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123 Fake Street, Toronto, ON 0A0 A0A Cell 416-123-4567 myemailaddre !"e# ite$%om

Operating Systems: Ser&er 2003, Ser&er 200'(2, Ser&er 2012, )indo" *+, )indo" 7, )indo" ', ,e#ian, (ed -at, CentOS, ./)are 0S*i, Free1S,, Solari , O2enSolari , and OS *$ Software: A%ti&e ,ire%tory, 03%4an5e 2010, 03%4an5e 2013, S67 200'(2, )S8S, /,T 2012, Na5io , O2enSS-, 99S, +at%4/ana5er, A2a%4e, Cy5"in, A+C 9n:raStr;3;re, -y2er-., O::i%e S;ite , 0n4an%ed /iti5ation 032erien%e Toolkit, Sy lo5-n5 , Sam#a, S4are2oint and 19N, Har ware: 91/, ,ell and S;n er&er < de kto2 $ Networ!ing: Ci %o 9OS, Ci %o ASA, -+ +ro%;r&e, Ci %o AnyConne%t, 8#i=;iti 8niFi and Ci %o 8ni:ied Comm;ni%ation $


NESA% /o4a"k Colle5e, -amilton, ON Net"ork 0n5ineerin5 > Se%;rity Analy t, Ontario Colle5e Ad&an%ed 3 ?ear ,i2loma A2ril 2012

/CSA@ Ser&er 2012 A2013BC Ci %o CCNA@ Se%;rity A2013BC /CSA@ )indo" 7A2012BC Ci %o CCNAA2012BC 7in;3 +ro:e ional 9n tit;te 7+9C-1A2011BC Com2tia Se%;rityD A2010BC Com2tia Ser&erD A200EBC Com2tia Net"orkD A2007BC Com2tia AD A2007B


R)n Straig*t Cons)+ting Lt ,% Toronto, ON A2ril 2012 - +re ent Systems A ministrator Discovery of CVE-2013-5208 vulnerability in info:HR HRI !"# an$ coor$inate$ t%e res&onsible $isclosure of t%e vulnerability" I also $evelo&e$ effective 'iti(ations a(ainst t%e attac)" *ctive Directory a$'inistration an$ setu&" I %ave $e&loye$ ne+ $o'ains, re$esi(ne$ t%e structures of e-istin( $o'ains an$ &erfor'e$ $ay to $ay a$'inistrative tas)s +it% bot% .o+er %ell an$ (ra&%ical utilities" E-tensive use of /rou& .olicy to auto'ate all as&ects of co'&uter confi(uration" 0in$o+s u&$ate &atc%in( +it% 0 1 " oft+are $e&loy'ent +it% olar0in$s .atc%2ana(er" 3&eratin( syste' 40in$o+s !5 $e&loy'ent usin( 2icrosoft De&loy'ent 6ool)it" I inte(rate$ .atc%2ana(er, 0 1 , /rou& .olicy an$ .o+er %ell to allo+ for $e&loye$ co'&uters to be co'&letely o&erational +it% t%e latest a&&rove$ soft+are" etu& an$ confi(ure Cisco * * fire+alls +it% V.7 connectivity to en%ance net+or) security" Reva'& 8ayer 2 net+or)s +it% role base$ V8*79s usin( Cisco I3 base$ s+itc%es an$ * * fire+alls to create net+or) se('entation" De&loy an$ 'aintain 0in$o+s erver 2008R2 servers, an$ &erfor' 'i(rations to 0in$o+s erver 2012" De&loy an$ 'aintain 2icrosoft E-c%an(e erver 2010 inte(rate$ +it% :lac)berry Enter&rise erver E-&ress an$ :lac)berry Enter&rise ervice 10" 2aintain 2icrosoft ;8 2008R2 an$ II servers an$ a$'inistrate various ;8 base$ a&&lications suc% as %are&oint 200!, InfoHR an$ a(e *" Res&onsible for t%e o&erations of a s'all call center usin( Cisco 1nifie$ Co''unications 2ana(er, Cisco 1nity Connection, Cisco Call 2ana(er E-&ress an$ Call 2ana(er E-&ress" .lanne$ an$ $e&loye$ +ireless net+or)s usin( 1bi<uti access &oints" 2onitorin( of essential syste's usin( 7a(ios" Docu'entation of client net+or)s" Virtuali=ation of servers an$ virtual $es)to& infrastructure usin( V20are E >i an$ Hy&er-V" 1se 2ana(e En(ine erviceDes) to i'&le'ent effective en$ user su&&ort"

--. Air Ca ets% -amilton, ON F;ne 200' G +re ent System A ministrator A &ol;nteer t4at et ;2 and r;n H 15 %om2;ter A%ti&e ,ire%tory #a ed net"ork$ Admini tered A%ti&e ,ire%tory, Iro;2 +oli%y, ,NS, )S8S, ,-C+, Net"ork +rintin5, and File Stora5e on a )indo" 200'(2 er&er$ /i5rated %om2;ter :rom )indo" *+ to )indo" 7 and mi5rated t4e er&er :rom Ser&er 2003 Small 1; ine Ser&er to Ser&er 200'(2$ 1;ilt %om2;ter :rom #ot4 ;r2l; 2art a "ell a #rand ne" 4ard"are$ (op)+ation Hea+t* Resear/* Instit)te 0HHS1% -amilton, ON Fan;ary 2007 G Se2tem#er 2011 System A ministrator 0CO2O( an S)mmer St) ent1 Tier1 < Tier2 end ; er ;22ort "it4 &ario; de kto2 o2eratin5 y tem ;%4 a )indo" *+, )indo" 7 and O2enSolari $ Ja 2er ky and /%A:ee; o2eration ; in5 Ja 2er ky 8ni:ied /ana5ement Con ole and /%A:ee e+oli%y Or%4e trator$ 7ed a 2ilot 2roKe%t to mi5rate all %om2;ter to )indo" 7$ ,ele5ated in%omin5 ti%ket to t4e %orre%t 5ro;2 $ +er:orm A%ti&e ,ire%tory admini trati&e "ork and tro;#le 4ootin5 +er:orm maintenan%e and tro;#le 4ootin5 on ,ell and S;n er&er 4ard"are$ (e 2on i#le :or t4e re2air o: all +C 4ard"are Cana ian $or/es% -amilton, ON F;ne 200' G Fan;ary 2010 Signa+ Operator 1;ilt ;2 &al;a#le o:t kill ;%4 a di %i2line, team"ork and leader 4i2 in a 4i54ly demandin5 en&ironment$ 7earned a#o;t t4e o2eration o: radio e=;i2ment, radio t4eory :;ndamental , :ir t aid, and tr;%k maintenan%e amon5 ot4er kill $ (e:eren%e a&aila#le ;2on re=;e t$

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