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Grade 10 The first term Academic year: 2013 - 2014

MOCK TEST ONE ------I- PHONETICS: 1) A. mature B. passenger C. sad D. man 2) A. together B. specialize C. excellent D. intelligent 3) A. education B. prejudice C. secondary D. children 4) A. apologized B. explored C. decided D. wondered 5) A. engineering B. information C. occupation D. everybody 6) A. education B. immediately C. occasional D. experience 7) A. bicycle B. employee C. marvellous D. chemistry 8) A. technology B. biology C. history D. geography II- VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: 9) They tried to find a way of bettering their lives. A. moving B. changing C. achieving D. improving 10) Last year we had a bumper crop of strawberries. A. large crop B. poor crop C. early crop D. record crop 11) A night campfire a two-day trip will be a great event in our schooldays! A. in B. of C. on D. for 12) Its nice to have a weekend away the city. A. to B. from C. in D. of 13) There was a celebration on the . of the schools anniversary. A. opportunity B. occasion C. chance D. incident 14) The cheese is soft and white and absolutely . A. tasteful B. glorious C. delicious D. interesting 15) . Tom was unable to see anything, he knew some one was in his room. A. Because B. In case C. If D. Even though 16) . the weather was awful , we postponed the flight to Nha Trang . A. Because B.Because of C.Although D.In spite of 17) We took many pictures . the cloudy sky. A. despite of B. even though C. despite D. because of 18) I have tried hard but cannot earn enough money. means . A. Although I have tried hard, I cannot earn enough money. B. I have tried hard and so I cannot earn enough money . C. I have tried hard so that I cannot earn enough money. D. I have tried hard to I cannot earn enough money. 19) - Customer: Excuse me? - Shopkeeper: Yes .? A. Can you help me B. How can I help you C. What happens D. Help me 20) .. - Speaking. A. What are you doing? B. Hold on, please. C. Could I speak to Tim, please? D. Im putting on ou through now. III- ERROR IDENTIFICATION: 21) If the roads in my village (A) are resurfaced and raised (B), they were not (C) flooded and muddy after heavy rain (D). 22) Nam isnt here now (A); he has been (B) to the market (C) to get (D) some food. 23) It is very surprised (A) that he came (B) to class (C) late (D). 24) We look (A) forward to having (B) the solutions for (C) the problems of traffic jams (D). IV- GAP FILL:

Grade 10 The first term Academic year: 2013 - 2014

* PASSAGE 1: Television is one of man's most important (25) .. of communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. A person with a TV set can sit in in his house and watch the president (26) .. a speech or visit a foreign country. He can see a war being fought and watch statesmen try to bring about peace. Through television, home viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in far away lands. TV even takes its viewers out of this world. It brings them coverage of America's astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space. (27) .. all these things , TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programmers which are designed to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more (28) .. programmes than any other kind. The programmes include action - packed dramas, light comedies, sporting events and motion pictures. 25) A. procedure B. means C. manner D. technology 26) A. compose B. type C. computerize D. make 27) A. In addition to B. As to C. Beside D. By 28) A. excitement B. distraction C. fun D. entertainment * PASSAGE 2: My village is about 50 kilometers (29) .. the city center. It is a very beautiful place (30) .. people plant flowers and vegetables only. It is very famous for its pretty roses and picturesque scenes. The air is quite fresh, however, the smell of roses make people (31) .. cool. In spring, my village looks (32) .. a carpet with plenty of colors. Tourists come to visit it so often. Nowadays, with electricity, it doesnt take the villagers much time to water the roses. 29) A. on B. at C. from D. away 30) A. where B. which C. that D. of which 31) A. to feel B. feel C. feeling D. felt 32) A. as B. same C. alike D. like V- READING COMPREHENSION: * PASSAGE 1: Personal computers, or PCs, are an important part of our everyday lives. Many people cannot imagine life without them. One of the most important people in making these machines work is Bill Gates. Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He grew up in a rich family. His parents sent him to a private school. There he met his business partner, Paul Allen. When they were in eighth grade, they were writing programs for business computers and making more. In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy. They thought he would get over his obsession with computers and become a lawyer like his father. Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his friend Allen. They worked eighteen hours a day in a dormitory room at Harvard. They were writing the program that would run one of the first personal computers. In 1975, they created a company called Microsoft to sell their products. Allen became ill with cancer and left Microsoft in 1983. He recovered a few years later and started his own company. Meanwhile, Microsoft became a giant company. By 1990, at the age of thirty-four, Gates was the youngest billionaire in the history of the United States. He was the "King of Software". He achieved his success with a lot of hard work. For more than ten years, he worked sixteen-hour days, seven days a week. He had a dream and the will to succeed. By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States. 33) According to the writer, . A. people cannot live without personal computers B. computers play an important part of our lives C. Bill Gates invented personal computers

Grade 10 The first term Academic year: 2013 - 2014

D. Bill Gates is the most important people in computer science 34) The words "dropped out of" in line 8 mean .. A. graduated from B. got over C. took part in D. stopped taking class at 35) According to the passage, .. A. Bill Gate's parents wanted him to become a computer programmer. B. Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft because they want to sell their program for personal computers. C. Paul Allen left Microsoft because he wanted to start his own company. D. Bill Gates met his business partner at Harvard. 36) Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? A. In a few years, Microsoft became a very large company. B. Bill Gates and Paul Allen first wrote programs for business computers when they were about fifteen. C. Bill Gates earned his success by working very hard. D. Bill Gates is the richest man in the United States. * PASSAGE 2: Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same road to work every day? Do you sit in the same class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do because we all have routines in our lives? Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking. Thats why they are so important in the morning when your brain isnt active. Here Jos talking about her morning routine. Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at seven oclock every morning, but I dont get up until quarter past seven. I switch on the radio and listen to the news. Then I go to the loo and I brush my teeth. I have a shower and dry my hair. Then I choose my clothes and I get dressed. I dont eat anything for breakfast. I just have a cup of coffee. Then I go to work. Yes, its always the same. Routines are very useful but they make you uncreative. So sometimes its a good idea to break your routines. Get out the bed on opposite side. Listen to a different radio station. Take a different route to work. Eat something different for breakfast. Change your routine. You never know. It could change your life. 37) According to the passage, routines are useful because A. We can do them in the morning C. they make a habit of never thinking B. They save time and energy D. we all have them in our lives 38) The word loo can best be replaced with.. A. balcony B. bedroom C. sink D. toilet 39) What is the main disadvantage of routine? A. Routines make us unable to create things or have new ideas. B. Routines may change our life. C. Routines make a habit of never thinking before doing. D. Routines make us do the same things day after day. 40) Which of the sentences is true? A. Routines make our brain creative. B. People who have routines are unable to think. C. We shouldnt break our routines. D. Our lives could be changed if we change our routines. VI- SUPPLY THE CORRECT TENSE OF THE VERBS: 41) Sharo eventually.. (find) the job she .(want) last year, although she. (graduate) the year before.

Grade 10 The first term Academic year: 2013 - 2014

42) When the ship.. (hit) the reef, most of the crew .(play) cards, and the passengers .(have) dinner. 43) How many times (I / show ) .. you how dangerous it is since you (arrive) here? 44) It is the first time Mr. Smith (teach) our class effectively. 45) This room (not use) .. as a classroom for a year. 46) Those trees (plant) ... in the garden by the students yesterday. 47) By the time you return from your holiday, this street (finish) . 48) A lot of trees (blow) down in the storm last night. VII- SUPPLY THE CORRECT FORM OF VERBS: 49) Would you mind (show) me how (work) the lift. 50) Before (give) evidence you must swear (speak) the truth. 51) I tried (persuade) him (agree) with your proposal. 52) Your windows need (clean) .Would you like me (do) them for you. VIII- SUPPLY THE CORRECT FORM OF THE WORDS: 53) VTV4 is Vietnams .. television channel. People who live inb other countries can watch it. (NATION) 54) There will be .. and a buffet luncheon for a cost of $30. (ENTERTAIN) 55) I dont like quizzes because my general is so poor. (KNOW) 56) Radio presents information and entertainment .. and we receive them through our ears. (ORAL) IX- REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES: 57) Hemingway developed a very concise writing style. His name is well- known throughout the world. (Combine into one, using Relative clause) . 58) In the room, we saw a lot of children and pets. They sang and danced happily. (Relative clause) . 59) No one has seen Peter since the day of the party. (Passive voice) . 60) Sue is going to write the book. (Passive voice) . 61) Although he was seriously ill, he was determined to finish his work. (In spite of) . 62) Because of the heavy rain, they couldnt go for a picnic last weekend. (Because) . 63) You can stay in my house when I am on holiday. John told us . 64) Im sorry I couldnt come to visit you last summer Mary said

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