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Now a days its really hard for different industries to manage the work of different activities without the help of software. Each and every product that is produced takes a time frame , so to generate a bulk of products we are going to schedule ourselves with a target to generate a limited products. In this project also we are going to build a software which assigns employees and system to generate a product by setting a time schedule. PROJECT OBJECTIVE The project Time cheduler! automates the operations of a industry by assigning the target for the particular machine. This project schedules the work among different machines by assigning them time limits to complete the work ."y adding more entries to the data base store, the application can respond to more number of #ueries from the customers. The importance is giving correct reply to the input #ueries. The objective of the system is supposed to handle assigned products within a stipulated time. Employee details are going to be maintained for a longer time and we can easily check which employee has been assigned to a particular system. In the proposed system we can assign the product for different machine and assign the time frames in the form of days to produce the particular product . the employees will be assigned the task of producing the products on those particular assigned system.

Literature Survey
EXISTING SYSTEM The organi$ation has no suitable application for maintaining the whole set of the business operation. Thus it takes more time when the process is performed manually. In the present system there is no efficient process of finishing the job within the stipulated time and the details of the customers, products are maintained manually.

1.3 LIMIT TION O! EXISTING SYSTEM %ifficulty in global updating %atabase tables are not normali$ed. ystem is insecure.

Time consumption is high. 1.4 PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed system solves the drawback of the e&isting system. The proposed system is a good management information system. The proposed system is supposed to handle assigned products within a stipulated time. Employee details are going to be maintained for a longer time and we can easily check which employee has been assigned to a particular system. In the proposed system we can assign the product for different machine and assign the time frames in the form of days to produce the particular product . the employees will be assigned the task of producing the products on those particular assigned system.

DV NT GES Information are generated about the product produced by the employees. 'eb(ages developed are validated at both the server side as well as the client side. eparate tables are used to store separate information

%ata manipulation is easily done.

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