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3035 Olive Rd.
Trotwood, Ohio 45426

Internal Affairs Investigation

Executive Summary

To: Mike Etter, Public Safety Director

From: Major Quincy E. Pope Sr., M.P.A, CLEE

Subject: Internal Affairs Investigation

Date: December 24, 2007


Pursuant to your request, I conducted an internal investigation into the facts and
circumstances surrounding the incident that occurred on November 18, 2007, involving
Ms. Valreca Redden. You will recall, On November 21, 2007, our department received a
formal complaint from the National Action Network affiliated with the Reverend Al
Sharpton that complained about Ms. Redden being the victim of excessive force, verbal
abuse, and that Ms. Redden was denied help under the Ohio Safe Havens Act.

I would first like to address the issue of the Ohio Safe Havens Act as it pertains to this
particular incident, because Ms. Redden’s situation is not applicable to the Ohio Safe
Havens Act. The Ohio Safe Havens Act states the following:
A parent can leave a newborn infant that has been born less than 72 hours with

 A medical worker in a hospital;

 A medical worker at a fire department or other emergency service organization;
 A peace officer at a law enforcement agency.

In this particular situation, the child in question is 1 year of age.

Concerning the allegation that Ms. Redden was the victim of excessive force and verbal
abuse, the following will provide a comprehensive overview of my findings:


The central issue in physical force cases is whether an officer action is objectively
reasonable in light of the facts and circumstances at the time of the incident. Generally,
when law enforcement have used excessive force-deadly or not-in the course of an arrest,
investigatory stop, or other “seizure” of a free citizen it should be analyzed under the
“reasonableness approach.”

In order to determine whether a particular application of force is reasonable, there has to

be a careful review of the case-specific facts. In this particular case, the facts are:

On November 18, 2007, during the early morning hours, Valreca Redden drove her one-
year-old child to Montgomery County Children Services, located at 3403 North Main
Street, located in the City of Dayton. Ms. Redden attempted to leave her one-year-old
child in the care and custody of Children Services under the Ohio Safe Haven Act.
However, Ms. Redden’s situation did not qualify, because the Safe Haven Act only
applies to babies born within the first 72 hours. Therefore, intake workers at Children
Services attempted to gain additional information from Ms. Redden like her child’s name,
date of birth, biological father, medical history, and other pertinent information to set up
a safety/placement plan for Ms. Redden’s child. However, Ms. Redden refused to provide
any information and demanded someone take custody of her child.

During the course of conversation with intake workers at Children Services, Ms. Redden
became increasingly agitated and upset when asked for identification information, and
decided to leave with her child. Furthermore, Intake workers were unable to formulate a
safety/placement plan, because Ms. Redden refused to cooperate and fled the premises
with her child.

It is important to note: Intake workers at Children Services do not have the authority to
detain and/or physically arrest.

When Ms. Redden fled the premises at Children Services, she responded to 816 Burman
Avenue, located in the City of Trotwood. This location is where Mr. Maurice Cooper
resides. Mr. Cooper is the biological father of Ms. Redden’s one-year-old child, as well
as, the unborn child that Ms. Redden is currently carrying.

Upon arrival at 816 Burman Avenue, Ms. Redden made contact with Mr. Cooper and
became upset with him, because he would not take possession of their child. Therefore,
she attempted to commit an Aggravated Assault on Mr. Cooper by trying to run him over
in her vehicle. Mr. Cooper was able to avoid being struck by Ms. Redden’s vehicle and
immediately called 911 to report the incident to police. For more information on the 911
call from Mr. Cooper, please refer to the enclosed copy of the dispatch logs and the 911
tape from 816 Burman Avenue on November 18, 2007.

9 minutes after Ms. Redden attempted to run Mr. Cooper over with her vehicle, she
arrived at the Trotwood Police Department. Upon her arrival at the police department,
Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989)

Ms. Redden utilized the dispatch telephone located in the lobby of the police department
to request police service. Ms. Redden waited for about 7 minutes, before Office Wilmer
arrived on the scene. When Officer Wilmer arrived, he and Ms. Redden engaged in
discussion about her wanting to turn her child over to police custody. Ms. Redden refused
to provide her name, the child’s name, the child’s date of birth and/or the name of the
child’s biological father. Furthermore, Ms. Redden explained to Officer Wilmer that if he
did not take custody of the child that she did not know what she would do.

Officer Wilmer continued to try to get identification information from Ms. Redden.
However, she refused to provide any information about herself and/or the child and
became very agitated and upset. At one point during Ms. Redden’s discussions with
Officer Wilmer, she tells him that she is going to do something if someone does not take
her child, and she began to attempt to leave the police department with the child.

Officer Wilmer had a split second to make a decision and felt he had an obligation to act
and/or investigate the matter further, because of the statements Ms. Redden made to him
about doing something if someone did not take possession of her child. Officer Wilmer
states he feared for the safety of the child and needed more information from Ms. Redden
in order to determine what course of action to take with the child. As a result of Ms.
Redden’s refusal to cooperate with Officer Wilmer and provide identification on herself
and the child, as well as for the safety of the child, Officer Wilmer verbally advised Ms.
Redden that she was under arrest.

At the point that Officer Wilmer verbally communicated to Valreca Redden that she was
under arrest, Ms. Redden had an obligation to obey all lawful orders from this point,
because she was physically in-custody and was not free to go. Therefore, when Valreca
Redden tried to break free from Officer Wilmer’s grasp and continued to attempt to get
away, a reasonable officer could well have chosen to use escalated non-lethal force. The
only non-lethal choices known at this time not involving a firearm are: (1) physically
subduing Ms. Redden by engaging her (ex. striking with fists-grappling); (2) striking her
with weapons such as a asp; (3) using a chemical agent such as pepper spray or: (4) apply
an electric device such as a Taser device.

In a news interview on November 19, 2007, with Fox News Channel 22, Valreca Redden
even states, “ I just remember trying to go this way”. Therefore, she admits to resisting
arrest and disobeying Officer Wilmer’s lawful commands at the point he told her she was
under arrest. For more information about Valreca Redden’s statements to the press,
please refer to the enclosed copy of the interview with Fox News Channel 22.
Furthermore, the surveillance video from the police department’s lobby captures Valreca
Redden attempting to flee the scene after Officer Wilmer informs her that she was under
Departmental policy authorizes as correct and reasonable to utilize the Taser device on
an individual that resist arrest and/or pulls away from an Officer and/or refuses to move-
dead weight. See level two of the Use of Force Continuum below:
Trotwood Police General Orders-Effective January 1, 2006


IMPORTANT – The list of officer responses is not intended to be in any specific order, but reflects on
the amount of resistance encountered. The officer will choose the necessary response to gain
control of the situation based on the departmental policy, his physical capabilities, perception,
training and experience.


Weapons Used Against Officer

Attempting to Disarm Officer DEADLY FORCE
Life Threatening Weaponless Assaults

Striking or Kicking Officer BATON TECHNIQUES



Pulling away from Officer CHEMICAL SPRAYS

Refusing to Move – Dead Weight ELECTRICAL DEVICES-TASER

Not Responding to Commands BALANCE DISPLACEMENT

Verbal or Physical Danger Cues ESCORT POSITION


1. Age 1. Closeness of Weapon
2. Sex 2. Injury or Exhaustion
3. Size 3. Being on the Ground
4. Skill Level 4. Distance from the Subject
5. Multiple Subjects/Officers 5. Special Knowledge
6. Relative Strength 6. Availability of Other Options

Where Officer Wilmer committed an error in judgment is when he intentionally Tasered

Valreca Redden in the neck region. The neck should have been avoided unless the
resistance level of Valreca Redden necessitated this high level of response. The neck
region should only be targeted when officers are defending themselves or others from
violent attacks.

Officers that are certified in the use of the Taser and that participate in the advance Taser
familiarization course are trained the neck region is an highly effective region for
compliance. However, Officers are also trained to only target this area when they are
defending themselves or others from violent attacks.

In this particular instance, video surveillance coverage of the incident shows Officer
Wilmer was clearly in a position that he could have utilized his Taser on Ms. Redden’s
thighs and/or lower region, rather than her neck. However, Officer Wilmer chose the
neck region, even though Valreca Redden offered no violent resistance toward him or
others. Therefore, I find Officer Wilmer’s choice to apply the Taser to Ms. Redden neck
region as improper and in violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (103-B)

Use of Less Than Lethal Force

When an officer uses force, it must be reflective of the amount of resistance given by the person.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working
knowledge of the laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the
General Orders, policies, and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

It is also important to note. At no time during Valreca Redden’s initial contact with
Officer Wilmer and/or any other officers at the scene, did she disclose that she was
pregnant. Ms. Redden was wearing a large black coat and it was not apparent visibly that
she was pregnant. This is very important, because police officers deal with facts and
circumstances known to them at the time to make very critical decisions. In this particular
instance, the fact that Valreca Redden was pregnant and/or not pregnant had no bearing

on Officer Wilmer’s decision to use force, because he had no knowledge as to whether or
not Valreca Redden was pregnant or not pregnant.

In addition to the above, this investigation uncovered several other departmental policy
infractions. They are:

Officer Wilmer violated departmental policy when he failed to ensure a medic respond to
the scene to evaluate Ms. Redden after the Taser was deployed on her person. This is
improper and in violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (103-H)

Medical Aid After Use of Force

After deployment of a Taser, a request shall be made to the Trotwood Fire Department for medical
personnel. If the opinion of the Trotwood Fire Department, is further medical treatment is required, the
person shall be transported to a hospital.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General Orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working knowledge of the
laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the General Orders, policies,
and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of Trotwood.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Officer Wilmer violated departmental policy when he operated his police cruiser at 120mph
without due caution and safeguard for the public. This is improper and in violation of the
following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (502)

Vehicle Operations

When engaged in emergency operations, the operator of a police vehicle shall drive with due regard for
the safety of all persons and property upon the roadway.
Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General Orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working knowledge of the
laws of the State of Ohio, Laws and Ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the General Orders, Policies,
and Regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of Trotwood.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the prejudice of
good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department, is in violation of any
federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Sergeant Richard Wright violated departmental policy when he failed to ensure a medic respond
to the scene to evaluate Ms. Redden after the Taser was deployed on her person. This is
improper and in violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-6)

Failure to Exercise Supervisory Responsibility, that is,

Any member supervising any other person or persons subject to these orders, and willfully or through
neglect, fails to ensure compliance by such subordinates with all federal and state laws, county and
municipal ordinances, the provisions of this code of conduct and all Department Orders, rules, and
regulations applicable to such subordinate

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (103-H)

Medical Aid After Use of Force

After deployment of a Taser, a request shall be made to the Trotwood Fire Department for medical
personnel. If the opinion of the Trotwood Fire Department, is further medical treatment is required, the
person shall be transported to a hospital.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General Orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working knowledge of the
laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the General Orders, policies,
and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of Trotwood.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Sergeant Richard Wright violated departmental policy when he failed to ensure that photographs
were taken of the impact sites where Valreca Redden was Tasered in the neck. This is improper
and in violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-6)

Failure to Exercise Supervisory Responsibility, that is,

Any member supervising any other person or persons subject to these orders, and willfully or through
neglect, fails to ensure compliance by such subordinates with all federal and state laws, county and
municipal ordinances, the provisions of this code of conduct and all Department Orders, rules, and
regulations applicable to such subordinate

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (103-I)

Use of Less Than Lethal Force

Digital photos will be taken of the probe impact sites, if possible, along with any other related injuries.
Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Officer Wilmer violated departmental policy when he failed to ensure that photographs
were taken of the impact sites where Valreca Redden was Tasered in the neck. This is
improper and in violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (103-I)

Use of Less Than Lethal Force

Digital photos will be taken of the probe impact sites, if possible, along with any other related

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working
knowledge of the laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the
General Orders, policies, and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Officer Wilmer violated departmental policy when he documented inaccurate information

on the Taser sign-in and out log, as well as his offense report, when he documented that
he signed out Taser X00243056 regarding the Taser utilized on Valreca Redden. This
was not plausible when Officer Roy McGill provided the Taser utilized on Valreca
Redden to him. This is improper and in violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-8)

False Official Statements, that is,

Knowingly signs any false, misleading, or inaccurate police report, record, return, regulation, order,
or other official document.

Knowingly makes any other false, misleading, or inaccurate official statement.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working
knowledge of the laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the
General Orders, policies, and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Officer Wilmer violated departmental policy when he disseminated photographs of

evidence in an on-going Trotwood Police Department criminal case on his Myspace
website account. This is improper and in violation of the following departmental

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-10A)

Breach of Confidence, that is,

Divulges, reveals or communicates in any manner whatever any information concerning any matter of
official interest to the Department acquired or received and to be kept in a confidential manner, to any
person not authorized to acquire or receive such information.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working
knowledge of the laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the
General Orders, policies, and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Officer Wilmer violated departmental policy when he photographed himself operating a

city vehicle at 120mph. This is improper and in violation of the following departmental

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working
knowledge of the laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the
General Orders, policies, and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Officer Wilmer violated departmental policy when he disseminated unprofessional

Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) messages from his police cruiser. This is improper and in
violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working
knowledge of the laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the
General Orders, policies, and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood Police Department.

Officer Wilmer violated departmental policy when he provided inaccurate information as

to when he did actually learn that Valreca Redden was pregnant. This is improper and in
violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-8)

False Official Statements, that is,

Knowingly makes any other false, misleading, or inaccurate official statement.

Officer McGill violated departmental policy when he failed to properly sign-in and out
his Taser on the sign-in and out log for November 18, 2007. This is improper and in
violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working
knowledge of the laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the
General Orders, policies, and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of

Sergeant Fred Beck violated departmental policy when he disseminated unprofessional

Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) messages from his police cruiser. This is improper and in
violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working knowledge of the
laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the General Orders, policies,
and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of Trotwood.

Officer Thomas Quigley violated departmental policy when he failed to make a written report
and/or investigate further the domestic violence complaint at 816 Burman Avenue, where
Valreca Redden allegedly attempted to strike the biological father of her child with her vehicle.
This is improper and in violation of the following departmental policies:

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (606-E)

Domestic Violence

An officer who investigates Domestic Violence or an alleged violation of a Protection Order or

Consent Agreement shall make a written report of the incident whether or not an arrest is made.
The report shall document the officer’s observations, any visible injuries, any weapons at the scene
and actions or statements of the parties or witnesses. If an arrest is not made, the officer must
articulate in the report a clear and concise statement stating the reason an arrest was not made.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-1)

Knowledge of Laws, Ordinances, General Orders, Policy

Unless otherwise provided, all members are required to establish and maintain a working knowledge of the
laws of the State of Ohio, laws and ordinances of the City of Trotwood, and the General Orders, policies,
and regulations of the Trotwood Police Department and the City of Trotwood.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-36)

General Offense, that is

Commits any neglect or disorder, though not specifically mentioned herein, which is to the
prejudice of good order and discipline in the Department, impairs the efficiency of the Department,
is in violation of any federal, state, municipal, county, law or ordinance, or is of a nature to bring
discredit upon the Department.

Trotwood Police Department General Orders (307-37)

Mission Statement or Core Values, that is,

Fails to abide by the Mission Statement or Core Values of the Trotwood

In regard to the allegation that Valreca Redden was verbally abused, I find there is insufficient
evidence either to prove or disprove the allegation. There is video surveillance of the incident.
However, there is no audio component. It is Ms. Redden’s word against Officer Wilmer’s word. The
first officer to arrive on the scene after Officer Wilmer was Officer Roy McGill who did not arrive
until 3 minutes after Officer Wilmer and Valreca Redden made contact. Therefore, in light of these
circumstances, I find this allegation as: Inconclusive

Finally, during the course of this investigation, I discovered a couple of Montgomery County
Sheriff’s Office dispatchers had engaged in unprofessional Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) messaging
with Officer Wilmer. Therefore, Detective Sergeant Erik Wilson and I met with Sheriff’s Office
internal affairs personnel and command to communicate what we learned. The Sheriff’s Office is
looking into the matter.


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