e+s and o*&n&ons o- a## or%an&sa'&ons and bus&nesses, a#on% +&'( '(e v&e+s and o*&n&ons o- '(ose +(o #&ve or +or6 &n S' Andre+s &- +e are 'o arr&ve a' a $om*re(ens&ve unders'and&n% o- '(e s&'ua'&on, Our re*or', +(&$( +e *#an 'o de#&ver &n s*r&n% !13, +&## be ma6&n% re$ommenda'&ons -or -u'ure a$'&on, T(e Comm&ss&on &s &n '(e *ro$ess o- e8am&n&n% e8&s'&n% s'a'&s'&$s and re*or's +&'( '(e a&m o- $om*&#&n% a (ous&n% and demo%ra*(&$ *ro-&#e o- S' Andre+s, T(e ma&n -o$us o- our &n9u&ry, (o+ever, +&## be 'o see6 '(e v&e+s o- res&den's and '(ose +(o +or6 &n '(e 'o+n and a#so, &m*or'an'#y, v&e+s and o*&n&ons -rom #o$a# bod&es, &n$#ud&n% .&-e Coun$&#, '(e Un&vers&'y, S'uden's0 Asso$&a'&on, (ous&n% and res&den's0 or%an&sa'&ons and re*resen'a'&ves o- '(e 'o+n0s 'rades and $ommer$e, /y means o- '(&s #e''er, +e &nv&'e you 'o *resen' a +r&''en subm&ss&on 'o '(e Comm&ss&on, A#'erna'&ve#y, &- you +ou#d *re-er, +e $an arran%e 'o mee' +&'( you and : or your re*resen'a'&ves a' your $onven&en$e 'o %a&n your v&e+s, We +e#$ome any $ommen's you (ave on (ous&n% *rov&s&on &n S' Andre+s, bu' +e are *ar'&$u#ar#y &n'eres'ed &n '(e -o##o+&n% 1see a#so '(e a$$om*any&n% (ouse(o#d 9ues'&onna&re ; ava&#ab#e a#so on '(e Comm&ss&on0s +ebs&'e <see be#o+ -or de'a&#s=24 W(a' do you $ons&der, -rom '(e *o&n' o- v&e+ o- your or%an&sa'&on, 'o be '(e ma&n *resen' and -oreseeab#e -u'ure (ous&n% needs and (ous&n% *ressures &n S' Andre+s> W(a' needs 'o be done, and by +(om, 'o a##ev&a'e '(ese needs and *ressures> W(a' are '(e ma)or obs'a$#es 'o &m*#emen'&n% so#u'&ons> .ur'(er &n-orma'&on abou' '(e Comm&ss&on and &'s a$'&v&'&es $an be ob'a&ned by v&s&'&n% our +ebs&'e, Iyou (ave any 9uer&es abou' your subm&ss&on *#ease $on'a$' '(e s&%na'ory 'o '(&s #e''er, ?ours, e'$ Dr 5am&e Wa#6er C(a&r CONTACT Webs&'e4 Ema&#4 (''*4::+++,sa'$o(,b#o%s*o',$o,u6: s'andre+s(ous&n%$omm&ss&on@%ma&#,$om


Written Submissions

A.1.1. Written Submissions

The Commission is extremely grateful to all the submissions receive ! "hich inclu e the follo"ing organisations# $lumno %evelo&ments 't Confe eration of St $n re"s (esi ents) $ssociations *CS$($+ ,ast,n ers (esi ents) $ssociation ,ve -ro"n 't .ife Council /ing om Housing $ssociation 0ueen)s Gar ens an 0ueen)s Terrace (esi ents $ssociation *0G0T($+ (oyal -urgh of St $n re"s Community Council St $n re"s 1reservation Trust University of St $n re"s University of St $n re"s Stu ents) $ssociation an in ivi uals# Michael -uchanan (t Hon Sir Men2ies Cam&bell M1 3ane $nn 'iston Colin Mc$llister $ngela Montfor .ran4 0uinault 1enny U&richar 3ohn Watchman %avi Wat4inson 3ane Wat4inson Submissions received from the above, subject to their permission to do so, are available on the ommission!s "ebsite$. Readers of this report are encoura%ed to consult the "ebsite "here information is available in more detail than "as practical to reproduce in this document. &lease note that in Appendi' A.(., these are notes of "hat occurred at the meetin%s, rather than a summar) of an or%anisation*s stated position.



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations


Notes from the meeting between the Commission and the Confederation of St Andrews Residents Associations (CSARA
Friday, 1 February at 15:00 - New Go ! C ub, Gib"on # a$e

(inc!. "o#e $ar% Residents Association and &'eens (ardens ) &'eens Terrace Residents Association


Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. #ro!/ *oe )o-erty Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Mr Iain Grant Mr *o-n Matt-ew"

CS'(' Mr )a0id Midd eton ,CS'('. #ro!/ (i$-ard O 0er ,2G 3 2T ('. )r Fran+ 2uinau t ,Ho4e #ar+ ('.

Confederation of St Andrews Residents Associations (CSARA 1/ CS'(' wa" !or&ed a" an u&bre a or%ani"ation !or t-e 56a"t 6nder"7, Ho4e Street 3 Howard # a$e and 2ueen" Garden" 3 2ueen" Terra$e re"ident"8 a""o$iation" , ater in+ed wit- t-e He4burn Garden" 'rea re"ident"8 a""o$iation./ CS'(' wa" a !ounder &e&ber o! t-e nationa networ+, Su"tainab e Co&&unitie" ,S$ot and., in No0e&ber 900:/ 9/ T-i" new or%ani"ation &ade in+" wit- )r (i$-ard Ty er ,!or&er Uni0er"ity o! ;eed" "ta!! &e&ber. w-o -ad -e 4ed to or%ani"e t-e ;eed" HMO ;obby, $on"tituted !ro& 6n% i"- o$a $o&&unity a""o$iation"/ 'n ob<e$ti0e o! ;eed" HMO ;obby wa" to de0e o4, in town" around t-e $ountry, a networ+ o! $o&&unity a""o$iation" wit- "-ared $on$ern" o0er t-e ad0er"e en0iron&enta and "o$ia e!!e$t" o! $on$entration" o! HMO"/ =/ (e"ident" in Headin% ey a$-ie0ed "o&e "u$$e"" in 4er"uadin% t-e Uni0er"ity o! ;eed" and ;eed" Metro4o itan Uni0er"ity to bui d a$$o&&odation in new area" away !ro& t-o"e wit- o0er$on$entration" o! HMO", to $ountera$t t-e i&ba an$e o! "tudent", in $ertain re"identia di"tri$t"/ :/ CS'(' wa" in0o 0ed wit- Su"tainab e Co&&unitie" ,S$ot and. to obby !or $-an%e" in 4ri&ary -ou"in% e%i" ation u"in% t-e e>4erien$e o! re"ident" in Mar$-&ont, 6dinbur%- and 1e 0in"ide 3 ?yre" (oad, G a"%ow/ T-i" re"u ted in t-ree "i%ni!i$ant a&end&ent" bein% ado4ted in t-e #ri0ate (ented Hou"in% ,S$ot and. '$t 9011, w-i$- in+ed # annin% and ;i$en"in% de$i"ion" !or HMO", and %a0e 4ower" to o$a aut-oritie" to a0oid o0er4ro0i"ion o! HMO" and t-e ina44ro4riate "ub-di0i"ion o! roo&"/ *a!anced Comm'nit+ 5/ ' ba an$ed $o&&unity re@uire" a &i> o! tenure ty4e", a "4read o! a%e", a ran%e o! "o$ia %rou4", and a "u"tainab e &i> o! 4er&anent and tran"ient re"ident"/ A/ T-e Centra Con"er0ation 'rea -a" a "eriou" bia" in !a0our o! tran"ient 4o4u ation" ,&ain y HMO ! at" but a "o -o iday -o&e"B bed C brea+!a"t", %ue"t -ou"e" and -ote "./ D/ (edu$ed ,de$ inin%. nu&ber" o! 4er&anent re"ident" and $-i dren i0in% in t-e town $entre/ T-e o"" o! nei%-bour-ood re"u t" in: i"o ation !or e der y o$$u4ant" and an ab"en$e o! $arin% nei%-bour"B de"erted area" and a ri"+ to "e$urity w-en t-e tran"ient 4o4u ation i" ab"entB &any $o&&er$ia 4re&i"e" $ o"ed durin% *anuary ,Uni0er"ity inter-"e&e"ter -o iday. due to o"" o!-trade !ro& ab"ent Ere"ident"8B un"u"tainab e $o&&unity i! re iant on non-4er&anent o$$u4ant" ,$!/ %-o"t y "treet", *anuary 901=./ F/ Con$ern" &ay be &iti%ated w-ere owner" or 4ro4rietor" i0e in t-e o$a area/ G/ ;e%i" ation i" a0ai ab e to Fi!e Coun$i to ado4t, w-i$- $ou d !a$i itate &ore &i>ed nei%-bour-ood" and a$-ie0e a -i%-er 4ro4ortion o! 4er&anent re"ident", e"4e$ia y in t-e town $entre/ Con"tru$tion o! &ore 4ur4o"e-bui t "tudent a$$o&&odation in t-e town $entre wou d e>a$erbate t-i"/ 10/ #ro-a$ti0e re"ident"8 a""o$iation" i""ue Ewe $o&e 4a$+"8 to new tenant" at ea$- new a$ade&i$ year to !o"ter a "-ared re"4on"ibi ity and $o&&unity "4irit ,E4ride o! 4 a$e8./


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

11/ Sur0ey" by re"ident %rou4" e"ti&ate t-at "tudent" $on"titute u4 to F5H o! 4er&anent re"ident" in t-e Centra Con"er0ation 'rea/ '" e>a&4 e" o! e0a uated di"tri$t":19/ In 6a"t Mar+et Street and Sout- Ca"t e Street, a44ro>, -a ! t-e o$$u4ied 4ro4ertie" are et to "tudent" ,on y a &inority are HMO". - "tudent" outnu&ber 4er&anent re"ident" 5:9, w-i$re4re"ent" D1HB 1=/ In 2ueen8" Garden" ,2G., on y F o! &ore t-an =0 4ro4ertie" are owner-o$$u4ied, w-ere "tudent" re4re"ent F0H o! t-e 4o4u ation ,e>$ udin% St (e%u u" Ha o! (e"iden$e I1DD bed"J.B 1:/ In 2G 3 2T ,2ueen8" Terra$e., !our -ou"e" -a0e been bou%-t by 4arent" !or one or &ore "tudent" no atte&4ted 4ro4erty "a e" in t-e"e two "treet" !or two year" "in$e 9011 ,e$ono&i$ downturn 3 HMO &oratoriu&K./ 15/ Ho4e Street 3 Howard # a$e "-ow "i&i ar !i%ure" to 2ueen" Terra$e in 4o4u ation ter&"/ "-.s 1A/ T-e -i%- 4ro4ortion o! Uni0er"ity-&ana%ed "tudent roo&" ,:GH. doe" not redu$e t-e de&and !ro& %rowin% nu&ber" o! "tudent" ,under%raduate" L &a"ter" L 4o"t%raduate". w-o"e need" &u"t be &et by t-e $o&&er$ia 4ro0i"ion o! HMO" - an in$rea"in% 4ro4ortion o! "tudent" i" di"4 a$in% 4er&anent re"ident" a&on%"t t-e tota 4o4u ation o! t-e town/ 1D/ G9H o! HMO" t-rou%-out Fi!e are re%i"tered in St 'ndrew"/ 1F/ )i!!eren$e in ta> re ie! a0ai ab e to borrower" on oan" i""ued !or &ort%a%ed or buy to et 4ro4ertie"/ 1G/ In$rea"ed 4re""ure !ro& Fi!e Coun$i w-en en!or$in% e%i" ation ,e/%/ ado4tin% i&it" o! !i0e 4eo4 e &a>i&u& i0in% in HMO 4ro4ertie" w-ere t-e nationa e%i" ation a ow" "i> 4er"on" - 4ro4o"ed re!urbi"-&ent o! Fi!e #ar+ in 901= wi re"u t in :9 !ewer bed", w-i$- &u"t be !u !i ed !ro& 4ri0ate et" in t-e town./ 90/ #er$e4tion t-at Fi!e Coun$i wi en!or$e 4 annin% i$en$e" but on y ado4t a E i%-t tou$-8 !or owner" w-o -a0e !ai ed to a44 y !or HMO i$en$e" - $on"e@uent ri"+ !or a tenant o! bein% rendered -o&e e"", or "nubbed on "ee+in% a new ea"e, i! t-ey re4ort i e%a or non-$o&4 iant HMO owner" or a%ent" - "u$- !ear" !or a tenant $ounter t-e i&4ortan$e o! "a!e and @ua ity a$$o&&odation "et out in e%i" ation/ 91/ In"u!!i$ient en!or$e&ent o!!i$er" to &onitor re%i"tration, and a""e"" "4ot-$-e$+" and en"ure $o&4 ian$e durin% a =-year i$en$e 4eriod/ I&4ro0ed "er0i$e $ou d re$ei0e !undin% !ro& an in$rea"e in HMO i$en$e re%i"tration !ee" and any 4ena tie" e0ied !or brea$-in% t-e e%i" ation ,"-ou d 4ro"e$ution be in t-e $ri&ina or $i0i $ourt"K./ 99/ HMO &oratoriu& i" not a on%-ter& "o ution - ne$e""ary to a44 y re"traint" on un$ea"in% $o&&er$ia de&and !or !urt-er $on0er"ion" - a$+ o! e%i" ation a0ai ab e, or ado4ted, to i&it $ontinued e>4an"ion/ 9=/ W-at $riteria are bein% u"ed to &onitor t-e e!!e$t o! t-e HMO &oratoriu&K di"4 a$e&ent o! HMO" away !ro& t-e town $entreK re%i"tration o! i e%a HMO" w-ere t-e owner $an de&on"trate on%-ter& o$$u4ationK 4 annin% a44 i$ation" !or $on0er"ion" to 1- or 9-bed ! at" t-u" a0oidin% HMO re%u ationK un et, 0a$ant 4ro4ertie" w-ere "u44 y e>$eed" de&andK 0ariation" in ettin% !ee"K e0e " o! o$$u4an$y a$-ie0ed by t-e Uni0er"ity8" (e"identia and ?u"ine"" Ser0i$e"K ! u$tuation in nu&ber" o! &atri$u ated "tudent" !or ea$- a$ade&i$ yearK

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING /ni0ersit+ 1't're $!ans

Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

9:/ Uni0er"ity8" wit-drawa !ro& t-e 1GG: Grou4 in O$tober 9019 and a44 i$ation to <oin t-e (u""e Grou4 - turned down due to t-e in"titution8" $o&4arati0e y "&a nu&ber o! "tudent"/ 95/ Fundin% 4ro0ided by t-e S$otti"- Go0ern&ent to widen a$$e"" !or re$ruit&ent and to tar%et "$ien$e "+i " - a44ro>i&ate y 190 under%raduate" 4er year - o4tion" !or unre"tri$ted %rowt- in "tudent" 4ayin% !u !ee" or in 4o"t%raduate"/ 9A/ Uni0er"ity &u"t de0e o4 new a$$o&&odation at $o&&en"urate e0e " wit- any e>4an"ion in "tudent" o! eit-er under%raduate" or 4o"t%raduate"/ 9D/ ' ternati0e o4tion" !or 4ro0idin% &ana%ed "tudent a$$o&&odation: 4ri0ate owner"-i4 o! new re"iden$e" $-ar%in% a 4re&iu& on Uni0er"ity re"iden$e !ee" ,e/%/ a44 i$ation at 6a"t Sand" by ' u&no )e0e o4&ent", re<e$ted on a44ea B Wat+in *one" Grou4 e>4re""ion o! intere"t in Me&oria Ho"4ita "ite.B "-ared e@uity or $o-o4erati0e 4ri0ate owner"-i4 in 4artner"-i4 wit- t-e Uni0er"ity and a re%i"tered "o$ia and ord, a" e0iden$ed in G a"%owB $o-o4eration i" e""entia between t-e Uni0er"ity and Fi!e Coun$i 4 anner" on any ar%e-"$a e bui d to &eet t-e need" and t-e bud%et o! "tudent", and en"ure t-e a$$o&&odation i" !u yo$$u4ied and an a44ea in% a ternati0e to Uni0er"ity-&ana%ed re"iden$e" or 4ri0ate renta o! a ! atB i&4ortant !or t-e Uni0er"ity to retain a $o&&it&ent to a ran%e o! !ee" in$ udin% t-e owe"t band a" $-ar%ed at "u$- a" ' bany #ar+ and Fi!e #ar+/ 9F/ Si%ni!i$an$e o! $o-o4eration in on%-ter& 4 annin% between t-e Uni0er"ity and Fi!e Coun$i a" "et out in t-e Strate%i$ '%ree&ent and Fra&ewor+ !or '$tion ado4ted in No0e&ber 900A, &odi!ied in Mar$- 9010 and re0iewed re%u ar y, a" we a" <oint initiati0e" "u$- a" t-e Strate%i$ Hou"in% Wor+in% Grou4 and t-e ear ier ne%otiation" on t-e 4ro4o"ed new $o- o$ated "e$ondary "$-oo and "4ortin% !a$i itie"/ 1ife Co'nci! 9G/ Fi!e Coun$i doe" not re$o%ni"e "tudent need" and t-eir e>4andin% nu&ber" in 4ro4o"in% re@uire&ent" !or a!!ordab e -ou"in%/ =0/ 'ttrition o! a!!ordab e -ou"e" a0ai ab e in t-e $o&&unity - 90-year 4 an to bui d 55 -ou"in% unit" 4er year, o! w-i$- 1A ,=0H. are de"i%nated a" a!!ordab e -ou"in% ,i! bui t., doe" not re4 a$e t-o"e o"t to t-e HMO "e$tor annua y/ =1/ Finan$ia $on"traint" on 1in%do& Hou"in% '""o$iation and Fi!e Coun$i to de0e o4 new "ite"/



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

A.2.2. Notes2 meeting between the Commission and 1ife Co'nci! ("o'sing
Tue"day, 9A February 901= at 1A:=0 - Hebdo&adar8" (oo&, Nort- Street #re"ent: Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. #ro!/ *oe )o-erty Mr Iain Grant Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Fi!e Coun$i Mr Ste0e Gri&&ond Mr )ere+ Muir Fi!e Coun$i or" C r )a0id (o"" C r ?rian T-o&"on

Sub&i""ion re$ei0ed !ro& Ste0e Gri&&ond on be-a ! o! Fi!e Coun$i ,G *anuary 901=., w-i$- $o&4i ed re"4on"e" !ro& 0ariou" tea&" a$ro"" Hou"in% C Nei%-bour-ood Ser0i$e" and # annin%/ ;i"t o! "u44 e&entary @ue"tion" 4ro0ided by S'TCoH on 95 February wa" at too "-ort noti$e to di"$u"" re"4on"e" or 4ro0ide detai ed ana y"i" at t-e &eetin% on 9A February/ 1ife Co'nci! $o!ic+ 1/ #o i$y and de!inition" on a!!ordab e -ou"in% are $ ear y "et out in Su44 e&entary # annin% Guidan$e ,u4dated '4ri 9019./ 9/ Sub"idi"ed rent" $an be "et at 90H be ow &ar+et rate"/ =/ ;o$a Hou"in% ' owan$e ,Hou"in% ?ene!it !or 4ri0ate tenant". i" "et at t-e "a&e rate" !or t-e w-o e o! Fi!e/ :/ To &aintain ow-$o"t -ou"in% in 4er4etuity, $ou d be 4o""ib e to %i0e Coun$i or a%en$y !ir"t-re!u"a to buy ba$+ !ro& owner - no e>i"tin% "$-e&e" in u"e e "ew-ere/ 5/ 6ar ier 4ro%ra&&e ,Ho&e"-areK., run by Co&&unitie" S$ot and, w-ereby a %o den "-are ,a" itt e a" 5H Iour en@uiry "u%%e"t" 90H in t-e "$-e&e Ho&e"ta+eKJ. wa" retained by t-e de0e o4er - at t-e ti&e o! re"a e an inde4endent 0a uation wa" obtained wit- t-e o4tion to "e ba$+ to t-e de0e o4er - "u$- a "$-e&e i" bein% re-e0a uated a$ro"" S$ot and ,4o""ib y to be re- aun$-ed under a di!!erent na&e./ 1ife Co'nci! Targets A/ ;eader"-i4 4o i$y to 4ro0ide 9,D00 new 4ro4ertie" o0er !i0e year" ,to 901D./ D/ In$rea"ed 4ro0i"ion !ro& re$ent year" w-i$- -a0e "een $/ 900 new 4ro4ertie" 4er year/ F/ '44ro>/ one t-ird o! tar%et ,G00. i" $o&&itted to or in t-e 4i4e ine/ G/ ?ud%et a44ro0a !or anot-er t-ird o! t-e tar%et, t-ou%- t-e "ite" are "ti to be identi!ied and a44ro0ed: i/ at ea"t MF0& additiona !und" ear&ar+ed !ro& "a0in%" and t-e rea o$ation o! re"our$e"B ii/ 9010 re0iew identi!ied M:0& "a0in%" ,e/%/ redu$ed ener%y $on"u&4tion, better u"e o! &ort%a%e !und".B iii/ M55+ a o$ated !ro& renta re0enue $an !und &ort%a%e oan" to $o0er ea$- M1 &i ion o! in0e"t&entB i0/ =0-year &ode u"in% return" on "4endin% a44 ied to "u44ort de0e o4&ent o! "o$ia -rented -ou"in%/ 10/ (e&ainin% t-ird o! tar%et "ti to be identi!ied ,di"$u""ion" on-%oin% wit- de0e o4er" 3 bui der" 3 -ou"in% a""o$iation" in$ udin% t-o"e o4eratin% out"ide o! Fi!e./



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

11/ (e0iew o! E and-ban+"8 a0ai ab e a$ro"" t-e $ounty - "e0ere "-orta%e o! "uitab e "ite" in St 'ndrew"/ 19/ #ri&e "tu&b in% b o$+ in St 'ndrew" i" t-e $o"t o! and w-i$- 4ro-ibit" 4ri0ate de0e o4er", Fi!e Coun$i or -ou"in% a""o$iation" !ro& 4ro0idin% "o$ia -ou"in%, w-ere t-e $o"t" -a0e to be "er0i$ed by renta in$o&e/ 1=/ Ma<ority o! !uture 4ro0i"ion wi be "o$ia rented -ou"in%/ 1:/ ;e"" Coun$i !undin% toward" &id-&ar+et rent 4ro4ertie"/ 15/ #ri&ary dri0er i" E-ou"in% need8 not in re"4on"e to e$ono&i$ $ontribution to t-e e$ono&y/ 1A/ Wron% to $ate%ori"e -ou"in% need" on y by "o$ia need - di!!erent ty4e" o! need e>i"t a$ro"" Fi!e/ Strategic "o'sing Wor%ing (ro'# (S"W( 1D/ Coun$i or" on t-e Hou"in% Co&&ittee are intere"ted in a wider re&it !or t-e SHWG t-an <u"t t-e need" o! "ta!! and 4o"t%raduate", to in$ ude HMO" - wider i""ue i" !or $on"ideration at t-e 'rea Co&&ittee/ 1F/ Con"u tant" re4ortin% to t-e SHWG wi a""e"" t-e i&4a$t o! t-e HMO &oratoriu&/ "o'ses of -'!ti#!e .cc'#ation ("-.s Registration 1G/ 'ny !eedba$+ on i e%a o$$u4ation" wi be we $o&ed by t-e Coun$i / 90/ New y ado4ted e%i" ation "et" &ore "trin%ent te$-ni$a $riteria to be &et !or a new i$en$e ,=-year award./ 91/ C-e$+" !o$u" on t-e "a!ety o! t-e 4ro4erty and in"ta ed a44 ian$e" ,not on t-e @ua ity o! &aintenan$e./ 99/ See&in% y, &ore $o&4 aint" addre""ed to Fi!e Coun$i on tenant"8 be-a0iour t-an $ondition o! 4ro4erty/ 9=/ Fi!e Coun$i dea " dire$t y wit- and ord" or ettin% a%ent" on any $o&4 aint" rai"ed/ 9:/ Fi!e Coun$i $on!ident t-ey re"4ond "ati"!a$tori y to any $o&4 aint" brou%-t to t-eir attention/ 95/ I! any $on$ern" are &ade durin% a =-year i$en$e 4eriod, a re"o ution i" 4rioriti"ed A-G &ont-" in ad0an$e o! t-e renewa !a in% due/ "-.s -oratori'm 9A/ 60a uation and "$rutiny i" a &atter !or # annin% not Hou"in% Need/ 9D/ Fi!e Coun$i i" &onitorin% a44 i$ation", renewa " and any e0iden$e indi$atin% di"4 a$e&ent/ 9F/ Fi!e Coun$i -a" "een no in$rea"e in HMO a44 i$ation" out o! t-e town $entre in "4ite o! t-e &oratoriu&/ 9G/ 6>4anded 4ro0i"ion o! Uni0er"ity re"iden$e" wi not re ie0e 4re""ure on de&and !or town $entre ! at"/ =0/ So$ia i&4a$t on a $o&&unity ,e/%/ re ati0e y !ew 4er&anent nei%-bour"./ =1/ Fi!e Coun$i re$o%ni"e" $o&4etin% 3 $on! i$tin% de&and" o! Uni0er"ity -ou"in% need in t-e town $entre/ =9/ Howe0er, "tudent -ou"in% need" are not ta+en into a$$ount !or -ou"in% a""e""&ent/ St Andrews West Strategic 3and A!!ocation (Western E4#ansion ==/ (e@uire" a Ma"ter # an in0o 0in% !our andowner" to a%ree on t-e w-o e 4ro<e$t be!ore Fi!e Coun$i wi a44ro0e a "tart on any o! t-e "ite"/ =:/ Uni0er"ity not +een to 4ur"ue wor+ "tartin% wit- any ur%en$y in t-e $urrent e$ono&i$ downturn/



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

A.2.5. Notes2 meeting between the Commission and 1ife Co'nci! ($!anning
Wedne"day, 1D '4ri 901= at 11:=0 - We"t Gran%e Far&-ou"e, St 'ndrew" #re"ent: Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. #ro!/ *oe )o-erty Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Mr Iain Grant Mr *o-n Matt-ew" Fi!e Coun$i Mr 1eit- Winter Mr Martin M$Groarty

1ife Co'nci! $!anning 1/ Fi!e Stru$ture # an 900A-909A ,a44ro0ed 99 May 900G. "et" -ou"in% a o$ation" in "e0en Strate%i$ ;and ' o$ation" a$ro"" Fi!e - to4-down tar%et" "et by S$otti"- Go0ern&ent ,not a!!e$ted by wind!a "ite" Ii/e/ not "4e$i!i$a y a o$ated !or de0e o4&ent in a o$a 4 an but !or w-i$- 4 annin% 4er&i""ion !or -ou"in% de0e o4&ent i" %rantedJ. - "u$- ar%e-"$a e "$-e&e" are 0iewed a" <u"ti!yin% and !undin% additiona "er0i$e" and a&enitie" !or t-e $o&&unity/ 9/ (e ea"e o! unde0e o4ed and !or new -ou"in% at St 'ndrew" i" $on"trained by t-e Green ?e t ,ado4ted in t-e ;o$a # an, 5 O$tober 9019. and and-o din%" o! t-e !our &ain owner" around St 'ndrew" ,Uni0er"ity o! St 'ndrew", * W Muir Grou4, Headon )e0e o4&ent" and t-e owner" o! 6a"ter 1in$a4 e Far& 3 Strat-tyru& 6"tate - a "o, t-e and" &ana%ed by t-e St 'ndrew" ;in+" Tru"t./ =/ T-e natura $a4a$ity !or !urt-er %rowt- i" i&ited by t-e "ea ,nort- and ea"t., t-e natura ri"in% %radient" ,"out-. and t-e 0iew" to 4rote$t t-e town8" and"$a4e "ettin%, it" $-ara$ter and identity, a" re$o%ni"ed by t-e de"i%nation o! t-e Green ?e t to t-e "out- and we"t o! t-e town/ :/ In$ uded in t-e # an i" t-e St 'ndrew" We"t Strate%i$ ;and ' o$ation to 4ro0ide 1,0G0 -ou"e" ,o! w-i$- a &ini&u& =0H wi be a!!ordab e., "$ien$e and bu"ine"" 4ar+" wit-in an e>ten"ion o! t-e Uni0er"ity $a&4u", and !a$i itie" !or $o&&unity de0e o4&ent ,e/%/ retai , edu$ation and "4ort. o0er a 90-year 4eriod/ 5/ T-e Fi!e Hou"in% ;and 'udit 4ro0ide" an annua E"na4"-ot8 o! t-e -ou"in% and "u44 y !or Fi!e at 1"t '4ri ea$- year/1 T-e"e i"t t-e tota " o! -ou"in% $o&4 etion", and "u44 y and and re@uire&ent by ;o$a # an 'rea, Hou"in% Mar+et 'rea, ;o$a Hou"in% Strate%y 'rea and Coun$i Ward, wit"e4arate ana y"e" !or a!!ordab e -ou"in%, wind!a "ite" and w-et-er de0e o4&ent" are ar%e or "&a ,!ewer t-an !i0e unit"./ A/ '$ro"" t-e w-o e o! Fi!e, t-e !inan$ia $ri"i" and %o0ern&ent !undin% re"tri$tion" -a0e "een t-e tar%et nu&ber o! -ou"in% unit" 4er year, !or ea$- o! t-e a"t !i0e year" ,a &o"t 9,000., !u !i ed by $o&4 etion" o! <u"t o0er -a ! t-e"e tota " ,$/ 1,100 4er year. - !or t-e St 'ndrew" Hou"in% Mar+et 'rea, on y :5H o! t-e tar%et" !ro& t-e "tart o! t-e Stru$ture # an 4eriod ,900A-19. -a0e been $o&4 eted ,5FG o! 1,=90: Fi%ure :/1. - 9GH o! t-o"e $o&4 etion" -a0e been at "&a de0e o4&ent"B 9DH -a0e been a!!ordab e -ou"in%/ D/ $/ G:H o! new -ou"in% a44 i$ation" are a44ro0edB 4 annin% $on"ent" are %ranted !or a &a>i&u& o! !i0e year"/ Affordab!e "o'sing F/ )urin% t-e e$ono&i$ downturn, re%i"tered "o$ia and ord" ,(S;". $an be a 5de0e o4er8" be"t !riend7 to "u44ort, !inan$ia y, a new de0e o4&ent w-ere t-ere i" an ob i%ation to 4ro0ide at ea"t =0H o! t-e tota nu&ber o! -ou"in% unit" a" a!!ordab e unit" !or de0e o4&ent" o! 90 or &ore unit" ,!or "&a er "ite", eit-er on-"ite 4ro0i"ion or o!!-"ite 4ro0i"ion 3 $o&&uted "u&"./ Howe0er, &o"t a44 i$ation" are re$ei0ed !ro& de0e o4er" not (S;"/

T-e re4ort" !ro& 900D onward" are a0ai ab e at: N

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Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

G/ T-ere i" di!!i$u ty in retainin% a!!ordab e -ou"in% at a $o"t be ow &ar+et 0a ue, o0er an e>tended ti&e"$a e, in t-e St 'ndrew" Hou"in% Mar+et 'rea, w-i$- i" de"i%nated wit- t-e award o! #re""ured 'rea Statu" ,re"tri$tion" en!or$ed on t-e (i%-t to ?uy $oun$i -ou"e"./ '%ree&ent" are u"ua y i&ited to a !i>ed-ter& ,e/%/ ten year". un e"" 4ro4ertie" re&ain in t-e owner"-i4 o! an (S; or Fi!e Coun$i / 10/ ?an+" &ay re!u"e to end to a new a44 i$ant i! t-e &ort%a%ed 4ro4erty i" not 4er&itted to be rea i"ed at t-e &ar+et 0a ue/ 11/ It i" un$ ear, at t-e 4oint o! i&4 e&entation, i! t-e i&4a$t o! new we !are re!or&" ,$o o@uia y ter&ed t-e Ebedroo& ta>8. wi be a" "i%ni!i$ant on -ou"in% et" a" ear ier e%i" ation to a ow (i%-t to ?uy $oun$i -ou"e" or to "ub"idi"e buy to et and ord"/ 19/ 'n e>e&4tion a44 ie" to "tudent re"iden$e" !or t-e ob i%ation to 4ro0ide =0H a!!ordab e -ou"in% but not to de0e o4&ent" o! "tandard a$$o&&odation e0en t-ou%- t-ey &ay be de"i%nated !or "tudent" or te&4orary "ta!! ,e/%/ t-e 4ro0i"ion o! -ou"in% !or 4o"t%raduate" or 4o"t-do$tora "ta!!./ *rown6fie!d and Em#!o+ment Sites 1=/ T-ere i" &ini&a o44ortunity !or brown-!ie d or Fi!e Coun$i -owned and to be re ea"ed !or de0e o4&ent ,i"o ated e>a&4 e" are t-e !or&er #o i$e Station, Nort- Street and t-ree "ite" o!! 1inne""burn (oad./ 1:/ T-e e>$e4tion" are t-e on-%oin% $on"tru$tion at 'bbey #ar+ by (obert"on Ho&e" ,1ni%-t"brid%e. and M$Cart-y C StoneB t-e ad<oinin% and o! t-e !or&er Me&oria Ho"4ita B and t-e 4o""ib e a0ai abi ity o! "i%ni!i$ant -o din%" at eit-er 1i ry&ont S$-oo and 3 or Madra" Co e%e, Sout- Street "-ou d a "in% e-"ite be a44ro0ed !or a new Madra" Co e%e at a 4eri4-era %reen-!ie d o$ation/ 15/ T-e 'bbey #ar+ 4ro<e$t -a" been &ana%ed by 1ni%-t"brid%e under t-e $ontro o! a Strate%i$ )e0e o4&ent Fra&ewor+ - t-ere wa" "o&e di!!i$u ty in +nowin% -ow to inter4ret and a44 y t-i" 4ro$e"" w-en !ir"t ado4ted, and it -a" in0o 0ed Fi!e Coun$i in earnin% -ow to i&4ro0e t-eir under"tandin% and "u4er0i"ion o! t-e de0e o4er8" a44 i$ation %o0erned by new S$otti"- e%i" ation -owe0er, Fi!e Coun$i 0iew 1ni%-t"brid%e a" -a0in% done a "u$$e""!u <ob in o0er"eein% t-e 4ro%re""ion to date at a uni@ue o$ation wit- &any $on"traint"/ 1A/ Tra!!i$ ! ow" at t-e <un$tion" wit- 'bbey #ar+ are not anti$i4ated to e>4erien$e a di"$ernib e di!!eren$e %i0en t-e e0e " o! o$$u4an$y at St ;eonard" Fie d", 'da&"on Court and St Ni$-o a" Hou"eB t-e a%e and &obi ity o! re"ident" in !uture 4-a"e" o! $on"tru$tionB t-e 4ro>i&ity o! wa +in% to t-e town $entreB t-e a$$e"" to 4ub i$ tran"4ort on 'bbey Wa +B and t-e 0aried ti&e" at w-i$re"ident" or 0i"itor" wi enter and e>it t-e e"tate/ 1D/ Idea y, a !a$i ity "u$- a" t-e abattoir wou d be retained to "u44ort o$a !ar&er" but it i" no on%er 0iab e on t-e ;ar%o (oad "ite - t-e o$ation wi re&ain Poned !or e&4 oy&entB t-e 4er$ei0ed "-orta%e o! bud%et and &id-rate -ote roo&" in St 'ndrew" &ay &erit t-e in0e"t&ent in a A5-bed #re&ier Inn -ote in $o&4etition wit- t-e e>i"tin% "u44 y o! bed C brea+!a"t" and %ue"t-ou"e"/ 1F/ T-e ?a""a%uard area wi be retained a" e&4 oy&ent and !or "&a -"$a e $o&&er$ia or indu"tria u"e/ 1G/ T-e una0ai abi ity in St 'ndrew" o! "&a bu"ine"" unit" 3 wor+"-o4", and t-e i&ited o4tion" !or e&4 oyee" to "our$e and a!!ord a$$o&&odation in t-e town, re"u t" in additiona $o"t" !or e&4 oyer", o$a "er0i$e" and trade", w-ere e>tra tran"4ort $o"t" !or $o&&uter", "ta!! and &ateria " ,and tra0e ti&e. are in$urred/ 90/ Fi!e Coun$i 0iew t-e St 'ndrew" #artner"-i4 a" -a0in% an in$rea"ed ro e in ana y"in% tran"4ort need" and $o-ordinatin% tra!!i$ ! ow" - t-i" wi be $riti$a !or a""i&i atin% t-e !uture e>4an"ion o! t-e town8" 4o4u ation, e&4 oy&ent and "tudy at St 'ndrew" We"t wit- an e>4anded out-o!-town 4ar+in%, a$$e"" to t-e town $entre !or re"ident", "tudent", e&4 oyee" and touri"t" 3 0i"itor", and a tran"4ort $orridor !or a ! eet o! "$-oo bu"e" ,and 4ri0ate 0e-i$ e". to "er0i$e Madra" Co e%e ,w-ere0er o$ated./


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

91/ Martin M$Groarty, in -i" ro e a" ;ead O!!i$er, )e0e o4&ent # an Tea& wit- re"4on"ibi ity !or t-e St 'ndrew" 'rea, wi ead t-e re0iew o! t-e HMO &oratoriu& in May and *une 901= - t-i" wi in0o 0e 4 enty o! inter-de4art&enta di"$u""ion wit-in Fi!e Coun$i w-i$- &ay e>tend ti&e"$a e"/ 99/ T-e re0iew wi ana y"e !eedba$+ !ro& $o&&ent" "ub&itted to t-e Main I""ue" (e4ort ,MI(. and !or&a "ub&i""ion" !ro& 0ariou" bodie" ,e/%/ Uni0er"ity o! St 'ndrew" 3 Student"8 '""o$iation 3 Co&&unity Coun$i 3 CS'(' 3 #re"er0ation Tru"t./ 9=/ T-e Co&&i""ion @ueried i! t-e re0iew wi $on"ider w-at &i%-t -a0e been i! no &oratoriu& -ad been en!or$ed, and t-e $on"e@uen$e" w-i$- -a0e ari"en !ro& t-e re"tri$tion" ,e/%/ unre%i"tered HMO" re$ei0in% $erti!i$ate" o! aw!u ne"" Ie>i"tin%J, "u$- a" roo&" !or a !urt-er 91 4eo4 e w-i$were od%ed !ro& &id-Mar$- to &id-'4ri 901=./ 9:/ T-e Co&&i""ion @ueried i! t-e re0iew wi a "o "tudy one- and two-bed 4ro4ertie" and re$ent 4 annin% a44 i$ation" to a""e"" t-e i&4a$t o! t-e &oratoriu& on t-e de0e o4er" 3 and ord" w-o &ay "ee+ to &odi!y -ou"e" or ! at" to t-e"e de"i%n" and $ir$u&0ent t-e HMO e%i" ation/ 95/ T-e &oratoriu& i" on-%oin%, unti t-e re0iew i" $ondu$ted and a re4ort -a" been 4re4ared, a" it -a" been ado4ted !or&a y wit-in t-e ;o$a # an - t-i" wi re@uire &odi!i$ation t-rou%- t-e 4 annin% 4ro$e"" be!ore any $-an%e" $an be e!!e$ted - t-i" 4ro$edure &ay ta+e u4 to two year"/ 9A/ ' di"$u""ion en"ued a" to w-at $on"ideration "-ou d be %i0en to E"o$ia en%ineerin%8 ,e/%/ touri"t bed", "tudent", a!!ordab e -ou"in%, youn% !a&i ie", -o iday -o&e", retire&ent ! at", "4e$ia need", 4ro!e""iona re$ruit&ent, et$/. t-rou%- 4 annin% %uide ine" or re"tri$tion" and $an t-ey be a44 ied e%a y to any de&on"trab e e!!e$t/ 9D/ It wa" noted t-at ot-er aut-oritie" ,e/%/ G a"%ow City Coun$i . are underta+in% a 4ub i$ $on"u tation to oo+ at t-e 4ro0i"ion o! HMO" w-i$- wi be re e0ant to a re0iew in St 'ndrew"/ ('ardbridge 9F/ '"ide !ro& 4ro4o"a " under $on"ideration by t-e Uni0er"ity !or t-e !or&er 4a4er-&i Pone, two &a<or "ite" at Guardbrid%e are de"i%nated !or -ou"in% at Se%%ie Far& and Motray #ar+ w-i$-, by t-e end o! t-e ;o$a # an, $ou d rea i"e a &i> o! a &o"t =00 unit" o! 4ri0ate and a!!ordab e -ou"in%/ 3e'chars 9G/ T-e MO) (e0iew -a" %enerated un$ertainty about t-e "$a e and ty4e o! -ou"in% needed at ;eu$-ar" and in t-e nei%-bourin% $o&&unitie"/ It i" 4ro4o"ed to de4 oy !ewer "er0i$e &en and wo&en a!ter t-e de4arture o! t-e &a<ority o! t-e ('F 4er"onne and t-eir re4 a$e&ent by 'r&y unit" re o$atin% !ro& Ger&any/ Howe0er, it i" anti$i4ated a -i%-er 4ro4ortion o! t-e new re$ruit" wi be -ou"ed on ba"e 3 in t-e 0i a%e t-an wit- t-e ('F, t-ou%- di!!erent re@uire&ent" !or -ou"in% &ay ea0e "o&e e>i"tin% 4ro4ertie" 0a$ant and ot-er" needin% to be &oderni"ed/ =0/ T-e runway wi be retained a" o4erationa by a "&a ('F deta$-&ent but it i" un+nown !or w-at on%-ter& 4ur4o"e/ =1/ 6ar ier 4 an" !or ;eu$-ar" -ad in$ uded :00-500 new -ou"in% unit" but 4rob e&" -ad been identi!ied wit- e>$e""i0e noi"e !ro& t-e "@uadron" o! Ty4-oon"/ Wi t-i" -a0e been re"o 0ed by t-e tran"!er o! t-e ('F to MorayK East Ne'% =9/ T-e 6a"t Neu+ i" a "o awarded #re""ured 'rea Statu"/ T-e $urrent y ado4ted St 'ndrew" C 6a"t Fi!e ;o$a # an identi!ie" de0e o4&ent o! 500 -ou"e" on %reen-!ie d "ite" durin% it" 90-year "4an/



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations


Notes from meeting between the Commission and !oca! 1ife Co'nci!!ors
Wedne"day, 90 February 901= at 1::00 - (oo& 1/10, St 1at-arine8" ;od%e, T-e S$ore"
Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. Mr Iain Grant Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Mr *o-n Matt-ew" Co&&unity Coun$i C r 1eit- M$Cartney C r )orot-ea Morri"on


Note: Mr *o-n Matt-ew" $-aired t-e &eetin% 4rior to )r *a&ie Wa +er8" arri0a / C r 1eit- M$Cartney -ad to de4art a!ter an -ourB t-e re0iew $ontinued wit- C r )orot-ea Morri"on/ C r Fran$e" Me 0i e wa" una0ai ab e to attend/ C r ?rian T-o&"on -ad &et t-e Co&&i""ion, 4re0iou" y, in t-e $o&4any o! Fi!e Coun$i ,Hou"in%. and C r )a0id (o""/ $ress'res on St Andrews 1/ St 'ndrew" "et" a uni@ue $-a en%e wit-in Fi!e %i0en t-e do&inant "$a e o! t-e Uni0er"ity in t-e $o&&unity, t-e internationa renown o! it" -erita%e and t-e !a$i itie" o! t-e %o ! $our"e"/ 9/ ET-e Uni0er"ity i" a %reat "u$$e""B t-e town i" a %reat "u$$e""B t-e %o ! i" a %reat "u$$e"" - -ow do you !it a @uart into a 4int-4otK8 =/ W-y do we need a ba an$ed 4o4u ationK T-ere i" a de&and to a$$o&&odate a %reater "-are o! t-e wor+in% 4o4u ation t-rou%-out t-e "ett e&ent to &ini&i"e t-e ne$e""ity to $o&&ute into t-e town/ :/ T-e Uni0er"ity -a" to re$o%ni"e an ob i%ation to 4ro0ide !or "tudent" an e0en %reater 4er$enta%e o! a$$o&&odation ,irre"4e$ti0e o! a ready &ana%in% t-e -i%-e"t 4ro4ortion o! roo&" !or "tudent" in t-e U1. a" it i" "o do&inant wit-in t-e o$a "o$iety/ 5/ ;o$a $on$ern" are not &ani!e"ted in i -wi toward" "tudent": t-ere i" a %enera wi"- to en$oura%e t-eir &a>i&u& en<oy&ent in a a"4e$t" o! a$ade&i$, "tudent and $o&&unity i!e/ A/ T-e i&ba an$e between "tudent" and 4er&anent re"ident" in t-e town $entre i" e0ident by t-e 4ea+" and trou%-" o! ! at" o$$u4ied between ter&-ti&e and -o iday", and t-e e!!e$t on retai and -o"4ita ity trade, a$ute y -i%- i%-ted durin% *anuary 901=/ D/ T-ere i" e0iden$e o! dra&ati$a y !a in% "$-oo ro " ,e/%/ 500 !ewer 4u4i " attendin% Madra" Co e%e 9019 $o&4ared wit- 9000B ;aw-ead #ri&ary o4eratin% at 55H $a4a$ity./ 1ife Co'nci! $!anning F/ ' re$ent reor%ani"ation o! Fi!e8" # annin% Co&&ittee" -a" not -ad a "i%ni!i$ant i&4a$t on w-o deter&ine" de$i"ion" on o$a 4 annin% a44 i$ation" !or St 'ndrew"/ Howe0er, !or &a<or 4ro<e$t" or 4o i$y re0iew", w-at in! uen$e $an !our Coun$i or" -a0e a&on%"t "e0enty-ei%-t !or t-e w-o e o! Fi!eK G/ To in!or& and e&4-a"i"e to Coun$i or" and o!!i$ia " t-e town8" "4e$ia need", a Eroad"-ow8 to 0i"it 0ariou" "ite" around town, w-i$- are "ub<e$t to de0e o4er"8 re@ue"t", i" "$-edu ed !or "4rin% 901=/ 10/ Coun$i &eetin%" a!!ord o44ortunitie" !or Coun$i or" and o!!i$ia " to &eet and &i> o0er un$--ti&e or ot-er brea+" to di"$u"" t-e need" o! t-eir o$a area"/ 11/ Su44ort wa" e>4re""ed !or Fi!e Coun$i retainin% t-eir o$$u4an$y i&it in HMO" at !i0e 4er"on" and not a &a>i&u& o! "i> 4er"on" a" "et down by t-e S$otti"- Go0ern&ent - t-i" i" be$au"e o! $on$ern" o0er t-e "a!ety o! 4ri0ate a$$o&&odation and no di"tin$tion "-ou d be drawn between a 4ri0ate and ord and t-e Uni0er"ity a" t-e !a$tor/ 19/ It i" wron% !or Fi!e Coun$i to i%nore t-e a""e""&ent o! "tudent -ou"in% need"/ "-. -oratori'm 1=/ ' "ur%e o! buy to et 4ro4erty "a e" o0er t-e a"t !i!teen year" to !u !i t-e -ou"in% need" o! an a44ro>/ onet-ird in$rea"e in t-e nu&ber o! !u -ti&e "tudent" o0er t-e "a&e 4eriod -a" "o unba an$ed t-e 4ro4ortion o! 4er&anent re"ident" to tran"ient "tudent" in t-e town $entre t-at a $a&4ai%n to i&4o"e a &oratoriu& on new HMO i$en$e" wa" "u$$e""!u and a44ro0ed in 9011/ 1:/ 9019-1= -ad "een a "i%ni!i$ant nu&ber o! HMO" t-rou%-out St 'ndrew" not o$$u4ied ,eit-er "ti ad0erti"ed or wit-drawn !ro& t-e &ar+et by t-e and ord 3 a%ent./


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

15/ C r Morri"on re4orted t-at w-i e "-e -ad re$ei0ed &any $o&4 aint" !ro& "tudent" re t-e 4o i$y to ado4t a &oratoriu& on new HMO" in t-e $entra $on"er0ation area, $on$ern" -ad not been rai"ed about t-e @ua ity o! -ou"in% w-i$- t-ey rented/ 1A/ How are "tudent" to be en$oura%ed to re4ort -ou"in% 4rob e&" ,eit-er non-re%i"tration o! an HMO or "ub"tandard @ua ity. wit-out t-e !ear o! o"in% t-eir 4ro4erty i! it i" i e%a 3 not !it !or o$$u4ation or bein% o0er oo+ed !or ettin%" in t-e !o owin% year in an a$t o! re4ri"a by a and ord or ettin% a%entK 1D/ #ri0ate (ented Hou"in% ,S$ot and. '$t 9011 a ow" o$a aut-oritie" to $on"ider i&4 e&entin% new -ou"in% e%i" ation ,*anuary 9019. - %i0e" a o$a aut-ority 4ower to re!u"e to %rant an HMO i$en$e i! it $on"ider" t-ere i" an o0er4ro0i"ion o! HMO" in t-e o$a ity - t-i" i" not yet ado4ted by Fi!e Coun$i / 1F/ Furt-er o44ortunitie" &u"t be "ou%-t to de0e o4 in+" between town re"ident", "tudent", Fi!e Coun$i and t-e Uni0er"ity to &eet and di"$u"" a$$o&&odation i""ue"/ 1G/ T-e Co&&unity Coun$i -a" a$ti0e 4arti$i4ation !ro& $o-o4ted "tudent" on t-eir $o&&ittee" and in o$a initiati0e" Q but &ini&a !undin% - $ou d Fi!e Coun$i be a"+ed to in$rea"e !undin% and "u44ort $o-o4eration between 0ariou" re4re"entati0e %rou4" and intere"ted 4artie"K De0e!o#ment Sites 90/ Few Ebrown-!ie d8 "ite" e>i"t in t-e town ,e/%/ 1inne""burn (oad: 'ndrew T-o&8" yard I"ub<e$t to ! ood ri"+ $on"ent doe" not 4er&it %round ! oor a$$o&&odationJ and St 'ndrew" ?ow in% C ub 3 !or&er )ona d"on8" # u&ber"B !or&er #o i$e StationB 4otentia y, "ur4 u" and at t-e ?otani$ Garden./ 91/ Fi!e Coun$i and i" i&ited to t-e 4otentia re ea"e o! "$-oo %round" at Sout- Street and 1i ry&ont, and an area ad<oinin% t-e $e&etery e>ten"ion ,intended !or a ot&ent" but intere"t -a" been e>4re""ed by a -ou"in% de0e o4er./ 99/ Madra" 1i ry&ont "ite $ou d be$o&e a0ai ab e i! a new "in% e-"ite Madra" Co e%e i" $on"tru$ted - t-ere are no +nown 4 an" !or $ontinued edu$ationa u"e at t-e "$-oo in "4ite o! 4re"" "4e$u ation - a re%iona $o e%e o!!erin% "tudy to anot-er %rou4 o! "tudent" wou d !urt-er e>a$erbate a$$o&&odation and tran"4ort $on$ern"/ 9=/ '" t-e 1i ry&ont b o$+ i" i"ted, t-ere wou d be a =-year ti&e"$a e !or a re@ue"t to de i"t t-e 4ro4erty be!ore t-e and $ou d be re ea"ed !or -ou"in%/ 9:/ Gi0en t-e "$-oo "ite i" Coun$i -owned, t-e a$+ o! e>4en"e to a$@uire t-e and wou d &a+e it "uitab e !or ar%e"$a e de0e o4&ent o! "o$ia rented -o&e" w-ere owner"-i4 i" retained by Fi!e Coun$i or -ou"in% a""o$iation"/ 95/ Can Fi!e Coun$i a0oid t-e ob i%ation to &a>i&i"e $o&&er$ia in$o&e !ro& t-e "a e o! 4ub i$ and ,e/%/ NHS Fi!e at t-e Me&oria Ho"4ita or Fi!e Con"tabu ary at t-e #o i$e Station, Nort- Street. by a44ro0in% a tran"!er !ro& 6du$ation to Hou"in%K 9A/ T-e Coun$i 8" 6>e$uti0e Co&&ittee -a" a%reed 9G unit" o! 9-bed "o$ia rented -ou"in%, to be retained by t-e Coun$i , i" a 4riority at 'bbey #ar+, !or de0e o4&ent by 1ni%-t"brid%e ,4 annin% a44 i$ation "ti to be a44ro0ed., be!ore !urt-er @uadrant" o! t-e "ite $an be bui t/ 9D/ It i" 4o i$y t-at a!!ordab e -ou"in% de"i%n" &u"t a44ear identi$a to ot-er bui din%" in a de0e o4&ent ,e/%/ #it et-ie Steadin%, nort-ea"t o! ;eu$-ar"./ 9F/ Fi!e Coun$i need" to re$o%ni"e a need !or !a&i y -o&e" not ne$e""ari y a &i> o! 4ro4erty "iPe"/ 9G/ T-e $-an%e in e%i" ation on -ou"in% bene!it", and a ri"+ o! $ aw-ba$+ !or too &any bedroo&", i" &ade wor"e by t-ere bein% too !ew 1-bedroo& 4ro4ertie" a0ai ab e !or tran"!er" - t-e 4ro$e"" wou d be i&4ro0ed i! t-e e%i" ation wa" $-an%ed to i%nore 9-bed 4ro4ertie" !ro& t-e Ebedroo& ta>8/ "o!ida+ ) Second "omes =0/ (yden re4ort ,900F., $o&&i""ioned by t-e Uni0er"ity, identi!ied a de&and !or -o iday 3 "e$ond -o&e" a" t-e 4rin$i4a rea"on !or t-e "ur%e in -ou"e 4ri$e" and not t-e &ar+et !or buy to et to "tudent"/ =1/ I&4ortant to di"tin%ui"- between -o iday -o&e" ,a0ai ab e !or rent. and "e$ond -o&e" ,"in% e owner but rare y o$$u4ied./ =9/ Co&&unity C-ar%e i" e0ied on "e$ond -o&e" at G5HB re$ei4t" a o$ated to a "4e$ia !und !or -ou"in%/ ==/ 6n% i"- Nationa #ar+" -a0e ado4ted e%i" ation to %i0e 4riority to 4er&anent re"ident" o0er -o iday--o&e owner" - in S$ot and, "u$- 4ra$ti$e wou d re@uire new e%i" ation to be 4a""ed at Ho yrood/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

A.2.8. Notes from meeting between the Commission and "eadon De0e!o#ments
Wedne"day, F February 901= at 0G:15 - 1inne"" Hou"e, =5 ;ar%o (oad #re"ent: Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. Mr Iain Grant Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Mr *o-n Matt-ew" Headon )e0e o4&ent" Mr *oe Headon

Scottish "o'se Constr'ction 1/ T-e S$otti"- Go0ern&ent -a" e"tab i"-ed a re@uire&ent !or =5,000 new -o&e" 4er year to be bui t/ 9/ In 9011, t-e nu&ber o! -ou"in% unit" de i0ered in S$ot and wa" $/ 15,000/ =/ T-e "ur0i0a o! nationa $o&4anie" o0er re$ent year" -a" been a""i"ted by "ub"idi"ed !inan$in% !ro& t-e ban+" ,e/%/ debt "wa4" !or e@uity.B o$a !ir&" bui din% 4ri0ate -o&e" -a0e been wor"t a!!e$ted/ :/ S$ot and8" 4ri0ate -o&e bui din% indu"try i" re4re"ented by Ho&e" !or S$ot and ,Mr *oe Headon i" a ?oard &e&ber. - t-e &e&ber"-i4 $on"i"t" o! 1F0 4ri0ate -o&e bui der", (e%i"tered So$ia ;and ord" and a""o$iated $o&4anie" - t-e !ir&" w-i$- are &e&ber" 4ro0ide G5H o! a new -o&e" bui t !or "a e in t-e $ountry ea$- year a" we a" a "i%ni!i$ant 4ro4ortion o! t-e a!!ordab e -ou"in%/ "eadon De0e!o#ments 5/ Headon )e0e o4&ent" wa" e"tab i"-ed in 1GFA/ A/ '44ro>/ 1,050 -ou"e" and ! at" were ere$ted in St 'ndrew" between 1GF5 and 900F, o! w-i$Headon bui t o0er =00 ,e/%/ t-e ! at" at T-e #ar+, DF3F0 'r%y e StreetB Strat-$arron e"tate to t-e we"t o! ;aw-ead #ri&ary S$-oo ./ Affordab!e "o'sing D/ W-i e t-e need !or a!!ordab e -ou"in% i" re$o%ni"ed, inno0ati0e "o ution" to !inan$in% are re@uired w-ere !undin% !ro& t-e S$otti"- Go0ern&ent -a" been redu$ed durin% t-e e$ono&i$ downturn/ F/ Co&&it&ent to &eet =0H a!!ordab e -ou"in% 4ro0i"ion, wit-out 4ub i$ "ub"idy, i" "ti! in% new "$-e&e" w-ere t-e $o"t" to de0e o4 t-e w-o e 4ro<e$t $annot be $o0ered/ G/ Cro""-!undin% i" re@uired !or a!!ordab e -ou"in% !ro& t-e -o&e" "o d in t-e 4ri0ate &ar+et, w-i e de0e o4er" "tru%% e to &eet $o"t" on t-e re&ainder o! t-eir 4ro4ertie" on a "ite/ 10/ In! e>ib e inter4retation o! a!!ordab e -ou"in% tar%et" &a+e" it une$ono&i$ to bid !or "o&e o$ation" ,e/%/ i&ited o4tion" !or t-e ty4e o! 4ro4erty to be 4ro0ided at t-e !or&er St 'ndrew" #o i$e Station./ 11/ New tar%et" !or Pero $arbon e&i""ion", i&4 e&ented !ro& 9010, $an add "i%ni!i$ant y to $on"tru$tion $o"t" ,anyt-in% u4 to M90+ 4er unit./ 19/ Standard" "et by -ou"in% a""o$iation" ty4i$a y "4e$i!y 90H &ore interna "4a$e !or a 4ro4erty de"i%n t-an !or t-e e@ui0a ent 4ri0ate &ar+et de0e o4&ent o! a "i&i ar "4e$i!i$ation/ 1=/ Fi!e Coun$i and t-e Hou"in% '""o$iation" are 0a uin% and !or a!!ordab e -ou"in% at Pero/ 1:/ Fi!e Coun$i "tate" t-at &id-&ar+et rent" "-ou d be "et "o a" not to e>$eed F0H o! t-e ;o$a Hou"in% ' owan$e e0e !or Fi!e ,e/%/ ;o$a Hou"in% ' owan$e !or 9 bedroo&" i" M:50 4er &ontI'4ri 901=J./ 15/ Condition" $an be "et on t-e "a e o! ! at" !or t-e& not to be et, "ub"e@uent y, but t-e ter&" $annot be "et, "4e$i!i$a y, a%ain"t $ertain a%e %rou4" ,e/%/ "tudent"./ 1A/ Roun%er Garden" ,F0 -o&e". wa" t-e &o"t re$ent de0e o4&ent o! a!!ordab e -ou"in% in St 'ndrew" - 4ro4ertie" -a0e $-an%ed owner"-i4, "ub"e@uent y, at t-e 4re0ai in% &ar+et rate/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

1D/ Current Headon )e0e o4&ent" re"identia 4ro<e$t i" !or =9 -ou"e" at T-e Green, Strat-+inne""/ 1F/ O! t-e"e 4ro4ertie", F were a0ai ab e !or &id-&ar+et rent ,!ro& 9019./ 1G/ (ent wa" "et, a!ter ne%otiation wit- Fi!e Coun$i , at M5F5 4er $a endar &ont- ,"tated t-e e@ui0a ent rent in St 'ndrew" $ou d be u4 to 95H -i%-er./ 90/ Ho&e" are a0ai ab e to rent !or 10 year"B Headon )e0e o4&ent" retain t-e owner"-i4 t-erea!ter/ 91/ Tenant" -a0e no ri%-t" to re&ain a!ter t-e 10 year", eit-er a" tenant" or to a$@uire t-e 4ro4erty -owe0er, Headon )e0e o4&ent" &ay %i0e 4riority to t-e "ittin% tenant", but t-ere are no %uarantee"/ 99/ Fi!e Coun$i "et" t-e $ondition" !or 4ro"4e$ti0e tenant" ,e/%/ !a&i ie" w-o &eet $ertain in$o&e $riteria, wor+ or -a0e "o&e ot-er $onne$tion wit- t-e area and are re%i"tered wit- Fi!e Coun$i . but t-ey did not e0a uate indi0idua tenant"/ St Andrews West 9=/ T-i" i" a 4artner"-i4 between t-e Uni0er"ity o! St 'ndrew", Headon )e0e o4&ent" and o$a andowner", !or&ed in 9009, to 4ro&ote !or de0e o4&ent a44ro>/ F1 -e$tare" ,-a. o! and at t-e we"tern boundary o! St 'ndrew"/ 9:/ T-e 4ro<e$t i" en0i"a%ed to 4ro$eed t-rou%- &u ti4 e 4-a"e" o0er a 4eriod o! u4 to =0 year"/ 95/ T-e ado4ted ;o$a # an ,900A-909A. a o$ate" t-i" "ite !or &i>ed-u"e de0e o4&ent in$ udin% 1,0G0 re"identia unit", Uni0er"ity !a$i itie" and a "$ien$e 4ar+ ,10 -a., a bu"ine"" 4ar+ ,5 -a., e&4 oy&ent o44ortunitie" ,5 -a., a 4ri&ary "$-oo and a "e$ondary "$-oo , $o&&unity and "o$ia a&enitie", a -ote and retai out et"/ 9A/ (e@uire&ent !or t-e de0e o4er" to a o$ate =0H o! t-e -o&e" !or a!!ordab e -ou"in% ,=9D unit"./ 9D/ Fi!e Coun$i -a" 4ro4o"ed t-at A5H o! t-e a!!ordab e -o&e" ,91= unit". wi be "et a"ide !or "o$ia rented -ou"in%/ 9F/ (etai 4re&i"e" ran%in% !ro& $/ 9F0 to :A5 "@uare &etre" are a o$ated in t-e 4 an/ 9G/ ' we"tern re ie! road ,to in+ t-e 'G1 ISt 'ndrew" - Guardbrid%eJ, ?G=G IStrat-+inne"" ;ow (oadJ and St 'ndrew" - Crai%toun route". i" in$or4orated in t-e de"i%n" to redu$e t-e ,e>i"tin%. 4re""ure o! tra!!i$ $on%e"tion in t-e $entre o! St 'ndrew"/ =0/ Con"tru$tion i" tar%eted to $o&&en$e !ro& 9015-1A but t-i" i" 0ery &u$- de4endent on "-ort-ter& e$ono&i$ re$o0ery and in$rea"ed a$ti0ity in t-e o$a -ou"in% &ar+et - any wor+ on t-e "$-e&e i" "ub<e$t to t-e a%ree&ent wit- Fi!e Coun$i o! a &a"ter 4 an !or t-e w-o e "ite/ =1/ 6n0i"ioned by t-e de0e o4er t-at t-e !ir"t 4-a"e $an be%in 4rior to bui din% t-e outer re ie! road and wit-out 4ro0i"ion o! new "er0i$e" - t-e $o&&it&ent to t-e"e are de!inite but t-ere i" a @ue"tion o! ti&in% w-en "u!!i$ient -ou"in% unit" -a0e been bui t to <u"ti!y t-e in0e"t&ent/ .ther $ro:ects in the St Andrews Area =9/ T-e !ir& -a" no 4 an" to be in0o 0ed in t-e 4ro0i"ion o! 4ri0ate "tudent a$$o&&odation at St 'ndrew"/



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations


Notes from the meeting between the Commission and <ingdom "o'sing Association
Tue"day, 9D No0e&ber 9019 at 10:00 - We"t Gran%e Far&-ou"e, St 'ndrew"
Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. Mr *o-n Matt-ew" #ro!/ *oe )o-erty )r #au ine M$;ou%- in Mr Iain Grant Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. 1in%do& Hou"in% '""o$iation Mr ' an Hender"on, ?u"ine"" )e0e o4&ent Mana%er


<ingdom "o'sing Association (<"A 1/ Fi!e Hou"in% '""o$iation ' ian$e, !or&ed in '4ri 900A, $o&4ri"e" 1in%do& H', Fi!e H', G en H' and Ore Sa ey H'/ 1H' i" t-e one '""o$iation wit-in t-e ' ian$e o4eratin% t-rou%-out Fi!e - and a "o in Fa +ir+ and #ert- C 1inro""B it -a" been de"i%nated t-e ead (e%i"tered So$ia ;and ord I(S;J de0e o4er !or Fi!e/ 9/ ' S$otti"- Go0ern&ent initiati0e e"tab i"-ed a "in% e (S; ' ian$e in Fi!e to a0oid indi0idua a""o$iation" u"in% 4ub i$ &oney to bid a%ain"t ea$- ot-er !or "ite" - it a ow" !or a "in% e 4oint o! (S; $onta$t in Fi!e to 4ro$ure new a!!ordab e -ou"in%/ T-at 4ro$ure&ent i" !or ' ian$e-bui t or ' ian$e-"4e$i!ied -ou"in%, rat-er t-an buyin% o!! t-e "-e ! or "e$ond -and/ =/ Fi!e Coun$i $reated t-e Fi!e Hou"in% (e%i"ter, now <oined by ' ian$e &e&ber"/ T-i" (e%i"ter i" t-e &ean" !or a44 i$ant" to "ee+ "o$ia -ou"in% t-rou%-out Fi!e - a waitin% i"t i" 4re4ared !or t-e w-o e o! Fi!e en$o&4a""in% t-e %reat &a<ority o! "o$ia -ou"in% 4ro0ider"/ :/ T-e -ou"in% need" &et in$ ude "in% e 4eo4 e, !a&i ie", o der 4eo4 e and t-o"e wit- 4arti$u ar need"/ ' $o&4re-en"i0e "u44ort and $are "er0i$e i" a "o a0ai ab e, w-i$- enab e" 4eo4 e to i0e inde4endent y/ 5/ 1H' a "o o4erate" T-e Fi!e Care and (e4air and S&a (e4air" Ser0i$e" !or a e i%ib e -ou"e-o d" in Fi!e, wit- t-e "u44ort o! Fi!e Coun$i / A/ Grant !undin% $o&e" !ro& t-e S$otti"- Go0t to bot- Coun$i " and (S;" !or new bui d a!!ordab e -ou"in%/ 'n a o$ation i" &ade !or ea$- ;o$a 'ut-ority area/ Coun$i " and (S;" t-en a%ree -ow t-at a o$ation i" to be u"ed, -a0in% re%ard to 4rioritie" and o44ortunitie" It-e Coun$i -a0in% t-e !ina wordJ/ T-e !undin% e0e a0ai ab e !or (S;" -a" re$ent y been in$rea"ed, wit- a ben$-&ar+ !i%ure o! M5F+ 4er unit Iin re$o%nition t-at 4re0iou" redu$tion" were $au"in% (S;" rea !inan$ia di!!i$u tie"JB w-i "t ;o$a 'ut-oritie" -a0e a "i%ni!i$ant y ower ran%e o! %rant a0ai ab e Ire! e$tin% t-eir abi ity to u"e 4rudentia borrowin% 4ower" in"teadJ/ Fi!e Coun$i -a" e&bar+ed u4on an a&bitiou" -ou"e-bui din% 4ro%ra&&e, to $o&4 e&ent t-at w-i$- (S;" are underta+in%, eadin% to a i+e y in$rea"e in tota new a!!ordab e 4ro0i"ion in Fi!e o0er t-at a$-ie0ed in re$ent year"/ One o! t-e &any !a$tor" in "e$urin% t-at wi be t-e $ontinuin% a0ai abi ity o! and/ D/ W-i "t "-ared owner"-i4 and "-ared e@uity -a0e a way" 4 ayed an i&4ortant, i! &inor, ro e in a!!ordab e 4ro0i"ion, Mid-Mar+et (enta IMM(J -a" re$ent y been introdu$ed and i" 4 ayin% an in$rea"ed ro e/ Not on y doe" MM( &eet t-e 4arti$u ar need" o! a "e%&ent o! t-e &ar+et, but it re@uire" e"" "ub"idy - t-u" a owin% tota %rant e0e " to "tret$- !urt-er/ T-e %reate"t need, -owe0er, and t-e $ontinuin% 4riority, re&ain" !or "o$ia rented 4ro4erty/ F/ 1H' and Fi!e Coun$i o4erate a <oint Site Identi!i$ation and )i"4o"a %rou4 ,SI)., re0iewin% a0ai ab e "ite"/ I! $oun$i -owned and on it" Hou"in% '$$ount i" identi!ied and a%reed !or de0e o4&ent by 1H' Iand t-en a44ro0ed by t-e S$otti"- Go0ern&entJ, it re@uire" to be tran"!erred at Ea!!ordab e -ou"in%8 0a ue a" deter&ined by t-e )i"tri$t Sa uer - w-i$- -a" o!ten in e!!e$t been a Eni 8 0a ue, -a0in% re%ard" to t-e $o"t o! de0e o4&ent/ G/ 6a$- 4ro<e$t i" "ub<e$t to ri%orou" e$ono&i$ a""e""&ent to en"ure t-at t-e !undin% a0ai ab eB t-e $o"t" in$urredB and t-e in$o&e %enerated wi enab e t-e !inan$e" o! t-e '""o$iation to re&ain "u"tainab e/ Sa ue en%ineerin% on "ite and tenure &i> Ie/%/ in$ u"ion o! MM( w-ere a44ro4riateJ $an be uti i"ed to en-an$e 0iabi ity/ T-e $a4ita borrowin% re%i&e in 4 a$e !or t-e '""o$iation i" a &a<or deter&inant o! o0era 4ro%ra&&e 0iabi ity/ 10/ Sin$e t-e 900F e$ono&i$ downturn, 4ri0ate de0e o4er" -a0e been &ore !a0ourab e toward" underta+in% a!!ordab e -ou"in% 4ro<e$t" !or Fi!e Coun$i and 1H', a" t-ey -e 4 to &aintain e&4 oy&ent and in$o&e w-i "t t-e 4ri0ate &ar+et i" de4re""ed/


<ingdom "o'sing Association $resence in St Andrews

Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

11/ 1H' -a" a tota o! 105 4ro4ertie" a0ai ab e !or rent in t-e town/ T-ey -a0e been unab e to 4ro0ide additiona "to$+ in t-e town, "in$e Roun%er Garden" in 9009, due to t-e una0ai abi ity o! "ite"/ 19/ # annin% $on"ent !or G a!!ordab e -o&e" at Green"ide # a$e wa" %ranted in 9011 but re!u"a by t-e de0e o4er o! t-e nort-ern 4ar$e o! and at 'bbey #ar+ to a%ree "ite a$$e"" -a" "ta ed any 4ro%re""/ T-i" di!!i$u ty i" "ub"tantia y down to t-ree 4 annin% re!u"a " on t-e 4ri0ate "ite by Fi!e Coun$i , t-rou%- w-i$a$$e"" i" to be %ained/ I! t-e t-ird and &o"t re$ent re!u"a %oe" to '44ea , 1H' i" $on!ident it wi be "u"tained, t-u" a owin% bot- t-e 4ri0ate and a!!ordab e de0e o4&ent" to 4ro$eed/ 1=/ 1H' $ou d a o$ate ea$- 4ro4erty &any ti&e" o0erB it i" un-eard o! !or an o!!er to be re!u"ed/ 1:/ In t-e 4a"t 1F &ont-" t-ere -a" been a "to$+ turno0er o! 9 4ro4ertie" I1/GH 4aJ - t-i" i" "i%ni!i$ant y ower t-an t-e Fi!e a0era%e, re! e$tin% a "tron% de"ire to "tay in t-e town on$e "ett ed t-ere/ 15/ T-e %reat &a<ority o! t-e turno0er o0er t-e year" -a" been t-e re"u t o! tenant" &o0in% outwit- t-e area !or wor+ rea"on", or &o0in% into owner-o$$u4ation wit-in $o&&utin% di"tan$e, rat-er t-an bein% un-a44y witt-eir tenan$y or i0in% in t-e town/ A##!icants See%ing Accommodation in St Andrews 1A/ T-ere are $urrent y 1=D= a44 i$ant" !or St 'ndrew" w-o -a0e $-o"en 1H' a" a and ord/ 1D/ '44 i$ant e0e " -a0e been !air y "teady o0er t-e 4a"t "e0era year"/ 1F/ T-e %reat &a<ority o! t-e"e a44 i$ant" wi a "o -a0e $-o"en Fi!e Coun$i a" a and ord, to &a>i&i"e t-e o44ortunity to be "e e$ted/ 1G/ O! t-o"e 1=D=, St 'ndrew" i" t-e !ir"t area o! $-oi$e Iout o! t-reeJ !or =5A/ 90/ T-e re ati0e y ow 4er$enta%e -a0in% St 'ndrew" a" !ir"t $-oi$e re! e$t" a 4er$e4tion t-at t-e i+e i-ood o! bein% a o$ated a 4ro4erty in anot-er $o&&unity i" %reater/ 91/ Mo"t a44 i$ant" w-o "ee+ St 'ndrew" do "o be$au"e o! one or &ore o! t-e !o owin%: t-ey are re"ident"B t-ey -a0e !a&i y in+" wit- t-e townB or t-ey are e&4 oyed in t-e town I4arti$u ar y in t-e "e$tor" o! retai , -o"4ita ity or touri"&J/ 99/ Mo"t o! t-e a44 i$ant" are o! wor+in% a%e, bein% $ou4 e" wit- one $-i d or $-i d e""/ 9=/ Mo"t o! t-e a44 i$ant" are "ee+in% one or two-bedroo&ed 4ro4ertie"/ 9:/ '44 i$ant" are ad0i"ed to $on"ider Crai , 'n"trut-er, ;eu$-ar" and ot-er $o&&unitie" wit-in $o&&utin% di"tan$e to &a>i&i"e t-eir $-an$e" o! an a o$ation/ A!!ocation of $ro#erties 95/ ;e%i" ation doe" not a ow !or 4re!eren$e to be %i0en to o$a 4eo4 e Ia t-ou%- 4oint" are awarded !or t-o"e a$tin% a" $arer" !or a re ati0e i0in% o$a yJB a o$ation i" ba"ed u4on -ou"in% need/ 9A/ T-ere i" a e%i" ati0e re@uire&ent to a o$ate =5H o! a a0ai ab e 4ro4ertie" to t-o"e $ a""i!ied a" -o&e e""B -owe0er, a ower !i%ure i" %ranted in St 'ndrew", w-i$- a ow" a -i%- 4er$enta%e o! tran"!er" to o4en u4 o44ortunitie" !or a44 i$ant" !ro& e "ew-ere/ 9D/ T-e a""e""&ent o! !uture -ou"in% need" in t-e town i" not e>tra4o ated !ro& waitin% i"t in!or&ationB rat-er, 1H' a$$e4t" t-at Fi!e Coun$i 8" wor+ on -ou"in% need and de&and t-rou%- it" ;o$a Hou"in% Strate%y, and t-e )e0e o4&ent # an8" -ou"in% and a o$ation", "et" t-e !ra&ewor+/ .bser0ations b+ A!an "enderson on "o'sing ,ss'es in St Andrews 9F/ Hou"in% 4re""ure" in t-e town are t-e re"u t o! t-e aw o! "u44 y and de&and/ T-e attra$ti0ene"" o! t-e town to a nationa and, indeed, % oba audien$e, and t-e e0e o! 4ent-u4 de&and "u%%e"t t-at a 0ery "ub"tantia in$rea"e in "u44 y wou d be re@uired to -a0e any noti$eab e e!!e$t in ea"in% 4re""ure" I%i0en t-at t-e !a$tor" w-i$- dri0e de&and are un i+e y to di&ini"-J/ 9G/ Su44 y i" $on"trained by 4 annin% 4o i$ie" w-i$- re"tri$t de0e o4&ent around t-e town, !or e>a&4 e t-e Green ?e t/ Su$- 4o i$ie" are "u44orted Iand are 4art y dri0enJ by "tron% and in! uentia bodie" in t-e town w-i$- a$ti0e y en%a%e in t-e 4 annin% 4ro$e""/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

=0/ Hou"in% '""o$iation" $annot $o&4ete wit- t-e 4ri0ate "e$tor to a$@uire and a o$ated !or re"identia u"e, w-et-er brown!ie d or %reen!ie dB neit-er are owner" %enera y di"4o"ed to "e and to Hou"in% '""o$iation" at a 4ri$e w-i$- i" e$ono&i$ !or a!!ordab e -ou"in% de0e o4&ent - e0en in t-e $urrent $ir$u&"tan$e" o! i&ited a$ti0ity by t-e 4ri0ate "e$tor/ ' de4enden$e on wi in% and 4-i ant-ro4i$ owner" i" not a $redib e a44roa$-/ =1/ Fi!e Coun$i 8" '!!ordab e Hou"in% #o i$y I'H#J i" t-u" 0ita in &eetin% -ou"in% need", and in $reatin% o44ortunitie" !or t-e 4ro0i"ion o! a!!ordab e -ou"in% a" an inte%ra 4art o! new nei%-bour-ood"/ =9/ T-e 4ro4o"ed we"tern e>4an"ion o! t-e town inte%rated in t-e )e0e o4&ent # an, wit- =0H o! t-e tota -ou"in% 4ro0i"ion to be a!!ordab e t-rou%- t-e 'H#, 4re"ent" an o44ortunity to a$$o&&odate a "&a but, at ea"t, "i%ni!i$ant 4art o! t-e need and de&and in t-e "-ort to &ediu& ter&/ ==/ 't 10G0 -ou"e" by 909A, t-e we"tern e>4an"ion ou%-t to de i0er $ir$a =9D a!!ordab e unit", or an a0era%e o! 90-95 4er annu&/ So&e 900 o! t-e"e are i+e y to be bui t !or "o$ia rent/ Fundin% ou%-t to be a0ai ab e !or t-at "$a e o! e>4an"ion o0er "u$- a ti&e"$a e/ =:/ So$ia rented 4ro4erty re@uire" "ub"tantia %o0ern&ent %rant to a$-ie0e 0iabi ityB MM( $an be 4ro0ided !or e"" %rant "u44ort, a t-ou%- &o"t o! it wi not re&ain a!!ordab e in 4er4etuity ie wi be o!!ered to "ittin% tenant" to buy or 4ut on t-e 4ri0ate &ar+et a!ter 5 T =0 year" Ide4endin% on t-e $ir$u&"tan$e" o! ea$4ro<e$tJ/ =5/ MM(, %i0en it" tenan$y arran%e&ent" and $o"t" to tenant", o!!er" 4otentia to &eet t-e "4e$i!i$ 4re""ure" ari"in% !ro& t-e Uni0er"ity8" 4o"t%raduate" and !i>ed-$ontra$t 4ro!e""iona "ta!! a" we a" to a"4irin% -o&e owner" w-o $annot "e$ure a &ort%a%e at 4re"ent T or to t-o"e !roPen out o! t-e 4ri0ate "e$tor &ar+et o$a y be$au"e o! -i%-, Uni0er"ity- ed, de&and/ =A/ 1H' -a" not been a"+ed to de0e o4 "tudent a$$o&&odation, and wou d be un i+e y to a%ree/ =D/ T-e Uni0er"ity -a" ar%ued t-at "tudent a$$o&&odation ou%-t to be de!ined a" a!!ordab e -ou"in% Iand t-u" be in$ uded in t-e =0H re@uire&entJ, 4arti$u ar y w-ere it i" re ea"in% and !or re"identia de0e o4&ent - Fi!e Coun$i -a" re"i"ted t-at a44roa$- to date, ar%uin% t-at a!!ordab e 4ro0i"ion "-ou d be in$ u"i0e and ba"ed u4on need/ =F/ Fi!e Coun$i 8" '!!ordab e Hou"in% #o i$y I'H#J $a&e into e!!e$t in 900A/ T-e e>4erien$e o! 1H' in St 'ndrew" wit- it to date re ate" to Ewind!a 8 "ite", rat-er t-an 4 anned 4ro0i"ion t-rou%- t-e ;o$a # anB and o! de0e o4er" w-o "ee+ eit-er to &ini&i"e and 3 or re"i"t t-eir 'H# ob i%ation" I(obert"on Ho&e" at St ;eonard" bein% an e>$e4tion, de"4ite t-e di!!i$u tie" re!erred to in 4ara%ra4- 19J/ Sery -i%- and 0a ue" and ot-er 4 annin% re@uire&ent" 3 ob i%ation" $reate $o&&er$ia 4re""ure", and a 4er$e4tion t-at inte%ra a!!ordab e -ou"in% Iwit- "tereoty4i$a tenant"J de4re""e" t-e return on in0e"t&ent/ =G/ T-e e>i"ten$e o! an e>e&4tion 4o i$y in ;o$a # an", w-i$- $an "u44ort &ode"t a!!ordab e de0e o4&ent" on t-e ed%e o! "ett e&ent" on "ite" not a o$ated !or de0e o4&ent, i" a u"e!u i! i&ited additiona too !or 1H' in Fi!e - but i" not a44 i$ab e on Green ?e t and/ T-i" 4o i$y wa" u"ed to "e$ure 4 annin% $on"ent at t-e "ite at Guardbrid%e re!erred to be ow/ :0/ ;on%er-ter& 4 annin% "trate%y a44ear" to !a0our t-e %rowt- o! "uitab e nearby $o&&unitie" to ab"orb "o&e o! t-e -ou"in% need and de&and in St 'ndrew" - %i0en a o! t-e abo0e, t-i" wou d "ee& to re4re"ent t-e be"t 4ra$ti$a o4tion a0ai ab e/ ;eu$-ar" and Guardbrid%e are ob0iou" $andidate", a t-ou%- $ontinuin% un$ertainty o0er Mo) 4 an" !or ;eu$-ar" re@uire" re"o ution/ :1/ 1H' -a" "e$ured a "ite at To (oad,Guardbrid%e !or AA a!!ordab e unit"/ #-a"e 1, wit- a "ite "tart in 901:, wi $o&4ri"e =A "o$ia rented unit"B #-a"e 9 I90 > "o$ia rentJ and #-a"e = I10 > MM(J wi !o ow in "e@uen$e/ T-e !ir"t two 4-a"e" -a0e 4 annin% $on"ent/ :9/ T-e $urrent "o$ia and ord" w-o 4ro0ide a!!ordab e -ou"in% in Fi!e IFi!e Coun$i and (S;"J wi a &o"t $ertain y $ontinue to re%ard St 'ndrew" a" bein% o! t-e -i%-e"t 4riority !or t-e 4ro0i"ion o! new "u44 y !or t-e !ore"eeab e !uture, in t-e $onte>t o! an ob i%ation to addre"" need" a$ro"" t-e $ounty/ ;i&ited !inan$ia re"our$e" and a $on"trained "u44 y o! a0ai ab e "ite" wi a "o a &o"t $ertain y $ontinue/



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

A.2.=. Notes from 0isit b+ the Commission to Robertson "omes (<nightsbridge

Tue"day, 9A February 901= at 1=:00 - 'bbey #ar+, 'bbey Wa + ,re0i"ed )e$e&ber 901=. #re"ent: Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. #ro!/ *oe )o-erty Mr Iain Grant Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. (obert"on Ho&e" Mr (obert M$1innon, ;and )ire$tor ?arton Wi &ore Iain Hynd, Senior # anner

(obert"on Ho&e"9 ,and "ub"idiary 1ni%-t"brid%e. -a" been de0e o4er on t-e 'bbey #ar+ "ite !or o0er 1= year"/ T-e bui din%" and %round" !or&ed 4art o! St ;eonard" S$-oo 4rior to a "a e o! t-e 1:/5 a$re" to 1ni%-t"brid%e/ T-e de0e o4er 4re4ared a Strate%i$ )e0e o4&ent Fra&ewor+ ,S)F., en$o&4a""in% t-e w-o e "ite ,ST'0D, w-i$- in$ ude" t-e ad<a$ent !or&er Me&oria Ho"4ita =., !or t-e St 'ndrew" and 6a"t Fi!e ;o$a # an ,ado4ted 5 O$tober 9019./ 1/ T-e "ite in$ ude" re"identia bui din%" at St ;eonard" Fie d" Hou"e ,9F ! at". and 'da&"on Court ,1i ry&ont Hou"e. ,9F ! at"./ '" t-e"e b o$+" -ad been $o&4 eted t-ey were not in$ uded wit-in t-e de0e o4&ent "ite ST'0F , ater re-de"i%nated a" ST'0D./ 9/ St Ni$-o a" Hou"e -a" been reno0ated ,9019. and a 1: unit" -a0e been "o d/ =/ T-e area o! t-e !or&er tenni" $ourt", "o d to M$Cart-y C Stone, -a" "een :: 4ur4o"e-bui t E;ater ;i0in%8 retire&ent a4art&ent" $on"tru$ted ,901=. - !u y &ana%ed wit- a re"ident warden/ :/ Un"ub"idi"ed a!!ordab e -ou"in% i" 4 anned !or wa ed %arden "out- o! t-e M$Cart-y C Stone "ite: i/ ?ie d Hou"in% C Care -a0e been identi!ied a" t-e de0e o4er !or t-e Wa ed Garden 4art o! t-e "iteB ii/ # annin% $on"ent obtained to in$rea"e de"i%n !ro& :F to DF 1- or 9-bedroo& ! at", a" $o&4atib e wit- t-e ?ie d Hou"in% C Care -ou"in% &ode B iii/ Unit" wi be "o d wit- tit e re"tri$tion" in 4er4etuity to re"tri$t owner"-i4 to o der 4eo4 e w-o no&inate it a" t-eir 4rin$i4a re"iden$eB i0/ #ro4o"ed "-ared owner"-i4B di"$ount to &ar+et 0a ue - 4er&itted to 4ur$-a"e F0H and to rent 90HB 0/ No $are 4ro0i"ion and no re"ident warden/ 5/ T-e S)F !or&" a &ateria $on"ideration o! a !uture 4 annin% a44 i$ation" re ated to t-e ST'0D "ite, w-i$- identi!ie" t-e !o owin% area" a" bein% $a4ab e o! "u44ortin% de0e o4&ent: i/ 1= terra$ed town -ou"e" ,:- or 5-bed. !or 4ri0ate "a e - due to $o&&en$e *anuary 901:B ii/ =A a4art&ent" ,9- or =-bed. by t-e 1inne"" ?urn !or 4ri0ate "a e - due to $o&&en$e No0e&ber 901:B iii/ So$ia -rented -ou"in% ,9G 9-bed ! at". a o$ated !or Fi!e Coun$i - due to $o&&en$e February 901:B i0/ '!!ordab e -ou"in% ,G unit". !or 1in%do& Hou"in% '""o$iation at Green"ide # a$e %a4-"ite - t-i" i" $on"trained in ter&" o! a$$e"" and 4ar+in%, unti a de0e o4&ent "o ution i" !ound to t-e "ite re!eren$ed be owB 0/ 1D a4art&ent" !or 4ri0ate "a e on o4en awn, between St Ni$-o a" Hou"e and Green"ide # a$e, identi!ied in t-e S)F !or -ou"in% de0e o4&ent - "e0era 4 annin% a44 i$ation" -a0e been re!u"ed by t-e Nort- 6a"t Fi!e 'rea Co&&ittee a" too 4ro&inent a de"i%n !or t-e "4a$e - (obert"on Ho&e" -a" od%ed an a44ea in re ation to t-e &o"t re$ent re!u"a ,O$tober 901=./ A/ T-e or$-ard -a" been retained between St Ni$-o a" Hou"e and M$Cart-y C Stone "-e tered -ou"in%: i/ 6 &wood Co e%e "tudent" wi a""i"t in t-e re"toration o! t-e !ruit tree"/ D/ So&e 4rote$ted &ature tree" -a0e been !e ed - new tree-4 antin% -a" en-an$ed t-e a0enue/ F/ ' re"ident" a$ro"" t-e w-o e "ite 4ay a &ana%e&ent !ee to 4ro0ide !or and"$a4in% 3 &aintenan$e/
9 =

N opments/ uxury*apartments*st*andrews.htm O T-e !or&er Fi!e NHS and wa" "o d to Wat+in *one" Grou4/ T-ey re$ei0ed 4 annin% 4er&i""ion !ro& t-e Nort- 6a"t Fi!e 'rea Co&&ittee on G O$tober 901= !or 4ur4o"e-bui t "tudent a$$o&&odation ,9:1 bed"./ 10:

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING "o'sing /nits 9F 9F 1: :: DF 1= =A 9G G 1D Descri#tion ) 3ocation

Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

St ;eonard" Fie d" Hou"e 'da&"on Court ,1i ry&ont Hou"e. St Ni$-o a" Hou"e S-e tered -ou"in% ,M$Cart-y C Stone. Wa ed-%arden - un"ub"idi"ed a!!ordab e -ou"in% ,?ie d Hou"in% C Care. Terra$ed town -ou"e" ,:- or 5-bed 4ro4ertie". ,(obert"on Ho&e". '4art&ent" ,9- or =-bed -ou"e". ,(obert"on Ho&e". So$ia -rented -ou"in% ,9-bedroo& ! at". ,Fi!e Coun$i . '!!ordab e -ou"in% ,1in%do& Hou"in% '""o$iation. '4art&ent" ,(obert"on Ho&e".

G/ 'bbey #ar+ Hou"e, t-e e"tate8" 1F t- $entury re"iden$e, re$ei0ed 4 annin% $on"ent !or $on0er"ion to a -ote ,:D bedroo&". but no $o&&er$ia 4artner $ou d be identi!ied !or t-e "$-e&e/ 10/ T-e $ondition o! t-e &ain bui din%, uno$$u4ied !or &ore t-an 10 year", -a" deteriorated ra4id y - it -a" been re$orded on t-e ?ui din%" at (i"+ (e%i"ter "in$e 900D - wit- da&a%e to t-e roo! and window"/ T-e de0e o4er wa" re@uired to underta+e &ea"ure" in 901= to re$ord t-e interior !ittin%" and to "ea t-e "tru$ture waterti%-t/ 11/ (obert"on Ho&e" "ub&itted a 4 annin% a44 i$ation ,*u y 901=. to $on0ert 'bbey #ar+ Hou"e to 4ri0ate "tudent a$$o&&odation wit- $a4a$ity !or GF "tudent"/



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations


Notes from the meeting between the Commission and the Ro+a! *'rgh of St Andrews Comm'nit+ Co'nci!
Wedne"day, A February 901= at 15:00 - Hebdo&adar8" (oo&, Nort- Street
Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. Mr Iain Grant Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Mr *o-n Matt-ew" Co&&unity Coun$i )r Ian Goudie Mi"" #enny U4ri$-ard


Comm'nit+ Co'nci! 1/ T-e Co&&unity Coun$i ,CC. -a" a "tatutory ri%-t to $o&&ent on a 4 annin% a44 i$ation" od%ed !or 4ro4ertie" wit-in it" boundarie"/ 9/ T-e CC i" a""o$iated wit- 0ariou" ot-er o$a $o&&unity bodie" in$ udin% ST'N)6N ISt 'ndrew" 6ner%y Networ+J, and t-e Friend" o! Crai%toun I#ar+J, bot- o! w-i$- o4erate inde4endent y a!ter bein% e"tab i"-ed by t-e CC, and a "o t-e Co&&unity Tru"t, e"tab i"-ed !o owin% an a%ree&ent wit- t-e ;in+" Tru"t re%ardin% t-e u"e o! t-e town8" $oat-o!-ar&"/ =/ Student re4re"entati0e" on t-e CC are +een to u"e t-e !oru& to rai"e t-eir $on$ern" on i""ue" a!!e$tin% rented 4ro4ertie" ,e/%/ a0ai abi ity, $o"t and @ua ity./ $!anning $o!ic+ :/ Fi!e Stru$ture # an $on"u tation"B Stru$ture # an a44ro0edB 4ub i"-edB !ir"t $on"u tation" on ne>t Stru$ture # anB a44ro0ed ,and ater $on!ir&ed !o owin% un"u$$e""!u e%a $-a en%e in t-e U/1/ Su4re&e Court - Mar$- 901=./ - =5,900 new -ou"e" 4ro4o"ed a$ro"" Fi!eB - 6uro4ean re@uire&ent !or en0iron&enta a""e""&ent" "ub0erted/ - 9005: !ir"t $on"u tationB - 900G: "e$ond $on"u tationB - O$tober 9019: ado4ted/ - 9009: - 9009 - 9005: - 900G:

5/ ;o$a # an

A/ T-e ado4ted ;o$a # an in$ ude" a Green ?e t en$ir$ in% t-e town and t-e 4ro4o"ed we"tern e>ten"ion - t-i" &ay be $on"idered an e4-e&era "u$$e""/ Sin$e it" ado4tion, #i4e and Far& -a" been "e e$ted by Fi!e Coun$i a" it" $-oi$e !or t-e new "in% e-"ite Madra" Co e%e and wor+ i" 4ro$eedin% on t-e ar%e-"$a e %o ! and ei"ure $o&4 e> at Feddin$-, bot- "$-e&e" in t-e Green ?e t/ D/ New ;o$a # an ,$o0erin% t-e w-o e o! Fi!e - t-e Fi!e# an. $urrent y under di"$u""ionB - Se4te&ber 9015: tar%et date !or ado4tion/ F/ Tay# an ,'n%u" 3 )undee 3 Nort- Fi!e 3 #ert- L 1inro"".: - Cu4ar and St 'ndrew" are de"i%nated to 4 an !or in e>$e"" o! 1,000 new -ou"e" ea$- by 90=9B - doe" not in$ ude Ebrown!ie d8 de0e o4&ent" at 4re"ent in St 'ndrew" ,e/%/ 'bbey #ar+, !or&er Me&oria Ho"4ita , !or&er #o i$e Station., w-i$- $ou d a$$o&&odate o0er 500 4eo4 e/ G/ In$rea"ed di!!i$u ty in "$rutini"in% 4ro4o"a " - e/%/ 1GGA ;o$a # an in0o 0ed a "i>-wee+ -earin% in t-e Town Ha !or St 'ndrew" and t-e "urroundin% area - t-e 9019 ;o$a # an on y 4ro0ided a one-day -earin%, and t-ere wa" a "i%ni!i$ant y %reater 0o u&e o! 4a4erwor+ in0o 0ed/ 10/ 6 e$ted o$a &e&ber" now -a0e re"4on"ibi ity !or t-e w-o e &u ti-&e&ber ward/ $o#'!ation Statistics 11/ ;a$+ o! $ arity and $on!iden$e in 4o4u ation "tati"ti$" 4ub i"-ed by G(O S$ot and - w-at ad<u"t&ent" -a0e been &ade to in$ ude "tudent" and on w-at ba"i" -a0e t-e nu&ber" been &odi!iedK 19/ )i"$re4an$y on Stru$ture # an 4o4u ation %rowt- 4ro<e$tion" between Fi!e Coun$i "tatin% FH and t-e Co&&unity Coun$i e"ti&atin% $/ 90H/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

1=/ Fai ure o! t-e Uni0er"ity o! St 'ndrew" to e>4 ain t-e di"$re4an$y between t-e nu&ber" o! "tudent" ,G,5=F. re$orded by t-e Hi%-er 6du$ation Stati"ti$" '%en$y ,H6S'. and t-e tota 4ub i"-ed by t-e Uni0er"ity #re"" O!!i$e ,a44ro>/ 9,000 !ewer a$+now ed%ed by t-e Uni0er"ity on t-e ate"t !i%ure" a0ai ab e./ 1:/ W-at i&4a$t do t-e e>tra "tudent nu&ber" re$orded by H6S' -a0e on o$a -ou"in% need"K ,e/%/ w-at 4ro4ortion are 4er&anent re"ident" 4arti$i4atin% in t-e e0enin% de%ree 4ro%ra&&e or ot-er 4art-ti&e $our"e"B on%-di"tan$e earner"B "tudent" enro ed twi$e - and are not, t-u", tran"ient o$a re"ident"K. 15/ ;o$a -ou"in% i" needed bot- !or nati0e !a&i ie" ,wit- youn% $-i dren or wit- o der $-i dren w-o $annot a!!ord to re&ain in t-e town. and !or t-e "ta!! re@uire&ent" ,tea$-in% and re"ear$-. o! t-e Uni0er"ity, a!!e$tin% bott-e renta and t-e 4ri0ate owner"-i4 "e$tor"/ 1A/ Con$ern" e>4re""ed o0er t-e -i%- 4ro4ortion o! tran"ient re"ident", ar%e y $on"i"tin% o! "tudent", wit- no on%-ter& "ta+e in t-e -ea t- and 4ro"4erity o! t-e o$a $o&&unity/ Affordab!e "o'sing 1D/ T-ere -a" been a !ai ure by Fi!e Coun$i to "u44 y a!!ordab e -ou"in% a" 4re0iou" y a%reed/ 1F/ '!!ordab e -ou"in% $ou d be de!ined a": 54ri0ate -ou"in% w-i$- re&ain" "i%ni!i$ant y $-ea4er t-an t-e $o&&er$ia &ar+et, inde!inite y7/ 1G/ T-e a"t de0e o4&ent o! a!!ordab e -ou"in% in St 'ndrew" wa" t-e Roun%er Garden" e"tate o! F0 unit", "o&e o! w-i$- -a0e now been "o d on at $o&&er$ia e0e "/ 90/ )i!!i$u tie" o! en!or$in% 4 annin% a%ree&ent" on de0e o4er" ,e/%/ t-e New #ar+ "ite de"i%nated a" two de0e o4&ent" "o t-at t-ey wou d bot- !a be ow t-e t-re"-o d o! 90 unit" Ire@uirin% a =0H a o$ation o! a!!ordab e -ou"in%JB or a $-an%e o! owner"-i4 between de0e o4er" durin% $on"tru$tion 4-a"e" o! a ar%e"$a e de0e o4&ent and a " i44a%e in "tandard" o! 4ro0i"ion "u$- a" a down%rade o! t-e 4 ay and "4ort" area" ad<oinin% Roun%er Garden" and t-e !ai ure to de i0er a !ootba 4it$-./ Western E4#ansion 91/ Fi!e Coun$i "i%ned a "trate%i$ a%ree&ent, in$ udin% "trate%i$ and u"e, wit- t-e Uni0er"ity o! St 'ndrew" in 900A, and re0i"ed it in 9010/ 99/ T-e under"tandin% on St 'ndrew" We"t i" t-at no 4ro%re"" i" anti$i4ated !or t-e ne>t !i0e year"/ 9=/ W-at "er0i$e" and a&enitie" wi t-e de0e o4er" be re@uired to 4ro0ideK 9:/ T-e 4ro4ortion o! a!!ordab e -ou"in% unit" "-ou d be 4ro0ided in !u ,a44ro>/ ==0. ,or e0en e>$eeded to &a+e u4 !or t-e a$+ o! 4ro0i"ion !ro& ot-er 4ri0ate de0e o4&ent" in re$ent year"./ T-ey "-ou d be $on"tru$ted durin% t-e ear y 4-a"e" o! t-e o0era "$-e&e ,!ro& t-e out"etK. - t-ere i" a 5need o! -ou"e" !or 4eo4 e not e$ono&i$ %rowt-7/ 95/ ;a$+ o! %reen "4a$e and a&enity area" in$or4orated in t-e &a"ter-4 an to date/ 9A/ Unrea i"ti$ 4ro4o"a " !or retai and $o&&er$ia $entre" re4 i$ated in E0i a%e -ub"8 - "u$- E"o ution"8 wi $au"e da&a%e to t-e town a" t-ere wi "ti be a need to dri0e into t-e town $entre or to &a<or $ity retai 4ar+"/ 9D/ Study $o&&i""ioned by Fi!e Coun$i !ro& Co in ?u$-anan #artner" ,900=. I"ub"e@uent y, be$a&e a "ub"idiary o! Sin$ air 1ni%-t MerPJ 4redi$ted "e0ere %rid o$+ at &ornin% and a!ternoon 4ea+" in t-e Centra Con"er0ation 'rea o! St 'ndrew"/ T-e town -a" a &ediae0a "treet 4attern, w-i$- $annot be a tered, and t-i" "e0ere y i&it" t-e "$o4e !or "o 0in% tra!!i$ 4rob e&"/ 9F/ Sin$e 900F, tra!!i$ a""e""&ent on t-e 'G1 ,St 'ndrew" to Guardbrid%e. re$ord" an annua in$rea"e in 0e-i$ e" 0aryin% between 1/GH and 9/:H/ A!ternati0e "o'sing $ro0ision 9G/ (at-er t-an re yin% on e>terna a%en$ie", "o&e &e&ber" o! t-e CC be ie0e t-ere i" a ro e !or "e !--e 4 -ou"in% 4ro0i"ion ,&ore attra$ti0e at t-i" ti&e due to ower intere"t rate". and a need to in0e"ti%ate +it-ou"e" o! a -i%- e$o o%i$a "tandard/ =0/ 'n o4tion 4ro4o"ed i" e"tab i"-in% a $o&&unity "e !-bui d !und/ 'ny initiati0e wou d need to ta+e !u $o%ni"an$e o! t-e a0ai abi ity and $o"t o! and in t-e St 'ndrew" nei%-bour-ood/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations


Notes from the meeting between the Commission and The .!d Co'rse "ote!9 (o!f Resort @ S#a
T-ur"day, 91 February 901= at 15:15 - T-e O d Cour"e Hote Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. Mr *o-n Matt-ew" Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. O d Cou"e Hote Mr )anie #ereira ,Genera Mana%er.


The .!d Co'rse "ote!9 (o!f Resort @ S#a 1/ T-e 4re"ti%iou" !i0e-"tar -ote $o&4ri"in% 1:: roo&", in$ udin% =5 "uite", -a" to attra$t e>$e4tiona ta ent ,e/%/ $-e!". in addition to "u$$e""!u &ana%e&ent and o4eration" tea&"/ 9/ T-e nu&ber" o! "ta!! are a44ro>/ 1D5 4er&anent e&4 oyee" and 1:5 "ea"ona 3 te&4orary e&4 oyee"/ =/ T-e reno0ated Ha&i ton Grand wi re@uire 90-=0 4er"onne e>tra, $-ie! y in t-e re"taurant and bar/ :/ 1o- er Grou4 a "o own" t-e )u+e8" Cour"e and a &i> o! $o&&er$ia and re"identia 4ro4ertie" at Mount Me 0i e ,Crai%toun./ Recr'itment 5/ T-e o44ortunity to re$ruit !ro& t-e St 'ndrew" o$a ity i" re"tri$ted due to -i%- a$$o&&odation $o"t" ,owner-o$$u4ied or renta . i&itin% t-e 4oo o! 4otentia a44 i$ant"/ A/ )undee i" tar%eted a" t-e &ain area !or re$ruit&ent/ D/ :0 to 50 "tudent" are retained !ro& )undee !or t-e "u&&er "ea"on/ F/ T-e nu&ber o! "tudent" e&4 oyed !ro& St 'ndrew" tend" to be in "in% e !i%ure"/ G/ T-e -ote -a" e"tab i"-ed re ation"-i4" wit- o$a $o e%e" !or trainin% and re$ruitin% a44renti$e"/ Rem'neration 10/ #ay rate" !or t-e owe"t-4aid "ta!! are u"ua y "et abo0e t-e nationa &ini&u& wa%eB $o&4etin% rate" are in! uen$ed by nationa e&4 oyer" in t-e town ,e/%/ Te"$o"./ 11/ (e&uneration rate" to retain e&4 oyee" &ay in$ ude in$enti0e" ,e/%/ end-o!-year bonu"e"./ 19/ It i" di!!i$u t to -o d on to +ey "ta!!, w-en $o&4etin% wit- ot-er internationa y-renowned ei"ure !a$i itie" ,e/%/ G enea% e" or Turnberry. in an e>$ u"i0e <ob &ar+et, due to t-e re"tri$ted -ou"in% o4tion"/ 1=/ Ot-er -o"4ita ity 0enue" &ay ado4t a ternati0e re&uneration "$-e&e" to en$oura%e 4er&anent 4er"onne to "tay ,e/%/ annua i"ed -our", t-u" i&itin% dutie" in t-e o!!-"ea"on w-i e &a>i&i"in% ti&e durin% t-e "u&&er by i&4 e&entin% 19--our "-i!t" and wor+ 4attern" o! !our day" on 3 !our day" o!!./ Accommodation 1:/ '" &any o! t-e 4er&anent 4er"onne -a0e a on%-ter& a""o$iation wit- t-e bu"ine"" ,e/%/ in e>$e"" o! 90 year"., -ou"in% i""ue" are &ore o! a $on$ern !or "ea"ona e&4 oyee"/ 15/ Many "ta!! wi $o&&ute !ro& )undee and "o&e !ro& a" !ar a" 6dinbur%-/ 1A/ T-e -ote doe" not 4ro0ide tran"4ort !or $o&&utin% e&4 oyee" but t-ey are en$oura%ed to arran%e $ar-"-arin%/ 1D/ 1o- er Grou4 -a" rented 4ro4ertie" in St 'ndrew", 4re0iou" y, to o!!er a$$o&&odation to "ta!!B $urrent y, t-ere are no 4ro4ertie" rented/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

1F/ Mid ?rae at Mount Me 0i e i" owned and o4erated by t-e $o&4any a" an HMO $a4ab e o! -ou"in% u4 to 90 4eo4 e/ 1G/ ' -ou"e atta$-ed to Mid ?rae i" 4ro0ided !or t-e 6>e$uti0e Head C-e!/ 90/ T-e 1o- er Grou4 -a" $on"idered bui din% !urt-er a$$o&&odation at Mount Me 0i e but, to date, 4ro$eedin% wit- t-i" -a" been de$ided a%ain"t/ 91/ T-e -ote &ana%e&ent -a0e e>4re""ed an intere"t in t-e 4 an" by t-e Uni0er"ity o! St 'ndrew" to "u44 y ener%y !ro& a 4ro4o"ed bio&a"" 4 ant at t-e !or&er Guardbrid%e 4a4er &i / E4#erience of Attracting Senior -anagement 99/ ;i&ited a0ai abi ity o! non-"tudent ! at"/ 9=/ No o4tion o! ! at" wit- a %arden to o!!er a ,"&a . $-i d-!riend y, "e$ure and en$ o"ed area/ 9:/ 6>a&4 e" o! 0ariation in "-ort-ter& renta rate", ri"in% durin% t-e a$ade&i$ year/ 95/ (enta $-ar%e" 4er$ei0ed to e@uate wit- ;ondon 4ri$e"/ 9A/ ' ternati0e $-oi$e to rent a -ou"e in a "&a 0i a%e and $o&&ute/ 9D/ #er$ei0ed retention o! &any traditiona 4ro4ertie" wit-in t-e "a&e !a&i ie" !or %eneration"/



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations


Notes from the meeting between the Commission and The St Andrews $reser0ation Tr'st
Tue"day, 9G *anuary 901= at 10:=0 - We"t Gran%e Far&-ou"e Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. #ro!/ *oe )o-erty Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Mr Iain Grant Mr *o-n Matt-ew" #re"er0ation Tru"t Mr Iain M$I0er )r #eter Murray


/ni0ersit+ Recr'itment 1/ Uni0er"ity $ ai&" to 4ro0ide a$$o&&odation !or a44ro>/ 50H o! "tudent" ,ran%e" @uoted :G-5=H. - w-at $ate%orie" are in$ uded in t-i" "tati"ti$ ,bed-"4a$e" !or under%raduate", &a"ter"8 "tudent", 4o"t%raduate"K./ 9 6!!e$t o! in$rea"e in "tudent nu&ber" ,a44ro>/ doub in% o0er 90 year". - -a" t-e 4ro4ortion o! "tudent bed" been &aintained 3 in$rea"ed or -a" t-e Uni0er"ity !ai ed to de0e o4 new unit" at t-e "a&e rateK =/ 6!!e$t o! !urt-er in$rea"e" in "tudent nu&ber" - t-e re"u t wi be di!!erent need" i! t-e"e are to be 4o"t%raduate" or under%raduate" - ure o! e>tra in$o&e re$ei0ed !ro& U1 ,non-S$otti"-. "tudent" "tudyin% in S$ot and/ :/ Ma"ter"8 "tudent" !a0our Uni0er"ity roo&" a" it i" di!!i$u t to "e$ure o$a rent" on a one-year $our"e/ 5/ Con"e@uen$e" o! re@uirin% in$rea"ed nu&ber" o! tea$-in% "ta!!, re"ear$-er", ad&ini"trator", "er0i$e e&4 oyee" and $ontra$tor"/ A/ )a&a%in% e!!e$t on Uni0er"ity re$ruit&ent i! "uitab y-"iPed and -4ri$ed a$$o&&odation i" not a0ai ab e o$a y, e"4e$ia y !or youn% $ou4 e" 3 !a&i ie" at t-e "tart o! t-eir 4ro!e""iona $areer on a i&ited-ter& en%a%e&ent - it $an on y in$rea"e t-e 0o u&e o! di"4 a$ed wor+er" and "$-oo -$-i dren $o&&utin% into t-e town dai y/ /ni0ersit+ Accommodation D/ '0ai abi ity o! Uni0er"ity-owned and at ;an% and" , o$ated between )(', "4ort" 4it$-e", NortHau%- and Strat-tyru& 6"tate. i" de"i%nated on t-e &a"ter-4 an o! t-e We"tern e>4an"ion !or re"ear$- and tea$-in% !a$i itie"/ F/ ;an% and" wou d be a !a0ourab e "ite !or a &i> o! new "tudent re"iden$e" ,eit-er Uni0er"ity or 4ri0ate y !unded. and 4ri0ate -ou"in% - t-e atter wa" de"i%nated in t-e dra!t 9005 4 an/ G/ #ro0i"ion o! new-bui d "tudent a$$o&&odation ou%-t to be "e !-!inan$in% ,a" indi$ated by 4ro4o"a " !ro& ' u&no )e0e o4&ent" and $ ai&ed by t-e Uni0er"ity !or 4-a"e one o! )(' e>4an"ion./ 10/ Fi!e #ar+ rede0e o4&ent wi not re4 a$e t-e e>i"tin% unit" wit- ar%e a$$o&&odation b o$+" ,$!/ )a0id (u""e '4art&ent" I)('J., a" di"$u""ed wit- nei%-bour" a $ou4 e o! year" a%o - 4 annin% a44 i$ation to re&ode :1 unit" o! A roo&" ,9:A bed". into 1A unit" o! 10 roo&" and 11 unit" o! 5 roo&" ,915 bed"., t-u" a redu$tion o! =1 Uni0er"ity bed" - t-i" i" 0iewed a" a on%-ter& in0e"t&ent not a te&4orary "o ution and in$or4orate" !eedba$+ on de"i%n, and $ontinued 4ro0i"ion o! &ore a!!ordab e "tudent a$$o&&odation, !o owin% $on"u tation wit- "tudent"/ 11/ #-a"e one e>4an"ion o! )(' wa" 0iewed a" "u$$e""!u by nei%-bour" %i0en t-e %ood e0e o! $o&&uni$ation between t-e Uni0er"ity and re"ident"/ 19/ '44 i$ation !or 4ri0ate y !unded and &ana%ed 1A0-roo& "tudent a$$o&&odation at t-e 6a"t Sand" ,' u&no )e0e o4&ent". wou d re4 a$e t-e Wonder Rear" Nur"ery but a new nur"ery i" in$or4orated in t-e 4ro4o"ed de"i%n" - $urrent y awaitin% de$i"ion" on t-e 4ro$edure to be ado4ted !or t-e deter&ination o! t-e a44ea / 1=/ C-an%e o! Uni0er"ity 4o i$y !or 901=-1:B now re@uire" an a$$o&&odation de4o"it to try and i&it t-e nu&ber o! "tudent" re"er0in% bot- 4ri0ate ! at" and -a " o! re"iden$e/

ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING "o'ses of -'!ti#!e .cc'#ation ("-.s

Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

1:/ Mar+et de&and !ro& "tudent" and youn%er, "in% e e&4 oyee" wi $ontinue to &a+e HMO" an attra$ti0e in0e"t&ent/ 15/ Initia two year" o! HMO &oratoriu& &aybe e>tended by "i> &ont-" unti t-e end o! 901=/ 1A/ Trend o! i$en$e a44 i$ation" "u%%e"t di"4er"ion o! HMO" away !ro& t-e town $entre into !or&er "o$ia -rented unit" and buy to et" - i" t-i" attributab e to in$rea"ed "tudent nu&ber", HMO &oratoriu& or bot-/ 1D/ Se0era 4 annin% a44 i$ation" to $ir$u&0ent HMO re%i"tration by $on"tru$tion 3 $on0er"ion to !or& ! at" o! two bedroo&"/ 1ife Co'nci! 1F/ Coun$i '!!ordab e Hou"in% #o i$y !or de0e o4&ent" o! 90 -ou"in% unit" or &ore re@uire at ea"t =0H o! t-e unit" to be a!!ordab e -ou"in% - w-at 4ro4ortion o! t-i" -ou"in% ari"in% !ro& new de0e o4&ent" -a" been bui t and w-ereK 1G/ For a de0e o4er to -e 4 !und t-e 4ro0i"ion o! a!!ordab e -ou"in% t-ey &ay "4e$i!y and 4ri$e t-e re&ainin% unit" at a 4re&iu& e0e w-i$- i" &ore i+e y to attra$t retired $ou4 e" or "e$ond--o&e owner", not youn% !a&i ie"/ 90/ '" Fi!e Coun$i and 1in%do& Hou"in% '""o$iation are re"tri$ted by ower a o$ation" and %rant" to 4ro0ide a!!ordab e -ou"in% "$-e&e", "o t-ey are dri0en toward" iai"on" wit- de0e o4er", a$$e4tin% t-re"-o d" be ow =0H !or new unit"/ 91/ ;a$+ o! any new $oun$i -ou"in% and t-e 4a"t "a e" o! &u$- o! t-e ori%ina "to$+ -a0e &eant a "e0ere "-orta%e o! -ou"in% !or "o$ia rent wit- on y a !ew "ite" o! a!!ordab e -ou"in% 4ro0ided by -ou"in% a""o$iation" in re$ent year", "o&e o! w-i$- i" now tradin% on t-e o4en &ar+et at $o&&er$ia e0e "/ De0e!o#ers 99/ #o"iti0e ti&e !or underta+in% new -ou"in% de0e o4&ent, %i0en t-e de&and in St 'ndrew", i! "u!!i$ient $a4ita $an be rai"ed at t-e $urrent, -i"tori$ ow e0e " o! !inan$in% debt/ 9=/ Certain area" WSW o! St 'ndrew", toward" Crai%toun, are &ore !a0oured !or new -ou"in% t-an t-e 4ro&inent and"$a4e "ettin% o! t-e We"tern e>4an"ion/ 9:/ I&4robab e 0i"ion o! a "erie" o! nei%-bour-ood" in t-e We"tern e>4an"ion, ea$- wit- t-eir own o$a "-o44in% and $o&&unity -ub" - &ore i+e y to in$rea"e $on%e"tion and ri"+ %rid o$+ in t-e $ore o! St 'ndrew" or en$oura%e e>4edition" to retai 4ar+" in ot-er urban $entre"/ 95/ W-ere new-bui d a4art&ent" -a0e been $on"tru$ted !or a $ertain de&o%ra4-i$, t-ere -a" been a !ai ure to en!or$e $o0enant" to not et to "tudent", w-i$- -a" $au"ed di"tre"" to "o&e ori%ina re"ident"/ 3oca! $!ans 9A/ 'do4tion o! ;o$a # an -a" been on%oin% !or ten year" - "ti !a$in% a e%a $-a en%eB -eard by !i0e <ud%e" "ittin% in t-e Su4re&e Court, ;ondon at t-e end o! Mar$- 901=/ 9D/ ;o$a # an re@uire&ent i" !or &ore t-an 1,000 e>tra 4ro4ertie" o0er-and-abo0e any brown-!ie d de0e o4&ent" ,e/%/ 'bbey #ar+, 1i ry&ont S$-oo , 4o i$e "tation./ 9F/ Main I""ue" (e4ort ari"in% !ro& t-e $urrent re0iew to t-e ;o$a # an 4ro4o"e" a owin% de0e o4er" to $ontribute to t-e 4ro0i"ion o! "er0i$e" at t-e end o! a 4ro<e$t not u4!ront/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations


Notes from the meeting between the Commission and the /ni0ersit+ of St Andrews
Tue"day, 5 Mar$- 901= at 0G:00 - Hebdo&adar8" (oo&, Nort- Street
Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. #ro!/ *oe )o-erty Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Mr Iain Grant Mr *o-n Matt-ew" #re"er0ation Tru"t Mr )ere+ Wat"on Mr *o-n Ma%uire Mr (o%er S&itMr Nia S$ott


St'dent N'mbers 1/ How i" t-e di!!eren$e e>4 ained between H6S' "tudent tota ,G,F50. and Uni0er"ity tota ,$/ D,DDD.K 39/ T-e Uni0er"ity e>$ ude" !ro& t-eir !i%ure", "tudent" "tudyin% on e0enin% de%ree", on%-di"tan$e, a@ua-$u ture, internationa terrori"&, (oya Na0a C-a4 ain" - beware "tudent" w-o -a0e enro ed twi$e - are a 4art-ti&e "tudent" e>$ udedK St'dent Accommodation =/ Ha " o! (e"iden$e 4ro0ide a &o"t =,F00 bed" or :GH o! "tudent" ,under%raduate and 4o"t%raduate. re"ident in St 'ndrew"/ :/ (e"identia C ?u"ine"" Ser0i$e" ,(?S. &aintain a 0a$an$y rate o! $/ 9H to a ow "tudent" to re o$ate/ 5/ Uni0er"ity &ana%e ,on be-a ! o! owner". a44ro>/ 5D 4ro4ertie" ,-o&e" 3 ! at". -ou"in% 1:= "tudent"/ A/ ' !ew $-oo"e to i0e out o! St 'ndrew" ,e/%/ "o&e '"ian "tudent" o4t !or )undee on $u tura %round"./ D/ 90H &ore bedroo& "to$+ -a" been 4ro0ided in t-e a"t 10 year"/ F/ Uni0er"ity are a$ti0e y "ee+in% to in$rea"e bed "4a$e - in ne%otiation wit- ban+er", 4en"ion !und", et$/ G/ Go0ern&ent $a4ita %rant" -a0e !a en in re$ent year" !ro& MA/5& to M9&/ 10/ #ro0i"ion o! ea$- new bed "4a$e $o"t" a44ro>/ M50+/ 11/ #ro4o"ed &oderni"ation o! Fi!e #ar+ in "u&&er 901= wi $o"t M95+ to M=0+ 4er bed "4a$e/ 19/ Fi!e Coun$i en!or$e" a &a>i&u& o! 5 bed" 4er a4art&ent ,-i"tori$a y t-i" wa" t-e $a"e e0en w-en t-e nationa "tandard a owed !or A. - a!ter re!urbi"-&ent, Fi!e #ar+ wi -a0e :9 !ewer bed" a" a re"u t - no $orre"4ondin% e>tra 4ro0i"ion wi be 4ro0ided in 901=-1:/ 1=/ In 900: ,w-en )(' rede0e o4&ent wa" $o&4 eted. t-ere wa" a "ub"tantia in$rea"e in rent" witt-e $o&&it&ent ,on-%oin%. to retain 95H in t-e owe"t band w-en $o&4ared wit- $-ar%e" e "ew-ere in t-e U1/ 1:/ O0er 50H o! t-e Uni0er"ity8" $or4orate debt -a" ari"en !ro& t-e 4ro0i"ion o! "tudent a$$o&&odation ,e/%/ M:F& in0e"ted in t-e )(' $a&4u". 15/ Uni0er"ity i" not a$ti0e y "ee+in% 4ri0ate !a$tor" to bui d and &ana%e a$$o&&odation - a44roa$-e" -a0e been re$ei0ed ,e/%/ ' u&no )e0e o4&ent" at 6a"t Sand"./ 1A/ #otentia addition o! :F unit" !or 4o"t%raduate", beyond Ir0ine Cre"$ent, but it wou d "ti in$ur t-e =0H Coun$i tar%et !or a!!ordab e -ou"in% to be bui t on t-e "ite/ 1D/ Fai ure to "u44 y &ore -ou"in% $-oi$e" !or 4o"t%raduate" i" a 4arti$u ar 4rob e& !or 4o"t%raduate "tudent re$ruit&ent/ Staff N'mbers 1F/ Fi%ure" "u44 ied ater $on!ir&ed "ta!! nu&ber" ,!u -ti&e and 4art-ti&e. and 4o"t$ode w-ere re"ident/ 1G/ Many "ta!! $-oo"e !or rea"on" o! !a&i y or on 4re!eren$e to i0e e "ew-ere, w-et-er $ity or 6a"t Neu+, a" we a" t-e a$+ o! a!!ordabi ity and a0ai abi ity o! 4ro4erty in St 'ndrew"/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

90/ Uni0er"ity i" deter&ined to en"ure a$ade&i$ e>$e en$e in re$ruit&ent and in retainin% a uni@ue ba an$e o! rou%- y one-t-ird S$otti"- "tudent", one-t-ird !ro& t-e re"t o! 6uro4e and one-t-ird !ro& e "ew-ere/ 91/ '44 i$ation" re&ain 0ery buoyant t-ou%- $our"e !ee $-ar%e" !or ot-er U1 nation" -a" -ad an e!!e$t/ 99/ Stron% de&and !ro& !orei%n "tudent" to "tudy !or a Ma"ter" but 0ery ow o0er"ea" intere"t in "$ien$e"/ 9=/ Mode"t under%raduate %rowt- o! $/ 100 one-o!! i" !ore$a"t due to tar%eted e>tra Go0ern&ent a$$e"" !undin%/ 9:/ Furt-er !undin% ,M:/5& annua y. wi be dire$ted toward" 4o"t%raduate" to in$rea"e t-eir 4ro4ortion !ro& 11H to 15H o! a "tudent", w-i$- &ean" $/ =50 &ore 4 a$e"/ ('ardbridge 95/ #ri&ary 4ur4o"e in a$@uirin% t-e !or&er 4a4er-&i i" a" a "ite !or ener%y "u44 y - ne%otiatin% wit- a "in% e 4ro&oter to in"ta a bio&a"" %enerator/ 9A/ #riority to e"tab i"- a $entre !or ener%y re"ear$-/ 9D/ Con"ideration o! a &a<or data $entre in $o aboration wit- ot-er tertiary e"tab i"-&ent" 3 Fi!e Coun$i / 9F/ O44ortunity to 4ro0ide $o&&er$ia "4a$e !or o!!i$e" and wor+"-o4"/ "o'sing Research 9G/ Uni0er"ity $o&&i""ioned (yden #ro4erty Con"u tant" to re4ort on t-e o$a -ou"in% &ar+et in 900G, w-i$- did not a$$e4t t-at "tudent" are t-e "in% e rea"on !or a!!e$tin% ri"in% 4ro4erty 4ri$e" in t-e town $entre, wit- ei"ure ,"e$ond -o&e". and retire&ent dwe in%" bein% t-e &a<or in! uen$e in t-at area/ =0/ T-e i&4edi&ent o! -ou"in% $on"traint" on "ta!! and "tudent re$ruit&ent, ari"in% !ro& any !uture e>4an"ion o! t-e Uni0er"ity, re"u ted in )ere+ Wat"on, wit- Fi!e Coun$i , $o&&i""ionin% #ro!/ )un$an Ma$ ennan, in '4ri 9019, to ead a "tudy by t-e Strate%i$ Hou"in% Wor+in% Grou4 ,SHWG./ "o'ses of -'!ti#!e .cc'#ation ("-.s -oratori'm =1/ Uni0er"ity do not a$$e4t t-e HMO &oratoriu& a" a %ood idea/ =9/ Siewed a" a "tand-o!! between a$ti0i"t", "tudent" and t-e Uni0er"ity/ ==/ Ho4ed t-at t-e re$o&&endation" o! t-e SHWG wi re"u t in t-e i!tin% o! t-e &oratoriu& a" we a" an i&4ro0ed -ou"in% "trate%y !or t-e $o&&unity and a %reater 4ro0i"ion o! "o$ia -ou"in%/ =:/ Uni0er"ity are $on$erned about t-e 4o i$y a" t-e ar%e"t 4ro0ider o! HMO" in Fi!e/ =5/ ;e%a $on$ern" 4re0ent" t-e Uni0er"ity 4ur"uin% a ro e in re$o&&endin% ettin% a%ent" or 4ro4ertie"/ =A/ (?S doe" 4ro&ote t-e Student#ad web"ite and wou d en$oura%e a %rowt- in it" u"e/ =D/ Student" re%u ar y $o&4i e a ea%ue tab e o! ettin% a%ent"8 4er!or&an$e and 4ub i"- it in ET-e Saint8/ .ther ,ss'es =F/ We"tern e>4an"ion: t-e Uni0er"ity doe" not "ee wor+ 4ro%re""in% "oon in t-e $urrent e$ono&i$ downturn %i0en bot- t-e ,re ati0e y. de4re""ed o$a 4ro4erty &ar+et and t-e a$+ o! $a4ita !undin%/ =G/ Gi0en t-e brea+down in $o&&uni$ation" wit- Fi!e Coun$i o0er t-e 4 an to o$ate a new Madra" Co e%e on t-e ;an% and" "ite, no dia o%ue i" ta+in% 4 a$e on t-e "$-oo - -owe0er, t-e Uni0er"ity "u44ort" a "in% e-"ite re4 a$e&ent to t-e ear ie"t 4o""ib e ti&e"$a e and re$o%ni"e" t-at it i" a i&itin% !a$tor on "ta!! re$ruit&ent/


Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

3etter2 -r Roger Smith9 Director Residentia! and *'siness Ser0ices9 /ni0ersit+ of St Andrews T-i" etter wa" i""ued by Mr (o%er S&it- on 95 O$tober 9019 "tatin% t-e Uni0er"ity8" $urrent and !uture need" !or 4ur4o"e-bui t "tudent a$$o&&odation in St 'ndrew"/



Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations


Notes from the meeting between the Commission and the /ni0ersit+ of St Andrews St'dents Association
Monday, : February 901= at 1::00 - Student"8 '""o$iation ?ui din%
Hou"in% Co&&i""ion )r *a&ie Wa +er ,C-air&an. Mr Iain Grant Mr Si&on 1idd ,Se$retary. Student"8 '""o$iation Mr Freddie !!orde ,#re"ident. Mr )ou%a 'da&"on ,S(C '$$o&&odation O!!i$er. M" 6 eanor Fe t-a& ,'$$o&&odation 'd0o$ate. M" Ca""i (obert" ,S(C Me&ber !or #ri0ate '$$o&/.


St Andrews as a *a!anced Comm'nit+ 1/ Student" 0a ue St 'ndrew" a" a E0ibrant and "u"tainab e $o&&unity8/ 9/ Student" re$o%ni"ed a tran"!or&ed e>4erien$e out"ide o! ter&-ti&e", e"4e$ia y in t-e ab"en$e o! touri"t" ,$!/ *anuary 901=./ =/ Con$ern" e>4re""ed o0er a "u"tainab e in0o 0e&ent bein% &aintained in t-e town8" non-Uni0er"ity a$ti0itie"/ :/ ' ba an$e between "tudent", re"ident" and 0i"itor" i" be"t $on"idered !or St 'ndrew" a" a w-o e and not !or indi0idua area" o! t-e town/ 5/ #ur4o"e-bui t "tudent a$$o&&odation and re"identia -o&e" are re@uired a$ro"" t-e town, not <u"t in t-e E"uburb"8/ A/ Student"8 '""o$iation under"tand" t-ere i" Uni0er"ity $o&&it&ent to add a &ini&u& o! 500 !urt-er bed "4a$e", a" and w-en !inan$e" are a0ai ab e, a 4o i$y !or w-i$- t-e '""o$iation -a" $on"i"tent y obbied and yet, it ar%ue" de&and !or &ana%ed a$$o&&odation wou d "ti e>$eed "u44 y/ D/ )e&and !or Uni0er"ity-&ana%ed a$$o&&odation a&on%"t "tudent" returnin% ,i/e/ in any year a!ter t-eir !ir"t year. i" a$+now ed%ed by t-e Uni0er"ity at 1/5 re@ue"t" !or e0ery 1 4 a$e a0ai ab e/ F/ Siewed a" ine0itab e t-at "tudent nu&ber" o0era wi $ontinue to %rowB $on"e@uent y, in "4ite o! t-e Uni0er"ity o!!erin% bed" !or a44ro>/ -a ! t-e !u -ti&e "tudent", and t-ere bein% a "tron% de&and !or rented roo&", &ore 4ur4o"e-bui t a$$o&&odation ,w-et-er Uni0er"ity-4ro0ided or 4ri0ate y !unded. &u"t be "u44 ied to &aintain a ba an$e between "tudent" and ot-er re"ident" in t-e town/ St'dent Association S'r0e+ G/ T-e S(C '$$o&&odation O!!i$er ,)ou%a 'da&"on. initiated a "tudent "ur0ey !or 901931= to a""e"" t-e e>4erien$e o! i0in% in -a " o! re"iden$e - t-ere were a44ro>/ G=0 re"4ondent"B t-i" wi be u"ed a" a ben$-&ar+ !or !urt-er re0iew" to be re4eated re%u ar y by t-e S(C/ 10/ Feedba$+ !ro& t-e "tudent "ur0ey -a" been di"$u""ed wit- (e"identia C ?u"ine"" Ser0i$e" to aid t-e de"i%n" !or t-e 4ro4o"ed re!urbi"-&ent o! Fi!e #ar+/ 11/ Student"8 '""o$iation %a0e a 4re"entation to t-e Strate%i$ Hou"in% Wor+in% Grou4, No0e&ber 9019/ "-. -oratori'm 19/ Con$ern" "tated t-at t-e &oratoriu& -a" t-e e!!e$t o! di"4 a$in% "tudent" !ro& t-e town $entre into 4ri&ari y -ou"in% area", w-et-er borderin% t-e town $entre or t-rou%-out t-e entire "ett e&ent/ 1=/ ' $on"e@uen$e o! t-e di"4 a$e&ent &ay be to &o0e "tudent" !ro& -i%--den"ity a$$o&&odation ,e/%/ ! at" abo0e "-o4". to ower-den"ity !a&i y -o&e"/ 1:/ )e&and !ro& "tudent" !or 4ri0ate renta wi a way" re&ain at it" -i%-e"t in t-e town $entre w-ate0er 4 annin% re"tri$tion" a44 y and irre"4e$ti0e o! t-e !urt-er 4ro0i"ion o! Uni0er"ity re"iden$e" or 4ri0ate y&ana%ed ! at" 3 a4art&ent"/ 15/ Internationa "tudent" tend to 4re!er -i%-er @ua ity, re iab e a$$o&&odation o! t-e "ort !ound in 4ur4o"e-bui t, uni0er"ity-&ana%ed b o$+ a$$o&&odation/ 1A/ It i" an unrea i"ti$ a"4iration to e>4e$t ot-er t-an &ar+et !or$e" to $ontro t-e a0ai abi ity o! 4ri0ate -ou"in% !or owner o$$u4ation or and ord renta / 1D/ #ro4o"in% "-ort-ter& "o ution" &ay on y e>a$erbate 4rob e&" by not !o$u"in% on &ediu&-ter& an"wer"/


$ri0ate!+6Rented Accommodation

Notes from Meetings with Key Organisations

1F/ Con"u tation between t-e Uni0er"ity, Student"8 '""o$iation and ettin% a%ent" -a" a%reed a re ea"e date ,in February. !or ettin% i"t" to be $ir$u ated on ine/ 1G/ ' $o&&on a44roa$- ado4ted by ettin% a%ent" -a" 4re0ented t-e need !e t by "o&e "tudent", 4re0iou" y, to $a&4 o0erni%-t out"ide e"tate a%ent" !or t-e !ir"t $-oi$e o! ! at"/ 90/ Con$ern e>4re""ed t-at t-e o!!i$ia re ea"e date o! renta i"t" !or t-e en"uin% a$ade&i$ year i" too ear y, w-i$- &ay 4ro on% t-e "tre"" on returnin% "tudent" to $on!ir& t-eir a$$o&&odation/ 91/ T-e i e%a ity o! "e4arate ad&ini"tration 3 &ana%e&ent !ee" ,e/%/ M50. wa" rein!or$ed !ro& 'u%u"t 9019/ 99/ In$ident" o! "ittin% tenant" en$oura%ed by and ord" to renew t-eir tenan$y durin% t-e !ir"t "e&e"ter/ 9=/ Student" $an !ee 4re""ured to $o&4 ete a44 i$ation !or&" be!ore t-ey -a0e "een t-e new ettin%- i"t"/ 9:/ In endea0ourin% to &eet a $ o"in% dead ine !or a44 i$ation", "tudent" &ay a44 y !or a ! at un"een/ 95/ For &ana%ed ettin%", "tudent" -a0e to under%o an a""e""&ent inter0iew wit- t-e e"tate a%ent/ 9A/ #atien$e &ay be rewarded a" waitin% $an o!ten be a %ood ideaB a $-oi$e o! a$$o&&odation wi re&ain a0ai ab e to rent/ 9D/ 60iden$e in 901931= o! ! at" e&4ty, a0ai ab e !or rent ,i/e/ !eedba$+ !ro& e"tate a%ent", ad0ert" 4 a$ed in window" 3 on ine, re4ort" !ro& 4ro4erty owner". - t-e '""o$iation di"4ute" t-i" indi$ate" any Eo0er "u44 y8 a" it -a" not been re! e$ted in ower renta $-ar%e" a $on"e@uen$e o! w-i$- i" a %rowin% nu&ber o! "tudent" "ee+in% ower rent" in ot-er $o&&unitie" ,e/%/ Cu4ar, )undee./ 9F/ Student#ad i" an on ine "er0i$e ,ad&ini"tered by (e"identia C ?u"ine"" Ser0i$e" in $on<un$tion wit- t-e Student"8 '""o$iation. 4ub i$i"in% 4ro4ertie" to et, 4ri0ate y ,t-rou%-out 6a"t Fi!e. - on y a !ew doPen and ord" u"e t-i" web"ite but t-e "er0i$e i" 0iewed !a0ourab y by "tudent" and ot-er" !or t-e @ua ity o! t-e -ou"in% and t-e $o"t o! et"/ 9G/ Sinner/net i" an uno!!i$ia "tudent !oru& in$or4oratin% a &e""a%e board, w-i$- i" u"ed to &at$- u4 0a$ant roo&", bot- re@ue"t" and o!!er"/ "-. Registration ) Enforcement =0/ (a4id in$rea"e o0er 10-15 year" in 4ro4ertie" a0ai ab e to rent ,1,015 HMO" re%i"tered in 9010. dri0en by ri"e" in de&and ,e/%/ e"$a atin% "tudent inta+eB abo0e-a0era%e -ou"e 4ri$e" deterrin% !ir"t-ti&e buyer" and re"tri$tin% t-e o44ortunitie" to &o0e -ou"e !or a new <ob in St 'ndrew"B %rowt- in internationa %o ! tour" "ee+in% 4ri0ate a4art&ent". and "u44 y ,e/%/ e%i" ati0e $-an%e to ad0an$e buy to et &ort%a%e"B e$ono&i$ return on in0e"t&ent ,in$o&e and $a4ita .B atter y, a de$ ine in t-e -ou"in% &ar+et !a0ourin% t-e o4tion to rent out a -ou"e w-i$- &ay be di!!i$u t to "e ./ =1/ So&e re4ortin% to S(C re4re"entati0e" o! 4ro4ertie" not HMO re%i"tered ,!ewer t-an ten.B an>iety by tenant" to 4ur"ue a $o&4 aint !or !ear o! bein% rendered E-o&e e""8 and 3 or re<e$ted by ettin% a%ent" in a "ub"e@uent year/ =9/ #oor 4er$ei0ed re"4on"e !ro& ettin% a%ent" to !o ow-u4 on tenant"8 $o&4 aint" on &atter" o! "a!ety, 4ro4erty &aintenan$e or @ua ity "tandard" ,Ei&4re""ion t-at "tudent" are treated wor"e t-an ot-er 4er"on" 3 !a&i ie"8./ ==/ W-ere in$ident" at rented a$$o&&odation are noti!ied to t-e S(C, t-ey wi be re4orted by 6 eanor Fe t-a& to Fi!e Coun$i !or t-e HMO O!!i$er to $arry out an in"4e$tion and a44 y an en!or$e&ent order, i! ne$e""ary no routine 4ra$ti$e o! re4ortin% ba$+ or $-e$+in%-u4 between Fi!e Coun$i and t-e Student"8 '""o$iation a!ter a $o&4 aint i" rai"ed/ =:/ Fi!e Coun$i -a0e re$ruited a "e$ond HMO O!!i$er to a""i"t wit- &ore "trin%ent re%u ation" to en!or$e on 4ro4erty re%i"tration w-i$- i" re@uired e0ery t-ree year" - t-ere i" no e0iden$e o! unannoun$ed, un4ro&4ted in"4e$tion" durin% t-e 4eriod o! an HMO i$en$eB &ini&i"e" t-e in$enti0e" on and ord" to &aintain 4ro4ertie"/ =5/ 6 eanor Fe t-a& i" in0o 0ed ,unti retirin% in *u y 901=. in "u44ortin% "tudent" by 0ettin% 4ro4ertie" and $o&4 etin% a""e""&ent"/




A.3. Questionnaire Survey of Housing in St Andrews

November 2012 - February 2013 _____________________ Purpose The St n!re"# To"n Comm$##$on on Hou#$n% ha# been #et u& by 'ey (o)a( or%an$#at$on# to )on!u)t an $n!e&en!ent $n*u$ry $nto hou#$n% &re##ure# an! hou#$n% nee! $n St n!re"#+ We are #ee'$n% the v$e"# o, to"n re#$!ent#- an! o, &eo&(e "ho #tu!y or "or' .but not ne)e##ar$(y ($ve/ $n St n!re"#+ __________________________________________ Summary of Questions A.

1+ Where !o you ($ve0 St Andrews or elsewhere 2+ What $# your em&(oyment #tatu#0 Employee 1 Employer 1 Student 1 Retired 3+ I, you "or' $n St n!re"#- $n "hat '$n! o, bu#$ne## or em&(oyment0 Tourism 1 Landlord 1 Property 1 Solicitor 1 Public Service 1 Retail 1 University 2+ 4+ re you a member o, a (o)a( )ommun$ty- $ntere#t or &re##ure %rou&0 Wh$)h0 re you Female or Male0 3+ What $# your a%e0

5+ H$%S&N# ARRAN#E'ENTS 1+ In "hat '$n! o, hou#$n% !o you &re#ent(y ($ve0 wner ccupied 1 Social Rent 1 Private Rent 1 Sheltered! etc" 1 #alls o$ Residence 2+ Ho" many &eo&(e ($ve $n your hou#eho(!0 C+ (&EWS AND $P&N&$NS $N H$%S&N# &N ST ANDREWS 1+ What are your v$e"# on hou#e &r$)e# $n St n!re"#0 2+ What are your v$e"# on rent )har%e# $n St n!re"#0 3+ What are your v$e"# about the ava$(ab$($ty o, a,,or!ab(e .(o"-)o#t/ hou#$n% $n St n!re"#0 2+ What are your v$e"# on hou#$n% a##o)$at$on an! )oun)$( hou#$n% $n St n!re"#0 3+ What are your v$e"# on 6Hou#$n% $n Mu(t$&(e O))u&at$on7 .HMO#/0 4+ What are your v$e"# about the *ua($ty o, #o)$a( an! &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% $n St n!re"#0 8+ What are your v$e"# about the *ua($ty o,9 .$/ Un$ver#$ty #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on0 .$$/ &r$vate(y rente! a))ommo!at$on ,or #tu!ent#0 :+ What $n your v$e" are the ma;or hou#$n% &rob(em# $n St n!re"# an! "hat #o(ut$on# "ou(! you &ro&o#e0


Tabulations o$ Questionnaires

A.3.). Ta*u+ations of Questionnaires

Ta*+e A.3.).). Questionnaire responses *y gender
#ender !ount Fema(e 212 Ma(e 280 Tota( 4:2 > 4:2 ? 838 .=2+:</ re#&on!e! to the %en!er *ue#t$on !o+umn , 40+3< 3=+3< 100+0<

Ta*+e A.3.).-. (iews on .ouse pri/es *y gender are your views on .ouse pri/es in St Andrews0 are t.ey1 Too .ig. A*out rig.t Too +ow !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , Fema(e 30: :1+=< 48 18+:< 1 0+3< Ma(e 1:4 8=+1< 23 1=+1< 2 1+8< Tota( 2=2 :0+=< 112 1:+3< 3 0+:< > 411 ? 838 .:2+=</ re#&on!e! to the hou#e &r$)e# *ue#t$on #ender Tota+ !ount 384 233 411

Ta*+e A.3.).3. (iews on renta+ /.arges *y gender are your views on rent /.arges in St Andrews0 are t.ey1 Too .ig. A*out rig.t Too +ow !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , Fema(e 332 :=+0< 20 10+8< 1 0+3< Ma(e 1:0 88+4< 28 20+3< 3 2+2< Tota( 312 :2+4< :8 12+2< 4 1+0< > 403 ? 838 .:2+1</ re#&on!e! to the renta( )har%e# *ue#t$on #ender Tota+ !ount 383 232 403

Ta*+e A.3.).2. (iews on afforda*+e 3+ow4/ost5 .ousing *y gender are your views on t.e avai+a*i+ity of afforda*+e 3+ow4/ost5 .ousing in StAndrews6 T.ere is too mu/. &t is a*out rig.t T.ere is too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Fema(e 3 0+:< 1: 2+:< 333 =2+2< 382 Ma(e 2 1+8< 2= 12+3< 203 :4+0< 234 Tota( 8 1+1< 28 8+8< 334 =1+1< 410 > 410 ? 838 .:2+:</ re#&on!e! to the a,,or!ab(e .(o"-)o#t/ hou#$n% *ue#t$on #ender

Ta*+e A.3.).7. (iews on .ousing asso/iation and /oun/i+ .ousing *y gender a*out .ousing asso/iation and /oun/i+ .ousing in St Andrews0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Fema(e 2 1+4< 103 20+2< 12: 3:+0< 233 Ma(e 3 2+=< 44 3:+4< 100 3:+3< 181 Tota( = 2+1< 14= 3=+8< 22: 3:+2< 224 > 224 ? 838 .38+:</ re#&on!e! to the hou#$n% a##o)$at$on an! )oun)$( hou#$n% *ue#t$on #ender

Ta*+e A.3.).8. (iews on private+y rented .ousing *y gender a*out private+y rented .ousing 3in/+. Housing in 'u+tip+e $//upation 9 H'$s:50 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Fema(e 4= 1=+8< :3 23+8< 1=: 34+4< 330 Ma(e 41 23+8< 28 1=+:< 12= 32+2< 238 Tota( 130 22+1< 130 22+1< 328 33+8< 3:8 > 3:8 ? 838 .8=+4</ re#&on!e! to the &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% *ue#t$on #ender 11:


Tabulations o$ Questionnaires

Ta*+e A.3.).;. (iews on t.e <ua+ity of so/ia+ and private+y rented .ousing *y gender are your views on t.e <ua+ity of so/ia+ and private+y rented .ousing in St Andrews0 is it1 #ood Ade<uate Poor Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Fema(e 32 21+2< 122 38+1< 32 21+2< 232 Ma(e 30 14+4< =3 32+3< 34 30+=< 1:1 Tota( :2 1=+2< 23= 33+2< 110 23+2< 233 > 233 ? 838 .3:+:</ re#&on!e! to the *ua($ty o, #o)$a( an! &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% *ue#t$on #ender

Ta*+e A.3.).=. (iews on %niversity student a//ommodation *y gender a*out %niversity student a//ommodation0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , Fema(e 4 1+8< 118 33+2< 22= 43+1< Ma(e 4 2+4< 40 24+0< 143 81+2< Tota( 12 2+1< 188 30+2< 3=2 48+4< > 3:3 ? 838 .8=+1</ re#&on!e! to the Un$ver#$ty #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on *ue#t$on #ender Tota+ !ount 332 231 3:3

Ta*+e A.3.).>. (iews on private+y rented a//ommodation for students *y gender a*out private+y rented a//ommodation for students0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , Fema(e 33 13+4< 48 1=+:< 21= 42+4< Ma(e 34 22+8< 30 22+0< 121 33+3< Tota( 10= 1=+3< 118 20+8< 320 40+1< > 344 ? 838 .84+:</ re#&on!e! to the &r$vate(y rente! a))ommo!at$on ,or #tu!ent# *ue#t$on #ender Tota+ !ount 33= 228 344

Ta*+e A.3.).)?. (iews on t.e <ua+ity of private+y rented student a//ommodation *y gender a*out t.e <ua+ity of private+y rented student a//ommodation0 is it1 #ood Ade<uate Poor Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Fema(e 38 1:+=< 12: 2=+2< =4 31+=< 301 Ma(e 23 12+3< 108 32+3< 82 33+3< 202 Tota( :2 14+2< 233 30+3< 14: 33+3< 303 > 303 ? 838 .4:+3</ re#&on!e! to the *ua($ty o, &r$vate(y rente! #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on *ue#t$on #ender



Ta*+e A.3.).)). Questionnaire responses *y age
Age !ount 14-22 38= 23-3= 103 20-3= =2 40-4= 41 80 or over :4 Tota( 823 > 823 ? 838 .=:+1</ re#&on!e! to the a%e *ue#t$on !o+umn , 32+2< 12+2< 13+0< :+2< 11+=< 100+0<

Tabulations o$ Questionnaires

Ta*+e A.3.).)-. (iews on .ouse pri/es *y age are your views on .ouse pri/es in St Andrews0 are t.ey1 Too .ig. A*out rig.t Too +ow !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , 14-22 282 :2+3< 2= 13+1< 2 0+4< 23-3= :8 =2+4< 8 8+2< 0 0+0< 20-3= 41 4:+3< 24 2=+2< 2 2+2< 40-4= 21 4=+3< 1: 30+3< 0 0+0< 80 or over 32 44+8< 23 32+1< 1 1+3< Tota( 313 8=+:< 123 1=+2< 3 0+:< > 423 ? 838 .:8+3</ re#&on!e! to the hou#e &r$)e# *ue#t$on Age Tota+ !ount 323 =2 := 3= 8: 423

Ta*+e A.3.).)3. (iews on renta+ /.arges *y age are your views on rent /.arges in St Andrews0 are t.ey1 Too .ig. A*out rig.t Too +ow !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , 14-22 324 =3+8< 21 4+0< 1 0+3< 23-3= :2 =0+1< = =+=< 0 0+0< 20-3= 28 3=+3< 2: 33+2< 2 3+1< 40-4= 32 43+2< 1: 32+4< 0 0+0< 80 or over 24 4:+8< 20 2=+=< 1 1+3< Tota( 333 :2+0< =4 13+1< 4 0+=< > 438 ? 838 .:4+2</ re#&on!e! to the renta( )har%e# *ue#t$on Age Tota+ !ount 32: =1 8= 32 48 438

Ta*+e A.3.).)2. (iews on afforda*+e 3+ow4/ost5 .ousing *y age are your views on t.e avai+a*i+ity of afforda*+e 3+ow4/ost5 .ousing in St Andrews6 T.ere is too mu/. &t is a*out rig.t T.ere is too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount 14-22 3 0+=< 14 2+:< 313 =2+3< 332 23-3= 2 2+2< = 10+0< 8= :8+:< =0 20-3= 3 3+3< 10 11+:< 82 :2+8< :3 40-4= 0 0+0< 3 =+1< 30 =0+=< 33 80 or over 0 0+0< : 10+3< 80 :=+8< 8: Tota( : 1+2< 2: 8+3< 3:4 =1+3< 422 > 422 ? 838 .:8+1</ re#&on!e! to the a,,or!ab(e .(o"-)o#t/ hou#$n% *ue#t$on Age

Ta*+e A.3.).)7. (iews on .ousing asso/iation and /oun/i+ .ousing *y age a*out .ousing asso/iation and /oun/i+ .ousing in St Andrews0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount 14-22 4 3+2< 112 3:+=< 82 38+=< 1=0 23-3= 1 1+:< 24 23+4< 30 32+4< 38 20-3= 3 3+:< 12 18+=< 41 8:+2< 8: 40-4= 0 0+0< 10 18+3< 28 :2+3< 38 80 or over 0 0+0< = 12+0< 44 ::+0< 83 Tota( 10 2+2< 181 38+2< 284 40+2< 238 > 238 ? 838 .42+0</ re#&on!e! to the hou#$n% a##o)$at$on an! )oun)$( hou#$n% *ue#t$on 120 Age


Ta*+e A.3.).)8. (iews on private+y rented .ousing *y age

Tabulations o$ Questionnaires a*out private+y rented .ousing 3in/+. Housing in 'u+tip+e $//upation 9 H'$s:50 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount 14-22 2 1+3< 43 20+8< 223 8:+0< 312 23-3= 8 :+3< 1= 23+2< 34 4:+3< :2 20-3= 34 21+2< 2= 33+3< 22 23+3< :8 40-4= 23 84+3< 11 1:+4< 3 3+1< 3= 80 or over 42 :1+0< 12 13+2< 3 3+:< 8= Tota( 134 23+1< 134 21+=< 32= 33+0< 421 > 421 ? 838 .:2+3</ re#&on!e! to the &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% *ue#t$on Age

Ta*+e A.3.).);. (iews on t.e <ua+ity of so/ia+ and private+y rented .ousing *y age are your views on t.e <ua+ity of so/ia+ and private+y rented .ousing in St Andrews0 is it1 #ood Ade<uate Poor Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount 14-22 2: 23+1< 114 33+:< 22 21+2< 20: 23-3= 12 1:+:< 33 31+4< 1= 2=+8< 42 20-3= 13 14+8< 23 38+8< 20 23+4< 8: 40-4= 2 :+3< 2= 41+8< 12 2=+:< 28 80 or over 12 1=+8< 24 22+4< 23 38+8< 41 Tota( := 1=+2< 22= 32+2< 120 24+2< 23: > 23: ? 838 .42+1</ re#&on!e! to the *ua($ty o, #o)$a( an! &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% *ue#t$on Age

Ta*+e A.3.).)=. (iews on %niversity student a//ommodation *y age a*out %niversity student a//ommodation0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , 14-22 3 0+=< 114 33+8< 204 43+2< 23-3= 2 2+8< 30 20+0< 23 38+3< 20-3= 3 4+1< 20 22+2< 38 4=+3< 40-4= 2 3+3< : 12+0< 28 :2+3< 80 or over 2 2+4< 8 =+2< 48 ::+2< Tota( 12 2+3< 1:1 2=+2< 220 4:+3< > 413 ? 838 .:3+2</ re#&on!e! to the Un$ver#$ty #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on *ue#t$on Age Tota+ !ount 323 83 :2 38 84 413

Ta*+e A.3.).)>. (iews on private+y rented a//ommodation for students *y age a*out private+y rented a//ommodation for students0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , 14-22 3 1+0< 22 13+3< 244 :3+3< 23-3= 8 =+2< 22 2:+=< 28 41+:< 20-3= 31 38+:< 2: 32+1< 23 2:+0< 40-4= 38 44+1< 18 30+2< 2 3+4< 80 or over 32 82+2< 18 23+4< 3 2+2< Tota( 130 21+:< 124 21+1< 321 38+1< > 3=8 ? 838 .:1+0</ re#&on!e! to the &r$vate(y rente! a))ommo!at$on ,or #tu!ent# *ue#t$on Age Tota+ !ount 311 84 :2 34 82 3=8

Ta*+e A.3.).-?. (iews on t.e <ua+ity of private+y rented student a//ommodation *y age a*out t.e <ua+ity of private+y rented student a//ommodation0 is it1 #ood Ade<uate Poor Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount 14-22 3: 1=+1< 120 24+1< 104 32+=< 302 23-3= 11 13+8< 33 28+1< 24 38+1< 80 20-3= 8 10+2< 20 3=+8< 20 2=+=< 48 40-4= : 20+0< 21 32+3< 11 28+3< 20 80 or over : 14+8< 24 32+2< 12 2=+2< 2: Tota( =2 18+2< 240 2=+1< 188 33+3< 32= > 32= ? 838 .81+:</ re#&on!e! to the *ua($ty o, &r$vate(y rente! #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on *ue#t$on 121 Age


Ta*+e A.3.).-). Questionnaire responses *y emp+oyment status
Emp+oyment Status !ount !o+umn , @m&(oyee 104 14+1< Se(, @m&(oye! 22 3+3< @m&(oyer 4 0+=< Unem&(oye! 3 0+3< Aet$re! :4 13+0< Un!er%ra!uate 348 33+4< Bo#t%ra!uate 80 10+4< Tota( 440 100+0< > 440 ? 838 .:=+4</ re#&on!e! to the hou#$n% tenure *ue#t$on

Tabulations o$ Questionnaires

Ta*+e A.3.).--. (iews on .ouse pri/es *y emp+oyment status

Emp+oyment Status are your views on .ouse pri/es in St Andrews0 are t.ey1 Too .ig. A*out rig.t Too +ow !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , @m&(oyee =2 ::+3< 10 =+4< 2 1+=< Se(, @m&(oye! 4 31+4< 12 43+2< 1 3+3< @m&(oyer 3 30+0< 3 30+0< 0 0+0< Unem&(oye! 3 100+0< 0 0+0< 0 0+0< Aet$re! 34 80+=< 23 2=+1< 0 0+0< Un!er%ra!uate 24: :3+1< 28 12+=< 0 0+0< Bo#t%ra!uate 32 =0+0< 4 10+0< 0 0+0< Tota( 2:2 :2+3< 101 18+2< 3 0+3< > 3:4 ? 838 .8=+3</ re#&on!e! to the hou#e &r$)e# *ue#t$on Tota+ !ount 102 1= 4 3 8= 313 40 3:4

Ta*+e A.3.).-3. (iews on renta+ /.arges *y *y emp+oyment status

Emp+oyment Status are your views on rent /.arges in St Andrews0 are t.ey1 Too .ig. A*out rig.t Too +ow !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , @m&(oyee 82 88+2< 1= 20+2< 2 2+2< Se(, @m&(oye! : 30+0< 8 23+:< 1 4+3< @m&(oyer 2 20+0< 3 40+0< 0 0+0< Unem&(oye! 2 44+8< 1 33+3< 0 0+0< Aet$re! 28 44+2< 22 31+0< 2 2+:< Un!er%ra!uate 31= =2+2< 1= 3+4< 0 0+0< Bo#t%ra!uate 3= =3+2< 2 3+2< 1 1+4< Tota( 30= :4+4< 83 12+2< 4 1+0< > 3:: ? 838 .8=+:</ re#&on!e! to the renta( )har%e# *ue#t$on Tota+ !ount =3 14 3 3 81 33: 42 3::

Ta*+e A.3.).-2. (iews on afforda*+e 3+ow4/ost5 .ousing *y *y emp+oyment status

Emp+oyment Status are your views on t.e avai+a*i+ity of afforda*+e 3+ow4/ost5 .ousing in St Andrews6 T.ere is too mu/. &t is a*out rig.t T.ere is too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount @m&(oyee 3 3+2< = =+3< :3 :8+2< =3 Se(, @m&(oye! 0 0+0< 2 21+1< 13 8:+=< 1= @m&(oyer 0 0+0< 1 14+8< 3 :3+3< 4 Unem&(oye! 1 33+3< 0 0+0< 2 44+8< 3 Aet$re! 0 0+0< 2 3+1< 83 =2+=< 8= Un!er%ra!uate 2 1+2< 14 2+=< 302 =3+:< 322 Bo#t%ra!uate 0 0+0< 1 1+8< 3= =:+3< 40 Tota( : 1+2< 33 4+0< 323 =2+8< 3:4 > 3:4 ? 838 .8=+3</ re#&on!e! to the a,,or!ab(e .(o"-)o#t/ hou#$n% *ue#t$on



Tabulations o$ Questionnaires

Ta*+e A.3.).-7. (iews on .ousing asso/iation and /oun/i+ .ousing *y emp+oyment status
Emp+oyment Status a*out .ousing asso/iation and /oun/i+ .ousing in St Andrews0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount @m&(oyee 3 3+8< 18 21+0< 41 83+3< :1 Se(, @m&(oye! 0 0+0< 2 23+3< 13 84+3< 18 @m&(oyer 0 0+0< 1 14+8< 3 :3+3< 4 Unem&(oye! 0 0+0< 1 33+3< 2 44+8< 3 Aet$re! 0 0+0< 8 :+=< 82 =1+1< 8= Un!er%ra!uate 4 3+2< 112 3:+=< 82 38+=< 1=0 Bo#t%ra!uate 1 3+4< 13 33+4< 12 22+=< 2: Tota( 10 2+3< 138 3:+=< 238 3:+8< 202 > 202 ? 838 .32+:</ re#&on!e! to the hou#$n% a##o)$at$on an! )oun)$( hou#$n% *ue#t$on

Ta*+e A.3.).-8. (iews on private+y rented .ousing *y emp+oyment status

Emp+oyment Status a*out private+y rented .ousing 3in/+. Housing in 'u+tip+e $//upation 9 H'$s:50 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount @m&(oyee 31 33+3< 2: 30+1< 32 34+4< =3 Se(, @m&(oye! 10 30+0< 4 30+0< 2 20+0< 20 @m&(oyer 3 30+0< 3 30+0< 0 0+0< 4 Unem&(oye! 1 33+3< 2 44+8< 0 0+0< 3 Aet$re! 43 8=+3< 12 18+1< 3 3+8< :2 Un!er%ra!uate 3 1+4< 41 1=+=< 220 8:+2< 304 Bo#t%ra!uate 0 0+0< = 14+8< 23 :3+3< 32 Tota( 113 20+2< 123 21+:< 324 38+:< 342 > 342 ? 838 .84+3</ re#&on!e! to the &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% *ue#t$on

Ta*+e A.3.).-;. (iews on t.e <ua+ity of so/ia+ and private+y rented .ousing *y emp+oyment status
Emp+oyment Status are your views on t.e <ua+ity of so/ia+ and private+y rented .ousing in St Andrews0 is it1 #ood Ade<uate Poor Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount @m&(oyee 12 12+4< 22 33+8< 24 31+8< :2 Se(, @m&(oye! 1 4+3< 12 :8+3< 1 4+3< 14 @m&(oyer 1 20+0< 2 :0+0< 0 0+0< 3 Unem&(oye! 1 33+3< 2 44+8< 0 0+0< 3 Aet$re! 12 1:+:< 28 22+2< 23 3=+1< 42 Un!er%ra!uate 24 22+:< 112 33+2< 22 21+:< 202 Bo#t%ra!uate 10 24+3< 18 22+8< 11 2:+=< 3: Tota( :3 20+2< 220 33+8< 108 24+1< 210 > 210 ? 838 .33+4</ re#&on!e! to the *ua($ty o, #o)$a( an! &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% *ue#t$on

Ta*+e A.3.).-=. (iews on %niversity student a//ommodation *y emp+oyment status

Emp+oyment Status a*out %niversity student a//ommodation0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , @m&(oyee 4 8+2< 20 22+1< 38 4:+8< Se(, @m&(oye! 2 10+3< 8 34+:< 10 32+4< @m&(oyer 0 0+0< 0 0+0< 4 100+0< Unem&(oye! 2 44+8< 1 33+3< 0 0+0< Aet$re! 1 1+3< 11 13+:< 4: :3+0< Un!er%ra!uate 2 0+4< 111 33+1< 203 42+2< Bo#t%ra!uate 1 1+:< 22 23+4< 30 32+3< Tota( 12 2+3< 182 31+0< 382 44+3< > 342 ? 838 .84+3</ re#&on!e! to the Un$ver#$ty #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on *ue#t$on 123 Tota+ !ount :3 1= 4 3 :0 314 33 342


Tabulations o$ Questionnaires

Ta*+e A.3.).->. (iews on private+y rented a//ommodation for students *y emp+oyment status
Emp+oyment Status a*out private+y rented a//ommodation for students0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , @m&(oyee 2= 32+1< 24 30+4< 30 33+3< Se(, @m&(oye! 10 32+4< 8 34+:< 2 10+3< @m&(oyer 2 44+8< 2 33+3< 0 0+0< Unem&(oye! 2 44+8< 1 33+3< 0 0+0< Aet$re! 32 4=+3< 1= 23+3< 2 3+3< Un!er%ra!uate 3 1+0< 20 13+2< 241 :3+=< Bo#t%ra!uate 0 0+0< 11 20+2< 23 8=+4< Tota( 100 1:+3< 104 1=+2< 320 42+3< > 324 ? 838 .82+1</ re#&on!e! to the &r$vate(y rente! a))ommo!at$on ,or #tu!ent# *ue#t$on Tota+ !ount :3 1= 4 3 83 302 32 324

Ta*+e A.3.).3?. (iews on t.e <ua+ity of private+y rented student a//ommodation *y emp+oyment status
Emp+oyment Status a*out t.e <ua+ity of private+y rented student a//ommodation0 is it1 #ood Ade<uate Poor Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount @m&(oyee 10 12+3< 3= 34+3< 20 2=+0< 4= Se(, @m&(oye! 2 24+8< 4 20+0< 3 33+3< 13 @m&(oyer 1 20+0< 3 40+0< 1 20+0< 3 Unem&(oye! 1 33+3< 2 44+8< 0 0+0< 3 Aet$re! 12 22+3< 23 24+=< 12 2:+4< 2= Un!er%ra!uate 33 1:+3< 138 24+1< 103 33+2< 2=8 Bo#t%ra!uate 8 13+3< 23 22+2< 22 22+3< 32 Tota( =0 1:+2< 233 28+4< 148 32+1< 2=0 > 2=0 ? 838 .44+3</ re#&on!e! to the *ua($ty o, &r$vate(y rente! #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on *ue#t$on

Ta*+e A.3.).3). Questionnaire responses *y .ousing tenure

Housing Tenure !ount O"ner o))u&$e! 220 Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 20 Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 2=2 Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 13 She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 3 Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 124 Tota( 81: > 81: ? 838 .=8+2</ re#&on!e! to the hou#$n% tenure *ue#t$on !o+umn , 33+2< 2+:< 20+=< 1+:< 0+8< 20+3< 100+0<

Ta*+e A.3.).3-. (iews on .ouse pri/es *y .ousing tenure are your views on .ouse pri/es in St Andrews0 are t.ey1 Too .ig. A*out rig.t Too +ow Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount O"ner o))u&$e! 128 43+0< 83 33+2< 2 1+:< 224 Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 1= =3+0< 1 3+0< 0 0+0< 20 Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 222 :4+2< 32 13+2< 1 0+2< 238 Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 11 =1+8< 1 :+3< 0 0+0< 12 She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 2 100+0< 0 0+0< 0 0+0< 2 Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 112 :=+4< 13 10+2< 0 0+0< 123 Tota( 313 :0+0< 122 1=+3< 3 0+:< 422 > 422 ? 838 .:8+2</ re#&on!e! to the hou#e &r$)e# *ue#t$on 122 Housing Tenure


Ta*+e A.3.).33. (iews on renta+ /.arges *y .ousing tenure

Tabulations o$ Questionnaires are your views on rent /.arges in St Andrews0 are t.ey1 Too .ig. A*out rig.t Too +ow Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount O"ner o))u&$e! 114 40+8< 4= 34+1< 4 3+1< 1=1 Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 13 83+0< 3 23+0< 0 0+0< 20 Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 28= =8+4< 8 2+2< 0 0+0< 2:4 Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 11 =1+8< 1 :+3< 0 0+0< 12 She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 2 :0+0< 1 20+0< 0 0+0< 3 Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 110 :=+2< 13 10+4< 0 0+0< 123 Tota( 333 :2+0< =4 13+1< 4 0+=< 438 > 438 ? 838 .:4+2</ re#&on!e! to the renta( )har%e# *ue#t$on Housing Tenure

Ta*+e A.3.).32. (iews on afforda*+e 3+ow4/ost5 .ousing *y .ousing tenure are your views on t.e avai+a*i+ity of afforda*+e 3+ow4/ost5 .ousing in St Andrews6 Housing Tenure T.ere is too mu/. &t is a*out rig.t T.ere is too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount O"ner o))u&$e! 2 1+=< 31 12+4< 18: :3+4< 213 Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 1 3+0< 1 3+0< 1: =0+0< 20 Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 2 0+8< = 3+3< 240 =3+=< 281 Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 0 0+0< 1 =+1< 10 =0+=< 11 She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 0 0+0< 0 0+0< 3 100+0< 3 Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 1 0+:< 4 3+0< 113 =2+2< 120 Tota( : 1+3< 2: 8+3< 3:2 =1+3< 420 > 420 ? 838 .:4+:</ re#&on!e! to the a,,or!ab(e .(o"-)o#t/ hou#$n% *ue#t$on

Ta*+e A.3.).37. (iews on .ousing asso/iation and /oun/i+ .ousing *y .ousing tenure a*out .ousing asso/iation and /oun/i+ .ousing in St Andrews0 is t.ere1 Housing Tenure Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , O"ner o))u&$e! 2 2+0< 23 21+3< 133 84+8< Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 0 0+0< 2 11+1< 14 ::+=< Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 3 3+3< :2 32+8< 43 22+0< Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 0 0+0< 2 23+0< 4 83+0< She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 0 0+0< 0 0+0< 2 100+0< Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 1 1+3< 23 38+3< 31 21+3< Tota( 10 2+2< 182 38+4< 283 40+2< > 238 ? 838 .42+0</ re#&on!e! to the hou#$n% a##o)$at$on an! )oun)$( hou#$n% *ue#t$on

Tota+ !ount 202 1: 130 : 2 83 238

Ta*+e A.3.).38. (iews on private+y rented .ousing *y .ousing tenure a*out private+y rented .ousing 3in/+. Housing in 'u+tip+e $//upation 9H'$s:50 is t.ere1 Housing Tenure Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount O"ner o))u&$e! 134 41+3< 33 22+=< 30 13+4< 221 Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 8 23+:< 4 38+3< 3 1:+:< 14 Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 2 1+3< 21 13+3< 21= :3+0< 242 Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 3 23+0< 1 :+3< : 44+8< 12 She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 3 83+0< 0 0+0< 1 23+0< 2 Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 3 2+=< 31 30+1< 4= 48+0< 103 Tota( 134 23+2< 132 21+4< 330 33+2< 420 > 420 ? 838 .:2+1</ re#&on!e! to the &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% *ue#t$on 123


Tabulations o$ Questionnaires

Ta*+e A.3.).3;. (iews on t.e <ua+ity of so/ia+ and private+y rented .ousing *y .ousing tenure are your views on t.e <ua+ity of so/ia+ and private+y rented .ousing in St Andrews0 is it1 Housing Tenure #ood Ade<uate Poor !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , O"ner o))u&$e! 33 1:+=< =8 33+2< 23 23+8< Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 2 11+:< 12 80+4< 3 18+4< Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 2= 18+2< :: 32+1< 32 30+:< Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 1 10+0< 3 30+0< 2 20+0< She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 0 0+0< 1 33+3< 2 44+8< Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 23 2:+0< 24 34+1< 13 13+=< Tota( :: 1=+3< 22= 32+4< 11= 24+1< > 234 ? 838 .41+=</ re#&on!e! to the *ua($ty o, #o)$a( an! &r$vate(y rente! hou#$n% *ue#t$on

Tota+ !ount 183 18 14= 10 3 :2 234

Ta*+e A.3.).3=. (iews on %niversity student a//ommodation *y .ousing tenure a*out %niversity student a//ommodation0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount O"ner o))u&$e! 4 2+=< 21 1=+4< 142 88+3< 20= Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 2 11+1< 8 3:+=< = 30+0< 1: Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 3 1+=< 8= 30+4< 182 48+2< 23: Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 0 0+0< 0 0+0< 10 100+0< 10 She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 0 0+0< 0 0+0< 2 100+0< 2 Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 0 0+0< 33 23+8< 43 32+3< 114 Tota( 13 2+1< 1:0 2=+3< 222 4:+4< 413 > 413 ? 838 .:3+2</ re#&on!e! to the Un$ver#$ty #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on *ue#t$on Housing Tenure

Ta*+e A.3.).3>. (iews on private+y rented a//ommodation for students *y .ousing tenure a*out private+y rented a//ommodation for students0 is t.ere1 Too mu/. Enoug. Too +itt+e Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount O"ner o))u&$e! 110 33+=< 42 30+2< 32 13+8< 202 Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 3 31+3< 8 23+:< 2 23+0< 14 Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 3 1+=< 3= 12+=< 218 :3+1< 241 Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 3 23+0< 2 14+8< 8 3:+3< 12 She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 3 83+0< 0 0+0< 1 23+0< 2 Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 3 3+0< 13 13+0< :2 :2+0< 100 Tota( 12= 21+4< 123 20+=< 323 38+3< 3=8 > 3=8 ? 838 .:1+0</ re#&on!e! to the &r$vate(y rente! a))ommo!at$on ,or #tu!ent# *ue#t$on Housing Tenure

Ta*+e A.3.).2?. (iews on t.e <ua+ity of private+y rented student a//ommodation *y .ousing tenure a*out t.e <ua+ity of private+y rented student a//ommodation0 is it1 #ood Ade<uate Poor Tota+ !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount Row , !ount O"ner o))u&$e! 28 1:+0< :2 32+8< 21 28+3< 130 Coun)$( hou#$n% or hou#$n% a##o)$at$on 2 12+3< = 34+3< 3 31+3< 14 Aent &r$vate(y .,urn$#he!/ 23 14+8< 112 22+2< 101 3=+1< 23: Aent &r$vate(y .un,urn$#he!/ 1 10+0< 2 20+0< 3 30+0< 10 She(tere! hou#$n%- et)+ 0 0+0< 1 33+3< 2 44+8< 3 Stu!ent ha(( o, re#$!en)e- et)+ 1= 20+8< 30 32+3< 23 23+0< =2 Tota( =2 18+2< 240 2=+1< 188 33+3< 32= > 32= ? 838 .81+:</ re#&on!e! to the *ua($ty o, &r$vate(y rente! #tu!ent a))ommo!at$on *ue#t$on Housing Tenure



Maps of St Andrews and Fife

A.4. Maps of St Andrews and Fife

Data Zones of St Andrews

Royal Burg of St Andrews !o""unity !oun#il


ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING Fife $o#al %ousing Strategy Areas

Maps of St Andrews and Fife

Fife %ousing Mar&et Areas



Maps of St Andrews and Fife

St Andrews !onser(ation Areas


ST ANDREWS TOWN COMMISSION on HOUSING Strategy $and Allo#ation )St Andrews West*

Maps of St Andrews and Fife



St Andrews Primary School Rolls (1979 - 2012)

A.5. St Andrews Primary School Rolls (1979 !"1!#



Biographies of Commission Members

A.6. Biographies of Commission Members

Dr Jamie Walker (Chair Chaplain to the University of St Andrews 199 !"#11 and Chair of the University Tea$hin% and &esear$h 'thi$s Co((ittee "##)!"#11* Ch+r$h of S$otland (inister, who has served in parishes in -+ndee and Galashiels .19/0!191/2* 3rin$ipal of 4+een5s Theolo%i$al Colle%e, 6ir(in%ha( 191/!199 * Emeri!"s #rofessor Joe Doher!$ 3rofessor '(erit+s, -epart(ent of Geo%raphy 7 S+staina8le -evelop(ent, University of St Andrews* -ire$tor, St Andrews Centre for Ho+sin% &esear$h 199#!"##99 Co!ordinator, '+ropean O8servatory on Ho(elessness, 1991!"##/* Mr %ain &ran! Iain has e:tensive e:perien$e of law and ad(inistration in lo$al %overn(ent* He has wor;ed for a n+(8er of lo$al a+thorities a$ross S$otland, the (ost re$ent 8ein% <ife Co+n$il* 3rior to his retire(ent fro( the Co+n$il in "#11 Iain was a senior (ana%er responsi8le for %ivin% pro$ed+ral and %overnan$e advi$e to the Co+n$il and the (ana%e(ent of ele$toral and li$ensin% f+n$tions* Iain has lived in C+par for "0 years* Mr John Ma!!he's( ).B.E. A $he(istry %rad+ate of St Andrews University, =ohn>s $areer was with ICI .I(perial Che(i$al Ind+stries2 in the North 'ast of 'n%land, <ran$e, USA and finally, for 1# years as 3resident of ICI 6rasil* &etirin% to St Andrews in 1919, he was a (e(8er of the University Co+rt for 11 years, a (e(8er of the St+dents> Asso$iation 6oard for 9 years and is a past!Chair(an of the St Andrews 3reservation Tr+st* He has 8een a -ire$tor of AIC& .Asso$iation for International Can$er &esear$h2 for al(ost 19 years* Awarded an O6' in 191/ for servi$e to $o((er$e and the $o((+nity in 6ra?il* Dr #a"line M*+o"ghlin &esear$h <ellow, Centre for Ho+sin% &esear$h, University of St Andrews* 3a+line is a ho+sin% resear$her with a 8a$;%ro+nd in so$iolo%y* She has e:pertise in ho+sin% and ho(elessness iss+es, yo+n% people>s ho+sin% needs, and @+alitative resear$h (ethods* Mr Simon ,i-- (Se*re!ar$ A native of St Andrews, Si(on>s professional e:perien$e prior to retire(ent was in $o(p+ter syste(s analysis and desi%n, and proAe$t (ana%e(ent, in lo$al %overn(ent and with lar%e p+8li$ $o(panies*

1 "

Published by St Andrews Town Commission on Housing ISBN !"#$# %!!&'#$#

' (ueen)s *ardens St Andrews +,&- TA .i/e Scotland 0+

Printed by1 Print 2 3esign4 0ni5ersity o/ St Andrews4 St Andrews +,&- A6

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