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Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele


ABSTRACT United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative is a registered association of Filipinos, united voluntarily to meet common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. It is owned and managed by the people who used its services. The headquarters of the corporation was established in the year 2001 in G. Lazaro St. Dalandanan Valenzuela City. They aim to encourage industriousness, thriftiness, savings, wise spending and investment to generate earnings for future needs. A member of the United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative helps attain goal and objectives in spreading Gospel of the Lord, love and concern to others by helping improve the well being of its member through improved livelihood and financial loan assistance through supervised credit. It operates like a bank with a various financial assistance to its members. Deposits in United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative earn more than most banks, higher interest on deposits hence, without withholding tax. United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative promotes their business by means of posting tarpaulins, giving flyers or personally communicates with the person in order to obtain more clients. The flyers includes the contact number of the in charge person and the location of the cooperative to acquire information. Before they can get a registration form, they required to attend the pre-

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

membership seminar which is done every first Saturday of the month. And if other group members request to set another seminar which they are convenient, they need to go to the headquarters and ask for the available schedule. The client who already has a pre-membership seminar is the only capable for acquiring membership. The client will fill-up the form with their personal information and registered them as a member of the cooperative. United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative communicates with their member through the use of text messages about the schedule of their meeting. If the member is busy and failed to come to the schedule meeting, the member doesnt know what was discussed by the organization. He will not be aware about matters in their cooperative. He become informs of what happen in the previous meeting when he personally goes to the headquarters. In filling for loans, the member needs to go to the headquarters to fill-up form for the loan and wait few days until it is confirmed. To process the request it takes time, the borrower needs to monitor his request from day to day to know if his request is accepted. And for the savings, the fill-up savings slip to record their deposits. In records of payment and updates are receiving encoded in excel and reflected on their own passbook. When payments are forwarded thru email or otherwise, the passbook should be presented for posting at least quarterly. In case the passbook is loss or stolen the owner shall notify the treasurer at once in writing and later issue a duplicate

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

passbook upon the proof of its loss by the affidavit of the owner and the payment fee. For the loans of the members, it have interest indicated according to type of loans they request and for savings deposits it earn four percent of the shares per annum. Knowing the situation mention above the proponent thinks for a solution that will help the organization to promote their business easily and help clients to ease their burden. The proponent proposes a website for United Christian MultiPurpose Cooperative. The proposed website will have the information about the cooperative and the program that they offer. It will help the organization to gain members for using a web-based promotion. This also includes the background information about different types of deposits and loans that the member can acquire. For those who are already member they have their own account to view the private matters of the cooperative that needed to be known by the members. Also it will serve as their access that helps them to have their record for proof of receiving and paying money. And for those who are not yet member, it will have features that will accept an online acquiring for membership and a form that will accept their request seminar. For the manager, he has the full control of the website. The manager can add, update, or delete information of the cooperative members. He can also display issue or events that happened in the cooperative for the members that will view it.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

For the proposal to materialize, the proponent will create web pages that typically written in a plain text interspersed with formatting instructions oh Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). HTML is the main markup language for creating a web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. It allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. I will also use cascading style sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. To become more attractive I will also use Jquery for the design. And for the database I will use hypertext preprocessor (PHP). It is a server side scripting language used as a general purpose programming language. The command of this language can be embedded directly into a hypertext markup language. It uses hosting for users to view the website. For this study it uses WAMP as a local host. For the working environment it is applicable in windows based environment that have internet browser. This paper aims to promote the United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative website with a user friendly membership registration. It offers an effective and efficient way to keep updated and complete registry of all members record. The proposed website will render reports monthly, annually or as may be required by the board of director that the members can view.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND This chapter discusses about the process of managing record of United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative. It also presents the background of the study as well as the problem, conceptual framework, theoretical framework, significance, objective, scope and limitations of the study, and definitions of terms. Introduction United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative is a registered association of Filipinos, united voluntarily to meet common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. It is owned and managed by the people who used its services. The headquarters of the corporation was established in the year 2001 in G. Lazaro St. Dalandanan Valenzuela City. They aim to encourage industriousness, thriftiness, savings, wise spending and investment to generate earnings for future needs. A member of the United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative helps attain goal and objectives in spreading Gospel of the Lord, love and concern to others by helping improve the well being of its member through improved livelihood and financial loan assistance through supervised credit.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

From day to day process they need to promote their business to others and to record their transaction to be reliable with the members. In promoting their business it is usually done with the used of tarpaulins and flyers. Distributing flyers may cause time with them. And to inform members about the transaction, members needed to came to the headquarters. This study is intended to have a web-based system in the organization and aims to promote the United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative website with a user friendly membership registration. It offers an effective and efficient way to keep updated and complete registry of all members record. The proposed website will render reports that the members can view. The records are reported monthly.

Background of the Study United Christian Multi-Purpose operates like a bank with a various financial assistance to its members. Deposits in United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative earn more than most banks, higher interest on deposits hence, without withholding tax. The vision of the said cooperative is to become a progressive cooperative, worth of Gods stewardship, serving its members and society in general, enhancing their economic well-being through application of proven principles of Christian business ethics. Their goal is to encourage hard

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

work and industriousness, thriftiness, savings and investment in the cooperative to generate additional earnings to provide for future needs. The main line of business is savings and loans but as a multi-purpose cooperative it also engages in other line of business such as consumer, marketing, producer and service. At the end of the fiscal year, accounting of earnings are done and distributed. Seventy (70) percent goes back to the members as dividend, ten (10) percent for the reserve found, ten (10) percent goes to cooperative education and training fund, ten(10) percent goes to optional fund for spreading the gospel in Christian Ministry and social economic concern for the community welfare of the less fortunate. The client who already has a pre-membership seminar is the only capable for acquiring membership. The client will fill-up the form with their personal information and registered them as a member of the cooperative. United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative communicates with their member through the use of text messages about the schedule of their meeting. In filling for loans, the member needs to go to the headquarters to fill-up form for the loan and wait few days until it is confirmed. To process the request it takes time, the borrower needs to monitor his request from day to day to know if his request is accepted.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

For the loans of the members, it have interest indicated according to type of loans they request and for savings deposits it earn four percent of the shares per annum.

Theoretical Framework
INPUT PROCESS -administration of survey -conducting interview -tabulation and interpretation of data OUTPUT

-gathered of information and data -research, interview and survey -Collection of ideas and concept of system -web pages and database concept

-knowledge about the problem of association -system analysis -Easy and effective way of record management

-system creation, designing and programming

Figure 1 Theoretical Paradigm of the proposed topic

A theoretical framework is the compilation of thoughts and theories that are related to the proponents proposed topic. It ponders and develops theories

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

on what possible answer could be. It is also used to make research findings meaningful and show how they fit together. Figure 1 shows the Theoretical Paradigm of the propose topic which have the input of gathering information and data; research, interview and survey; collecting of ideas and concept of the system and the web pages and database concept that results to have the output of knowledge about the problem of the association; system analysis and easy and effective way of record management. It covers the process of administration of survey; conducting interview; tabulation and interpretation of data; and system creation, designing and programming. Conceptual Paradigm




General Manager: -checks the members records and review the monthly reports.

-searching of record -compiling of records -viewing of records

General Manager: -compile and keep updates of records

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Paradigm for General Manager

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Staff: -accepts membership request, and update the members.

-Inserting Data -Updating Data -Deleting Data -Searching of records Figure 2.2 Conceptual Paradigm for Staff -inputting account name and password -inserting data -submitting data -viewing newsfeed Figure 2.3 Conceptual Paradigm for Member

Staff: -easy, fast and accurate update of records and information



-view cooperative concerns, request for loan and check account

-receives update and reliable report of records.

Client: -Inserting data -acquire information and request for membership. -submitting data

Client: -save time and effort for membership request

Figure 2.4 Conceptual Paradigm for Client

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

For the conceptual Diagram the proponent used the Input-Process-Output. The IPO shows how the resources are converted to products. In the figure above (figure 2.1, figure 2.2, figure 2.3 and figure 2.4) describe the conceptual paradigm of the general manager, staff, member and client. Conceptual paradigm for the general manager (figure 2.1) shows the input is to check the members records and review the monthly reports in the process of searching, compiling and viewing of records. It gave the output of compile and keep updates of records. In conceptual paradigm for staff (figure 2.2) shows the process of inserting, updating and deleting data and searching of records. Given the input and output mention above. Conceptual paradigm for members (figure 2.3) shows to have input to view cooperative concerns, request for loan and check account. In the process of inputting account name and password, inserting and submitting data and viewing news feed will give the output of receiving update and reliable report of records. In the last figure which is the conceptual paradigm for client (figure 2.4) describe the relationship of the input in acquiring information request for membership gives the output to save time and effort for them. This input and output involves the process of inserting and submitting data.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Statement of the Problem The purpose of this Statement of the Problem is to focus on the different problems facing by the proponents. General Problem Manual way of advertising their cooperative business and communicating to their clients, that results in consuming much of their time and efforts. Specific Problem Creating and Distribution of flyers and tarpaulins for promotions requires lots of budget Absent members during the meetings do not have any information about the discussion Filling for request takes a lot of effort for the client because they need to go directly to the cooperative's headquarter Storage of client's records is not secured enough with the usage of passbook.

Objectives of the Study The Objective of the Study answers the general and specific problem of the study. It contains the aim of the proponent.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

General Objective The study aims to develop a Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for improvement of transaction resulting to better clientele services Specific Objective To create a web-based system that can reduce the process of manual promoting of the cooperative To create a web-based system that will post information discussed in the meeting. To create a web-based system having online filing of registration for every client To create a web-based system that will replace the old storage and is able to secure the data of the client.

Hypothesis For the null hypothesis, web-based record management system will not help to have reliable records for the members of the association and cannot easily promote their business.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Scope and Delimitation To create a more effective system, the proponent needs to know the measure of responsibilities and boundaries of the proposed system. Scope of the Study In general, the focus of this study is directed towards the design and development of a cooperatives record management system of United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for the improvement of transaction and to have reliable monthly reports. For the online, the web-based system will provide short description about the background of the cooperative, their contact number and their location. It will have hint about the programs that the association offers and display activities that happened. It also accepts the request for membership who wants to be a member and for the member they have their own account for them to view their own records. Members are provided request form for their loans. For offline it will manage by the staff. It will help for easily recording the transaction between the staff and the members. The web-based system will also have the features for uploading or posting important matters about the cooperative. It will have databases to manage records. The study is largely dependent, honest, and sincere of the respondents. Managing the encode information is important.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Delimitation of the Study This study is limited only to United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative employees and members. They were chosen to be the respondents of the study for they are knowledgeable when it comes to cooperative businesses. The employees profiles are not provided by the system because it will only focus in the associations transactions. The system cant retrieve files once it deleted. The system doesnt have the form for deposits that involves large money.

Significance of the Study This study is significant to the following.

General Manager. The Web-Based Record Management System will bring a big impact for the General Manager of the association for it will help him to gather the information of the member easily. Through the use of this web-based system, the organizing of records becomes reliable.

Staff. Through the use of this web-based system, it can help the staff to easily inform the members. It will serve as the information section for all the matters of the organization.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Cooperative Member. The web-based system for managing the records protects the confidentiality of their profile and make sure that their records are organized. They can easily access about the matters concerning to them.

Client. The web-based system will help them to know more about the organization and the programs that they offer.

Cooperative. Promoting their organization will become easier.

Future Researchers. This would serve as a guide and basis for the future researchers who will conduct their record management in the cooperative.

Definition of Terms Operational Terms The definition of terms is based on observable characteristics and how it is used in the study. Association -Group of people organized with the same purpose

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Cooperative -Organization pertaining to United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative, it is an organization that is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits. Deposit -Is the sum of money placed or kept in a bank account, usually to gain interest. Loan Is the sum of money advanced to a business that must be repaid, with interest at some point in the future. The lender must bear the risk that the borrower may not repay the loan. The interest rate charged is the price for that risk. A loan is money, classified as debt, for temporary use. Members -The people who own the cooperative and share the profits and benefits. Staff -A person who works for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative.

Conceptual Terms The definition of terms are based on concept or hypothetic ones which are usually taken from the dictionary

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Apache web server -Is the software that responds to client requests by providing resources, such as XHTML documents. It is the localhost where you can test the web based system. For this study, we used WAMP as the local server. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics of a document written in a markup language. Database - An integrated collection of data which provides a more efficient way of storage and retrieval of data and its capable of processing large portions of data immediately. HTML -Acronym for Hypertext Markup Language, it is a Markup language that is used to create document on the World Wide Web incorporating text, graphics, sound, video and hyperlinks. JQuery - A free and open source JavaScript library that is used by Web developers to navigate HTML documents, handle events, perform animations and add Ajax interactions to Web pages

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Online -Is done while connected to such a system and for the conceptual definition it is connected or available through a system and especially a computer or telecommunications system. PHP -Hypertext Preprocessor is a server-side scripting language, especially suited for the creation of dynamic web-pages. Web -Is shorter term for Website and for the conceptual definition it is a group of World Wide Web pages usually containing hyperlinks to each other and made available online by individual, company, education institution, government or organization. Web-based system -Is any system that uses a web browser as a client. The term may also mean a computer software application that is coded in a browser-supported programming language and reliant on a common web browser to render the application executable

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services


Local Literature

Importance of Records A record is any information of text, number, image, or voice kept for future reference. It said that as a civil servant or even as a business man, you need to realize how vital an efficient records management system is to the smooth operation of an organization. The main purpose of a records management system is to make sure records are available when needed so that the organization can operate efficiently. Such a system fulfils this purpose in several ways by using storage media, providing proper storage equipment and supplies, outlining procedures for filing, developing an efficient retrieval procedure and setting up a schedule for when records should be kept or discarded.

An office cannot operate without records. Records are kept so that you and others in the office can refer to the information later or use it to complete another task. That is why many business and other organizations have records management system such a system will help you store and retrieve records

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

efficiently and keep the file current. (

Record Management as the Most Important in Organization

According to the study of Julie (October 2010) some time ago, record management was not recognized as being important in an organization, unlike these days, it is considered a must or if not, crucial function of most company today. Record management is what we use to manage the location of records in an organization. As we all know, record management is a compulsory function for universities, schools, government agencies, hospitals and all other entities that generate information that needs to be kept for a certain amount of time. A record can be also come in digital or electronic form. Records can be kept on financial, medical, informative, payroll and emails among hundreds of other types of record. She classify the life cycle of records in three phases, which is the creation or the receipt of a record, the maintenance, meaning safe storage, retrieval or general use of a record and finally the disposal of a record. (

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

According to Fe Angela M. Versosa, records management is a logical and practical approach to the creation, maintenance use and disposition of records. She gives criteria for a good filing system which are simple, flexible or expansive and adaptive. A good records system contains complete and comprehensive files thereby enabling effective decision making and facilitates protection and preservation of records. Also a good record system means less time in spent searching for files and documents. The ultimate test of a good records management is whether the records are available to those who need them, when and where they are needed, and the manner in which they are made available and at what cost. (

According to the site (august 2011), an effective records management program is an integral part of an organizations effective business operations. Organizations must consider records management requirements when implementing the system management strategies or whenever they design and augment an electronic information system. Organizations that do not consistently adhere to standard records management practices run the risk of not having records that can be depended upon in the course of subsequent business transactions or activities.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

The study focuses on the various methodologies that organizations can implement in order to develop ECM/ERM strategies that are backed with electronic signature systems. It also gives an insight into the various ways through which organizations can implement good IT practices to complement or parallel existing records management practices. In systems implemented in line with ECM/ERM guidelines, developing the most efficient systems will form the core of organizational success. This will be achieved by making electronically signed records the core of organizational IT systems. The organizational IT professionals will come to terms with the fact that signatures are an integral part of the records they keep. If the records need to be preserved, whether for a short duration of time or permanently, then the organization is required to promote integrity of its records by electronically signing them in scheduled series. (

Managing Documents According to the site (October 2011), managing documents can be extremely time-consuming and costs in staffing are substantial. In large organizations, keeping templates up-to-date and ensuring all staffs using the latest document are almost impossible. Document retrieval took up an hour per document and even a longer time since paper files were stored in

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

desperate locations. Today, Document Management System (DMS) can help to meet the challenges. DMS is a system for managing collections of documents. It is a computer system (or set of computer programs) used to track and store electronic documents and/images of paper documents. Although, the term somehow has the same concepts of Content Management System and it is often viewed as a component of Enterprise Content Management (ECM), DMS is basically related to digital asset management, document imaging, workflow systems and records management systems.

Foreign Literature

Automated Records Management System The automated records management system is the arms that will hold the business in its goal to a paperless office environment. From the acronym itself, the ARMS is that management process that will protect information and data to ensure that all the records and the files in the system database of the business organization is protected and easily accessed by users in the framework. In the shortest definition of the automated records management system, it is simply that process that is employed by the organization in the maintenance of records and

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

files from the very moment that they arrive to the business or were created by the enterprise up to the period when they will be deemed ready for eradication and deletion from the archived or active databases. The records handled by the automated records management system may come in tangible forms that will be translated to digital formats with the use of the latest technologies in the market. (

Record Management Definition Records management (RM), also known as Records information management or RIM, is the professional practice or discipline of controlling and governing what are considered to be the most important records of an organization throughout the records life-cycle, which includes from the time such records are conceived through to their eventual disposal. This work includes identifying, classifying, prioritizing, storing, securing, archiving, preserving, retrieving, tracking and destroying of records. (

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Local Studies

AOLIS AOLIS stands for Adventist University of the Philippines On-line Information System. An On-line Information System is one which accepts input directly from the area where it is created. It is also a system in which the output or results of computation are returned directly to where they are required. A common characteristic of on-line systems is that data are entered into the computer system and received from the computer system remotely. That is, the users of the computer system typically interact with the computer from terminals that may be located hundreds of miles from other terminals and from the computer itself. With an on-line information system, the academic and service

departments of AUP can access data from a centralized database such that information needed by one department from another may be obtained through the system. (

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Integrated Records Management Office The Integrated Records Management Office (IRMO) is the physical and electronic records management center of the Civil Service Commission. It general functions are to formulate and implement policies, standards and rules pertaining to management of civil service records such as personnel and examination records, particularly on their development, maintenance, security and control, retention and disposition, transmission, preservation and archive. Provide records storage and extension services that will ensure easy access to these records. Manage the flow of internal and external communication documents of the Commission. Administer and monitor computerized systems on records management control and extension services such as the Document Tracking and Management System (DTMS), the Database of Individuals Barred From Taking Civil Service Examinations and From Entering Government Service Information System (DIBAR-IS), and the CS Eligibility Database Information System (EDQIS). (

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Foreign Studies Document and Records Management System in Civica, London

The ability to quickly access information across the organization is critical to enabling Council staff to deliver improved efficiencies and higher quality service. At the same time, staffs face increasing challenges in managing the growth in the volume of information recorded in both paper and electronic form. Compounding this challenge is the need to meet changing legislative and regulatory requirements across all forms of information. The HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) is a proven, powerful and flexible system that enables Council to manage all forms of documents and to meet their statutory records management requirements. Implementing the TRIM EDRMS improves Councils business process efficiency, enhances records integrity and increases overall staff productivity by providing staff with the ability to quickly and effectively access the information resources of the enterprise. The power of Councils EDRMS is significantly enhanced when it interacts seamlessly with the organizations corporate information systems. Civica's Authority local government enterprise application is designed to manage all forms of council business processes. Documents are integral to effective business process management and Authority leverages the EDRMS facilities of

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

TRIM to enable a single view of processes, transactions and supporting documentation. The power and flexibility of HP TRIM, when combined with the Authority local government enterprise application delivers a single environment to effectively manage Councils business operations and provides: a central register of the people Council deals with; a central register of property information; a corporate asset information system and a common workflow facility managing all business processes. These facilities are enabled with direct access to all supporting documentation recorded in the organizations TRIM EDRMS repository. (

Automated Record Management System in Ntinda, Kulambiro, Uganda In this study, an automated record management system to manage school records was developed. This was as a result of the realization of the need for an efficient and effective automated system given the incompetent nature of the manual systems in place vis--vis the dynamic nature of information technology and the wide array of information needs. Ntinda View College located in Ntinda, kulambiro hill, eight Kilometers from the city center in Uganda, was used as the

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

case study. The system was implemented using Microsoft visual basic 6.0 Express Edition, Microsoft word processor, Microsoft excel, Microsoft access, Structured Query Language and Seagate crystal reports developer Edition. They identify their system requirements through observation and interview methods of data collection. The study identified the major problems faced by the use of manual filing systems to manage school records and attempted to solve them by developing an automated school records management system. It said in their study that for their recommendation in the system they have done, user must have training, parallel system conversion and anti-virus update installations will ensure smooth functionality and system availability. ( ja&ved=0CD4QFjAB& FA_Model_Records_Management_System)

Synthesis stated the purpose of having record management system, in which it is use to ensure that records are available when needed by the organization. In accordance to the topic, many authors had their own study, while others built their own system.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

The importance of record management system to the present time was tackled in the study of Julie. She also classify the life cycle of records in three phases. On the other hand, Fe Angela M. Versosa gives criteria for a good filing system and describes what a good record system is. On August 2011, the website tackled the effectivity of records management program, while on October 2011, they proposed DMS or Document Management System that will manage documents for the purpose of reducing the time and cost consumed when manually managed. There were also programs and systems built in accordance to record management. One of it was made in Civica, London. Electronic Document Records Management System is a powerful and flexible system that enables Council to manage all forms of documents and to meet their statutory records management requirements. Other program was proposed in Uganda, it was entitled as Automated Record Management System that will manage school records. As stated above, many authors and programmers made their own ways on how they define and present record management.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter described the design of the research, the techniques of determining the respondents and drawing them out of the target population in the locality where the study was made, development and validation of the instrument for the data gathering process, specific steps taken for the entire procedure of the study, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Method To gather relevant data and information the proponent used different research method that can help them to complete the needs for their study. Interview Interview may be defined as the interaction between two or more people where questions are asked. The interview is conducted in the United Christian Multi-Purpose headquarters. It is done to gather information about the current situation happened in the said cooperative. The proponents prepare a question that serves as the guide for gaining information. They also use pen and ball pen to write the answer of the interviewee. With the help of the information given by the interviewee, the proponents know the problem that they are experiencing.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Survey Survey may be defined as to ask questions or series of questions in order to gather information about their study. Like in interview the proponents prepare a survey questions for the respondents. They produce many copies of the survey questions to distribute with the respondents. In this method the proponents gather information about most respondents prepared. Internet Research Internet research is used in gathering information using the internet. It helps the proponents to gather some information about their study. For collecting related literatures and studies in both local and foreign that used in their study, most of it is come from the internet. Internet Research gives them idea to know more about their study. Population and Sample Size The study will have the respondents directly from their client United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative in Dalandanan, Valenzuela City. This includes the general manager, staff and members. All of the participants were selected through unstructured random sampling. All the people who are involved in the said cooperative have the chance to become the respondents. Of all the employees of the association the general manager is chosen to be the main respondent for he is knowledgeable about the associations matters.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

He becomes the interviewee for the proponents to get information that they needed to their study. To gain additional information and to know the problem they are experiencing, the proponents also choose selected staff and members to be the respondents for they have the knowledge about their business transactions and problems occurred in the organization.

Samples and Sampling Technique Used For sample and sampling technique, the proponents used qualitative studies which explain the rationale for selecting the particular participants and quantitative that describes the target population and the sample frame. The population of the study covers the people who are involved in United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative. In getting the total population the proponents were personally went to the headquarters. To identify the number of population, the proponents will use the slovins formula where it allows the proponent to get their sample population with their desired accuracy of answers. In this formula it will give the respondents an idea of how big is their sample size needed in order for them to acquire the accuracy of results they want.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Research Design Research design is a plan or strategy for conducting research. It deals with a matter such as selecting participants for the research and preparing for data collections. It helps to provide answers to research questions. The proponents used the interview method to gather information and to determine how the web-based system works. The study described and compared the difference between the process of promotion and management of records in their current way of doing and web-based system. The web-based system record management is defined to organize reliable records of the members and gain more clients.

Research Locale To test the sample web-based system an interview was conducted in United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative Headquarters.

Research Instrumentation In data gathering the proponents used different research instrument. It is the most important components of the research design where it helped the proponents to gather or collect data and information. Without this research information data is impossible to put in hand.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Interview Questions Interview is in the sense of an oral questionnaire. Instead of writing the response the interviewee gives directly their answer face-to-face. The proponent used this instrument to gather information about the cooperative transactions. The proponent utilized questions for interview. The interview is used to determine the appearance as well as the function of the web-based system. The interview was formulated by the proponent in relation to the objective of their study. The type of interview is one on one with the general manager of the cooperative which have ten (10) questions to answer. It helps the proponent to clarify points of information and to collect data. Survey Form Survey form is used to obtain data and information that can help the proponents in their study. Survey consist list of questions that the respondents need to answers. Data gathered from the respondents answer was checked and analyzed for better understanding. This survey was used for measuring the current process and the work of the proposed system. The type of survey is checked-list type consisting of ten (10) items. Survey-made form is also consists of a comment box where the respondents can give their opinion about the web-based system.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Internet It was used to gather information about the cooperative. Also this help to complete different studies and literature related to the proponents study. The proponent used this as instrument because it is easy to used and can give information about several questions that the proponents wanted to know.

Data Gathering Procedures For the proponents to start their original proposed topic was revised and checked. Then proponents made a proposal to be signed by the thesis professor, it coordinator and the dean of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela, where the proponents are presently studying. Upon the approval of the proposed topic, the proponents started their study. They made a letter of request to the dean of the university to conduct interview with their client. The web-based system was clearly explained and demonstrated to the client. System trial was administered. The manager tried to control and tests the web-based system. The proponents also conducted an interview to know the feedback about the use of the webbased and gathered data to the staffs in terms of survey. Data gathered from the general manager and staffs answer was analyzed and presented in table for better understanding.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Statistical Treatment of Data The statistical tools were used to group, analyze and synthesize the data in preparation for the presentation and discussion of the results. Below are the statistical formula used to arrive in to computation used by the statistical tools. Percentage. This was used to compute the percentage of frequency. % Where: P=percentage F=frequency N=total number of respondents Mean () = F(X1+X2+.....Xn)/n Where: F= Frequency that a given x was chosen by the respondents X= Represents any of the numerical rating 5, 4,3,2,1 represents, excellent, very good, good, fair, poor n= Total number of respondents Weighted mean(x) = f(X1 + X2 + Xm) n /N Where: n = Total numbers of criteria

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