UGC Social Work (Objective Type Answers)

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UGC NET Objective (Social Work) 1.

Content Analysis- Analyzing the contents of documents that uses QUANTITATIVE MEASURES 2. Spearmans Rank order Correlation- ORDINAL level of Measurements 3. Pearson- Product Moment- INTERVAL level of measurements 4. For measuring Covariance- use Chi square test ( for nominal and ordinal) 5. For measuring Covariance- use f-test or t-test ( for Interval and Ratio) 6. Yules Q- Basic Test for NOMINAL data 7. Covert Research- Without the consent or Knowledge of the respondents 8. Ecological fallacy- Failure to distinguish between a correlation 9. Emancipatory Research- Seeks to empower the subjects of Social Enquiry 10. Hunting- a form of statistical analysis 11. Snooping- using a set of data to test a pre designated set of hypothesis 12. Deconstruction- Jacques Derrida 13. Ethnomethodology- Harold Garfinkel 14. Intellectual Craftsmanship- C.Wright Mills 15. Bacon- Inductive Method 16. Phenomenology Edmund Husserl 17. The longitudinal study (without manipulation of the sample) is a form of quasiexperimental design 18. Messy research is otherwise called Complex Evaluation 19. Netnography- Ethnography conducted on Internet 20. Paradigm- The term is chiefly associated with Thomas Kuhn and his research concerning the history of science. 21. Non parametric Test uses either Rank or ordinal level of measures 22. Parametric tests use INTERVAL level of measures 23. The term POSITIVISM Coined by AGUSTE COMTE 24. Validity of Explanation also known as Internal Validity 25. Generalization also known as External Validity 26. Theoretical sampling is a central part of the Grounded theorizing advocated by Glaser and Strauss (1967) 27. Volunteer sampling is a form of purposive/ non-random sampling 28. Opportunity Sampling is otherwise called- Convenient Sampling (weakest form of sampling)

29. Snow ball sampling also called Chain letter sampling Reference: Jupp, Victor. 2006. The Sage Dictionary of Social Research Methods. London: Sage ****************************************************** 1. Indian Constitution- 12 Schedules 2. ILO (1919)- Only Tripartite UN Agency HQ: Geneva 3. UN- Oct 24, 1945 4. NASW- Oct 1, 1955 5. Radical Social Work- Baily & Brake 6. Existential Social Work- Soren Kierkegard 7. Cognitive SW- Goldstein 8. Medical SW- Baily 9. Social Learning Theory- N.E.Miller & J.Dollard (1941) 10. National Health Policy- 2002 11. National Mental Health Act-1987 12. Object Relations Theory- Fairbairn (1941) 13. Self Psychology- Kohut 14. Freud- free association 15. Process of Individuation- Carl Jung 16. Alfred Adler- Birth order & Individual Psychology 17. Gestalt Therapy- Fritz Perls 18. Anima- Feminine in Man 19. Animus- Masculine in Female 20. Pavlov- Classical Conditioning 21. Skinner- Operant Conditioning 22. Wolpe- Systematic Desensitization 23. Bandura- Self-efficacy theory/ Social Learning/ Social Modeling 24. William Glasser- Reality therapy 25. Ken Wilber- Transpersonal theories 26. Gordan Hamilton- Person in Situation 27. 1898- 1st School of SW (New York School of Philanthropy) Later- Columbia Univ School of SW 28. England- 1 st YMCA established 29. Germany- 1 st Nation Old age social Insurance 30. Settlement House- Jane Addams & Ellen Gates

31. 1st settlement house- Toynbee hall (London, 1883) 32. Simon N Patten coined the term- Social Workers 33. IRDP- 1976 34. DRDA- 1999 35. DWCRA- 1982 36. SGSY- 1999- Holistic program for Self-employment 37. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) - Rural road Connectivity 38. Sriniketan Project- Rabindranath Tagore (1914) 39. Marthandam Project- Spencer Hatch (1921) 40. Gurgon Expt- Brayne (1928) 41. Sarvodai Expt- Vinobhave (1948-49) 42. Firka Development- Madras Govt 43. Etawah Pilot Project- Albert Mayor 44. Nilokheri Expt- S.K.Dey 45. Father of French School of Sociology- Emile Durkheim 46. Talcott Parsons- Theory of Social Action 47. Sorokin- Principle of Cultural Integration Poor Laws 48. Henrician Poor Law- 1536 49. Parish Poor Rate- 1572 50. Elizabethan Poor Law- 1601 (43 rd Elizabeth) 51. Workhouse System- Bristol (UK)- 1697 52. Gilbert Act- 1782 53. The New Poor Law- 1834 (UK) *********************************************************************** 1. Wilhelm Wundt is associated with Objective Introspection (the process of examining & measuring ones own thoughts & mental activities) 2. Edward Tichner- Structuralism 3. Wolfgang Kohler- Insight Learning 4. Edwatd L.Thorndike- Law of Effect 5. Edward Tolman is associated with Latent Learning 6. William James- Functionalism 7. John. B. Watson- Behaviorism 8. Carol Dwecks- Self theory of Motivation 9. Bobo Doll experiment is associated with Albert Bandura

10. Mary Whiton Calkins- 1 st female President of American Psychological Society 11. 1st Psychology Department in India -1916- Dr.N.N.Sengupta- 1 st Chairperson 12. Prof. Girindra Shekar Bose- founded Indian Psychoanalytic Society- 1922 13. India Psychological Association- 1925 14. Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) 1st developed in 1935 by Henry Murray 15. Schizophrenia- earlier known as DEMENTIA PRAECOX- renamed by Eugen Bleuler 16. Schizophrenia- literally means split mind 17. Stages of Language development a. Cooing b. Babbling c. One-word speech d. Telegraphic speech e. Whole sentences Reference: 1. Ciccarelli, K. Saundra & Meyer, Glenn E. (2008). Psychology (South Asian Edition). New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd (ISBN: 978-81-317-1387-7) ************************************** 1. 1st ale house established in MASSACHUSETTS (1662) 2. Settlement Act- 1662 3. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)- 1952 4. Neighbourhood Guild also known as UNIVERSITY SETTLEMENT 5. Mary Simkhovitch- Greenrich House (New York) 6. Servants of Indian Society (1905)- Gopala Krishna Gokhale 7. Idea of Spinning wheel is linked to the process of Decentralization 8. Herbert Bisno- Case Work & Social Action are complementary rather than conflicting 9. Friedlander- 4 primary values of Social Work 10. Kohs divided values of Social Work into Primary & Secondary 11. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar- 1st to launch movement for Widow Remarriage 12. Community welfare Organization often called INTERGROUP WORK 13. Prof. P.D.Kulkarni coined- Developmental Social Work

Author Arthur Fink Herbert Bisno Pathak S Majumdar Friedlander Gordon Hamilton Biestek Trecker Arthur Dunham

Book The Field of Social Work The Philosophy of Social Work Social Welfare Social Welfare in India Introduction to Social Welfare Theory & Practice of Social Case Work The Case Work Relationship Social Group Work: Principle & Practices Community Welfare Organization

Reference: Jha, Jainendra Kumar (2002). An Introduction to Social Work. New Delhi. Anmol Publications Private Limited ************************************* 1. Alfred Adler used COLLECTIVE THERAPY with families & Children 2. Jacob L Moreno- Founder of Psychodrama & Sociometry 3. Loretta Bender- 1st to apply Group work to Children 4. Betty Gabriel- 1st American to bring Adolescents to Group experiences 5. J.J.Geller- 1st to work in Group with Elderly 6. Growth & Development of the Group directly related to Leaders authority

7. Groups move through 6 developmental phases 8. Leadership Style Authoritarian Democratic Laissez-Faire Also Known as Theory X leader Theory Y leader Theory Z leader

9. Tuckman Gazda Trotzer Yalom Corey

Stages of Group Development Forming Exploratory Security Orientation Formation Storming Transition Acceptance Conflict Orientation Norming Action Responsibility Cohesiveness Transition Working Consolidation (Termination) Follow-up Performing Termination Work Closing Adjourning Termination

Reference: Capuzzi, David et al. 2010. Introduction to Group Work. New Delhi. Rawat Publications (ISBN: 81-316-0339-3) **************************************** 1. Analytic Play Therapy Anna Freud. 2. Conditioned Response Was Forwarded By Ivan P. Pavlov. 3. Social Learning Bandura. 4. Break Down Stuart Sutherland.

5. A Mind That Found Itself Clifford Beers. 6. Alcoholic Anonymous Bob & Bill (1935) 7. Altruistic Suicide 8. Behaviorism Durham.

B. Watson Eysenek (1959). Ivan P. Pavlov

9. Behaviour Therapy

10. Classical Conditioning

11. Classification Of Mental Illness Emil Kraplin 12. Client Centered Therapy 13. Cognitive Therapy Carl R. Rodgers.

Robert Sunley, Alfred Adler.

14. Concept Of Collective Unconscious Was Put Forward By Carl Jung. 15. Dictionary Of Psychiatry, Psychology, & Neurology 16. Double Bind Communication Bateson. 17. Family Therapy Nathan Ackerman 18. Father Of Family Therapy H.S. Sullivan 19. Folkways W.G.Sumner. Frank Persons, USA (Vocational Counselor) M.S. Bhatia.

20. Founder (Father) Of Counseling -

21. Group Counseling Dr. Parkers 22. Group Psycho Therapy Lady Marsh (1919) 23. History & Philosophy Of Social Work In India A.R.Wadia. 24. Hysteria Charl Cott

25. Institutional Neurosis Russell Burton 26. Introduction Of Social Welfare L.M. French 27. Introvert & Extrovert Personality Types Were Proposed By 28. Live Supervision 29. Marital Therapy Montalvo (1973) Gurman (1978) Carl Jung.

30. Medical Social Service Outside Origin Richard C. Calot 31. Modeling Bandura.

32. Operant Conditioning B.F. Skinner 33. Psycho Biology Adolf Meyer 34. Psychodrama Role Play Jacob C. Moreno (1959)

35. Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) Albert Ellis 1958. 36. Reality Therapy William Glasser. 37. School Of Analytical Psychology Was Developed By Carl Jung. 38. Self Help Group Peter Kroptkin 39. Social Case Work- A Problem Solving Process H.H. Perlman 40. Social Distance Scale E.S.Bogar Dus 41. Social Welfare Work In Hospitals Dr. Gowrirani Benarji 42. Stigma Gold Berg.

43. Structural Family Therapy Mennchiun. 44. Systems Theory Von Bertlanffy 45. The Psycho Dynamics Of The Life Ackerman 46. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale Holmes 47. The Textbook Of Psychiatric Nursing M.S. Bhatia. 48. The Theory Of Self- Actualization Propounded By49. Therapeutic Community 50. Token Economy Coined By 51. Will Therapy Otto Rank Maxwell Jones (1947) Agllan & Aznia (1968) A.H. Maslow

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