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Glossary of orthodontic terms

What does that word mean?

Acid etch An acidic preparation which cleans and primes the tooth surface so that the bracket adhesive will bond to it A soft colloidal compound used to make moulds or impressions of the teeth A series of transparent splints designed to move the teeth progressively into line. Common trade names are "Invisalign" and "Clearstep". A widely used classification of malocclusions devised by the pioneer orthodontist Edward Angle Abnormal fixation of a tooth to the bone, preventing orthodontic tooth movement Congenital absence of all the teeth (cf. hypodontia) Situated in the front, a term commonly used to denote the incisor and canine teeth The tip of the tooth root



Angle's Classification Ankylosis





The complete row of teeth in each jaw, resembling an arch in shape A wire which is engages in brackets to move teeth to the desired position A device to hold models of the teeth in occlusion and simulate the movements of the jaws Wear of the biting surfaces of the teeth





A thin strip of metal cemented around a tooth, usually carrying a bracket or tube The process of cementing orthodontic bands to the teeth 1. The way the teeth come into contact. 2. An imprint of that contact, usually in wax, used to relate the upper and lower study models A removable appliance made of acrylic with a raised bite platform for the lower teeth to contact. Often used to reduce deep bites The process of attaching brackets to the teeth using an orthodontic adhesive Orthodontic appliances used to move teeth and jaws A metal or ceramic attachment bonded to a tooth to provide a means of engaging an arch wire A safety device used with headgear to guard against injury Artificial teeth bonded to adjacent teeth to replace missing teeth Grinding the teeth during sleep; often wears down



Bite plane







the tooth surface Caries Dental decay caused by the acid generated from sugars by bacteria in the mouth A plaster model of the teeth



A thin layer of hard tissue covering the root of a tooth The relation of the teeth of one arch to those of the other when the jaws are closed in their natural position

Centric occlusion

Cephalometric A radiograph of the head showing the positioning radiograph of the teeth and jaws. Repeat cephalometric radiographs can show growth or treatment changes Cheek An device used to hold the lips and cheeks clear of retractor the teeth during treatment Clasp A component of a removable appliance which clips to a tooth in order to hold the appliance in position A malocclusion where neither the upper nor lower teeth are prominent relative to the opposing teeth A malocclusion where the upper teeth are prominent relative to the lower teeth A malocclusion where the lower teeth are prominent relative to the upper teeth. A congenital gap in the palate. It may affect the hard palate or soft palate, or both A congenital gap in the lip

Class I malocclusion Class II malocclusion Class III malocclusion Cleft palate

Cleft lip


A meeting with an orthodontist where the orthodontic problem is assessed and possible treatment discussed Arising before birth


Cross Bite

A malocclusion where the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth Insufficient space for the teeth


Curing light

A light used for setting orthodontic adhesives, most often giving out blue light Removal of orthodontic bands



Removal of the brackets bonded to the teeth

Deciduous teeth Deep bite

"Baby" or "milk" teeth which fall out in time to be replaced by the permanent teeth Excessive overbite


The hard inner layer of the tooth surrounding the pulp or "nerve" of the tooth A gap between two teeth, usually at the front of the mouth Tablets of food dye used for staining plaque on the teeth as an aid to better tooth brushing


Disclosing tablets


The hard outer layer of the tooth surrounding the softer underlying dentine. Widespread loss of dental enamel by acid attack, usually dietary in origin Emergence of the tooth through the gum




The natural process by which the deciduous teeth are lost Outside the mouth



Fixed appliance Fluoride

Transmits the force from a headgear to the teeth. The facebow has an outer bow which passes round the cheeks and is attached to the headgear. The inner bow lies inside the mouth and fits into tubes on the brace An orthodontic appliance bonded to the teeth,

A naturally occurring element which inhibits dental decay, often used as a mouthwash during orthodontic treatment A fold of fleshy tissue which runs between the gums and the cheeks or the tongue A removable appliance which holds the lower jaw in a forward position in order to correct the bite The part of the gum which surrounds the teeth


Functional Appliance Gingiva


A devise which fits round the head or neck to provide a force to move teeth. Connects to the teeth via a facebow Congenital absence of one or more teeth


Impacted tooth Impression

A tooth whose eruption is prevented by the position of adjacent teeth A mould of the teeth used to make models of the teeth Minor treatment carried out at an early age with a view to simplifying later treatment Inside the mouth

Interceptive Treatment Intra-oral

Intra-oral traction Interproximal reduction Ligature

Elastic bands or other devices stretched between the upper and lower teeth in order to change their relative positions Reducing the width the teeth to reduce crowding

A small elastic loop or wire holding an arch wire in a bracket A wire passing behind the lower incisors and attached to the molar teeth A brace fixed behind the teeth (on the "lingual" surface) rather than on the front. A retainer fixed behind the upper or lower front teeth A wire attached to the molar teeth and passing in front of the incisors, intended to allow the incisors

Lingual arch

Lingual orthodontics Lingual retainer Lip bumper

to move forward and to move the molars back. Malocclusion Abnormal arrangement of the teeth or jaws


The lower jaw


The upper jaw


Small screws placed temporarily in the jaw to provide anchorage for forces to move the teeth A moulded appliance which protects the teeth and orthodontic appliances when playing sports A padded strap passing round the neck and attached to a facebow A highly flexible type of orthodontic wire, widely used to bring teeth into line Contact between the upper and lower teeth


Neck Pad

Nickeltitanium Occlusion

Open bite

A malocclusion in which some of the teeth cannot make contact The speciality of dentistry concerned with surgical procedures in and about the mouth and jaws The branch of dentistry concerned with the management of abnormal development in the teeth and jaws. A dentist who practises orthodontics, normally after further training in the subject. Specialist orthodontists have had formal training in the subject and are on the Specialist List of the General Dental Council Correction of the position of the jaws by means of an osteotomy (see below), usually combined with orthodontic straightening of the teeth An operation which cuts through the jaw bone allowing the jaw to be repositioned. Mostly undertaken where there is a malocclusion resulting from a severe mismatch in the sizes of the jaws. The vertical overlap of the upper teeth over the lower teeth The horizontal distance by which the upper teeth lie ahead of the lower teeth. A wire passing across the roof of the mouth and attached to the molar teeth A radiograph showing the whole of jaws and the teeth on one film. It is taken by a machine that rotates around the head. The specialty of dentistry concerned with diseases of the gums The secondary or adult teeth.

Oral Surgery



Orthognathic Surgery Osteotomy



Palatal arch

Panoramic radiograph Periodontics

Permanent teeth Plaque

A soft white film developing on the tooth surface, consisting of mass of bacteria and proteins Situated at the back of the mouth, often refers to the premolar and molar teeth The central part of the tooth, containing nerves and blood vessels A zig-zag wire across the palate, used to correct a




crossbite Radiograph An image of the teeth and jaws produced using xrays Sending a patient to another dentist or specialist for diagnosis and/or treatment Return towards the original malocclusion following orthodontic treatment A fixed or removable appliance worn to prevent relapse of the teeth after orthodontic treatment A strap added to a headgear to prevent the facebow from coming loose Brackets with a mechanism to clip on to the archwire so that no additonal ligature is required. The archwire slides more freely through such brackets, possibly making tooth movement easier An elastic or wire loop placed between the teeth to create small spaces before bands are fitted A condition where normal breathing pattern is disturbed during sleep An appliance worn to prevent teeth from moving into the space left by the loss of a tooth A specialist in correcting speech defects




Safety Strap

Self-ligating brackets Separator

Sleep apnoea

Space maintainer Speech therapist Sterilisation

The destruction of bacteria on instruments by heat or chemical means Plaster casts of the teeth which allow the position of the teeth and jaws to be examined

Study Models

Supernumerary An extra tooth

Temporary anchorage devices (TADS) Temporomandibular joint Tracing

Small screws placed temporarily in the jaw to provide anchorage for forces to move the teeth The joint between the lower jaw and the base of the skull A series of measurements taken from a cephalometric radiograph to assist in orthodontic diagnosis The application of force to teeth


Traumatic occlusion Trauma

An abnormal bite which is damaging to a tooth and/or its supporting structures An injury to the teeth or jaws

Treatment Plan Wax

An description of the clinical steps in a proposed treatment Used to prevent braces from rubbing the cheeks and lips The third molars

Wisdom teeth


Used to produce radiographs of the teeth and jaws

2013 British Orthodontic Society Built on Cubik Registered Charity Number 1073464. The BOS is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 03695486.

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