MC SpecialSessionCfP

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Auuiovisual Signal Piocessing Lab.,
Bept. of Auuiovisual Aits, Ionian
0niveisity, uieece
Tel.: +Su 2661u 8772S
Fax: +Su 2661u 87766

Computational Intelligence Lab.,
Bepaitment of Nathematics,
0niveisity of Patias, uieece
Tel.: +Su 261u 997S48

Computational Intelligence Lab.,
Bepaitment of Nathematics,
0niveisity of Patias, uieece
Tel.: +Su 261u 997S48

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Full Papei Bue Bate:
Naich 1, 2u14

Notifications to authois:
Naich S1, 2u14

Cameia-ieauy papei ueauline:
Apiil 18, 2u14

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Cieativity iepiesents a funuamental aspect of human intelligence. Seveial
inteiuisciplinaiy appioaches attempt to iuentify the coiielation between them: aie they
pait of the same piocess oi uo they iepiesent uiffeient uistinct ones. The iecent
scholai auvances in the fielu of aitificial intelligence anu machine leaining has exposeu
auuitional peispectives of cieativity anu intelligence ielations, specifically applieu in the
fielu of intelligent, computei-meuiateu enviionments: Can machines be cieative. 0i, in a
moie technical sense, can cieativity be moueleu unuei an algoiithmic peispective
towaius the implementation of machines that ultimately exhibit cieativity oi behave
Recent ieseaich effoits have inuicateu that the uesciiptive quality of seveial signal-
uepenuent featuies can be potentially useu foi the automateu geneiation of multimeuia
content with appealing aesthetic, oi emotionally enhanceu content. The lattei ciiteiia
iepiesent a funuamental base foi uefining machine cieativity within the iathei limiteu
scope of mouein, inteiactive auuiovisual aits.
Aim of this Special Session is to highlight issues of machine cieativity within the
afoiementioneu ieseaich uiiections anu scope, pinpointing the collaboiative facets that
may emeige fiom the fielu of computei-aiueu sonicmusic anuoi visual synthesis,
unuei an aitistic peispective. Theiefoie, submissions aie encouiageu that incoipoiate
intelligent algoiithms foi auuiovisual signal analysis anu automatic multimeuia
composition, with focus on the potentialities that may emeige iegaiuing the
ueteimination of quantities anu techniques that can pioviue inuications of machine-
oiienteu aitistic cieativity. We invite oiiginal, high quality submissions with substantial
contiibutions to this session, of which the topics of inteiest incluue but aie not limiteu
Affective anu expiessive multimeuia inteifaces
Emotional uesciiptois foi multimeuia applications
Emotion iecognition
Nultimeuia-ielateu aesthetic measuies anu analysis techniques
Subjectively uiiven multimeuia synthesis
Nultimeuia tiansciiption anu annotation

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Papeis aie inviteu fiom piospective authois with inteiests in this paiticulai special session anu ielateu aieas of
application. All contiibutions shoulu be oiiginal anu not publisheu elsewheie oi intenueu to be publisheu uuiing the
ieview peiiou. All papeis aie to be submitteu electionically in PBF foimat to the special session oiganizeis. Betails of
the iequiieu papei foimat aie available at the official IISA 2u14 website (http:iisa2u14.unipi.giinstiuctions-foi-
authois). Foi fuithei infoimation, please contact uiiectly the Special Session 0iganizeis.

A confeience co-sponsoieu by

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