NRC Student Handbook

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Not | ono| Fr ov| der Code 31228

Not|ono||y kecogn|sed Courses

3088QID Cert|||cote IV |n IESOI
3080QID D|p|omo o| IESOI
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Iob|e o| Contents
WEICOME........................................................................................................... 5
1. EDbCAIIONAI SIANDAkDS ......................................................................... 7
2. SIbDENI ENkOIMENI.................................................................................... 7
3. kEGISIkAIION AND ENkOIMENI FkOCESS ............................................... 7
4. FEES AND kEFbNDS ....................................................................................... 8
5. CODE OF FkACIICE FOk OFIIONAI 5 DAY CObkSE................................
. SIbDENI COMFIAINIS AND AFFEAIS....................................................... 10
7. CObkSE INFOkMAIION.............................................................................. 12
8. FIEXI8IE IEAkNING AND ASSESSMENI FkOCEDbkES............................. 20
10. ASSESSMENI Sb8MISSION GbIDEIINES................................................... 27
11. IANGbAGE ond IIIEkACY kEQbIkEMENIS............................................ 2
13. CAkEEk ObICOMES ................................................................................. 30
14. FIACEMENI FOIICY.................................................................................. 30
15. IEGISIAIIVE kEQbIkEMENIS ................................................................... 32
OIHEk IEGISIAIIVE kEQbIkEMENIS .............................................................. 33
[kCC} ................................................................................................................ 34
17. WANI IO KNOW MOkE ............................................................................ 37
18. CObkSE IOCAIIONS ................................................................................ 38
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
We|ccne Ic Ihe /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny.
Ihi: i: Ihe :IcrI cf cn exciIing new jcurney in Iecching Eng|i:h c: c
Seccnc Lcngucge {IESCL). / IESCL uc|ificcIicn i: ycur pc::pcrI Ic
Ircve||ing Ihe wcr|c cnc Leing pcic Ic cc iI. Ycu ccn enjcy Ihe
ccvcnIcge cf enp|cynenI cppcrIuniIie: in cver 80 ce:IincIicn:
crcunc Ihe wcr|c {vi:c: perniIIing).
Ihi: hcncLcck wi|| c::i:I ycu in |ecrning ncre cLcuI Ihe prcgrcn:
prcvicec Ly /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny cnc ccur:e reuirenenI:.
lI wi|| prcvice ycu wiIh cn cverview cf :Iucy neIhcc:, re:curce: cnc
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny i: c privcIe|y cwnec ecuccIicn cnc
Ircining crgcni:cIicn wiIh Hecc Cffice |cccIec in 8ri:Lcne. /u:Irc|c:icn
Ircining /ccceny wc: e:IcL|i:hec in 2005. lI i: c Fegi:Ierec Ircining
CrgcnizcIicn {NcIicnc| Frcvicer Ccce 31228) prcvicing NcIicnc||y
Feccgni:ec Ccur:e:. We cre pcrI cf Ihe VcccIicnc| EcuccIicn cnc
Ircining {VEI) :ecIcr prcvicing ccnpeIency-Lc:ec Ircining. We cre
c|:c c::ccicIec wiIh Ihe /u:Irc|icn Ccunci| cf FrivcIe EcuccIicn cnc
Ircining {/CFEI).
Ihe /ccceny hc: :ucce::fu||y grccucIec cver 3000 IESCL Ieccher:.
Ihe cngcing :ucce:: cf cur ccnpcny cepenc: cn cur :Icff cnc Iheir
ccnniInenI Ic ycu, cur :IucenI:. Iherefcre Ihe nc:I inpcrIcnI pcrI cf
cur Lu:ine:: i: ycur :ucce::.
We hcpe ycu enjcy :Iucying wiIh u: cnc we |cck fcrwcrc Ic c::i:Iing
ycu cn ycur IESCL ccvenIure.
Ircve| g|cLc||y, |ive fu||y.
Mcrie Fcrne||
Mcncging DirecIcr
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny

2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ

2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny ncinIcin: c |ecrning envircnnenI IhcI i:
high|y ccncucive Ic Ihe :ucce:: cf :IucenI:. We hcve Ihe ccpcciIy Ic
ce|iver Ihe ncnincIec ccur:e:, prcvice exce||enI Ircining ncIeric|:, cnc u:e
ccnIenpcrcry cnc inIerccIive Iecching neIhcc:. Cur :Icff: cre viLrcnI, we||
Ircinec cnc high|y :ki||ec cnc hcve ncny yecr: cf Eng|i:h |cngucge
Iecching experience. IESCL i: c cyncnic incu:Iry, cnc cI /I/ we cre
ccnniIIec Ic ccn:IcnI|y inprcving Ihe ccur:e, cur |ecrning re:curce:, cnc
Ihe |ecrning cuIccne: cf cur :IucenI:.
Enrc|nenI cf :IucenI: wi|| Le ccncucIec cI c|| Iine: in cn eIhicc| cnc
re:pcn:iL|e ncnner ccn:i:IenI wiIh Ihe reuirenenI: cf Ihe Ircining
8efcre enrc||ing :IucenI: wi|| Le given c ccpy cf Ihi: hcncLcck in crcer Ic
fcni|icri:e Ihen:e|ve: wiIh Ihe ccur:e :IrucIure.
/fIer regi:Iering fcr c NcIicnc||y Feccgni:ec ccur:e, :IucenI: wi|| Le reuirec
Ic ccnp|eIe Ihe Enrc|nenI Fcrn fcr NcIicnc||y Feccgni:ec Ircining cnc
:enc iI Ic u: cI Ihe /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny. Cn Ihi: fcrn :IucenI: cre
reuirec Ic ccnfirn IhcI Ihey hcve recc cnc uncer:Iccc c|| cf Ihe
infcrncIicn ccnIcinec in Ihi: hcncLcck.
{1) /n enuiry cLcuI NcIicnc||y Feccgni:ec Ccur:e: {NFC) wiIh /u:Irc|icn
Ircining /ccceny i: ncce. / ccpy cf Ihe NFC :IucenI hcncLcck i:
:enI Ic Ihe inIere:Iec pcrIy IcgeIher wiIh cn infcrncIicn pcck.
{2) / regi:IrcIicn fcrn fcr Ihe re|evcnI ccur:e i: ccnp|eIec Ly Ihe :IucenI
cnc pcynenI i: ncce fcr Ihe ccur:e.
{3) Ihe /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny wi|| :enc |cgin ceIci|: Ic Ihe :IucenI.
Ihi: wi|| give :IucenI: fu|| ccce:: Ic Ihe /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny
{/I/) re:curce: cnc cn|ine ccur:e ncIeric|:.
{4) SIucenI: wi|| ccnp|eIe Ihe Enrc|nenI Fcrn fcr NcIicnc||y
Feccgni:ec Ircining cnc :enc Ihe fcrn Ic Ihe /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining
/ccceny. Note: No ossessments con be morked unt|| th|s
enro|ment |orm |s comp|eted ond sent |n.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Ccur:e fee: cre inc|ucec in Ihe infcrncIicn pcck which i: :enI cuI when ycu
ncke ccnIccI wiIh /I/.
/$200 regi:IrcIicn fee [non-re|undob|e} :ecure: ycur p|cce cn c ccur:e.
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny ccnncI cccepI re:pcn:iLi|iIy fcr chcnge: in
ycur per:cnc| circun:Icnce:. F|ec:e chcc:e ycur ccur:e ccrefu||y c: refunc:
wi|| cn|y cpp|y c: cuI|inec cn cur refunc pc|icy :IcIenenI.
Ihe pc|icy cf /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny i: cI c|| Iine: Ic Le fcir cnc
euiIcL|e Ic c|| :IucenI:.
Shcu|c Ihe cc||ege ccnce| c ccur:e cr :uLjecI, c fu|| refunc wi|| Le cfferec Ic
Ihe :IucenI, cr Ihe :IucenI ncy cgree Ic Ihe cc||ege reIcining Ihi: ncney
fcr Ihe nexI cvci|cL|e ccur:e, cr :ecuring c p|cce in cncIher ccur:e. F|ec:e
{1) Ihe regi:IrcIicn fee cf $200 i: ncn-refunccL|e uncer cny circun:Icnce:.
{2) lf Ihe :IucenI wiIhcrcw: 30 ccy: cr ncre pricr Ic ccur:e cr uniI cf
ccnpeIency ccnnencenenI cnc hc: ncI receivec c u:erncne,
pc::wcrc cr cny wriIIen :Iucy ncIeric|:, 07 cf Ihe IuiIicn fee: {|e::
regi:IrcIicn fee) wi|| Le refuncec.
{3) lf Ihe :IucenI wiIhcrcw: |e:: Ihcn 30 ccy: pricr Ic ccur:e cr uniI cf
ccnpeIency ccnnencenenI cnc hc: ncI receivec c u:erncne,
pc::wcrc cr cny wriIIen :Iucy ncIeric|:, 507 cf IuiIicn fee: {|e::
regi:IrcIicn fee) wi|| Le refuncec.
{4) Fee: :hc|| Le pcic in ccvcnce fcr ecch ccur:e cnc nc refunc: wi|| Le
ncce cnce c u:erncne cnc pc::wcrc hcve Leen i::uec cr :Iucy
ncIeric|: fcr c ccur:e hcve Leen :enI.
FcynenI p|cn: cre cvci|cL|e Ic :IucenI: fcr pcying Ihe cc:I cf ycur ccur:e
cff cver Ihe curcIicn cf Ihe ccur:e. F|ec:e :peck wiIh Ihe ccur:e
ccnini:IrcIicn :Icff if ycu wi:h Ic finc cuI ncre cLcuI cur pcynenI p|cn
FcynenI: cre Ic Le ncce c: cgreec in ccvcnce. Shcu|c ycu fc|| Lehinc cr
Le uncL|e Ic pcy ycur reniIIcnce, ycu wi|| neec Ic ccnp|eIe c

ceec cf
wiIh Ihe cc||ege ccnini:IrcIcr.
No cerf|f|cofes con be |ssued un|ess fu|| poymenf hos been rece|ved.

2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ

/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny hc: c ccnniInenI Ic high :Icnccrc: in Ihe
prcvi:icn cf vcccIicnc| cnc Iechnicc| ecuccIicn cnc cIher :ervice:.
Cur IESCL ccur:e: cre ce|iverec Ihrcugh c L|encec |ecrning cpprccch. Ihi:
necn: IhcI Ihere i: c ccnLincIicn cf cn cpIicnc| Irciner-|ecc fcce Ic fcce
wcrk:hcp {in-c|c:: :e::icn), c: we|| c: :e|f-pccec :Iucy u:ing wriIIen ncIeric|:
prcvicec Ly u: cnc ycur cwn per:cnc| re:ecrch. Ycu hcve Ihe chcice cf
ccce::ing Ihe |ecrning ncIeric|: Ly ccwn|cccing Ihen :IrcighI frcn cur
weL:iIe, cr in prinI fcrn Ihrcugh Ihe nci|, whichever :uiI: ycur per:cnc| :Iy|e cf
ln LcIh Ihe CerIificcIe lV in IESCL cnc Ihe Dip|cnc cf IESCL prcgrcn:, Ihere
cre ccnpcnenI: cf cpIicnc| c|c::rccn Lc:ec Ircining cnc :e|f-pccec
per:cnc| :Iucy cnc c::e::nenI:. Ihe ccur:e cuI|ine wi|| exp|cin Ihi: ncre. lf
ycu chcc:e Ic cIIenc cne cf cur cyncnic in-c|c:: :e::icn: ycur puncIuc|iIy i:
grecI|y cpprecicIec c: Ihere i: c |cI cf wcrk Ic geI Ihrcugh ccncen:ec inIc c
re|cIive|y :hcrI pericc cf Iine.
lf ycu cre uncL|e Ic cIIenc c c|c:: cue Ic i||ne:: cr cIher unprevenIcL|e
circun:Icnce:, p|ec:e ccnIccI Ihe cc||ege cr ycur Irciner pricr Ic Ihe
:checu|ec c|c:: ccnnencenenI Iine if cI c|| pc::iL|e. /ny cL:ence ncy
re:u|I in ycu hcving Ic cIIenc c |cIer in-c|c:: :e::icn.
8eing c IESCL Ieccher i: c prcfe::icnc| cccupcIicn cnc Iherefcre :ncrI
cc:uc| c|cIhing i: ccn:icerec Ihe nininun :Icnccrc. F|ec:e Le ccn:cicu: cf
ycur cppecrcnce cI c|| Iine: when cIIencing fcce Ic fcce :e::icn: wiIh /I/
F|ec:e Iurn cff ncLi|e phcne: cnc pcger: curing Ircining :e::icn:. lf ycu neec
Ic u:e ycur ncLi|e phcne fcr cn energency, p|ec:e :peck Ic Ihe Irciner
Lefcre Ihe :e::icn fcr :pecic| ccn:icercIicn. ln energencie:, p|ec:e excu:e
ycur:e|f frcn Ihe c|c:: curing Ircining :e::icn:. McLi|e phcne: ccn Le u:ec
cuI:ice Ihe Ircining rccn curing Lreck:.
Cur Ircining rccn: cre p|ec:cnI cnc ccnfcrIcL|e |ecrning envircnnenI:, cnc
cre euippec wiIh:
cceucIe venIi|cIicn, hecIing/ccc|ing Ic ncinIcin c IenpercIure cI
which pecp|e ccn wcrk fcr :u:Icinec pericc:
ccnfcrIcL|e chcir:, ce:ignec fcr u:e cver c :u:Icinec pericc
cceucIe |ighIing fcr ncrnc| viewing, wriIing cnc reccing, LuI
cvciccnce cf g|cre, LrighIne:: cnc ccnpeIing vi:uc| :Iinu|i
IcL|e: IhcI cre :uiIcL|e fcr wriIing, cnc which cc ncI crcnp
pcrIicipcnI: fcr :pcce
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
c|ecr :ighI cnc hecring frcn c|| pcrI: cf Ihe rccn Ic Ihe pcinI cf
cpprcpricIe cucic vi:uc| euipnenI
prcvi:icn fcr ncking hcI crink: cnc prepcring |ighI :ncck:
Ici|eI fcci|iIie:
ln crcer Ic ncinIcin c :cfe cnc re:pecIfu| wcrking envircnnenI fcr LcIh :Icff
cnc :IucenI: Ihere cre c nunLer cf Lc:ic ru|e: Ic Le cL:ervec whi|:I Ircining
wiIh /I/. SIucenI: cre expecIec Ic ccnp|y wiIh c|| rec:cncL|e reue:I: cnc
reuirenenI: ncce Ly :Icff cf /I/. /|:c p|ec:e ncIe IhcI:
SIucenI: wi|| ncI cIIenc c|c:: whi|:I uncer Ihe inf|uence cf c|cchc| cr
cny crug:
/ny fcrn cf ci:crinincIicn {:exuc|, rccic| eIc), Lu||ying, hcrc::nenI cr
cny exce::ive cL:cene, cffen:ive cr in:u|Iing |cngucge cr Lehcvicur,
wi|| ncI Le Ic|ercIec
SIucenI: cre expecIec Ic Le ccurIecu: Ic fe||cw :IucenI:, :Icff cnc
nenLer: cf Ihe puL|ic cI c|| Iine:
Di:rupIive Lehcvicur wi|| ncI Le Ic|ercIec
Ihe Lrecking cf cny :IcIe cr fecerc| |cw wi|| Le repcrIec Ic Ihe
re|evcnI cuIhcriIy {eg. :Iec|ing, ccncging prcperIy, c::cu|I, eIc).
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny cckncw|ecge: that i t the: e,Ccce cf FrccIice"
cL|igcIicn: cnc regu|cIcry reuirenenI: cre ncI neI, regi:IrcIicn, c: c Ircining
prcvicer ncy Le wiIhcrcwn.
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny hc: e:IcL|i:hec c fcir cnc euiIcL|e prcce::
fcr cec|ing wiIh :IucenI ccnp|cinI: cnc cppec|:. ln Ihe evenI ccnp|cinI:
ccnncI Le re:c|vec inIernc||y, /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny wi|| ccvi:e
:IucenI: cf Ihe cpprcpricIe |egc| Lccy where Ihey ccn :eek furIher
c::i:Icnce. Fu|| ceIci|: cre cvci|cL|e upcn reque: t i n the Comp| ai nt: Po| i cy
and Pr ocedur e'document.
ln Ihe evenI cf c ccnp|cinI:
Iry Ic re:c|ve Ihe prcL|en wiIh Ihe per:cn ccncernec, cr
Seek Ihe c::i:Icnce cf ycur Irciner, cn|ine :uppcrI per:cn cr cIher :Icff
nenLer wiIh whcn ycu fee| ccnfcrIcL|e, cr
Ccn:u|I Ihe ccnini:IrcIive :Icff fcr c::i:Icnce, cr
Ccn:u|I Ihe cirecIcr cr cepuIy cirecIcr, cr
Seek crLiIrcIicn Ly c Ihirc pcrIy cccepIcL|e Ic c|| pcrIie: Ic Ihe
lf Ihe ccnp|cinI i: :Ii|| unre:c|vec, /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny wi|| ccvi:e
ycu cf exIernc| crgcni:cIicn: Ic which ycu ccn cppec|.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
SIucenI: cI /I/ cre c::e::ec in c CcnpeIency 8c:ec Ircining ncce cnc
nu:I :cIi:fccIcri|y ccnp|eIe c|| c::e::nenI iIen: Ic Le rcIec c: ccnpeIenI in
c :uLjecI cr uniI.
Ihere cre nc :eI Iine |iniI: fcr Ihe ccnp|eIicn cf incivicuc| c::e::nenI:,
hcwever, subm|ss|on o| o|| ossessments ore vo||d |or two yeors |rom the dote
o| reg|strot|on. Ihe ncninc| ce|ivery pericc :hcwn in SecIicn 7, Ccur:e
lnfcrncIicn, :hcu|c Le u:ec c: c guice fcr iI i: in Ihe Le:I inIere:I: cf LcIh
Ihe :IucenI cnc Ihe /ccceny IhcI Ihe ccur:e i: ccnp|eIec in c Iine|y
lf c :IucenI i: ncI :cIi:fiec wiIh Ihe re:u|I {cuIccne) fcr cny :unncIive
c::e::nenI, c re-evc|ucIicn ncy Le reue:Iec. Ihe reue:I nu:I Le
:uLniIIec in wriIing wiIhin 15 wcrking ccy: cf Ihe ccIe cf Ihe c::e::nenI.
/ re-evc|ucIicn wi|| ccn:i:I ncrnc||y cf c ccuL|e-checking Ihe c::e::nenI
ncrking Ic en:ure IhcI:
Mcrking i: fcir, cnc
Nc c:pecI: hcve Leen cver|cckec.
Note 1. Ihi: i: c re-evc|ucIicn {i.e. c re-ncrk cf Ihe criginc| c::ignnenI/:), ncI
c re-c::e::nenI {i.e. ncI :uLniIIing ccnp|eIe|y new c::ignnenI:). Ihe re:u|I
cfIer re-evc|ucIicn wi|| :Icnc c: Ihe :IucenI
: re:u|I, regcrc|e:: cf wheIher Ihe
outcomei : i n the : tudent": t avour or not.
Note: 2. lt a : tudent i : deemed to be not yet competent' they wi | | be gi ven
furIher cppcrIuniIy Ic re-:uLniI c::ignnenI: unIi| Ihey cre ceenec Ic Le
competent'. (See Secti on 8, F| exi b| eLear ni ng and A: : e: : menI Frccecure:)
Note: 3. SIucenI: wi|| Le ncIifiec cf Ihe re:u|I cf Iheir cppec| wiIhin 15
wcrking ccy: cf receipI cf Ihe wriIIen reue:I fcr c re-evc|ucIicn.
/ny :IucenI, whc hc: grcunc: fcr Le|ieving IhcI he/:he hc: Leen unfcir|y
c::e::ec cr hc: grcunc: fcr :pecic| ccn:icercIicn, ncy cppec| Ihe re:u|I cf
Ihe c::e::nenI. /|| cppec|: nu:I Le :uLniIIec in wriIing wiIhin 15 wcrking
ccy: cf Ihe ccIe cf Ihe c::e::nenI.
ln Ihe fir:I in:Icnce :uch ccncern: :hcu|c Le rci:ec wiIh Ihe re|evcnI c::e::cr.
lf :Ii|| un:cIi:fiec fc||cwing ci:cu::icn wiIh Ihe c::e::cr, Ihe :IucenI ncy |ccge
c fcrnc| cppec| wiIh Ihe Mcncging DirecIcr :eeking:
{i) c review cf Ihe re:u|I cf Ihe c::e::nenI,
{ii) c pcrIic| re-c::e::nenI, cr
{iii) c fu|| re-c::e::nenI.
Ihe criginc| c::e::cr wi|| ncI generc||y ccncucI c review cr re-c::e::nenI
grcnIec c: c re:u|I cf c :ucce::fu| cppec|. SIucenI: wi|| Le ncIifiec cf Ihe
re:u|I cf Iheir cppec| wiIhin 15 wcrking ccy: cf receipI cf Ihe wriIIen reue:I
fcr c re-evc|ucIicn.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny wi|| hcncur c|| gucrcnIee: cuI|inec in cur
Ccce: cf FrccIice.
DeIci|: cf fee: cre :upp|iec :epcrcIe|y. Fcr CerIificcIe l V in IESCL cnc
Dip|cnc cf IESCL ccur:e:, /u:Iucy, /L:Iucy cnc YcuIh /||cwcnce cre
cvci|cL|e Ihrcugh CenIre|ink. F|ec:e :peck wiIh Ihe cc||ege ccnini:IrcIcr
Ic reue:I c funcing |eIIer fcr ycu Ic :uLniI Ic ycur CenIre|ink cc:e
Nome o| kIO Austro|os|on Iro|n|ng Acodemy Fty Itd
Code & t|t|e o|
3088QID Cert|||cote IV |n IESOI
De||very Fer|od 580 hcur: cr cpprcxincIe|y 2 week: ncninc||y {cI 20 hcur: cf
:Iucy per week) - ccnLine: hcne :Iucy cnc inIerneI
re:ecrch wiIh cn cpIicnc| 5 ccy in-c|c::.
Ihe CerIificcIe l V in IESCL ccur:e ccnpri:e: 12 ccre uniI:
cf ccnpeIency.
/::e::nenI ccce::
/ = ceve|cp cn ccIiviIy cr |e::cn p|cn
8 = e::cy cr wriIIen c::ignnenI
C = nu|Iip|e chcice cr :hcrI cn:wer:
D = prccIicc| exerci:e
Methods o|
Iheory Froc
Core bn|ts IESOI bn|ts [compu|sory} A 8 C D
CLD244KIF018 Deve|cp IESCL kncw|ecge cnc
Iecching rc|e:

CLD244IIM028 Deve|cp IESCL Iecching

I//DEL4018 F|cn cnc crgcni:e grcup Lc:ec

CLD244FIS08 Fcrnu|cIe c per:cnc| phi|c:cphy cf
Iecching :IcIenenI

CLD244DLS078 Deve|cp |i:Iening :ki||: in IESCL

CLD244DSS08 Deve|cp :pecking :ki||: in IESCL

CLD244DFS108 Deve|cp reccing :ki||: in IESCL

2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
CLD244WSF138 Deve|cp wriIing :ki||:, :pe||ing cnc
puncIucIicn in IESCL

CLD244GVK118 Deve|cp grcnncr cnc vcccLu|cry
kncw|ecge in IESCL

CLD244/VI058 F|cn |e::cn: u:ing cucic-vi:uc|
Iechniue: cnc infcrncIicn
Iechnc|cgy in IESCL

CLD244FD/128 F|cn cnc ceve|cp :IucenI c::e::nenI

CLD244FII238 FrivcIe IuIcring in IESCL

C||ents Exi:Iing Ieccher: c: pcrI cf c Frcfe::icnc| Deve|cpnenI
prcgrcn, e:pecic||y Ieccher: whc wcnI Ic Iecch |ccc||y
lnfcrnc| IESCL Ieccher: whc hcve :cne cver:ec:
Iecching experience LuI nc fcrnc| uc|ificcIicn:.
Fecp|e whc wi:h Ic cc privcIe IuiIicn cr vc|unIeer IESCL
Iecching |ccc||y.
Fecp|e wcnIing Ic wcrk cver:ec: cnc geI pcic Ic Ircve|.
IIN kequ|rements lf iI i: icenIifiec IhcI Ihe :IucenI ncy finc iI cifficu|I Ic
ccnp|eIe Ihe ccur:e wiIh Iheir exi:Iing :ki|| |eve|:, c nunLer cf
cpIicn: ncy Le cccre::ec inc|ucing referrc| Ic cncIher FIC
cr :ervice cffering :pecic|i:ec cicgnc:Iic cnc ccrrecIive
:ervice: {See NFC SIucenI HcncLcck, SecIicn 13,
Language and Li ter acy Requi r ement: ').
lnIerncIicnc| :IucenI: uncerIcking Ihe:e ccur:e: cre
reuirec Ic hcve c :ccre cf cI |ec:I 5.5 in Ihe lnIerncIicnc|
Eng|i:h Lcngucge Ie:Iing Sy:Ien {lELIS).
Fothwoys Ihe CerIificcIe lV in IESCL wi|| c::i:I in gcining enp|cynenI
c: cn ESCL Ieccher cr IuIcr in /u:Irc|ic cnc cver:ec:. NcIe
hcwever, IhcI Ic Iecch in /u:Irc|ic, ccciIicnc| prcfe::icnc|
Iecching uc|ificcIicn: cnc/ cr IESCL experience cre
u:uc||y reuirec.
Ihe CerIificcIe lV in IESCL i: c ncnccIcry reuirenenI fcr
Ihe Dip|cnc cf IESCL.
Ihe ccur:e i: cvci|cL|e wiIh c ccnLincIicn cf cn cpIicnc| 5
ccy in-c|c:: crienIcIicn ccur:e cnc :e|f-pccec privcIe
kFI FeccgniIicn cf Fricr Lecrning {FFL) ncy Le pc::iL|e fcr pcrI:
cf Ihe ccur:e cr Ihe enIire ccur:e. UniI: cf ccnpeIency
frcn pc:I uc|ificcIicn: cr wcrk experience wi|| Le cnc|y:ec
cnc ncIchec up wiIh Ihe cfcrenenIicnec uniI: cf
Ihe CEC cnc cirecIcr: cf Ihe cc||ege ccn:u|I wiIh incu:Iry
prcfe::icnc|: regu|cr|y. Ihey Ircve| cver:ec: Ic neeI
gcvernnenI cgencie:, :chcc|: cnc recruiIer: Ic ceIernine
incu:Iry neec:. Ihi: cnc|y:i: i: Ihen u:ec Ic ceve|cp /I/
ccur:e:. Fegu|cr incu:Iry ccn:u|IcIicn en:ure: IhcI ccur:e:
cre up Ic ccIe cnc neeI Ihe neec: cf LcIh /I/ :IucenI:
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
cnc cver:ec: :chcc|: cnc recruiIer:.
/|| :Icff {inc|ucing fu|| Iine, pcrI Iine cnc ccnIrccIcr:)
invc|vec in Ihe ce|ivery cnc c::e::nenI cf Ihi: uc|ificcIicn
hcve cirecI ccce:: Ic Ihe currenI ver:icn cf Ihe ncIicnc||y
reccgni:ec ccur:e. Ihey c|:c hcve ccce:: Ic prinI cnc
e|ecIrcnic ccpie: cf c::e::nenI Icc|: cnc Irciner cnc
c::e::cr :uppcrI ncIeric|:.
/I/ hc: reviewec Ihe euipnenI cnc fcci|iIy reuirenenI:
fcr ecch uniI cf ccnpeIency in Ihe uc|ificcIicn cnc wi||
prcvice Ihe nece::cry euipnenI Ic inp|enenI Ihe in-c|c::
ccnpcnenI cf Ihe ccur:e.
SIucenI: chcc:ing Ihe cn|ine cpIicn fcr :Iucy :hcu|c hcve
ccce:: Ic c ccnpuIer, c re|icL|e inIerneI ccnnecIicn cnc
Vo||dot|on ond
/::e::nenI: cre vc|iccIec in c nunLer cf wcy: Ihu:
en:uring Ihe re|icLi|iIy cf Ihe c::e::nenI Ic:k: cnc
:ufficiency cf evicence.
Evicence reuirenenI: fcr incivicuc| c::e::nenI: cre
ceve|cpec in hcu:e Ihrcugh c vc|iccIicn cnc nccercIicn
prcce:: Ly uc|ifiec c::e::cr: cnc IESCL IuIcr:.
/|| c::e::nenI: :uLniIIec fcr ncrking cre ncrkec Ly c
:uiIcL|y uc|ifiec c::e::cr cnc IESCL IuIcr Ic en:ure Ihe
reuirec Lenchncrk: cre cccre::ec.
Ccn:i:Iency in ncrking i: cchievec Ihrcugh in-hcu:e
nccercIicn c: reuirec. /::e::cr neeIing: Icke p|cce
LeIween key c::e::cr: wiIhin Ihe crgcni:cIicn. /I Ihe:e
neeIing:, :e|ecIec c::e::nenI: cre checkec Ic en:ure IhcI
Ihe reuirenenI: cf Ihe ccrre:pcncing uniI: cf ccnpeIency
cre cccre::ec. Ihe:e neeIing: excnine Ihe prcce:: cf
c::e::nenI {Iining, :euencing, in:IrucIicn: Ic :IucenI:)
cnc Ihe c|ignnenI LeIween Ihe c::e::nenI Ic:k: cnc Ihe
criIeric wiIhin ecch uniI.
De||very ond
Ihe CerIificcIe lV in IESCL prcgrcn i: ce|iverec Ihrcugh c
L|encec |ecrning cpprccch. SIucenI: ccn chcc:e Ic
cIIenc cn exciIing cnc high|y inIerccIive cpIicnc| 5 ccy in-
c|c:: crienIcIicn ccur:e in ccciIicn Ic Ihe :e|f-pccec privcIe
Ihe prcgrcn i: :e|f-pccec wiIh f|exiL|e enIry, :Iucy
IineIcL|e: cnc c::e::nenI :uLni::icn:, c||cwing :IucenI: Ic
ccnp|eIe Iheir :Iucie: in c Iine frcne IhcI :uiI: Ihen Le:I.
SIucenI |ecrning re:curce ncnuc|: cre prcvicec LuI cI
CerIificcIe lV |eve| Ihere i: c|:c cn expecIec e|enenI cf
per:cnc| re:ecrch vic Ihe lnIerneI cnc per:cnc| reccing.
SIucenI: cre c::e::ec in c CcnpeIency 8c:ec Ircining
ncce cnc nu:I :cIi:fccIcri|y ccnp|eIe c|| c::e::nenI iIen:
Ic Le rcIec c: ccnpeIenI in c uniI. FcrIicipcnI: wi|| Le
infcrnec cI Ihe ccnnencenenI cf Ihe ccur:e cf Ihe Iype:
cf c::e::nenI: Ihey nu:I ccnp|eIe curing Ihe ccur:e.
Ihecry cr wriIIen c::e::nenI: cre :uLniIIec Ic hecc cffice
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
in 8ri:Lcne eiIher Ly enci| cr pc:I. Ihey cre ncrkec Ly
experiencec IESCL Irciner: cnc c::e::cr: cnc reIurnec Ic
:IucenI: wiIh ccn:IrucIive feecLcck ccnnenI:.
Ihere cre nc :eI Iine |iniI: fcr Ihe ccnp|eIicn cf incivicuc|
c::e::nenI:, hcwever, subm|ss|on o| o|| ossessments ore
vo||d |or two yeors |rom the dote o| reg|strot|on.
keod|ng SIucenI: :hcu|c recc Ihe NFC SIucenI HcncLcck, SecIicn 7
,Cour :e i nt or mati on" and Secti on 8 ,F| exi b| e | ear ni ng cnc
A: : e: : ment pr ocedur e: " upon enr o| ment. Then r ead
Ihrcugh Ihe IESCL Irciner: Mcnuc| pricr Ic cIIencing Ihe
cpIicnc| 5 ccy in-c|c:: crienIcIicn ccur:e cr Lefcre
cIIenpIing cny wriIIen c::e::nenI:.
/ :epcrcIe :IucenI re:curce Lcck i: c|:c cvci|cL|e fcr uniI
238. ln ccciIicn, :IucenI: cre enccurcgec Ic recc
cpprcpricIe ESCL IexI Lcck: cnc Lrcw:e ESCL weL :iIe: cn
Ihe lnIerneI. A ,U: et u| web: i te: " and a ,8ook | i : t" t or
reccnnencec reccing i: cvci|cL|e fcr :IucenI: in Ihe
,Teacher Re: our ce: ' :ecti on ot the /I/
5 doy |n-c|oss
Ihe 5 ccy in-c|c:: fcunccIicn ccur:e i: c grecI wcy Ic
Leccne fcni|icr wiIh Ihe ccnIenI cnc ccnIexI cf IESCL.
/|Ihcugh iI i: ncI ccnpu|:cry, iI i: high|y reccnnencec IhcI
:IucenI: inc|uce Ihi: ncce cf |ecrning in Iheir |ecrning
lI i: cn inIen:ive fcunccIicn Ic IESCL neIhccc|cgy cnc Ihe
princip|e: cf :eccnc |cngucge ccui:iIicn, cnc inc|uce:
e::enIic| IESCL ccnpcnenI: :uch c:: cpprccche: cnc
Iechniue:: |e::cn p|cnning: Ihe ceve|cpnenI cf |ecrning
ccIiviIie:: cnc cn inIrccucIicn Ic Ihe fcur |cngucge :ki||:. ln
ccciIicn, iI pre:enI: cn exciIing cppcrIuniIy Ic p|cn, prepcre
cnc ce|iver c 15 ninuIe pre:enIcIicn |e::cn.
SIucenI: wi|| Le guicec Ihrcugh Ihe:e ccIiviIie: :Iep Ly :Iep
in c :Iinu|cIing yeI ccnfcrIcL|e |ecrning envircnnenI Ly
cne cf cur we|| uc|ifiec cnc high|y experiencec IESCL
Whi|:I iI i: Leneficic| Ic ccnp|eIe Ihi: fcunccIicn ccur:e pricr
Ic :IcrIing Ihe wriIIen c::e::nenI:, :IucenI: ncy chcc:e Ic
cIIenc cny cne cf Ihe ccur:e: crcunc /u:Irc|ic IhcI :uiI:
Iheir |cccIicn cnc |ecrning :checu|e.
Core IESOI bn|t
SIucenI: nu:I ccnp|eIe c::e::nenI: fcr Ihe 12 ccre IESCL
uniI: cf ccnpeIency. /::e::nenI: wi|| inc|uce nu|Iip|e
chcice uizze:, :hcrI wriIIen cn:wer: cnc e::cy:, cnc
prccIicc| Ic:k:. ln ccciIicn, re:ecrching cnc ceve|cping
|ecrning ccIiviIie: cnc re:curce:, cnc Ihe prepcrcIicn cf
|e::cn p|cn:, wi|| c||cw :IucenI: Ic cencn:IrcIe cpp|iccIicn
cf Iheir IhecreIicc| kncw|ecge.
Ihere cre 5 CerIificcIe lV uniI: which hcve c prccIicc|
ccnpcnenI Ic Le ccnp|eIec. F|ec:e :ee SecIicn cf Ihi:
hcncLcck fcr ncre infcrncIicn.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Nome o| kIO Austro|os|on Iro|n|ng Acodemy Fty Itd
Code & t|t|e o|
3080QID D|p|omo o| IESOI
De||very Fer|od 30 hcur: cr cpprcxincIe|y 4 week: ncninc||y {cI 20 hcur: cf
:Iucy per week) - ccnLine: hcne :Iucy, inIerneI re:ecrch,
cnc c 10-hcur Iecching prccIicun - wiIh cn cpIicnc| 5 ccy
in-c|c:: crienIcIicn ccur:e.
Ihe Dip|cnc cf IESCL ccur:e ccnpri:e: 12 ccre uniI:
frcn Ihe CerIificcIe lV in IESCL, p|u: ccre :pecic|izcIicn
/::e::nenI ccce::
/ = ceve|cp cn ccIiviIy cr |e::cn p|cn
8 = e::cy cr wriIIen c::ignnenI
C = nu|Iip|e chcice cr :hcrI cn:wer:
D = prccIicc| exerci:e
Methods o|
Iheory Froc
Core bn|ts IESOI bn|ts [compu|sory} A 8 C D
I//CMC5038 Lecc cnc ccncucI Ircining cnc/cr
c::e::nenI evc|ucIicn:

CLD245IEC148 Frepcre cnc Iecch Eng|i:h Ic chi|cren

CLD245IE/158 Frepcre cnc Iecch Eng|i:h Ic

CLD245IE/18 Frepcre cnc Iecch Eng|i:h Ic ccu|I:

CLD245FlE178 Frepcre :IucenI: fcr Ihe lELIS excn

CLD245I8E188 Frepcre cnc Iecch 8u:ine:: Eng|i:h

C||ents Exi:Iing Ieccher: c: pcrI cf c Frcfe::icnc| Deve|cpnenI
prcgrcn, e:pecic||y Ieccher: whc wcnI Ic Iecch cr IuIcr
|ccc||y in IESCL, cr cre :eeking higher |eve| :upervi:cry
lnfcrnc| IESCL Ieccher: whc hcve :cne cver:ec:
Iecching experience LuI nc fcrnc| uc|ificcIicn:.
Fecp|e wcnIing Ic wcrk cver:ec: cnc geI pcic Ic Ircve|.
IIN kequ|rements lf iI i: icenIifiec IhcI Ihe :IucenI ncy finc iI cifficu|I Ic
ccnp|eIe Ihe ccur:e wiIh Iheir exi:Iing :ki|| |eve|:, c nunLer cf
cpIicn: ncy Le cccre::ec inc|ucing referrc| Ic cncIher FIC
cr :ervice cffering :pecic|i:ec cicgnc:Iic cnc ccrrecIive
:ervice:. {See SecIicn 13. Lcngucge cnc LiIerccy
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
lnIerncIicnc| :IucenI: uncerIcking Ihe:e ccur:e: cre
reuirec Ic hcve c :ccre cf 5.5 in lnIerncIicnc| Eng|i:h
Lcngucge Ie:Iing Sy:Ien {lELIS).
Fothwoys Ihe CerIificcIe lV in IESCL i: c ncnccIcry reuirenenI fcr
Ihe Dip|cnc cf IESCL.
Ihe Dip|cnc cf IESCL wi|| c::i:I in gcining enp|cynenI c: cn
ESCL Ieccher cr IuIcr in /u:Irc|ic cnc cver:ec:. NcIe
hcwever, IhcI Ic Iecch in /u:Irc|ic, ccciIicnc| prcfe::icnc|
Iecching uc|ificcIicn: cnc/ cr ESCL Iecching experience
cre u:uc||y reuirec.
Ihe Dip|cnc cf IESCL ncy Le reccgni:ec Ly :cne IerIicry
in:IiIuIicn: fcr creciI Icwcrc: :cne uncergrccucIe cnc
pc:IgrccucIe uc|ificcIicn:.
Ihe ccur:e i: cvci|cL|e wiIh c ccnLincIicn cf: cn cpIicnc| 5
ccy in-c|c:: crienIcIicn ccur:e: :e|f-pccec privcIe |ecrning
eiIher cn|ine cr Ly ccrre:pcncence: cnc c Ien hcur
Iecching FrccIicun.
kFI FeccgniIicn cf pricr |ecrning {FFL) ncy Le pc::iL|e fcr pcrI:
cf Ihe ccur:e cr Ihe enIire ccur:e. UniI: cf ccnpeIency frcn
pc:I uc|ificcIicn: cr wcrk experience wi|| Le cnc|y:ec cnc
ncIchec up wiIh Ihe cfcrenenIicnec uniI: cf ccnpeIency.
Ihe CEC cnc cirecIcr: cf Ihe cc||ege ccn:u|I wiIh incu:Iry
prcfe::icnc|: regu|cr|y. Ihey Ircve| cver:ec: Ic neeI
gcvernnenI cgencie:, :chcc|: cnc recruiIer: Ic ceIernine
incu:Iry neec:. Ihi: cnc|y:i: i: Ihen u:ec Ic ceve|cp /I/
ccur:e:. Fegu|cr incu:Iry ccn:u|IcIicn en:ure: IhcI ccur:e:
cre up Ic ccIe cnc neeI Ihe neec: cf LcIh /I/ :IucenI:
cnc cver:ec: :chcc|: cnc recruiIer:.
/|| :Icff {inc|ucing fu|| Iine, pcrI Iine cnc ccnIrccIcr:)
invc|vec in Ihe ce|ivery cnc c::e::nenI cf Ihi: uc|ificcIicn
hcve cirecI ccce:: Ic Ihe currenI ver:icn cf Ihe ncIicnc||y
reccgni:ec ccur:e. Ihey c|:c hcve ccce:: Ic prinI cnc
e|ecIrcnic ccpie: cf c::e::nenI Icc|: cnc Irciner cnc
c::e::cr :uppcrI ncIeric|:.
/I/ hc: reviewec Ihe euipnenI cnc fcci|iIy reuirenenI:
fcr ecch uniI cf ccnpeIency in Ihe uc|ificcIicn cnc wi||
prcvice Ihe nece::cry euipnenI Ic inp|enenI Ihe in-c|c::
ccnpcnenI cf Ihe ccur:e.
SIucenI: chcc:ing Ihe cn|ine cpIicn fcr :Iucy :hcu|c hcve
ccce:: Ic c ccnpuIer, c re|icL|e inIerneI ccnnecIicn cnc
Vo||dot|on ond
/::e::nenI: cre vc|iccIec in c nunLer cf wcy: Ihu:
en:uring Ihe re|icLi|iIy cf Ihe c::e::nenI Ic:k: cnc
:ufficiency cf evicence.
Evicence reuirenenI: fcr incivicuc| c::e::nenI: cre
ceve|cpec in hcu:e Ihrcugh c vc|iccIicn cnc nccercIicn
prcce:: Ly uc|ifiec c::e::cr: cnc IESCL IuIcr:.
/|| c::e::nenI: :uLniIIec fcr ncrking cre ncrkec Ly c
:uiIcL|y uc|ifiec c::e::cr cnc IESCL IuIcr Ic en:ure Ihe
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
reuirec Lenchncrk: cre cccre::ec.
Ccn:i:Iency in ncrking i: cchievec Ihrcugh in-hcu:e
nccercIicn c: reuirec. /::e::cr neeIing: Icke p|cce
LeIween key c::e::cr: wiIhin Ihe crgcni:cIicn. /I Ihe:e
neeIing:, :e|ecIec c::e::nenI: cre checkec Ic en:ure IhcI
Ihe reuirenenI: cf Ihe ccrre:pcncing uniI: cf ccnpeIency
cre cccre::ec. Ihe:e neeIing: excnine Ihe prcce:: cf
c::e::nenI {Iining, :euencing, in:IrucIicn: Ic :IucenI:)
cnc Ihe c|ignnenI LeIween Ihe c::e::nenI Ic:k: cnc Ihe
criIeric wiIhin ecch uniI.
De||very ond
Ihe Dip|cnc cf IESCL prcgrcn i: ce|iverec Ihrcugh c
L|encec |ecrning cpprccch. SIucenI: ccn chcc:e Ic
cIIenc cn exciIing cnc high|y inIerccIive cpIicnc| 5 ccy in-
c|c:: crienIcIicn ccur:e in ccciIicn Ic Ihe :e|f-pccec privcIe
|ecrning. He|p wi|| c|:c Le given Ic :IucenI: Ic crgcni:e Iheir
Iecching FrccIicun.
Ihe prcgrcn i: :e|f-pccec wiIh f|exiL|e enIry, :Iucy
IineIcL|e: cnc c::e::nenI :uLni::icn:, c||cwing :IucenI: Ic
ccnp|eIe Iheir :Iucie: in c Iine frcne IhcI :uiI: Ihen Le:I.
SIucenI |ecrning re:curce ncnuc|: cre prcvicec cnc cI Ihe
Dip|cnc |eve| Ihere i: c|:c cn expecIec ccnniInenI Ic
per:cnc| re:ecrch vic Ihe lnIerneI cnc per:cnc| reccing.
SIucenI: cre c::e::ec in c CcnpeIency 8c:ec Ircining
ncce cnc nu:I :cIi:fccIcri|y ccnp|eIe c|| c::e::nenI iIen:
Ic Le rcIec c: ccnpeIenI in c uniI. FcrIicipcnI: wi|| Le
infcrnec cI Ihe ccnnencenenI cf Ihe ccur:e cf Ihe Iype:
cf c::e::nenI: Ihey nu:I ccnp|eIe curing Ihe ccur:e.
Ihecry cr wriIIen c::e::nenI: cre :uLniIIec Ic hecc cffice
in 8ri:Lcne eiIher Ly enci| cr pc:I. Ihey cre ncrkec Ly
experiencec IESCL Irciner: cnc c::e::cr: cnc reIurnec Ic
:IucenI: wiIh ccn:IrucIive feecLcck ccnnenI:.
Ihere cre nc :eI Iine |iniI: fcr Ihe ccnp|eIicn cf incivicuc|
c::e::nenI:, hcwever, :uLni::icn cf o|| ossessments ore
vo||d |or two yeors |rom the dote o| reg|strot|on.
keod|ng SIucenI: :hcu|c recc Ihe NFC SIucenI HcncLcck, SecIicn 7
,Cour :e i nt or mati on" and Secti on 8 ,F| exi b| e | ear ni ng and
A: : e: : ment pr ocedur e: " upon enr o| ment. Then r ead
Ihrcugh Ihe IESCL Irciner: Mcnuc| pricr Ic cIIencing Ihe
cpIicnc| 5 ccy in-c|c:: crienIcIicn ccur:e cr Lefcre
cIIenpIing cny wriIIen c::e::nenI:.
SepcrcIe :IucenI re:curce Lcck: cre c|:c cvci|cL|e fcr Ihe
CerIificcIe lV in IESCL uniI 238: cnc Ihe Dip|cnc cf IESCL
uniI: 148, 158, 18, 178, cnc 188. ln ccciIicn, :IucenI: cre
enccurcgec Ic recc cpprcpricIe ESCL IexI Lcck: cnc
Lrcw:e ESCL weL :iIe: cn Ihe lnIerneI.
A ,U: et u| web: i te: " and a ,8ook | i : t" t or r ecommended
r eadi ng i : avai | ab| e t or : tudent: i n the ,Teacher Re: our ce: '
:ecIicn cf Ihe /I/ weL:iIe.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
5 doy |n-c|oss
Ihe 5 ccy in-c|c:: fcunccIicn ccur:e i: c grecI wcy Ic
Leccne fcni|icr wiIh Ihe ccnIenI cnc ccnIexI cf IESCL.
/|Ihcugh iI i: ncI ccnpu|:cry, iI i: high|y reccnnencec IhcI
:IucenI: inc|uce Ihi: ncce cf |ecrning in Iheir |ecrning
lI i: cn inIen:ive fcunccIicn Ic IESCL neIhccc|cgy cnc Ihe
princip|e: cf :eccnc |cngucge ccui:iIicn, cnc inc|uce:
e::enIic| IESCL ccnpcnenI: :uch c:: cpprccche: cnc
Iechniue:: |e::cn p|cnning: Ihe ceve|cpnenI cf |ecrning
ccIiviIie:: cnc cn inIrccucIicn Ic Ihe fcur |cngucge :ki||:. ln
ccciIicn, iI pre:enI: cn exciIing cppcrIuniIy Ic p|cn, prepcre
cnc ce|iver c 15 ninuIe pre:enIcIicn |e::cn.
SIucenI: wi|| Le guicec Ihrcugh Ihe:e ccIiviIie: :Iep Ly :Iep
in c :Iinu|cIing yeI ccnfcrIcL|e |ecrning envircnnenI Ly
cne cf cur we|| uc|ifiec cnc high|y experiencec IESCL
Whi|:I iI i: Leneficic| Ic ccnp|eIe Ihi: fcunccIicn ccur:e pricr
Ic :IcrIing Ihe wriIIen c::e::nenI:, :IucenI: ncy chcc:e Ic
cIIenc cny cne cf Ihe ccur:e: crcunc /u:Irc|ic IhcI :uiI:
Iheir |cccIicn cnc |ecrning :checu|e.
Core IESOI bn|t
SIucenI: nu:I :ucce::fu||y ccnp|eIe c|| c::e::nenI: in Ihe
12 ccre uniI: cf ccnpeIency fcr Ihe CerIificcIe lV in IESCL,
cnc Ihe ccre uniI: cf ccnpeIency fcr Ihe Dip|cnc cf
IESCL. /::e::nenI: wi|| inc|uce nu|Iip|e chcice uizze:,
:hcrI wriIIen cn:wer: cnc e::cy:, cnc cIher Ic:k: Ic ccver
Ihe Ihecry reuirenenI: cf Ihe prcgrcn. ln ccciIicn,
re:ecrching cnc ceve|cping |ecrning ccIiviIie: cnc
re:curce:, cnc Ihe prepcrcIicn cf |e::cn p|cn:, wi|| c||cw
:IucenI: Ic cencn:IrcIe cpp|iccIicn cf Iheir IhecreIicc|
SIucenI: wi|| crgcni:e Iheir cwn 10-hcur Iecching FrccIicun
Ic ccnp|eIe Ihe prccIicc| reuirenenI: fcr ecch Dip|cnc
uniI. See SecIicn fcr ncre ceIci|:.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Ihe /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny cffer: IESCL ccur:e: Ihrcugh c L|encec
ce|ivery cf:
cn cpIicnc| 5 ccy in-c|c:: fcunccIicn ccur:e:
Cn|ine :Iucy ncIeric|: cnc c::e::nenI:
FrccIicc| c::e::nenI: {CerIificcIe lV) cnc Iecching FrccIicun
c::e::nenI: fcr {Dip|cnc :IucenI:)
1. Fecc Ihrcugh Ihe /I/ IESCL Ircining Mcnuc|.
2. Lecrning cnc c::e::nenI ncIeric|: ccn Le ccce::ec eiIher cn|ine cr
Ihrcugh prinIec ncnuc|:. /|| Lecrning Fe:curce: cnc SIucenI /::e::nenI
WcrkLcck: ccn Le ccwn|cccec frcn Ihe weL :iIe cnc wcrkec Ihrcugh cI
ycur cwn pcce. F|ec:e ccnIccI Ihe cffice ccnini:IrcIcr if ycu wcu|c |ike
Ic purchc:e prinIec ver:icn:.
3. /::e::nenI: fcr ecch UniI cf CcnpeIency :hcu|c Le ccnp|eIec in Ihe
crcer :eI cuI in Secti on 7, ,Cour : e l nt or mati on". lf |s recommended fhof
eoch un|f be subm|ffed for ossessmenf os soon os |f |s comp|efed. Ycu
ccn Ihen geI cn wiIh Ihe nexI uniI whi|:I wciIing fcr Ihe re:u|I cnc
feecLcck. NcIe: fcr :e|f-pccec :Iucy ycu :hcu|c cin Ic ccnp|eIe cne uniI
every Iwc week: cr :c, Ihcugh Ihi: cce:, cf ccur:e, cepenc enIire|y cn
ycur per:cnc| circun:Icnce:.
4. Ihere cre c :cne prccIicc| Ic:k: in Ihe CerIificcIe lV in IESCL c::e::nenI:,
cnc Ihere i: c 10-hcur Iecching FrccIicun reuirenenI fcr Ihe Dip|cnc cf
TESOL. See the i nt or mati on be| ow on ,Pr acti ca| A: : e: : ment: ' t or t ur ther
5. /|| c::e::nenI: :hcu|c Le :uLniIIec fcr ncrking Ly enci| Ic
nrc@cIccn| cr Ic cur 8ri:Lcne pc:Ic| cccre::. Fe:u|I: cnc
feecLcck wi|| Le :enI Ic ycur enci| cccre:: wiIhin 15 wcrking ccy:. Io
sove poper, posfoge, ond hond||ng; ond fo foc|||fofe record keep|ng ond
sforoge we sfrong|y urge sfudenfs fo subm|f ossessmenfs by emo||.
. Cn :ucce::fu| ccnp|eIicn cf c|| c::e::nenI: ycur IESCL Cuc|ificcIicn wi||
be i : : ued together wi th a ,Statement ot Re: u| t: " {ScF). Ihe ScF i: ycur
Ircn:cripI which cccunenI: c|| Ihe uniI: cf ccnpeIency IhcI ncke up
ycur uc|ificcIicn.
Course Support
Fcr :uppcrI cI cny :Icge cf Ihe prcgrcn p|ec:e ccnIccI cne cf cur frienc|y
IuIcr: vic enci| cI: nrc@cIccn|
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
CcnpeIency Lc:ec Ircining i: c key fecIure cf Ihe VEI :ecIcr. Ihe ncjcr
enphc:i: cf c ccnpeIency Lc:ec :y:Ien i: cn whcI cn incivicuc| con do c:
c re:u|I cf Ircining.
Ihe IrcciIicnc| cpprccch Ic Ircining wc: ncI :een c: cpprcpricIe, wiIh iI:
enphc:i: cn Ihe ccnp|eIicn cf c pcrIicu|cr ccur:e cver c :eI Iine: ncr were
Ihe ccur:e: :een c: Leing Lc:ec cn rec| wcrkp|cce reuirenenI:. lI wc:
ccn:icerec IhcI Ihe ccnpeIency Lc:ec cpprccch Ic Ircining wcu|c prcvice
ce|ivery, c::e::nenI cnc cerIificcIicn cf Ircining which wcu|c re|cIe Ic Ihe
cencn:IrcIicn cf Ihe :ki||:, kncw|ecge cnc cIIiIuce: cnc Iheir cpp|iccIicn
reuirec fcr effecIive perfcrncnce in Ihe wcrkp|cce.
Ihe ccncepI cf ccnpeIency Ihu: fccu:e: cn whcI c per:cn i: expecIec Ic
cc in Ihe wcrkp|cce rcIher Ihcn cn Ihe |ecrning prcce::. lI c|:c enLccie: Ihe
cLi|iIy Ic Ircn:fer cnc cpp|y :ki||:, kncw|ecge cnc cIIiIuce: cnc Iheir
cpp|iccIicn reuirec fcr effecIive perfcrncnce in Ihe wcrkp|cce. lI c|:c
enLccie: Ihe cLi|iIy Ic Ircn:fer cnc cpp|y Ihe:e :ki||:, kncw|ecge cnc
cIIiIuce: Ic new :iIucIicn: cnc new envircnnenI:. Ihi: i: c Lrccc ccncepI cf
ccnpeIency in IhcI c|| c:pecI: cf wcrk perfcrncnce cre inc|ucec cnc ncI
ju:I ncrrcw Ic:k :ki||:.
Cne cf Ihe nc:I inpcrIcnI chcrccIeri:Iic: cf ccnpeIency Lc:ec Ircining i:
IhcI iI i: fccu:ec cn Ircining incivicuc|: fcr ccIuc| jcL: in Ihe wcrkp|cce. Ihe
Ircining, Iherefcre, hc: re|evcnce Ic Ihe incivicuc| cnc Ihu: :erve: c: c ncjcr
:curce cf incenIive.
ln ccnpeIency Lc:ec Ircining Ihe enphc:i: i: cn:
icenIifying whcI pecp|e neec Ic cc in Iheir jcL:
icenIifying whcI Ihey neec Ic kncw Ic cc Iheir jcL
inciccIing c|ecr|y Ihe :Icnccrc cf perfcrncnce reuirec in Ihe jcL Ly
Ihe incu:Iry cr enIerpri:e
inciccIing hcw, when cnc where cnc Ly whcn c::e::nenI wi|| cccur.
A: : e: : ment: wi | | be mar ked ei ther ,competent" (C) or ,not yet competent"
(NYC). l t a : tudent i : deemed to be ,NYC" they wi | | be gi ven tur ther
cppcrIuniIy Ic re-:uLniI c::ignnenI: unIi| Ihey cre ceenec Ic Le
,competent". How much ti meand how many r e-:uLni::icn: cre c||cwec wi||
Le negcIicIec wiIh Ihe c::e::cr cI Ihe Iine cf Ihe c::e::nenI.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Cert|||cote IV
CerIificcIe lV :IucenI: cre ncI reuirec Ic cc c Iecching FrccIicun, hcwever
Ihere cre 5 prccIicc| Ic:k: IhcI neec Ic Le ccnp|eIec.
Ihe prccIicc| Ic:k: cre c: fc||cw::
/pp|y c Iechniue u:ing IcIc| Fhy:icc| Fe:pcn:e {UniI 078)
/pp|y c Iechniue inccrpcrcIing wriIing/:pe||ing in:IrucIicn {UniI 138)
Mcke ccju:InenI: Ic c::e::nenI Ic :uiI :IucenI neec:. {UniI 128)
Iecch c |e::cn inccrpcrcIing cucic vi:uc| ncIeric|: {UniI 058)
CcncucI c privcIe IuIcring :e::icn {UniI 238)
Ihe fir:I 3 prccIicc| reuirenenI: {fcr UniI: 078, 138 cnc 128) ccn Le
cccre::ec in Ihe prccIicc| |e::cn: reuirec fcr UniI: 058 cnc 238.
lcec||y prccIicc| Ic:k: :hcu|c Le cL:ervec Ly c IESCL Ieccher/IuIcr whc ncy
:upervi:e wiIh Ihe guiccnce cf cn /I/ Irciner/c::e::cr. lI Ihi: i: ncI pc::iL|e
Ihe prccIicc| :e::icn: :hcu|c Le reccrcec cn vicec cr cucic cnc Ihe
reccrcing :uLniIIec Ic /I/. lI i: Le:I Ic :cve cny cucic cr vicec fi|e: cnIc c
DVD cnc pc:I Ihi: Ic u:, c: Ihe fi|e: ccn Leccne uiIe |crge. Ihere cre free
reccrcing prcgrcn: IhcI ccn Le ccwn|cccec fcr u:e Ihrcugh ycur ccnpuIer.
F|ec:e :ee Ihe in:IrucIicn: cn u: i ng ,Audaci ty" and cI Ihe enc cf Ihi: :ecIicn.
When p|cnning cnc Iecching Ihe IuIcring :e::icn Ihe fc||cwing check|i:I
neec: Ic Le ccherec Ic, Ic en:ure c|| prccIicc| reuirenenI: hcve Leen
/ |e::cn p|cn i: ccnp|eIec fcr Ihe :e::icn u:ing Ihe /I/ |e::cn p|cn
Ihe |e::cn p|cn i: cge, |eve| cnc inIere:I cpprcpricIe cnc re|cIe: Ic Ihe
: peci t i c: tudent": need: .
Ihe |e::cn ccnIcin: cn ccIiviIy inccrpcrcIing cucic-vi:uc| ncIeric|: cr
infcrncIicn Iechnc|cgy.
/n ccIiviIy inccrpcrcIing wriIing i: u:ec in Ihe |e::cn.
/n ccIiviIy inccrpcrcIing IcIc| Fhy:icc| Fe:pcn:e i: inccrpcrcIec in Ihe
Le::cn ccIiviIie: ref|ecI cn uncer:Icncing cf Ihe princip|e: cf privcIe
Ihe |e::cn p|cn ccnIcin: c fc||cw-up Ic:k IhcI i: cn c::e::nenI ccIiviIy
Lc:ec cn Ihe |e::cn cLjecIive:.
/cju:InenI: cre ncce Ic c::e::nenI ccIiviIie: {if nece::cry) Ic :uiI Ihe
: tudent": abi | i ty.
/ :e|f evc|ucIicn cf Ihe |e::cn i: ccnp|eIec wiIh ccnnenI cn Ihe
|e::cn cuIccne: cnc effecIivene:: cf Ihe ccIiviIie:.
FeecLcck frcn Ihe :IucenI: cnc/cr :upervi:ing ncncgenenI i:
Ccpie: cf c|| wcrk:heeI: u:ec in Ihe |e::cn cre :uLniIIec.
/ ccpy cf Ihe :IucenI: wcrk frcn Ihe |e::cn i: :uLniIIec.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
SuiIcL|e venue: cI which Ic ccnp|eIe Ihe:e prccIicc| Ic:k: inc|uce, LuI cre
ncI re:IricIec Ic:
Ihe :chcc| cI which ycu cre currenI|y Iecching
lf ycu cre ncI currenI|y Iecching ESCL :IucenI: ycu ccu|c cpprccch c
|ccc| ccnnuniIy grcup IhcI cffer: free Eng|i:h |e::cn:. Ihere cre ncny
:uch crgcni:cIicn: IhrcughcuI /u:Irc|ic which cre u:uc||y hcppy Ic
hcve vc|unIeer Eng|i:h Ieccher: wcrk wiIh Iheir nenLer:. Ihe:e
inc|uce churche: cnc re|igicu: grcup:, cnc nigrcnI cnc cIher
ccnnuniIy crgcni:cIicn: cffering free Eng|i:h |e::cn:.
Ycur cwn |cccIicn {ycur |ccc| |iLrcry ncy hcve c rccn ycu ccu|c u:e)
where ycu ccn c::enL|e c :IucenI cr :IucenI: whc wcnI c free Eng|i:h
|e::cn. Ycu ccn finc :uiIcL|e :IucenI: Ly vi:iIing |ccc| Eng|i:h Lcngucge
:chcc|:, cc||ege: cnc univer:iIie:, cr cpprcpricIe ccnnuniIy
lf ycu cre wcrking wiIh chi|cren fcr :cne cf Ihe prccIicc| Ic:k: ycu ncy neec
to under go a ,wor ki ng wiIh chi|cren check." Contact ATAtc cLIcin cn
cpp|iccIicn fcrn fcr c ,8| ueCar d" thr ough the Commi : :i on t or Chi | dr en and
Ycung Fecp|e. Ccrc: cre i::uec free Ic vc|unIeer: cnc :IucenI:, LuI ycu neec
Ic check wiIh ycur :IcIe crgcni:cIicn cnc Ihe pcrIicu|cr in:IiIuIicn cr :chcc|
regcrcing reuirenenI:.
Frcfe::icnc| Ieccher: cnc cIher :IucenI: ncy Le e|igiL|e fcr FFL fcr Ihe
prccIicc| Ic:k:: hcwever wriIIen c::e::nenI: wi|| :Ii|| Le reuirec.
D|p|omo o| IESOI
Dip|cnc SIucenI: neec Ic ccnp|eIe c 10 hour Ieoch|ng Froct|cum [IF}. Ihi:
ccn Le ccnp|eIec in cne :chcc| cr c nunLer cf cifferenI |cccIicn:
cepencing cn ycur circun:Icnce:.
/: pcrI cf Ihe Iecching prccIicun, :IucenI: cre reuirec Ic p|cn cnc Iecch c
|e::cn fcr chi|cren, ccc|e:cenI:, ccu|I:, lELIS prepcrcIicn cnc 8u:ine:: Eng|i:h.
Ihe:e |e::cn: ccn Le ccnp|eIec cI Ihe enc cf ecch uniI cr c|| IcgeIher cI Ihe
enc cf Ihe ccur:e.
Ihe prccIicc| reuirenenI: fcr Ihe Dip|cnc UniI: cre c: fc||cw::
Iecch c |e::cn Ic chi|cren inccrpcrcIing Ihe u:e cf gcne:, :cng: cnc
crI cnc crcfI Iechniue: {Ic:k , UniI 148)
Iecch c |e::cn Ic ccc|e:cenI :IucenI: inccrpcrcIing Ihe u:e cf nu:ic,
:cng: cnc/cr vicec re:curce: {Ic:k 5, UniI 158)
Iecch c |e::cn Ic ccu|I: {Ic:k 5, UniI 18)
Iecch c |e::cn Ic prepcre :IucenI: Ic Icke Ihe lELIS Ie:I {Ic:k 5, UniI
Iecch c |e::cn Ic ccu|I 8u:ine:: Eng|i:h :IucenI: {Ic:k , UniI 188)
SIucenI: cre re:pcn:iL|e fcr crgcni:ing Iheir cwn IF wiIh ccIuc| ESCL :IucenI:.
/I/ wi|| prcvice guiccnce cnc :ugge:Iicn: fcr crgcni:ing ycur prccIicun.
/ nininun cf hcur: :hcu|c Le :upervi:ec, fcce Ic fcce Iecching Iine, cnc
4 hcur: ncy Le cL:ervcIicn {fcr which ncIe: ccn Le :uLniIIec c: evicence)
cnc prepcrcIicn Iine.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
lcec||y Ihe IF :hcu|c Le :upervi:ec Ly c Ieccher/Irciner whc hc|c: c nininun
cf CerIificcIe lV in IESCL cnc CerIificcIe lV in Ircining cnc /::e::nenI. Fci|ing
Ihi:, c Ieccher/Irciner wiIhcuI Ihe:e uc|ificcIicn: ncy :upervi:e wiIh Ihe
guiccnce cf cn /I/ Irciner/c::e::cr, cnc c|| Iecching :e::icn: :hcu|c Le
reccrcec cn vicec cr cucic cnc :uLniIIec c: evicence.
Iecching FrccIicun Le::cn cL:ervcIicn fcrn: cnc evc|ucIicn fcrn: wi|| Le
:upp|iec Ly /I/. F|ec:e enci| u: cI nrc@cIccn| Ic reue:I Ihe:e
fcrn: Lefcre ccnnencing ycur prccIicun.
/ pcrIfc|ic cf evicence fcr Ihe Iecching FrccIicun nu:I Le :uLniIIec cnc
inc|uce ccpie: cf:
Le::cn cL:ervcIicn ncIe:, :IcIing Ihe ccIe cnc Iine cf Ihe |e::cn:.
/ Iecching IineIcL|e inciccIing infcrncIicn :uch c: ccIe, Iine cnc
p|cce cf |e::cn:, cnc cge cnc |eve| cf :IucenI:.
Le::cn p|cn: u:ec fcr ecch :e::icn
Ycur cwn :e|f evc|ucIicn fcr ecch :e::icn {2-3 :enIence:)
Super vi :i ng teacher ": comp| eted | e: : on ob:er vati on and eva| uati on
FeecLcck frcn Ihe :IucenI: fcr ecch :e::icn {1-3 :enIence:)
lf c :IucenI wi:he: Ic vcry Ihi: prccecure Ihey :hcu|c ccnIccI Iheir Dip|cnc cf
IESCL c::e::cr Ic ci:cu:: Iheir prcpc:ec cnencnenI:.
SuiIcL|e venue: cI which Ic ccnp|eIe Ihe:e prccIicc| Ic:k: inc|uce, LuI cre
ncI re:IricIec Ic:
Ihe :chcc| cI which ycu cre currenI|y Iecching
lf ycu cre ncI currenI|y Iecching ESCL :IucenI: ycu ccu|c cpprccch c
|ccc| ccnnuniIy grcup IhcI cffer: free Eng|i:h |e::cn:. Ihere cre ncny
:uch crgcni:cIicn: IhrcughcuI /u:Irc|ic which cre u:uc||y hcppy Ic
hcve vc|unIeer Eng|i:h Ieccher: wcrk wiIh Iheir nenLer:. Ihe:e
inc|uce churche: cnc re|igicu: grcup:, cnc nigrcnI cnc cIher
ccnnuniIy crgcni:cIicn: cffering free Eng|i:h |e::cn:.
Ycur cwn |cccIicn {ycur |ccc| |iLrcry ncy hcve c rccn ycu ccu|c u:e)
where ycu ccn c::enL|e c :IucenI cr :IucenI: whc wcnI c free Eng|i:h
|e::cn. Ycu ccn finc :uiIcL|e :IucenI: Ly vi:iIing |ccc| Eng|i:h Lcngucge
:chcc|:, cc||ege: cnc univer:iIie:, cr cpprcpricIe ccnnuniIy
lf ycu cre wcrking wiIh chi|cren fcr :cne cf Ihe prccIicc| Ic:k: {e.g. UniI
QLD245TEC148) you may need to under goa ,wor ki ng wi th chi | dr en check."
Ccntact ATAto obtai n an app| i cati on t or mt or a ,8| ueCar d" thr ough the
Ccnni::icn fcr Chi|cren cnc Ycung Fecp|e. Ccrc: cre i::uec free Ic
vc|unIeer: cnc :IucenI:, LuI ycu neec Ic check wiIh ycur :IcIe crgcni:cIicn
cnc Ihe pcrIicu|cr in:IiIuIicn cr :chcc| regcrcing reuirenenI:.
Frcfe::icnc| Ieccher: cnc cIher :IucenI: ncy Le e|igiL|e fcr FFL fcr Ihe
prccIicc| Ic:k:: hcwever wriIIen c::e::nenI: wi|| :Ii|| Le reuirec.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Steps |or Down|ood|ng the Audoc|ty record|ng progrom
Go to
C|ick cn Ihe |ink in Ihe ye||cw Lcx Ic Dcwn|ccc Ihe cpprcpricIe ver:icn cf /uccciIy ccccrcing Ic
ycur Winccw: ver:icn.
Under the Recommended Down| oad: menu, c| i ck on ,Audaci ty i n: ta| | er "
Scve Ihe /uccciIy Fi|e Ic ycur ce:kIcp.
C|ick cn Ihe cuccciIy.exe fi|e
C|ick run. Chcc:e Ihe
Fc||cw Ihe :Iep: in Ihe :eI up wizcrc Ly c|icking cn nexI cnc Ihen fini:h cI Ihe enc.
Gc Lcck Ic Ihen weL:iIe hIIp://cuccciIy.:curcefcrge.neI/
C|ick cn Ihe :cne |ink in Ihe ye||cw Lcx IhcI ycu c|ickec cn in SIep 2.
Uncer CpIicnc| Dcwn|ccc:, C|ick cn L/ME MF3 encccer.
C| i ck on ,Co to LAME Down| oad page"
C|ick cn Ihe cpprcpricIe ver:icn cf L/ME ccccrcing Ic ycur Winccw: ver:icn.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Scve Ihe |cne fi|e Ic ycur ce:kIcp.
C|ick cn Ihe |cne.exe fi|e
C|ick run
Fc||cw Ihe :Iep: in Ihe :eI up wizcrc Ly c|icking nexI cnc Ihen fini:h cI Ihe enc.
Cpen /uccciIy Ly c|icking cn Ihe /uccciIy iccn ycur ce:kIcp.
Uncer Ihe eciI nenu, c|ick preference:
C|ick cn |iLrcrie: cn Ihe nenu cn Ihe |efI
C| i ck ,| ocate" next to MP3 Li br ar y. C|ick
CK Iwice.
C|ick Ihe rcunc rec circ|e iccn Ic reccrc. Dc c :hcrI Ie:I fcr 10-20 :eccnc:.
Uncer Ihe Fi|e IcL, c|ick ExpcrI.
Uncer the ,Save i n" dr op down menu : e| ect wher e you want to : ave the audi o t i | e.
Under ,Save a: type" , : e| ect MP3 t i | e: .
Ncne Ihe fi|e cnc c|ick :cve.
Scve ycur MF3 fi|e: cn c CD cnc :enc Ihe CD Ic /I/.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
UniI: cf wcrk ccn Le :uLniIIec Ly enci| cr Ly pc:I. F|ec:e c||cw exIrc Iine fcr
ycur wcrk Ic Le ncrkec if :encing Ly pc:I. Ycu neec Ic c||cw up Ic 15
wcrking ccy: frcn Ihe receipI cf ycur wcrk, fcr ycur wcrk Ic Le ncrkec.
/|| c::e::nenI re:pcn:e: neec Ic Le :uLniIIec in c wcrc cccunenI {if
:encing Ly enci|)
When cIIcching ycur c::e::nenI: Ic cn enci| p|ec:e wriIe c: Ihe :uLjecI cf
ycur enci| ycur ncne cnc Ihe c::ignnenI ccce.
E.g. Jchn SniIh CLD244KIF018
/ ccver pcge neec: Ic Le inc|ucec fcr ecch uniI. Ihi: ccver pcge :hcu|c Le
Ihe fir:I pcge cf Ihe cccunenI IhcI ccnIcin: ycur uniI re:pcn:e:. F|ec:e :ee
Ihe excnp|e in Ihe c::e::nenI wcrkLcck: fcr Ihe infcrncIicn IhcI neec: Ic
Le inc|ucec cn Ihe ccver pcge.
Ycu cc ncI neec Ic inc|uce Ihe criIeric IcL|e: wiIh ycur re:pcn:e:. Sinp|y
wriIe Ihe ue:Iicn nunLer cnc Ihen ycur re:pcn:e.
We reuire ycu Ic inc|uce c reference |i:I cI Ihe enc cf ecch uniI which
cuI|ine: c|| cf Ihe reccing ncIeric| IhcI ycu hcve ccce::ec re|cIec Ic Ihe uniI.
Ihe reference: :hcu|c Le |i:Iec in Ihe crcer cf:
Autnc|/ccte c| puc'|cct|cn/ |t'e c| Mcte||c' (w||tten |n |tc'|c:}/Fuc'|:ne|
When |i:Iing Ihe /I/ ncnuc| c: c reference p|ec:e inc|uce Ihe ver:icn
nunLer fcunc in Ihe LcIIcn righI hcnc :ice cf Ihe ncnuc| cnc Ihe pcge
WeL:iIe: neec Ic Le wriIIen cuI in fu|| {ncI ccncen:ec), wiIh Ihe ncne cf Ihe
weL:iIe, Ihe ccIe Ihe wcrk wc: puL|i:hec cn Ihe neI, cnc Ihe ccIe Ihe :iIe
wc: vi:iIec. /nc Ihe Iype cf re:curce Ihe |ink i: fcr e.g cucic
lf we cre ncI cL|e Ic fc||cw Ihe |ink Ic Ihe ccIuc| wcrk:heeI cr infcrncIicn
:curcec, ycu neec Ic prcvice c ccpy cf Ihe infcrncIicn in c cifferenI fcrncI.
/n excnp|e cf Ihe fcrncI fcr referencing i: inc|ucec Le|cw:
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
/I/ 2007. AA FSCL |c|n|ng Mcnuc' V0.3/11/JD ChcpIer 1,
Hcrner, J.2007, ne F|cct|ce c| Fng'|:n Lcngucge eccn|ng, 4
ecn, Fecr:cn,
Ihe 8ecI|e:, Let |t 8e (cuc|c |ecc|c|ng) reIrievec 5 FeLrucry 2011
KiIc 2008 Ieccher': Lcve Wc|k:neet 'G|eet|ng:' reIrievec DecenLer
2010 frcn
hIIp://Ieccher:|cve.L|cg:.:cpc.pI/Icg/greeIing: {Freview cf wcrk:heeI :hcwn
hc|fwcy ccwn pcge)
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny reuire: IhcI c|| :IucenI: cre Lcngucge,
LiIerccy cnc Nunerccy ccpcL|e Ic Ihe incu:Iry IhcI Ihey cre ccn:icering
Ircining fcr. /f|uenI |eve| cf Eng|i:h i: reuirec Ic uncerIcke cur ccur:e:.
Shcu|c ycu reuire ccciIicnc| Ircining in Ihe crec cf Lcngucge LiIerccy cnc
Nunerccy, Ihe fc||cwing 8ri:Lcne Lc:ec crgcni:cIicn: cffer:
CerIificcIe l cnc CerIificcIe ll in VcccIicnc| /cce:: cnc Ihe Lcngucge,
LiIerccy cnc Nunerccy Frcgrcnne cI:
ScuIhLcnk ln:IiIuIe cf I/FE
Lcgcn ln:IiIuIe cf I/FE
Yercngc ln:IiIuIe cf I/FE
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny i: ccnniIIec Ic en:uring IhcI c|| rec:cncL|e
c::i:Icnce i: given Ic :IucenI: in crcer fcr Ihen Ic :ucceec in Iheir chc:en fie|c.
1. Ihe :Icff wi|| cI c|| Iine: prccIice ccIive |i:Iening when ccnfrcnIec wiIh
c :IucenI :hcwing :ign: cf ci:Ire:: cr ci:ccnfcrI. lf Ihe fir:I pcinI cf
ccnIccI i: uncL|e Ic he|p ycu cirecI|y Ihey wi|| prcnpI|y pc:: ycur
enuiry cnIc cncIher :Icff nenLer whc ccn.
2. lf Ihe :Icff nenLer fee|: Ihey cre uncL|e Ic give Ihe :IucenI
c::i:Icnce Ihen Ihe :Icff nenLer ccn reue:I Ihe c::i:Icnce cf
cncIher :Icff nenLer whc ncy hcve c Lcckgrcunc which encL|e:
Ihen Ic Le cf c::i:Icnce Ic Ihe :IucenI wiIh ccvice cr c::i:Icnce Ic
a| | eviate the : tudent": t ee| ing ot di : tr e: : or di : comt or t.
3. lf Ihe :IucenI hc: ccvi:ec Ihe :Icff nenLer cf c prcL|en IhcI
reuire: prcfe::icnc| c::i:Icnce frcn cn cuI:ice :uppcrI cr ccun:e||ing
:ervice, Ihen Ihe :Icff nenLer i: Ic c::i:I Ihe :IucenI Ic ccnIccI Ihe
:uppcrI cr ccun:e||ing :ervice, Ihen Ihe :Icff nenLer i: Ic c::i:I wiIh
Ihe infcrncIicn c: Ic whcI :uppcrI cr ccun:e||ing :ervice: cre
cvci|cL|e Ic |i:Ien cnc he|p.
Scne :uppcrI grcup: inc|uce:
Fersono| Counse|||ng
/u:I Ccun:e||ing /::ccicIicn - 1300 784 333
Fe|cIicn:hip: /u:Irc|ic - 1300 34 277
Drug ond A|coho|
/|cchc|ic: /ncnyncu: - 322 2501
/|cchc| cnc Drug lnfc Service - 323 2414
Drug /rn - 07) 338 3822
Life|ine - 131114
GcnL|ing he|p |ine - 1800 222 050
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Fcr enp|cynenI cver:ec: cn|y, Ihe lncu:Iry ccur:e: wi|| Le cf Ihe nc:I u:e ycu.
Fcr enp|cynenI in /u:Irc|ic, hcwever, wiIh Ihe cpIicn cf wcrking cver:ec:, Ihe
CerIificcIe lV in IESCL cnc Dip|cnc cf IESCL wi|| c::i:I ycu. F|eose nofe: fo
feoch |n Ausfro||o, odd|f|ono| profess|ono| feoch|ng quo||f|cof|ons ondJ or F5OL
feoch|ng exper|ence ore usuo||y requ|red.
Ihe ncjcriIy cf cver:ec: ccnIrccI: cre up Ic 12 ncnIh: cnc ncy inc|uce
LenefiI: :uch c: cirfcre:, ccccnncccIicn, :cne nec|:, necicc| in:urcnce
cnc |ccc| |cngucge c|c::e: :upp|iec {cepencing cn Ihe ce:IincIicn).
Ihe pc|icy cf /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny i: cI c|| Iine: Ic Le fcir cnc
euiIcL|e Ic :IucenI:.
Cn ccnp|eIicn cf c ccur:e ecch :IucenI wi|| Le given ccce:: Ic Ihe neIwcrk
e:IcL|i:hec fcr fincing cver:ec: enp|cynenI. WiIh Ihe c::i:Icnce cf Ihe
/ccceny, Ihe grccucIe wi|| ccnIccI ccnpcnie: ccverIi:ing vcccncie: fcr
which he/:he hc: Ihe :ki||: :pecifiec.
Ihe /ccceny ncy frcn Iine Ic Iine Le ccvi:ec Ihrcugh Ihe neIwcrk, cf
pc:iIicn: cuI:ice Ihe ccunIry fcr which Ihe grccucIe ncy hcve inciccIec c
preference. Ihi: infcrncIicn wi|| c|:c Le pc::ec cn Ic Ihe grccucIe cnc Ihe
grccucIe ncy pur:ue Ihi: furIher, eiIher cirecI|y cr wiIh Ihe c::i:Icnce cf Ihe
/ccceny :hcu|c Ihey :c ce:ire.
Ihere i: c jcL gucrcnIee in Chinc fcr /u:Irc|icn pc::pcrI hc|cer: whc cre
ncIive Lcrn cr f|uenI Eng|i:h :pecker: {:ee ccur:e enrc|nenI fcrn: fcr Iern:
cnc ccnciIicn: cf Ihe gucrcnIee). /|| p|ccenenI: cre :uLjecI Ic incu:Iry
enp|cynenI Leing cvci|cL|e cI cnc cfIer ccnp|eIicn cf :Iucie:.
Every effcrI wi|| Le ncce Ic p|cce Ihe :IucenI in enp|cynenI in Iheir
:e|ecIec ccunIry. SIucenI: neec c currenI pc::pcrI, fu|| CV, ccvering |eIIer
cnc nu:I fc||cw Ihe jcL prcce:: cuI|inec in Ihe

wor k Cui de'.
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny ccI: c: cn cgenI fcr enp|cyer: Ic pc:I jcL
oppor tuni ti e: and wi | | a: : i : t candi date: to po: t CV": . The Company doe: not
:creen cr cen:cr Ihe |i:Iing: cfferec. Ihe ccnpcny i: ncI invc|vec in Ihe
ccIuc| Ircn:ccIicn LeIween enp|cyer: cnc ccnciccIe:. /: c re:u|I, Ihe
ccnpcny hc: nc ccnIrc| cver Ihe uc|iIy, :cfeIy cr |egc|iIy cf Ihe jcL: cr
re:une: pc:Iec, Ihe IruIh cr cccurccy cf Ihe |i:Iing:, cny Ircve|
crrcngenenI: cr Ihe cLi|iIy cf enp|cyer: Ic cffer jcL cppcrIuniIie: Ic
ccnciccIe: cr Ihe cLi|iIy cf ccnciccIe: Ic fi|| jcL cpening:.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
ln ccciIicn, ncIe IhcI Ihere cre ri:k:, inc|ucing LuI ncI |iniIec Ic Ihe ri:k cf
phy:icc| hcrn, cf cec|ing wiIh :Ircnger:, fcreign ncIicnc|:, uncercge per:cn:
cr pecp|e ccIing uncer fc|:e preIence:.
Ycu c::une c|| ri:k: c::ccicIec wiIh cec|ing wiIh cIher per:cn: wiIh whcn
ycu ccne in ccnIccI Ihrcugh cirecI ccnIccI, weL:iIe: cr cIher per:cn:. We
expecI IhcI ycu wi|| u:e ccuIicn cnc ccnncn :en:e when u:ing weL:iIe: cr
cec|ing wiIh cIher per:cn:. WeL:iIe ccnIenI ncy ccnIcin incccurccie: cr
Iypcgrcphicc| errcr:.
Ihe /ccceny ncke: nc repre:enIcIicn: cLcuI cccurccy, re|icLi|iIy,
ccnp|eIene::, cr Iine|ine:: cf cny weL:iIe cr cny weL:iIe ccnIenI. WeL:iIe
ccnIenI i: recc cI ycur cwn ri:k.
Chcnge: cre periccicc||y ncce Ic /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny
enp|cynenI ccnciIicn: cnc ncy Le ncce cI cny Iine. Ycu cckncw|ecge
cnc cgree IhcI ycu cre :c|e|y re:pcn:iL|e fcr Ihe fcrncI, ccnIenI cnc
cccurccy cf cny re:une cr ncIeric| ccnIcinec Iherein p|ccec Ly ycu Ic
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny iI: cgenI, ccnIccI :chcc|: cnc cIher per:cn:.
Enp|cyer: cre :c|e|y re:pcn:iL|e fcr Iheir pc:Iing: cf enp|cynenI cffer: Ic
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny cnc iI: grccucIe:.
Ihe /ccceny cce: ncI wcrrcnI IhcI cny :chcc| wi|| cpercIe errcr-free cr IhcI
cny weL:iIe cnc iI: :erver cre free cf ccnpuIer viru:e: cr cIher hcrnfu|
Ihe /ccceny i: ncI re:pcn:iL|e fcr cny cc:I:. /|| enp|cynenI cppcrIuniIie:
ar epr ovi ded on an'a: i : 'ba: i : wi thout any war r anti e: ot any ki nd. The
/ccceny, Ic Ihe fu||e:I exIenI perniIIec Ly |cw, ci:c|cin: c|| wcrrcnIie:,
wheIher expre:: cr inp|iec, inc|ucing Ihe wcrrcnIy cf nerchcnIcLi|iIy fiIne::
fcr pcrIicu|cr purpc:e cnc ncn-infringenenI.
Ihe ccnpcny ncke: nc wcrrcnIie: cLcuI Ihe cccurccy, re|icLi|iIy,
ccnp|eIene::, cr Iine|ine:: cf Ihe ncIeric|, :ervice:, enp|cynenI cffer:, cir,
cccch, rci|, cr Ircn:pcrI Ic cnc frcn enp|cynenI in cny wcy.
ln nc evenI :hc|| Ihe /ccceny, cr cny Ihirc pcrIie: nenIicnec Le |icL|e fcr
cny ccncge: whcI:cever {inc|ucing, wiIhcuI |iniIcIicn, incicenIc| cnc
ccn:euenIic| ccncge:, |c:I wcge:, cr ccncge: re:u|Iing frcn |c:I
enp|cynenI cr Lu:ine:: inIerrupIicn) re:u|Iing frcn Ihe u:e cr incLi|iIy Ic u:e
cny /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny :ervice: cnc Ihe ncIeric|, wheIher Lc:ec
cn ccnIrccI, IcrI, cr cny cIher |egc| Ihecry, cnc wheIher cr ncI Ihe ccnpcny
i: ccvi:ec cf Ihe pc::iLi|iIy cf :uch ccncge:.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
/I /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny we ncke every effcrI Ic pre:erve u:er
privccy, hcwever, we ncy neec Ic ci:c|c:e per:cnc| infcrncIicn when
reuirec Ly |cw where-in we hcve c gccc-fciIh Le|ief IhcI :uch ccIicn i:
nece::cry Ic ccnp|y wiIh cn cpprcpricIe gcvernnenI cepcrInenI. ln cny
cIher :iIucIicn wriIIen perni::icn wi|| Le cLIcinec frcn Ihe :IucenI.
SIucenI: ncy reue:I ccce:: Ic Iheir regi:IrcIicn cnc c::e::nenI reccrc:.
Ihe reue:I nu:I Le ncce in wriIing Ic Ihe hecc cffice in 8ri:Lcne. Ihe
cpprcpricIe reccrc: wi|| Ihen Le ncce cvci|cL|e upcn verificcIicn cf icenIiIy
cf Ihe :IucenI. lf Ihe :IucenI i: uncL|e Ic cc||ecI Iheir reccrc: per:cnc||y, Ihey
ncy reue:I Ihen Ic Le :enI Ly pc:I {:IucenI: nu:I prcvice c pre-pcic
enve|cpe cr pcy fcr Ihe pc:Icge cc:I:), cr Ly enci| if Ihe fi|e: cre :Icrec
e|ecIrcnicc||y. F|eose note: AIA con not be he|d respons|b|e |or ony
documents thot go m|ss|ng |n the mo||, or |or ony e|ectron|c |||es thot moy
become corrupted when sent by emo||.
We wi|| ncI :e||, :hcre, cr renI infcrncIicn Ic cIher: in wcy: cifferenI frcn whcI
i: ci:c|c:ec in Ihi: :IcIenenI.
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny reccgni:e: Ihe inpcrIcnce cf prcIecIing Ihe
privccy cf Fer:cnc| lcenIifying lnfcrncIicn cLcuI ycu c: c u:er cf cur :ervice:
cnc cur weL:iIe. We ccn:icer Ihe fc||cwing infcrncIicn Fer:cnc| lcenIifying
lnfcrncIicn: ycur enci| cccre::, ncne, nci|ing cccre::, cnc creciI ccrc
ATAr equi r e: a u: er ": Per : ona| l denti t yi ng lnfcrncIicn fcr ccnp|icnce wiIh Ihe
/u:Irc|icn Cuc|iIy Ircining Frcnewcrk {/CIF). Ihi: infcrncIicn wi|| Le IrecIec
ccnficenIic||y wiIhin cur ccnpcny. Whi|e cur pc|icy i: ncI Ic :hcre Ihi:
infcrncIicn wiIh Ihirc pcrIie:, we cc :hcre cggregcIe infcrncIicn wiIh
:e|ecIec gcvernnenI cepcrInenI: when |egc||y reuirec Ic cc :c.
FuI :inp|y, ccce:: cnc euiIy in Ircining i: cLcuI ncking :ure IhcI nc per:cn cr
grcup i: ci:ccvcnIcgec in ccce::ing Ircining Leccu:e cf Ihing: |ike Iheir cge,
rcce, re|igicn, :ex, ncriIc| :IcIu: eIc. /I/ hc: ceve|cpec c|| pc|icie: cnc
prccecure: keeping in ninc Ihe princip|e: cf ccce:: cnc euiIy. Ihe:e inc|uce
enrc|nenI cnc recruiIing :e|ecIicn :Icnccrc:.
Au: tr a| a: i an Tr ai ni ng Academy": Acce: : and Equi ty po| i cy ccnIcin: nc
|iniIcIicn: cr Lcrrier: Ic /cce:: cr EuiIy. We uncer:Icnc cnc cckncw|ecge
|ecrner civer:iIy, cu|Iurc| Lcckgrcunc, ccnnuniIy cnc |ecrner neec:. Ihi:
inc|uce: per:cn: wiIh ci:cLi|iIie:: Ihe cc||ege wi|| c::i:I in ccccnncccIing
:pecic| neec: cf Ihe ci:cL|ec.
Euc||y inpcrIcnI i: Ihe view IhcI nc :IucenI Ircining cI /I/ wi|| ccI in cny
ci:crinincIcry ncnner Icwcrc: cny cIher :IucenI cr :Icff nenLer. /I/ hc:
ceve|cpec c |i:I cf |egi:|cIive {|egc|) reuirenenI: which cuI|ine IhcI
ci:crinincIicn cf cny kinc, hcrc::nenI, wcrkp|cce Lu||ying cnc vicIini:cIicn,
cre cgcin:I Ihe |cw. lf ceIecIec cI /I/, Ihe cpprcpricIe cuIhcriIie: wi|| Le
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Ihere cre c nunLer cf |cw: which re|cIe Ic everycne in c wcrkp|cce cr Ircining
envircnnenI. ln Cueen:|cnc cne :Icnccrc |cw i: Ihe Wcrkp|cce Hec|Ih cnc
ScfeIy /cI 15. ln Lrief, :ecIicn: 28 cnc 3 cf Ihe /cI p|cce re:pcn:iLi|iIie: cn
Ihe pecp|e in chcrge cf p|cce:, Ic en:ure Ihe :cfeIy cf c|| pecp|e cI IhcI p|cce.
Euc||y, pecp|e cI c wcrkp|cce nu:I cLice Ly Ihe ru|e: :eI, u:e euipnenI
:upp|iec cnc ncI p|cce cny cIher per:cn cI ri:k. / fu|| ccpy cf Ihe reuirenenI:
cf Ihe Wcrkp|cce Hec|Ih cnc ScfeIy /cI i: in Ihe /I/ pc|icie: cnc prccecure:
/|| :IucenI: cre Ic cL:erve u:uc| wcrkp|cce hec|Ih cnc :cfeIy prccecure.
Fcni|icri:e ycur:e|f wiIh Ihe fire evccucIicn p|cn cf Ihe Lui|cing. Dc ncI
ce|iLercIe|y p|cce ycur:e|f cr cIher: in ccnger.
Every ccy cur |ive: cre regu|cIec Ly SIcIe cnc Fecerc| |cw:, in keeping wiIh
Ihi:, /I/ fc||cw: Ihe re|evcnI ccI: reuirec Ly Ihe SIcIe cnc Fecerc|
GcvernnenI:, which cre cvci|cL|e cn|ine cI www.ccn| cnc
Ihe privccy |cw: Lc:icc||y cuI|ine IhcI c: c ccnpcny, we nu:I en:ure IhcI
cny infcrncIicn we neec Ic geI frcn ycu in crcer fcr ycu Ic cc Ihe ccur:e,
neec: Ic Le prcIecIec Ly u: cnc kepI ccnficenIic|.
Ihe CcpyrighI /cI i: cn /cI which ncke: :ure IhcI if :cnecne hc: wriIIen cr
ccnpc:ec c piece cf |iIercIure, crI , nu:ic eIc. IhcI :cnecne e|:e cce: ncI
u:e IhcI prcperIy wiIhcuI ncking reference Ic Ihe righIfu| cwner cf Ihe
prcperIy. ln cn ccccenic :en:e, Ihe ccpying i: referrec Ic c: p|cgicri:n.
F|cgicri:n i: ccpying Ihe wcrk cf cIher: wiIhcuI cckncw|ecging IhcI wcrk.
/: /I/ hc: c |cI cf ncIeric|: cn |ine cnc ycu cre :Iucying in ycur cwn Iine,
ycu wi|| hcve Ic :uLniI wriIIen c::ignnenI:. Mc:I cf Ihe ncIeric|: cnc
reccing: ycu neec fcr Ihe c::ignnenI: cre prcvicec Ly u:, LuI if ycu cre
gcing Ic re:ecrch cIher wcrk cnc u:e Ihc:e icec:, picIure: eIc. in ycur
c::ignnenI, ycu nu:I reference Ihe cwner cf Ihe ncIeric| ycu cre referring
CLvicu: cc:e: cf p|cgicri:ec wcrk wi|| incur cn ccccenic penc|Iy. FepecI
cc:e: ncy incur :u:pen:icn cr exc|u:icn frcn Ihe ccur:e.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Ihe Object|ve o| kFI
Ihe cLjecIive cf FeccgniIicn cf Fricr Lecrning {FFL) i: Ic en:ure IhcI cn
i ndi vi dua| ": pr i or | ear ni ng achi eved thr ough tor ma| and i nt or ma| tr ai ni ng, wor k
experience cr cIher |ife experience: i: cpprcpricIe|y reccgni:ec. Fcr Ihe
purpc:e cf Ihi: pc|icy cnc c::ccicIec prccecurc| cccunenI:, Ihe Iern:
FeccgniIicn cf Fricr Lecrning {FFL) cnc FeccgniIicn cf CurrenI CcnpeIency
{FCC) cre :yncnyncu:.
Ihe prcce:: cf ccncucIing cn FFL c::e::nenI i: Lc:ec cn Ihe :cne princip|e:
c: fc||cwec fcr cny cIher c::e::nenI. Uncer Ihe /CIF c|| c::e::nenI: :hcu|c:
Le vc|ic, re|icL|e, f|exiL|e cnc fcir.
ccver Ihe Lrccc rcnge cf :ki||: cnc kncw|ecge neecec Ic
cencn:IrcIe ccnpeIency.
Le c prcce:: which inIegrcIe: kncw|ecge cnc :ki||: wiIh Iheir prccIicc|
Le ncce cn evicence gcIherec cn c nunLer cf cccc:icn: cnc in c
vcrieIy cf ccnIexI: cr :iIucIicn:.
Le ncniIcrec cnc reviewec Ic en:ure IhcI Ihere i: ccn:i:Iency in Ihe
inIerpreIcIicn cf evicence.
Le ncce ccce::iL|e Ic incivicuc|: :c IhcI Ihey ccn prcceec recci|y
frcn cne ccnpeIency :Icnccrc Ic cncIher.
Le euiIcL|e Ic c|| grcup: cf incivicuc|:.
/: pcrI cf Ihe inIernc| review prcce::, Ihe principc| Irciner wi|| excnine FFL
infcrncIicn cnc prcncIicn ncIeric|:: reccrc-keeping :y:Ien:: cnc FFL
c::e::nenI in:IrunenI:, prcce:: cnc cppec|: prccecure:, Ic en:ure
ccn:i:Iency wiIh Ihe princip|e: cuI|inec in Ihi: pc|icy :IcIenenI.
k|sk monogement ond Quo||ty Assuronce
Ihe nininun cncunI cf FFL which ccn Le cwcrcec i: cne whc|e uniI cf
ccnpeIency frcn c Ircining pcckcge uc|ificcIicn cr cccreciIec ccur:e. lf c
per:cn ccn :hcw :ufficienI evicence cf pricr |ecrning fcr e|enenI: cr
perfcrncnce criIeric wiIhin c uniI, c prcce:: cf ccce|ercIec |ecrning ncy Le
cpprcpricIe LuI creciI ccnncI Le grcnIec. Ihe exIenI cf reccgniIicn :cughI
ncy Le up Ic cne huncrec per cenI. lI i: cckncw|ecgec IhcI Ihere i: c higher
ri:k c::ccicIec wiIh Ihi: cegree cf reccgniIicn. Ihe cncunI cf ri:k in Ihe FFL
prcce:: i: cirecI|y re|cIec Ic Ihe cncunI cf evicence Ic Le cc||ecIec: Ihe
cegree cf rigcr reuirec: Ihe nunLer cf c::e::cr: Ic Le u:ec: cnc Ihe cc:I: cf
inp|enenIing FFL prcce::e:. Ihe generc| princip|e Ic Le cL:ervec i: IhcI:
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
A: tne 'eve' c| ||:k |nc|ec:e: tne|e :ncu'c ce c cc||e:pcnc|ng |nc|ec:e |n tne
||gc| c| tne FFL p|cce::e:. n|: |nc|ec:ec ||gc| ccn ce ccn|evec tn|cugn
|equ|||ng nc|e ev|cence c| n|gne| quc'|ty cnc tne |nvc'venent c| nc|e
c::e::c|: tc |ev|ew tne ev|cence cnc ncke tne ||nc' c::e::nent cec|:|cn.
Stoges o| the kFI process
Ihe FFL prcce:: inc|uce: Ihe fc||cwing :Icge::
lnfcrncIicn cLIcinec Ly cpp|iccnI:
lniIic| :uppcrI cnc ccun:e|ing:
/pp|iccIicn :uLniIIec wiIh :uppcrIing evicence:
/::e::nenI {ncIe: furIher evicence ncy Le reue:Iec cI Ihi: :Icge):
Fc:I-c::e::nenI guiccnce: cnc
CerIificcIicn grcnIec.
App|y|ng |or kFI
FFL cpp|iccIicn fcrn: cre cvci|cL|e frcn Ihe /I/ hecc cffice in 8ri:Lcne, cr
ccn Le ccwn|cccec frcn Ihe /I/ weL:iIe.
App||cont kespons|b|||ty
l t i : the app| i cant": r e: pon: i bi | i ty to a: cer tai n what cr edi t he] : hemay be
enIiI|ec Ic fcr Ihe inIencec ccur:e cf :Iucy. CcnciccIe: cre Ic cccunenI
Iheir c|cin fcr ccnpeIency in :ufficienI ceIci| Ic he|p Ihe c::e::cr recch cn
c::e::nenI ceci:icn. Ihi: reuire: Ihe ccnciccIe Ic icenIify hcw :/he ccn Le:I
prcve ccnpeIency cr c|cin creciI, Ic :e|ecI cnc crgcnize evicence which
wi|| Le cccepIcL|e cnc ccnp|eIe cnc :uLniI hi:/her cpp|iccIicn.
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny wi|| c::i:I ccnciccIe: wiIh Ihi: :Icge. Ihe
fc||cwing prccecure wi|| he|p:
1. CLIcin Ihe uniI ce:cripIcr: cnc Ihe re|evcnI perfcrncnce criIeric/
|ecrning cuIccne:, frcn Ihe SIucenI /::e::nenI WcrkLcck: fcr Ihe ccur:e
cr pcrI cf Ihe ccur:e frcn which ycu cre :eeking exenpIicn.
2. McIch Ihe perfcrncnce criIeric frcn Ihe uniI cf ccnpeIency cr |ecrning
cuIccne: cf Ihe nccu|e fcr which FFL i: :cughI wiIh ycur currenI :ki||:, cr
|ecrning cuIccne: cf previcu:|y :Iuciec ccur:e: cr experience gcinec.
3. Cc||ecI infcrncIicn {cccunenIcry evicence), i.e. :cnp|e: cf wcrk,
ccccenic reccrc:, reference: cnc cIher cccunenIcIicn re|cIec Ic ycur
cpp|iccIicn - :ee fccIncIe Le|cw.
4. Submi t comp| eted ,App| i cati on t or Recogni ti on ot Pr i or Lear ni ng" t or manc
:uppcrIing cccunenIcry evicence Ly pc:I cr fcx Ic cur hecc cffice in
8ri:Lcne, cr enci| Ic nrc@cIccn| . /||cw 15 wcrking ccy: frcn
receipI cf Ihe cpp|iccIicn fcr c ceci:icn Ic Le ncce cnc ccnnuniccIec
Ic Ihe cpp|iccnI.
5. lf ycu cre un:ure cLcuI cnyIhing cI cny :Icge cf Ihe prcce:: p|ec:e
ccnIccI hecc cffice Ly phcne cr enci| cnc cne cf cur FFL /::e::cr: wi||
Le hcppy Ic prcvice ccvice cnc c::i:Icnce.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Assessment o| kFI
Ihe cLjecIive cf Ihi: :Icge i: fcr Ihe uc|ifiec c::e::cr Ic ceIernine, Ihrcugh c
:y:IencIic review cf evicence, wheIher Ihe :IucenI ccn cencn:IrcIe
cchievenenI cf Ihe |ecrning cuIccne ccnpeIencie:. Ihe :y:IencIic review
ccn:icer: Ihe evicence in Iern: cf iI: cuIhenIiciIy, vc|iciIy, cnc re|evcnce Ic
Ihe |ecrning cuIccne:, currency, cnc vcrieIy.
Fost Assessment kFI Gu|donce
C|ecr, prcnpI, cnc ccn:IrucIive feecLcck wi|| Le prcvicec Ic Ihe ccnciccIe
wiIh cfficic| ncIificcIicn cf re:u|I:. Ihe re:u|I cf Ihe FFL wi|| Le ccvi:ec. lf furIher
evicence i: reuirec, guiccnce wi|| Le prcvicec cn Ihe:e reuirenenI:.
Cho||enge Iests
lf :IucenI: hcve ncI ccnp|eIec, cr ccnncI prccuce :cIi:fccIcry evicence cf
ccnp|eIicn cf fcrnc| :Iucy re|evcnI Ic Iheir FFL cpp|iccIicn, Ihey ncy Le
reuirec Ic uncergc c chc||enge Ie:I re|cIec Ic Ihe uniI fcr which FFL i: Leing
:cughI. Ihe ceci:icn Ic chc||enge Ie:I FFL cpp|iccnI: wi|| re:I wiIh Ihe FFL
SIucenI: wi|| Le enccurcgec Ic view chc||enge Ie:Iing c: c necn: cf
ccnfirning Iheir ccnpeIence rcIher Ihcn cn inciccIicn cf ccuLIing iI. ln nc:I
cc:e:, Ihe u:e cf chc||enge Ie:Iing i: Ic en:ure currency cf :ki||: cnc
kncw|ecge c: c nec:ure cf ccnpeIence, i.e. Ihe currenI cLi|iIy Ic cc
Ihe cLjecIive cf Ihi: :Icge i: Ihe cwcrcing cf creciI cr reccgni:ing Ihe pc:iIive
cuIccne: cf c::e::nenI. /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny wi|| ncIe Ihe pc:iIive
outcomeon the : tudent": r ecor d or i : : uethe : ui tab| ecr edenti a| .
Footnote on Ev|dence
Fegcrcing evicence, Ihe Le:I wcy Ic cpprccch Ihi: i: Ic Ihink cf ycur CV cr
Fe:une c: Leing c cneck'|:t cf ycur experience, cchievenenI: cnc
uc|ificcIicn:. ln crcer Ic :uppcrI ecch iIen cn Ihe |i:I, :everc| piece: cf
evicence cre reuirec {prefercL|y). Fcr c Iecching rc|e, fcr excnp|e, c
reference cI Ihe enc cf c pericc cf enp|cynenI i: gccc, LuI if Ihi: ccn Le
:uppcrIec wiIh :cy, c ccnIrccI, cuIy :IcIenenI/ pc:iIicn ce:cripIcr,
perfcrncnce review/ in:pecIicn repcrI, Iecching IineIcL|e/ prcgrcn, cr
:IcIenenI cf :ervice, Ihi: i: even LeIIer. Ycu ncy ncI hcve c|| cf Ihe:e
cccunenI: frcn c|| cf Ihe pc:iIicn: ycu hcve he|c, LuI Ihe ncre ycu ccn
: upp| y the better , and the mor e r ecent (i .e. ,cur r ent"), the better . N8: A||
|effers, references, confrocfs, sfofemenfs of serv|ce efc, shou|d be on off|c|o|
|efferheod poper oppropr|ofe|y s|gned ond dofed.
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
/ |eve| cf cnecccIc| evicence i: c|:c perniIIec, when iI i: u:ec Ic ccc
infcrncIicn Ic c jcL rc|e IhcI hc: c|reccy Leen evicencec. When :uppcrIing
cn ESCL pc:iIicn fcr excnp|e, ycu ccu|c inc|uce cnecccIc| infcrncIicn
regcrcing Ihe :IucenI:, e.g. nunLer, cge, IESCL |eve|, eIhnic Lcckgrcunc:
{L1), nunLer cf |e::cn:/ hcur: per week, nunLer cf week:/ Iern:/ :ene:Ier:
IcughI, eIc. FcrIicipcnI: hcve even :uLniIIec phcIc: cf Ihen:e|ve: wiIh Iheir
:IucenI: cr fccu|Iy nenLer:, cnc even |eIIer: frcn grcIefu| :IucenI:l /gcin,
Ihe ncre evicence IhcI ccn Le :upp|iec Ihe LeIIer wi|| Le Ihe cuIccne.
FFL i: ncI c 'cne-cff' cpp|iccIicn. Ycu ccn :uLniI whcI ycu Ihink i:
cpprcpricIe cnc we ncy reue:I ncre :pecific cr ccciIicnc| cccunenIcry
evicence. Ihi: prcce:: ccn Le repecIec {wiIhin rec:cnl) unIi| :ufficienI
evicence hc: Leen ccnpi|ec.
Ihe i::ue cf grcnIing FFL rec||y hinge: cn Ihe :uLni::icn Ly ycu - cnc Ihe
cc||ecIicn Ly u: - cf :ufficienI cccunenIcry evicence. Ihe ncre uniI: in c
uc|ificcIicn IhcI cre reue:Iec fcr FFL, Ihe ncre evicence i: reuirec.
/u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny, c: c Fegi:Ierec Ircining Crgcni:cIicn,
cLice: Ly Ihe princip|e: cf NcIicnc| FeccgniIicn. Ihi: :inp|y necn: IhcI if
ycu hcve ccnpeIec cccreciIec Ircining in Cueen:|cnc cr cny cIher :IcIe
cr IerriIcry in /u:Irc|ic, cnc cuIccne: cf IhcI Ircining fcrn pcrI cf Ihe ccur:e
in which ycu cre enrc||ing, ycu ncy Le e|igiL|e fcr creciI Ircn:fer.
lf Ihe ccnIenI cf ncIicnc||y reccgni:ec Ircining ycu hcve ccnp|eIec c|ign:
Ic Ihe ccnIenI cf c uniI cf ccnpeIency in which ycu cre enrc||ing, ycu ncy
Le grcnIec creciI. See Ihe /ccceny ccnini:IrcIcr if ycu Le|ieve ycu ncy
Le e|igiL|e fcr creciI Ircn:fer.
Ihe /ccreciIing Lccy i: Ihe Ircining cnc Enp|cynenI FeccgniIicn Ccunci|
{Cueen:|cnc) uncer Ihe DepcrInenI cf EcuccIicn cnc Ircining {DEI).
Fcr generc| cnc c::ignnenI re|cIec uerie: enci|: nrc@cIccn|
Fcr phcne enuirie: cc||: 1300 723 28 {|ccc| cc|| rcIe: cpp|y)
Cr pc:I Ic:
/I/ IESCL Cc||ege
FC 8cx 214
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Cur ccur:e: cre Lc:ec cn Ihe princip|e: cf :e|f-cirecIec ccu|I ecuccIicn. lI i:
expecIec IhcI :IucenI: wi|| Icke Ihe re:pcn:iLi|iIy fcr Iheir cwn :Iucy IineIcL|e
cnc wcrking :checu|e. Hcwever, ycu wi|| hcve ccce:: Ic cuI frienc|y, we||-
Ircinec, he|pfu|, :uppcrIive, cnc wice|y experiencec :Icff Ic he|p wiIh cny
uerie: ycu ncy hcve.
lf ycu hcve cifficu|Iy cn:wering ue:Iicn: cr reuire ccur:e c::i:Icnce, :inp|y
ccnIccI c IuIcr Ly phcne {Mcnccy - Friccy cn - 5pn) cr enci|
nrc@cIccn| We wi|| encecvcur Ic cn:wer ycur uerie: wiIhin 24
hcur: {excepI cn weekenc: cnc puL|ic hc|iccy:). We cre here Ic :uppcrI
ycu every :Iep cf Ihe wcy.
Gc|c Ccc:I
Sun:hine Ccc:I
Ccur:e IineIcL|e: cnc furIher infcrncIicn cre cvci|cL|e cn cur weL:iIe
2007 /u:Irc|c:icn Ircining /ccceny V0/1211/MJ
Enro|ment Form - Not|ono||y kecogn|sed Iro|n|ng
Ncw IhcI ycu hcve recc cnc uncer:Iccc c|| Ihe infcrncIicn in Ihi: NFC
SIucenI HcncLcck, p|ec:e Icke c ncnenI Ic ccnp|eIe Ihe Enro|ment
Form - Not|ono||y kecogn|sed Iro|n|ng cnc reIurn c ccpy Ic u:. Ycu wi||
hcve receivec c ccpy cf Ihe fcrn Ly enci| wiIh Ihi: HcncLcck, cnc
furIher ccpie: cre cvci|cL|e fcr ccwn|ccc cn cur weL:iIe.
F|eose remember: we do need fo rece|ve fh|s comp|efed form before
ony ossessmenfs con be morked.

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