Core Studies 1 Psychology

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Past exam questions and mark schemes for Core Studies 1 (2540) 2540 Mark scheme January 2008

Cognitive Psychology 1. From the study y !o"tus and Palmer outline one limitation o" the la oratory method used to investigate memory. #2$ %ny one "rom& low ecological validity, demand characteristics, artificial etc 2 marks Other appropriate answers Term and Example related to study 2 marks Partially correct answer Term OR example 1 mark 2. 'n the study y (aron)Cohen* !eslie and Frith autistic children +ere studied& ,a- 'denti"y the other t+o grou.s o" children +ho +ere studied. #2$ %ny t+o "rom& Downs syndrome, normal 2 marks , - /0.lain +hy it +as necessary to have these other grou.s. #2$ %ny one "rom& to provide a aseline measurement!comparison to control for intelligence 2 marks Partially correct answer To show autistic children lac" a theory of mind 1 mark 1. 2utline one ethical im.lication o" teaching 3ashoe to use sign language in the study y 4ardner and 4ardner. #2$ %ny one "rom& protection # she was alienated from her species, difficult to re integrate her after the study$ % mar"s Other appropriate answers &onsent, Right to withdraw with explanation 2 marks Partially correct answer Term identified without explanation eg$ Only with 'ardners 1 mark 4. 5erego+ski descri es various e0.eriments on .ictorial .erce.tion carried out in %"rica. 2utline the .rocedure "or t+o o" these e0.eriments. #4$ %ny t+o "rom& (udsons picture, cu e construction, 'regorys apparatus, trident illusion split elephant, anecdotal evidence 2 marks each Partially correct answer )asic identification of tas" 1 mark *OT +indings 5evelo.mental Psychology 5. From the study y (andura* 6oss and 6oss on imitation o" aggression& ,a- 'denti"y t+o o" the inde.endent varia les in the study. #2$ %ny t+o "rom& gender of child, gender of modal, aggressive!non aggressive model, 1 mark each , - 2utline one +eakness o" conducting this study on children. #2$ %ny one "rom& ethics # consent* protection etc, difficulties in them understanding, 2 marks Other appropriate answers ,dentification -*D description 2 marks Partially correct answer ,dentification OR description 1 mark 7. From the study y 8odges and 9i:ard identi"y t+o di""erences in the ;uality o" relationshi.s e0.erienced y the e0)institutional adolescents and the control grou.. #2$ %ny t+o "rom& control group showed more affection, confiding etc 1 mark each To gain full mar"s for each the difference needs to e clear <. 2utline one +ay in +hich the study y Freud on little 8ans may have een iased. #2$ %ny one "rom& +ather may have interpreted (anss ehaviour in su .ective way/ +reud may have interpreted fathers reports in iased way$ +ather was a supporter of +reuds theory 2 marks Partially correct answer ,dentification without explanation 1 mark 8. 9he ta le elo+ sho+s some o" the results "rom the study y =amuel and (ryant on conservation. 2utline t+o conclusions that could e dra+n "rom this ta le. #4$ Mean errors made in each condition across materials %ge =tandard 2ne >udgement Fi0ed array 0yr 1 2 2 3yr 3 4 3 2yr 5 5 0 6yr % 7 3 %ny t+o "rom& age affects conservation, num er of 8uestions as"ed affects conservation, seeing the transformation affects conservation$ 9ith evidence from ta le 2 marks each

Partially correct answer &onclusion without evidence 1 mark Physiological Psychology ?. 'denti"y t+o measurements that +ere taken in the study on slee. and dreaming y 5ement and @leitman. #2$ %ny t+o "rom& EE' # measured eye movement!patterns, rain activity, RE: or *RE: dream recall, duration of dream 1 mark each 10. From the study y =.erry on s.lit rain .atients& ,a- 'denti"y t+o +ays in +hich in"ormation could e sent to the le"t #2$ %ny t+o "rom& right visual field in either eye, right hand, right ear etc$ 1 mark each *OT T(E E;E , - 2utline one di""iculty =.erry may have e0.erienced in attem.ting to .resent in"ormation to one in the s.lit rain .atients. #2$ %ny one "rom& the participants eye!head may have moved so information went in to other hemisphere 2 marks Other appropriate answers Participants reluctant to use left hand 2 marks 11. From the study on murderersA rains y 6aine* (usch aum and !aCasse outline ho+ the P/9 scans +orked. #2$ %ccurate descri.tion 9+o "rom& Tracer, headholder, glucose meta olism, mmslices,hotspots, different locations of the rain 2 marks 12. 2utline t+o +ays in +hich the study y =chachter and =inger on emotions lacked ecological validity. #4$ %ny t+o "rom& set in la oratory, unusual tas"s, in.ections, stooge ehaviour$ 2 marks each Other appropriate answers ,dentification -*D example for 2 marks each Partially correct answer ,dentification O*<; 1 mark =ocial Psychology 11. From the study on o edience y Milgram suggest one reason +hy the .artici.ants +ere given a sam.le shock. #2$ %ny one "rom& use of cover story, sample shoc" etc$ 2 marks Other appropriate answers :ade them elieve machine wor"ed 2 marks 14. From the su +ay study y Piliavin* 6odin and Piliavin& ,a- 2utline one "inding a out the ehaviour o" the ystanders. #2$ %ny one "rom& effect of race!state of victim, effect of early!late model, passengers reactions, etc :=>T (-?E &O:P-R,>O* 2 marks Partially correct answer >tatement of finding 1 mark , - 2utline one di""iculty that may have een e0.erienced conducting this "ield e0.eriment. #2$ %ny one "rom& difficult to control extraneous varia les, pro lems with o serving ehaviour, ethics, participants may have seen it efore, less drun" trials etc$ :ust e lin"ed to study for full mar"s$ 2 marks Partially correct answer *ot lin"ed to study 1 mark 15. =uggest one +ay in +hich the study conducted y 9a>"el could e considered reductionist. #2$ %ny one "rom& simplistic explanation of discrimination, la oratory experiment, tas"s lac" relevance etc %B=3/6 %B5 /CP!%B%9'2B 6/!%9/5 92 =9D5E 2 marks Partially correct answer Definition of reductionism or answers not related to study 1 mark 17. 2utline t+o .ieces o" evidence that suggest that the guards en>oyed their role in the .rison simulation study y 8aney* (anks and Fim ardo. #4$ %ny t+o "rom& they volunteered to do extra shifts, they were sad when the study ended early, they thought up inventive ways of punishing the prisoners$ 2 marks each Other appropriate answers Tal"ed a out situation!roles when not o served 2 marks Partially correct answer Responses from @ ut no explanation 1 mark 'ndividual 5i""erences 1<. From the study y 4ould e0.lain +hy the military recruits +ere given 'G tests. #2$ To place them in military positions ased on intelligence$ 2 marks Other appropriate answers ;er"es wanted data to support his research 2 marks Partially correct answer *o explanations eg$ )lac"s less intelligent than whites 1 mark

18. From the study y 8ra a and 4rant on racial .re"erence& ,a- 'denti"y t+o "eatures o" their sam.le. #2$ %ny t+o "rom& 4A6 years of age, from <incoln *e ras"a, 73B children in total, 61 lac" 27 white children$ 1 mark each Partially correct answer &hildren -*D half 9hite half )lac" C7 &hildren -*D one area of =>-C7 , - 2utline one reason +hy it could e di""icult to generalise "rom this sam.le. #2$ %ny one "rom& all from one area, from one era P<=> description related to study 2 marks Partially correct answer ,dentification OR description 1 mark 1?. From the study y 6osenhan ,sane in insane .laces-& ,a- 5escri e one ty.e o" data that +as gathered. #2$ %ny one "rom& 8ualitative data was collected e$g$ on ehaviour of the staff @uantitative data eg$num er of times 8uestioned, amount of eye contact, days in hospital etc$ 2 marks Partially correct answer ,dentification O*<; 1 mark , - 2utline one advantage o" this ty.e o" data. #2$ %ny one "rom& ,ndepth, Rich source of info$ &omparison, >tatistics etc$ MD=9 relate to study 2 marks Partially correct answer if not related to study 1 mark 20. 'denti"y t+o methods used to collect data in the study y 9hig.en and Cleckley on multi.le .ersonality disorder. #2$ %ny t+o "rom& psychometric tests,pro.ective tests, EE', hypnosis, interviews etc 1 mark each B29 'B9/6H'/3= %B5 =/!F 6/P269 2540 Mark =cheme June 200< Cognitive Psychology 1 From the study y !o"tus and Palmer on eye+itness testimony& ,a- 'denti"y t+o o" the ver s used to descri e the car accident seen in the "ilms. #2$ -ny two fromD hit, smash, collided, contacted, umped$ 1 mark each , - 2utline one e0.lanation "or the di""erent s.eed estimates given y the .artici.ants. #2$ The participants may not have actually remem ered the speed the cars were travelling at ut gave an answer in accordance with the ver used in the 8uestion$ EDemand characteristicsF, actual changes in memory, people are ad at estimating speed$ Partially correct answerD findingD harsher the ver faster the speed estimate 1 mark 2 'n his revie+ on the .erce.tion o" .ictures 5erego+ski suggests that .ictures do not o""er a universal language "or .eo.le o" di""erent cultures. 5escri e 2B/ "inding "rom the revie+ +hich +ould su..ort this claim. #2$ -ny one fromD different responses detailed inD the stories y missionaries, the (udson antelope!hunter picture, the trident illusion, the cu e construction, the preference for split style drawings$ Partially correct answerD conclusions eg -fricans did not perceive in 5D 1 mark 1 'n the study y 4ardner and 4ardner 3ashoe used several com inations o" +ords. 'denti"y 932 o" these com inations. #2$ -ny two fromD gimme tic"le, open food drin", please open hurry, gimme drin" please, go in, go out, go sweet, open flower, open "ey, listen eat, listen dog, open out$ Eorder not importantF 1 mark each 4 (aron)Cohen* !eslie and Frith used three control ;uestions in their study on autism. 2utline 932 reasons +hy these control ;uestions +ere used. #4$ -ny two fromD the memory 8uestion to ma"e sure that the children could remem er what had happened in the experiment, the naming 8uestion to ma"e sure that the children "new which doll was which, or the reality 8uestion to chec" that the children "new where the mar le really was$ Partially correct answerD eg general answer such as to chec" understanding, without specific reference to study, identification of 8uestions ie naming, reality, memory$ 1 mark each 5evelo.ment Psychology 5 =uggest 2B/ ethical issue raised in the study y Freud on little 8ans. #2$ -ny one fromD protection, privacy, withdrawal, consent 2 marks Partially correct answerD identification without explanation 1 mark 7 From the study y =amuel and (ryant identi"y 932 "actors that +ere "ound to a""ect the childrenAs a ility to conserve. #2$

-ny two fromD materials used Emass, volume, num erF, age of the child, one or two 8uestion version of the test, seeing the transformation$ 1 mark each < From the study y 8odges and 9i:ard on social relationshi.s& ,a- 'denti"y 932 characteristics that +ere used to match the com.arison grou.s +ith the e0)institutional adolescents. #2$ -ny two fromD age E73F, sex, one or two parent family, occupation of main readwinner, position in family$ >ame sex classmate, nearest in age , - 2utline 2B/ limitation o" esta lishing a com.arison grou. at the age o" 17 in this study. #2$ -ny one fromD no control over childrens previous experiences, difficult to match varia les eg different ac"grounds$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD lac" of explanation 1 mark 8 2utline 932 controls used y (andura* 6oss and 6oss in their study on the imitation o" aggression. #4$ -ny two fromD matched groups design, o servation chec"list, dou le lind design, standardised procedure, siGe of o o doll, preAlevels of aggression, aggression arousal 2 marks each Partially correct answerD identification without description 1 mark each Physiological Psychology ? (rie"ly descri e one o" the tests carried out on the s.lit) rain .atients in the study y =.erry. #2$ -ny one fromD Description of ?isuoAtactile, speech, writing, visual tas"s 2 marks Partially correct answerD identification with no description 1 mark 10 From the study y =chachter and =inger on emotion& ,a- 5escri e the "indings "or 2B/ grou. o" .artici.ants. #2$ -ny one fromD explanation of findings for epiAignorant, epiAinformed, epiAmisinformed, place o group Eidentify group and findingF 2 marks , - /0.lain ho+ 2B/ "inding "rom the study su..orts the t+o)"actor theory o" emotion. #2$ -ny one fromD findings from any of the conditions related to two factor Theory, situation, arousal, cognitions 2 marks Partially correct answerD rief or vague answer Eonly one factorF 1 mark 11 /0.lain 2B/ +ay in +hich the study y 6aine* (uchs aum* and !aCasse on rain a normalities in murderers is reductionist. #2$ -ny one fromD studying the act of murder y loo"ing at rain a normalities, the use of e8uipment cannot e generalised to all murderers 2 marks Partially correct answerD rief or vague answer, definition of reductionism 1 mark 12 From the study y 5ement and @leitman on slee. and dreaming outline 932 conclusions that can e dra+n "rom the ta le o" results elo+& #4$ -ny two fromD more dreams were reported during RE: indicating relationship etween RE: sleep and dreaming, some dreams occurred during *ARE: sleep indicating an inconclusive relationship etween RE: sleep and dreaming, there are vast individual differences in the amount of dreams individuals have 2 marks each Partially correct answerD rief or vague answer or finding 1 mark each =ocial Psychology 11 From the .rison study y 8aney* (anks and Fim ardo* e0.lain +hat is meant y the Idis.ositional hy.othesisA. #2$ The idea that ehaviour of prisoners and guards is determined y the personality!nature!traits, 2 marks Partially correct answerD opposite of situational hypothesis, not related to study 1 mark 14 2utline 2B/ +eakness o" the sam.le in the su +ay =amaritan study y Piliavin* 6odin and Piliavin. #2$ -ny one fromD lac" of control over individual differences of participants, ina ility to get consent, difficult to de rief$ -lso all from same area of -mericaAaffects generalisa ility :ay have seen experiment efore$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD identification without explanation 1 mark 15 From the study y 9a>"el on intergrou. discrimination& ,a- 5escri e 2B/ +ay intergrou. discrimination +as demonstrated in this study. #2$

-ny one fromD allocating fewer points to mem er of outAgroup in intergroup choices Emaximum inAgroup profitF Exp 7, allocating fewer points to own group in order to give other groups less Emaximum difference in favour of the inAgroupF Exp %,2 marks , - =uggest 2B/ +ay in +hich the intergrou. discrimination "ound in this study could e e0.lained. #2$ -ny one fromD in group!out group theory, >ocial ,dentify theory, them and us mentality, demand characteristics ie the experiment led the participants to discriminate, competition, school oys compete 2 marks 17 From MilgramAs study on o edience& ,a- 'denti"y 932 "indings "rom the study. #2$ -ny two fromD extreme signs of tension shown y the participants sweating, trem ling, digging nails into flesh$ 30H o edience, 50H were not o edient, participants loo"ed to the experimenter for support!instruction on what to do, participants were glad to have ta"en part 1 mark each , - =uggest ho+ the "indings "rom this study could e used to e0.lain 2B/ e0am.le o" o edience outside the la oratory. #2$ -ny one example from everyday life$ &ould includeD reference to (olocaust or other event in history or everyA day example, reference to o edience!authority figure 2 marks 'ndividual 5i""erences 1< 'n the study y 8ra a and 4rant the lack children sho+ed greater .re"erence "or the lack doll than those in the earlier study y Clark and Clark. =uggest 2B/ e0.lanation "or this "inding. #2$ -ny one fromD lac" pride movement, lac" dolls more common 2 marks Partially correct answerD identification without explanation 1 mark 18 From the study y 6osenhan ,on eing sane in insane .laces-* e0.lain 2B/ disadvantage o" conducting a "ield e0.eriment. #2$ -ny one fromD lac" of control over varia les, ethicsAno consent, withdrawal etc, not replica le Partially correct answerD disadvantage not related to Rosenhan study 1 mark 1? 9he revie+ y 4ould outlines Eerkes use o" 'G tests to measure intelligence& ,a- 2utline 2B/ strength o" using ;uantitative data to measure intelligence. #2$ -ny one fromD can compare people easily, less interpretation re8uired to analyse, more o .ective, less ias in analysis, 8uic", must e lin"ed to intelligence$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD strength not related to measuring intelligence 1 mark , - 2utline 2B/ +eakness o" using ;uantitative data to measure intelligence. #2$ -ny one fromD reductionist measure of intelligence, may not e valid, may lead to scientific racism where races are compared!discrimination lin"ed to intelligence Partially correct answerD wea"ness not related to measuring intelligence 1 mark 20 2utline 932 di""erences "ound et+een the .ersonalities o" /ve 3hite and /ve (lack in the study y 9hig.en and Cleckley on multi.le .ersonality disorder. #4$ -ny one fromD ,@ differences, memory differences, pro.ective test differences, EE', o served differences y therapist eg dress, mannerisms 2 marks each Other appropriate answersD must e a le to identify difference 2 marks each Partially correct answerD identification without outline 1 mark each 2540 Mark Scheme January 2007 Cognitive .sychology 1 From the study by Loftus and Palmer outline one conclusion that can be dra n about eye itness testimony! "2# $ny one from% it is not relia le/ memory is made up from information received at the time of the event and after, Eye 9itness Testimony EE9TF is easily distorted y leading 8uestions$ 2 marks Partially correct answer: +inding e$g$ a out ver s without conclusion 1 mark 2 &he term '(uasi e)*eriment+ can refer to a study here the e)*erimental conditions occur naturally! ,)*lain hy the study by -aron./ohen0 Leslie and Frith on autism is a (uasi e)*eriment! "2# The ,ndependent ?aria le was whether the children were Downs >yndrome, autistic or normal this varia le occurred naturally rather than eing created y the experimenters$ :ust ma"e reference to conditions$ 2 marks Partially correct answer # lac" of detail from the study 1 mark

1 From the re2ie by 3ere4o ski on *erce*tion of *ictures% 5a6 7utline one e)am*le of cultural bias$ "2# $ny one from% The materials that were used were unfamiliar to some of the participants/ the pictorial depth cues were western/ reference to anecdotal evidence$ 2 marks Partially correct answer: lac" of relationship to the study, no examples from study$ 1 mark 5b6 Su44est one ad2anta4e of conductin4 cross.cultural research! "2# $ny one from% different cultures allow the role of environment to e studied/ it is possi le to see cultural universals$ 2 marks Partially correct answer more generalisa le 1 mark 4 From the study by 8ardner and 8ardner describe t o of the trainin4 techni(ues used to teach 9ashoe si4n lan4ua4e! "4# $ny t o from% imitation, a ling, instrumental conditioning, repetition$ -nswer must include description for full mar"s$ 2 marks each Partially correct answer: identification of training method with no description$ 1 mark each 5 :n the study by ;od4es and &i<ard a 2ariety of*orts ere taken from the e)institutional children and the com*arison 4rou*s! 7utline one limitation of any of the*orts in this study! "2# $ny one from% ethics of as"ing children 8uestions a out personal issues, children may not want to tell the truth a out their personal lives, limitations of standardised tests such as Rutter )$ 2 marks Partially correct answer% limitation of self reports not lin"ed to study$ 1 mark 3e2elo*mental Psycholo4y = ,)*lain ho the e2idence from the study by -andura0 >oss and >oss could su**ort the nurture 2ie of a44ression! "2# The finding that children who viewed the aggressive!nonAaggressive model showed greater imitation of aggression/ support for >ocial <earning Theory$ 2 marks Partially correct answer no reference to effect of models 1 mark 7 From the study by Samuel and -ryant on conser2ation% 5a6 :dentify two of the inde*endent 2ariables! "2# $ny t o fromD -ge of the children, one or two 8uestions, materials Emass, num er, volume 6 1 mark each 5b6 7utline one ay in hich the study may not ha2e been 2alid! "2# $ny one from% ecological validity, la oratory setting, artificial nature of the tas", OR pro lems with measurement including demand characteristics, predictive validity, face validity$ :ust give details from study 2 marks Partially correct answer: lac"s explanation, reference to cognitive stages 1 mark ? Freud su44ested that little ;ans as 4oin4 throu4h the 7edi*us /om*le)! 3escribe t o *ieces of e2idence from the study hich ould su**ort this claim! "4# $ny t o from% (is fear of horses was sym olic of his fear of his father EOedipus &omplexF as he was afraid of white horses with lac" around the mouth and wearing lin"ers which +reud suggested resem led (ans father$ (ans also said daddy dont trot away from me and daddy you are so white$ (ans and his father also played horses$ (ans fear that the horse would ite him was interpreted y +reud as sym olising the fear that his father would castrate him$ (ans fascination with his widdler$ (is .ealousy at the irth of his sister$ Dream a out giraffes$ Dream a out eing married to his mother$ Partially correct answerD feature of Oedipus &omplex not lin"ed to (ans!study OR detail from study not lin"ed to Oedipus complex 1 mark each Physiolo4ical Psycholo4y @ ,)*lain hy in the study by S*erry0 the s*lit.brain *atients had one eye co2ered durin4 the 2isual task! "2# The eye was covered so that it was easier to control the left and right visual fields in the other eye$ 10 From the study by Schachter and Sin4er identify t o *artici*ants as measured! "2# $ny t o from% Rating scales, o servation$ 1 mark each ays in hich the emotional state of the

11 From the study by >aine0 -uchsbaum and La/asse on brain abnormalities in murderers% 5a6 ,)*lain hy the murderers had been referred for a brain scan! "2#

To o tain evidence relating to a *ot 'uilty y Reason of ,nsanity E*'R,F defense or to capa ility of understanding the .udicial process Eincompetence to stand trialF, to o tain information for diminished capacity$2 marks 5b6 :dentify two characteristics that ere used to match the murderers ith the control 4rou*! "2# $ny t o from% sex, age, schizophrenia! 1 mark each 12 From the study by 3ement and Aleitman on slee* and dreamin4 outline t o features of the *rocedure that increased reliability! "4# $ny t o from% the participants were wo"en over several nights, several participants were used, a tape recorder was used to record descriptions of their dreams, o .ective measurement$ -ny details of standard procedure e$g$ door ell to wa"e participants$ Partially correct answer 8uantitative data with no explanation 1 mark each Social Psycholo4y 11 From the study by Mil4ram on obedience0 outline one *iece of e2idence hich sho ed the *artici*ants ere con2inced of the reality of the situation! "2# $ny one from% the severe reactions of the participants including digging their fingernails into their flesh/ sweating and trem ling$ They claimed afterwards in post experimental interviews that they did elieve the situation was real$ 2 marks 14 3escribe one ay that the *artici*ants thou4ht they had been di2ided into 4rou*s0 in the e)*eriments on inter4rou* discrimination by &aBfel! "2# $ny one from% preference for Ilee or Iandins"y picture, under or over estimators of num er of dots on a screen$ 2 marks Partially correct answer 8uestions a out the welfare of the learner, stressed without example given 1 mark 15 From the study by ;aney0 -anks and Cimbardo% 5a6 :dentify two features of the *rison simulation that led to the ne4ati2e beha2iour of the 4uards! "2# $ny t o from% the uniforms, identification y num er, the control over asic ehaviour, too much power for the guards, ar itrary control, social isolation$ 1 mark each 5b6 Su44est one ay that the findin4s from this study could be a**lied to real *risons . "2# $ny one from% changes to distri ution of power, uniforms, prison layout, activities$ Partially correct answer: suggestion not ased on findings of the study$ 1 mark 1= Pilia2in0 >odin and Pilia2in used obser2ations in their study on sub ay samaritans! 7utline one stren4th and one eakness of usin4 obser2ations in this study! "4# Stren4ths% the o servers were a le to record uno trusively posing as mem ers of the pu lic, they recorded a mixture of 8uantitative and 8ualitative data, o server effects were avoided, two o servers were used Einter o server relia ilityF 9eaknesses% view of the o servers may have een o structed on usy train, fear of eing caught, may have missed some ehaviour!responses of the pu lic 2 marks each Partially correct answer: strength or wea"ness of o servations not lin"ed to the study$ 1 mark each Psycholo4y of indi2idual differences 17 From the re2ie by 8ould identify two 'facts+ that emer4ed from the :D testin4 on military recruits carried out by Eerkes! "2# $ny t o from% the average mental age of 9hite -merican adults stood .ust a ove the level of moronityD 75$ European immigrants could e graded y their country of origin$ The *egro lay at the ottom of the scale with an average mental age of 7B$47$ 1 mark each 1? From the study by >osenhan identify two features of hos*ital life that resulted in the *seudo*atients e)*eriencin4 ne4ati2e feelin4s such as *o erlessness and de*ersonalisation! "2# $ny t o from% staff ignored patients, lac" of privacy J no toilet door loc"s, lac" of contact with staff, reliance on medication, lac" of eye contact, deprivation of legal rights, restricted freedom of movement, no privacy over medical history, physical examination in semi pu lic room, ver al and physical a use were witnessed, impersonal environment$ 1@ :n the study by &hi4*en and /leckley on multi*le *ersonality disorder a 2ariety of methods ere used includin4 a *roBecti2e test! 5a6 3escribe hat a '*roBecti2e+ test measures! "2# Tests a persons responses to am iguous stimuli with the assumption that this will reflect their unconscious fears and motivations$ 2 marks

Partially correct answer: description of in" lot test, in" lot test 1 mark 5b6 ,)*lain hy a 2ariety of methods ere used to collect data in this study! "2# - variety of methods allows concurrent validity to e esta lished/ this provided more credi le evidence for their diagnosis of :PD$ >o that a mixture of 8uantitative and 8ualitative data could e collected and compared$ To increase certainty of diagnosis$ 2 marks Partially correct answer to allow inAdepth!detailed study 1 mark 20 ;raba and 8rant e)amined the racial *references of black and hite children! 7utline t o *roblems of studyin4 racial *reference! "4# $ny t o from% ethics of studying racial preference on young children, pro lem of valid measurement, social desira ility effect, demand characteristics, ecological validity$ Partially correct answer: vague, lac" of explanation, pro lem of study not lin"ed to racial preference$ 2540 Mark Scheme June 200= /o4niti2e Psycholo4y 1 3ere4o ski in his study on *erce*tion describes a task hich re(uired *artici*ants to construct a model from a 23 dra in4 of cubes! 7utline the difference bet een models constructed by the 23 and 13 *ercei2ers! %D perceivers constructed a flat model and 5D constructed a 5D model$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD if candidates draw the models C 7 mar" 1 mark %D!5D models C 7 mar" 2a From the study by -aron./ohen0 Leslie and Frith on autism0 e)*lain hat is meant by the term '&heory of Mind+F The a ility to understand that another person has a different elief to your own Partially correct answerD low ecological validity, lac"s realism 1 mark 2b 7utline one *roblem ith usin4 the Sally.$nne test to measure &heory of Mind! One fromD not real people, dolls dont thin", more difficult for autistic children to stretch their imagination that dolls thin", not an everyday situation, low ecological validity with example$ 2 marks Partially correct answer, low ecological validity, lac"s realism 1 mark 1 7utline one ay in hich 8ardner and 8ardner attem*ted to increase the reliability of their measurement of 9ashoe+s si4nin4 of ne ords! one fromD 9ashoe had to use the sign for 70 consecutive days, had to e seen y more than one o server, had to e spontaneous, had to e in context$ 2 marks 4 Loftus and Palmer claim that memories are reconstructed from information recei2ed at the time of itnessin4 an e2ent and information recei2ed after it! Su44est ho t o findin4s from their e)*eriments su**ort this su44estion! The participants estimates of speed were influenced y the ver used in the 8uestion/ the participants were influenced y the ver they had heard in recalling whether they had seen any ro"en glass$ 2 marks each 3e2elo*mental *sycholo4y 5 :n the study by Samuel and -ryant on conser2ation they used li(uid0 *lasticine and counters in the conser2ation e)*eriments! 7utline one effect these materials had on the number of errors children made! &hildren made most errors with the volume followed y mass followed y num er$ *um er was the easiest to conserve$ Reference to two materials or one with explanation 2 marks Partially correct answerD e$g$ reference to one material only 1 mark = From the study by -andura0 >oss and >oss on a44ression0 e)*lain hy a one. ay mirror as used to obser2e the children! To prevent demand characteristics K explanation, to avoid the o servers affecting the ehaviour of the children K explanation$ :ust refer to effect of eing watched 2 marks Partially correct answerD lac" of explanation 1 mark 7 $ccordin4 to Freud0 little ;ans as in the *hallic sta4e of de2elo*ment! 5a6 :dentify t o features of the *hallic sta4e sho n by little ;ans! O session with widdler, fantasy a out mother and father, Oedipus complex, castration anxiety, .ealousy of his sister, possessiveness over mother 1 mark each 5b6 Su44est one eakness of the e2idence Freud used to su**ort his conclusions about little ;ans!

One fromD marks

iased!su .ective interpretations, second hand information from the father, lac" of relia ility 2

? From the study by ;od4es and &i<ard outline t o differences in the (uality of the relationshi*s e)*erienced by the restored and ado*ted children! Two fromD restoredD had more pro lems with relations with si lings, less physical affection to parents, less confiding and support, less involvement in family activities$ 2 marks each Physiolo4ical Psycholo4y @a From the study by Schachter and Sin4er on emotion outline ho one ethical 4uideline as broken! One fromD ,nformed &onsent # some participants were not aware of the side effects of the in.ection, protection # some participants may have een harmed y the procedure$ Deception K details from the study, withdrawal K details from the study 2 marks Partially correct answerD identification of ethical guideline 1 mark @b ,)*lain hy the researchers felt it as necessary to break this 4uideline! Demand characteristics, less validity, fewer participants willing to ta"e part, must lin" to study for % mar"s 2 marks Other appropriate answersD must lin" to study for % mar"s 2 marks 10 ,)*lain ho one control as used in the study on slee*in4 and dreamin4 by 3ement and Aleitman! One fromD participants carried on as normal during the day, no caffeine or alcohol, wo"en y a ell, record dreams on tape recorder$ &ontrol with explanation for % mar"s$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD conducted in la oratory 1 mark 11 S*erry0 in his study of s*lit brain *atients0 used an a**aratus hich allo ed information to be sent to the left and ri4ht hemis*heres of the brain se*arately 5a6 From the dia4ram identify hich hemis*here 5left or ri4ht6 the ord 'case+ ould be *roBected to! The left hemisphere 2 marks 5b6 3escribe ho this a**aratus orked! Things seen to the left of a central fixation point with either eye are flashed to the right hemisphere and vice versa$ 2 marks Other appropriate answersD only reference to visual tas" 2 marks 12 :n their study >aine0 -ushbaum and La/asse identify a number of concerns about the use of brain scans as e2idence in murder trials! 7utline one of these concerns! &an e interpreted in different ways, not a direct causal lin" esta lished, deterministic differences may not cause a person to commit murder, rain scans may vary depending on moods and activity so not necessarily relia le, new techni8ue so may not e accurate, movement can distort scan, lac" of scientific testing of techni8ue 2 marks Partially correct answerD e$g$ identification without explanation 1 mark Social Psycholo4y 11 :dentify t o as*ects of the *rocedure in the *rison simulation study by ;aney0 -anks and Cimbardo that increased its ecolo4ical 2alidity! Two fromD The induction procedure, arrest, uniform, routine, ars, eds, parole oard etc$ 1 G 1 marks 14a From the sub ay Samaritan study by Pilia2in0 >odin and Pilia2in0 briefly describe one (uantitati2e measure recorded by the obser2ers! >ame race helping, time ta"en to help, num er who helped lind!ill conditions$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD e$g$ statistical results 1 mark 14b 7utline one limitation of the (uantitati2e data in this study! The term reductionist does not tell us anything a out the ystanders, or how they were thin"ing or feeling$ :ay have een other factors which affected their decision to help or not$ :ust e lin"ed to study 2 marks Other appropriate answers must e lin"ed to study 2 marks Partially correct answerD general limitation of 8uantitative data not lin"ed to study 1 mark 15 &aBfel in2esti4ated inter.4rou* discrimination! Su44est ho his findin4s mi4ht e)*lain one conflict in e2eryday life! +oot all fans fighting, religious groups fighting, political party demonstrations :ust lin" to ingroups # outgroups!Ta.fels study 2 marks each

Partially correct answerD identification without lin" to study 1 mark 1= Su44est t o factors hich mi4ht e)*lain the hi4h le2els of obedience found in Mil4ram+s study of obedience! Two fromD Experiment ta"es place on the grounds of a reputa le university, assumed that personnel are competent and reputa le, seems a worthy purpose, the participant thin"s that the victim has volunteered and not an unwilling captive, the participant has volunteered, he has een paid to ta"e part, presence!characteristics of authority figureD must have explanation 2 marks each Other appropriate answersD must have explanation 2 marks each Psycholo4y of :ndi2idual differences 17 3escribe one ay in hich the :D tests described by 8ould ere biased! One fromD :any of the 8uestions were ased on white -merican history and culture/ the tests re8uired paper and pencil and were iased towards literate people$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD e$g$ any example of administration ias 1 mark 1?a 3escribe hat ;raba and 8rant ere measurin4 by askin4 children to% '8i2e me the doll that you ant to *lay ith+ This 8uestion was measuring the racial preference of the children$ Partially correct answerD all other relevant answers 1 mark 1?b Su44est one limitation of the self re*ort measures used in this study! :ay not have een a valid measure as the children may have li"ed the doll for other reasons may not e a measure of racial preference in everyday life$ Reductionist$ +orced choice$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD limitation of self reports not lin"ed to study 1 mark 1@ :n his study 'Sane in insane *laces+ >osenhan refers to 'the stickiness of *sycho dia4nostic labels+! 5a6 ,)*lain ho this as demonstrated in the study! Once the pseudo patients had een admitted and given the diagnosis of schiGophrenia the staff stuc" with this la el, even though the ehaviour of the participants was normal they stuc" to the la el that had een given$ Even when the participants were released they were given a diagnosis of schiGophrenia in remissionD need s*ecific e)am*le from study 2 marks 5b6 Su44est ho labellin4 mi4ht affect *eo*le ith a mental illness in their e2eryday li2es! Once people have een la elled with a mental illness and it is on their records etc they are discriminated against and people .udge their ehaviour in view of previous mental illness e$g$ employers$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD discrimination without example, change in ehaviour without example$ 1 mark 20 Su44est one *roblem ith the case study method as used in the study by &hi4*en and /leckley on multi*le *ersonality! One fromD difficult to generalise from one person, ethics, too much involvement on the part of the researcher due to wor"ing closely with participant, researcher ias, timeAconsuming Two mar"s for pro lem lin"ed to study$ 2 marks Partially correct answerD general pro lem of case study method with no reference to study 1 mark 2540 Mark Scheme January 200= /o4niti2e Psycholo4y 1 5a6 &he table belo sho s the results from the second e)*eriment by Loftus and Palmer! 7utline one conclusion from this table! -ny one fromD the ma.ority of participants did not report seeing ro"en glass therefore many people were not affected y the ver used in the earlier experiment$ The control group was similar to the hit group which indicates this ver had little effect on the participants memory$ The ver smashed had the strongest effect on whether participants reported seeing ro"en glass$ E%F 1 5b6 ,)*lain the *ur*ose of the control 4rou* in this e)*eriment! The control group allows a aseline for comparisons to e made regarding the effects of the ver s on the participants memory$ The control group could show relia ility of memory of events from the crash e$g$ ro"en glass without the influence of the ver s used a wee" earlier$ E%F Partially correct answer e$g$ as a comparison # without 8ualification E7F 2 :n the study by -aron./ohen0 Leslie and Frith on autism0 the mental a4e of the children in all three 4rou*s as measured! ,)*lain hy this as done!

This was done to control for intelligence rather than y chronological age as this ena led the groups to e compared in terms of their theory of mind$ To show that intelligence was not related to theory of mind$ +ull answer for % mar"s$ E%F Other appropriate answers and descriptions of 8uestions E%F Partially correct answer e$g$ used as a control, to ma"e the groups compara le, to control for intelligence # with no explanation$ E7F LmatchedM C B 1 8ardner and 8ardner attem*ted to teach 9ashoe si4n lan4ua4e! 7utline one reason hy this study as conducted! To see if another species can use language as humans do$ Eor reference to using features of language e$g$ differentiationF ,t helps us to understand the nature!nurture de ate, to learn more a out how children develop language$ Partially correct answerD must refer to humans ! language E7F B mar"s # to see if chimps can tal" spea" 4 From the study by 3ere4o ski on *erce*tion0 outline t o difficulties in2ol2ed in conductin4 cross. cultural research! E4F Two fromD ethnocentrism, researcher ias, developing culturally fair materials and methods, language differences, interpretation of participants responses! ehaviour, understanding cultural norms$ -nswer should e outlined!explained for two mar"s$ E% mar"s eachF Partially correct answer # difficulty not explained! not relevant to study E7F Time restraints 5evelo.mental Psychology 5 &he study by Samuel and -ryant on conser2ation hi4hli4hts a criticism of Pia4et+s ori4inal method of testin4! 7utline this criticism! Piaget originally as"ed two 8uestions Epre and post transformationF which was thought to confuse the children$ >amuel and )ryant as"ed only one 8uestion to compare$ E%F Partially correct answerD demand characteristics # without explanation E7F = 5a6 ,)*lain ho one control as used in the study on a44ression by -andura >oss and >oss! -ny one fromD standardised procedure, same models used, same toys, 5ft )o)o doll, staying with child, o servation chec"list, control group$ &ontrol with explanation for two mar"s, matching levels of aggression, aggression arousal E%F Partially correct answer identification of control, any of ,?s E7F = 5b6 Su44est one reason hy it is difficult to 4eneralise from the findin4s of this study to a44ression outside the laboratory! One fromD <ow ecological validity due toD -rtificial nature of the study i$e$ o o doll! no reason for aggression, demand characteristics, type of aggression viewed$ E%F 7 Su44est an alternati2e e)*lanation for little ;ans+ *hobia of horses other than the one 4i2en the study by Freud! <ittle (ans did see a horse fall down in the street which may have frightened him E ehaviouristF, he also heard a mother warn her child not to put his finger near the horse as it may ite him$ Explanation supported y details in the study or other psychology % mar"s Other appropriate answers do not have to refer to information in the study E%F Partially correct answer # suggestion not supported y evidence from the study$ E7F ? 7utline t o eaknesses of the lon4itudinal a**roach as used in the study on social relationshi*s by ;od4es and &i<ard! E4F -ny two fromD ethics, su .ect attrition, length of study, researcher involvement$ Point a out longitudinal approach plus lin" to study for % mar"s$ E% mar"s eachF Partially correct answerD wea"ness of longitudinal approach not lin"ed to study$ E7F Physiological Psychology @ 5a6 From the study by Schachter and Sin4er on emotion0 outline one ay in hich the *artici*ants may ha2e been harmed! One fromD some of the participants who were not aware of the adrenaline in.ection and so may have een alarmed y the symptoms, they may have een stressed y eing given an in.ection, some participants may have felt em arrassed y the 8uestions as"ed in the angry condition$ E%F @ 5b6 ,)*lain hy the researchers felt it as necessary to decei2e the *artici*ants! The use of deception was necessary in order to separate the different factors of emotion i$e$ cognitive and physiological factors, in order to see if the need for an explanation of the physical symptoms would lead to pic"ing up situational cues i$e$ angry!euphoric stooge, participants may not have agreed to ta"e part$ E%F

Partially correct answer e$g$ to avoid demand characteristics with no explanation E7F 10 ,)*lain hy the *artici*ants in the study by S*erry had *re2iously under4one an o*eration to disconnect the t o hemis*heres of the brain! The patients were suffering from epilepsy and this operation allowed the epilepsy to e contained in one hemisphere therefore reducing the severity of the symptoms$ E%F Partially correct answerD ecause the patient had epilepsy E7F 11 7utline one difference in brain acti2ity bet een murderers and the control 4rou* in the study by >aine0 -uschbaum and La /asse! One fromD :urderers had lower glucose meta olism in oth lateral and medial prefrontal cortical areas, and for left and right medial superior frontal cortex$ :urderers had lower parietal glucose meta olism$ :urderers had higher occipital lo e glucose meta olism, lower glucose meta olism in the corpus callosum, greater left and right amygdala activity, and greater right thalamic activity$ :ust mention parts of the rain$ E%F Partially correct answer e$g$ lower level of rain activity, difference in glucose$ E7F 12 :n their study on slee* and dreamin4 3ement and Aleitman used an ,,8 5electroence*halo4ra*h6 to record data! 7utline one ad2anta4e and one disad2anta4e of usin4 this method! E4F One from -dvantagesD o .ective measurement, easier to measure, more scientific, more relia le One from DisadvantagesD may not e valid measure of dreaming, reductionist, may interfere with sleep patterns E% mar"s eachF Partially correct answerD advantage!disadvantage not lin"ed to the study of sleep and dreaming$ E7F =ocial Psychology 11 7utline ho obedience as measured in the study by Mil4ram! One fromD voltage administered to learner eyond willing level$ E%F Partially correct answerD outline of procedure$E7F 14 5a6 :dentify t o features of the uniform orn by the *risoners in the study by ;aney0 -anks and Cimbardo! Two fromD smoc", an"le chain and all, stoc"ing on head!num er E% mar"s eachF 14 5b6 Su44est ho the *risoners+ uniform as desi4ned to brin4 about a '*sycholo4ical state of im*risonment+! One fromD emasculation, oppression, deindividuation or e8uivalent description E%F Partially correct answerD to ma"e them feel li"e real prisoners E7F 15 8i2e one reason for the lack of diffusion of res*onsibility found in the sub ay study by Pilia2in0 >odin and Pilia2in! One fromD the emergency was unam iguous/ there was no way for passengers to escape, costs of helping were low, in view of each other$ E%F 1= 5a6 :dentify t o features of the sam*le in &aBfel+s study on inter.4rou* discrimination! Two fromD school oys, all from the same school, all "new each other, 34 in first study, and 46 in second study$ E7 mar" eachF 1= 5b6 Su44est t o reasons hy it ould be difficult to 4eneralise from this sam*le! Two fromD school oys are more competitive, one school not generalisa le, sample siGe$ Psychology o" 'ndividual 5i""erences 17 From the study by 8ould0 e)*lain hy the :D of the army recruits as tested! The ,@ testing was to place recruits in suita le positions in the army$ Provided a large sample to test ,@ tests on E%F B mar"s # to measure intelligence!,@ 1? 7utline hy ;raba and 8rant re*eated the study conducted by /lark and /lark in 1@1@ on doll choice! The aim of the study was to see if the childrens racial identification and racial preference had changed with the changes in society since the earlier study$ E%F Partially correct answerD to study ethnocentrism in lac" children E7F 1@ 5a6 From the study by >osenhan 5sane in insane *laces6 identify t o ays in hich the *atients+ *ri2acy as in2aded! Patient 8uarters and possessions can e entered and examined y any mem er of staff at any time, for whatever reason$ Personal history and anguish is availa le to any mem er of staff who chooses to read it

regardless of their therapeutic relationship, personal hygiene may e monitored, toilets may have no doors, monitoring of patients Eo servation or notesF 7 mar" eachF 1@ 5b6 8i2e one reason hy *ri2acy of *sychiatric *atients may be in2aded! &an either e from study!or in general *egative attitudes of staff toward people with mental illness, the idea that mentally ill people have fewer rights, fear of mental illness, dehumanisation of patients y staff and society, to protect from self harm, to ma"e a diagnosis E%F 20 Su44est one stren4th and one eakness of the e2idence 4athered by &hi4*en and /leckley in their study of multi*le *ersonality! 546 One from >trengthsD very detailed data was o tained, variety of methods used, independent tester carried out psychological tests, physiological tests ta"en to ac" up 8ualitative data$ One from wea"nessesD interviewer ias, ethics too much involvement may have made Eve worse, psychological!physiological tests may not e relia le or valid$ -cting ! +a"ing E% mar"s eachF Partially correct answerD e$g$ cant generalise from one participant E7 mar" eachF 2540 Mark =cheme June 2005 Cognitive Psychology 1 5escri e ho+ the trident illusion in the y 5erego+ski +as used to test "or 15 .erce.tion. #2$ % D perceivers too" less time to draw the trident! found it easier to copy!less difficult$ 5D perceivers had to lift the flap more in order to replicate as a drawing ecause the illusion was confusing to them$ E%F 2 /0.lain the .sychological .rinci.le ehind 4ardner and 4ardnerAs use o" tickling to encourage 3ashoe to use sign language. #2$ Operant conditioning # Tic"ling was a reward for correct signing, positive reinforcement$E%F Partially correct answerD she en.oyed it, she li"ed it E7F 1 ,a- 'denti"y t+o o" the three grou.s o" children in the study y (aron)Cohen* !eslie and Frith in their study on autism. #2$ 9+o "rom& Downs syndrome, *ormal, autistic , - /0.lain +hy the children in the three grou.s +ere di""erent ages. The children were of different chronological ages to ma"e the three groups compara le in terms of mental age and to compensate for the disa ilities of the Down >yndrome and the -utistic group$ &ontrol for mental age!intelligence$ To show intelligence had nothing to do with To:$ Partially correct answerD mention of mental age!intelligence E7F 4 From the study on eye+itness testimony y !o"tus and Palmer outline t+o "eatures o" the .rocedure that +ere standardised. #4$ The film clips were the same, the 8uestions were the same, same time lapse in second experiment etc$ -ll gave general account of what they remem ered$ E%F Partially correct answerD identification without comment OR vague answer e$g$ standard instructions, same la environment$ E7F 5evelo.mental Psychology 5 2utline ho+ the childrenAs .re)e0isting levels o" aggression +ere measured in the study y (andura* 6oss and 6oss. #2$ %ny t+o details "rom& &hildren were o served efore the experiment )y their teacher and!or experimenter -t nursery =sing a chec"list ! scale$ E%F 7 2utline one "inding a out the childrenAs a ility to conserve in the study y =amuel and (ryant. #2$ 2ne "rom *um er most easy to conserve # fewest errors made, next mass, next volume, fewer errors made as children get older, children do etter with one 8uestion rather than two! fixed array E%F Partially correct answerD vague answers e$g$ methodology confused them$ E7F < 2utline t+o .ieces o" evidence used y Freud to suggest that 8ansAs "ear o" horses +as sym olic o" a "ear o" his "ather. #4$ 9+o "rom& The horses lac" mouth represented the fathers moustache and lin"ers A glasses, daddy dont trot away from me, fearful of horses falling down relates to death wish for father, fear of getting itten relates to fear of castration y father E%F Partially correct answerD identification with no explanation e$g$ lin"ers E7F Two mar"s for each correct answer$ :ax #4$

8 ,a- 2utline one ;uantitative and one ;ualitative measure used in the study y 8odges and 9i:ard on e0)institutional children. 2ne each "rom& @uantitative measures # Rutter scales, >ocial Difficulty @uestionnaire Eor accurate descriptionF E7F @ualitative measures A interviews or 8uestionnaires with parents, teachers, adolescents E7F Partially correctD two vague answers C 7 mar" eg 8uestionnaires and interviews , - 2utline one strength o" using ;uantitative measures in this study. #2$ >trengths include # less interpretation involved, more o .ective analysis, easy to compare results, less iased with reference to study for two mar"s Partially correct answerD strength of 8uantitative data not related to the study E7F Physiological Psychology ? /0.lain +hy the .artici.ants in the study y 6aine* (uchs aum and !aCasse +ere re;uired to do a Icontinuous .er"ormance taskA e"ore the P/9 scans +ere carried out. (as een shown to produce increases in relative glucose meta olic rates in the frontal, temporal and parietal lo es this could then e seen y PET scan$ ,$e$ activates the rain To standardise rain activity, to ma"e the rain active$ E%F Partially correct answerD to reduce stress! as a trial! to show patterns E7F 10 5escri e one .ro lem +ith generalising "rom the sam.le in the s.lit rain study y =.erry. The sample consisted of patients who had had splitA rain operation to cure epilepsy and the epilepsy may alter the rain so not compara le to nonAepileptic people$ The sample was very small E77 patientsF E%F Point +ith comment "or 2 marks. 11 /0.lain +hat the study y =chachter and =inger tells us a out emotion. The study tells us that emotion is made up of physiological arousal and cognitive la elling supported y findings from the study$ &onclusion with details from study E5 A 4F Partially correct answerD Nust findings from study 26 conclusion with no supporting details from study$ E7 # %F E&onclusions includeD role of physiological factors, cognitive factors, and environmental!situational factorsF 12 From the study y 5ement and @leitman on slee. and dreaming& ,a- 'denti"y the t+o su stances .artici.ants +ere instructed not to have on the day o" the e0.eriment. &affeine and alcohol E%F Partially correct answer E7F *o mar"s for cigarettes or medication , - 2utline one .ro lem +ith controlling these su stances. Participants may not have slept normally as their usual routine was altered due to withdrawal symptoms, cant e sure they have not had su stances, difficult to control as other products contain caffeine e$g$ chocolate and paracetamol may still e in system from day efore study$ E%F =ocial Psychology 11 From the study y 9a>"el on intergrou. discrimination* descri e one e0am.le o" 'ngrou.s ) outgrou.s "ound in society. Examples include foot all supporters, political parties, religious groups etc$ with ela oration$ E%F Partially correct answerD identification with no ela oration e$g$ foot all fans E7F 14 /0.lain one +ay the "indings "rom the .rison simulation study y 8aney* (anks and Fim ardo su..ort a situational e0.lanation o" ehaviour. #2$ The participants were randomly assigned to the roles of prisoner and guard and had no history of conviction or crime, yet when they were put into the prison situation their ehaviour changed and they ecame pathological in their ehaviour$ This demonstrates the power of the situation$ E%F Other appropriate answersD mention of situational vs$ dispositional factors as a ove or feature of situation with effect on ehaviour e$g$ the uniforms made the guards feel powerful and exercise control over prisoners$ E%F Partially correct answerD la experiment, demand characteristics E7F 15 From the study y Milgram on o edience& ,a- 2utline one +ay in +hich the study had lo+ ecological validity. >hoc"ing people Etas"F was unusual not an everyday occurrence, OR the location was strange to the participants, OR the experiment is a uni8ue social situation and so people may ehave differently to everyday life and e prone to demand characteristics$ E%F Must ;uanti"y +ith details "rom the study "or "ull marks. , - 2utline one +ay in +hich the study had high ecological validity.

Point +ith e0am.le "rom the study "or 2 marks The situation was similar to any other with an authority figure, the participants were fully involved in the study and there was a high level of experimental realism .udging y the intense reactions of the participants$ PostA experimental interviews also revealed a high level of realism$ The participants elieved the situation, realistic machinery and procedure$ E%F 17 ,a- 2utline ho+ one ethical guideline +as roken y Piliavin* 6odin and Piliavin in their su +ay study. #2$ 2ne "rom& 'uideline with explanation fromD consent, deception, protection, withdrawal, and De riefing, psychological harm$ E%F Partially correct answerD identification only with no explanation E7F 17 , - 2utline one +ay in +hich ethical guidelines +ere u.held y Piliavin* 6odin and Piliavin in the same study. #2$ *ot ro"en/ physical harm, o servation, confidentiality E%F Partially correct answerD identification only no explanation$ E7F Psychological harm C no mar"s Psychology o" 'ndividual di""erences 1< From the revie+ y 4ould descri e one o" the 'G tests com.leted y recruits. -lpha, )eta, spo"en test # with rief description for % mar"s, or full description of test without naming test$ E%F Partially correct answerD identification only$ E7F 18 2utline one .ro lem +ith 8ra a and 4rantAs use o" dolls to measure racial identi"ication and racial .re"erence. For t+o marks must e0.lain the .ro lem 2ne "rom& :ay not e a valid measure of racial preferences ut merely familiarity with lac"!white dolls, dolls are not real people so may not reflect childrens real life views, so lac"s ecological validity Partially correct answerD dolls not real people with no effect explained E7F 1? From the study y 9hig.en and Cleckley on multi.le .ersonality disorder& ,a- 'denti"y t+o tests com.leted y /ve. 9+o "rom& Psychometric test OR :emory, ,@ and personality test Pro.ective test OR Rorschach OR drawing human figures , - /0.lain +hy an inde.endent tester analysed the results o" the tests carried out on /ve. 2ne "rom& - well experienced expert at conducting tests, to reduce any ias from the researchers, to add scientific weight to their diagnosis of multiple personality$ ,nsufficient testing and analysis E%F Partially correct answerD Point without explanation e$g$ reduce ias E7F 20 6osenhan* in his study Ion eing sane in insane .lacesA* re"ers to 9y.e 1 errors as calling a sick .erson healthy and 9y.e 2 errors as calling a healthy .erson sick. ,a- =uggest +hy health .ro"essionals made 9y.e 2 errors in their diagnosis o" the .seudo .atients in the "irst e0.eriment. &onse8uences of failing to identify illness could e more serious so etter to err on the side of caution$ They have an expectation that people are ill due to context$ E%F , - 5escri e ho+ the health .ro"essionals made 9y.e 1 errors in the second e0.eriment y 6osenhan. (ospital staff were told to expect healthy patients and rated many genuine patients as eing healthy$ E%F 2540 Mark =cheme January 2005 Cognitive Psychology 1 4ive one reason +hy the y 5erego+ski su..orts the nurture vie+ o" .icture .erce.tion. One fromD The ma.ority of findings are ta"en to support the nurture view of perception as there were cultural differences in perception including interpretation of the antelope picture, split elephant, differences in a ility to draw trident, and construction of o .ects shown in %D$ E%F Partially correct answerD vague answer, western!nonAwestern perceived differently supports nurture$ E7F Pictures were not found to e a universal language$ Reference to anecdotal evidence 2 4ive one reason +hy 4ardner and 4ardner chose to use %merican =ign !anguage to communicate +ith 3ashoe. One fromD &himps dont have appropriate vocal chords and their hands are similar to human hands!fingers E%F 'rammatically most similar to spo"en language$

Partially correct answer most widely used so would allow comparison with deaf children, chimps cant tal"$ E7F 1 From the study y !o"tus and Palmer& ,a- 2utline one "inding +hich +ould challenge the accuracy o" eye+itness testimonies. >ome participants reported seeing ro"en glass when there was none Eeven control groupF, estimations of speed were influenced y the ver s used in the 8uestion$ E%F Partially correct answerD general comment without finding e$g$ leading 8uestion affects memory$ E7F , - 2utline one "inding +hich +ould su..ort the accuracy o" eye+itness testimonies. Overall the ma.ority of participants did not report seeing ro"en glass$ +or one of the film clips the mean speed estimate was very close to actual$ E%F 4 From the study y (aron)Cohen* !eslie and Frith on autism& ,a- 'denti"y t+o o" the ;uestions asked in the =ally)%nne test. Two fromD :emory 8uestion, reality 8uestion, elief 8uestion, naming 8uestion or description of the 8uestion$ E%F , - /0.lain +hy one o" these ;uestions +as asked. One fromD :emory 8uestion # to chec" that the children could remem er where the mar le was originally, elief 8uestion to chec" whether the children could appreciate another persons viewpoint Etheory of mindF$ *aming 8uestion # to chec" that the children "new the names of the dolls accurately$ Reality 8uestion A to chec" that the children "now where the mar le really is$ E%F Partially correct answerD theory of mind with no explanation$ E7F 5evelo.mental Psychology 5 From the study y (andura* 6oss and 6oss e0.lain +hy in the second stage o" the e0.eriment the researchers removed attractive toys "rom the children a"ter allo+ing them to .lay +ith them "or a "e+ minutes. This was mild aggression arousal to provide a stimulus to provo"e aggressive ehaviour so that the effect of the agg!nonAagg model on the childs response could e seen$ E%F Partially correct answerD shows some understanding$ E7F To provide a distraction to reduce demand characteristics$ 7 From the study y 8odges and 9i:ard on social relationshi.s* outline one di""erence "ound et+een the ado.ted and restored grou.s o" e0)institutional children. One fromD -dopted group more attached! onded to parents/ get on etter with si lings, more affectionate, less disagreement over control and discipline, less aggressive$ E%F Other appropriate answersD specific difference re8uired$ E%F Partially correct answerD vague answer e$g$ etter relationship with parents, happier E7F < ,a- 'denti"y t+o techni;ues used to gather in"ormation in the study o" little 8ans* re.orted y Freud. Two fromD dream analysis, transcripts OR letters from father, interviews OR self reports OR 8uestions, o servations$ E%F , - 2utline one di""iculty* +hich may arise +hen .sychologists study children. One fromD Ethical issues including consent, withdrawal, protection Eor descriptions ofF$ &hildren get ored easily/ find it difficult to concentrate, more prone to experimenter effects e$g$ pleasing the experimenter, childrens thin"ing is 8ualitatively different to adults$ E%F Partially correct answerD difficulty with no explanation, demand characteristics$ E7F Emotional involvement 8 From the study y =amuel and (ryant on conservation outline t+o conclusions a out ho+ children think. ,4Two fromD Details of cognitive developmental stages, concrete!a stract thought, children improve cognitive s"ills with age$ E%F Partially correct answerD findings from the study without conclusion$ E7F Physiological Psychology ? /0.lain +hat is meant y the term Ile"t visual "ieldA as used in the y =.erry on s.lit rain .atients. 9hat is seen y oth eyes to the left of a central fixation point$ E+rom each eye for % mar"sF Partially correct answerD information sent to the right hemisphere$ E7F 10 From the study y 5ement and @leitman on slee. and dreaming descri e one "inding that sho+s the relationshi. et+een the direction o" eye movements and the content o" dreams.

One fromD - relationship was found etween the direction of eye movements and the content of dreams, specific examples include someone dreaming of throwing tomatoes EhoriGontalF, playing as"et all and clim ing a ladder EverticalF$ 9atching something in the distance >taring at same o .ect e$g$ driving Eno movementF, fighting, tal"ing Emixed movement$F E%F 11 From the study y 6aine* (uchs aum and !a Casse on rain scans& ,a- /0.lain +hat I.ositron emission tomogra.hyA ,a P/9 scan- measures. +lurodeoxyglucose tracer was in.ected into the su .ect, and ta"en up y the rain as a tracer of meta olic rate$ Or, uses glucose to measure rain activity or meta olic activity in different parts of the rain$ E%F Partially correct answerD measures rain activity!hotspots, glucose levels in the rain$ E7F , - 3hat can such measures tell usJ - normal activity in the left and right hemisphere can e identified and specific areas of the rain can e studied to identify a normal rain processes that may predispose to violence in murderers pleading *'R,$ -nswers may also focus on the limitations of rain scans$ E%F Other appropriate answersD differences etween *'R, and control group$ E%F Partially correct answerD specific areas of the rain can e identified # no expansion E7F 12 5escri e ho+ t+o ethical guidelines +ere roken in the study y =chachter and =inger on emotion. #4$ Two fromD Deception # participants did not "now they were eing in.ected with adrenaline or that fellow participant was a stooge, protection #participants may have een stressed y the in.ection and content of the 8uestionnaire$ ,nformed consent, misinformed etc$ E%F &an have same guideline$ Partially correct answerD specific areas of the rain can e identified # no expansion E7F =ocial Psychology 11 'denti"y t+o details that +ere recorded y the o servers in the su +ay =amaritan study y Piliavin* 6odin and Piliavin. Two fromD Race, sex and location of every passenger, seated or standing, num er who gave assistance, latency of first helper, spontaneous comments made y passengers$ E%F Partially correct answerD one or more findings from study E7F 14 'n the second e0.eriment y 9a>"el* the ma>ority o" the .artici.ants o.ted "or Ima0imum di""erenceA rather than Ima0imum in)grou. .ro"itA +hen making their intergrou. choices. /0.lain ho+ this "inding demonstrates discrimination. Participants were willing to award mem ers of their own group less for the sa"e of having the maximum difference etween their own and the other group$ E%F 15 ,a- 'denti"y ho+ Milgram o tained the sam.le in his study on o edience. ?olunteer sample or selfAselected sample from a newspaper article, he then selected from this pool of applicants ased on age and occupation E%F , - 2utline one disadvantage o" the +ay he o tained this sam.le. One fromD )iased sample as same type of people apply to ta"e part E%F Partially correct answerD iased sample!not representative # no explanation E7F Ewea"ness of sample e$g$ all males 7 mar"F more li"ely to o ey as volunteered 17 From the .rison study y 8aney* (anks and Fim ardo e0.lain +hat is meant y the terms& ,a- I.athological .risoner syndromeA pathological prisoner syndrome A the prisoners ecome passive and dependent, excessive o edience$ Ewea", depressed, do as they are toldF E%F Partially correct answerD one characteristic without full description or .ust details from the study E7F , - I.athology o" .o+erA. pathology of power # the guards want more and more power and despise wea" prisoners, increasing need to control prisoners lives, aggression$ E%F Een.oyment of power e$g$ wor"ing extra shiftsF Partially correct answerD one characteristic without full description or .ust details from the study$ E7F Psychology o" 'ndividual 5i""erences 1< 5escri e one +ay 8ra a and 4rant measured racial identi"ication and .re"erence in their study. One from @uestionsD 'ive me the doll that you want to play with, give me the doll that is a nice doll, give me the doll that loo"s ad, give me the doll that is a nice colour, give me the doll that loo"s li"e a white child, give me the doll that loo"s li"e a coloured child, give me the doll that loo"s li"e a negro child, give the doll that loo"s li"e you$ E%F

Other partially correct answers e$g$ use of dolls, as"ed 8uestions, close variations of actual 8uestions$ E7F 18 /0.lain one .ro lem +ith using the evidence "rom the study y 9hig.en and Cleckley to su..ort the diagnosis that /ve had multi.le .ersonality disorder. One fromD >ome evidence may have een iased due to therapists involvement, physiological measurements are reductionist$ E%F Partially correct answer e$g$ pro lems of case study method$ E7F 1? From the study y 6osenhan& ,a- 'denti"y t+o ehaviours dis.layed y the .seudo.atients* +hich +ere la elled as a normal y the hos.ital sta"". Two fromD 9riting notes, 8ueuing for lunch, as"ing 8uestions, hearing voices E%F , - 2utline one reason +hy it is di""icult to de"ine a normality and normality. One fromD &ultural differences in ehaviour, everyone has a normal ehaviours to a degree, expectations$ E%F Other appropriate answersD specific pro lems with study, stic"iness of la els$

ias and

20 From the study y 4ould suggest ho+ the use o" 'G tests may actually have een a "orm o" social control. )y giving the immigrant recruits a test, which was iased towards native -mericans, immigrants and uneducated -mericans were ound to do less well$ This in turn allowed control over their status in the military and immigration to e controlled in a seemingly legitimate way E%K%F Partially correct answer e$g$ the tests were iased, some recruits not literate etc$ controlled military positions and immigration$ E%F 9otal mark "or this K #70$

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