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(1) I have not done iniquity. Variant: Acting with falsehood.

(3) I have not done violence (To anyone or anything). Variant: Rapacious ( Taking by force; plundering.) (4) I have not committed theft. Variant: Coveted. (5) I have not murdered man or woman. Variant: Or ordered someone else to commit murder. (6) I have not defrauded offerings. Variant: or destroyed food supplies or increased or decreased the measures to profit. (7) I have not acted deceitfully. Variant: With crookedness. (8) I have not robbed the things that belong to God. (9) I have told no lies. (10) I have not snatched away food. (11) I have not uttered evil words. Variant: Or allowed myself to become sullen, to sulk or become depressed. (12) I have attacked no one. (13) I have not slaughtered the cattle that are set apart for the Gods. Variant: The Sacred bull (Apis) (14) I have not eaten my heart (overcome with anguish and distraught). Variant: Committed perjury. (15) I have not laid waste the ploughed lands. (16) I have not been an eavesdropper or pried into matters to make mischief. Variant: Spy. (17) I have not spoken against anyone. Variant: Babbled, gossiped. (18) I have not allowed myself to become angry without cause. (19) I have not committed adultery. Variant: And homosexuality. (20) I have not committed any sin against my own purity. (21) I have not violated sacred times and seasons. (22) I have not done that which is abominable. (23) I have not uttered fiery words. I have not been a man or woman of anger. (24) I have not stopped my ears against the words of right and wrong (Maat). (25) I have not stirred up strife (disturbance). I have not caused terror. I have not struck fear into any man. (26) I have not caused any one to weep. Variant: Hoodwinked. (27) I have not lusted or committed fornication nor have I lain with others of my same sex. Variant: or sex with a boy. (28) I have not avenged myself. Variant: Resentment. (29) I have not worked grief, I have not abused anyone. Variant: Quarrelsome nature. (30) I have not acted insolently or with violence. (31) I have not judged hastily. Variant: or been impatient. (32) I have not transgressed or angered God. (33) I have not multiplied my speech overmuch (talk too much). (34) I have not done harm or evil. Variant: Thought evil. (35) I have not worked treason or curses on the King. (36) I have never befouled the water. Variant: held back the water from flowing in its season. (37) I have not spoken scornfully. Variant: Or yelled unnecessarily or raised my voice. (38) I have not cursed The God. (39) I have not behaved with arrogance. Variant: Boastful. (40) I have not been overwhelmingly proud or sought for distinctions for myself (Selfishness). (41) I have never magnified my condition beyond what was fitting or increased my wealth, except with such things as are (justly) mine own possessions by means of Maat. Variant: I have not disputed over possessions except when they concern my own rightful

possessions. Variant: I have not desired more than what is rightfully mine. (42) I have never thought evil (blasphemed) or slighted The God in my native town.

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