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What is the course about?

If you have enjoyed the opportunities you have already had with drama, then taking Drama GCSE would enable you to further your understanding and appreciation of the subject. It also allows the chance to develop your creative ability both as an individual and as a member of a group. You will explore topics/situations in a practical and expressive way and will help build your confidence. Drama is a demanding subject that requires you to be available to work outside school hours in addition to putting in maximum effort each lesson in order to get the best results possible.

What topics will I study?

Unit 1 Drama exploration (6 hour practical workshop and controlled assessment) Unit 2 Exploring play texts (6 hour practical workshop and controlled assessment) Unit 3 Drama performance (externally set assignment performed to a visiting examiner) > > > > You will create an effective piece of drama using skills and techniques that you have learnt. You will become skilled at working in a group and as an individual. You will analyse live productions, which will enhance your appreciation of the subject. You will have the opportunity to work from published scripts and perform in front an audience.

What kind of class activities will there be?

The majority of drama work is group based, so working as a cohesive unit is essential to your success. Every drama lesson will be practical based where you will have the opportunity to put your own thoughts and ideas into practice.

What kind of homework assignments will there be?

Homework will be a combination of practical and written tasks. The written tasks will be reviewing practical lessons, your own work, other groups work and coursework. In the run up to practical controlled assessments, you will be expected to rehearse your performances as part of your homework and after school/weekends.

What percentage of the final GCSE grade is for coursework?

Papers 1 and 2 have a controlled coursework component that relates to the practical work undertaken during the workshops. There is also a response to a live performance; an analysis of a theatre production.

When is most of the coursework completed and can I work on it at home?

The controlled assessment, in the form of practical and written tasks, takes place throughout the course, with the major focus in the autumn term and spring term of Year 11.

What percentage of the final GCSE grade is from a final exam?

40% of your final GCSE grade is based on a final performance to a visiting examiner. The examination board set a specific theme each year that students then devise, rehearse and present to the examiner.

What are the most interesting parts of the course?

At the end of their course, many students have stated how much they have enjoyed drama as an option: working in a collaborative way throughout the course; celebrating their work with others; improving their ability as a critic and as a performer and the opportunity to learn in a creative environment free from restrictions.

Drama Option

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