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Food and eating habits

LICEUL TEORETIC G. IBRILEANU IAI TEACHER: JITRAU ROXANA- PETRONELA, JURAVLE ANDREEA, FUIOAGA RALUCA- DANIELA CLASS: 9 D LEVEL: Intermediate NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 29 pupils DATE: 20 of May 2013 TIME OF LESSON: 12.10- 13.00 LESSON TOPIC: Food and eating habits APPROACH: Communicative- Reading LESSON AIMS: To create a pleasant atmosphere; To create interest in the topic; To revise/ introduce vocabulary related to the topic; To raise expectations and create involvement in the reading task; To practise extensive and intensive reading ( skimming and scanning); To motivate students to use the new vocabulary/ to encourage Ss to give a personal response to the text.

SKILLS: Integrated, mainly reading and speaking

DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: a) Procedural resources: Conversation; Explanation; Listening and reading comprehension. b) Material resources: The blackboard; Students notebooks; Handouts. TEACHERS ROLE: Organizer, Coordinator, Advisor, Resource, Help.

PROCEDURE: Lesson stage 1.Warm up Aim -to create a pleasant atmosphere;

-to come closer to the topic;

Procedure T marks the absent Ss (if any), checks the materials which are necessary for the lesson and if Ss are prepared for the lesson. T checks homework: Ss were asked to write about three of their favourite jobs ( main advantages of having these jobs). T asks a few Ss to come to the front of the class and read what they wrote. T corrects the mistakes ( if necessary).

Skills Speaking

Type of interaction T- Ss

Timing/ Duration 5 minutes

2. Pre- reading

-to revise/ introduce vocabulary related to the topic; -to motivate students to talk about the topic; -to raise expectations and create involvement in the reading task;

Teacher writes the title of the sketch on the Speaking blackboard,Food and eating habits and Ss must Writing solve a questionnaire regarding their eating habits and favorite dishes. Students solve the quiz discovering how healthy is their diet.(individual work) Then teacher leads the feedback session. T tells Ss they are going to read a sketch whose title is How to order something to eat.

T-Ss Ss-Ss

10 minutes

3.While- reading

-to listen and read to confirm expectations; -to read for general understanting (skimming)

Teacher asks studenst if they know which country the food on that menu is from. (individual work) Teacher asks how they knew, was there something that gave it away (What?). Teacher asks Ss to read the task before they are given the handouts with the sketch. Ss are asked to read the text silently and underline the unknown words. If necessary, T explains the unknown words: grilled salmon, veal casserole , mashed potato ,bill.

Speaking Reading Writing

T-Ss Ss-Ss

10 minutes

-to read for specific information (scanning)

Next T sets a task so that Ss can focus on more detailed understanding: Ss are asked to group the words from the menu into categories like Meat, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices. (pair work) T must explain and and teach menu reading by explaining the common three courses we use: entre, main course and dessert. Entre / starter These are small portions of food, usually as a start to the meal while you are waiting for the bigger or main meal. Main course The larger, main dish that is the focus of the meal. The verbs in the vocabulary section can be practiced here as they are often used for main course: baked, boiled, fried, grilled, poached, steamed, roasted, and stewed. For example, grilled salmon, roast beef. (verb-ed + meat/vegetable/seafood). Dessert Is usually a sweet dish to eat after your meal, sometimes with coffee, tea or sweet alcohol (liqueur). Then Ss are asked to fill in the gaps in the exercise given on the handout.( pair work) T checks understanding and leads the feedback session.

Speaking Reading Writing

T- Ss Ss- Ss


4.Post- reading

-to motivate Ss to use the new vocabulary; -to encourage Ss to give a personal response to the text;

T asks Ss to create a dialog in which they order something to eat. Ss must imagine that they are in a restaurant and one mate will be the waiter and the other(s) will be the customers. Ss write their dialogues and present them in front of the class.

Speaking Writing Reading

T- Ss

10 minutes

5.Evaluation and homework

-to practise the new vocabulary

T gives Ss feedback as to their performance during the class and gives homework. Ss must write about his/her favorite restaurant.


T- Ss

3 minutes


1.How often do you eat breakfast? a)every day b)most days c)never

2. What do you prefer for desert? a)fruit salad b)cookies


3. Which of the following drinks would you prefer for your breakfast? a)milk b)tea c)hot chocolate 4. Which of these places would you choose to celebrate your birthday? a)a picnic b)a pastry shop c)McDonalds 5. A perfect meal means for you: a)a home cooked meal b)a barbeque in the yard

c)a quick menu at the fast food

Your responses: Most A You have a very healthy diet, you prefer the products that offer body-building nutrition along with vitamins. Most B Your diet is mostly a healthy one but you cant say no to cookies or sweets, you try to eat healthy but you do not refuse a little pleasure once in a while. Most C You have a very unhealthy diet, you prefer the food that tastes great but offers little nutrition, the so called junk food is your favorite

Sample Dialogue :

Waiter: Welcome to Antico's. Here are your menus. Customer: Have you got any specials today? Waiter: Yes. Today's special is grilled salmon. I'll be back to take your order in a minute. ... Waiter: Are you ready to order? Customer 1: Yes. I'd like the prawn spaghetti please. Waiter: Would you like anything for entre? Customer 1: No thank you, were just going to have mains tonight. Waiter: Ok sure, and you? Customer 2: I'll have the veal casserole with vegetables and mashed potato please. Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? Customer 1: I'll have a coke, please. Waiter: And for you? Customer 2: Just water, please.

Waiter: OK. So that's one prawn spaghetti, one veal casserole with vegetables and mashed potato, one coke, and one water. I'll take your menus. ... Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal. ... Waiter: How was everything? Customers 2: Delicious, thanks. Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert? Customer 1: No, just the bill please.

Use the words below to fill in gaps : Favorite / table cloth / go / few / corners / delicious / order / restaurant / pleasant / but / quick / lovely I like to eat out and I go to a (1)_______________________ for dinner twice a week. I usually (2)___________ with my husband, Bill. Our (3)__________________ restaurant is an Indian restaurant in Cleveland Street in Surry Hills. It is not very big (4)__________________ it is always busy. There are only a (5)_________________ tables in the restaurant and there is a white (6)_____________________ on each table. There is also a The Smith Family Home Tutor Scheme vase with (7)_________________ flowers on each table. There are plants in the (8)____________________. We usually (9)____________________ hot curries and eat them with rice. The food is (10)__________________ so we enjoy it very much. The service is (11)____________________ and friendly. Bill and I always have a (12)___________________ evening at our favorite restaurant.

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