Lab Notebook

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Chemistry Lab Notebook/Write-Up Format Mrs.

Currys Classes
Your lab notebook should be a permanent record of everything you do in the laboratory. It is essential that you write down your entire procedure and everything you observe during the lab activity, so that you (or someone else) could repeat the exact procedure you carried out in order to validate your results. Keeping careful records of laboratory work requires practice on your part. As you gain experience with keeping a lab notebook, your records will improve, and the process will seem like less of a chore. The following are guidelines to help you as you learn the process of keeping a lab notebook.

First Things First! - You will need a bound composition book with graph paper inside.
Put your name on the front (outside) cover of the lab notebook, followed by Honors Chemistry I Mrs. Currys and your class period number. If page numbers are not already present on the pages of your notebook, number each page (just the right where you will write) in the top outside corner. Leave pages 1 & 2 blank at the beginning of the notebook to allow space for a Table of Contents. Your first lab entry should begin on page 3, which is a right-hand page.

Preparing the Notebook for the Lab Activity (Use only blue or black permanent ink.)
When you come to class on lab day your lab notebook must be ready to record data. If your written prelab assignment is not complete you will not be allowed to work on the lab activity. You will need to complete the prelab before you can begin work on the lab, even if that means you must complete the lab after school. Before you can prepare your notebook you need to be familiar with what the lab activity is about what you are investigating, and the methods you will be using. Read through the lab handout thoroughly, and then do the following:

Performed Experiment:
Lab book prepared -10 Appropriate dress/ shoes-5 Know what you are doing-5 Total: _____/20

Format, Etc.
Put the date (month, day, year) in the upper outside corner of the right-hand page (just below the page number). Under the date, write Partner: followed by the name of your lab partner(s) for this lab. Below the date, over in the center of the page, put the number and title of the lab. Total: _____/3 After the title, aligned with the left margin, write the purpose or objective of the lab. You can usually find this in the lab handout, and you may copy the purpose directly into your lab notebook. After the objective/purpose.(Benchmark) After the plan, write a summary (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) of the procedure to be carried out. Include references to background information in your text, if needed. State how this relates / can prove the objective. After the purpose, list the materials (with quick sketch of equipment) to be used in this lab activity. After the Materials section, include a brief Safety Precautions section that states the hazards associated with the materials and procedures you will work on in the lab, and the safety measures you will take to keep yourself and your lab partner safe during the lab activity Write the details (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) of the procedure to be carried out number these statements. Illustrate any setups. Collect data include the readings of any graduated instrument one extra decimal place. From the lab handout, decide the format that is best for collecting the data. Most of the time this will be a table draw the table neatly (USE A RULER!). Place headings in the table to show where to record each observation. Number the

Title & Objective


Materials, Safety and Procedure details:

Data & Observations:

tables consecutively and give each one a descriptive title that tells what data are recorded there (Table 1 is NOT a descriptive title).

Analysis / Conclusion / Evaluation:

Based on the data did you prove or disprove your objective. Calculations; when appropriate include any new formulas, significant figures and units corrected. Graphing any data on a full page graph on the left page, use a pencil. Analysis of the lab complete, sources of error determined, detailed and discussed.

Recording Entries in the Notebook

All entries must be made in blue or black permanent ink. Ballpoint pen is preferred over gel ink or roller ball pens (because it does not run as quickly if liquid is spilled on the notebook). Notebook entries must be legible readable by me. All numerical entries should have the correct number of significant figures and an appropriate unit. If you make an error, cross out the error with a single line and write the correct information just above the incorrect entry. Do NOT scribble out errors or use white -out or attempt to erase an error. ALL DATA MUST BE KEPT!! (You may think you know what is supposed to happen but you may learn more from your errors than you think!) NEVER remove pages from your lab notebook! Where there is unused space or a blank page, draw one diagonal line through the page and write in purposefully left blank. Record your observations as you carry out the steps of your procedure. DO NOT WRITE ON SMALL SCRAPS OF PAPER, INTENDING TO TRANSFER THE DATA TO THE NOTEBOOK LATER!!! RECORD EVERYTHING IN THE NOTEBOOK DIRECTLY! Include ALL observations, as well as details of containers, experimental conditions, etc. Do not use the first person (I, me) in your descriptions of observations. Use the third person (the investigator) or the passive voice to describe your observations. Use the past tense of verbs to describe what was done. Include a labeled drawing, if needed. Also record your reactions to your observations, along with any additional ideas about the work that you may have. (Remember to avoid using I or me.) Your notebook should be kept so that someone else who does not know you could repeat the experiment with only your notebook as a guide.

Laboratory Write-Up Requirements Chem I Honors

Your lab write-up will be done in your lab notebook, and will be a continuation of the work you have already done to prepare for the lab activity and collect the data. Follow the example format below to complete your lab write-up. When you are finished, print out the Lab Report Rubric from my website, and attach it to the page facing the title page of the lab report. Complete your own evaluation of the report using the rubric and bring your lab notebook to class on the date the lab report is due.

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