Mba First Question Papers

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Management Process & Organizational Behaviour

Section-A TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt any seven questions. All question carry equal marks.

Qns: Nature of Management Qns: Managerial Skills Qns: Group Decision Making Qns: Informal V/S Formal organization Qns: Operant Conditioning Qns: Perceptual Errors Qns: Model of Occupational Stress Qns: Leadership Styles Qns: Transactional Analysis Qns: Social Responsibilities of Management

Note: Attempt all the Questions

Qns: Trace the evolution of management thought over the ages with special reference to contribution of contingency & System approaches. OR Define Personality. Discuss different theories of Personality. 12 x 2 Marks

Qns: Define Communication. Organisation

State common barriers to effective Communication in

OR Define Management. What are its objectives and also explain its importance.

Qns: Define Perception? Also discuss the process that affects the perceptual framework of an individual? OR Explain Learning and its Theories. 11 x 1

Management Process & Organizational Behaviour
Section-A TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt any seven questions. All question carry equal marks.

Qns: Define Managerial Functions Qns: Strategies for Reinforcement Qns: Define Leadership Styles Qns: Techniques of Motivation Qns: Types of Decision Making Qns: Discuss the nature of Planning Qns: Perception and its process.

Qns: Communication Networks Qns: Stress Management Techniques Qns: Classical Conditioning

Note: Attempt all the Questions

Qns: Discuss the process, types, and importance of Communication. OR Define Managerial Planning. planning. 12 x 2 Marks

Discuss its process and also discuss the main benefits of

12 Qns: Define stress. Discuss the model of occupational stress? Also discuss various techniques of managing the stress. OR Define Learning. What are various theories of learning?

13 Qns: Define Leadership, Personality, and Styles of Leadership. OR Define Management its characteristics and its functions. 11 x 1

Section-A TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt any seven questions. All question carry equal marks.

1 Qns: Define Managerial Economics. What is the nature of business Economics? 2 Qns: Explain Law of Equi-Marginal Utility. 3 Qns: Differentiate Marginal Utility and Total Utility. 4 Qns: Explain the law of Demand. What are the assumptions of law of demand? 5 Qns: Define Break-Even point. Explain with example and diagram 6 Qns: Differentiate WPI & CPI. 7 Qns: Differentiate GDP and GNP 8 Qns: What is Price, Income, & Substitution effect? 9 Qns: Define demand pull and cost push inflation 10 Qns: Explain Non-Price competition in brief.

Note: Attempt all the Questions 11 Qns: Define Demand forecasting and its techniques. OR Explain Price Line. What are the reasons of shifting of Budget Line? 12 Qns: Define production function. Explain the law of variable proportion. 12 x 2 Marks

OR How does a firm take pricing decision under monopolistic competition? Explain.

13 Qns: Explain monetary Policy & Fiscal Policy in relation to each other. OR Explain B.O.P with its causes and measures. 11 x 1

Section-A TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt any seven questions. All question carry equal marks.

1 Qns: Explain Business decision making in relation to business Economics. 2 Qns: Define Indifference curve. What are the assumptions of it? 3 Qns: Explain Cost. How does cost curves behave in short run. 4 Qns: What are the tools used to control the money supply in Economy. 5 Qns: Explain consumer Equilibrium. Describe Price effect. 6 Qns: Differentiate Perfect competition & monopolistic Competition. 7 Qns: Explain Economics of scale. 8 Qns: Differentiate Balance of payment & Balance of Trade. 9 Qns: Explain the reasons behind negative demand scope. 10 Qns: Explain income elasticity of Demand.

Note: Attempt all the Questions 11 Qns: Explain National Income & Its method. OR Define Demand. Explain the factors effecting demand. 12 Qns: Define price discrimination. Also discuss under what circumstances use of price discrimination is possible & profitable. OR How is inflation caused? Also mention the various methods to control it. 12 x 2 Marks

13 Qns: Define price elasticity of demand. Explain the factors behind price elasticity. OR Explain law of diminishing M.C. in detail. 11 x 1

Section-A TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt any seven questions. All question carry equal marks.

1 Qns: Difference between Journal and Ledger. 2 Qns: Explain the objectives & Limitations of Trial Balance. 3 Qns: Types of Errors. 4 Qns: Difference between straight line method & written down value method. 5 Qns: Write a note on subsidiary book. 6 Qns: What is Accounts & explain the rules of Accounts 7 Qns: What is imprest system? Explain with petty cash book. 8 Qns: Explain performance Budgeting & Master Budget. 9 Qns: Explain standard costing & different types of standards. 10 Qns: How are overheads controlled in a business organization?

Note: Attempt all the Questions 11 Qns: Prepare a format of Profit & Loss account and Balance Sheet of Company OR 12 x 2 Marks

What is financial Analysis & Explain various techniques used for analysis of financial statements. (Same in Last Paper)

12 Qns: Differentiate cost account & financial account. What is the usefulness of cost account & methods of cost account. OR What is management account? Explain its functions & limitations of management A/C and differentiate it with financial accounting

13 Qns: Explain the tools which are used for decision making in marginal costing. OR 11 x 1

(a) Differentiate the procedure & need for reconciliation of cost and financial A/C (Ch-17 in book) (b) Differentiate between job costing & process costing.

Section-A TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt any seven questions. All question carry equal marks.

1 Qns: Human Population Index (Chap-1) 2 Qns: Ecosystem (Chapter-2) 3 Qns: Green Funding (Chapter-8) 4 Qns: Environmental Taxes (Chap-8) 5 Qns: ISO 14000 (Chap-6) 6 Qns: Environmental Auditing

7 Qns: WTO and GATT 8 Qns: Biodiversity (Chap-13) 9 Qns: Bioethics (Chap-14) 10 Qns: Ethical Business (Chap-14) 11 Qns: Environmental Protection Act, 1986 12 Qns: Intellectual Property Rights 13 Qns: Environmental Problems 14 Qns: Ozone Depletion 15 Qns: Global Warming 16 Qns: Environmental Management System


17 Qns: What do you mean by sustainable Development? Also discuss the role of human being to manage environment for growth. 18 Qns: Briefly discuss the role of Business schools in the education of environment management. 19 Qns: What is Environment management? How human population growth affects environment management. 20 Qns: How energy production and trade affect environment. Explain ways to achieve energy balance. 21 Qns: What is Ecosystem? Explain the application and principles of Ecosystem. 22 Qns: Define Ecology. Write down ecological principle. 23 Qns: How the business firms must be concern about environment management? Also discuss about industrial ecology. 24 Qns: Define Environmental Auditing? Also explain the process of Environmental auditing. 25 Qns: What is the waste management? Explain the environmental implications of trade in investments. 26 Qns: Give a comprehensive note on approaches to corporate ethics and bioethics.

Section-A TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt any seven questions. All question carry equal marks.

1 Qns: What is communication and what is the need and importance of Business Communication. 2 Qns: What is Brain Drain and why it occurs? 3 Qns: What are the 7Cs of Communication? 4 Qns: What do you mean by Buzz word and Redundancy? 5 Qns: Define report. What is difference between informative & interpretative report? 6 Qns: What do you mean by Non-Verbal communication? 7 Qns: What is negotiation and what an its phase? 8 Qns: How presentation style is important in designing presentation. 9 Qns: What are the different approaches used in negotiation. 10 Qns: What points should be kept in mind while drafting agency related letters.

Note: Attempt all the Questions 11 Qns: What do you mean by communication? Why it is important and what is the process of communication. OR 12 x 2 Marks

Why it is necessary to communicate in Business and how it can be made effective.

12 Qns: What are the major barriers of communication in Business? Explain OR How can a commercial letter be made effective discuss the guidelines to be followed for effective letter writing.

13 Qns: How reports are constructed. What are the characteristics of good business report? OR 11 x 1

What is body language? How communicate can be made effective by using body language. Explain?

Section-A TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt any seven questions. All question carry equal marks.

1 Qns: Define communication its features & what are the types of communication in Business. 2 Qns: What is order and what are characteristics of an effective order? 3 Qns: How suggestion and advice are different. Explain? 4 Qns: What are the major objectives of communication? 5 Qns: How language act as a barrier to effective communication. 6 Qns: What is a clichs, slang & Buzz words and coherence? 7 Qns: Why business report is important? What is meant by Glossary & Appendices in a report?

8 Qns: What is Non-Verbal Communication? 9 Qns: What points should be kept in mind in Salary negotiation? 10 Qns: What do you mean by Principal of agent and agency?

Note: Attempt all the Questions 11 Qns: What do you mean by negotiation and its characteristics and process? What should be done to remove deadlock. OR While giving presentation what point should be kept in mind to make it ? 12 Qns: What do you mean by communication Barrier? Discuss in detail. OR What is a report how it is constructed and how many types a report is constructed. 12 x 2 Marks

13 Qns: How Communication in Business can be made effective? Explain how communication helps in smooth functioning of business. OR Body language can make communicates effective. How discuss? 11 x 1

Computer Applications
CHAPTER-1 1 Qns: What is Computer System? Explain the classification of computer system. (12x1) 2 Qns: Explain the architecture of computer system. 3 Qns: Explain the generation of computer system. 4 Qns: What is software? Explain type of software. (12x1) (12x1) (5x1)

CHAPTER-4 1 Qns: What is software? Explain the software phases. (5 x 1) (12x1)

2 Qns: What is the software Development model? Explain?

CHAPTER-5 1 Qns: What is file? Explain the different type of file. 2 Qns: Explain the file organization (12x1) (5 x 1) (5 x 1)

3 Qns: What is database? Explain the advantage and disadvantage of Database

CHAPTER-6 1 Qns: What is program? Explain the characteristics of a good program (5 x 1) 2 Qns: What is Flow Chart? Explain it symbol with example and type of flow Chart. (12x1)

CHAPTER-7 1 Qns: Explain program design technique? 2 Qns: Explain the programming techniques. 3 Qns: Explain Modular design of program. (12 x 1) (12 x 1) (5 x 1)

CHAPTER-9 1 Qns: What is networking? Explain the types of networking? 2 Qns: What is data transmission? Explain its various terms? 3 Qns: Explain the various network topologies. 4 Qns: What is network hardware and network software? (12 x 1) (12 x 1) (12 x 1) (12 x 1)

CHAPTER-3 1 Qns: What is data processing? Explain modes and functions of data processing (5 x 1) 2 Qns: Explain the Data processing Cycle (12 x 1) (5 x 1)

3 Qns: Explain the EDP? Explain the characteristics and limitation of EDP.

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