St. Mary's Catholic Church: Mass Schedule and Intentions

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Marys Catholic Church

February 09, 2014 P.O. Box 70 Malta, MT 59538 Email: Fr. Cory Sticha-Administrator Office: (406) 654-1446 RE Center: (406) 654-1311 Fax: (406)654-1467

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Feb. 10: Malta - 5:30 PM: For the r epose of the soul of Fr . Cody r /b Pat Davis Feb. 11 Malta - 8:30 AM: For the repose of the soul of Doris Johnson r/b Karen Hould Feb. 12: Malta 8:30 AM: For Fr . Cor y r /b The Gar y Howells Feb. 13: Hi-Line-10:00AM: For the Poor Souls in Pur gator y r /b The Lester Metzs Feb. 14: Malta - 8:30 PM: For the r epose of the soul of Fr . Fr ank Kelley r /b KC Council #2124 Feb. 15: Malta 5:30 PM: For the r epose of the soul of Stephanie Leibel r /b Diane Leibel Feb. 16: Dodson- 8:30 AM: For the r epose of the soul of Br yan Weber r /b J D & Katie Weber Malta - 10:00 AM: For the par ishioner s Saco - 12:15 PM: For the r epose of the souls of the Flor ean Rocks r /b Helen Depuydt

St. Marys Ministers

Saturday, Feb. 15, 5:30 PM Lectors: Music: EMHCS: Altar Servers: Sacristan: Hospitality: Gift Bearers: Mike Ereaux Volunteers J er r y Depute & Bob Dar r ah Don Nevr ivy Jerry Depute Brue Hould Family Br ue Hould Family Sunday, Feb. 16 - 10:00 AM Meghan Johnson & Terry Stiles Volunteers Scott & Kathy King,& Volunteer Tamela Abrahamson & Dally Niebur Bonnie LaBrie Tom Niebur Family Tom Niebur Family

Sacred Heart Ministers

Lector: Deser ae EMHCS: Ken& Wink Gift Bearers: Deser ae Killeagle's Church Cleaning for February Bonnie Lankford

New Email Addresses at St. Marys

(just like the parish website): Parish office: office@SaintMar ysMalta.or g Fr. Cory: fr cor y@SaintMar ysMalta.or g Lana: lana@SaintMar ysMalta.or g Shawna: shawna@SaintMar ysMalta.or g

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

9 AM to 4 PM Join us on 1st Friday, March 7, 2014

Scriptural Rosary
Will be held on March 09, 2014 after 10:00AM Mass at St. Marys Church.

Can you not spend one hour with me? (Mt 26:40)

Pro Life Message

The Popes First Encyclical
Pope Benedict XVI says the following words in his first encyclical letter God is Love: In sacramental communion I become one with the Lord, like all the other communicants. As Saint Paul says, Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread (1 Cor 10:17). Union with Christ is also union with all those to whom he gives himself. I cannot possess Christ just for myself; I can belong to him only in union with all those who have become, or who will become, his own. Love of God and love of neighbor are now truly united: God incarnate draws us all to himself. Here the usual contraposition between worship and ethics simply falls apart. Worship itself, Eucharistic communion, includes the reality both of being loved and of loving others in turn. A Eucharist which does not pass over into the concrete practice of love is intrinsically fragmented (n. 14). These words remind us of our calling to love all our neighbors, born and

Daily Readings,
Sun.Sat. Feb.09Is 58: 7-10, Ps 112:4-9, 1 Cor. 2:1-5, Mt 5: 13-16 Feb. 10 1Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13 Ps 132:6-10, Mk 6:5356 Feb. 111Kgs 8: 22-23,27-30 ,Ps 84:3-5, 10-11 Mk 7: 1-13

Feb. 121Kgs 10: 1-10 , Ps 37:5-6,30-31, 39-40 Mk 7:14-23

Feb. 131Kg:11 4-13, Ps 106: 3-4,35-37,40 Mk 7: 24-30 Feb. 141Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19, Ps 81:10-15, Mk 7:31-37 Feb 151Kg 12:26-31:13:33-34, Ps106: 6-7,19-22 Mk 8: 1-10

Collection Totals for Last Week

Malta: Dodson: Saco: Collected $2049.50 $ 321.00 $ 206.00 Needed $2,721.58 $ 110.00 $ 172.25

How the Seven Sacraments Touch Our Lives and Builds the Kingdom presented by Tim Maroney, St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, Havre February 20, 2014

New to the Parish?

Welcome! Were glad youll be joining us! If you would like to register with the parish, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket. You can also bring it by the parish office or send it to us. Name: Address: Phone number: Email address: Current parishioners: you can use this form to notify us of any change of address or phone number. Thanks!

Care and Share 2013

(Received by Diocese as of January 31, 2014) Goal Malta/Whitewater: $23,789.36 Dodson: $3,920.51 Saco: $1,244.11 Remaining $5,746.36 $2,000.51 184.11

Thank you for your support of Care and Share!

February Pope Francis Prayer Intentions

Elders. That the Church and society may respect the wisdom and experience of older people. For Evangelization Collaboration in Evangelization. That priests, religious, and lay people may work together with generosity for evangelization and respects the dignity of all peoples.

Twelve Things Everyone Should Know About the Contraceptive Mandate

On July 2, 2013, the Obama Administration published a final rule mandating contraception and sterilization coverage in almost all private health plans nationwide, with an extremely narrow exemption for some religious employers. The final rule leaves earlier versions of the mandate unchanged, except that it makes minor changes in the accommodation determining how the mandate will be applied to the employees of religious organizations not eligible for the exemption. Important points to understand:

Sin in my Life Modern society has lost a sense of sin. As a Catholic follower of Christ, I must make an effort to recognize sin in my daily actions, words and omissions. The Gospels show how important is the forgiveness of our sins. Lives of saints prove that the person who grows in holiness has a stronger sense of sin, sorrow for sins, and a need for the Sacrament of Penance or Confession. The Differences in Sins As a result of Original Sin, human nature is weakened. Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ's grace, takes away Original Sin, and turns us back toward God. The consequences of this weakness and the inclination to evil persist, and we often commit personal or actual sin.

Actual sin is sin which people commit. There are two kinds of actual sin, mortal and venial.
Mortal sin is a deadly offense against God, so horrible that it destroys the life of grace in the soul. Three simultaneous conditions must be fulfilled for a mortal sin: 1) the act must be something very serious; 2) the person must have sufficient understanding of what is being done; 3) the person must have sufficient freedom of the will. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

2. The mandate generally does not exempt hospitals, colleges, universities, separately incorporated elementary or high schools, or other ministries of service. These ministries are vital to the mission of the Church, but the Administration does not deem them religious employers deserving conscience protection because they are not covered by a narrow provision of the tax code primarily aimed at houses of worship. Yet it is precisely these organizations religious motivation that drives them to serve the common good of societya purpose that government should encourage, not punish.

Please keep in your prayers:

Please pray for Brooklyn Moog, Dale McNamara & Family, Noel Edmond, Willis McKeon, Doris Nicholson, Janessa Salsbery, Bill Starkey, Bob Darrah, Vaughn Lefdahl, Deacon Mel Rutherford, Terry Stiles, Kenny Ulrich, Gerry Williams, those from our local area serving in the military, and the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call: Brenda Rummel at 301-0936; Jean Niebur at 654-2822. Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month unless specified. Knights of Columbus Feb. 9Coffee & Rolls Feb. 11 KC Meeting in Saco Please Volunteer for Activities

Carpeting Replacement
Arts Furniture has given us an estimate of $9100 to replace all carpeting on the main floor, including the sanctuary and entrance. Any contributions to defray the expense of replacement will be greatly appreciated! To Date: 5000.00 has been collected so we only have $1816.50 left to pay. Thank you to all who have contributed.

Confessions: Satur days 4 - 5 p.m., 1/2 hour before daily Mass (Mon.- Fri.) or by appointment Anointing of the Sick: Please contact Fr . Cor y as soon as possible for anointing. Baptism: Normally celebrated at Sunday Mass.

Parental sessions are required. Marriages: Six month couple pr epar ation per iod required. Please contact Fr. Cory before scheduling marriage date.

Mass Intentions
As Catholics, we have a long tradition of having Masses celebrated for those we wish to offer up in prayer. The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass is celebrated for an intention. Please consider having Masses celebrated for family and friends on special occasions and anniversaries, as well as those who are in need of prayers. Masses are also encouraged in memory of those loved ones who have died, especially on the anniversaries of their deaths. Contact Fr. Cory for more information!

To reserve the Parish Basement or other St. Marys facility, please contact Fr. Cory or Lana at the Parish Office (email

Any announcements for next Sundays bulletin need to be in by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday

PCCW Invites You to Join Them

We really do MORE than cook and clean we pray together and do great deeds for our parish family and others. Our next meeting is following Sunday Mass on February 16th please join us We actually consider all women of St. Marys members, but you can officially join by paying an annual membership fee of $20. There is a special envelope in your parish packet for this purpose. Great news this $20 fee includes the cleaning fee we histor ically asked band members to pay to offset the weekly cost of basic cleaning of the main floor of the church and bathrooms. If youd like more information please contact our Co-Chairpersons: Margaret Hanson (654-1184) or Wilma Mavencamp (654-1346).

Stewardship Prayer
Almighty and ever-faithful Lord, gratefully acknowledging Your mercy and humbly admitting our need, we pledge our trust in You and each other. Filled with desire, we respond to Your call for discipleship by shaping our lives in imitation of Christ. We profess that the call requires us to be stewards of Your gifts. As stewards, we receive Your gifts gratefully, cherish and tend them in a responsible manner, share them in practice and love with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. We pledge to our ongoing formation as stewards and our responsibility to call others to that same endeavor. Almighty and ever-faithful God, it is our fervent hope and prayer that You who have begun this good work in us will bring it to fulfillment in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

PLANNING AHEAD There will be a Sock drive for the communities of Hayes & Lodgepole to assist them in keeping warm as the weather turns cold. Please be sure to drop the socks of by October of 2014. Thank you in advance for loving your neighbor.

RCIA Class Schedule Catholicism for Dummies UCCB Catechism for Adults + Presentations by Daniel Morton & David Gordon February 11Chapters 13 & 14 + Study of Sin February 25Chapters 15 & 16 + Study of Sin March 11 Reconciliation March 25Chapter 19 +Study on Reconciliation All participants are asked to take 1 point of interest ,to them , from each chapter for group discussion . Please look I the index of the Catechism under the heading of sin and pick a topic for discussion. Rite of Election: First Sunday of Lent, March 9, 2014 FYIEaster Vigil is April 19, 2014 Chapters 17 & 18 + Study on

To Be a Christian Steward A Summary of the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Stewardship

each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace" (1 Pet 4:10). What identifies a steward? Safeguarding material and human resources and using them responsibly are one answer; so is generous giving of time, talent, and treasure. But being a Christian steward means more. As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.

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