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Chapter 9

2D Representations of 3D Objects Using Soldraw and Solview

Learning Objectives
After compl;eting this lesson, you will be able to: Create scaled views of a 3D solid, using SOLV !". Create orthographic views of a 3D solid, using SOLV !". Create auxiliary views of a 3D solid, using SOLV !". Create section views of a 3D solid, using SOLV !". Create 2D representations of a 3D solid, using SOLDR#". Modify a Layout for plotting 2D representations of 3D solid objects.

Re$%ired Co&petencies
Competency #1 ast

Three-dimensional solid objects are difficult to plot on two-dimensional pieces of paper. The SOLV !" command provides a mechanism that you can use to place scaled views of 3D solids into a Layout. The SOLV !" command also lets you create orthographic, auxiliary and section views of 3D solids. The SOLDR#" command completes the two-step process begun with SOLV !". SOLDR#" creates 2D representations of the viewpoint created by SOLV !". SOLDR#" automatically creates a layer for the object, for hidden lines, for hatches and for dimensions. f course, you will have to modify a Layout that will contain these viewports in preparation for plotting. !t the end of this tutorial, you will have a drawing that loo"s li"e the one in #igure $-%.

&hapter $

'olview and 'oldraw

'ig%re 9()*

Multi!"iew 2D #epresentation of a 3D $olid %bject.

(ntroduction to 3D )odeling

(n this section, we will open the e*ample drawing and modify an e*isting Layout in preparation for plotting. %. O,!- the drawing named 9(DrawView, as shown in #igure $-2.
'ig%re 9(2* &!Draw"iew

2. V !" pull-down -+ S.#D! -+ 2(D. 3. !ctivate Layout1 by selecting the tab.

&hapter $

'olview and 'oldraw

,. -nless this Layout has been used, the ,age Set%p dialogue bo* will appear. (f it does not, use the #ile pull-down menu to launch the .age 'etup dialogue bo*, as shown in #igure $-3.
'ig%re 9(3* 'age $etup ( 'lot Device )ab

/. &hoose the plotter you will use from the ,lotter Config%ration setup. 0. &hoose the plot style table you will use from the ,lot St+le /able setup area.

(ntroduction to 3D )odeling

1. 2hen done, select the Layout tab, as shown in #igure $-,.

'ig%re 9(0* 'age $etup ( ayout $ettings )ab

3. 'elect the paper si4e and units from the ,aper Si1e and ,aper Units area. $. (n the .lot area, choose the La+o%t radio b%tton. %5. (n the .lot scale area, choose a Scale of %6%. %%. 'elect the 7 button when you have completed these steps. %2 ! Paper Space representation of your model will appear in a Viewport. 8rase the 9iewport.

&hapter $

'olview and 'oldraw

%3. -S!R/ an appropriate Title :loc" and :order, either from your own files or from !uto&!D;s Template #ile. -se ,RO,!R/ !S to transfer the :loc" onto the Title :loc" layer. <our drawing should loo" li"e the one in #igure $-/.
'ig%re 9(2* ayout wit* )itle +loc, and +order.

Review <ou have opened the sample drawing. <ou have set up your Layout Tab and are prepared to plot. 2e will now use the SOLV !" command to create scaled 9iewports of different standard and non-standard views of the 3D solid object.

(ntroduction to 3D )odeling

Using the SOLV !" co&&and*

(n the previous section, we opened the sample drawing and modified the Layout Tab in preparation for plotting. (n this section, we will create standard and non-standard 3D 9iews of the 3D solid object using the SOLV !" command. Later, we will use SOLDR#" to create 2D representations of these 3D views. %,. Launch the SOLV !" command from the 'olids toolbar or from Draw (3 Solids (3 Set%p (3 View* %/. 'elect the UCS option of the SOLV !" command. %0. &hoose the "ORLD UCS. %1 (f you are wor"ing with an !-'i4e sheet, select a View Scale of .2/. (f you are wor"ing with a D-'i4e or 8-'i4e sheet, choose a View Scale of %. %3. .ic" a position near the middle-left of the drawing and hit the !nter "ey when the 3D object is in position. %$. &reate a rectangular V !",OR/ around the 3D object. 25. Top. <our drawing should loo" li"e the one in #igure $-0.
'ig%re 9(4* -C$ .orld "iew

=ame this 9iewport as

&hapter $

'olview and 'oldraw

2%. &hose the Ortho option of the SOLV !" command. 22. .ic" the lower hori4ontal edge of the Top Viewport. 23. )ove your pointer to place the ne*t 9iew below the /op View. 2,. #ollow directions, as before, and name this 9iewport as 'ront, as shown in #igure $-1.
'ig%re 9(5* /fter Creation of 0ront "iewport.

(ntroduction to 3D )odeling

2/. &hoose the Ortho option. 20. 'elect the right side of the Front Viewport. 21. &reate a 9iewport named Right, as shown in #igure $-3.

'ig%re 9(6* /fter creation of #ig*t "iewport.

&hapter $

'olview and 'oldraw

23. &hose the #%7iliar+ option. 2$. &hose a point near the lower left corner of the Right Viewport. 35. &hose a point near the upper right corner of the Right Viewport. 3%. .ic" a point near the upper left corner of the Right Viewport. 32. )ove your cursor out of the Right Viewport and create a new 9iew, which you will call #%7iliar+ ), as shown in #igure $-$.
'ig%re 9(9* /fter /u1iliary 1 "iewport.


(ntroduction to 3D )odeling

33. &hose the Section option. 3,. (n the Top 9iewport, use Object Snap to select the center of the circle at the left of the object. 3/. Turn on the rtho at the bottom of the !uto&!D screen to select an arbitrary point near the right side of the Top Viewport. 30. .ic" a point near the top of the Top Viewport. 31. &reate a new 9iew above the Top Viewport and name it Section ), as shown in #igure $-%5.
'ig%re 9()8* /fter Creation of $ection "iewport.

33. >it your !nter "ey to end the SOLV !" command. Review <ou have just used the SOLV !" command to create a 9iewport based on the 2orld -&' of the 3D object, called Top. <ou used the Ortho option to create a Front and a Right 9iewport from the Top 9iewport. <ou used the Auxiliary option to create the !u*iliary% view from the ?ight 9iewport. <ou used the Section option to create the 'ection% 9iewport from the Top 9iewport. (n the ne*t section, you will use the SOLDR#" command to create 2D representations of the 3D 9iews.

&hapter $

'olview and 'oldraw


Using the SOLDR#" Co&&and*

(n the previous section, you created several 9iewports using the SOLV !" command. (n this section, we will adjust the positions of the 9iewports, as needed. 2e will use the SOLDR#" command to create 2D representations of the 3D solids objects, ready to dimension, annotate and plot. 3$. -se the 9OV! command to adjust the positions of the 9iewports, as needed. !n e*ample is shown in #igure $-%%.
'ig%re 9())* /djusted "iewports.


(ntroduction to 3D )odeling

,5. Launch the SOLDR#" command from either the 'olid Toolbar or from Draw (3 Solid (3 Set%p (3 Draw. ,%. 'elect all the Viewports and hit the !-/!R "ey. <our drawing should loo" li"e #igure $-%2.
'ig%re 9()2* 2D #epresentations after $% D#/. Command.


pen the L#:!R dialogue bo*. i!!en linetype and assign it to the layers containing " #$ and ma"e them

,3. Load the green.

,,. )a"e the color of the " AT layers red. ,/. Label each of the 9iewports using the D/!;/ &ommand.

&hapter $

'olview and 'oldraw


,0. <our drawing should loo" li"e the one in #igure $-%3.
'ig%re 9()3* Completed Drawing.


(ntroduction to 3D )odeling

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