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North Carolina State University Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC) Master of Biomanufacturing Degree BEC 621:

Industrial Internship in Biomanufacturing and Communication General Internship Information and Procedures Course Objectives To provide an off-campus professional-level internship work experience within which students may learn current process development or biomanufacturing industry practice under professional guidance. Credit Hours One credit hour will be given for the course. Students must complete an industry internship with a minimum of 150 hours of professional-level work prior to the start date of the class. 150 hours can usually be accomplished part-time in a summer (10-12 weeks). Two additional credits can be earned if the student is hired as a Contractor requiring a minimum of 100 hours of work throughout the entirety of an additional semester. Types of Experiences 1. Must be off-campus and in an industry setting related to bioprocess development or biomanufacturing. 2. Must be a new experience. 3. Must relate to the NCSU Master of Biomanufacturing Professional Science Master degree requirements 4. BIOM Graduate Student interns are paid by the company for their work experience. 5. As an alternative, the student may be hired as a part-time Contractor to the company while fulfilling the internship requirements. This alternative is often preferred by companies so that milestones and deliverables for completion by the end of the students internship requirements are defined before the internship experience is begun. Grading S/U grades will be given. Grading will be based on the completeness and quality of the final report and presentation during the semester immediately after completion of the internship experience. A brief evaluation letter of the student submitted by the industry supervisor of the internship would be greatly appreciated. PROCEDURE FOR PARTICIPATION Determine the work experience to be pursued. Consultation with BTEC Academic Program Coordinator Chris Smith or Professor Michael C. Flickinger, BIOM Director of Graduate Program, and students prospective industry employer/supervisor prior to starting the internship is encouraged. Application for BEC 621 credits must be made prior to initiation of the internship experience. Complete the attached Memorandum of Agreement for Training and submit the signed form to the BTEC Academic Program Coordinator (BTEC Suite 196, 850 Oval Drive, NCSU Centennial Campus). Student is responsible for registering for BEC 621 the semester immediately following completion of the industry internship experience. Student is responsible for submitting the final internship report within 60 days of completion of the industry internship. The final internship report and presentation will be graded by the Graduate Faculty in Biomanufacturing. The BTEC Academic Program Coordinator will be responsible for reporting grades to the NCSU Department of Registration and records.



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North Carolina State University Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC) Master of Biomanufacturing Degree Industrial Internship in Biomanufacturing
BIOM Student ___________________________________________________________________________________ Internship Employer ______________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor __________________________ Phone ________________________ Email ___________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employment Period Beginning ____________________ End______________________ Hours per week _________________ Number of weeks _____________________ Activities for the student Supervisor: General Description of activity (or attach separate page)

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

We, the undersigned, agree to conform to the Industry Internship Guidelines and this Memorandum of Agreement. Printed: _____________________________________

Signed: _____________________________________

Printed: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________________


Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________________


Printed: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________________

BTEC BIOM Academic Program Coordinator

Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________________

BTEC BIOM Academic Program Coordinator

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