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To create a standby configuration, you make a copy of the production database as follows: backup_dev_type = disk_standby|stage_standby The LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter

specifies the location of the archived redo log files for the primary database (as specified via the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter). The LOG_AR CHIVE_ DEST_2 parameter gives the service name of the physical standby database as its location. For each of these destinations, the corresponding LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n parameter should have a value of ENABLE On the primary database, make sure you have set values for the following paramet ers, which impact the transfer of the redo log data. The first five parameters, listed next, are standard for most databases; set REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE to EXCLUSIVE to support remote acc ess by SYSDBA-privileged users. DB_NAME The database name. Use the same name for all standby databases and the primary database. DB_UNIQUE_NAME The unique name for the database. This value must be dif ferent for each standby database and must differ from the primary database. SERVICE_NAMES Service names for the databases; set separate service na mes for the primary and standby databases. CONTROL_FILES The location of the controlfiles. REMOTE_LOGIN_ PASSWORDFILE Set to EXCLUSIVE or SHARED. Set the same password for SYS on both the primary and standby databases. Step 2: Create a Controlfile for the Standby Database In the primary database, issue the following command to generate a controlfile t hat will be used for the standby database: alter database create standby controlfile as '/tmp/salesofc.ctl'; Note that you specify the directory and filename where you want the controlfile to be created. Also, do not use the same directory and controlfile name as you use for the prim ary database. Step 3: Create an Initialization File for the Standby Database In the primary database, create a parameter file from the server parameter file: create pfile='/tmp/initsalesofc.ora' from spfile; For easier manageability, administrators may use either Oracle Enterprise Manager or the Broker s own specialized command-line interface (DGMGRL) to take ad vantage of the Broker s management capabilities. Identical Oracle version, currently the database patch set with individ ual patches as recommended in SAP note 1137346.

Please read SAP note 105047 for supported Oracle Data Guard configurations in an SAP environment. log_archive_dest_1 log_archive_dest_2 Location where the archive logs are stored (locally) 1. Destination for transferring logs to the standby database. (remote) Other destinations are possible if necessary and/or if needed for other standby databases (1 n) Unique database name, important for identification because both databases are usually addressed with the same SID. <DBSID>_<hostname>


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