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Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele


User Profiles: The General Manager has the ability to access the system to verify records of the cooperative. He can view the records of the cooperative. He renders annual and monthly reports. The staff has the ability to control the system, he keeps the member updated. He also accepts membership and loan requests. The Cooperative Member has the ability to view their accounts. The members are those people that would be supplying necessary information in the system. The client has the ability to view the website of the cooperative and make request for membership. The System refers to the computer hardware and software that controls the application. It accepts user input, displays user output, and interfaces to the Web Server through the Internet. The Web server is a remote computer system that maintains the database and serves Web pages to the System.

General Manager


Cooperative Member



Web Server

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Transaction Stake Holders Direct -General Manager -Staff Indirect -member of the cooperative -client

Transaction (General Manager) 1. Maintain records and accounts of the cooperative 2. Render reports monthly and annually Transaction (Staff) 1. Keep an update and complete registry of all members record. 2. Prepare and maintain records of the cooperative 3. Update the members about the matters of the cooperative Transaction (Member of Cooperative) 1. View latest concern of the cooperative 2. Request for loan 3. Check the account for the deposit and loans Transaction (Client) 1. Visit the site 2. Acquire information about the cooperative 3. Fill up information of request

Transaction IN/OUT (General Manager) 1. Maintain records and accounts of the cooperative

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

IN: records and accounts Details: -date -amount -profit OU T: files Details: -date -amount -profit 2. Render reports monthly and annually IN: records Details: -date -amount -profit OUT: reports Details: -date -amount -profit -interest -loans -audit by -savings deposit -interest -loans -savings deposit -interest -loans -savings deposit -interest -loans

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

-savings deposit Transaction (Staff)

-record by

1. Keep an update and complete registry of all members record IN: registration Details: -name -address -birthday -gender -civil status OUT: list of members Details: -date registered -names -address -contact number -birthplace -contact -citizenship -occupation -schedule

2. Prepare and maintain records of the cooperative IN: records Details: -date -amount -profit OUT: reports -savings deposit -interest -loans

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Details: -date -amount -profit -savings deposit -interest -loans -audit by -record by

3. Update the members about the matters of the cooperative IN: reports Details: -date -amount -profit OUT: updates Details: -date Transaction (Member) 1. View latest concerns of the cooperative IN: account Details: -username OUT: newsfeed Details: -password -news -savings deposit -interest -loans

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

-date 2. Request for loan IN: fill up request for loans Details: -name of applicant -date -address -age -gender OUT: recorded request Details: -name of applicant -date -address -age -gender


-civil status -co-maker name -authority for salary deductions -kind of loan -type

-civil status -co-maker name -authority for salary deductions -kind of loan -type

3. Check account for the deposit and loan IN: account Details: -username OUT: record of deposit -password

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Details: -name -date Transaction (Client) 1. Visit the site IN: Website address Details: -URL OUT: Websites Homepage Details: -images -texts -forms 2. Acquire information about the cooperative IN: View OUT: Cooperative Profile -cooperative name -cooperative background 3. Fill up information of request IN: information form Details: -savings -dividend

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

-name -address -contact number -birthday -name of beneficiary OUT: listed request Details: -name -address -contact number -birthday -citizenship

-citizenship -sex -no. of dependents -no. of households

-sex -no. of dependents -no. of households -name of beneficiary

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Transaction Diagram General Manager 1. Maintain records and accounts of the cooperative

Log in



Records and Accounts


2. Render reports monthly and annually

Log in



Records and accounts



Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Staff 1. Keep an update and registry of members records

Log in



Membership Request

Accepts and compile

2. Prepare and maintain records of the cooperative

Log in




Prepare and maintain

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

3. Update the members about the matters of the cooperative

Log in





Member 1. View latest concern of the cooperative

Log in


News Feed
View issue

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

2. Request for loan

Log in






3. Check the account for the deposit and loans

Log in


Fill up

Deposits/Loan Form


Client 1. Visit the site




Cooperative website


Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

2. Acquire information about the cooperative






3. Fill up information of request



Membership Request


Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use Case: Manager Staff Log in to the system View membership request Accepts and compile membership request View records Maintain and prepare updates of information Log in to the system View records of member Maintain records and account s of the member Render reports

Member Client Visit the site Use website address Acquire information Fill up membership form request Surf the net Use website address Log in account View news feed Select request form for loan View deposit and loan records

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Database Structure Database Name: Coopdb Tables: 1. tbl_memberAccount memberID memberName memberAddress memberBirthday memberBirthplace memberContact memberCitizenship memberOccupation genderId statusID seminarID

2. tbl_Gender genderID genderName

3. tbl_civilStatus statusID statusName

4. tbl_Seminar seminarID seminarDay

5. tbl_Deposit depositID

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

depositDate depositGVORNo depositFees depositInitial memberID fdID sdID

6. tbl_Loans loanID loanDate loanORGVNo loanDR loanInitial memberID ltID cID

7. tbl_FixedDeposit fdID fdReceivedDR fdWithdrawnCR fdBalance

8. tbl_SavingDeposit sdID sdReceivedDR sdWithdrawnCR sdBalance

9. tbl_LoanType ltID

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

ltRepaidCR ltBalance

10. tbl_Charge cID cInterest cFines

11. tbl_LoanForm lfID lfmakerName lfmakerAddress lfmakerBirthday lfmakerBirthplace lfmakerContact lfmakerCitizenship lfmakerOccupation lfcomakerName lfcomakerAddress lfcomakerBirthday lfcomakerBirthplace lfcomakerContact lfcomakerCitizenship lfcomakerOccupation genderId statusID lfLoanType lfAmountVal lfAmountWord lfYears lfCompanyName

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Table Description 1. tbl_memberAccount consists of the account information of all the members 2. tbl_Deposit consists of deposit transactions of every member 3. tbl_Loans consists of loan transactions of every member 4. tbl_Gender consists of gender choices for the request form 5. tbl_civilStatus civil status choices for the members 6. tbl_Seminar consists of schedule of the membership seminar 7. tbl_FixedDeposit includes the information of fixed deposit transaction 8. tbl_SavingsDeposit savings deposit transaction of the member 9. tbl_LoanType consists of information about repaid and balance loans of the members 10. tbl_Charge consists of interests charges and fines of the members 11. tbl_LoanForm consists of information about the member and its comaker who requested loan

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Log in to the system Manager To gain access to the system The manager has the valid username and password Click sign in button to access the system 1. The system prompts the log in form for the administrator 2. The manager enters valid username and password 3. The system accepts valid username and password 4. The manager accessed the system Username and password didnt match View records of the member Manager To know the exact record of the member The manager has the record of the member Search members name, Click View button 1. The system prompts the name of the member 2. The manager will choose for the list of member 3. The manager will view the record 4. The manager exits the record 5. The system goes back to the members name If there are no records listed Maintain records and account of the member Manager To compile records of the member The manager has the information and records of the member Click accept button 1. The system prompts the record of the member 2. The manager saves the records in the database 3. The manager maintain the records of the member 4. The manager will exit the system There are no member accounts

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:


Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Render reports Manager To render reports that the member can view The manager has the compilation of records Click post button to display records online 1. The system prompts a textbox. 2. The manager encodes the reports 3. The manager posts the reports 4. The system prompts message that post was successful 5. The system returns to textbox There are no compile records Log in to the system Staff To have access in the system The staff has a valid username and password Enter username and password, click submit button 1. The system prompts the log in form for the administrator 2. The staff enters valid username and password 3. The system accepts valid username and password 4. The staff accessed the system Username and password didnt match View membership requests Staff To know the number of membership request The staff had log in to the system Click the navigation for membership request 1. The system will prompts homepage 2. The staff will select the navigation for membership request 3. The staff views requests If the staff is not online

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:


Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Accepts and compile membership requests Staff To have the records of the people who want to be a member There are submitted membership requests Click the view to see the requests 1. The staff had log in to the system 2. The system prompts homepage 3. The staff will select the navigation for membership 4. The staff views the requests 5. The staff accepts the requests and save to have compilation If there are no membership request View records Staff To know the exact number of members and to have updates The staff has the compilation of the records Click view to see the records 1. The staff had log in to the system 2. The system prompts the homepage 3. The staff views the records 4. The staff checks the records 5. The staff exits 6. The system returns to homepage There are no records

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:


Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Maintain and prepare updates for information Staff To keep members updated The primary actor has the information for updates The primary actor type the updates and click post button 1. The staff log in to the system 2. The system prompts homepage 3. The staff add information for updates 4. The staff posts updates 5. The system prompts message successful If there are no news to update Surf the internet Member To gain access to the network The primary actor connects to the network Check the connection 1. The member searches for the site 2. The member enters the web address 3. The member access the network There are no connection to internet Use website address Member To have access to the website The web address is valid Enter web address 1. Member checks internet connection 2. Member enters web address 3. The system prompts homepage of the website Invalid web address

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:


Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Log in account Member To access account Have valid account username and password Enters account username and password, click log in button 1. The system prompts the log in form for the member 2. The member enters valid username and password 3. The system accepts valid username and password 4. The member accessed the system Invalid account View news feed Member To know updates The member had log in his/her account Click newsfeed navigation 1. The member log in to the system 2. The system will check if account is valid 3. The system prompts the news feed page 4. The member views the latest news The member is not log in Fill up request form for loan Member To submit request for loan Had log in the account and filled up the form Click send button 1. The member had log in to the system 2. The system prompts the page 3. The member selects the request form for loan 4. The member fill up the form 5. The member sends the request 6. The system will prompt the message for successful sending Form is blank

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:


Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

View deposit or loan records Member To know the amount of deposit and loans The member has records Click loan or deposit navigation 1. The member had log in to the system 2. The system prompts the page 3. The member select the loan or deposit navigation 4. The system will show the table of records No account Visit the website Client To view the website Had connection to the internet Enter the web address 1. The client checks the connection of the network 2. The client input the web address 3. The web address will display homepage No connection Use website address Client To visit and view the web page Had valid web address Submit the website address in the browser 1. The client checks the connection of the network 2. The client input the web address 3. The web address will display homepage 4. The client views the web Invalid website address

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:


Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:

Acquire information Client To know the background of the cooperative Had valid website address Submit the website address in the browser 1. The client checks the connection of the network 2. The client input the web address 3. The web address will display homepage 4. The client views the web 5. The client views the information of the cooperative Invalid website address Fill up membership form request Client Submit membership request Fill up the form Click the send button 1. The client had log in to the system 2. The system prompts the page 3. The client selects the request form for loan 4. The client fill up the form 5. The client sends the request 6. The system will prompt the message for successful sending The form has no information

Exceptions: Use-case: Primary actor: Goal in context: Preconditions: Trigger: Scenario:


Algorithmic Description of Components Online Registration Form The system will display the registration form Fill up information Confirm the information Press the send button

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Log in Form for members The system will display the log in form Enter account username and password Press log in button

Loan Request Form The system will display loan request form Fill up information Confirm the information Press the send button

Concern Page The system will display the concern page Input feedback Press submit button

Offline Log in Form for administrator The system will display the log in form Enter username and password Press log in button

Activity Form The system display activity form Upload photos Display photos Delete photos

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Screen Images and Description of Components Online Homepage page This web page include the background of the United Christian Multi Purpose Cooperative and their objectives

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Profile page this web page include the history of the United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative and how it begins.

Mission page This web page include the mission of the cooperative in operating their business

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Vision page- This web page include the vision of the cooperative in operating their business

Goal page- This web page include the goal of the cooperative in operating their business

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Services page- In this navigation it show the three programs offered by the cooperative that every member can avail When a certain service is click it opens and give some kind of chosen service.

Contact US page- in this web page it reveals the head office address of the cooperative and the contact number

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Activities page- In this web page it display the pictures of activities that United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative had done.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Register page- In this web page it gives form for membership request.

Log-in page- In this webpage a member may log-in on this to have access for the private concern of the cooperative.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

News Feed page - In this page a member can view the latest news about the cooperative.

Loan page- In this web page, it display the loan record of the member.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Deposit page- n this web page, it display the deposit record of the member.

Request for loan page- This web page gives a form for the member requesting for loans that will be send in the cooperative staff.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Offline Log-In- In this web page, it display the log-in form for the administrator

News Feed- In this web page, user can post updates

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Activity- In this web page, user can delete and upload photos.

Loan Record Page- In this web page it display the record of all members for loan.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Member Loan- In this web page it display the record of each member for loan.

Deposit Record- In this web page it display the record of all members for deposit.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Member Deposit- In this web page it display the record of each member for loan.

Loan Request- In this web page it display the list of members who have their loan request.

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Membership Request page- In this web page it display the list of request for membership.

Activity Diagram Manager 1. Log in to the system

Prompts for username and password

Enter Account

Verify account

incorrect correct

Verify account

Access Granted

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

2. View records of the member

Prompts record page

View list of records

Have account No account

Select of view records

3. Maintain records and account of the member

Prompts records of the member

Save records

No records Have records

Maintain records

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

4. Render reports
Prompts textbox

Encode reports

No records

Post reports

Prompts message successful

Staff 1. Log in to the system

Prompts for username and password

Enter Account

Verify account

incorrect correct

Verify account

Access Granted

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

2. View membership request

Prompts webpage

Select request navigation

No request have request

View requests

3. View records
Log in to the system

Input username/password




Prompts homepage

View records

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

4. Maintain and prepare updates of information

Log in to the system

Input username/password

invalid invalid

Prompts homepage

Add information

Have information

No information

Post updates

Member 1. Surf the net

Search the website

Enter web address

incorrect correct


Access the web

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

2. Use website address

Check connection

No connection Have connection

Enter web address

invalid valid

Prompts homepage of the website

3. Member log in
Prompts for username and password

Enter Account

Verify account

incorrect correct

Verify account

Access Granted

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

4. View news feed

Log in to the system

Input username/password


invalid valid

Prompts newsfeed page

View latest news

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

5. Fill up request form for loan

Log in to the system

Input username/password


invalid valid

Prompts webpage

Selects loan request form

Fill up information

Have information

No information

Send request

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

6. View deposit and loan records

Log in to the system

Input username/password


invalid valid

Prompts webpage

Selects loan/deposit page

View records

Client 1. Visit the website

Check connection

No connection Have connection

Enter web address

invalid valid

Prompts homepage of the website

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

2. Use website address

Check connection

No connection Have connection

Enter web address

invalid valid

Prompts homepage of the website

View website

3. Acquire information
Check connection

No connection Have connection

Enter web address

invalid valid

Prompts homepage of the website

View websites information

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

4. Fill up membership
Prompts webpage

Selects membership form

Fill up information

Have information

No information

Send request

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Use case Diagram

Log in to the admin system
Staff Manager

View records of the member Maintain records View membership request Accepts and compile membership request


Render reports

Prepare updates of records

Log in account


View loan/deposit records View newsfeed


Request form for loan

Request form for loan

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

View website


Acquire information

Fill up membership form


Record member request

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

Web-Based Record Management System for United Christian Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Improvement of Transaction Resulting to Better Clientele Services

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