Supply Chain Management

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Supply Chain Management

Course Number 2108 Professor Jan Hammond Fall; Q1Q2; 3 credits 28 sessions Exam or Paper

Career Focus
This course is appropriate for students interested in pursuing careers in any management function (e g ! operations! mar"eting! and finance# in firms that ma"e! sell and$or distri%ute physical products! as &ell as in companies (e g ! consulting firms! in'estment %an"s! pri'ate e(uity firms! and soft&are pro'iders# that offer products and ser'ices to those firms or analy)e! e'aluate! and$or in'est in those firms

Educational Objectives
*upply +hain ,anagement (*+,# %uilds on aspects of the First-.ear Technology and /perations ,anagement (T/,# course 0o&e'er! &hereas first-year T/, focuses primarily on producing and de'eloping products and ser'ices! *+, emphasi)es managing product a'aila%ility! especially in a context of rapid product proliferation! short product life cycles! and glo%al net&or"s of suppliers and customers 0ence! topics not examined in first-year T/, such as in'entory management! distri%ution economics! production planning! and managing suppliers are explored in depth in *+, *+, also differs from first-year T/, in that first-year T/, concentrates primarily on material and information flo&s &ithin an organi)ation! &hereas *+, focuses on managing material and information flo&s across functional and organi)ational %oundaries 1ue to the %oundary-spanning nature of supply chain management! the *+, course also has strong lin"s to the first year courses in mar"eting! leadership! control! and finance The course emphasi)es the 2general manager3s perspecti'e2 in supply chains +ases in the course illustrate that %arriers to integrating supply chains often relate to %eha'ioral issues (e g ! misaligned incenti'es and change management challenges# and operational execution pro%lems that fall s(uarely in the domain of the general manager The course ma"es clear that suita%le information technology and "no&ledge of analytical tools are necessary! %ut not sufficient! ingredients for supply chain integration

Content and Organization

The *upply +hain ,anagement course comprises four modules4

Module 1: Logistics - This module examines transportation economics! the role of distri%utors! and net&or" design for the efficient and effecti'e flo& and storage of goods and information in a supply chain Module 2: Planning - This module pro'ides an introduction to the %asics of supply chain management! &ith an emphasis on ho& to design and manage a supply chain to ensure that product supply meets product demand 5t introduces students to %asic analytical tools for demand forecasting! in'entory management and production planning as &ell as the role of in'entory in the %roader context of %usiness strategy and financial performance Module 3: Incentive Alignment - This module introduces students to the pro%lems that arise due to conflicting channel incenti'es across a supply chain and conflicting functional incenti'es &ithin a company and pro'ides a frame&or" for analy)ing these pro%lems Module 4: Sourcing and !erational "#ecution - This module considers ho& to manage supplier relationships and common execution pro%lems that undermine supply chain performance

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