Classification Proposed by Fritsch

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Classification proposed by Fritsch The most comprehensive and authorative classification of algae was given by F.

E Fritsch ( 1938, 1948) in his book The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. His classification was based on such criteria as pigmentation, types of flagella, assimilatory products, thallus structure and methods of reproduction. He divided the algae into the following 11 classes Class I: Chlorophyceae ( Isokontae or Green algae)

Pigments are chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids and xanthophylls Chloroplast has pyrenoids Cell wall is made up of cellulose Flagella if present are of equal length Reproduction by vegetative , asexual and sexual methods. The class chlorophyceae is divided into nine orders Order I:Volvocales eg: Volvox Order II Chlorococcales eg: Chlorella Order III Ulothrichales eg: Ulothrix Order IV Cladophorales eg: Cladophora Order V Chaetophorales eg: Fritschiella Order VI Oedogoniales eg: Oedogonium Order VII Conjugales eg: Zygnema Order VIII Siphonales eg: Vaucheria Order XI Charales eg: Chara

Class II: Xanthophyceae ( Heterokontae or Yellow-green algae)

Pigments are chlorophyll a and e, carotene and xanthophylls. Plastids without pyrenoids Reserve food material is oil Cell wall with pectic substances and cellulose Typical eukaryotic cell with anteriorly inserted 2 unequal flagella, shorter whiplash and longer tinsel type. Reproduction by vegetative , asexual and sexual methods. The orer has been divided into 4 orders.

Order I Heterochloridales e.g., Heterochloris, Chloramoeba

Order II Heterococcales e.g., Myxochloris, Halophaera Order III Heterotrichales e.g., Tribonema, Microspora Order IV Heterosiphonales e.g., Botrydium Class III:Chrysophyceae

Dominant pigment is Phycochrysin gives brown or orange colour Chromatophores have naked pyrenoid like bodies Food reserve is chrysolaminarin and leucosin Cell wall is silicified or calcified. Motile cells have 2 anteriorly inserted equal or unequal flagella Sexual reproduction rare , when present isogamous Class includes 3 orders

Order I Chrysomonadales e.g., Chrysococcus, Chrysodendron, Chromulina Order II Chrysosphaerales e.g., Chrysosphaera, Echinochrysis Order III Chrysotrichales e.g., Nematochrysis, Chrysoclonium

Bacillariophyceae ( Diatoms , yellow or golden brown algae) o Dominance of golden brown pigments, fucoxanthin, diatoxanthin and diadinoxanthin. o The chromatophores have pyrenoids and the photosynthetic products are fat and volutin o Cell wall is pectic and silicified and variously ornamented o It consists of two halves which are radially or bilatorally symmetrical . o The mitotic cells usually have a single flagellum o Sexual reproduction by fusion of gametes o The class includes 2 orders

Centrales e.g., Cyclotella, Chaetoceras Pennales e.g., Grammatophora, Navicula, Pinnularia

Cryptophyceae o Main pigment is xanthophylls which imparts brown or red colour. o Pyrenoid like bodies are present, independent of chromatophores o Motile cells are dorsiventral with anteriorly inserted unequal flagella o Sexual reproduction rare o The class includes 2 orders

Cryptomonadales e.g., Cryptomonas, Rhodomonas, Cyanomonas. Cryptococcales e.g., Tetragonidium.

Dinophyceae (Peridineae) o Main pigment is xanthophylls which imparts brown or red colour.

o o o o o o

Food reserves are starch or fats Cell wall cellulosic Motile unicells with 2 flagella Many species are colorless saprophytes Sexual reproduction rare or isogamous type Six order of this class are

Desmonadales e.g., Desmocapsa, Pleromonas, Desmomastix Thecatales e.g., Exuviaella, Porocentrum Dinophyceales e.g., Dinophysis, Ornithocercus, Phalacroma Dinoflagellata e.g., Amhidinium, Blastidinium, Ceratium, Heterocapsa Dinococcales e.g., Dinastridium, Cystodinium, Dissodinium Dinotrichales e.g., Dinothria, Dinoclonium

Chloromonadineae o Numerous disc shaped chromatophores o Bright green tint due to excess xanthophylls o No pyrenoids o Reserve food is fat and oil o Motile forms with equal flagella o Class consists of only one order Chloromonadales e.g., Trentonia, Vacuolaria
o o o


Unicellular green flagellates Many chromatophores in the cell Pyrenoid like bodies present in some Reserve food is polysaccharide, Paramylon One or two flagella that arise from canal like invaginatrion at the anterior end. Class includes 3 families

Euglenaceae e.g., Euglena Astasiacae e.g., Astasia Peranemacea e.g., Anisonema

Phaeophyceae ( Brown Algae) o The chrmatophore contain main pigment fucaxanthin besides the others o Lower forms have naked pyrenoid like bodies o Reserve foods are laminarin ( Polysaccharide),

Mannitol ( alcohol)

Cell wall made up of cellulose with alginic and fucinic acids Reproductive cells have 2 lateral or sub apical flagella Sexual reproduction from isogamous to oogamous type Class comprises 9 orders

Ectocarpales e.g ., Ectocarpus Cutleriales e.g ., Cutleria Desmarestiales e.g., Desmarestia Laminariales e.g., Laminaria Sphacelariales e.g., Dictyota Fucales e.g., Fucus , Sargassum

Rhodophyceae o Most of these are marine with uniaxial or multiaxial thalli o Besides other pigments chromatophores contain r- phycoerythrin and rphycocyanin gives red colour. o Food reserve is floridean starch o Outer cell wall pectic inner cell wall cellulosic o Reproducive cells are nonmotile o Sexual reproduction oogamous type o Class consists of 7 orders

Bangiales e.g ., Bangia, Porphyra Nemalionales e.g ., Batrachospermum Gelidiales e.g., Gelidium Cryptonemiales e.g., Corallina, Gleopeltis Gigartiniales e.g ., Chondrus, Gigartina, Gracilaria Rhodomeniales e.g., Rhodymenia Ceramiales e.g., Polysiphionia, Ceramium, Lophosiphonia

Myxophyceae o Rudimentary nucleus o No chromatophores o Chief piments are Chlorophyll a, carotene and c- phycocyanin o Cell wall made up of mucoploymers o Food reserve is cyanophycean starch o Sexual reproduction absent

Class conists of 5 orders

Chlorococcales e.g., Chlorococcus, gleocapsa, microcystis Chamaesiphonales e.g., Chamaesiphon, Dermocarpa Pleurocapsales e.g., Pleurocapsa Nostocales e.g., Nostoc, Oscillatoria, Spirulina Stigonemtales e.g., stgonema.

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