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Photographic History of Skull & Bones


Former Yale Pres !e"t TI#OTHY $%I&HT' U(S( Pres !e"t %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT' a"! Yale Pres !e"t ARTHUR T%ININ& HA$LEY )al* to+et,er !-r "+ a .omme".eme"t at Yale U" /ers t0 o" 1-"e 21' 1211( T,e %-.,a"+ U3r s "+ o..-rre! " C, "a o" O.to4er 10' 1211( 5P,oto: #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t0 L 4rar06

(CAPS = Skull & Bones member)

Pres !e"t &ro/er Cle/ela"!7s F rst Ca4 "et " 1889( Fro"t ro)' le:t to r +,t: Se.retar0 o: State T,omas F( Ba0ar!' Pres !e"t &ro/er Cle/ela"!' Se.retar0 o: t,e Treas-r0 $a" el #a"" "+' a"! Se.retar0 o: t,e I"ter or L-. -s ;( C( Lamar( Ba.* ro)' le:t to r +,t: Postmaster &e"eral % ll am F( < las' Se.retar0 o: t,e Na/0 %ILLIA# C( %HITNEY' Se.retar0 o: %ar % ll am C( E"! .ott' a"! U(S( Attor"e0 &e"eral A-+-st-s H( &arla"!( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==e"() * 3e! a(or+=>t tle?&ro/er@Cle/ela"!6

Amo"+ t,ose 3os "+ ) t, t,e Pres !e"t %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT 5.e"ter6 are A"!re) Car"e+ e 5to , s mme! ate r +,t6' El ,Root' a"! Car! "al & 44o"s 5se.o"! a"! t, r! to , s le:t6( 5CORBIS=L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6

I"ter"at o"al 4a"*er 1o," P er3o"t #or+a" 5le:t6 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Se.retar0 o: %ar %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT 5r +,t6 at Yale U" /ers t0 " Ne) Ha/e"' Co""e.t .-t " 1-"e 1208( 5P,oto: Morgan: American Financier 40 1ea" Stro-se6

T,e Re! Cross %ar Co-". l meets !-r "+ %orl! %ar I( Fro"t ro)' le:t to r +,t: Ro4ert %( $eForest' Pres !e"t %oo!ro) % lso"' :ormer Pres !e"t %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT' a"! El ot %a!s)ort,( Ba.* ro)' le:t to r +,t: He"r0 P( $a/ so"' Col( &ra0so" #(P( #-r3,0' C,arles $( Norto"' a"! E!)ar! N( H-rle0( Ro4ert %( $eForest' El ot %a!s)ort,' &ra0so" #(P( #-r3,0' C,arles $( Norto"' a"! E!)ar! N( H-rle0 )ere mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( Ro4ert %( $eForest )as a mem4er o: S.roll & Ke0 at Yale U" /ers t0(

Le:t: &IFFOR$ PINCHOT meets ) t, Pres !e"t T,eo!ore Roose/elt( R +,t: %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT a"! , s :ello) Bo"esma" %ALTER C( CA#P sta"! to+et,er( 5So-r.e: #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t0 L 4rar06

Pres !e"t T,eo!ore Roose/elt 5.e"ter' )ear "+ a .a3 a"! +o)"6 a"! Yale U" /ers t0 Pres !e"t ARTHUR T%ININ& HA$LEY lea! a 3ro.ess o" ,ea! "+ east o" Elm Street to)ar! Colle+e Street( Co""e.t .-t &o/er"or &eor+e Pa0"e #.Lea" s see" ) t, a m-sta.,e a"! a , +, ,at o" t,e le:t( 5So-r.e: #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t0 L 4rar06

Commissioners to the North American Conservation Conference pose for a group portrait on Februar !"# !$%$& '&S& Presi(ent )heo(ore *oosevelt sits at center# +,FF-*. P,NC/-)# chief of the '&S& Forest Service# is stan(ing thir( from left# an( 0iguel 1ueve(o is seate( at far right& (Photo2 http233fhsarchives&4or(press&com35%!%3%53!"3februar 6!"6!$%$6north6american6conservation6conference6is6hel(3)

+,FF-*. P,NC/-) (left) meets 4ith '&S& Presi(ent Franklin .elano *oosevelt&

'&S& Secretar of 7ar 7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF) visits the Philippines (uring a (iplomatic mission to Asia in !$%9& (Photographs From )rustees of /& F& 7oo(s Camps )rust) http233444&n times&com35%%"3%!3%!3arts3(esign3%!taft&html

'&S& Secretar of 7ar 7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF) ri(es on an o: (uring his trip to the Philippines&

U(S( Se.retar0 o: %ar %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT s3ea*s ) t, 1a3a"ese ! +" tar es ), le lea/ "+ t,e !o.* at Yo*o,ama' 1a3a" " 1-l0 1209( Se.retar0 o: %ar % ll am Ho)ar! Ta:t met ) t, Taro Kats-ra' t,e Pr me # " ster o: 1a3a"' " To*0o' 1a3a" o" 1-l0 2A' 1209( T,e Ta:tBKats-ra #emora"!-m 5.ommo"l0 .alle! t,e Ta:tCKats-ra A+reeme"t6 .o"s sts o: "otes .o"ta " "+ 3ort o"s o: a lo"+' .o": !e"t al .o"/ersat o" 4et)ee" 1a3a"ese Pr me # " ster Taro Kats-ra a"! U(S( Se.retar0 o: %ar % ll am Ho)ar! Ta:t ,el! " To*0o' 1a3a" o" 1-l0 2A' 1209( 5P,oto: L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6

O-t+o "+ Pres !e"t T,eo!ore Roose/elt sta"!s 4es !e ".om "+ Pres !e"t %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT o" Ta:t7s "a-+-rat o" !a0 o" #ar., D' 1202( 5P,oto: Har/ar! Colle+e L 4rar06

Former Pres !e"t o: 1o,"s Ho3* "s U" /ers t0 $ANIEL COIT &IL#AN 5le:t6 a"! Pres !e"t o: U" /ers t0 o: C, .a+o % ll am R( Har3er 5.e"ter6 )al* ) t, a" -"*"o)" ma" o" t,e U" /ers t0 o: C, .a+o .am3-s o" .o"/ o" !a0 " t,e H0!e Par* .omm-" t0 area o: C, .a+o' Ill "o s o" 1-"e 1E' 120F( 5P,oto: L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6 ,tt3:==memor0(lo.(+o/=.+ B4 "=G-er0=,>ammem=.!":H: el!5NU#BERIH4a"!5 ., .!"I"000E0166

+roup portrait of the cabinet of Presi(ent of the 'nite( States 7illiam /o4ar( )aft (seate( at center) in September !$!%& 8eft to right2 *ichar( Achilles Ballinger (Secretar of the ,nterior)# +eorge von 8engerke 0e er (Secretar of the Nav )# Philan(er C& ;no: ('&S& Secretar of State)# Charles <# Frank /arris /itchcock (Postmaster +eneral of the 'nite( States)# =ames 7ilson (Secretar of Agriculture)# Franklin 0ac>eagh (Secretar of the )reasur )# +eorge 7& 7ickersham ('&S& Attorne +eneral)# Charles Nagel (Secretar of Commerce an( 8abor)& Secretar of 7ar =acob 0c+avock .ickinson 4as absent& William Howard Taft and Franklin MacVeagh were members of Skull & Bones. (Photo2 http233en&4ikipe(ia&org34iki3File2)aft?cabinet?5@?to?5$?September?!$!%&Apg)

Presi(ent 7illiam /& )aftBs cabinet in !$!5& Presi(ent 7illiam /o4ar( )aft is seate( on the far leftC )reasur Secretar Franklin 0ac>eagh is seate( on )aftBs left& (Photo2 http233en&4ikipe(ia&org34iki3File2Presi(ent?7illiam?/&?)aftD5Es?Secon(?Cabinet?!$!5&Apg)

'&S& Presi(ent 7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF) appears 4ith members of the BBnai BBrith at the 7hite /ouse& 7illiam /o4ar( )aft 4as a member of Skull & Bones# a secret societ at Fale 'niversit & )he Anti6.efamation 8eague of BBnai BBrith 4as establishe( in !$!G& )he Fe(eral *eserve Act an( the fe(eral income ta: (the !@ th Amen(ment) 4ere promulgate( in !$!G& (Photo2 /arris & H4ing Collection38ibrar of Congress Prints an( Photographs .ivision) http233444&loc&gov3pictures3item3hec5%%$%%!"@93<si(=a@"@ea$e$fe@f%5!"Ia@%5a5E%(!(9cc

Secretar of 7ar /HN*F 8& S),0S-N 4alks besi(e Chief of Staff of the Arm 0aAor +eneral 8eonar( 7oo( at Presi(ent 7illiam /& )aftJs Ne4 FearBs .a reception at the State# 7ar# an( Nav Buil(ing in 7ashington# .&C& on =anuar !# !$!G& (Photo2 8ibrar of Congress Prints an( Photographs .ivision) http233444&loc&gov3pictures3item3ggb5%%9%!5$9I3<si(=a(%e(a5E9$Ia"9I9!5f"5IEe"9(IEfb(

Note: Additional photos of members of Skull & Bones can be found in the sections The Bush Family: Behind the Scenes ( art ! and art "#$ %ietnam &ar: Behind the Scenes$ &orld &ar '': Behind the Scenes$ and (lobal &ar on Terrorism: Behind the Scenes)

Pres !e"tBele.t %oo!ro) % lso" 5le:t6 a"! o-t+o "+ Pres !e"t %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT 5r +,t6 la-+, to+et,er o-ts !e t,e %, te Ho-se o" #ar., D' 121F 3r or to % lso"Js "a-+-rat o"( 5P,oto: L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6

Pres !e"tBele.t %oo!ro) % lso" 5le:t6 +reets o-t+o "+ Pres !e"t %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT o" #ar., D' 121F(

Se.retar0 o: %ar %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, U(S( Se.retar0 o: State El ,- Root " 120D( 5P,oto: L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6

C, e: 1-st .e o: t,e U(S( S-3reme Co-rt %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT 5le:t6' Pres !e"t %arre" &( Har! "+ 5.e"ter6' a"! :ormer Se.retar0 o: %ar Ro4ert To!! L ".ol" sta"! to+et,er " 1222( 5P,oto: Nat o"al P,oto Com3a"0 Colle.t o"' L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6

C, e: 1-st .e %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT 3res !es o/er t,e U(S( S-3reme Co-rt( Seate! :rom le:t to r +,t: 1ames Clar* #.Re0"ol!s' Ol /er %e"!ell Holmes' 1r(' %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT' % ll s <a" $e/a"ter' Lo- s Bra"!e s' 5sta"! "+ :rom le:t to r +,t6 E!)ar! Sa":or!' &eor+e S-t,erla"!' P er.e B-tler' a"! Harla" F s*e Sto"e(

O-t+o "+ U(S( Pres !e"t Cal/ " Cool !+e' sta"! "+ o" t,e :ar r +,t' )at.,es C, e: 1-st .e o: t,e U(S( S-3reme Co-rt %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT 5le:t6 a!m " sters t,e oat, o: o:: .e to ".om "+ U(S( Pres !e"t Her4ert Hoo/er o" #ar., D' 1222(

Former U(S( Pres !e"t %ILLIA# HO%AR$ TAFT 5le:t6 a"! C,arles $( Norto" are see" lea/ "+ t,e Amer .a" Re! Cross 4- l! "+ " 121A( 5P,oto: Harr s & E) "+ Colle.t o"=L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6

Ne4 Fork Cit banker -))- BANNA*. (left) appears 4ith Ne4 Fork Cit attorne /HN*F 7& )AF)& (Photo2 8ibrar of Congress Prints an( Photographs .ivision) http233444&loc&gov3pictures3item3ggb5%%I%%"@EG3<si(=(9$9"Gcab9eb@!5I$%GecE%!f$GbaEE"

A group portrait of the Chairmen of the Fe(eral *eserve .istricts in circa November !$!I2 Front ro42 F*H.H*,C; /& C'*),SS# Boston# .istrict !C P,H**H =AF# Ne4 Fork Cit # .istrict 5C *,C/A*. 8& A'S),N# Phila(elphia# .istrict GC .&C& 7,88S# Bellevue# Penns lvania# .istrict IC 7,88,A0 ,N+8H# Baltimore# .istrict 9C 0&B& 7,88B-*N# Anniston# Alabama# .istrict @C Back ro42 C&/& B-S7-*)/# Chicago# .istrict EC A&H& *A0SHF# 0uskogee# -klahoma# .istrict !%C H&-& )HNN,S-N# .allas# .istrict !!C =-/N PH**,N# San Francisco# .istrict !5& Pierre =a an( =ohn Perrin 4ere members of Skull & Bones at Fale 'niversit & (*epositor 2 8ibrar of Congress Prints an( Photographs .ivision) (Source2 http233444&loc&gov3pictures3item3hec5%%"%%GI$53resource3hec&%I"@!3<si(=@c5$9!5%e%@f9c(@G5c%@9GI"9e$c5!$)

CHARLES SEY#OUR a"! CLI<E $AY a33ear ) t, mem4ers o: t,e I"G- r0 at t,e Par s Pea.e Co":ere".e " 1212( Seate!' :rom le:t to r +,t: C,arles Homer Has* "s' Isa a, Bo)ma"' S !"e0 #eKes' 1ames Bro)"' a"! $a/ ! H-"ter # ller( Sta"! "+' :rom le:t to r +,t: CHARLES SEY#OUR' Ro4ert H( Lor!' % ll am L( %esterma""' #ar* 1e::erso"' E!)ar! #( Ho-se' &eor+e Lo- s Beer' $o-+las %( 1o,"so"' CLI<E $AY' % ll am E!)ar! L-"t' 1ames T( S,ot)ell' a"! All0" A( Yo-"+(

T,e U(S( Se"ate Comm ttee o" Fore +" Relat o"s " 1212( From le:t to r +,t: U(S( Se"ator %arre" &( Har! "+' U(S( Se"ator FRANK B( BRAN$E&EE' -" !e"t : e!' -" !e"t : e!' U(S( Se"ator He"r0 Ca4ot Lo!+e 5C,a rma"6' & l4ert #( H t.,.o.*' Cla-!ea S)a"so"' -" !e"t : e!( 5P,oto: Harr s & E) "+ Colle.t o"=L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress Pr "ts a"! P,oto+ra3,s $ / s o"6 ,tt3:==)))(lo.(+o/=3 .t-res= tem=,e.2008002112=>s !?1A!!8.A14aa::FA:Ae!1e8!AAF20D22D

Re3rese"tat /es :rom t,e Ro.*e:eller Fo-"!at o" a"! t,e Ro.*e:eller I"st t-te / s t Pe* "+ U" o" #e! .al Colle+e " t,e earl0 1220s( At .e"ter' ) t, t,e +oatee' s %ILLIA# H( %ELCH( NeLt to , m' ,ol! "+ t,e ,at' s 1o," $( Ro.*e:eller 1r(

Hugene 0e er (left) appears 4ith '&S& Senator =A0HS 7& 7A.S7-*)/ =*& on .ecember !$# !$5G& (Photo2 National Photo Compan Collection38ibrar of Congress Prints an( Photographs .ivision) http233444&loc&gov3pictures3item3npc5%%E%!%!!@3<si(=EIb!a%EcGe!I5Ga((!(@EGc$e$GI"ceG

Amer .a" a/ ator Colo"el C,arles L "!4er+, 5.e"ter6 a33ears ) t, F( TRUBEE $A<ISON 5le:t6' Ass sta"t Se.retar0 o: %ar :or A r' a"! % ll am P( #a.Cra.*e"' Ass sta"t Se.retar0 o: Commer.e :or A r' o" 1-"e 2F' 122A( F( Tr-4ee $a/ so" )as a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s :rom 1222 to 12F2M F( Tr-4ee $a/ so" )as a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es' a se.ret so. et0 at Yale U" /ers t0( 5N Bettma""=CORBIS6

Se.retar0 o: %ar $) +,t F( $a/ s 5r +,t6' 3rese"ts Or/ lle %r +,t ) t, t,e $ st "+- s,e! Fl0 "+ Cross " %as, "+to"' $(C(' U(S(A( o" Fe4r-ar0 2A' 1222( T,e me!al )as A)ar!e! 40 a" A.t o: Co"+ress' to Or/ lle %r +,t a"! 3ost,-mo-sl0 to , s 4rot,er % l4-r %r +,t( O" t,e le:t s F( TRUBEE $A<ISON' Ass sta"t Se.retar0 o: %ar :or A/ at o"( 5N Bettma""=CORBIS6

-utgoing '&S& Secretar of State Frank B& ;ellogg (center) an( incoming '&S& Secretar of State /HN*F 8& S),0S-N (right) 4atch 7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF) (left)# Chief =ustice of the '&S& Supreme Court# sign a (ocument at the State .epartment in 7ashington# .&C& on 0arch 5"# !$5$& (Photo2 8ibrar of Congress# http233444&loc&gov3pictures3item3npc5%%E%!E5E53)

-utgoing '&S& Secretar of State Frank B& ;ellogg (center) an( 7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF) (left)# Chief =ustice of the '&S& Supreme Court# 4atch incoming '&S& Secretar of State /HN*F 8& S),0S-N (right) sign a (ocument at the State .epartment in 7ashington# .&C& on 0arch 5"# !$5$& (Photo2 8ibrar of Congress# http233444&loc&gov3pictures3item3npc5%%E%!E5E!3)

7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF) (left)# Chief =ustice of the '&S& Supreme Court# a(ministers the oath of office to incoming '&S& Secretar of State /HN*F 8& S),0S-N in 7ashington# .&C& on 0arch 5"# !$5$& (Photo2 8ibrar of Congress# http233444&loc&gov3pictures3item3npc5%%E%!E5EG3)

0embers of the American *eparations Commission# 4ho recentl returne( to America after negotiating a settlement 4ith the Huropean nations# 4ere in conference 4ith '&S& Secretar of State /HN*F 8& S),0S-N on =une 59# !$5$& ,n the front ro4# seate(# left to right2 =ohn Pierpont 0organ =r& (Partner of =&P& 0organ & Co& bank)C '&S& Secretar of State /HN*F 8& S),0S-NC an( -4en .& Foung (chairman of the Fe(eral *eserve Bank of Ne4 Fork)# chairman& ,n the back ro4# left to right2 )homas 7& 8amont (Partner of =&P& 0organ & Co& bank)C )homas Nelson PerkinsC 'n(er Secretar of State =oseph P& CottonC an( Assistant Secretar of State 7illiam *& Castle& Stimson# Foung# 8amont# Perkins# an( Cotton 4ere members of the Council on Foreign *elations& (Photo2 /arris & H4ing CollectionC 8ibrar of Congress)

Le:t 3,oto: HENRY L( STI#SON sta"!s 4es !e Pres !e"t Cal/ " Cool !+e 5le:t6( 5So-r.e: Turmoil and Tradition: A Study of the Life and Times of Henry L. Stimson 40 Elt "+ E( #or so"6 R +,t 3,oto: Se.retar0 o: %ar HENRY L( STI#SON l ste"s to Arm0 C, e: o: Sta:: &e"( Leo"ar! %oo! 5le:t6( 5So-r.e: Turmoil and Tradition: A Study of the Life and Times of Henry L. Stimson 40 Elt "+ E( #or so"6

Clo.*) se :rom -33er le:t: Se.retar0 o: Commer.e Ro4ert P( Lamo"t' Se.retar0 o: t,e I"ter or Ra0 L0ma" % l4-r' Attor"e0 &e"eral % ll am $( # t.,ell' Postmaster &e"eral %alter F( Bro)"' Se.retar0 o: t,e Na/0 C,arles F( A!ams' Se.retar0 o: A+r .-lt-re Art,-r #( H0!e' Se.retar0 o: La4or 1ames 1( $a/ s' Se.retar0 o: %ar Patr .* 1( H-rle0' Se.retar0 o: State HENRY STI#SON' Pres !e"t Hoo/er' < .e Pres !e"t C,arles C-rt s' Se.retar0 o: t,e Treas-r0 A"!re) #ello"(

Se.retar0 o: State HENRY L( STI#SON s ts ) t, , s sta::( HENRY L( STI#SON 5seate!' .e"ter6' HAR<EY H( BUN$Y 5sta"! "+' :ar le:t6' a"! ALLEN T( KLOTS 5sta"! "+' :ar r +,t6 )ere mem4ers o: S*-ll & Bo"es( 5So-r.e: Turmoil and Tradition: A Study of the Life and Times of Henry L. Stimson 40 Elt "+ E( #or so"6

A / e) o: t,e .eremo"0 " t,e East Room o: t,e %, te Ho-se " %as, "+to"' $(C( " 12F0 as Pres !e"t Hoo/er s +"e! t,e "str-me"t o: rat : .at o" o: t,e Lo"!o" t,reeB3o)er treat0 ), ., 4ro-+,t t,e U" te! States "to a+reeme"t ) t, E"+la"! a"! 1a3a" :or t,e re!-.t o" o: Na/al armame"t( Le:t to r +,t: Se"( 1ose3, Ro4 "so"' Ar*(M Se.retar0 o: State HENRY L( STI#SONM < .e Pres !e"t C,arles C-rt sM Se"( % ll am Bora,' I$M Se"( C,arles S)a "e' <AM Se.retar0 o: t,e Na/0 C,arles F( A!amsM Se"( 1ames %atso"' IN' a"! Se"( $a/ ! Ree!' PA( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

P,oto+ra3, o: t,e : rst +ra!-at "+ .lass o: 1o,"s Ho3* "s U" /ers t0 S.,ool o: #e! . "e " 182A( C,arles R-ssell Bar!ee" 5A(B( Har/ar! 182F6' t,e $ea" o: U" /ers t0 o: % s.o"s " S.,ool o: #e! . "e 5120AB12F96' s " t,e 4a.* ro)' t, r! :rom le:t( $R( %ILLIA# H( %ELCH' t,e : rst !ea" o: t,e me! .al s.,ool' s " t,e m !!le o: t,e +ro-3( 5P,oto: 1o,"s Ho3* "s U" /ers t0 #e! .al S.,ool6

Le:t to r +,t: Ar"ol! Kle4s' %ILLIA# HENRY %ELCH' Har/e0 C-s, "+' a"! C,arles S,err "+to"( T, s 3,oto+ra3,' ta*e" 40 $r( R .,ar! U( L +,t' )as also :rom t,e Ne-rolo+ .al Co"+ress( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))(me!(0ale(e!-=l 4rar0=, stor .al=*le4s=E(,tml6

T,e sta:: o: t,e I"st t-te o: t,e H stor0 o: #e! . "e " t,e %el., #emor al L 4rar0 at 1o,"s Ho3* "s U" /ers t0 . r.a 12F2( Seate!: %ILLIA# HENRY %ELCH 5le:t6 a"! He"r0 E( S +er st( Sta"! "+: F el! "+ H( &arr so" 5le:t6' 1o," Rat,4o"e Ol /er 5.e"ter6' a"! O)se Tem* "( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))("lm(" ,(+o/=,m!=so),ats"e)=e! : .e(,tml)

Her4ert Hoo/er sta"!s 4es !e %ILLIA# H( %ELCH 5r +,t6 " a" -"!ate! 3,oto( 5So-r.e: #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t0 L 4rar06

Leo"ar! Ke0es' #or+a" o:: .e ma"a+erM Art,-r #( A"!erso"' 3art"erM a"! HAROL$ STANLEY' 3art"erM 5le:t to r +,t6' .o":er !-r "+ t,e Se"ate Ba"* "+ a"! C-rre".0 Comm ttee I"G- r0 "to t,e 4a"* "+ : rm o: 1(P( #or+a" & Co( " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" 1-"e 1' 12FF( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

T,at.,er Bro)" a"! RAY #ORRIS' 3art"ers o: Bro)" Brot,ers' a33ear at a 3art0 " L ma' Per- " Fe4r-ar0 1222 ) t, t,e #a0or o: L ma( RAY #ORRIS s sta"! "+ at :ar r +,t( T,at.,er Bro)" s sta"! "+ at r +,t o: .e"ter ) t, t,e #a0orJs ) :e( Bro)"Js ) :e 5sta"! "+ O-st le:t o: t,e 3a "t "+6 s sta"! "+ "eLt to t,e #a0or , msel:(

A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5.e"ter6' t,e C,a rma" o: t,e 4oar! o: U" o" Pa. : . Ra lroa! Co(' es.orts Pres !e"t Fra"*l " $( Roose/elt t,ro-+, t,e U" o" Pa. : . Ra lroa!Js : rst streaml "e! tra " at U" o" Stat o" " %as, "+to" $(C( Carl &ra0' t,e :ormer 3res !e"t o: t,e U" o" Pa. : . Ra lroa! Co(' sta"!s 4e, "! A/erell Harr ma"(

CHARLES PHELPS TAFT II 5le:t6 )as a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es(

#or+a"' Sta"le0 & Co( 3res !e"t HAROL$ STANLEY 5le:t6 .,ats ) t, 1(P( #or+a" 3art"ers &eor+e %, t"e0 5.e"ter6 a"! R-ssell C( Le:: "+)ell at t,e #o"o3ol0 Comm ttee ,ear "+ " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" $e.em4er 20' 12F2(

Bro)" Brot,ers Harr ma" & Co( 3art"er A<ERELL HARRI#AN sta"!s 4es !e 1(P( #or+a" & Co( 3art"er T,omas %( Lamo"t 5le:t6 a"! Ne) Yor* C t0 attor"e0 Alle" %ar!)ell 5r +,t6 at a R-ss a" %ar Rel e: ! ""er " 12D1(

HENRY L( STI#SON test : es at Ne-tral t0 Hear "+ " :ro"t o: Co"+ress " 1a"-ar0 12F2( 5P,oto 40 T,omas $( #.A/o0==T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

T,omas $e)e0 s3ea*s to E! 1ae.*le 5.e"ter6 a"! KENNETH F( SI#PSON 5r +,t' ) t, a 3 3e " , s mo-t,6( SI#PSON ! e! " 1a"-ar0 12D1 ), le ser/ "+ as a mem4er o: t,e U(S( Ho-se o: Re3rese"tat /esM KENNETH F( SI#PSON )as a" al.o,ol .(

U(S( Co"+ressma" #r( #art "' KENNETH F( SI#PSON' a"! U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT a33ear at t,e I""er C r.le $ ""er o" A3r l 20' 12D0' A!ol: H tlerJs 91st 4 rt,!a0( 5% !e %orl! P,otos6 5So-r.e: Ke""et, Farra"! S m3so" Pa3ers' #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t06

Ke""et, F( S m3so" +reets Re3-4l .a" Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate %e"!ell % ll* e o" #a0 10' 12D0( 5So-r.e: Ke""et, Farra"! S m3so" Pa3ers' #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t06

Pres !e"t Harr0 Tr-ma" re.e /e! a 3ro+ress re3ort o" 3re3arat o"s :or t,e :ort,.om "+ meet "+ o: t,e Co-". l o: Fore +" # " sters " Lo"!o"( S,o)" at t,e meet "+ at t,e %, te Ho-se o" No/em4er 1F' 12DA are' le:t to r +,t: Pres !e"t Harr0 Tr-ma"M U"!er Se.retar0 o: t,e State ROBERT LO<ETTM &eor+e F( Ke""a"' $ re.tor o: t,e Pol .0 Pla"" "+ Sta:: o: t,e State $e3artme"t' a"! C,arles E( Bo,le"' S3e. al Ass sta"t to Se.retar0 #ars,all( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

Pres !e"t Harr0 Tr-ma" s see" !r / "+ , s .ar o" , s )a0 to C,arlottes/ lle' < r+ " a o" 1-l0 9' 12DA( T,e 3asse"+ers s tt "+ " t,e :ro"t are Treas-r0 Se.retar0 1o," %( S"0!er 5le:t' )ear "+ ,at a"! +lasses6 a"! STANLEY %OO$%AR$(

From le:t to r +,t: Pres !e"t Harr0 S( Tr-ma"' Se.retar0 o: State &eor+e C( #ars,all' E.o"om . Coo3erat o" A!m " strat o" ., e: Pa-l &( Ho::ma"' a"! %( A<ERELL HARRI#AN meet to ! s.-ss t,e #ars,all Pla" at t,e %, te Ho-se o" No/em4er 22' 12D8( 5P,oto: L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6

A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5le:t6 a"! Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se ROBERT A( LO<ETT 5.e"ter6 .,at ) t, Se.retar0 o: State $ea" A.,eso" " 1a"-ar0 1291( 5P,oto 40 L sa Larse"=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Arm0 &e"eral Omar Bra!le0 5le:t6' U(S( Arm0 &e"eral #att,e) R !+)a0 5.e"ter6' a"! Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se ROBERT A( LO<ETT meet " %as, "+to"' $(C( " #a0 1291 !-r "+ t,e Korea" %ar( 5Ha"* %al*er=L :e #a+aK "e 3,oto6

5Le:t to r +,t6 &e"eral Omar N( Bra!le0' Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se ROBERT A( LO<ETT' Pres !e"t Harr0 S( Tr-ma"' Se.retar0 o: t,e Arm0 Fra"* Pa.e 1r(' a"! &e"eral $) +,t $( E se",o)er " %as, "+to"' $(C( " 1-"e 1292( 5P,oto: #ar* Ka-::ma"=L :e #a+aK "e 3,oto6

Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se ROBERT LO<ETT' Arm0 Se.retar0 Fra"* Pa.e 1r(' a"! &e"( $) +,t E se",o)er l ste" to Harr0 Tr-ma" " 1-"e 1292(

ROBERT A( LO<ETT 5le:t6 l ste"s to &eor+e F( Ke""a" !-r "+ a meet "+ at t,e State $e3artme"t o" Se3tem4er E' 12DA( 5P,oto: T,omas $( #.A/o0=L :e #a+aK "e6

Se.retar0 o: State &eor+e C( #ars,all 5le:t6 a"! U"!er Se.retar0 o: State ROBERT LO<ETT test :0 4e:ore Co"+ress(

Le:t to r +,t: Re3rese"tat /e Fre! A( Hartle0 1r(' Se"ate se.retar0 Carl Loe::ler' a"! U(S( Se"ator Ro4ert A( Ta:t re/ e) t,e Ta:tB Hartle0 4 ll o" 1-"e 20' 12DA( 5UPI 3,oto6

Le:t to r +,t: La-.,l " B( C-rr e 5ELe.-t /e $ re.tor o: O:: .e o: E.o"om . %ar:are6' U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT' Cl "to" S( &ol!e"' Fra". s B !!le' a"! % ll am L( Batt ,a/e a meal to+et,er " %as, "+to"' $(C( " . r.a 12DF( 5P,oto: L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6

U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT ma*es , s 3rese".e at t,e Re3-4l .a" Part0 .o"/e"t o" " 12D8( From le:t to r +,t: Harol! Stasse"' Re3( 1ose3, #art " 1r(' Ne) Yor* &o/er"or T,omas $e)e0' TAFT' Cal :or" a &o/er"or Earl %arre"' a"! Se"( E!)ar! #art "( 5So-r.e: Mr. Republican: A biography of Robert A. Taft 40 1ames T( Patterso"6

U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT + /es some a!/ .e to Ne) Yor* &o/er"or a"! 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate T,omas $e)e0 " 1-l0 12D8( P,oto' L 4rar0 o: Co"+ress6 5So-r.e: Grand !pectations: The "nited States# $%&'($%)& 40 1ames T( Patterso"6

U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT 5r +,t6 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Cal :or" a &o/er"or Earl %arre" ), le atte"! "+ t,e Re3-4l .a" Part0 "at o"al .o"/e"t o" " C, .a+o " 1-l0 1292( 5P,oto: #ar* Ka-::ma"=T me L :e6

U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT tal*s to Se"ator R .,ar! N Lo" 3r /atel0 " 1291( 5So-r.e: Mr. Republican: A *iography of Robert A. Taft 40 1ames T( Patterso"6

U(S( Se"ator L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" 5le:t6 tal*s to U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT(

U" te! # "e %or*ers -" o" lea!er 1o," L( Le) s 5sta"! "+6 a33ears ) t, U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT " 1292( 5So-r.e: Mr. Republican: A biography of Robert A. Taft 40 1ames T( Patterso"6

U(S( Se"ator % ll am F( K"o)la"! 5le:t6' U(S( Se"ate #aOor t0 Lea!er ROBERT A( TAFT 5.e"ter6' a"! E-+e"e $( # ll * " 5r +,t6 meet to+et,er " 129F( 5Cor"ell Ca3a=L :e #a+aK "e 3,oto6

PRESCOTT S( BUSH 5se.o"! :rom le:t6' a 3art"er o: Bro)" Brot,ers Harr ma" & Co( 4a"* "+ : rm " Ne) Yor* C t0' a33ears ) t, 1o," $a/ so" Ro.*e:eller 1r( 5le:t6 " 12DF(

U(S( Se"ator PRESCOTT S( BUSH : Les < .e Pres !e"t R .,ar! N Lo"Js ,at(

U(S( Se"ator PRESCOTT S( BUSH s ts 4es !e Pres !e"t $) +,t $( E se",o)er " t,e O/al O:: .e(

Fra". s Case 5le:t6 l ste"s as U(S( Se"ator PRESCOTT S( BUSH 5se.o"! :rom r +,t6 tal*s to Se"ator L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" 5se.o"! :rom le:t6 at a ,ear "+ " No/em4er 129A( 5P,oto 40 Ha"* %al*er==T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U"!er Se.retar0 o: Commer.e Lo- s Rot,s., l! 5le:t6 a"! U(S( Se"ator PRESCOTT S( BUSH .o":er s,ortl0 4e:ore test :0 "+ at a Se"ate P-4l . Roa!s S-4.omm ttee ,ear "+ o" #ar., 11' 1298( T,e0 )ere slate! to 3rese"t t,e a!m " strat o"7s t)o 4 ll o"' 200 m ll o" !ollar 3ro3osal to ste3 -3 t,e :e!eral , +,)a0 3ro+ram as a" a"t Bre.ess o" mo/e( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

Pres !e"t $) +,t $( E se",o)er 5se.o"! :rom r +,t' seate!6' s s,o)" as ,e met ) t, +o/er"ors o: s L :loo!Bra/a+e! "ort,easter" states' at Hart:or!' Co""e.t .-t o" A-+-st 29' 1299 a:ter t,e ., e: eLe.-t /e ma!e a" aer al "s3e.t o" to-r o: t,e str .*e" areas( Le:t to r +,t: Ne) 1erse0 &o/er"or Ro4ert #e0"er' R,o!e Isla"! &o/er"or $e"" s Ro4ertM Ne) Yor* &o/er"or A<ERELL HARRI#ANM Co""e.t .-t &o/er"or A4ra,am R 4 .o::' C / l $e:e"se Hea! <al Peterse"M Pres !e"t $) +,t E se",o)er a"! Re! Cross C, e: E( ROLAN$ HARRI#AN( Sta"! "+ " t,e 4a.*+ro-"! are ot,er +o/er"ors' Co"+ressme"' a"! Se"ators' ".l-! "+ U(S( Se"ator PRESCOTT S( BUSH 5sta"! "+' t, r! :rom r +,t6( Pres !e"t E se",o)er 3rom se! to o4ta " A9 m ll o" !ollars " :e!eral a ! :or t,e str .*e" areas a"! sa ! ,e )o-l! .all a s3e. al sess o" o: Co"+ress : "e.essar0 to a33ro3r ate t,e mo"e0( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

#em4ers o: t,e U" te! States Se"ate a"! Ho-se o: Re3rese"tat /es 3rese"t Pres !e"t 1o," F( Ke""e!0 ) t, a 3a r o: .-:: l "*s at t,e %, te Ho-se o" #ar., 1' 12E1 a:ter ,e s +"e! , s : rst 4 ll as 3res !e"t( T,e .o"+ressme" 3rese"t are: 5:rom le:t to r +,t6 Re3( Fre! C.,e)e"+el' Re3( Peter #a.* 1r(' Se"( E/erett $ r*se"' Se"( <a".e Hart*e' Re3( % ": el! K( $e"to"' Se"( 1OHN SHER#AN COOPER' % ll am B( Bras0' a"! Se"( Pa-l H( $o-+las( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

B + &ro-3s o: Se"ators %,o Ca-.-se! o" F l 4-ster " 1a"-ar0 129A( Le:t to r +,t sta"! "+: Se"ators 1aso" F( #-rra0 5$6M 1OHN SHER#AN COOPER 5R6' K0(M Cl ::or! P( Case 5R6' N(1(M Fre! Pa0"e 5R6' #a "eM PRESCOTT S( BUSH' 5R6 Co""(M H-4ert H-m3,re0 5$6' # ""(M 1ose3, Clar*' 1r( 5$6M R .,ar! L( Ne-4er+er 5$6M T,omas H( K-.,el 5R6 Cal :( Le:t to r +,t seate!: C,ase Potter 5R6' # .,(M Cl "to" P( A"!erso"M Ir/ "+ I/es 5R6' N(Y(M Pa-l H( $o-+las 5$6' Ill(M H( AleLa"!er Sm t, 5R6' N(1( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

Se/e" mem4ers o: t,e e +,t ma" &OP Ptr-t, sG-a!P are s,o)" at t,e Ca3 tol " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" Se3tem4er 1' 12E0 a:ter ! s.-ss "+ t,e r a.t / t es at t,e e"! o: t,e 4o4Bta le! sess o" o: Co"+ress to!a0( T,e0 a""o-".e! t,e +ro-3 )as re.o"st t-te! as a .am3a +" P:a.t sG-a!P to ra"+e t,e .o-"tr0 a"! Pset t,e re.or! stra +,t(P T,e +ro-3' .reate! 40 Re3-4l .a" 3res !e"t al "om "ee N Lo"' *e3t )at., " t,e Se"ate o/er t,e $emo.rats a"! "te"!s to .arr0 ts e::orts "to t,e : el!( Le:t to r +,t: 5sta"! "+6 Se"ators Fra". s Case 5S($(6M PRESCOTT BUSH 5Co""(6M Ke""et, Keat "+ 5N(Y(6M 5seate!6 Roma" L( Hr-s*a 5Ne4r(6M E/erett $ r*se" 5Ill(6M 1o," % ll ams 5$el(6 a"! H ram Fo"+ 5Ha)a 6( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

Harol! C( Patterso"' Clare".e H( A!ams' 1( S ".la r Armstro"+' AN$RE% $O%NEY ORRICK' a"! Earl F( Hast "+s 3art . 3ate " a U(S( Se.-r t es a"! EL.,a"+e Comm ss o" meet "+ " #ar., 129E( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))(se., stor .al(or+=m-se-m=3,otos=1290=6

T,e U(S( Se.-r t es a"! EL.,a"+e Comm ss o" " A-+-st 129A( Sta"! "+' le:t to r +,t: Earl F( Hast "+s a"! 1ames C( Sar+e"tM seate!' le:t to r +,t: AN$RE% $O%NEY ORRICK' E!)ar! N( &a!s40' a"! Harol! C( Patterso"( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))(se., stor .al(or+=m-se-m=3,otos=1290=6

U(S( Se"atorBele.t T,r-sto" B( #orto" 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, U(S( Se"ator 1OHN SHER#AN COOPER 5se.o"! :rom r +,t6 !-r "+ t,e ele.t o"s " No/em4er 129E( 5P,oto 40 Ro4ert %( Kelle0==T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator 1a.o4 K( 1a/ ts 5.e"ter6 )at.,es U(S( Se"ator 1OHN SHER#AN COOPER 5le:t6 s,a*e ,a"!s ) t, Ne) Yor* &o/er"or Nelso" Ro.*e:eller 5r +,t6 !-r "+ a Pres !e"t al 4rea*:ast " 1-l0 12E0( 5P,oto 40 E! Clar*==T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN SHER#AN COOPER 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, CHARLES #( SPOFFOR$ o" A-+-st 29' 1290( 5P,oto 40 H-lto" Ar., /e=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT 5:ar le:t6 a33ears ) t, 5:rom le:t to r +,t6 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate %e"!ell % ll* e' Se"ator %arre" Bar4o-r' Se"ator C,arles #.Nar0' Re3( 1ose3, #art " 1r(' a"! Se"ator Art,-r <a"!e"4er+ " 12D0( 5So-r.e: Mr. Republican: A biography of Robert A. Taft 40 1ames T( Patterso"6

Le:t to r +,t: &eor+e %( Per* "s' P, l 3 C( 1ess-3 Sr(' $ea" A.,eso"' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN SHER#AN COOPER 3ose :or a +ro-3 3ortra t( $ea" A.,eso"Js so" $A<I$ C( ACHESON )o-l! 4e.ome a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es( $ea" A.,eso"Js !a-+,ter #ar0 )o-l! marr0 %ILLIA# P( BUN$Y' also a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es(

A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5r +,t6 )at.,es U(S( Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se ROBERT LO<ETT 5.e"ter6 s,a*e ,a"!s ) t, U(S( Arm0 &e"eral $) +,t $( E se",o)er(

U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT s ts o" t,e .o-., ) t, Re3-4l .a" Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate $) +,t $( E se",o)er o" Se3tem4er 12' 1292(

Re3-4l .a" Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate $) +,t E se",o)er s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, U(S( Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT " 1292( 5So-r.e: +,e $-%.($%%.: A /ictorial History 01ommemorati2e dition3 40 $o-+las K ""ar!6

R .,ar! N Lo" )at.,es CHARLES PHELPS TAFT II 5se.o"! :rom le:t6 s,a*e ,a"!s ) t, Re3-4l .a" Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate $) +,t E se",o)er " 1292( TAFT )as t,e Re3-4l .a" .a"! !ate :or t,e +o/er"or o: O, o t,at 0ear(

ELBPres !e"t $) +,t $( E se",o)er tal* "+ to 3oet ARCHIBAL$ #a.LEISH 4e:ore lea/ "+ :or Pres !e"t 1o," F( Ke""e!07s I"a-+-rat o" " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" 1a"-ar0 20' 12E1( 5P,oto: E! Clar*=T me L :e6

Pres !e"tBele.t 1o," F( Ke""e!0 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Bro)" Brot,ers Harr ma" & Co( 3art"er ROBERT A( LO<ETT " %as, "+to"' $(C( " 12E0( 5Sta" %a0ma"=L :e #a+aK "e6

Pres !e"t 1o," F( Ke""e!0 5le:t6 meets ) t, Am4assa!orBatBLar+e A<ERELL HARRI#AN at %, te Ho-se " #ar., 12E1( 5P,oto: 1ose3, S.,ers.,el =L :e #a+aK "e6

Pres !e"t 1o," F( Ke""e!0 )at.,es as Her4ert # ller a!m " sters t,e oat, to t,e mem4ers o: t,e &e"eral A!/ sor0 Comm ttee o: t,e Arms Co"trol a"! $ sarmame"t A+e".0 "s !e t,e O/al O:: .e at t,e %, te Ho-se o" A3r l 2' 12E2( T,e mem4ers are ".l-!e &eor+e #ea"0M $ea" #.&eeM Tre/or &ar!"erM &e"( T,omas $( %, teM $r( 1ames' 1o," #.Clo0' a"! ROBERT LO<ETT( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

Le:t to r +,t: T,eo!ore Sore"se"' Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y' Attor"e0 &e"eral Ro4ert F( Ke""e!0' a"! Ke""et, OJ$o""ell 3re3are :or a meet "+ o" Fe4r-ar0 2D' 12E1( 5P,oto 40 &eor+e Tames=Ne) Yor* T mes Co(=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t 1o," F( Ke""e!0 .o":ers ) t, Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y at t,e %, te Ho-se o" 1-"e 1F' 12E2 #.&eor+e B-"!0 )as a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es a"! t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto: A44 e Ro)e' Nat o"al Par* Ser/ .e' 1o," F( Ke""e!0 Pres !e"t al L 4rar0 a"! #-se-m6

%arre" Comm ss o" mem4er U(S( Se"ator 1OHN SHER#AN COOPER 5le:t' )ear "+ +lasses6' %arre" Comm ss o" "/est +ator $a/ ! Bel " 5.e"ter6' a"! %arre" Comm ss o" mem4er 1o," #.Clo0 5r +,t6' t,e C,a rma" o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s' sta"! " :ro"t o: t,e TeLas S.,ool Boo* $e3os tor0 " $allas' TeLas o" #a0 8' 12ED( Se"ator 1o," S,erma" Coo3er )as a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es' a se.ret so. et0 at Yale U" /ers t0( 1o," #.Clo0 a"! 1o," S,erma" Coo3er )ere mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto: UPI=Bettma""M The 1hairman 40 Ka B r!6

#em4ers o: t,e %arre" Comm ss o" 3rese"t t,e r re3ort o" t,e assass "at o" o: Pres !e"t 1o," F( Ke""e!0 at t,e %, te Ho-se o" Se3tem4er 2D' 12ED( From Le:t to r +,t: :ormer C,ase #a",atta" C,a rma" 1o," #.Clo0' 1( Lee Ra"* " 5&e"eral Co-"sel6' Se"ator R .,ar! R-ssell' Re3rese"tat /e &eral! For!' C, e: 1-st .e Earl %arre"' Pres !e"t L0"!o" B( 1o,"so"' :ormer CIA $ re.tor Alle" $-lles' SENATOR 1OHN SHER#AN COOPER' a"! Re3rese"tat /e Hale Bo++s( 5P,oto: Ce. l Sto-+,to"=L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

Former CIA $ re.tor Alle" $-lles 5le:t6 tal*s to CHARLES #( SPOFFOR$( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

$ re.tor o: Fe!eral B-rea- o: I"/est +at o" 5FBI6 1( E!+ar Hoo/er 5le:t6 meets ) t, Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y(

CIA $ re.tor 1o," A( #.Co"e 5le:t6 tal*s to Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y at t,e %, te Ho-se " $e.em4er 12EF( 5P,oto 40 Sta" %a0ma"==T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se Ro4ert #.Namara 5o4s.-re!' :ar le:t6' Pres !e"t L0"!o" B( 1o,"so"' :ormer Pres !e"t $) +,t E se",o)er' a"! Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y sm le :or t,e .amera " t,e Ca4 "et Room at t,e %, te Ho-se o" Fe4r-ar0 1E' 12E9(

Pres !e"t L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" 5r +,t6 tal*s to 5:rom le:t to r +,t6 Lle)ell0" T,om3so"' #.&EOR&E BUN$Y' a"! A<ERELL HARRI#AN a4oar! A r For.e O"e( 5P,oto: L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

U(S( Pres !e"t L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" .,ats ) t, Am4assa!orBatBLar+e A<ERELL HARRI#AN " t,e O/al O:: .e o" No/em4er 2' 12EA( 5# *e &e ss "+er=L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

U(S( Pres !e"t L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" .,ats ) t, For! Fo-"!at o" Pres !e"t #.&EOR&E BUN$Y " t,e O/al O:: .e o" A-+-st 2F' 12EA( 5P,oto: Yo ., R( O*amoto=L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

Ass sta"t Se.retar0 o: State %ILLIA# BUN$Y' Se.retar0 o: State $ea" R-s*' Pres !e"t L0"!o" B( 1o,"so"' Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se Ro4ert #.Namara' a"! $e3-t0 Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se C0r-s <a".e meet " t,e Ca4 "et Room o" $e.em4er 1' 12ED(

Clo.*) se' le:t to r +,t: Am4assa!orBatBLar+e A<ERELL HARRI#AN' Pres !e"t L0"!o" B( 1o,"so"' For! Fo-"!at o" Pres !e"t #.&EOR&E BUN$Y' U(S( Am4assa!or to t,e So/ et U" o" Lle)ell0" E( T,om3so"' Se.retar0 o: State $ea" R-s*' Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se Ro4ert #.Namara' a"! Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor %alt Rosto) meet 3r /atel0 at t,e &lass4oro S-mm t Co":ere".e " &lass4oro' Ne) 1erse0 o" 1-"e 29' 12EA( 5P,oto: Yo ., R( O*amoto=L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

Ambassa(or6at68arge 7& A>H*H88 /A**,0AN (right) meets 4ith Presi(ent6elect *ichar( 0& Ni:on (left) at a hotel in Ne4 Fork Cit on .ecember 9# !$@"& (AP Photo)

0c+H-*+H B'N.F (left) an( his brother 7,88,A0 P& B'N.F prepare for a meeting&

U(S( S-3reme Co-rt O-st .es sm le :or t,e .amera( Sta"! "+ :rom le:t to r +,t: B0ro" R( %, te' % ll am 1( Bre""a" 1r(' POTTER STE%ART' Art,-r &ol!4er+M 5seate!' le:t to r +,t6: Tom C( Clar*' H-+o Bla.*' Earl %arre"' % ll am O( $o-+las( 1o," #( Harla" s a4se"t( 5P,oto: #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t0 L 4rar06

U(S( Se"ator E-+e"e #.Cart,0 .am3a +"s :or 1OHN KERRY !-r "+ Kerr0Js 12A2 .am3a +" :or U(S( Ho-se o: Re3rese"tat /es(

Bro)" Brot,ers Harr ma" & Co( 3art"ers 5:rom le:t to r +,t6 E( ROLAN$ HARRI#AN' PRESCOTT BUSH' KNI&HT %OOLLEY' a"! ROBERT LO<ETT meet 3r /atel0 at t,e Bro)" Brot,ers Harr ma" & Co( o:: .e " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" 1-l0 28' 12ED( T,e &-l: o: To"* " ". !e"t o..-rre! !-r "+ t,e : rst )ee* o: A-+-st 12ED(

Bro)" Brot,ers Harr ma" & Co( 3art"er ROBERT A( LO<ETT 5le:t6 meets ) t, :ello) 3art"er Ro4ert <( Roosa " RoosaJs o:: .e at t,e Bro)" Brot,ers Harr ma" & Co( ,ea!G-arters " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" #a0 D' 12EA(

Bro)" Brot,ers Harr ma" & Co( 3art"ers E( ROLAN$ HARRI#AN' :ormer Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se ROBERT A( LO<ETT' KNI&HT %OOLLEY' 1OHN B( #A$$EN' a"! STEPHEN Y( HOR$ )ere mem4ers o: S*-ll & Bo"es(

#em4ers o: t,e U" te! States !ele+at o" to t,e U" te! Nat o"s +e"eral assem4l0' ), ., meets " Ne) Yor* "eLt )ee*' 3ose :or a +ro-3 3,oto a:ter s)ear "+ " .eremo" es at t,e State $e3artme"t " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" Se3tem4er 1A' 129D( T,e +ro-3 ".l-!es 5seate!' le:t to r +,t6: C,arles H( #a,o"e0 o: $etro tM C($( 1a.*so" o: Ne) Yor*M Se"( 1( % ll am F-l4r +,t 5$( Ar*(6M Se"( H( AleLa"!er Sm t, 5R( N(1(6M a"! He"r0 Ca4ot Lo!+e 1r(' o: #ass(' ,ea! o: t,e !ele+at o"( Sta"! "+ 5le:t to R +,t6: Ro+er %( Stra-ss o: Ne) Yor*M 1ames P( Nas, o: A-st "' TeLasM #rs( Os)al! B( Lor! o: Ne) Yor*M A!e #( 1o,"so" o: %as, "+to"M a"! 1A#ES 1( %A$S%ORTH o: Ne) Yor*( T,ose " t,e 4a.* ro) are alter"ates( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

&EOR&E H(%( BUSH s s)or" " as U" te! States Am4assa!or to t,e U" te! Nat o"s " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" Fe4r-ar0 2E' 12A1( From le:t to r +,t: Asso. ate 1-st .e o: t,e U(S( S-3reme Co-rt POTTER STE%ART' Bar4ara B-s,' &eor+e H(%( B-s,' a"! Pres !e"t R .,ar! #( N Lo"( &eor+e H(%( B-s, a"! Potter Ste)art )ere mem4ers o: S*-ll & Bo"es at Yale U" /ers t0( 5Ro" Sa.,s=CORBIS6

Former C,a rma" o: C,ase #a",atta" Ba"* 1o," #.Clo0 5le:t6 tal*s to T me a"! L :e ma+aK "es :o-"!er HENRY R( LUCE at a ! ""er ,o"or "+ Pa-l Ho::ma"' 4oar! .,a rma" o: F-"!7s Ce"ter :or t,e st-!0 o: $emo.rat . I"st t-t o"s' " Ne) Yor* C t0 " Se3tem4er 12EE( 5P,oto 40 Al Fe""=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t o: T,e %orl! Ba"* E-+e"e R( Bla.* 5le:t6 tal*s to HENRY R( LUCE at t,e I"ter"at o"al I"!-str al $e/elo3me"t Co":ere".e " O.to4er 129A( 5P,oto 40 Leo"ar! #..om4e=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

1( Ke""et, &al4ra t, 5.e"ter6 relaLes ) t, BARRY QORTHIAN 5le:t6 a"! HENRY LUCE(

1ONATHAN B( BIN&HA# 5le:t6 .o"+rat-lates Yale Pres !e"t K "+ma" Bre)ster 1r( " A3r l 12ED( 1ONATHAN B( BIN&HA# )o-l! ser/e as a mem4er o: t,e U(S( Ho-se o: Re3rese"tat /es :rom 12E9 to 128F( 5So-r.e: #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t0 L 4rar06


Pres !e"t 1 mm0 Carter & Fr e"!s sm le :or t,e .amera at t,e %, te Ho-se o" Se3tem4er 22' 12A2( Fro"t ro)' le:t to r +,t: Llo0! C-tler' &eor+e %( Ball' A<ERELL HARRI#AN' He"r0 K ss "+er' Se.retar0 o: State C0r-s <a".e' Pres !e"t 1 mm0 Carter' $ea" R-s*' C( $o-+las $ llo"' a"! #.&EOR&E BUN$Y( Se.o"! ro)' le:t to r +,t: 1o," #.Clo0' < .e Pres !e"t %alter F( #o"!ale' -" !e"t : e!' Bre"t S.o).ro:t' Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se Harol! Bro)"' a"! He!le0 $o"o/a"( T, r! ro)' le:t to r +,t: Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor Q4 +" e) BrKeK "s* ' -" !e"t : e!' 1ames R( S.,les "+er' -" !e"t : e!' -" !e"t : e!' -" !e"t : e!( 5P,oto: &eor+e %( Ball Pa3ers' Seele0 &( #-!! #a"-s.r 3t L 4rar0 at Pr ".eto" U" /ers t06

'&S& Senator =-/N F& ;H**F (left) an( his 4ife )eresa /einK ;err (center) 4atch >ice Presi(ent .ick Chene a(minister the oath of office on =anuar 9# 5%%$& =-/N F& ;H**F# )eresa /einK ;err # an( .ick Chene are members of the Council on Foreign *elations& (Photo2 http233444&boston&com3ne4s3politics3politicalintelligence35%%$3%!3)

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#A6 5C6' C,a rma" o: t,e U(S( Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee' Ro4ert Qoell .* 5R6' Pres !e"t o: t,e %orl! Ba"*' a"! $om " G-e Stra-ssBKa,"' ma"a+ "+ ! re.tor o: t,e I"ter"at o"al #o"etar0 F-"! 5I#F6' s3ea* at a "e)s .o":ere".e to ! s.-ss t,e role o: t,e I#F a"! t,e %orl! Ba"* " t,e +lo4al e.o"om . .r s s o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" #ar., 18' 2002( 5Re-ters6

$emo.rat . 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 a..e3ts t,e m .ro3,o"e :rom :ormer U(S( Treas-r0 Se.retar0 Ro4ert R-4 " at a :-"!ra s "+ e/e"t o" A3r l 1D' 200D " Ne) Yor* C t0( R-4 " a"! KERRY are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 Ste3,e" C,er" "=&ett0 Ima+es6

L ".ol" C,a:ee a33ears ) t, :ormer Pres !e"t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH a"! , s :at,er a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN CHAFEE(

< .e Pres !e"t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH 5r +,t6 s)ears " U(S( Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY 5$emo.rat . Part0' #assa.,-setts6 at t,e o3e" "+ o: t,e 22t, Co"+ress o" 1a"-ar0 F' 1289( 1o," Kerr07s !a-+,ters AleLa"!ra a"! <a"essa Oo " " t,e .eremo"0( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))(/ et"am)ar(.om=Oo,"*err03,oto, stor0E(,tm6

1-st .es o: t,e S-3reme Co-rt o: t,e U" te! States 3ose :or a 3,oto " 12AF( S-3reme Co-rt 1-st .e POTTER STE%ART' ),o r-le! " :a/or o: a4ort o" " Roe /( %a!e' s seate! o" t,e :ar le:t( POTTER STE%ART )as a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==e"() * 3e! a(or+=) * =Ima+e:USSC@O-st .e@+ro-3@3,otoB12AF@.-rre"t(O3+6

Pres !e"t Ro"al! Rea+a" s,ares a Oo*e ) t, %ILLIA# F( BUCKLEY 1R(' t,e E! torB "BC, e: o: 4ational Re2ie5 ma+aK "e' at a 3r /ate 4 rt,!a0 3art0 " ,o"or o: Rea+a"Js A9t, B rt,!a0 " t,e %, te Ho-se res !e".e o" Fe4r-ar0 A' 128E( % ll am F( B-.*le0 )as a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s a"! a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es at Yale U" /ers t0( 5P,oto: Ro"al! Rea+a" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5le:t6 / s ts Pres !e"t 1 mm0 Carter( 5P,oto: 1 mm0 Carter Pres !e"t al L 4rar06 5So-r.e: Spanning The 1entury: The Life of 6. A2erell Harriman# $-%$($%-7 40 R-!0 A4ramso"6

Former U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ BOREN 5$BO*la,oma6 a"! :ormer CIA $ re.tor Ro4ert &ates 5le:t6' t,e !es +"ate! Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se' sm le :or t,e .ameras as Ro4ert &ates 3re3are :or , s .o": rmat o" ,ear "+s 4e:ore t,e Se"ate Arme! Ser/ .es Comm ttee o" Ca3 tol H ll o" $e.em4er 9' 200E( 5P,oto 40 Bre"!a" Sm alo)s* =&ett0 Ima+es6

Ro4ert #( &ates 5.e"ter6' t,e "om "ee :or t,e $ re.tor o: Ce"tral I"tell +e".e A+e".0' s :la"*e! 40 U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ BOREN 5le:t6 a"! U(S( Se"ator % ll am S( Co,e" 5r +,t6 !-r "+ , s .o": rmat o" ,ear "+ 4e:ore t,e Se"ator I"tell +e".e Comm ttee " Fe4r-ar0 128A( 5P,oto 40 Terr0 As,e=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ BOREN 5le:t6 a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN CHAFEE tal* to t,e 3ress !-r "+ a Se"ate I"tell +e".e Comm ttee ,ear "+ o" Ro4ert &atesJ .o": rmat o" as $ re.tor o: Ce"tral I"tell +e".e A+e".0 o" O.to4er 2' 1221( 5P,oto 40 Terr0 As,e=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator Sam N-"" 5le:t6' U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ BOREN 5.e"ter6' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY r !e o" a s-4)a0 to t,e U(S( Ca3 tol " #ar., 1289( 5P,oto 40 Terr0 As,e=T me a"! L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator B ll Bra!le0 5le:t6 tal*s to U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE at a Se"ate F "a".e Comm ttee ,ear "+ " #a0 128E( 5P,oto 40 Terr0 As,e=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator H( 1o," He "K III 5le:t6' U(S( Se"ator Llo0! #( Be"tse" 1r(' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE a33ear at a 3ress .o":ere".e " Fe4r-ar0 128A( 5P,oto 40 C0"t, a 1o,"so"=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t to r +,t: U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE' U(S( Se"ator Ala" K( S m3so"' U(S( Se"ator R-!0 Bos.,) tK' < .e Pres !e"t a"! Pres !e"tBele.t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH' Se"ator Bo4 $ole' a"! < .eBPres !e"tBele.t $a" ;-a0le 3re3are :or a meet "+ o" No/em4er 22' 1288( 5P,oto 40 C0"t, a 1o,"so"=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Se"ate #aOor t0 Lea!er &eor+e # t.,ell 5le:t' $B#E6 a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE 5r +,t' RBRI6 s3ea*s to t,e 3ress o-ts !e t,e %, te Ho-se a:ter a meet "+ ) t, Pres !e"t &eor+e H(%( B-s, o" 1-"e E' 1282( 5P,oto 40 C0"t, a 1o,"so"=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE 5le:t' RBRI6 l ste"s to U(S( Se"ator 1o," %ar"er 5r +,t' RB<A6 as t,e0 lea/e a Re3-4l .a" .a-.-s meet "+ o" 1a"-ar0 2F' 1222' 4e:ore atte"! "+ t,e earl0 start o: !a0 e +,t " t,e Se"ate m3ea.,me"t tr al o: Pres !e"t B ll Cl "to"( 5Pa-l 1( R .,ar!s=AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator % ll am S( Co,e"' FBI $ re.tor a"! !es +"ate! $ re.tor o: Ce"tral I"tell +e".e A+e".0 % ll am H( %e4ster' a"! U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ BOREN 3re3are :or % ll am H( %e4sterJs .o": rmat o" ,ear "+s " t,e Se"ate " A3r l 128A( 5P,oto 40 Terr0 As,e=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t to r +,t: U(S( Se"ator Bo4 &ra,am 5$BFL6' U(S( Se"ator C,-.* Ro44 5$B<A6' U(S( Se"ator #aL Ba-.-s 5$B#T6' U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE 5RBRI6' U(S( Se"ator Arle" S3e.ter 5RBPA6' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1ose3, L e4erma" 5$BCT6 a33ear at a 3ress .o":ere".e to ! s.-ss t,e RPat e"ts7 B ll o: R +,tsS o" 1-l0 19' 1222( 5P,oto 40 $o-+las &ra,am=Co"+ress o"al ;-arterl0=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator E/a" Ba0, 5$BIN6' U(S( Se"ator Arle" S3e.ter 5RBPA6' U(S( Se"ator S-sa" Coll "s 5RB#E6' U(S( Se"ator 1o," Brea-L 5$BLA6' U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE 5RBRI6' U(S( Se"ator $a" Coats 5RBIN6' a"! U(S( Se"ator Ol0m3 a S"o)e 5RB #E6 a33ear at a 3ress .o":ere".e o" 1-l0 28' 1222( 5P,oto 40 1( Ferrell=Co"+ress o"al ;-arterl0=&ett0 Ima+es6

Former U(S( Am4assa!or to t,e So/ et U" o" A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5le:t6 a"! :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to t,e So/ et U" o" T,omas %atso" 1r( 5r +,t6 test :0 4e:ore t,e Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee .o".er" "+ So/ et relat o"s o" 1-"e 1' 128F( 5P,oto 40 $ a"a %al*er=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Former Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se Ell ot L( R .,ar!so" 5r +,t6 )at.,es :ormer U(S( Re3rese"tat /e to t,e U" te! Nat o"s 1ea"e 1( K r*3atr .* 5.e"ter6 tal* to Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y 5le:t6 4e:ore test :0 "+ at t,e Ho-se Fore +" A::a rs S-4.omm ttee o" t,e Co"tras o: N .ara+-a " A3r l 1289( 5P,oto 40 Terr0 As,e=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t Ro"al! Rea+a" s :la"*e! 40 U(S( Se"ator % ll am S( Co,e" 5le:t6 a"! U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ L( BOREN 5r +,t6 " t,e O/al O:: .e " A-+-st 128A( % ll am S( Co,e" a"! $a/ ! L( Bore" are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 C0"t, a 1o,"so"==T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t Ro"al! Rea+a" 5.e"ter6 meets ) t, &OP .o"+ress o"al lea!ers, 3 5le:t to r +,t6: U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE' U(S( Se"ator Bo4 $ole' Re3( Ro4ert H( # .,el' Re3( Tre"t Lott' a"! Re3( $ .* C,e"e0 o" A3r l 12' 1288( 5P,oto 40 $ r.* Halstea!=T me & L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t Ro"al! Rea+a" .ele4rates ) t, , s sta:: " t,e O/al O:: .e o" 1-l0 22' 1281( From le:t to r +,t: R .,ar! % ll amso"' El Ka4et, $ole' $e"" s T,omas' $o" Re+a"' A"" #.La-+,l "' E!) " #eese' &EOR&E H(%( BUSH' Kar"a Small' $a/ ! &er+e"' a"! Ro"al! Rea+a"( 5P,oto: Ro"al! Rea+a" L 4rar06

Former 3res !e"ts &eral! For!' R .,ar! N Lo"' &EOR&E H(%( BUSH' Ro"al! Rea+a"' a"! 1 mm0 Carter sta"! to+et,er " t,e O/al O:: .e o" No/em4er D' 1221( 5P,oto: &eor+e B-s, Pres !e"t al L 4rar06(

Pres !e"t B ll Cl "to" 3re3ares to s +" t,e Nort, Amer .a" Free Tra!e A+reeme"t " t,e O/al O:: .e " No/em4er 122F( Sta"! "+' le:t to r +,t: U(S( Tra!e Re3rese"tat /e # .*e0 Ka"tor' Re3( Ro4ert T( #ats- ' < .e Pres !e"t Al &ore' Re3( $a" el Roste"*o)s* ' S3ea*er o: t,e Ho-se T,omas S( Fole0' Se"( Bo4 $ole' Re3( Ro4ert H( # .,el' Re3( Ne)t & "+r .,' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN H( CHAFEE( 5P,oto 40 C0"t, a 1o,"so"=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t B ll Cl "to" !el /ers a s3ee., at t,e So-t, La)" o: t,e %, te Ho-se o" A3r l D' 122A( Be, "! B ll Cl "to" are: 5:rom le:t to r +,t6 Se.retar0 o: State #a!ele "e Al4r +,t' :ormer Se.retar0 o: State 1ames Ba*er III' Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se % ll am S( Co,e"' < .e Pres !e"t Al &ore' Pres !e"t o: t,e U" /ers t0 o: O*la,oma $A<I$ L( BOREN' a"! Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor Sam-el L( Ber+er( E/er0o"e eL.e3t :or Al &ore s a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 Co"+ress o"al ;-arterl0=&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t 3,oto: Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH a""o-".es BILL $ONAL$SON as , s "om "ee :or C,a rma" o: t,e Se.-r t es a"! EL.,a"+e Comm ss o" o" $e.em4er 10' 2002 " t,e Roose/elt Room o: t,e %, te Ho-se( R +,t 3,oto: Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH 5le:t6 a"! a-t,or $A<I$ #.CULLOU&H a33ear at t,e %, te Ho-se(

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH 5.e"ter6 re.e /es a :oot4all :rom Pres !e"t o: t,e U" /ers t0 o: O*la,oma $A<I$ L( BOREN 5le:t6 at t,e %, te Ho-se o" #ar., 9' 2001( 5L-*e FraKKa=AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH 5seate!6 : " s,es s +" "+ t,e Oo "t .o"+ress o"al resol-t o" a-t,or K "+ t,e U(S( -se o: :or.e a+a "st IraG : "ee!e! at t,e %, te Ho-se o" O.to4er 1E' 2002( Be, "! , m are 5le:t to r +,t6 Se"( 1o," %ar"er' Se"( Tre"t Lott' Se"( 1o," #.Ca "' Re3( Ro4ert A"!re)s' a"! Re3( Ro0 Blo-"t( 5L-*e FraKKa=AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH 5t, r! :rom le:t6 re.e /es a" a33la-se :rom 5le:t to r +,t6 U(S( Attor"e0 &e"eral 1o," As,.ro:t' FBI $ re.tor Ro4ert #-eller' CIA $ re.tor &eor+e Te"et' a"! Se.retar0 o: Homela"! Se.-r t0 Tom R !+e a:ter s3ea* "+ at FBI ,ea!G-arters " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" Fe4r-ar0 1D' 200F( 5P,oto 40 #ar* % lso"=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, U(S( Se"ator Arle" S3e.ter 5RBPe""(6 a:ter s +" "+ H(R( F122' USA PATRIOT Im3ro/eme"t a"! Rea-t,or Kat o" A.t o: 2009 " t,e East Room o: t,e %, te Ho-se o" T,-rs!a0' #ar., 2' 200E( 5%, te Ho-se 3,oto 40 K m4erlee He) tt6

U.S. President George W. Bush prepares to sign the intelligence reform bill into law with (L-R) Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN), Sen. Joe Lieberman (DCT), 9-11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), CIA Director Porter Goss, 9/11 Commission Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton, and Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) looking on at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C. on December 17, 2004. The bill, which faced adversity during congressional passage, is the largest overhaul of U.S. intelligence gathering in 50 years. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

U(S( Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH 5.e"ter6 a"! U(S( < .e Pres !e"t $ .* C,e"e0 5r +,t6 meet ) t, Ho-se $emo.rat . Part0 lea!er Re3( Na".0 Pelos 5$BCA6 " t,e O/al O:: .e o: t,e %, te Ho-se " t,e O/al O:: .e o: t,e %, te Ho-se o" No/em4er 2' 200E( B-s, a"! U(S( < .e Pres !e"t C,e"e0 met ) t, t,e Ho-se $emo.rat . lea!ers, 3 " t,e )a*e o: t,e $emo.rats ) "" "+ t,e maOor t0 " t,e 200E m !Bterm ele.t o"s( 5P,oto 40 Bre"!a" Sm alo)s* =&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH a"! U" te! States S-3reme Co-rt 1-st .e Sa"!ra $a0 OJCo""or s,are a mome"t 4a.*sta+e o" #ar., F' 2009' 3r or to t,e s)ear "+B " .eremo" es :or # .,ael C,erto:: as Se.retar0 o: Homela"! Se.-r t0(

Le:t to r +,t: U(S( Se"ator C,arles S.,-mer' U(S( Se"ator $ a""e Fe "ste "' U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY' a"! U(S( Se"ator Te! Ke""e!0 .ele4rate a:ter 3ass "+ a" -".o"st t-t o"al +-"B.o"trol 4 ll " t,e Se"ate o" #ar., 2' 200D(

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6' :ormer Co"+ressma" 1o," Bra!emas 5.e"ter6' a"! :ormer S3ea*er o: t,e Ho-se Ne)t & "+r ., s t to+et,er o" Ca3 tol H ll o" A3r l 10' 200A( 5P,oto 40 C, 3 Somo!e/ lla=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator 1oe B !e" 5le:t6' C,a rma" o: t,e Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee' U(S( Se"ator C,r sto3,er $o!! 5.e"ter6' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5r +,t6 l ste" to test mo"0 :rom &e"( $a/ ! Petrae-s a"! U(S( Am4assa!or to IraG R0a" Cro.*er !-r "+ a ,ear "+ o: t,e Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" Se3tem4er 11' 200A( 1OHN KERRY a"! C,r sto3,er $o!! are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 C, 3 Somo!e/ lla=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY 5$emo.rat' le:t6' U(S( Se"ator 1ose3, L e4erma" 5 "!e3e"!e"t' .e"ter6' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1o," %ar"er 5Re3-4l .a"' r +,t6 la-+, to+et,er o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to" $(C( o" 1-"e 9' 2008( T,e B l!er4er+ #eet "+s 4e+a" " C,a"t ll0' < r+ " a o" 1-"e 9' 2008( All t,ree me" are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5AP P,oto6

Former U(S( Se.retar0 o: State He"r0 K ss "+er 5.e"ter6 s :la"*e! 40 mem4ers o: t,e U(S( Se"ate 4e:ore t,e 4e+ "" "+ o: a Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee ,ear "+ o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" 1a"-ar0 F1' 200A( From le:t to r +,t: U(S( Se"ator Norm Colema" 5RB# ""esota6' U(S( Se"ator R .,ar! L-+ar 5$BI"! a"a6' K ss "+er' U(S( Se"ator 1oe B !e" 5$B $ela)are6' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#assa.,-setts6( 1OHN KERRY a"! He"r0 K ss "+er are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 #ar* % lso"=&ett0 Ima+es6

Former U(S( 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"( 1OHN F( KERRY 5le:t6 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Re3-4l .a" 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"( 1o," #.Ca " 5.e"ter6 as mo!erator T m R-ssert 5r +,t6 loo*s o" a:ter a ta3 "+ o: #eet t,e Press at t,e NBC st-! os " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" Se3tem4er 1E' 200A( 5P,oto 40 AleL %o"+=&ett0 Ima+es :or #eet t,e Press6

Se"ator Bo4 &ra,am a"! Se"ator 1OHN KERRY Rlea/e "o ., l! 4e, "!S " a C, l!re"7s $e:e"se F-"! e/e"t o" A3r l 2' 200F(

U(S( Se"ator Arle" S3e.ter 5RBPe""(' le:t6 a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#ass(' r +,t6 ,ea! to t,e :loor to /ote !-r "+ a rare Sat-r!a0 sess o" as Co"+ress .o"t "-es to )or* o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" Sat-r!a0' Se3tem4er 2A' 2008( 5Asso. ate! Press 3,oto 40 La-re" < .tor a B-r*e6

U(S( Se.retar0 o: State Nom "ee a"! ".-m4e"t U(S( Se"ator H llar0 Ro!,am Cl "to" 5$BNY6 5Fr! L6 arr /es at ,er .o": rmat o" ,ear "+ 4e:ore t,e Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee as s,e s :la"*e! 40 Se"( R .,ar! L-+ar 5RBI"! a"a' le:t6' a R,o!es S.,olar' a"! Se"( 1OHN KERRY 5$B#assa.,-setts' r +,t6' a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es' o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" 1a"-ar0 1F' 2002( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

Former < .e Pres !e"t Al &ore 5R6 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, U(S( Se"ator C,r s $o!! 5$BCT' le:t6 a"! U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#A' .e"ter6 4e:ore t,e Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee ,ear "+ o" PA!!ress "+ &lo4al Cl mate C,a"+e: T,e Roa! to Co3e",a+e"P o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" 1a"-ar0 28' 2002 5AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY' t,e Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee .,a rma"' tal*s ) t, :ormer Se.retar0 o: State 1ames A( Ba*er III 5le:t6 4e:ore a Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee ,ear "+ o" )ar 3o)ers " t,e 21st .e"t-r0 " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" A3r l 28' 2002( 5AP P,oto6

R .,ar! Hol4roo*e 5C6' s3e. al re3rese"tat /e :or A:+,a" sta" a"! Pa* sta"' +reets U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 3r or to test :0 "+ 4e:ore t,e Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" #a0 12' 2002( Hol4roo*e test : e! o" t,e to3 . o: PU(S( Strate+0 To)ar! Pa* sta"(P 5&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#assa.,-setts6 tal*s ) t, IRS Comm ss o"er $o-+las S,-lma" 5le:t6 o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" #ar., 1A' 2002' 3r or to t,e .omm ttee7s ,ear "+ o" taL ss-es relate! to Po"K s.,emes( 5AP P,oto6

U(S( Arm0 &e"( $a/ ! Petrae-s 5le:t6' Comma"!er o: t,e U(S( Ce"tral Comma"!' s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY' C,a rma" o: t,e Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee' o" #a0 A' 2002' 4e:ore a l-".,eo" o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( 5AP P,oto6

S3ea*er o: t,e Ho-se Na".0 Pelos U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY(

U(S( Se"ator H llar0 Ro!,am Cl "to" sta"!s 4es !e U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY(

Pres !e"t &eral! For! 5le:t6 )at.,es S-3reme Co-rt 1-st .e POTTER STE%ART 5r +,t6 a!m " ster t,e oat, o: o:: .e to $o"al! R-ms:el!' ),o s s)or" " as Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se' " %as, "+to" $(C o" No/em4er 20' 12A9( 5P,oto 40 P .tor al Para!e=Ar., /e P,otos=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( S-3reme Co-rt 1-st .es 3ose ) t, Ro"al! Rea+a" " t,e %, te Ho-se Bl-e Room o" Se3tem4er 29' 128D( From le:t to r +,t: Sa"!ra $a0 O7Co""or' 1o," Pa-l Ste/e"s' Harr0 Bla.*m-"' T,-r+oo! #ars,all' % ll am Re,"G- st' % ll am Bre""a"' Ro"al! Rea+a"' C, e: 1-st .e %arre" B-r+er' B0ro" %, te' Le) s F( Po)ell' 1r(' a"! :ormer 1-st .e POTTER STE%ART( 5P,oto: Ro"al! Rea+a" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

Ret re! U(S( S-3reme Co-rt O-st .e POTTER STE%ART a!m " sters t,e oat, o: o:: .e to < .e Pres !e"t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH 5le:t6 " 1a"-ar0 1289(

T,e mem4ers o: t,e 12AE U" te! States S-3reme Co-rt( C, e: 1-st .e %arre" B-r+er s seate! " t,e m !!le( T,or+oo! #ars,all s seate! o" t,e :ar le:t( Potter Ste)art s seate! se.o"! :rom le:t( B0ro" %, te s seate! o" t,e :ar r +,t( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

EPA A!m " strator % ll am Re ll0 5.e"ter6 meets ) t, Se"ator 1OHN CHAFEE a"! Se"ator Al &ore " R o !e 1a"e ro' BraK l :or Eart, S-mm t " 1222( 5P,oto: E"/ ro"me"tal Prote.t o" A+e".06

Treas-r0 Se.retar0 He"r0 Pa-lso"' le:t' tal*s ) t, :ormer Ne) Yor* Sto.* EL.,a"+e C,a rma" %ILLIA# H( $ONAL$SON 4e:ore , s a!!ress to a mor" "+ +at,er "+ at t,e ma " 4ra"., o: t,e Ne) Yor* P-4l . L 4rar0 " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" 1-l0 22' 2008( Pa-lso" sa ! Co"+ress "ee!s to G- .*l0 a33ro/e a s-33ort 3a.*a+e :or Fa"" e #ae a"! Fre!! e #a. to ma*e s-re t,e t)o mort+a+e + a"ts ma "ta " t,e r .r t .all0 m3orta"t role " ,o-s "+ : "a".e( 5Asso. ate! Press 3,oto 40 R .,ar! $re)6

Ro4ert R-4 " 5.e"ter6' t,e $ re.tor o: t,e Nat o"al E.o"om . Co-". l' a33ears at t,e Ne) Yor* Sto.* EL.,a"+e " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" Fe4r-ar0 18' 122F ) t, Al .e R /l " 5r +,t6' t,e $e3-t0 $ re.tor o: O:: .e o: #a"a+eme"t a"! B-!+et' a"! %ILLIA# H( $ONAL$SON' t,e C,a rma" a"! CEO o: Ne) Yor* Sto.* EL.,a"+e( R-4 "' R /l "' a"! $o"al!so" are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( T,e %orl! Tra!e Ce"ter " Ne) Yor* C t0 )as 4om4e! o" Fe4r-ar0 2E' 122F( 5N NaOla, Fea""0=Cor4 s6

Se.-r t es a"! EL.,a"+e Comm ss o" 5SEC6 C,a rma" %ILLIA# H( $ONAL$SON test : es 4e:ore t,e Se"ate Ba"* "+' Ho-s "+ a"! Ur4a" A::a rs Comm ttee o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" O.to4er 19' 200F( 5N %ILLIA# PHILPOTT=Re-ters=Cor4 s6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH s3ea*s ) t, T,e Re/ere"! 1esse 1a.*so" 5L6 as ,e )or*s t,e .ro)! :ollo) "+ remar*s at t,e Ur4a" Lea+-e7s a""-al Co":ere".e " $etro t' # ., +a" o" 1-l0 2F' 200D( 5Broo*s Kra:t=Cor4 s6

Pres !e"tBele.t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH 5le:t6 meets ) t, t,e Re/( 1esse 1a.*so" " B-s,7s o:: .e " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" No/em4er F0' 1288( 5Bettma""=CORBIS6

$emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al "om "ee 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 .,ats ) t, T,e Re/ere"! 1esse 1a.*so" at a .,-r., ser/ .e at East #t( Q o" Ba3t st C,-r., " Cle/ela"!' O, o o" O.to4er F' 200D( 51I# YOUN&=Re-ters=Cor4 s6

Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, Se"ator 1ose3, L e4erma" 5.e"ter6 a"! Re/ere"! Al S,ar3to"(

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH atte"!s a .am3a +" ele.t o" rall0 ) t, Cal :or" a &o/er"or Ar"ol! S.,)arKe"e++er 5R6 " Col-m4-s' O, o o" O.to4er 22' 200D( 51ASON REE$=Re-ters=Cor4 s6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH a33ears ) t, R-!0 & -l a" ' t,e #a0or o: Ne) Yor* C t0(

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Re3-4l .a" Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1o," #.Ca " 5RBAr Ko"a' le:t6 at t,e Rose &ar!e" o: t,e %, te Ho-se o" #ar., 9' 2008( 5P,oto 40 AleL %o"+=&ett0 Ima+es6

$emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 s see" .ele4rat "+ ) t, Se"ator Te! Ke""e!0 " 200D(

Re3-4l .a" Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1o," #.Ca " 5le:t6 tal*s ) t, :ormer Pres !e"t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH " Ho-sto"' TeLas o" Fe4r-ar0 18' 2008( B-s, o:: . all0 e"!orse! #.Ca "7s r-" :or Pres !e"t( 5P,oto 40 $a/e E "sel=&ett0 Ima+es6

$emo.rat . Part0 Pres !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 s see" .ele4rat "+ ) t, $emo.rat . Part0 < .eB Pres !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1o," E!)ar!s !-r "+ t,e 3res !e"t al ele.t o" " 200D(

Former 3res !e"ts B ll Cl "to" a"! &EOR&E BUSH )at., Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH !el /er a s3ee., at t,e %, te Ho-se(

Ret re! A!m ral Sta"s: el! T-r"er 5le:t6' a :ormer CIA $ re.tor a"! a R,o!es S.,olar' s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, $emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1OHN KERRY a:ter "tro!-. "+ Kerr0 " %aterloo' Io)a o" O.to4er 20' 200D( 5BRIAN SNY$ER=Re-ters=Cor4 s6

Pres !e"t o: t,e U" /ers t0 o: O*la,oma $A<I$ L( BOREN 5r +,t6 l ste"s as Re3-4l .a" Part0 3res !e"t al .o"te"!er # tt Rom"e0' :ormer &o/er"or o: #assa.,-setts' s3ea*s !-r "+ a" a33eara".e " O*la,oma C t0 o" A-+-st 1D' 200A( 5AP P,oto6

# ., +a" &o/er"or 1e"" :er &ra",olm s,o)s ,er s-33ort :or 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1OHN KERRY( 1e"" :er &ra",olmJs ,-s4a"! $AN #ULHERN a"! 1OHN KERRY are mem4ers o: S*-ll & Bo"es(

Le:t 3,oto: Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH' Homela"! Se.-r t0 Se.retar0 # .,ael C,erto:: a"! Se.retar0 o: State Co"!oleeKKa R .e ma*e t,e r )a0 to t,e Rose &ar!e" :or a stateme"t 40 B-s, o" t,e / sa )a /er 3ro+ram at t,e %, te Ho-se o" O.to4er 1A' 2008( 5AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6 R +,t 3,oto: Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH sta"!s 4es !e Se"ate #aOor t0 Lea!er B ll Fr st(

Le:t to r +,t: Larr0 S l/erste "' N .,olas E.o"om !es' a"! STEPHEN SCH%ARQ#AN 3art . 3ate " a meet "+ .alle! RCEO S-mm t o" Re4- l! "+ Co": !e".e " t,e U(S( E.o"om0S ,el! at Ne) Yor* U" /ers t0 o" $e.em4er A' 2001( Larr0 S l/erste " )as t,e la"!lor! o: t,e %orl! Tra!e Ce"ter " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" Se3tem4er 11' 2001( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))(ster"("0-(e!-="et)or*s=CEO1(,tml6

$A<I$ BOREN 5.e"ter6 s ts "eLt to CIA $ re.tor &eor+e Te"et 5le:t o: Bore"6 at a 3art0( CIA $ re.tor &eor+e Te"et met ) t, :ormer Se"ator $A<I$ BOREN :or 4rea*:ast at t,e St( Re+ s Hotel " %as, "+to" $(C( o" t,e mor" "+ o: Se3tem4er 11' 2001(

Le:t to r +,t: Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor Co"!oleeKKa R .e' < .e Pres !e"t $ .* C,e"e0' Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH' a"! Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se $o"al! R-ms:el! )al* to+et,er " Cra):or!' TeLas(

$emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator Bara.* O4ama 5le:t6 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY at t,e Colle+e o: C,arlesto" " C,arlesto"' So-t, Carol "a o" 1a"-ar0 10' 2008( 5P,oto 40 R .,ar! Ell s=&ett0 Ima+es6

$emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator Bara.* O4ama 5$BIll "o s6 meets ) t, , s :ore +" 3ol .0 3a"el o: :ormer U(S( +o/er"me"t o:: . als at a ,otel " %as, "+to" $(C( o" 1-"e 18' 2008( From le:t to r +,t are :ormer Cl "to" a!m " strat o" a!/ sor &re+ Cra +' :ormer Cl "to" !e3-t0 "at o"al se.-r t0 a!/ sor 1ames Ste "4er+' :ormer "at o"al se.-r t0 a!/ sor A"t,o"0 La*e' :ormer U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ BOREN 5$BO*la(6' :ormer U(S( Re3( Lee Ham lto" 5$BI"! a"a6' Se"ator O4ama' :ormer Se.retar0 o: State #a!ele "e Al4r +,t' :ormer Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se % ll am 1( Perr0' O4ama7s se" or :ore +" 3ol .0 a!/ ser S-sa" E( R .e' :ormer U(S( Re3( T m Roemer 5$BI"! a"a6 a"! :ormer Se.retar0 o: t,e Na/0 R .,ar! $a"K +( 5Re-ters6

$emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate U(S( Se"ator Bara.* O4ama 5le:t6 +est-res to , s e.o"om . a!/ sor AUSTAN &OOLSBEE as O4ama a"s)ers G-est o"s :rom t,e a-! e".e !-r "+ a .am3a +" sto3 at t,e Al4-G-erG-e Co"/e"t o" Ce"ter " Al4-G-erG-e' Ne) #eL .o o" Fe4r-ar0 1' 2008( 5P,oto 40 C, 3 Somo!e/ lla=&ett0 Ima+es6

$emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate U(S( Se"ator Bara.* O4ama s +reete! 40 :ormer U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ L( BOREN 5le:t6' Pres !e"t o: t,e U" /ers t0 o: O*la,oma' a:ter O4amaJs .am3a +" 3la"e arr /e! " I"! a"a3ol s' I"! a"a o" #ar., 19' 2008( $a/ ! Bore" ser/e! as C,a rma" o: t,e I"tell +e".e Comm ttee ), le ,e )as a U(S( Se"ator( $A<I$ L( BOREN s a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s' a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es at Yale U" /ers t0' a"! a R,o!es S.,olar( 5AP P,oto 40 AleL Bra"!o"6

Le:t to r +,t: T,e Re/ere"! 1esse 1a.*so"' Co"+ressma" 1esse 1a.*so" 1r(' Ill "o s State Se"ator Bara.* O4ama' a"! $emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY a33ear at a 3art0 o" Se3tem4er 11' 200D( 5P,oto 40 Ar"ol! T-r"er=% reIma+e6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH 5C6 sta"!s ) t, Pres !e"tBele.t Bara.* O4ama 52"! L6' :ormer Pres !e"t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH 5L6' :ormer Pres !e"t B ll Cl "to" 52"! R6 a"! :ormer Pres !e"t 1 mm0 Carter 5R6 " t,e O/al O:: .e o: t,e %, te Ho-se " %as, "+to"' $C' o" 1a"-ar0 A' 2002( 5AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

US Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH 5C6 sta"!s ) t, Pres !e"tBele.t Bara.* O4ama 52"! L6' :ormer Pres !e"t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH 5L6' :ormer Pres !e"t B ll Cl "to" 52"! R6 a"! :ormer Pres !e"t 1 mm0 Carter 5R6 " t,e O/al O:: .e o: t,e %, te Ho-se " %as, "+to"' $C' o" 1a"-ar0 A' 2002( B-s,' a.t "+ o" a s-++est o" 40 O4ama' "/ te! t,e :ormer Pres !e"ts a"! Pres !e"tBele.t :or l-".,' t,e : rst t me s ".e 1281 t,at all l / "+ 3res !e"ts ,a/e 4ee" to+et,er at t,e %, te Ho-se( 5AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t Bara.* O4ama a""o-".es :ormer U(S( Se"ator C,-.* Ha+el 5"ot " 3,oto6 a"! :ormer U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ BOREN 5C6 as CoB C,a rme" o: t,e Pres !e"tJs I"tell +e".e A!/ sor0 Boar! as < .e Pres !e"t 1oe B !e" 5L6 loo*s o" !-r "+ a meet "+ o: t,e Pres !e"tJs I"tell +e".e A!/ sor0 Boar! " t,e Ca4 "et Room o: t,e %, te Ho-se o" O.to4er 28' 2002( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t Bara.* O4ama a"! :ormer Pres !e"t &eor+e H( B-s, s,are a mome"t o: la-+,ter a:ter s3ea* "+ a4o-t !e! .at o" to ser/ .e at TeLas A&# U" /ers t0 to mar* t,e 20t, a"" /ersar0 o: t,e Po "ts o: L +,t .omm-" t0 ser/ .e mo/eme"t " Colle+e Stat o"' TeLas o" Fr !a0' O.to4er 1E' 2002( 5AP P,oto6


A<ERELL HARRI#AN l ste"s to So/ et Prem er N * ta K,r-s,.,e/ a"! So/ et Fore +" # " ster A"!re &rom0*o 5:ar r +,t6 at t,e Kreml " " 12EF(

A<ERELL HARRI#AN a"! , s ) :e Pamela Harr ma" +reet Y-r A"!ro3ro/ 5:ar r +,t6 " 1-"e 128F " #os.o)( A"!ro3o/ )as t,e :ormer ., e: o: t,e K&B a"! :ormer ,ea! o: t,e So/ et U" o"( 5TASS P,oto6 5So-r.e: Spanning The 1entury: The Life of 6. A2erell Harriman# $-%$($%-7 40 R-!0 A4ramso"6

Pres !e"t L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" 5r +,t6 )at.,es Am4assa!orBatBLar+e A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5le:t6 s,a*e ,a"!s ) t, So/ et Prem er Ale*se Kos0+ " at t,e &lass4oro S-mm t " &lass4oro' Ne) 1erse0 o" 1-"e 29' 12EA( 5P,oto 40 Fra"* %ol:e=L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

Pres !e"t &EOR&E H(%( BUSH 52"! le:t6 a"! # *,a l &or4a.,e/ 52"! r +,t6 s +" t,e START Treat0 " #os.o)' So/ et R-ss a o" 1-l0 F1' 1221 as Se.retar0 o: State 1ames A( Ba*er III 5le:t6 a"! a So/ et o:: . al loo* o"' 1-l0 F1' 1221( 5P,oto: &eor+e B-s, Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5le:t6 meets ) t, So/ et Comm-" st Lea!er Leo" ! BreK,"e/ " #os.o)' So/ et U" o" o" 1-"e D' 12AD( 5AP % re3,oto6

Amer .a" Am4assa!orBatBLar+e A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5r +,t6 / s ts Po3e Pa-l <I at t,e <at .a" C t0 o" No/em4er 2' 12EE( 5UPI P,oto6

Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor %alt Rosto) 5le:t6 )at.,es For! Fo-"!at o" Pres !e"t #.&EOR&E BUN$Y 5r +,t6 tal* to So/ et Am4assa!or to t,e U(S( A"atol0 $o4r0" " !-r "+ t,e &lass4oro S-mm t " 1-"e 12EA( 5P,oto: Yo ., R( O*amoto=L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

For! Fo-"!at o" Pres !e"t #.&EOR&E BUN$Y 5le:t6 l ste"s to So/ et Comm ssar <oro"tso/ !-r "+ ! ""er at t,e &lass4oro S-mm t " &lass4oro' Ne) 1erse0 o" 1-"e 2F' 12EA( 5P,oto: Yo ., R( O*amoto= L0"!o" B( 1o,"so" Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

A" A"+loBAmer .a" meet "+ ta*es 3la.e a4oar! USS % ll ams4-r+ " 1a"-ar0 1292( Seate! :rom le:t to r +,t: Br t s, Fore +" # " ster A"t,o"0 E!e"' % "sto" C,-r., ll' Harr0 Tr-ma"' Se.retar0 o: State $ea" A.,eso"' Treas-r0 Se.retar0 1o," %( S"0!er' a"! $e:e"se Se.retar0 ROBERT LO<ETT( Sta"! "+ :rom le:t to r +,t: Am4assa!or to &reat Br ta " %alter & ::or!' &e"( Omar N( Bra!le0' S r Ol /er Fra"*s' Lor! C,er)ell' Lor! Isma0' a"! A<ERELL HARRI#AN(

Am4assa!orBatBLar+e A<ERELL HARRI#AN / s ts %est Berl " #a0or % ll0 Bra"!t at Tem3el,o: A r Base " %est Berl " o" #ar., 8' 12E1( 5Re! &ra"!0=Stars a"! Str 3es6

Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y a"! , s ) :e #ar0 B-"!0 "s3e.t t,e Berl " %all " Se3tem4er 12E2( 5AP=% !e %orl! P,otos6

CHARLES #( SPOFFOR$ a33ears at a NATO sess o" " 1290(

A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5le:t6 a"! 1o," #.Clo0 5.e"ter6 / s t %est &erma"0Js C,a".ellor Ko"ra! A!e"a-er 5r +,t6(

HENRY LUCE 5le:t6 tal*s to Y-+osla/ aJs ! .tator 1os 3 BroK T to( 5P,oto: Luce and His mpire 40 %(A( S)a"4er+6

Le:t to r +,t: HENRY R( LUCE' Ne) Yor* C t0 #a0or Ro4ert %a+"er 1r(' C($( 1a.*so"' a"! #a0or o: %est Berl " % ll0 Bra"!t meet 3r /atel0 " O.to4er 12E1( 5P,oto: Bo4 &omel' T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

;-ee" El Ka4et, II l ste"s to :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to &reat Br ta " Le) s %( $o-+las as Pr ".e P, l 3 5:o-rt, :rom r +,t6 .,ats ) t, &o/er"or o: Ne) Yor* A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5t, r! :rom r +,t6 at a" e/e" "+ 4a"G-et " O.to4er 129A( Sel)0" Llo0! 5se.o"! :rom r +,t6 also a33ears at t,at 4a"G-et( 5P,oto 40 Ro4ert %( Kelle0=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

L 4rar a" o: Co"+ress ARCHIBAL$ #a.LEISH 5le:t6 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, t,e Br t s, Am4assa!or to t,e U" te! States t,e #arG-ess o: Lot, a" 5P, l 3 H( Kerr6' a mem4er o: Al:re! # l"erJs K "!er+arte"' o" No/em4er 28' 12F2(

U" te! States Se"ator PRESCOTT S( BUSH 5le:t6 meets ) t, U(S( Se.retar0 o: State C,r st a" A( Herter 5se.o"! :rom le:t6' Pr me # " ster o: Ital0 A"to" o Se+" 5se.o"! :rom r +,t6' a"! Se.retar0 o: t,e Arm0 % l4er Br-.*er " %as, "+to"' $(C(' U(S(A( o" O.to4er 1' 1292( 5U" te! Press I"ter"at o"al6

U(S( Am4assa!or to Pola"! <ICTOR ASHE l ste"s as Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se $o"al! R-ms:el! 5le:t6 s3ea*s to Pola"!Js Pr me # " ster #are* Bel*a 5:ore+ro-"!6 " t,e Pe"ta+o" o" A-+-st 2' 200D( 5$e3artme"t o: $e:e"se 3,oto 40 R($( %ar!6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH toasts N .olas Sar*oK0' t,e Pres !e"t o: Fra".e 5le:t6( 5P,oto: $a l0 #a l6

A (inner part is hel( at >illa FirenKe in 7ashington# .&C& on Februar !I# 5%!5 in honor of Prime 0inister of ,tal 0ario 0onti& From left to right2 American Secretar of .efense 8eon Panetta# American Ambassa(or to ,tal .A>,. /& )/-*NH# Ambassa(or Clau(io Bisogniero# an( American Senator =-/N F-*BHS ;H**F& (Photo2 ,talian Hmbass in the 'nite( States)

Prime 0inister of ,tal 0ario 0onti (stan(ing# left) speaks 4hile '&S& Senator =-/N F-*BHS ;H**F (center) listens (uring a part hel( at the ,talian Hmbass in 7ashington# .&C&# '&S&A& on Februar !I# 5%!5& =ohn Forbes ;err is a member of the Council on Foreign *elations an( a member of Skull & Bones secret societ at Fale 'niversit & (Photo2 ,talian Hmbass in the 'nite( States)

U(S Am4assa!or to H-"+ar0 &EOR&E HERBERT %ALKER III 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, H-"+ar a" Fore +" # " ster Fere". Somo+0 ' U"!er Se.retar0 o: State N .,olas B-r"s' a"! H-"+ar a" Am4assa!or to t,e U(S( A"!rTs S mo"0 (

U(S( Am4assa!or to H-"+ar0 &EOR&E HERBERT %ALKER III 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, H-"+ar a" Fore +" # " ster Fere". Somo+0 ' Se"ator 1o," #.Ca "' a"! H-"+ar a" Am4assa!or to t,e U(S( A"!rTs S mo"0 (

U(S( Se"ator 1o," Kerr0 meets ) t, S-!a"ese < .e Pres !e"t Al Osma" #o,amme! Ta,a' r +,t' " K,arto-m' S-!a" o" A3r l 1E' 2002( Kerr0 sa ! S-!a" ,as a+ree! to allo) some a ! 4a.* "to $ar:-r a:ter t,e S-!a"ese 3res !e"t eL3elle! more t,a" a !oKe" a ! +ro-3s :rom t,e re+ o" last mo"t, 4-t ! ! "ot "! .ate T,-rs!a0 ),et,er a"0 o: t,e eL3elle! a ! +ro-3s )o-l! 4e allo)e! to ret-r"( 5AP P,oto6

Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee C,a rma" U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5R6 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, UN Se.retar0 &e"eral Ba" K Bmoo" ), le ra"* "+ m "or t0 mem4er U(S( Se"ator R .,ar! L-+ar 5L6 sm les !-r "+ a meet "+ o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" #ar., 11' 2002( 5Re-ters6

Ital0Js Pr me # " ster S l/ o Berl-s.o" ' R-ss aJs Pres !e"t <la! m r P-t "' a"! NATO Se.retar0B&e"eral Lor! Ro4ertso" ,o"or Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH(

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, R-ss aJs Pres !e"t <la! m r P-t "(

Pres !e"t &eral! For! a"! Re! C, "aJs Comm ssar $e"+ U ao3 "+ "s3e.t t,e Peo3leJs L 4erat o" Arm0 " Pe* "+ o" $e.em4er 1' 12A9( He"r0 K ss "+er' &EOR&E BUSH' Bar4ara B-s,' Bre"t S.o).ro:t' a"! %INSTON LOR$ .a" 4e see" " t,e e"to-ra+e( 5&eral! R( For! Pres !e"t al L 4rar06

Pres !e"t R .,ar! N Lo"' Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor He"r0 K ss "+er' a"! %INSTON LOR$ meet ) t, Re! C, "aJs Comm ssar #ao TseBt-"+ " Pe* "+ " #a0 12A2(

Le:t to r +,t: %( A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5Ass sta"t Se.retar0 o: State6' Pa-l N tKe 5Ass sta"t Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se6' a"! U(S( Am4assa!or to I"! a 1( Ke""et, &al4ra t, meet ) t, I"! aJs Pr me # " ster 1a)a,arlal Ne,r- " Ne) $el, ' I"! a " No/em4er 12E2( 5P,oto: From Hiroshima to Glasnost 40 Pa-l H( N tKe6

Am4assa!orBatBLar+e A<ERELL HARRI#AN meets ) t, I"!o"es aJs r-ler &e"eral S-,arto " 1a*arta' I"!o"es a o" O.to4er 22' 12EE( 5UPI P,oto6

1OHN SHER#AN COOPER 5r +,t6' t,e U(S( Am4assa!or to I"! a' a33ears ) t, I"! a7s Pr me # " ster 1a)a,arlal Ne,r5se.o"! :rom r +,t6 a"! Ne,r-Js !a-+,ter I"! ra &a"!, 5se.o"! :rom le:t6 " %as, "+to"' $(C( " $e.em4er 129E( 5P,oto 40 E! Clar*=T me L :e6

%INSTON LOR$ 5:ar le:t6' Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor Bre"t S.o).ro:t' Se.retar0 o: State He"r0 K ss "+er' Pres !e"t &eral! For!' &EOR&E BUSH' a"! 1oe S s.o meet ) t, Re! C, "aJs !es3ot $e"+ U ao3 "+ a"! t,e C, "ese Comm-" sts(

%INSTON LOR$ 5)ear "+ re+-lar +lasses' sta"! "+ at :ar le:t " .e"ter ro)6 a"! Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor He"r0 K ss "+er 5:ro"t a"! .e"ter6 / s t T,e For4 !!e" C t0 " Pe* "+ !-r "+ t,e r se.ret tr 3 to Re! C, "a " 1-l0 12A1(

T me E! torB "BC, e: HENRY LUCE sta"!s 4es !e &e"eral ss mo C, a"+ Ka Bs,e*' t,e Pres !e"t o: t,e Re3-4l . o: C, "a( 5P,oto: Luce and His mpire 40 %(A( S)a"4er+6

Se.retar0 o: %ar HENRY STI#SON )at.,es C, "ese Nat o"al st Fore +" # " ster T( <( Soo"+ +reets Pres !e"t Harr0 Tr-ma"( From le:t to r +,t: HENRY STI#SON' Na/0 Se.retar0 1ames Forrestal' a"! Se.retar0 o: State E!)ar! Stett " -s( O"e o: T(<( Soo"+Js s sters )as Soo"+ #e Bl "+' also *"o)" as #a!ame C, a"+ Ka Bs,e*( H s ot,er s ster )as Soo"+ C, "+Bl "+' also *"o)" as #a!ame S-" YatBse"( T(<( Soo"+ )o-l! :lee to Ne) Yor* C t0 a:ter t,e C, "ese Nat o"al sts retreate! to t,e sla"! o: Ta )a"( Soo"+Js s ster #a!ame C, a"+ )o-l! l /e " t,e Re3-4l . o: C, "a o" Ta )a" ), le , s ot,er s ster #a!ame S-" sta0e! " Re! C, "a(

T me ma+aK "e E! torB "BC, e: HENRY LUCE a"! H(H( K-"+ 5)ear "+ +lasses6 a33ear at t,e o3e" "+ o: C, "a Ho-se( H(H( K-"+ )as Nat o"al st C, "aJs # " ster o: F "a".e a"! t,e &o/er"or o: t,e Ce"tral Ba"* o: C, "a !-r "+ %orl! %ar II( H(H( K-"+ ear"e! a #aster o: Arts !e+ree :rom Yale U" /ers t0 " 120A( H(H( K-"+ )as marr e! to Soo"+ A Bl "+M H(H( K-"+Js 4rot,erB "Bla)s )ere $r( S-" YatBse" a"! &e"eral ss mo C, a"+ Ka Bs,e*( 5P,oto: Luce and His mpire 40 %(A( S)a"4er+6

#.&EOR&E BUN$Y 5ma" o" t,e r +,t ) t, +lasses6 )at.,es C-4aJs ! .tator F !el Castro !el /er a s3ee., at Har/ar! U" /ers t0 " A3r l 1292( 5AP=% !e %orl! P,otos6

U" te! States Se"ator 1OHN FORBES KERRY s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, N .ara+-aJs Sa"! " sta re4el $a" el Orte+a(

%( A<ERELL HARRI#AN' t,e :ormer &o/er"or o: Ne) Yor*' .,ats ) t, IsraelJs Pr me # " ster &ol!a #e r at t,e S,ore,am Hotel " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" Se3tem4er 2A' 12E2( Bot, HARRI#AN a"! #e r ser/e! as a" am4assa!or to t,e So/ et U" o"( %( A<ERELL HARRI#ANJS 4rot,er ROLAN$ HARRI#AN )as a ! re.tor o: U" o" Ba"* "+ Cor3orat o"' a 4a"* " Ne) Yor* C t0 t,at store! NaK &erma" : "a". er Fr tK T,0sse"Js asset o: VF'000'000 " 12D1( 5So-r.e: &ol!a #e r P,oto Colle.t o" at t,e U" /ers t0 o: % s.o"s " at # l)a-*ee L 4rar es6

Le:t to r +,t: Former F rst La!0 Elea"or Roose/elt' IsraelJs Arm0 C, e: o: Sta:: &e"eral #os,e $a0a"' Israel Am4assa!or to t,e U(S( A44a E4a"' a"! &o/er"or o: Ne) Yor* %( A<ERELL HARRI#AN sta"! to+et,er at a mass meet "+ :or Israel at t,e Polo &ro-"!s " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" A3r l 2A' 1298(

Ne) Yor* &o/er"or A<ERELL HARRI#AN s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Ra44 1(1( He.,t at a 4ar m tK/a,(

TeLas &o/er"or &EOR&E %( BUSH )ors, 3s at t,e %a l "+ %all " 1er-salem " 1228(

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY 5$B#assa.,-setts6 s3ea*s at t,e Amer .a" Israel P-4l . A::a rs Comm tteeJs 5AIPAC6 a""-al 3ol .0 .o":ere".e at t,e %alter E( %as, "+to" Co"/e"t o" Ce"ter " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" #a0 9' 2002( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t 3,oto: Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY !el /ers a s3ee., at t,e A"t B$e:amat o" Lea+-e ,ea!G-arters o" #a0 F' 200D( R +,t 3,oto: Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY 5le:t6 meets ) t, :ormer Pres !e"t o: Ira" #o,amma! K,atam at t,e %orl! E.o"om . For-m " $a/os' S) tKerla"! o" 1a"-ar0 2A' 200A( 5AP P,oto / a FoL Ne)s6

$emo.rat . Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate U(S( Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY 5$B#assa.,-setts6 a!!resses t,e A"t B$e:amat o" Lea+-e7s "at o"al lea!ers, 3 .o":ere".e " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" #a0 F' 200D( 5P,oto 40 #ar* % lso"=&ett0 Ima+es6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH !el /ers a s3ee., at a" Amer .a" Israel P-4l . A::a rs Comm ttee 5AIPAC6 .o":ere".e(

S, mo" Peres 5se.o"! :rom le:t6 a"! %INSTON LOR$ 5r +,t' sm l "+6 3re3are to / s t t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se " Ne) Yor* C t0( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Se"ator ROBERT A( TAFT 3re3ares to s3ea* at a Q o" st meet "+ at t,e #a! so" SG-are &ar!e" " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" #a0 1E' 12D8' O-st t)o !a0s a:ter $a/ ! Be"B&-r o" a"! t,e Q o" sts " Israel !e.lare! ts "!e3e"!e".e :rom &reat Br ta "(

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH atte"!s a .eremo"0 ) t, Israel Pres !e"t S, mo" Peres 5le:t6 a"! Israel Pr me # " ster E,-! Olmert 5r +,t6 at t,e Hall o: Remem4ra".e at t,e Ya! <as,em Holo.a-st #-se-m " 1er-salem o" 1a"-ar0 11' 2008( 5Re-ters6

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Israel Fore +" # " ster S, mo" Peres 5le:t6 " t,e O/al O:: .e o" #a0 F' 2001( 5Pa-l 1( R .,ar!s=AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

U(S( Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH )el.omes Pr me # " ster o: Israel E,-! Olmert to t,e O/al O:: .e o" 1-"e 12' 200A( 5%, te Ho-se 3,oto 40 Er . $ra3er6

I" t, s ,a"!o-t ma+e s-33l e! 40 t,e Israel &o/er"me"t Press O:: .e 5&PO6' U(S( Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH +reets Israel o33os t o" lea!er Be"Oam " Neta"0a,- at t,e Israel 3arl ame"t " 1er-salem' Israel o" #a0 19' 2008( B-s, earl er .r t . Ke! t,e !ea!l0 ta.t .s o: eLtrem st +ro-3s l *e AlB;a !a' HeK4olla, a"! Hamas a"! sa ! ,e loo*s to)ar! t,e !a0 ),e" #-sl ms 7re.o+" Ke t,e em3t "ess o: t,e terror sts7 / s o" a"! t,e "O-st .e o: t,e r .a-se(7 5&ett0 Ima+es=&PO6

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#A6 a"! Israel7s Fore +" # " ster TK 3 L /" 5R6 sta"! " :ro"t o: t,e rema "s o: ro.*ets : re! 40 Palest " a"BAra4 terror sts " &aKa !-r "+ a / s t to a 3ol .e stat o" " t,e so-t,er" Israel to)" o: S!erot o" Fe4r-ar0 12' 2002( TK 3 L /" s a :ormer #ossa! a+e"t( 5Re-ters6

Israel Pr me # " ster Be"Oam " Neta"0a,- 5L6 meets ) t, mem4ers o: t,e U(S( Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee ".l-! "+ Comm ttee C,a rma" Se"( 1OHN KERRY 5$B#A6 o" Ca3 tol H ll " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" #a0 12' 2002( 5Re-ters6

Israel7s $e:e"se # " ster E,-! Bara* 5L6 s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#A6 !-r "+ t,e r meet "+ " Tel A/ / Fe4r-ar0 12' 2002' " t, s 3 .t-re release! 40 t,e Israel $e:e"se # " str0( 5Re-ters6

Israel Pres !e"t S, mo" Peres .o":ers ) t, U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" #a0 D' 2002( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

IsraelJs # " ster o: $e:e"se #os,e Are"s 5le:t6 sta"!s 4es !e :ormer Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" $e.em4er 12' 128F(

A<ERELL HARRI#AN meets ) t, t,e S,a, o: Ira"(

A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5le:t6 s3ea*s to Ira"Js Prem er #o,amme! #ossa!e+, o" 1-l0 28' 1291( T,e ma" " t,e m !!le s <er"o" A( %alters(

Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$ 5le:t6 +reets Sa-! alBFa sal o: Sa-! Ara4 a at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se " Ne) Yor* C t0( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

HENRY LUCE' :o-"!er o: T me a"! L :e ma+aK "es' / s ts E+03tJs Pres !e"t &amal A4!el Nasser( 5P,oto: Luce and His mpire 40 %(A( S)a"4er+6

U(S( Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH )el.omes T-r*e0Js Pr me # " ster Re.e3 Ta00 3 Er!o+a" 5le:t6 to t,e O/al O:: .e o: t,e %, te Ho-se " %as, "+to" No/em4er 9' 200A( 5Re-ters6

T-r*e07s Pr me # " ster Ta00 3 Er!o+a" 5r +,t6 atte"!s a meet "+ ) t, 5le:t to r +,t6 U(S( Am4assa!or to T-r*e0 Ross % lso"' U(S( Se"ator C,-.* Ha+el' U(S( Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY' a"! U(S( Se"ator 1ose3, B !e" " A"*ara' T-r*e0 o" Fe4r-ar0 22' 2008( 5Re-ters6

Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY l ste"s to Pres !e"t o: A:+,a" sta" Ham ! KarKa 5le:t6 !-r "+ a meet "+ at t,e 3res !e"t al Pala.e " Ka4-l' A:+,a" sta" o" Fe4r-ar0 20' 2008( 5AP P,oto 40 Ra: G #aG4ool6

Le:t to r +,t: U(S( Se"ators C,-.* Ha+el' 1OHN F( KERRY' a"! 1ose3, B !e" meet ) t, Per/eK #-s,arra: 5r +,t6' t,e $ .tator o: Pa* sta"' " Ra)al3 "! ' Pa* sta" o" Fe4r-ar0 12' 2008( 5AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

S0r a7s Pres !e"t Bas,ar alBAssa! 5L6 meets Se"ator 1OHN KERRY' .,a rma" o: t,e U(S( Se"ate Fore +" Relat o"s Comm ttee' " $amas.-s' S0r a o" Fe4r-ar0 21' 2002( 5Re-ters6

Former Pres !e"t o: Ira" #o,amma! K,atam 5le:t6 a"! Se"ator 1OHN F( KERRY 5r +,t6 ta*e t,e sta+e :or a ! s.-ss o" o" RT,e F-t-re o: t,e # !!le EastS at t,e %orl! E.o"om . For-m " $a/os' S) tKerla"! o" 1a"-ar0 2A' 200A( 5AP P,oto=< r+ " a #a0o6


&o/er"or o: P-erto R .o L- s #-"oK #ar " 5.e"ter6 )at.,es Nelso" Ro.*e:eller 5se.o"! :rom le:t6 s,a*e ,a"!s ) t, &o/er"or o: Ne) Yor* A<ERELL HARRI#AN !-r "+ a meet "+ " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" Se3tem4er 10' 1298( 5P,oto: P-erto R .a" Her ta+e $ + tal L 4rar06

Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t R .,ar! N( Haass 5seate! o" t,e :ar r +,t6 )at.,es Pres !e"t &eor+e %( B-s, !el /er a s3ee., to t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" $e.em4er A' 2009( 5%, te Ho-se 3,oto 40 Pa-l #orse6

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#A6 s3ea*s a4o-t A:+,a" sta" at t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" O.to4er 2E' 2002( 1o," Kerr0 s3o*e a4o-t , s re.e"t / s t to A:+,a" sta" a"! U(S( 3ol .0 " t,e re+ o"( 1o," Kerr0 s a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5$B#A6 + /es a s3ee., at t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s " Ne) Yor* C t0 o" $e.em4er F' 200F( 5P,oto 40 S3e".er Platt=&ett0 Ima+es6

%ILLIA# H( RBILLS $ONAL$SON 5le:t6 a"! % ll am 1( #.$o"o-+, sm le :or t,e .amera at a 3art0(
Note: P,oto+ra3,s o: &eor+e B-s, meet "+ ) t, t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s mem4ers .a" 4e :o-"! " t,e se.t o" R&eor+e B-s, & t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"sS " t,e .,a3ter RCo-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s: Be, "! t,e S.e"es(S Note: P,oto+ra3,s o: &eor+e %( B-s, meet "+ ) t, t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s mem4ers .a" 4e :o-"! " t,e se.t o" R&eor+e %( B-s, & t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"sS " t,e .,a3ter RCo-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s: Be, "! t,e S.e"es(S

Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor Q4 +" e) BrKeK "s* a33ears at a 3art0 ) t, Pres !e"t o: For! Fo-"!at o" #.&EOR&E BUN$Y' Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$' a"! Tr lateral Comm ss o" Coor! "ator &eor+e S( Fra"*l "( T, s 3,oto )as 3-4l s,e! " t,e 12A8 Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort(

%INSTON LOR$ )as t,e Pres !e"t o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s :rom 12AA to 1289(

T, s 3,oto a33ears " t,e 200E Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort( %ILLIA# H( $ONAL$SON 5:ar r +,t6 s a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s a"! a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es(

A/erell Harr ma" 5le:t6 a"! $ea" A.,eso" a33ear at a Ca4 "et meet "+ o" No/em4er 2' 12EA( 5P,oto: Yo ., R( O*amoto' LB1 L 4rar06

State $e3artme"t o:: . als sta"! " :ro"t o: a .amera " $e.em4er 12DD( From le:t to r +,t: % ll L( Cla0to"' $ea" A.,eso"' 1ose3, C( &re)' Se.retar0 o: State E!)ar! Stett " -s' ARCHIBAL$ #a.LEISH' Nelso" Ro.*e:eller' a"! 1ames C( $-""(

$emo.rat . 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 +reets <er"o" 1or!a" at t,e 200D Nat o"al Ur4a" Lea+-e Co":ere".e " $etro t o" 1-l0 22' 200D( <er"o" 1or!a" a"! 1OHN KERRY are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( <er"o" 1or!a" ,as atte"!e! o/er 20 B l!er4er+ meet "+s( 5L-*e FraKKa=AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t 3,oto: Ret re! Arm0 &e"eral %esle0 Clar* 5le:t6 s see" .ele4rat "+ ) t, Se"ator 1OHN KERRY( R +,t 3,oto: Ret r "+ #ar "e Cor3s &e"eral 1ames L( 1o"es 5.e"ter6 )at.,es STEPHEN SCH%ARQ#AN 5le:t6 s,a*e ,a"!s ) t, :ormer Fe!eral Reser/e C,a rma" Ala" &ree"s3a" at t,e 200A A)ar!s $ ""er o: t,e Atla"t . Co-". l o: t,e U" te! States at t,e #a"!ar " Or e"tal' %as, "+to" $(C( o" A3r l F0' 200A(

Ne) Yor* C t0 #a0or # .,ael Bloom4er+ 5le:t6 a"! :ormer U(S( Se"ator $A<I$ L( BOREN' t,e Pres !e"t o: t,e U" /ers t0 o: O*la,oma' la-+, to+et,er !-r "+ t,e start o: a :or-m at t,e U" /ers t0 o: O*la,oma " Norma"' O*la,oma o" 1a"-ar0 A' 2008( # .,ael Bloom4er+ a"! $A<I$ L( BOREN are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o: Fore +" Relat o"s( 5Re-ters6

U(S( Se"ator 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, :ormer Pres !e"t B ll Cl "to" " 200D( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

Co"!oleeKKa R .e sta"!s 4es !e #.&EOR&E BUN$Y at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se o" Se3tem4er 11' 1282( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

E!m-"! S( #-s* e' &( % ll am # ller' A<ERELL HARRI#AN' Sol #( L "o) tK meet at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se " . r.a 1281( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

STEPHEN A( SCH%ARQ#AN s a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Lesl e &el4' %INSTON LOR$' $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller' CFR se.retar0 1-! t, &-sta:so" 5"ot a CFR mem4er6' Peter &( Peterso"' Alto" Fr0e' 1o," Tem3le S) "+' a"! Ba0less #a"" "+ a33ear to+et,er o" #a0 1E' 2000( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Former Nat o"al Se.-r t0 a!/ sors #.&EOR&E BUN$Y' Bre"t S.o).ro:t' a"! Col " Po)ell 3re3are :or a meet "+( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

&o/er"or o: < r+ " a 1ames S( & lmore III' :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to Re! C, "a %INSTON LOR$' El Ka4et, C( E.o"om0' a"! :ormer Pres !e"t o: C, .a+o Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s 1o," E( R ell0 ! s.-ss U" te! States o: Amer .aJs relat o"s ) t, Re! C, "a !-r "+ a meet "+ " 1-"e 2001( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Former U(S( Am4assa!or to Re! C, "a %INSTON LOR$' :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to Re! C, "a 1( Sta3leto" Ro0' Ir "a Fas* a"os' a"! :ormer Ass sta"t Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se 1ose3, S( N0e 1r( meet 3r /atel0 at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Le:t to r +,t: $a/ ! &er+e"' K-rt #( Cam34ell' :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to Re! C, "a %INSTON LOR$' :ormer CIA $ re.tor 1o," #( $e-t.,' $a/ ! L( Aaro"' a"! ret re! Na/0 A!m ral C,arles R( Larso" a33ear at a meet "+ " 1-"e 2000 .alle! R#o.* Nat o"al Se.-r t0 Co-". l #eet "+ o" Ta )a"(S 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

%INSTON LOR$ 5.e"ter6 tal*s to &eor+e P( S,-ltK 5le:t6 a"! $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Le:t to r +,t: %INSTON LOR$' Nat,a" el Sam-els' $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller' a"! La)re".e S( Ea+le4-r+er a33ear at a 3art0 to+et,er( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

He!le0 $o"o/a"' Rosal0" Carter 51 mm0 CarterJs ) :e6' Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$' a"! $o"al! #.He"r0 e"Oo0 a ! ""er at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$ 5le:t6 tal*s to Ir/ "+ Kr stol 5r +,t6 a"! Co"+ressma" 1a.* Kem3 at a Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s meet "+ o" #ar., 22' 1282( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

%INSTON LOR$ 5le:t6 a33la-!s as &eor+e C( Pa "e II s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, Cas3ar %e "4er+er 5r +,t6( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Le:t to r +,t: R( 1ames %oolse0' :ormer U(S( Se.retar0 o: $e:e"se Harol! Bro)"' Larr0 K( Sm t,' Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s .,a rma" Peter &( Peterso"' :ormer Se.retar0 o: t,e Na/0 Pa-l N tKe' %ILLIA# P( BUN$Y' a"! Alto" Fr0e a33ear at a 3art0 o" #ar., 12' 1220( %ILLIA# P( BUN$Y )as t,e E! tor o: Foreign Affairs ma+aK "e :rom 12A2 to 128D( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

%INSTON LOR$ 5.e"ter6 tal*s to :ormer Se"ator A4ra,am R 4 .o:: 5le:t6 a"! Ro4ert Stra-ss at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Former C,a rma" o: t,e 1o "t C, e:s o: Sta:: Col " Po)ell 5le:t6 tal*s to Bette Bao Lor! a"! ,er ,-s4a"! %INSTON LOR$ at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

# .,ael S( Te tel4a-m 5le:t6 a"! :ormer Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y a33ear at a st-!0 +ro-3 meet "+ .alle! R3o3-lat o" a"! U(S( :ore +" 3ol .0S o" #ar., 28' 1221( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

%ILLIA# P( BUN$Y 5le:t6 a"! Pat #( Holt atte"! a meet "+ at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Former U(S( Co"+ressma" Ste3,e" 1( SolarK 5le:t6 a"! %INSTON LOR$ sm le :or t,e .amera( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

%INSTON LOR$ a"! $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller l ste" to U" /ers t0 o: Notre $ame Pres !e"t T,eo!ore Hes4-r+, at a ! ""er( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

%INSTON LOR$ 5le:t6' Bette Bao Lor! 5.e"ter6' a"! :ormer Se"ator A4ra,am R 4 .o:: atte"! a Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s meet "+( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

R( KEITH %ALTON 5le:t6 l ste"s to #ora #.Lea" at a Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s meet "+ o" A3r l 8' 1228( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

ROBERT %( KA&AN 5le:t6 a"! #ar. A( T, esse" 5.e"ter6 l ste" as 1o," H lle" ! s.-sses :ore +" 3ol .0 at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se o" No/em4er 12' 1222( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

$a/ ! Ro.*e:eller 5le:t6 a"! %INSTON LOR$ sm le :or t,e .amera( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Commer.e Se.retar0 #al.olm Bal!r +e 5le:t6 tal*s to Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$ " 128D( #al.olm Bal!r +eJs :at,er )as a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es( #al.olm Bal!r +e a"! % "sto" Lor! +ra!-ate! :rom Yale U" /ers t0( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Former Pres !e"t o: Cor"ell U" /ers t0 1ames A( Per* "s 5le:t6 tal*s to Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$ 5.e"ter6' a"! Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s C,a rma" $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se " .( 12A2( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Le:t to r +,t: Peter #.Colo-+,' $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller' 1o," Tem3le S) "+' %INSTON LOR$' a"! Le) s T( Presto" 3re3are :or a meet "+ at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Le:t to r +,t: Pres !e"t o: t,e As a So. et0 Ro4ert OL"am' :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to So-t, < et"am Ells)ort, B-"*er' a"! :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to T,a la"! CHARLES %HITEHOUSE ! s.-ss :ore +" 3ol .0 at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

C,arla0"e H-"terB&a-lt a"! Fra"*l " % ll ams 1r( a33ear ) t, %INSTON LOR$ o" A3r l 2E' 1220( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Pa-l <ol.*er !el /ers a s3ee., at a meet "+ at t,e Amo-rersJ Hall " Lo"!o"( %INSTON LOR$ s seate! to t,e r +,t o: <ol.*er( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

E! tor o: Foreign Affairs ma+aK "e %ILLIA# P( BUN$Y 5le:t6' Art,-r S.,les "+er 1r( 5se.o"! :rom le:t6' a"! Sta"le0 Ho::ma"" 5se.o"! :rom r +,t6 atte"! a meet "+ at t,e Harol! Pratt Ho-se " 12A2( % ll am P( B-"!0 )as o::ere! t,e Foreign Affairs e! tors, 3 40 Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s C,a rma" $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller( 5So-r.e: 1ontinuing the +n8uiry: The 1ouncil on Foreign Relations from $%9$ to $%%7 40 Peter &rose' 3a+e 906

1OHN SHATTUCK' t,e Ass sta"t Se.retar0 o: State :or H-ma" R +,ts a"! H-ma" tar a" A::a rs' l ste"s to :ormer < .e Pres !e"t al .a"! !ate &eral! "e Ferraro at a Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s meet "+ o" $e.em4er E' 122F( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$ s,a*es ,a"!s ) t, :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to So-t, < et"am Ells)ort, B-"*er( Bot, % "sto" Lor! a"! Ells)ort, B-"*er +ra!-ate! :rom Yale U" /ers t0( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

R +,t 3,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$ tal*s to 1o," Tem3le S) "+ " 128F(

T, s 3,oto a33ears " t,e 128D Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort(

R .,ar! &rasso l ste"s to a .o"/ersat o" 4et)ee" :ormer Co"+ressma" 1o," Bra!emas 5le:t6 a"! STEPHEN SCH%ARQ#AN 5r +,t6( &rasso s "ot a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s(

5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

From le:t to r +,t: Former &o/er"or o: Ne) 1erse0 a"! C,a rma" o: 2=11 Comm ss o" T,omas Kea"' :ormer Commer.e Se.retar0 Bar4ara Ha.*ma" Fra"*l "' :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to Ne3al 1-l a C,a"+ Blo.,' :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to Re! C, "a %INSTON LOR$' Pres !e"t o: U(S( I"st t-te o: Pea.e a"! :ormer U(S( Am4assa!or to t,e P, l 33 "es R .,ar! H( Solomo"' a"! :ormer Treas-r0 Se.retar0 %( # .,ael Bl-me"t,al a33ear at a meet "+(

5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Former Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y 5le:t6 tal*s to A!m ral C,arles R( Larso"' t,e Comma"!er " C, e: o: t,e U(S( Pa. : . Comma"!' at a CFR meet "+ o" Fe4r-ar0 28' 122D( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

#.&EOR&E BUN$Y sta"!s 4es !e A!m ral % ll am 1( Cro)e at a Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s meet "+ o" O.to4er 8' 128E( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6

Se"ator 1o," #.Ca " sta"!s 4es !e %INSTON LOR$ at a 3art0 " 2001(

A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5r +,t6 a"! , s ) :e Pamela Harr ma" a33ears ) t, #ar o C-omo 5le:t6( #ar o C-omo' A<ERELL HARRI#AN' a"! Pamela Harr ma" )ere mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( A<ERELL HARRI#AN a"! #ar o C-omo ser/e! as +o/er"ors o: Ne) Yor*(

#.&EOR&E BUN$Y tal*s to Fat,er 1( Br0a" He, r( BUN$Y )as a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"sM He, r s a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s(

Le:t to r +,t: H-4ert H( H-m3,re0' A<ERELL HARRI#AN' A!la E( Ste/e"so"' a"! Her4ert H( Le,ma" 3re3are :or a meet "+ " O.to4er 1298( All :o-r me" )ere mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 1ose3, S.,ers.,el=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t to r +,t: Former Se.retar0 o: t,e A r For.e T,omas K( F "letter' :ormer &o/er"or o: Ill "o s A!la E( Ste/e"so"' a"! Ne) Yor* &o/er"or A<ERELL HARRI#AN 3re3are :or a meet "+ " O.to4er 1298( All t,ree me" )ere mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 1ose3, S.,ers.,el=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

T,e Amer .a" !ele+at o" to t,e Fore +" # " sters Co":ere".e 3re3ares :or a meet "+ " #a0 12D2( Le:t to r +,t: $ele+ate to t,e U" te! Nat o"s P, l 3 C( 1ess-3' Se.retar0 o: State $ea" A.,eso"' A<ERELL HARRI#AN 5sta"! "+6' a"! 1o," Foster $-lles( 5P,oto 40 &Oo" # l =T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t to r +,t: Former Se.retar0 o: t,e A r For.e T,omas K( F "letter' &o/er"or o: Ne) Yor* A<ERELL HARRI#AN' Elea"or Roose/elt' a"! :ormer &o/er"or o: Ill "o s A!la E( Ste/e"so" a33ear !-r "+ a ta3 "+ o: T< s,o) to ! s.-ss $emo.rat . Part0 .am3a +" ss-es " O.to4er 1298( Elea"or Roose/elt )as "ot a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 1ose3, S.,ers.,el=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t to r +,t: Nelso" A( Ro.*e:eller' U(S( Am4assa!or to t,e So/ et U" o" A/erell Harr ma"' Se"( Art,-r <a"!e"4er+ a"! 1o," Foster $-lles ,a/e a ! s.-ss o" at t,e U" te! Nat o"s Co":ere".e " 12D9( Ro.*e:eller' Harr ma"' a"! $-lles )ere mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto 40 Peter Sta.*3ole=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

C,a rma" o: C,ase #a",atta" Ba"* a"! Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s 5CFR6 C,a rma" $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller' Ca"a!aJs Pr me # " ster P erre Ell ott Tr-!ea-' a"! CFR Pres !e"t %INSTON LOR$ meet 3r /atel0 o" #ar., 22' 12A8( T,e s +" o" t,e )all states: RTHE THO#AS 1( %ATSON #EETIN&S: E"!o)e! 40 , s :am l0 " memor0 o: T,omas 1( %atso"' 18ADB129E' ),o ! ! so m-., to 4r "+ to+et,er Amer .a" a"! :ore +" lea!ers :or t,at :ra"* "ter.,a"+e o: / e)s so / tal to "ter"at o"al .oo3erat o" a"! -"!ersta"! "+(S T,omas 1( %atso"' :ormer C,a rma" o: IB#' met ) t, A!ol: H tler 3r or to %orl! %ar II( 5P,oto: Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s A""-al Re3ort6


)he )aft Brothers stan( together for a group portrait& From left to right2 /HN*F 7A)H*S )AF)# 7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF)# Charles Phelps )aft# an( /-*ACH .'))-N )AF)& Hver one e:cept for Charles Phelps )aft 4as a member of Skull & Bones& Charles Phelps )aft 4as 7illiam /o4ar( )aftBs half6brother& ()ime 8ife photo)

7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF) appears 4ith his famil an( relatives at the 7hite /ouse on =une !$# !$!!& Stan(ing# left to right2 *-BH*) A& )AF)# 0aria /erron# /-*ACH .'))-N )AF)# /elen )aft# /HN*F 7& )AF)# an( C/A*8HS P/H8PS )AF) ,,& Seate(# left to right2 0rs& Charles An(erson# 0rs& 7illiam /o4ar( )aft# 7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF)# .elia Chapin )orre # an( 0rs& /enr 7& )aft&

From left to right2 (aughter /elen /erron )aft (0anning)# C/A*8HS P/H8PS )AF) ,,# 7,8,A0 /-7A*. )AF)# *-BH*) A& )AF)# an( 4ife /elen )aft&

7,88,A0 /-7A*. )AF) is seen talking to his son C/A*8HS P/H8PS )AF) ,, (left) (uring 7orl( 7ar ,&

7,88,A0 F& B'C;8HF =*& sits besi(e his son C/*,S)-P/H* B'C;8HF (left)& )he 4oman on the right is 7illiam Buckle Bs 4ife Pat&

Publisher6columnist 7,88,A0 F& B'C;8HF =*& (center left) Aoins in reAoicing over the victor in Ne4 ForkJs Senatorial race b his brother# =A0HS B'C;8HF (center right)# at the latterJs campaign hea(Luarters in Ne4 Fork Cit on November G# !$E%& (Bettmann3C-*B,S)

)he Buckle famil appears for a photo in !$I9& Stan(ing from left to right2 =ane# 0aureen# =ohn# =A0HS 8& B'C;8HF# Patricia# 7,88,A0 F& B'C;8HF =*&# F& *H,. B'C;8HF# Priscilla# an( Aloise& Seate( from left to right2 7illiam F& Buckle Sr&# Aloise# an( Carol&

A>H*H88 /A**,0AN (left) an( his brother *-8AN. /A**,0AN appear at a part & )his photo appears in the book Spanning The Century: The Life of W. Averell Harriman, 1891-198 b *u( Abramson&

T,e or + "al +ro-3 o: t,e : rst Yale U" t at Palm Bea.,' Flor !a a33ear to+et,er . r.a 1218B1212( Fro"t ro)' le:t to r +,t: %ellesle0 La-! Bro)"' Ella 5mas.ot' !o+6' a"! HENRY P( $A<ISON 1R( Ba.* ro)' le:t to r +,t: 1OHN #( <ORYS' ARTE#US L( &ATES' Al4ert 1( $ tma" 1r(' ALLAN %( A#ES' $a/ ! #.C-llo., 5 "str-.tor o: t,e +ro-36' F( TRUBEE $A<ISON' ROBERT A( LO<ETT' a"! Erl C( B( &o-l!( T, s 3,oto+ra3, a33ears o" 3a+e FF o: Ral3, $( Pa "e7s 4oo*' PT,e F rst Yale U" t'P /ol( I( Erl C( B( &o-l! )as a mem4er o: S.roll & Ke0( 5So-r.e: #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t0 L 4rar06

Le:t 3,oto: ROBERT A( LO<ETT 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, %( A<ERELL HARRI#AN sta"! to+et,er " 12FE( R +,t 3,oto: ROLAN$ HARRI#AN 5le:t6 a33ears ) t, ROBERT A( LO<ETT " Sa"ta Bar4ara' Cal :or" a " 1212(

Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH a!m res s "+er Bar4ara Stre sa"!( 5P,oto 40 Ke/ " #aK-r=% reIma+e(.om6

Le:t 3,oto: 1e::re0 Rose"' Carol "e Ke""e!0' a"! STEPHEN A( SCH%ARQ#AN la-+, to+et,er at a 3art0( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))("e)0or*so. al! ar0(.om="o!e=199F06 R +,t 3,oto: Peter &( Peterso" .,ats ) t, STEPHEN A( SCH%ARQ#AN at a 3art0( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))("e)0or*so. al! ar0(.om="o!e=199F06

Ra33er S"oo3 $o++ tal*s ) t, , s la)0er $ONAL$ ETRA 5L6 " t,e Pasa!e"a S-3er or Co-rt " Pasa!e"a' Cal :or" a o" A3r l 11' 200A' !-r "+ $o++7s arra +"me"t :or t)o :elo" es relate! to a" arrest last 0ear o" +-" a"! mar O-a"a 3ossess o"( T,e ! str .t attor"e07s o:: .e sa ! t,e F9B0earBol! ra33er' real "ame Cal/ " Broa!-s' )o-l! 4e arra +"e! " Pasa!e"a o" .,ar+es relate to a" ". !e"t " O.to4er 200E at B-r4a"*7s Bo4 Ho3e a r3ort ),e" 3ol .e ! s.o/ere! mar O-a"a " t,e m-s . a"7s /e, .le ), le .o":ro"t "+ , m o/er a 3ar* "+ / olat o"( $o++ 3lea!e! "o .o"test to t,e .,ar+es( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

Attor"e0 $ONAL$ ETRA 5L6 a"! s "+er R ,a""a a33ear at a 3rel m "ar0 ,ear "+ at S-3er or Co-rt o: Los A"+eles Co-"t0 " Los A"+eles' Cal :or" a o" 1-"e 2F' 2002( T,e 3rel m "ar0 ,ear "+ s to !eterm "e : C,r s Bro)" ) ll sta"! tr al :or alle+e!l0 atta.* "+ 3o3 s "+er R ,a""a' !-r "+ a" ar+-me"t " a re"te! Lam4or+, " s3orts .ar :ollo) "+ a 3reB&ramm0 A)ar!s 3art0 o" Fe4r-ar0 8' 2002( He s .-rre"tl0 :ree o" V90'000 4a l( $o"al! Etra s a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es at Yale U" /ers t0 a"! a .lassmate o: :ormer Pres !e"t &eor+e %( B-s,( 5P,oto 40 Lor S,e3lerBPool=&ett0 Ima+es6

Le:t: %ILLIA# F( BUCKLEY 1R( 5le:t6 "ter/ e)s Bla.* Pa"t,ers .oB:o-"!er H-e0 Ne)to" o" Firing Line( 5So-r.e: ,tt3:==)))(0o-t-4e(.om=)at.,>/?,D03GCYP!-I6 R +,t: 4ational Re2ie5 ma+aK "e :o-"!er %ILLIA# F( BUCKLEY 1R( 5le:t6 "ter/ e)s /layboy ma+aK "e :o-"!er H-+, He:"er o" Firing Line " 12EE(

Le:t 3,oto: 4ational Re2ie5 e! torB "B., e: %ILLIA# F( BUCKLEY 1R( +reets Fre"., a.tress Br + tte Bar!ot 5le:t6 at El #oro..o " +,t .l-4 o" $e.em4er 18' 12E9( 5P,oto: m3t/ ma+es(.om6
R +,t 3,oto: A$A# &UETTEL re.e /es a To"0 A)ar! o" 1-"e 9' 2009( A$A# &UETTEL s a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es(

Le:t 3,oto: %ILLIA# F( BUCKLEY 1R( s !resse! " a 4la.* t e :or t,e Yale $a l0 Ne)s a""-al 4a"G-et( At .e"ter s Yale U" /ers t0 3res !e"t CHARLES SEY#OUR( R +,t 3,oto: H1F A)ar! re. 3 e"t Cat,lee" P( 5Cat, e6 Bla.* 5le:t6' Pres !e"t o: Hearst #a+aK "es a"! % ll am F( B-.*le0 1r(' Fo-"!er a"! E! torBatBLar+e o: 4ational Re2ie5 ma+aK "e' sm le :or t,e .amera( % ll am F( B-.*le0 1r( s a mem4er o: S*-ll & Bo"es at Yale U" /ers t0( Cat, e Bla.* s a mem4er o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s(

Le:t 3,oto: Former &ree" Part0 3res !e"t al .a"! !ate Ral3, Na!er +reets Se"ator 1OHN KERRY( R +,t 3,oto: A4ra,am H( FoLma" 5le:t6' t,e Nat o"al $ re.tor o: t,e A"t B$e:amat o" Lea+-e' 3rese"ts a 3laG-e to :ormer Pres !e"t &EOR&E H( %( BUSH at Palm Bea.,' Flor !a o" Fe4r-ar0 8' 2002( &eor+e H(%( B-s,Js :at,er PRESCOTT S( BUSH )as a ! re.tor o: U" o" Ba"* "+ Cor3orat o"' a 4a"* " Ne) Yor* C t0 t,at store! NaK &erma" : "a". er Fr tK T,0sse"Js asset o: VF'000'000 " 12D1(

Le:t 3,oto: Pres !e"t 1o," F( Ke""e!0 a"! :ormer L 4rar a" o: Co"+ress ARCHIBAL$ #a.LEISH a33ear at Am,erst Colle+e( R +,t 3,oto: Pa-l A( <ol.*er 5le:t6' :ormer C,a rma" o: t,e Fe!eral Reser/e' sta"!s 4es !e SEC C,a rma" %ILLIA# H( $ONAL$SON o" O.to4er F0' 200A( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))(".ee("et="e)s=stor0(3,3>stor0@ !?1126

Le:t to r +,t: IR<IN& FISHER' T,omas H( #or+a"' a"! tele3,o"e "/e"tor AleLa"!er &ra,am Bell atte"! a e-+e" .s meet "+ " Col! S3r "+ Har4or o" Lo"+ Isla"! " Ne) Yor* o" A3r l 10' 1219( 5P,oto: ,tt3:==)))(e-+e" .sar., /e(or+=e-+e" .s= ma+e@,ea!er(3l> !?1DF2&!eta le!?16

Yale +ra!-ates a33ear " C,a"+s,a' C, "a 3r or to 1a3a"Js "/as o" o" Se3tem4er 20' 12FA( From le:t to r +,t: # "otte #( C,at: el!' Yale B(A(' 12FEM L - SK-B:-M S !"e0 E( S)eet' 1r(' Yale B(A(' 12FEM 1OHN F( B( RUNNALLS' Yale B(A(' 12FAM E!)ar! <( &-l .*' Yale( B(A(' 12FA' #(A(' 12D2' a"! P,($(' 12DAM a"! B-rto" B( Ro+ers' Yale B(A(' 12F0' #(A(' 12FA(

He"r0 St mso" .ele4rates ) t, , s sta:: ), le ser/ "+ as U(S( Attor"e0 :or t,e So-t,er" $ str .t o: Ne) Yor*( Sta"! "+ :rom le:t to r +,t: H( P t* "' 1r(' &ol!t,)a te H( $orr' Fel L Fra"*:-rter' THO#AS $( THACHER' Harol! S( $em "+' Emor0 R( B-.*"er' $a" el $( %alto"' H-+, &o/er" 1r(' Ro4ert P( Ste3,e"so"' a"! Fra". s %( B r!( Seate! :rom le:t to r +,t: % ":re! T( $e" so"' % ll am S( Ball' HENRY STI#SON' He"r0 A( % se' $( Fra"* Llo0!' 1( Os+oo! N .,ols' a"! 1o," %( H( Cr m( 5So-r.e: Turmoil and Tradition: A Study of the Life and Times of Henry L. Stimson 40 Elt "+ E( #or so"6

F( %( HILLES 5sta"! "+ at :ar le:t6 loo*s at a 3a "t "+ alo"+ ) t, C( B( T "*er' $( N .,ol Sm t,' Sm t, Colle+e Pres !e"t Her4ert $a/ s' a"! % lmart, S( Le) s at Sm t, Colle+e " 12DA(

S,er !a" Lor!' THO#AS &UINQBUR&' a"! %ILLIA# F( BUCKLEY 1R( +o : s, "+ " #eL .o " 12D8(

$EAN SA&E 5le:t6 a"! F( TRUBEE $A<ISON eLam "e a 3a "t "+( 5So-r.e: #a"-s.r 3ts & Ar., /es' Yale U" /ers t0 L 4rar06

$r( Bar"-m Bro)" 5le:t6 a"! F( TRUBEE $A<ISON a"al0Ke t,e rare .am3tosar ! ! "osa-r o" #a0 21' 12FD( 5N Bettma""=CORBIS6

Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor #.&EOR&E BUN$Y tal*s o" a tele3,o"e( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

$a/ ! $-4 "s*0 5le:t6' Pres !e"t o: I"ter"at o"al La! esJ &arme"t %or*ersJ U" o" )a ts as Ne) Yor* &o/er"or A<ERELL HARRI#AN tal*s o" t,e tele3,o"e " No/em4er 1298( 5P,oto 40 Carl #0!a"s=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

ARTE#US L( &ATES 5.e"ter6' #a-r0 #a/er .* 5le:t6' a"! Sa" Fra". s.o #a0or Ro+er La3,am ,ol! a :la+ o" O.to4er 2E' 12D9(

#ar+aret K0ser' ELe.-t /e $ re.tor o: Eato" Comm-" t0 Hos3 .e' a..e3ts t,e 2009 &o/er"or7s ELem3lar0 Comm-" t0 Ser/ .e Pro+ram A)ar! :rom # ., +a"Js &o/er"or 1e"" :er &ra",olm a"! F rst &e"tlema" o: # ., +a" $AN #ULHERN(

Ro4ert Frost sta"!s 4es !e L 4rar a" o: Co"+ress ARCHIBAL$ #a.LEISH " 12D0(

Former Se.retar0 o: State He"r0 K ss "+er 5.e"ter6 a"! Pres !e"t o: t,e U" /ers t0 o: O*la,oma $A<I$ L( BOREN meet ) t, st-!e"ts !-r "+ a Fore +" Pol .0 Co":ere".e re.e3t o"(

Re/( SI$NEY LO<ETT rea!s a 4oo* alo"+ ) t, 1OHN KERRY 5le:t6 a"! $A<I$ THORNE 5r +,t6(

Le:t: $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller' Br-.e Le/ "+sto"' a"! %ILLIA# F( BUCKLEY 1R( .ele4rate at a 3art0( R +,t: U(S( Se.retar0 o: State $ea" R-s* 5le:t6' a R,o!es S.,olar' a33ears ) t, A<ERELL HARRI#AN(

T,e :ollo) "+ "! / !-als 3art . 3ate " a Car"e+ e Cor3orat o" o: Ne) Yor* 3art0( From Le:t to R +,t: Sta"! "+: B ll #o/ers' 1-!0 %oo!r-::' A"t,o"0 Fa-. ' Te! T-r"er' B ll &ates' Sr(' &eor+e Soros' #am3,ele Ram3,ele' $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller' Bar4ara %alters' R .,ar! Parso"s' $A<I$ #.CULLOU&H( S tt "+: Ire"e $ amo"!' Leo"ore A""e"4er+' Broo*e Astor( 1-!0 %oo!r-::' &eor+e Soros' $a/ ! Ro.*e:eller' Bar4ara %alters' a"! R .,ar! Parso"s are mem4ers o: t,e Co-". l o" Fore +" Relat o"s( 5P,oto: Car"e+ e Cor3orat o" o: Ne) Yor*6

T,e U(S( Am4assa!or to Pola"! <ICTOR ASHE )at.,es Se.retar0 o: State Co"!oleeKKa R .e 5.e"ter6 s3ea* ) t, Nat o"al Se.-r t0 A!/ sor Ste3,e" Ha!le0 as C, e: o: Sta:: 1os, Bolte" 5r +,t6 l ste"s to Pres !e"t &EOR&E %( BUSH 5"ot see"6 a"! Pol s, Pr me # " ster $o"al! T-s* 5"ot see"6 s3ea* to t,e 3ress !-r "+ a meet "+ " t,e O/al O:: .e at t,e %, te Ho-se o" #ar., 10' 2008( 5AFP=&ett0 Ima+es6

.irectors of the Ne4 Fork Public 8ibrar pose for a group photo in Ne4 Fork Cit in September !$II& 8eft to right2 Franklin /opper# Albert Berg# *o 8arsen# /enr )a lor# 8ucius 7ilmer(ing# Car(inal Spellman# 0-**,S /A.8HF# Ne4bol( 0orris# *olan( *e(mon(# 7illiam .elano# Charles Pratt# /enr Bruere# +eorge 8or(& (Photographer2 Alfre( Hisenstae(t3)ime 8ife)

Pe""s0l/a" a &o/er"or % ll am %( S.ra"to" 5le:t6 l ste"s to R,o!e Isla"! &o/er"or 1OHN H( CHAFEE !-r "+ a meet "+ " No/em4er 12EF( % ll am %( S.ra"to" s a mem4er o: BerKel -s at Yale U" /ers t0( 5P,oto 40 Bo4 &omel=T me L :e P .t-res=&ett0 Ima+es6

)om Broka4 (left) appears 4ith C nthia 8ufkin (center) an( her husban( .AN 8'F;,N at a part & (Photo2 http233444&panachemag&com37eb3BeSeen3Au(obon3.inner?.ance&asp)

T,e 2008 Ke""e!0 Ce"ter ,o"orees 5LBR :ro"t ro)6 s "+er Bar4ra Stre sa"!' a.tor #or+a" Freema"' !a".er T)0la T,ar3' 5LBR 4a.* ro)6 3ro! &eor+e Ste/e"s' 1r(' Pres !e"t o: t,e 1o," F( Ke""e!0 Ce"ter :or t,e Per:orm "+ Arts # .,ael #( Ka ser' m-s . a" Ro+er $altr0' m-s . a" Pete To)"s,e"!' m-s . a" &eor+e 1o"es' a"! U(S( Se.retar0 o: State Co"!oleeKKa R .e a"! C,a rma" o: t,e 1o," F( Ke""e!0 Ce"ter :or t,e Per:orm "+ Arts STEPHEN A( SCH%ARQ#AN 3ose :or t,e :ormal +ro-3 3,oto :ollo) "+ t,e Art st7s $ ""er to ,o"or t,e 2008 re. 3 e"ts o: t,e Ke""e!0 Ce"ter Ho"ors at t,e U(S( $e3artme"t o: State " %as, "+to"' $(C( o" $e.em4er E' 2008( T,e art sts )ere ,o"ore! " a l /e s,o) 4e "+ ta3e! $e.em4er A' 2008 :rom t,e Ke""e!0 Ce"ter a"! )as 4roa!.aste! o" CBS o" $e.em4er F0' 2008( 5&ett0 Ima+es6

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