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Studying classics allows us to bring the dead back to life.

Latin may not be a language spoken today, but it is worth studying in its own right and because it has had a huge impact on English and other European languages. Latin will help to extend your vocabulary and gain a more sophisticated understanding of grammar. The WJEC Course allows students to study the language, history and culture of the Romans, with opportunities to discover this fascinating and highly influential culture. We study the classical past to understand the origins of western civilisation and to engage with the people who appear so familiar and so alien. The Classics Department organises a variety of trips during the GCSE, including Lullingstone Roman Villa, Roman Bath and annual trips to either Greece or Pompeii.

What topics will I study?

In Year 9, students gradually progress through the language, gaining practice in reading and translating, as well as exploring the cultural history of the Roman Empire. In lessons students learn new grammatical forms by using mini white boards, interactive exercises on iPads, oral work and Latin composition. Students learn vocabulary, practise translating and also explore the widest possible view of the Roman world. Students learn by doing; eg making Roman actors masks; acting out scenes from stories and tasting Roman food. In Year 9, students focus on Book 1 of the Cambridge Latin course, progressing to Book 3 by Year 11. Students have the opportunity to study history for their coursework module, which includes a range of primary and secondary source material. The coursework module allows students to study key aspects of Roman civilisation such as daily life in ancient Rome, entertainment and leisure, Roman Britain and the Roman army. Other topics might include aspects of religion, the structure of society, Pompeii, women, engineering and medicine.

What kind of homework assignments will there be?

Homework will focus on building language skills and research for coursework.

What percentage of the final GCSE grade is for controlled assessment?

Controlled assessment makes up 33% of the final GCSE grade. This module allows students to study primary and secondary sources and formulate their own question.

When is the exam?

This course is linear which means students have to sit their final Latin Language exam at the end of Year 11. There will be only one exam because of the controlled assessment, which is submitted in May. The Latin language exam is 67% of the Level 2 qualification and the whole course counts as an Ebacc language subject.

Why is Latin a useful course for me to do?

Latin is widely regarded as a very academic subject and puts students at an advantage when applying to university. Additionally, the skills learnt on this course help students with their grammar in English and make the assimilation of European languages much easier. The coursework history module of the GCSE supplements study in humanities and helps us to understand the roots of western civilisation.

Latin and Roman Civilisation Option

What is the course about?

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