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4.B.R.Ambedkar-Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar born on 14 April 1891.

He was an Indian Leader,Lawyer,teacher,He was the Chairman of the Indian Constitution drafting committee and was the First Law Minister of India,He Born in a Family which was believed to be Untouchable and he raised his voice against this,He is Considered as the Leader of untouchables in the Modern India and he worked a lot for the Dalit(Untouchables) of India and still he inspires number of leaders and people working for the dailts(Untouchables) of India,However Later he converted to Buddhism,and also considered as one of the Great Indians and leaders.

'Emulate values of Ambedkar'

Madikeri, Apr 14, DHNS:

''The thoughts, ideas and principles of Dr B R Ambedkar are relevant even today,'' said Forest, Small Industries Minister C H Vijayshankar. Addressing the 120th birth anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar at Kaveri Kalakshethra in Madikeri on Thursday, he said that Dalits should strive to come to the mainstream of the society and live with dignity. Dr Ambedkar had several bitter experiences during his childhood but he never let himself get affected by such experiences. He took it as a challenge, educated himself and later went on to become the voice of the suppressed classes, he said calling upon the Dalits to learn from the life of Dr B R Ambedkar. He said that each and every citizen of the country should imbibe the thinking and principles of Dr B R Ambedkar so as to live in harmony in the society. Government has chalked out several program mes for

the welfare of the Dalits. BJP government at the State has set aside Rs 7,000 crore for the welfare of the Dalits, he said.

The programme was inaugurated by Assembly Speaker K G Bopaiah. He said that Ambedkar spoke of both rights as well as duties of the citizens in the Constitution, thereby implying to the citizens that each one of them have a role to play in the progress of the country. Ambedkar has written a Constitution taking into consideration every person and every walk of life. Though amendments have been made to the Constitution, the core essence still remains to be the same, Bopaiah said. FMC College Kannada Professor Dr Somanna Hongalli spoke about the life Dr B R Ambedkar. Town Municipal Council President Nandakumar presided over the programme. Deputy Commissioner K H Ashwathnarayana Gowda, ZP CEO Shashikumar, Kodagu circle forest conservator Krishnegowda among others were present.

Contribution of Dr.B.R Ambedkar in making of constitution

In India governance run under the essence of democracy. A pathway was planned by the Indian Freedom Fighter during pre-independence period for unity of people across the country in all term to form a one nation of different princely states to enhance the feel democracy. Congress was fighting from long years against the british government. As Britisher were leading our society with a hatred against all the Indian, as they were crossing all the limits of inhumanity and ruling harshly over our spiritual land of india. As india comprise of different caste, creed,religion,languages and a very diverse living across the country. As the society was build with different section of people as they were divided and valued with their type of the work. As oil seller is called teli, similarly shoe repairer person is called chambhar and Brahmins were known for working in temple as they were the highest in society and lastly comes harijans as their work is to clean the dirt in society. This gave rise to the dividend in the country as it was done for fast progress of society and started the discrimination on the level of work alloted. Brahmins started dominance over all the other section of worker, as they

were the part of knowledge similar to god, and more importantly harijans suffered the most as they were involved in cleaning process in the society. They observed the curse at huge level in pre-independence as they were equaled to various devils of society as they were not allowed to take water from well were brahmins use to collect water for god. Various problem they faced i.e untouchbility, education was banned, discrimination followed on various level which was the weakness of our whole country. In pre-independence period different state in the country was ruled by kings and colaborated with british government. Nearly british government overruled all the states harshly. In India at different level different languages were spoken which made difficult to connect in that period of era. As India was not one religion country.It possess all the religion i.e hindu,muslim,sikh,christian etc. This was the overall scenario at all level in the country. As I mentioned prior about the discrimination about different level, similarly many other problems were running under the society, as women condition was crushed at that time as they were unable to shrug in field of education and they were underpressure of man dominant society. Sati was practised all over the country. Women were always locked in the room for lifetime. They were not at all present in any of genre of leadership or light of knowledge. Women was also brutalised at different level consider as the weak point of the society. They dont had the right to raise the voice in society. Another major problem was the child marriage which turn out to the adverse part of the society which had started burning the values of childhood on very severe basis and created an havoc during pre-independence. In this way our indian society was already buried in living methods due lack of knowledge to everybody. Illiteracy created the secpticism among the people of our country. Due to which supersition was always the great problem which leads to erosion in thoughts of the people. As the time passes we were on the path of awakening as first revolt was started against the british government during pre-independence was the revolt of 1857 in which Mangal pandey, Tatya tope and Rani laxmibai fought very bravely. In this way our journey towards independent India started allover the country various freedom fighter started their regime. As whole

condition of the indian society and harsh rule of british government wake up many revolutionaries for the freedom of the society and main leader for the social revolution all over the country which were will to lead the country toward independence as well as the equality among the Indian society. Towards each and every problem in the society i.e need of social transformation which includes literacy, empowerment of women etc. A leaders came forward for each genre of problem to overcome the golden India with equality and a freedom from the british governance. One of which was Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on 14 april 1891 in madhya pradesh , he was the social revolutionary as he was also from the backward family as he himself was dalit and facing various problem such as untouchability but his desire was so strong that overcome to shortcomings towards the education. He was dedicated towards the studies, he struggled for long time to collect books and in such a way he sacrified a lot for the upliftment of dalits in society. He was on the foreign land for further education in year 1913-1917 and his other session was 1920-1923 for the foundation of his trap to provide boost to the equality. He started triggering the thoughts of the people in the society, in way he contacted the M.K GANDHI as he was the leader of congress for the independence in india. Dr.B.R Ambedkar started putting issue infront of congress leader but he was not satisfied with views of Baba Amte, this gave some sought of crack in thoughts, but continued giving speeches in all parts of country moreover in kolhapur where Rajashri Shahu Maharaj was greatly influenced by the views, so provided first economical help. As Dr.B .R ambedkar was welll aware of social inequality and he became pioneer of social upliftment of harijans. As in field of education he achieved the maximum degrees in same way he was true thinker of social values. As he was well immersed in knowledge of every field he was gaining the command of various level as human being, what we need in society was light of wisdom, equality, reliability for living . For smooth running of society the main agenda is the control over the power,greed, inhuman activity etc. Ideas are variant in many of the forms to make the things happen many time coalition happens in different thoughts. All the thoughts are correct but it should be put in right direction to remove the ethnic values. As our society possess many of stereotypes which are

the main reason to provide the keen followership of inequality. As Dr.B.R Ambedkar was also from dalit family he suffered a lot but his understanding due to values of wisdom he was able to uplift the situation. As if we starts framing the post-independence situation is totally contrast as upto mark inequality was removed but still some parts are affected in Indian society. In pre-independence period as people of india was divided at different level the britisher were able to rule very easily because the value of humanity was not under the consideration among the indian as one, which leads to various problem. As many of the things i.e caste discrimination, women empowerment etc. From the pre-independence to post-independence the framework of the constitution towards the efficient working , should be brought through legislation. Values should be framed regarding the face of the society as such to remove the ethnic values and give a particular way towards the diversity by rolling ideas to enlightment. This idea will bring out the peace and sense of purity among the people. This change is only possible. If each and every citizen of india should take the values of equality from Dr.B.R Ambedkar to flourish the eloquence for the progress of society in different means. As he was not against the brahmins he was against the brahminism as they were only thinking of their profits or progress, without taking consideration of other as they know that no-where it was written that dalits are untouchable and anything which turns the face of society. On particular level of this backwardness needs the pathway, as each and every problem comes with strong solution. As during pre-independence no one was ready to concentrate on upliftment of dalits as all the revolutionaries and congress party towards the independence of india except Dr.B.R Ambedkar was actually framing the progress in second handed way he was an economist, jurist and an able administrator as he largely worked accordingly which was already leading to the stable framework, though he was working many other leader was also involved in it. In such a social format Dr.B.R Ambedkar thought to put the things for dalits, as in hindu religion, dalits were not given any level , so he turned a way along the buddhism to take oath as buddhist . In pre-independence period british was using dalits for rule strategy because they were not literate. Some analogy , in society

we put dalit issue in haphazard manner which lead to make the sense of inequality. To overcome such a tedious work. Dr.B.R Ambedkar in 1935 became principal of government law college mumbai. In flow he started bringing the revolution as, He was expressing the concern about the framework. In 1936 independent labour party is 13 reversed and 4 general for purpose of employment and make them interface with truth of living with pride. Similarly central legislative assembly with 11 reserved and 4 general. Dr.B.R Ambedkar started fetching the ideas and implementing it forward for progress. Now the framework is on the right pathway , actually we can compare the success with level of freedom fighter as they were putting all the efforts for independence during these era only. If we again comes under the post-independence we lack in field to convert the unity for the progress of the nation as people didnt putting the fact on the file to move further over the idea to form some kind of purity. If we come under the constitution where our Dr.B.R Ambedkar was called father of constitution and Dr.K.V Rao is called mother of constitution as after the independence. As all the problems were in post-independence we were in need to overcome from our framework to run our country so Dr.B.R Ambedkar was appointed as the law minister of india in 1947-1952 and he was also the chairman of drafting committee of the constitution. The work started after independence in 1947, every term is covered to make it to cover each and every issue upto the mark. During drafting of the constitution other political leaders were also involved to research the idea in proper way to be on right path. As in 1947 after the partition of india was important for the independence of india. The unstability was all around as many of people where involved in the violence in such condition independence was just ostensible and nothing else. The situation was also worst as it was affected terribly. Many of the state such as kashmir were asking for independence of it but finally Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru brought the condition under control as on 14 august 1947 Pakistan was separated and India was independent on 15 august 1947. After independence Dr.B.R Ambedkar brought up the Modern manu for the india.As India has the largest written constitution no other country in the world

has a wriiten constitution . Despite of his ill health he completed the draft of constitution by 1948 beginning . In same time of era M.K Gandhi was also assasinated . After such a long struggle by all the freedom fighter and various social revolutionary but one of indian i.e Nathuram godse killed M.K Gandhi. After such a level of struggle by all the freedom fighter and various social revolutionary but the ethnic values survived somewhere and killed the unity of thoughts. Why we are use to such kind of deeds? A serious issue should be elaborated we need to shrug the peace for the purity of thoughts.If we really need all the way of success in transformation which will change type of living. Now democracy values prevails to move the ruler among the common man as the representatives is selected by the people. Its well said Government is for the people,by the people, and of the people.Our first prime minister was Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, first president Dr.Rajendra Prasad, In such a great achievement of independent india from creul british rule.Dr.B.R Ambedkar continued his work as in 1955 he founded BHARATIYA BUDDHA MAHASABHA and finally in nagpur in 14 october 1955 he take historic oath and leaded his values for the harijans. In this all the values he empowered the living. In our constitution various fundamental rights are framed ideas and laws are built for composition of bright society. But question arises why they are not sufficient? In our constitution many of the facts are covered to avoid capitalism. Actually after the post-independence the problem was serious as slaughter of humanity was on in fullswing it was between the religion hindu-muslim but dalits are always catched between them. The best idealogy was to overcome such social unrest by avoiding the influence of the muslim to get converted.Dr.B.R Ambedkar values were so pure and upto mark that bring the worst condition under control. In modern india we should take initiative of awakening for the society and set an example for the upcoming generation of values of Dr.B.R Ambedkar to come against the in humanity. Take every single issue on the right track to move on the particular fact which will always head toward the progress. Our constitution has written to bring the backward class in equal by method of some kind of relaxation upto some decades. It has given very different picture to the country . As success itself has started from very own Dr.B.R Ambedkar as he was

untouchable dalit has finally made constitution and also called as father of constitution.Our constitution is fullfilled but it needs correction according to upcoming situation in country.In present situation values should be recollected by the legislator and administrator as Dr.B.R Ambedkar and many other political leaders always fought for social needs not for political needs the essence of purity should be survived. As after 66th year of independence we made huge progress in each and every field but somewhere many of the good values are neglected , we should remember the basic level of living with peace and purity. Recent crime is eradicated only through development and by removing corruption on different level. Powers in india plays a vital role excellence is neglected on many of fronts as to avoid such a curse we need the educational level to be put on priority in constitution .Dr.B.R Ambedkar contribution has given really a direction towards many of message and application to cherish our society and make worth changes probably. The stereotype are also removed in such cases.Its a boon in society to come with tremendous progress.
B. R. Ambedkar: An Indefatigable Defender of Human Rights
Joseph Benjamin Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born as the fourteenth child of Mahar parents, Ramji and Bhimabai, on 14 April 1891 at Mhow, in present-day State of Madhya Pradesh. The Mahars are considered low- caste and treated as untouchables (Dalits) by higher-caste Hindus. They are mainly found in the State of Maharashtra. The father and grandfather of Ambedkar served in the army and were of well-to-do family. But the stigma of being members of Mahar community caused their social oppression in a caste-ridden society. Ambedkar had a bitter taste of discriminatory treatment due his caste at an early age. He and his brother had to carry gunny bags to sit on inside the classroom because they were not allowed to sit on classroom chairs. They were denied drinking water facilities, and excluded from games and mixing with other children. Even teachers would not check their notebooks for fear of "pollution." Thus sowed the seeds of discontentment about the Hindu social system in the life of Ambedkar.

He did his early education in Satara in Maharashtra State and then moved on to Bombay. In 1912, he passed his B. A. examination with distinction from the prestigious Elphinstone College with the scholarship and encouragement from the Maharaja of Baroda State. In 1913, with a condition that he would serve the Baroda State for ten years, he was chosen by Maharaja of Baroda State for higher studies at Columbia University in the USA. This was followed with a trans-Atlantic shift to the United Kingdom where he studied at the University of London. While studying abroad, he mixed with students of various nationalities and races, which was an eye- opener for him. He joined the Union Cabinet of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru during the 1946-1951 period. He resigned on 27 September 1951 to protest the deferment of the discussion in the parliament of the Hindu Code Bill supposedly due to the coming 1952 elections. Ambedkar saw the Bill as a very important reform of Hindu law, with reform proposals on marriage, divorce, and monogamy. Despite failing health, he plodded on with his advocacy for the cause of the Dalits. He came to Nagpur in October 1956 for his conversion to Buddhism and a couple of months thereafter on 8 December 1956 breathed his last.

Ambedkar's Movement for Human Rights

During the last decade of the 19th century, many Indian leaders born among the lower castes like Narayan Guru (1854-1928), Jotiba Phule (1827-1890), and Ramaswamy Naicker 1879-1973) launched massive struggles for the dignity of Dalits throughout India. Ambedkar was the most towering figure among these Dalit leaders. In 1917 he joined the Baroda State Service after returning from his studies in the USA and the United Kingdom, as part of the terms of his scholarship agreement. He worked in the city of Baroda, the place of the ruling family of Gaikwad, which financed his studies abroad. He worked as secretary in the defense office of the Maharaja of Baroda State. However, despite his foreign education, he had to endure insults while at work due to his low caste origin. He was a victim of the cruel dalit discrimination. He suffered the ignominy of having document files hurled by peons at his face.[1] He suffered the humiliating experience of not being served drinking water during official functions. At the officer's club, he had to sit in a corner and keep his distance from the other members belonging to higher castes. He also had difficulties in finding a rented house, as he was not allotted

government bungalow. He stayed in an inn owned by Parsis (members of Zoroastrian religion). One morning, as he was getting ready to go to work, a dozen Parsis, allwielding sticks, rushed up to his room screaming that he had polluted the inn and insisted on his immediate departure. He begged them to let him stay for a week longer since he hoped to get his government bungalow by then. But they were obdurate. If they found him at the inn that evening, they said God help him. After spending much of the day in a public garden, Ambedkar, in utter frustration and disgust, left for Bombay by the 9 pm train. These scorching incidents goaded Ambedkar to work for the protection of dalit rights and upliftment of the status of the Dalits. In 1924, he started legal practice in Bombay and founded the Bahishkrit Hitkarni Sabha (Depressed Class Institute) to uplift the Dalits. Henceforth, he started his movement and took the cause of the Dalits. He roused the dalit consciousness to fight for the eradication of dalit discrimination; to claim equality of treatment, status and opportunity; to equally enjoy all rights ? civil, political, social and economic ? and respect for the dignity of persons. He was considered a crusader for the human rights of the Dalits in India.[2] The Hindu religious belief that "All human beings are not born equal" creates caste-based discrimination against the Dalits that leads to various forms of violence against them including public humiliation, torture, rape, beating and killing. Reacting to the values of Hinduism, Rabindranath Gore wrote, We do not value Hinduism, we value human dignity... We want equal rights in the society. We will achieve them as far as possible while remaining within the Hindu fold or if necessary by kicking away this worthless Hindu identity.[3] Ambedkar was a great supporter of women's liberation. He blamed the verna system, which has not only subjugated Dalits but also women. He questioned Manu Smriti (Laws of Manu), the law book (Dharam-Shastra) of Brahminic Hinduism and attributed to Manu, the legendary first man and lawgiver. Manu Smriti prescribed the Dharma of each Hindu, stating the obligations attached to his or her social class and stage of life. It was hostile to the interest of lower caste people and women. It prohibited re-marriage of widows. He felt that Manu Smriti was solely responsible for the downfall of Hindu women. He encouraged the Dalits to embrace Buddhism to liberate their own selves from Hindu subjugation. Hence he fought for the right to choose ones' faith. After embracing Buddhism, Ambedkar said, "[U]nfortunately for me I was born a Hindu Untouchable... I solemnly assure you I will not die as a Hindu." He practiced what he advocated and became a Buddhist in 1956.

He also wrote about the French revolution ideas of fraternity, liberty and equality. He thought that the French and Russian revolutions failed to realize all three ideas. He believed that they could not all be realized except through the way of the Buddha.[4]

Means and Ends for Struggle

He adopted various means to safeguard dalit rights. Ambedkar launched a movement against dalit discrimination by creating public opinion through his writings in several periodicals such as Mook Nayak, Vahishkrit Bharat, and Equality Janta, which he started for the protection of dalit rights. He also launched numerous movements. One of the memorable struggles of the Dalits was the Vaikkom Satyagraha in Travancore in Maharashtra,[5] which asserted the right of the Dalits to worship in Hindu temples without hindrance. Another very significant movement was Mahad March[6] to assert the rights of Dalits to take water from public watering places. Ambedkar organized the Dalit rally to assert their legal right to take water from the Chowdar tank. The Chowdar tank of Mahad was made a public tank in 1869. In 1923, the Bombay Legislative Council passed a resolution to the effect that the Dalits be allowed to use all public watering places. The Mahad Municipality passed a resolution on 5 January 1927 to the effect that the Municipality had no objection to allowing the Dalits to use the tank. But the higher castes were hesitant in allowing the Dalits to use the tank. Soon after this resolution was passed a conference of the Dalits of the Colaba district was held for two days. Ambedkar also convened a conference on 18-20 March 1927 on this issue. On 20 March 1927, the conference exhorted the Dalits to go to the Chowdar Tank and exercise their right to take water from it. The Hindus who had exhorted them to be bold instantly realized that this was a bombshell and immediately ran away. But the electrified Dalits led by Ambedkar marched in a procession through the main streets and for the first time drank the water from Chowdar tank. Another temple entry movement took place at the Kalaram temple at Nasik in Maharashtra State. On 13 October 1935, at a conference convened on the issue, Ambedkar recounted the experience of the depressed classes and the immense sacrifices made by them to secure minimum human rights under the aegis of Hinduism.[7] Ambedkar fought for the rights of workers and peasants. In the late 1920s and especially in the 1930s when he had formed his Independent Labour Party, he took up the cause of tenants (from both the dalit Mahars and the caste Hindu Kunbis) in the Konkan region of Maharashtra. With the

support of radicals then in the Congress Socialist Party, the Independent Labour Party organized a huge march of 20,000 peasants to Mumbai in 1938, the largest pre-independence peasant mobilization in the region. In the same year, Ambedkar joined with the Communists to organize a strike of Mumbai textile workers in protest against a bill about to be introduced by the British Government to curve labor strikes.[8] Ambedkar took the lead in condemning the bill in the assembly and argued that the right to strike was simply another name for the right to freedom of assembly.

British Raj and Protection for Dalits

The demand for safeguards and protection of Scheduled Castes (earlier called Depressed Class) has a long history dating to Montague-Chelmsford Reform of 1919 during the British Raj period. Ambedkar had been closely involved in the struggle to give Scheduled Caste people solid statutory safeguard. He was a delegate at the Round Table Conference in London, where he asked for separate electorate for the Dalits. It is not a surprise that subsequently Ambedkar saw to it that the welfare of the Scheduled Caste people were guaranteed in the 1949 Constitution of India in the form of reservation in legislative, employment and educational fields. Ambedkar was a great champion of the dalit cause because he succeeded in turning the depressed class movement into a revolutionary movement throughout India. Today India has witnessed the oppressed classes walking on the streets of cities and villages with confidence and poise, of course many despicable acts of discrimination and violence against the dalits still occur. Yet the juggernaut of equality is rolling on remorselessly and forcefully.

Ambedkar is India's foremost human rights activist during the 20th century. He is an emancipator, scholar, extraordinary social reformer and a true champion of human rights.[9] It can be said that he is one of the highly regarded Indians whose emancipation and empowering role for oppressed groups that cut against the gender divide has inspired subaltern groups all over the world. All should try to take inspiration from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's life and work for the creation of a just and genderneutral world. Joseph Benjamin, PhD, is the head of the Department of Political Science, St. Francis de Sales' College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

For further information, please contact: Joseph Benjamin, PhD, Department of Political Science, St. Francis de Sales' College, Seminary Hills, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, ph (91-712-2511354-) e-mail:

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