Adverbul: A. Adverbe de Mod

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A. Adverbe de mod - arata modul in care se petrece o actiune Mod de formare: - de obicei, aceste adverbe se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ly la finalul unui adjective. Exemple: beautiful ---> beautifully sad ---> sadly capable ---> capably slow ---> slowly easy ---> easily
Modificari ortografice:

Daca adjectivul se termina in -y, acesta se va inlocui cu -i + -ly. Ex.: easy - easily, angry - angrily, lucky - luckily Cnd avem un -le terminal (-able, -ible, -le), dispare -e si este inlocuit cu -y. Ex.: probable - probably, terrible - terribly, gentle - gently Adjectivele terminate in -ic adauga -ally. Ex.: basic - basically, economic - economically, tragic - tragically Exceptie: public - publicly Forme neregulate Ex.: true - truly, due - duly, whole - wholly

. Unele adverbe au aceeasi forma ca si adjectivele: Ex.: early, fast, hard, high, late, near, straight, wrong Compara: This is a hard exercise. (adjectiv) He works hard. (adverb) We saw many high buildings. (adjectiv) The bird flew high in the sky. (adverb) De retinut: Well / Good Well este adverbul care corespunde formei adjectivale good. They are good swimmers. They swim well. She is a good pianist. She plays the piano well.

B. Adverbe de loc - arata locul in care se petrece o actiune Exemple: here, there, upstairs, downstairs, anywhere, everywhere, outside, inside
backwards (inapoi), forwards (inainte), downwards (in jos), upwards (in sus), inwards (spre interior), outwards (spre exterior), northwards (spre nord), southwards (spre sud), eastwards (spre est), westwards (spre vest), homewards (spre casa), onwards (incepand cu). Cats don't usually walk backwards. - Pisicile de obicei nu merg cu spatele. The ship sailed westwards. - Nava a navigat spre vest.

C. Adverbe de timp - arata timpul in care se petrece o actiune Exemple: today, yesterday, tomorrow, Saturday, Monday, now, finally, later, soon, just, still D. Adverbe de durata - arata perioada de timp a unei actiuni Exemple: forever, shortly, long, permanently

E. Adverbe de intensitate, grad Exemple: Aceastea exprima intensitatea sau gradul de indeplinire a actiunii unui verb, adjectiv sau adverb:
almost (aproape), nearly (aproape, in apropiere), quite (destul), just (doar), too (prea, de asemenea), enough (destul, suficient), hardly (din greu, cu greu), scarcely (abia), completely (complet), very (foarte), extremely (extrem de, in mod extrem).

Locul lor in propozitie este fie in fata adjectivului sau adverbului pe care il determina, fie in fata verbului principal:

The water was extremely cold. - Apa a fost extrem de [foarte] rece. He was just leaving. - El tocmai a plecat. She has almost finished. - Ea aproape a terminat.

Enough, too, very - Enough inseamna "destul de ..., suficient de ..." (pana la o limita) si se plaseaza dupa adjectiv sau adverb:
Is your coffee hot enough? (adjectiv) - E cafeaua ta destul de fierbinte He didn't work much enough. (adverb) - El nu a lucrat suficient de mult.

- Too inseamna "prea, mai mult decat este necesar pentru..." si se aseaza in fata adjectivului sau adverbului:
This coffee is too hot. (adjectiv) - Cafeaua e prea fierbinte. He works too much. (adverb) - El munceste prea mult.

- Very intareste sensul unui adjectiv sau adverb si se aseaza in fata acestora:
The girl is very beautiful. (adjectiv) - Fata e foarte frumoasa. He worked very quickly. (adverb) - El a lucrat foarte repede.

F. Adverbe de frecventa - arata gradul de repetabilitate al unei actiuni Exemple: always, constantly, often, rarely, regularly, seldom, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, never G. Adverbe de siguranta si probabilitate - Acestea exprima cat de sigur este vorbitorul de actiunea sau evenimentul pe care il relateaza Exemple:
certainly (desigur), definitely (cu siguranta), probably (probabil), undoubtedly (fara indoiala), surely (cu siguranta), maybe (poate), obviously (evident), perhaps (poate, probabil), possibly (posibil, in mod posibil), really (intr-adevar). He has certainly forgotten the meeting. - El a uitat cu siguranta intalnirea.

Compararea adverbelor
a) Adverbe monosilabice pozitiv fast comparativ faster superlativ fastest traducere repede

hard early safe

harder earlier safer

hardest earliest safest

tare devreme sigur

b) Adverbe plurisilabice pozitiv correctly wisely openly slowly comparativ more correctly more wisely more openly more slowly superlativ the most correctly the most wisely the most openly the most slowly traducere in mod corect in mod nelept in mod deschis incet

c) Adverbe neregulate pozitiv well badly much little comparativ better worse more less superlativ best worst the most least traducere bine rau mult putin

d) Adverbe cu doua forme de comparatie pozitiv near comparativ nearer Superlativ+traducere nearest = cel mai aproape next = apoi, imediat dupa far farther further late later farthest = cel mai deprtat ca spaiu furthest = cel mai deprtat si ca timp latest = cel mai recent last = ultima data

Exercitii: - Alege adjectivul sau adverbul din paranteza pentru a completa corect fiecare pereche de propozitii: a. It's an ___ question. You should be able to answer it quite ___. (easy/ easily) b. I can type a bit but I'm very ___ . I'm afraid I can only type very ___. (slow/ slowly) c. Mr Robbins shouted ___ at the children. The children made Mr Robbins very ___. (angry/ angrily) d. Mary sang ___ at the concert last night. She sang a ____ song at the concert last night. (beautiful/ beautifully) - 1.He speaks French pretty ________. bad badly 2. The movie we saw was pretty ________. bad badly 3. Robert is a very ________ person. lazily lazy 4. Her room was ________. bright brightly 5. Her room was ________ decorated. beautiful beautifully 6. I love your apartment! It's so ________. colorful colorfully

7. Our neighbors are always ________. helpfully helpful 8. You can ________ get there from here. easy easily -. Transformati urmatoarele adjective in adverbe: horrible ---> careful ---> nervous ---> desperate ---> slow ---> sudden ---> bright ---> proud ---> -. Subliniati termenul corect din urmatoarele propozitii: a) Denisa was wearing a pretty / prettily dress at the wedding. b) I had a terrible / terribly dream last night. c) Final / Finally, she passed the exam. d) She was walking rapid / rapidly. e) Sam is fluent / fluently in French. f) Was your grammar test easy / easily? g) They were talking loud / loudly so everybody could hear them. -) Alegeti varianta corecta: 1. Please don't talk so .................... . I'm trying to sleep. a) louder; b) loudest; c) loudly 2. We .................... go on picnics on weekends. We love fresh air. a) never; b) usually; c) seldom 3. The bouquet was .................... . She loved it. a) beautiful; b) beautifully; c) ugly. 4. James .................... put the broken glass into the rubbish bin. a) careful; b) more carefully; c) carefully

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